How to properly schedule sports activities. How to create a training schedule

When dreaming of muscles of steel, you should not hope for a miracle that will happen overnight. To achieve what you want, a novice athlete needs to have time, maximum concentration and motivation.

Are you determined? Then let’s begin our step-by-step introduction to the topic “How to create a training program for a beginner.”

The tasks of beginners who first cross the threshold of the gym are similar. Guys want to improve, become better, have a healthy and attractive appearance.

In more detail, the essence is any training program for beginners consists of:

  • development of general training ability - the body's endurance during training, the ability to quickly recover after exercise;
  • improving muscle coordination, training exercise techniques;
  • increasing efficiency - increasing the volume of the program;
  • increasing strength indicators.

As the novice athlete achieves these goals, he brings others closer - a set muscle mass, burning fat, improving overall health.

How to write a program correctly

The most effective training program will be one based on the individual characteristics of the beginner.

When selecting exercises for a beginning athlete, it is necessary to take into account 3 main factors:

  1. Age. This factor determines the list acceptable exercises. For example, it is better for a 16-year-old teenager to refrain from performing deadlifts with heavy weights.
  2. State of health. To a person suffering varicose veins veins, it is worth reducing the load on your legs.
  3. Regime and lifestyle. When creating a program for an office manager and a loader at a factory, different approaches are needed.

Training schedule

The training program for a beginning athlete looks something like this:

Day of the week Week #1 Week #2
Monday A B
Tuesday rest rest
Wednesday B A
Thursday rest rest
Friday A B
Weekend rest rest

Training takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - three times a week. The two types of training alternate every other time. This is the schedule for gym the most optimal: the muscles are pumped well during the workout and have time to recover after the load.

What muscles can you train in one workout?

Here is the most common and logical option:

The main muscle groups are distributed by day. To each large group, small muscle groups are added that take part in the main training (excluding training of the shoulders and legs). It's simple: let's take a chest workout, which includes exercises based on pushing (squeezing) weight away from chest. This function is performed by the triceps, which should be trained together with the pectoral muscles.

We adhere to the same principle when planning a back and biceps workout. The shoulders are not involved in pumping the legs, but Friday is the most convenient day to ensure a high-quality load on the deltoids.

The above program should not be taken as a postulate and there is an alternative plan for training muscle groups. Looks like this:

This option is less popular. Its supporters consider it pointless to train a secondary muscle after it has already been involved in working out the main muscle groups. Therefore, biceps and triceps have moved in the table.

The third and no less effective training option for beginners: working out all the main muscle groups in one workout. This plan is the most energy-intensive and is not suitable for everyone.

Where to start training

The beginning of any workout involves a warm-up.

A cardio machine is perfect for these purposes. Beginners should prefer an exercise bike. Cardio warm-up usually takes 5-10 minutes.

Then move on to swings, body turns, and pull-ups to the sides. Everyone remembers this warm-up from their school days: we start from the neck, then follow shoulder joint, elbow, wrist.

It is especially worth paying attention to the lower back - this area of ​​the body bears the main load during the training process. Bend to the sides, bend back, stretch to the side, do crunches, rotate your torso. We finish the warm-up - rotate our hips, work our knees and feet.

Training program for beginners

The above programs can serve as an excellent guide for a novice athlete. However, before starting classes, it is necessary to adjust the material based on individual characteristics (age, health, lifestyle, etc.).

Split training program for beginners

A three-day split for a beginner might look like this:

Monday (back muscles, biceps)
Warm-up 5-10 minutes
Deadlift 2 sets of 8 times
Bent-over barbell row 3 sets to the maximum
Biceps curl (with barbell) 2 sets of 12 times
Abs workout 3 sets to the maximum
Stretching 5 minutes
Wednesday( pectoral muscles, triceps)
Warm-up 5-10 minutes
Bench press with broad setting hands 5 sets of 5 times
Bench press with narrow setting hands 2 sets of 12 times
French press 3 sets of 12 times
Abs workout 3 failure sets
Friday (legs and shoulders)
Barbell Squats 3 sets of 6 times
Leg press in the simulator 2 sets of 18 reps
Seated calf raise 3 sets of 15 reps
Dumbbell raises 2 sets of 12 times
Army press 3 sets of 8 times
Stretching 5 minutes

After Friday, the body needs rest for 2 days. This type of training can be continued for several months, over time becoming familiar with the new principles of training.

