Outdoor games and game exercises for teaching the elements of volleyball in the dhow. Outdoor games with volleyball elements Exercise “Find me”

Outdoor games with a ball

as a means of teaching throwing

children of the third year of life

For the comprehensive development of preschoolers, it is very important to master a variety of movements in a timely manner, primarily their main types: running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing.

Children usually strive to satisfy their enormous need for movement through games. For them, playing means, first of all, moving and acting. During outdoor games, children improve their movements, develop qualities such as initiative and independence, confidence and perseverance. Actions with the ball take great place in work on physical culture, are used by all children in independent games and exercises. Throwing and catching, throwing strengthens muscles shoulder girdle, torso, small muscles hands, contribute to the development of the eye and accuracy. They also require good coordination of movements. Ball games develop dexterity, rhythm and precision of movements.

Target : formation of the skill of throwing at a horizontal target in children of the third year of life.


1 select games and exercises to develop throwing technique;

2 practical exercises and games to develop throwing technique in children of the third year of life.

These games and exercises can be included in different forms of work and routine moments, for example, while walking in the winter, you can use the game “Snowballs”, morning exercises « funny ball”, into a set of exercises for physical education classes: “Ball over the head”, “Salute”, “Throw the ball”, in the afternoon, outdoor games such as “Catch and throw - don’t let you fall”, “Throw and catch up” ", "If we all stand in a circle, I'll throw the ball to you, friend." For joint activities With a speech development teacher, the game “Who Talks How” is suitable, also using a ball.

"Naughty ball."

Purpose of the game: exercise the child in throwing a ball into the distance with both hands from the chest (from below, from above, from behind the head); perform actions with the ball according to an adult’s speech signal; develop the ability to navigate in space.

For this game you will need:

1. Cord, strip of plaster or colored circles;
2. Medium size ball.

Game options:

Option #1:

We will hug the ball tenderly,
Place the ball against your chest.
Let's push him away casually.
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from the chest.
Now, let’s catch up together:
They run after the ball.
We need to feel sorry for him!
Pick up the ball and
pressing him to his chest with one hand,
the other is stroking the ball
and return back.

Option #2:

We lower the ball down
Lower your hands with the ball down.
Now let's throw it away.
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from below.
We catch up quickly, together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
They pick him up and “feel sorry for him.”

Option #3:

We lift the ball up

And we throw it forward.
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from above.
The ball is nimble and mischievous
They run after the ball.
Now you and I will catch up!

"We've caught up!"
They come back.

Option #4:

The ball is nimble and mischievous
You and I will rise up.
Raise your hands with the ball up above your head.
Let's hide it behind our heads
Lightly lower the ball behind the head with bent arms.
Let's throw together, deftly!
Throw the ball into the distance with both hands from behind the head.
Now, let's catch up together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
Having caught up, they lift them up and shout cheerfully:
They come back.


Purpose of the game: teach the child to throw the ball forward and upward with both hands using methods from below, from the chest, from above, from behind the head.

For this game you will need:

1. Using “improvised means” (for example, chairs with a back) at a height of approximately 1 m from the floor (when teaching throwing from above and from behind the head) or at the level of the child’s chest (when teaching throwing from below and from the chest), pull the rope or an elastic band.
2. Medium diameter balls: 12-15 cm.

Content: on one side of the room at a distance of 0.6-1.5 m (when learning to throw from above and from behind the head) and at a distance of 1-1.5 m (when learning to throw from below and from the chest) from a stretched rope on colored circles ( children are located near the cord, strip of plaster). Each person has a ball in their hands (balls with an average diameter of 12-15 cm). In accordance with the poetic text pronounced by the teacher, they perform the exercise together.

Overhand throw:

We stand at the rope (fence),
Children with balls in their hands stand on circles,
We lift the ball.
Raise your hands with the ball up.
To make the ball bounce,
Throwing the ball with both hands from above
We're leaving him!
through a tight rope.
We catch up quickly, together.
They run after the ball.
After all, we need to catch him!
Having caught up, they lift them up and shout cheerfully:
They come back.

During a throw from behind the head, the teacher also says “Raise the ball,” during a throw from below, “Lower the ball,” and during a throw from the chest, “Press the ball.”

Show children that they should stand on circles with their feet slightly apart. Throw and run after the ball only when given a speech signal from the teacher. Also explain to the kids, in order to catch the ball, they need to run under the rope and, in order not to touch it, they need to bend down and not lift it up with their hand.

Game difficulty:Throwing the ball can also be carried out through 2-3 chairs with a back, standing close to each other (the word “at the rope” is replaced with the word “at the fence”). In this case, when catching up with the ball, the baby will have to crawl under the chairs.