Circuit training with machines for beginners

Circuit training in the gym is the best option for a beginner. Among the obvious advantages of such activities:

  • the ability to master exercises from the point of view of the technicality of their implementation;
  • gradual adjustment of mental-muscular coordination;
  • high-quality preparation of muscles for more significant loads.

With this type of training, the fitness trainer usually adheres to the “big to small” principle. However, if you believe in practice, not every beginner has enough energy and physical endurance after heavy exercise work other muscle groups on the lower part.

The most favorable option for circuit training for a beginning athlete is as follows:

  1. After a five-minute warm-up, we completely perform the first exercise on the back muscles (in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions). Having completed one set, we rest. Then we proceed to chest exercises (2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions). Then we move on to the shoulders and continue according to the same principle. This way you can train for the first two weeks.
  2. With the beginning of the third week, we add one more exercise for the main muscle groups (back, chest). Then we continue to adhere to the same principle: after performing 2 exercises on the back muscles (in 2-3 sets), we begin working on the chest. We don’t rush with the legs: we leave one previous exercise (squat or bench press). The same applies to small muscles - we perform one exercise each for the biceps, triceps and shoulders.

Cardio workout for beginners

For a beginning athlete, it is important to perform a block of exercises that would allow evenly loading all areas of the body. This goal is perfectly achieved by doing aerobics and dancing. In the process of performing a specific element, you should maintain tension in those muscle groups that are currently tense - this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

A cardio training complex for a beginner may include the following exercises:

  1. Run in place. We grab our hips with our heels.
  2. Jumping (legs spread/closed). You can also use your hands, simulating the rotation of a jump rope.
  3. "Jumping jack" - wide jumps. At the same time we raise our hands.
  4. Running with high hips.
  5. "Mill".
  6. Leg-scissor jumps. We jump up and change legs in a forward and backward direction. We press our hands to the body.
  7. "Pendulum". The body is vertical to the floor, hands are pressed to the shoulders, one of the legs is supporting, the other is moved to the side. Alternately change the emphasis on the leg.
  8. Feet together, jump to the sides.
  9. Let's box.
  10. We squat deeply, our back is straight, we throw our arms out in front of us.

A beginner should give preference to such cardio training during the first two months. After this, you can connect running to fresh air, running on sports simulators, cycling, exercise bike, jumping rope, etc.

How long to rest between sets

It is recommended to rest 90-120 seconds between sets. However, this is not a postulate! If, after performing the next exercise, your heart beats in your ears, you find it difficult to breathe, or your rapid pulse has not recovered within this allotted time, you can safely increase the duration of rest between approaches.

How to Make a Workout Program Work

To achieve this goal, a beginner should adhere to the following rules during training:

  1. We focus on the form of execution. First, we determine our working weight, which will allow us to perform the exercise in the proper form (technically). After confidently completing the entire volume of exercises, you can move on to a gradual progression of working weights.
  2. We perform all the sets and progress in loads. We are talking about volume-strength progress, which involves a consistent increase in load while maintaining the technique and numerical parameters of the exercise.
  3. We follow the plan and don’t experiment.

By following these three principles in the gym, a beginner can rightly count on good athletic results.

Do you need a coach?

If it were not for the issue of price, most beginners would find themselves training in a gym with personal trainer. There are several reasons for this and they are quite objective:

  • training with a trainer gives beginners confidence. After all, many beginning athletes are shy, suffer from complexes, and experience a feeling of fear;
  • the trainer helps the beginner avoid unpleasant situations. Injury in the gym can be caused by an incorrect assessment of one’s own strength, violation of the technique of performing an exercise, or inability to use exercise equipment and equipment;
  • The trainer is able to create an individual training program for the client. At the same time, the professional takes into account the real level physical training a newcomer, his goals, wishes, characteristics of the body;
  • a coach, observing a client from the outside, can point out a mistake to a novice athlete, teach the right technician or make necessary amendments to the program;
  • according to statistics, with a coach, a beginner achieves good, sometimes excellent results much faster;
  • a coach motivates a beginning athlete, sets him up for training, supports him, and prepares him for future success.

However, to answer the question “Do I need a coach?” Each aspiring athlete must independently weigh the pros and cons, take into account his recent relationship with the sport and evaluate his own internal state.