"Flying Ball"

Purpose of the game: develop children's hand-eye coordination, general and fine motor skills, social skills.

For this game you will need:if you are indoors, you can take a soft ball with a diameter of 15–20 cm, and for outdoor use a bouncy ball.

My ball is flying, flying towards you,
Look, don't miss it!
Hold him, catch him
And throw it to me again.

A more difficult option is to play with balloon alone or in a group. The child throws the ball or the children throw it to each other with their hands, preventing it from falling. The distance between children should be sufficient so that they do not touch each other or collide when moving.

Gymnastics complex after nap with balls with elements of breathing exercises.

"Colorful balls"

Conducted in a group room.

During quiet time, place the balls on the floor.


Look at this, guys.

A wonderful miracle happened.

How many beautiful balls

It appeared in our bedroom!

Guys, let's play with balls.

Children get out of bed and go to the group room.

Each child receives a ball. The children stand up scattered.

Exercise “colorful balls”.

IP: standing, legs slightly apart, ball in lowered hands (grasping the ball on all sides).

1-2Hands with ball up

3-4 I.p.

Repeat 5 times. The pace is moderate.

Exercise “Show the ball to a friend”

I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands with a ball in front of the chest.

1-2 Turn your torso to one side.

2-3 I.p.

Also in the other direction.

Repeat 2 times in each direction. The pace is slow.

Note: “Save stable position. Don't drop the ball."

Exercise "Let's play with the ball"

IP: sitting on the floor, legs apart, ball in lowered hands.

1-2Tilt towards the right leg. Reach the ball to your toes.

3-4 I.p.

Also to the left leg.

Repeat 2 times for each leg. The pace is moderate.

Instruction: “It’s good to straighten up.”

Exercise “The ball is resting”

I.p.: lying on your back, a ball in your hands in front of your chest.

1-2 Raise both legs.

3-4 I.p.

Repeat 4 times. The pace is moderate.

Directions: “Lower your legs quietly. Don’t hit your heels on the floor.”

Breathing exercise “Blow on a ball”

IP: standing, ball in arms bent in front of chest, legs together.

Blow on the balloon. On the count of 1 – inhale. On the count of 2.3 – exhale.

Repeat 4 times.

Walking randomly with a ball in your hands at a slow pace (20 sec.)


What colors are the balls?

Who is ready to answer me?

Children stop and name the colors of the balls.


You guys don't yawn,

Have fun playing with balls.

Cheerful music is playing. Children throw balls and try to catch them.

They are then placed in a basket.

Exercise setswith ball (diameter 25-30 cm)

on physical education of children of the third year of life.


  1. "Ball forward." IP: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball forward, lower, say “down.” Repeat 5 times.
  2. "Show me the ball." I.p.: legs apart, ball lowered. Lean forward, ball forward, say “here,” lower the ball. Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Higher the ball." IP: sitting on your heels, the ball is lowered. Rise to your knees, ball up, look, lower. Repeat 4 times.
  4. "The ball is resting." I.p.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. 3-4 springs and 6-8 bounces, walking around the ball. Suggest waving your arms. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.


  1. "More forward." IP: legs slightly apart, ball in front of chest. Hands forward, return to IP. Also, from IP. ball behind your head. Repeat 5 times.
  2. "Let's ride." I.p.: sitting (standing), legs apart, crabs behind the back, ball on the floor. Bend forward, roll the ball forward towards you, return to IP. Later, suggest saying “let’s ride.” Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Let's pet it." I.p. legs slightly apart, ball on the floor. Sit down, stroke, say “smooth”, straighten up. Repeat 4 times.
  4. "Funny balls" I.p. legs slightly apart, ball lowered, 6 – 8 jumps and walking in place, lifting the ball. Repeat 3 times.


  1. "Ball up." IP: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, look at it, return to SP, say “down.” Maintain a stable position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. “Take it to your place.” I.p.: sitting (standing), ball in front of the chest. Lean forward, put the ball as far as possible and roll it towards you, return to IP. Having finished the exercise, straighten up, lift the ball up and lower it. Repeat 4 times.
  3. "Let's hide the ball." I.p.: lying on your back, arms to the sides, ball on your stomach closer to your feet. Covering the ball with your hands and legs bent, don’t raise your head, say “hidden.” Repeat 4 times.
  4. "Around the ball." IP: legs slightly apart, hands behind your back, ball on the floor. Rise on your toes, walk around the ball in one direction and the other. Finish normal walking and run after each other. Repeat 3 times.