The given training programs for beginner athletes can play the role of decent layouts when drawing up individual program. The choice of exercises, number of repetitions, sets and pace of exercise are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Regardless of the type of training and training regimen, it is important not to be guided by three basic principles aimed at mastering technique, progressing in working weights, following a plan and not experimenting. Such an approach will not only prevent the development of unpleasant situations, but also ensure the achievement of the set goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem.

Be sure to read about it

Home workouts are different. To such physical exercise we can include morning 30-minute exercises and, as well as active cardio.

The fast pace of life leaves little time for personal space. Home, family, work or study force girls to put aside their dreams of being slim and toned body to the background. Financial difficulties or lack of time do not allow you to visit the gym. But even in such a situation, you shouldn’t despair, because you can successfully train at home. You only need to devote 30-40 minutes a day to improving your figure, and the result will be an elastic and resilient body. When exercising at home, regularity, following a training plan and rest are important.

What muscle groups to pump?

Girls with overweight During training, it is better not to focus on certain muscle groups. The muscles of the whole body should be pumped, thus ensuring uniform burning of the fat layer. The training should begin with a warm-up, during which all muscle groups must be prepared for the load. Then follows the aerobic part, and it doesn’t matter what the exercises are. The main thing is intensity and preparation of the heart for power load.

At normal weight It is recommended to start pumping up the arm muscles. To do this, you can use an expander and 2 kilogram dumbbells. And when doing push-ups in a lying position, the pectoral and back muscles are simultaneously strengthened. The hardest thing to pump up your abs is that it’s not only important regular exercise, but also its gradual increase. Upper muscles The press is perfectly swayed by lifting the upper body from a lying position. An effective exercise for lower press: lying on the floor, raise both legs at the same time. At the same time, you cannot lower your feet to the floor, maintaining tension in your abs. The muscles of the legs are the easiest to pump; they are used to being in good shape and are ready for serious loads. Therefore, regular squats can be done with weights. And if you also wear a backpack filled with books, you can strengthen your back.

What is important for beginners to know?

Training at home should not be treated as exhausting hard labor. It is better to set yourself in a positive mood and strive to do the exercises with pleasure. After all, playing sports will not only improve your appearance and relieve extra pounds, but will also allow you to feel lightness and confidence in your own abilities. Girls who are just starting to get involved in training should not immediately put excessive strain on their muscles. You need to start with light exercises, bringing the technique to automaticity. And only after that do more approaches, increasing the load.

Often beginners make a mistake due to which the possible results of training disappear. We are talking about a negligent attitude towards training. If you have already decided to play sports, then you should stick to the training plan. There is no place for laziness and bad mood in this matter, which is most often the reason for missing classes. You should allocate only 3-4 hours a week, be productive on certain days, and slim body secured. Playing sports without proper nutrition and compliance water balance a waste of time. For greater self-confidence, beginners are recommended to record workouts in a notebook, displaying the exercises done, the number of executions and approaches.

Warm-up technique

It is important to warm up your muscles and joints well when warming up. Carry out a set of rotational movements with each part of the body. Start with the shoulders, elbows and hands, and end knee joints and feet. Also, do not forget to warm up your back and lower back: bending to the side and rotating your body.

Example training program

Must have basic set dumbbell and fitness bar

  1. Monday (legs and biceps):
  • Deep squats – 15 times 3
  • – 20 x 2
  • Dumbbell press, in a sitting position - 15 times 3
  • Swing your arms to the sides with dumbbells or weights - 10 times 2
  • Squats with dumbbells – 15 times 3
  1. Wednesday (chest and triceps):
  • Push-ups – 10 times 3 times
  • Lifting dumbbells up from a lying position – 30 times 2
  • Push-ups on a chair – 15 times 3
  • – 30 sec. 2-3 times
  • Reverse crunches – 15 times 3
  1. Friday (back and abs):
  • Squats with dumbbells – 15 times 3
  • Crunches – 30 times 2
  • Leg raises in a lying position – 20 times 2
  • Fold - 15 times 3
  • Exercise “Superman” - 15 times 3
  1. Sunday (butt and thighs):
  • Squats – 30 times, 2 sets
  • Exercise “heel to ceiling” - 30 times on each leg, 2
  • Leg swings in a lateral position - 40 times 2
  • Lunges with dumbbells – 15 times 3
  • Deadlift – 25 times 2

After strength training to lose weight, you need to do a fat-burning workout. At home, step aerobics is best. Cardio training should last at least 50-60 minutes; only with such a prolonged load does the body burn excess fat. With its help, not only kilograms are lost and muscle tone increases, but also the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are strengthened.