Outdoor games with a ball.

"Carry it through, don't drop it"

Purpose of the game: teach the child to perform actions with objects according to a signal: take them, carry them, throw them; walk while maintaining a straight direction of movement; develop the ability to navigate the space of a room (or other room).

For this game you will need:

1. Balls of different colors and different sizes;
2. A basket, barrel or box that can easily hold the balls.

You and I are going, we are going,
Children with a ball in their hands
walk across the room
We carry different balls:
Green, yellow, red, blue...

stop near the basket.
We threw everything into the basket!
They throw balls into a basket.

The teacher offers to look into the basket and asks the children the question: “What kind of balls are in the basket?” Children name the color of the balls. The adult praises them, for example: “The correct yellow and red balls are in the basket. Now, let’s run to the house!” They each run away to their own house, where they perform imitation movements together with an adult. The teacher asks:

Show me how we went?
Walking in place
How did they carry the ball with you?
Walking in place, hands imitate carrying the ball.
Show me how you placed the ball?
Bend over, hands down (as if you were putting a ball).
Show me how you ran?
Run in place.

The teacher asks the children again: “Where are our balls?” Children will definitely point to the basket. “Let’s go get the balls out of the basket,” the adult suggests. And they again run to the basket, take out the balls, raise them above their heads and return to their “houses”. After a pause, the game is repeated.

An adult needs to ensure that children perform actions based on a speech signal (poetic text). You can also use smaller objects for carrying: cubes, small balls or balls, cones, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of the hands, strengthen the muscles of the fingers, learn to throw a small ball into the distance.

For this game you will need:for this game, make a lot of soft foam balls (for example, from foam sponges for washing the body - such balls are not only light, but also bright).

Content: Show the children soft balls and offer to make “snowballs” out of them: “Now let’s make snowballs.” Squeezing the ball between your palms, show how to make a “snowball”: “Look, the lump is soft, I can squeeze it with my palms: like this - like this!” Children repeat the movements. “Well, show me what kind of “snowball” you have made. What good “snowballs” you have! Well done! Let’s make some more.” – give the children the opportunity to make 3 more lumps. “Now throw snowballs at me, I’ll catch them!” Children throw lump balls with one hand. The teacher pretends to catch “snowballs”, but cannot catch or hold them: “There are so many “snowballs”. I couldn’t even catch them! Let’s collect the “snowballs” and play again.” The teacher and the children collect the balls and the game is repeated.

Advice: Remind children to press hard on the ball while making a snowball and to place their right and left palms on top in turn. Offer to simply crush the ball with your fingers.


Purpose of the game: teach a child to throw a ball with both hands, develop hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills.

For this game you will need:Before the game (necessarily together with the children), tear small pieces of white light paper (for example, a napkin) - in the game these will be “snowflakes”. Place a large fluffed pillow on the floor. Sprinkle snowflakes on top of the pillow.


Purpose of the game: develop eye, dexterity, coordination of movements when throwing at a horizontal target.

For this game you will need:any small balls (from tennis, rubber, soft from different materials) or paper balls made from crumpled paper. As a horizontal target, it is better to use a large-diameter basket (a high basin or a large box covered with colored paper) so that thrown balls can be retained in them.

Children stand in a circle or anywhere near the cord. The adult places a box of balls on the floor in front of them and together with the children, so that the kids see the movements, which the teacher accompanies with the words:

Let's take the ball with one hand
They bend down and take one ball at a time.
And we’ll lift you to your shoulder.
Raise the hand with the ball up to the shoulder.
Let's look at the basket.
They look at the basket.
Let's throw the ball into the basket.
Throw the ball into the basket with one hand.

First, children throw balls with their right hand, and then with their left hand (2-3 pieces each). Then the thrown balls are collected in a box and the game is repeated.

Game options:

cubes, small soft toys that are also thrown into a basket, basin or box; multi-colored bags filled with any cereal (buckwheat, rice, etc.) weighing 70–100 grams. Such bags can be thrown into a large hoop or into a circle made of cord.

"Pebbles in the river"

Purpose of the game: teach a child to throw into the distance with different hands.

For this game you will need:on one side of the hall, colored circles (a cord, a strip of plaster) are placed on the floor - this is the “shore”. 2-3 meters from the shore, spread a sheet (a large diaper, blanket or some kind of fabric), preferably of a bluish tint - this is a “river”. For throwing, it is better to use paper balls made of crumpled paper (they bounce off the floor less than elastic balls) - these are “pebbles”.

We'll get to the shore
They approach the "shore".
Let's take the stones in our hands,

Let's raise our right hand,
Raise your right hand up.
We'll throw a pebble into the river.
They throw the ball into the “river” with their right hand.
Let's raise our left hand,
Raise left hand up.
We will also throw a pebble.
They throw the ball into the “river” with their left hand.

Then the teacher offers to get “pebbles” from the “river”. Let the children climb into the “river” and splash around in it: lying on their stomachs or backs, jumping with their arms and legs, pretending to be swimming, rolling from side to side, etc. Having collected the “pebbles” and returning to the “shore”, you can repeat the game. Remind the children to throw pebbles in turn with their right and left hands, without rushing (the words of the poem serve as a signal for execution). With the acquisition of the skill of throwing into the distance, the distance from the child to the river increases.

For variety, you can use bags filled with cereal (see “Balls in the Basket”).

"To the other shore"

Purpose of the game: teach a child to throw into the distance with one hand (right and left).

For this game you will need:The “river” is located at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the “bank” so that the child can throw a “pebble” over it. A “bridge” - a board - is thrown across the “river”.

We'll get to the shore
They approach the "shore".
Let's take the stones in our hands,
Bend over and take a ball with each hand.
Let's raise our right hand,
Raise your right hand up.
Let's cross the river.
Throw the ball across the "river" with the right hand.
Let's raise our left hand,
Raise your left hand up.
Let's throw the stone too!
Throw the ball across the "river" with the left hand.

“What great fellows we are!” says the teacher. “We threw all the pebbles to the other side. Now let’s walk across the bridge, collect the pebbles and bring them back.” Children walk along the board, collect “pebbles” and return the same way back.

Remind the kids to throw pebbles in turns with their right and left hands, and take their time (the words of the poem serve as a signal for execution). With the acquisition of the skill of throwing into the distance, the distance from the child to the “river” increases. For variety, you can use bags filled with cereal.

"Children's bowling"

Purpose of the game: develop basic skills of hitting the ball at the target (vigorously pushing the ball in a given direction), develop hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills.

For this game you will need:rope or tape; medium sized balls; 6-10 items that can be used as bowling pins, such as empty milk cartons, plastic bottles, upside down paper cups and so on.

Look at the skittles
They stand exactly in a row!
We will skillfully direct the ball to them
And they are already there!

This is a great game for practicing your accuracy and skating skills. Kids, squatting (bent over, legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart), roll the balls forward from the designated place with both hands, trying to knock down the pins.

Make sure that kids energetically push the ball away with both hands, rather than throwing it forward and up. Before pushing the ball, teach children to look at the pins. Mark the points on the floor where the skittles should be placed (with chalk, pieces of plaster, a circle of colored paper or cardboard), and allow the kids to take turns putting the knocked down skittles back in place.


Purpose of the game: develop basic skills of hitting the ball at the target (vigorously pushing the ball in a given direction).

For this game you will need:ball with a diameter of 15–20 cm, plastic cubes.

Make sure that children energetically push the ball away with both hands, rather than throwing it forward and up. Before pushing the ball away, teach children to look at the pyramid. After hitting it, invite the kids to make a pyramid themselves.

"Children's Basketball".

Purpose of the game: develop your baby’s hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, and social skills.

For this game you will need:light plasticine ball with a diameter of 30 cm;
a basket, barrel or box that could easily hold the ball.

If your baby easily copes with this task, take him a step or two back. Otherwise, let him come closer.

Exercises and games

“My ball rolled”

Children stand in pairs opposite each other. The teacher gives each pair a ball and invites the kids to roll the balls to each other.

Children can roll balls from different positions: standing, sitting, lying on their stomach.

"Drop and Catch Up"

The teacher invites the kids to stand in front of the line drawn on the floor, hands them balls and says: “let's try to throw the balls as far as possible. And then we will catch up with them. Pick up the balls like this.” At the teacher’s command “Let’s quit!” the kids throw the balls forward, then catch up with them and return to their place.

Next time, the teacher shows the children how to throw the ball with both hands from below.

"Throw the ball"

The teacher gives the child a ball and takes the same one for himself, offering to throw the ball together “far and far.”

"Get in the cart"

Draw a circle with chalk (or you can lay it out from a cord). A basket is placed in the center. Children stand in a circle with balls in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, everyone throws balls into the basket.

"Funny Ball"

IP: legs slightly apart. Hold the ball above your head with both hands, then tilt down with your arms outstretched, and back again. Repeat 4-5 times.

"Ball for the head"

IP: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, behind your head, lift your head, lower the ball, say “down.” Maintain a stable position. Repeat 4-5 times.