Basic rules of training

  1. Strength training - 3-4 times a week, fat burning can be done daily.
  2. Duration of training (strength and cardio) – 1.5 hours.
  3. Class times are selected individually. It doesn’t matter whether it’s morning or evening, the main thing is physical stimulation and motivation.
  4. The workout necessarily begins with a warm-up and ends with a cool-down.
  5. After eating, 2 hours should pass, only then you can start exercising.
  6. It is necessary to increase the number of repetitions in case of easy execution.
  7. Girls are not recommended to use dumbbells heavy weight, 2-3 kilograms each is an ideal load.
  8. You cannot miss scheduled classes, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
  9. Muscles should not be overloaded; their growth and strengthening occurs during moments of rest and recovery.
  10. Nutrition is 80% of success.

Any girl would love to train her body without leaving home. This is not only economical from a financial point of view, but also allows you not to think about your complexes. If you are overweight, not every young lady agrees to burn calories in the company of beautiful and fit rivals who are frequent visitors to the fitness club. Over time, home workouts will become a habit; without them, the body and soul will be bored. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths and strive to improve yourself, creating the image of a beautiful and independent girl.

Choose a time for weekly planning. To find windows in your schedule for each upcoming week, get yourself a calendar; It will take you no more than 15 minutes to organize your schedule. To remind yourself of your designated time, make sure this information is on a calendar that you are likely to look at every day.

  • You can choose the calendar that suits you: Google calendar, your personal calendar on your phone, or the good old paper version. You can use other suitable forms to plan your weekly schedule: PDA, planner, or spreadsheet.

Write down everything you do for a week. Fill out everything you need time for that you can remember.

  • Are you or someone in your family going to the dentist? Have you made an appointment with the hairdresser? Need to finish a project?
  • Write it all down.
  • Carefully study your free time windows during work or meetings. It is during these windows that you will be able to do your daily workouts.

    • Highlight open windows of time. Determine variable time slots to tailor your workouts to your available time. The more time you have, the better. No matter what your time slots are, there are ways to fit your lifestyle:
      • 60 minutes or more?
      • 50 minutes
      • 40 minutes
      • 30 minutes
      • 20 minutes
      • 10 minutes
  • For optimal results, spend 30 minutes doing cardio 3-4 times a week. Many people consider cardio training challenging task because they do too much cardio. That's right - too much! To achieve most fitness goals, you will need 20 to 30 minutes of cardio three times a week at your target heart rate. This means you can change into your clothes, jump into your running shoes, and complete your cardio workout in a total of 30-40 minutes!

    • Make sure you choose what you want to do. If you don't choose something you enjoy doing, you may find it difficult to motivate yourself to do cardio.
    • Write down "cardio workout" on free time in the interval from 30 to 40 minutes. Go ahead and fill in 3 of these spaces:
      • If your knees bother you, choose an exercise bike elliptical trainer or go swimming.
      • Are you excited about a brisk walk or run in your area?
      • What about those stairs in the office? Climb and descend along it within the allotted time.
      • Do you prefer to exercise at your local club or city hall?
      • Under the video in your living room?
      • Don't know what you like? Try a few different options and find what is most likely to work for you.
  • Set aside 30 minutes for strength exercises at least three times a week. This first step is often the hardest to take. Hold yourself accountable by signing up for personal training or studying with a friend. 30-40 minutes for strength training is optimal time. However, you can do some exercises for as little as 10 minutes if you're willing to optimize those short bursts of free time.

    • Prepare a set of dumbbells that can be placed under the table.
    • Place some resistance bands different types in a desk drawer for easy access.
    • Bookmark some interesting workout videos on YouTube.
  • Limit yourself to three 30-minute workouts. If you choose ten minute blocks, make sure you complete three of these short workouts in one day.

  • Study your schedule carefully.

    • Are you able to find time for 3 cardio workouts of 30 minutes each during your week?
    • How did you deal with strength training? Did you plan at least three 30-minute workouts?
  • To all those who like to sip iron or just passing by, hello! Today, in this article we will talk to you about a very important topic for people who are just starting their journey into the iron world. It's about correct drafting such an integral component as a training program in the gym. The training process will be chaotic and incorrect if there is no clearly thought-out plan for your actions.