Children stand in a circle and take the prepared ones in advance. large quantities small plastic balls. There is a large basket in the center.

On command, they begin to throw balls into the basket, as if it were fireworks.

“Catch and throw – don’t let you fall”

Children form a circle, the teacher stands in the center and picks up a large ball. He throws the ball to the children one by one and says: “Catch and throw - don’t let them fall!” The kids catch the ball and throw it back.

“If we all stand in a circle, I’ll throw the ball to you, friend.”

Children stand at some distance from each other and throw the ball, saying: “I’m throwing the ball to you, Anya.” Anya, catch it!”, “I’m throwing the ball to you, Vanya. Vanya, catch it!”

"Red - Blue"

Two baskets of different colors are placed at some distance from each other - blue and red. The child has a blue bag in one hand and a red one in the other. The teacher asks to show the blue bag and throw it into the blue basket, the red one into the red one.

"Ball in the House"

Children's chairs are placed in a row at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Opposite each chair is a child. The teacher says: “Let’s roll the balls into the houses” and shows how this is done. Then, at a signal, all children squat down and push the balls with both hands.

At first, the distance is small - 0.5 m (the border is marked with a cord). If all the children's balls have rolled into the target, the teacher moves the cord a little further.

Children can roll balls from a sitting position, lying on their stomach.

"Knock down the pin"

The child is asked to throw the ball from a certain distance in order to knock down the pin. At first they take a large diameter ball and a small and light pin, later they use balls of different diameters.

"Two Balls"

Two children sit opposite each other at a distance of 1 m, both holding a large ball in their hands. They count together: “One, two, three!” - and push the balls towards each other so that they collide. Gradually the distance increases.

"Sandbox and Squirrel"

Standing around the sandbox, throw cones into it with your right and left hands; increase the distance to the sandbox by 1-2 m and also throw with your right and left hands; throw with both hands from the chest and from behind the head.

Svetlana Kuzmina
Outdoor games and game exercises for teaching the elements of volleyball in preschool educational institutions

Dear teachers and leaders physical education! For your work with students and their successful mastery of ball handling, I offer you outdoor games and game exercises when teaching children the elements of the sports game volleyball. Play for your health!

Game exercises for teaching elements of the sports game volleyball

“Pass it, don’t drop it”

Improve the ability to catch a ball thrown by a teacher or friend at various distances. Promote the development of the eye and coordination of movements.

"Throw it, catch it"

Create conditions for improving motor skills: toss the ball up and catch it with both hands, without pressing it to your chest. Strengthen your volleyball skills.

"Throw with one hand, catch with two hands"

Create conditions for children to master the game of volleyball. Practice throwing the ball with one hand and catching it with both hands. Develop dexterity.

“We walk, throw, catch”

Children master the game of volleyball, develop the skill of playing in a team, a sense of cohesion. Practice throwing the ball and catching it in motion. Strengthen the large and small muscles of both arms.

“Don’t drop it, look carefully”

Continue to teach how to play volleyball and reinforce the rules of the game. Improve the ability to throw the ball in pairs over the net. Develop children's motor response, accuracy, coordination of movements. Foster a sense of unity.

“Whoever is named catches the ball”

Help in mastering the game of mini-volleyball, practice the ability to catch the ball with two hands, and throw the ball over the net. Strengthen the ability to move around the site and quickly respond to a signal.

"Ball for the driver"

Strengthen the ability to catch the ball and throw to each other with both hands. Promote the development of motor coordination. Develop self-confidence.

“Passed - sit down”

Continue to develop the skill of playing as a team, following the rules of the game. Improve your ability to throw the ball to each other. Develop a reaction, an eye.

"Have time to catch"

Continue to learn how to play volleyball, strengthen the ability to pass and catch the ball, and coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades. Develop endurance and speed.

“Throw the ball over the net from behind your head.”

Continue children's mastery of the game. Improve the ability to throw the ball over the net from behind your head. Develop the ability to analyze your movements and comrades. Cultivate friendships.

"Ball over the net from the chest"

Create conditions for playing volleyball. Strengthen the ability to throw the ball over the net from the chest, follow the rules. Cultivate a tolerant attitude.

"Take three steps"

Provide conditions for playing volleyball. Reinforce the rule: take only three steps towards the net to throw the ball to the opponent’s side. Train yourself to listen to the signal. Develop attention, speed, spatial orientation.

"Who has fewer balls"

Continue training on learning the game, improve the skills of throwing the ball over the net in different ways. Develop speed and agility. Develop the ability to play in teams.

"Play, play, don't lose the ball"

Create conditions for playing volleyball, establish the rules of the game. Develop the ability to control the ball, be able to listen to the signal. Develop endurance and eye. Strengthen the respiratory system.

Outdoor games for teaching the elements of the sports game volleyball

"Have time to catch the ball"

The players stand in 2 columns at a distance of 2-2.5 m. The ball is in the hands of the driver. At the signal, he throws the ball to the player standing first, who, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and moves with side steps to the end of his column. The second player approaches the line and catches the ball, and so on. The game continues until all players return to their seats.

"Catch the Ball"

Children are divided into threes. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 2.5-3m. and accept starting position volleyball player Then they throw the ball to each other with 2 hands from the chest. The third child stands between them and tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he succeeds, he changes places with the child who threw the ball. Before throwing, children can perform an additional movement - throw it up and down.


Children stand in a circle. Driving with the ball in the center. He throws the ball up and calls the name of one of the players. The child whose name is called runs after the ball (the rest of the players scatter in different sides. And as soon as the child takes the ball in his hands, the child gives the command “Stop!” After the command, all players stop.

“Accurately to the driver”

Children stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is 1 driver with a ball, who throws the ball to the players from the chest, moving around the circle with side steps. At the moment you receive the ball, you must stop, accurately performing an overhead pass with both hands to the driver.


Teams line up behind the end lines of the court. Players from both teams take turns performing 5 serves, trying to hit the hoops. If the ball hits the square with the number 1, the player is awarded 1 point, etc. The team with the most points wins.

"Dare to accept"

Teams sit opposite each other in pairs. On command, the players of one team send the ball to the players of the other, who try to receive it and send it in the opposite direction. Each player performs 10 serves, then the players change places. In every team, the winner is the one who more took the ball once without making mistakes.

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Subject: Game “Don’t drop the bag” (relay lesson)

Tasks: improve ability to play in a team; develop speed and agility through moving relay races with objects; continue to cultivate a demanding attitude towards yourself.

Lesson content


Organizational and methodological instructions


Preparatory part:

10-12 min.

    Building a class.

Stand up! Be equal! Attention!

Hello guys.

Reporting the objectives of the lesson.


Pay attention to appearance and readiness for the lesson; perform complex exercises strictly on the teacher’s command, observe the interval when performing exercises.

    Drill exercises on the spot: turns right, left, around.

To the right - one - two; to the left - one - two; around - one - two.


Monitor the correct execution of turns, lane changes and posture.


On site: (on the spot, march in step, one-one-one-two-three... - march around to the left)

While moving around the hall:

- on your toes, arms to the sides (put your arms to the sides, march on your toes), (no task)

- walking on heels (put your hands behind your head, on your heels - march!) (no task)

- heel-to-toe roll-ups (put your hands on your belt, roll from heel to toe - march!) (no task)

- race walking (guiding step more often)

10-15 sec.

15-17 sec.

15-17 sec.

15-17 sec.

Commands are given under the left foot.

Watch your posture. Back straight, raise your toes higher, look forward.

Do not lean forward, move your elbows back.

Take your time. Rise higher on your toes.

Arms bent at the elbows work along the body


- ordinary (run march slowly!)

- with high hip lift (place your hands in front of you, with your hips raised high - march!) (no task)

- with the shin being pulled back (put your hands behind your back, with the shin wrapped back, march), (no task)

- side steps with the right (left) side (place your hands on your belt with your right (left) side march!) (no assignment)

- backwards forward (backward, march!) (no task)

- transition to a step (step march)

- restoration of breathing

1-4 – hands up

5-8 – through the sides down

2-3 min.

Maintain a distance of 2 steps.

Watch your breathing.

The back is straight.

Back straight, overlap more often

The back is straight, turns are performed when the teacher whistles

Look over your left shoulder

1-4 – hands up

5-8 – through the sides down

Formation in two ranks

Pay off the first, the second; first numbers, two steps forward march!

25-30 sec.

From one line to 2 based on 1, 2 in place

    General education exercises:

    I.P. main stand,hands on the belt, head rotation 1-4 from left to right

1-4 - head rotation to the left

1-4 - head rotation to the right

6-8 times

Perform the exerciseslowly

    I.P. feet together, handsto the shoulders

1 -4 - Roundabout Circulation V shoulder joint forward

1-4 - also back

6-8 times

Elbows are higher, range of motion is greater

    I.P. legs apart up

1-4- Markets with hands back

6-8 times

Hands straight, lookdirectly

    I.P 1. stance, legs apartnot wide, hands on waist

1- Tilt to the left, right hand up


3 - also to the right


6-8 times

The back is straight, the bends are deeper

    I.P. stand, legs apart, hands on waist

1 - tilt to the left leg

2 - tilt in the middle

Z - tilt to the right leg


6-8 times

Tilt more, do not bend your knees, touch the floor with your hands

    I.P. stand, legs apart, arms to the sides, lean forward

1-4 - body turns

6-8 times

Turn more, touch with handslegs

    I.P. - O.S.