    Each goal is achieved sequentially when a person follows a certain plan, be it the goal of getting rich or, as in our case, building a beautiful, sculpted and aesthetic physique. If a person has a plan, it makes it easy to concentrate on his goal and go towards it. Without the right approach to his training, the athlete will stagnate in one place, and there will be almost no results. The training program and management will help you determine the effectiveness of the program itself, track the results, and if they are not satisfactory or are absent at all, change the program. In one word, “experiment.” We have already talked about the importance of the training diary in the training process itself, and our topic for today was also mentioned. But in that article I briefly described the basic principles. In this article, I will try to explain and analyze these principles in as much detail as possible, and also give recommendations so that people know how to create a training program correctly.


    The vast majority of beginners firmly believe in the existence of some kind of training program that will help them become big and strong in a short time. Coming to the gym after winter with the goal of “pumping up before summer” is direct proof of this. ATTENTION! There is no such training program, there is only hard work on yourself. Miracles, at least in bodybuilding, do not happen. Building a good, athletic physique takes years of work, but the results are worth it.

    As practice and observations in different gyms show, most trainers give the same program to absolutely everyone, making small changes that depend on different aspects. In principle, if the coach is good, like , and knows a lot about his business, this is not so bad, because even a coach with extensive experience is not able to immediately create an ideal training program for you. This can easily be explained by the fact that you need to experiment, adhering to the basic criteria. It’s clear that if you are a beginner, the coach will never tell you to immediately do or. At first, he will exclude from training split dangerous exercises and will give you some exercises in the simulators, for example: push-ups, etc. At the initial stage, the main goal of training will be to prepare the athlete’s body for heavy loads, so to speak, “strengthening the physique.” In general, the main thing is that the coach is good and does not give you, as training plan complete nonsense. To avoid this, today we will try to clearly explain to you what’s what.


    How to create a training program? First of all, you need to decide on the frequency of training and frequency training of a separate muscle group. So that you can understand everything better, I will explain it clearly. Our body consists of large and small muscle groups. The large ones include: chest, back and of course legs. Small muscle groups: trapezius, deltoids, triceps, biceps and so on. Logically, due to their size, large muscles take much longer to recover than small muscles. Therefore, it will take more than one day to recover. As muscles increase in size, they need more time to rest and recover. Also, the recovery period depends on the load you receive during training. The more load, the more time it takes to recover. This is all theory backed by logic and science.

    Of course, this information is not particularly needed at the initial stage, but in order to train correctly in the future and not make common mistakes, I advise you to spend more time reading such information. It will be very useful!

    Regarding restoration, everyone has their own opinion. But for the most part, one muscle group should be trained once a week. This way, there will be enough time for the muscles to rest and recover. Many weight training programs have been built on this principle. There are, of course, five-day and six-day ones. But this already applies to more experienced athletes and professionals.


    Typically, the training duration is one hour. This time is enough to train all the muscle groups that the athlete has planned. There are many types of training programs: circuit training, training with application and so on. With such variety, the break between sets is slightly different, but since we are talking about a standard workout, the desired rest period is no more than 2 minutes. It's better to do it in 1 minute, this way you will expand the range of exercises that you can do in one hour. To train so intensely, it must be appropriate. If you eat poorly, then you will need more time to recover between sets and the exercises themselves, and this already reduces the effectiveness of the workout, not to mention the reduction in working weight.


    Beginners can use . This is the standard option for the training program. Split, translated into Russian means “splitting”, that is, using this term in bodybuilding, it means the distribution of individual muscle groups across training days. For example, if we consider the standard option: Monday – chest, triceps; Wednesday – back, biceps; Friday – legs, shoulders. As for Friday, I think it’s better to have a separate training day for training your shoulders, and on leg day, train your legs and calves. In principle, a beginner can work out several muscle groups in one workout, because for beginners, the recovery process goes faster than for experienced athletes. This is due to the fact that muscle tissue the new ones have less.

    For especially thin athletes (hard gainers or), you can train the whole body in one workout, since they recover much faster than everyone else.