1 - Emphasis crouching

2 - Lying emphasis

Z - Emphasis crouched


6-8 times

Perform the exercise by jumping

    I.P. stand, legs apart, arms forward, to the sides

1 - Maxleft foot, to right hand


3 - Max right foot, to the left hand


6-8 times

Swing more, leg straight

    I.P. rack

1-2 - hands to shoulders

3-4 - hands up

5-6 - to the shoulders

7-8 - on the belt

6-8 times

Average tempo

    I.P. stand, hands on belt

1 - jump up, legs apart. clap overhead

2- jump I.P.

3 -4 too

10-12 times

Jump higher, watch your breathing

Main part of the lesson

25-30 min.

Game "Don't drop the bag"

Students are divided into 2 teams.

There are two benches and 4 balls on the court.

The first players have sandbags on their heads.

At the teacher’s signal, the first player must walk further along the bench in a snake around the balls without dropping the bag. Return back, running, holding the bag in your hands, and give it to the next person on your team. If the bag falls, you need to pick it up and start from the same place.

The team whose last player runs to his team the fastest wins.

Ball relay

  1. Ball for the captain

The captains stand at a distance of 4 meters facing the teams. The captains have volleyballs in their hands. At the signal, the captains throw the ball to the first players with both hands from the chest. The player catches the ball, returning it to the captain and runs, standing behind the captain. So all the players run to the captain. But the last player remains in place. Now he is the captain and throws the ball to the players in the same way until the whole team returns to their place.


The first players have a volleyball between their legs; at a signal, the players jump to a landmark, run in the opposite direction, carrying the ball in their hands.

    "Fast and Agile"

In the hands of the first players basketball ball. At the signal, the first players dribble the ball with the basketball version to the landmark. They circle around the landmark and return to their place, passing the ball to the next player.

10 min.

20 min.

Follow safety rules

Keep your back straight

Pass the ball into your hands, do not drop the ball

Final part

5 min.


Game "Be careful" (develops the ability to concentrate and switch attention).

Students walk in place. Then on the word “bunnies ", pronounced by the teacher, the children should start jumping, to the word "horses " - as if hitting the floor with a “hoof”, “crayfish " - back away, "birds " - run with your arms outstretched to the side, "stork " - stand on one leg.

Breathing exercises:on4 accounts;

Take a deep breath, for 4 counts - slowly exhale (“deflated ball”);on2 counts – sharp deep breath, 4 counts – slow deep exhalation;on4 counts - deep breath (“with all your chest”),on2 counts - sharp exhalation(“belly”)

Construction, summing up the lesson.

3 min.

2 min.

I thank you all for your active participationonlesson.

Mark and rate

students for workin class.


Participants are divided into pairs facing each other. Each pair has a volleyball. At the teacher’s signal, they begin to perform a counter free pass of the ball in pairs. The couple who catches or drops the ball sits on the bench. The last couple remaining on the court is declared the winner.


5-7 drivers are chosen for the game. To make the drivers stand out from the rest of the players, it is advisable to wear decals on them. Players randomly positioned according to gym, 3 or 4 volleyballs. The players pass the balls to each other in top gear, and the drivers try to catch the balls or pick them up from the floor. Players whose drivers caught the balls while passing, or players who dropped the balls (in the case when the balls were picked up by the drivers) are out of the game. The game is played several times for 2-3 minutes. After each game, new drivers are appointed.

Rules: Players with the ball do not have the right to move around the gym, but without the ball they can, choosing the most convenient position to receive the pass. The player can hold the ball for no more than 5 seconds, after which he must complete the top pass. A player who holds the ball for more than 5 seconds is out of the game. The driver, who has taken possession of the ball, passes it to any player. The winners are the drivers who were able to eliminate the most players from the game.


Game in pairs. One player performs the task (jumping in place, squats, somersaults), the other moves with side steps to the right and left in a standing position. There is a ball between them. At the signal, one of the players must take the ball and run with it “home”, behind the end line or into the three-meter zone, the other must hit it. If one player insults the other, they change roles. The game is repeated 3–4 times for 10–15 seconds.


The players form several circles, with the “middle one” in the center of each circle. The players of a single circle with their average are one team. The middle one alternately throws the ball from bottom to top to his comrades, who move in a circle with side steps. They perform a return pass. Passing the ball to the middle one can be done:

From above with both hands;

From below with both hands.

Having received the ball from the last player in the circle, the middle one raises the ball up. The team that finishes passing the ball first wins. Then you can change the middle one.


The players of one team are outside the circle, and the players of the second take places inside it (the playing circle can be a volleyball court). Standing behind the circle blows volleyball They try to knock out all the players of the opposing team one by one. Players are allowed to be knocked out: with an attacking blow, a pass from below or from above with two hands. Players in the circle can hit the ball with their hands, performing an appropriate defensive technique (overhead, below with two hands, with one hand, with a lunge, in a fall). In this case, they remain in the circle. If the ball hits the player’s body, legs, or the player fails to hit the ball, he leaves the circle and stands behind the attackers. This player can return to the circle if he managed to catch the ball from his player who hit the ball from the circle. Game duration 5 minutes. The team that keeps the most players in the circle wins. The game may end early if all players are eliminated from the circle.


On each half volleyball court There can be 6 – 10 players. Behind the front line on both sides there is a “captivity”. The game starts with one of the teams serving the ball. Players of the other team play the ball according to the rules of volleyball (pioneerball). The player who made the mistake is sent to the opposite side as a prisoner and the team loses serve. The player who is in captivity, without entering the court, tries to intercept the ball and serve (throw) to his side. If he succeeds, the players of his team play the ball sent by their friend and, if the attack is successful, he returns from captivity to the court to his team. During the game, members of the attacking team can deliberately direct the ball to their captive player, and he must catch the ball. The rules allow that if he catches the ball in the air at all, he returns to the team. Game time 15 – 20 minutes. The team that manages to retain the most field players wins.


Both halves of the site are drawn into squares (9 squares on each, indicated by numbers). The three squares closest to the grid are numbered: 4,5,4. Three averages – 4,3,4. Three distant ones - 3,2,2. The teams are located in ranks on the front lines. Each player from both teams takes turns performing five serves, aiming at the squares of his choice, and thus scoring points for his team. The team with the most points wins. If there is a mistake, the ball is not allowed to be served a second time.


Two teams play. They are located on their halves of the court in random order, each with three balls. The mesh is not installed. The players' task is to hit one of the opponents with the ball. Players send balls to the opponents' side with an overhead strike with one hand, as in an attacking strike. A hit is counted if the ball touches the opponent from the volley, and not when it bounces off the floor. The “salty one” leaves the site. The team with the most players left on the court wins.


Two teams play with an unlimited number of participants. Each is given from four to eight balls. On command, the guys begin to throw balls over the net by any means. The game continues for a certain time, after which the command “stop” is given. The loser is the team whose side has more balls at the end of the game.

"VOLLEYBALL Blind Man's Bluff"

Two teams play according to the rules of volleyball (mini-volleyball), but with one condition: the net must be completely covered with canvas. The game will become much more difficult, but will not be devoid of interest and will bring great benefits. After all, the rivals will not see each other. All maneuvers will be hidden. And here you will need to be especially on alert, constantly showing maximum attention.

"Knock it down with a rebound"

2-5 m from the wall (the distance depends on the age and experience of the players) place a town, a pin, and an inflatable toy. Task: throw a ball against a wall so that it bounces and knocks down a set object. Who will have the most successful attempts out of five? Who will need fewer attempts to knock down an object five times?

You can throw the ball from any point.

Option: place a box, box, basket at some distance from the wall, put a hoop. Objective: hit the target with the ball. (Appendix Fig.5)

"Don't drop the ball"

At the starting line, each participant in the game receives two sticks. Then the players become pairs and use chopsticks to hold the ball so that it does not fall. Each pair must run faster than their opponents without dropping the ball. If the ball falls, you need to stop, pick it up, put it on the sticks and run again. Running distance 15-20 m. (Appendix Fig. 6)

"Throw and catch"!

The player holds the ball behind his back with both hands. Leaning forward, he throws the ball over his head up and forward. Now you need to have time to straighten up and catch the falling ball. Each person is given, say, five attempts. The one with the most successful attempts will win.

Game options: you can throw the ball against a wall (if there are no windows) from a distance of several meters - and catch it when it bounces; you can throw the ball onto a sloping roof (barn, garage, shed) - and catch it when it rolls down.

You can add complications to the game. For example, a task is given: before catching the ball, you need to clap your hands several times. Or make a complete turn in a circle (when the ball is thrown against a wall or thrown onto a roof). (Appendix Fig. 7)