    There are many opinions about which muscle groups to train together. We have already mentioned the standard option: Monday – chest, triceps; and so on... There are athletes who pump, that is, those muscle groups that are parallel to each other, for example, biceps and triceps, chest and back. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself liked to train according to this principle.

    As you become more experienced, you can try different training options. Bodybuilding is a sport in which you need to find your own training method so that it suits you, constantly experiment, and also not allow your muscles to get used to the load.

    Suitable for beginners standard workout: back - biceps, chest - triceps, legs - shoulders.

    So that you understand in what order you need to train the planned muscle groups, we will look at a little theory. Each muscle group has its own functions. There are pushing groups: chest, triceps, deltoids; there are biceps and back, which perform the “traction” function. Let's also not forget to mention the legs. If you start a “chest, triceps” workout by training the triceps, this will be a bad idea, since they perform only one pushing function, the triceps will first get tired, and you will not be able to effectively work the chest.

    Remember one thing golden rule: large muscle groups need to be trained at the beginning training process . Naturally, when it is said “at the beginning of training”, it means after a thorough and.

    As for the legs, this is the biggest muscle group in the human body, and in my opinion, as I said at the very beginning, it is better to devote a separate training day to training the legs.


    There is nothing complicated here. There is no need to come up with any exercises, everything has already been done. In the ““ section, we have provided many prototypes of programs and exercises along with them, which you can use and, in the process, adjust to suit yourself.


    As you may have noticed, regarding all of the above, the selection of a training program for each person is carried out individually, based on physical indicators etc. I hope you understand how to properly approach creating a training program. If you don't have a trainer at the gym, it is quite possible to do the analysis yourself and create a training program that will suit you based on your goals, subsequently experimenting and making adjustments to the program. But it is best to consult with experienced trainer, which suggests what and how to do correctly. The most important thing is to do everything wisely and not take some mega programs of professionals or something like that. Good luck to everyone in creating your training programs!


    You will find a breakdown of the exercises under the program.


    1. Joint warm-up. Tilts and turns of the head, rotation of the shoulders, elbows and wrists, tilts of the body to the sides and forward, rotation of the pelvis, extension of the hip to the side, rotation of the knees and feet. Perform 10 rotations (tilts) in each direction. The entire warm-up will take no more than 5 minutes.
    2. Warming up(performed intensively):
      • Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds;
      • running in place - 30 seconds;
      • jumping rope - 100 times.
    3. Power block:
      • classic push-ups - three sets of 10 times;
      • dumbbell press up - three sets of 15 times;
      • Bent-over dumbbell rows - three sets of 10 times on each arm;
      • squats - three sets of 20 times;
      • raising the pelvis on one leg - three sets of 10 times on each leg;
      • lifting the body on the press - three approaches of 20 times;
      • boat - 3 sets of 10 times;
      • classic plank - hold for 30 seconds, three approaches.
    4. Stretching. Perform all stretching exercises for 30 seconds.


    1. Joint warm-up.
    2. Warming up
    3. Circuit training #1. Do the exercises at a measured pace, try not to stop and keep rest to a minimum. Perform six rounds of the following exercises:
      • 5 push-ups;
      • 10 press raises;
      • 15 squats.
    4. Circuit training #2. This workout is performed for time using the Tabata protocol. You do as many exercises as you can in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. You need to complete six laps. That is, you set the timer for 3 minutes and start.
      • burpee;
      • rock climber;
      • squats (first try jump squats, if you don’t have the strength to continue, do regular ones).
    5. Stretching.

    Wednesday - rest


    1. Joint warm-up.
    2. Warming up.
    3. Power block:
      • reverse push-ups - three sets of 10 times;
      • lunges - three sets of 10 times on each leg;
      • standing dumbbell swings - three sets of 10 times;
      • lifting the pelvis with support on a bench - three approaches of 10 times;
      • Bent-over dumbbell raises - three sets of 10 times;
      • leg lifts for the press - three sets of 20 times;
      • boat - three sets of 10 times;
      • classic bar → side bar to the right side → classic bar → side bar to the right left side- hold each for 30 seconds.
    4. Stretching.


    1. Joint warm-up.
    2. Warming up
    3. Circuit training #1. Perform the exercises at a measured pace, try not to stop and keep rest to a minimum. Perform six rounds of the following exercises:
      • 5 push-ups with wide arms;
      • 5 reverse push-ups;
      • 10 jump squats;
      • 30 seconds plank + 30 seconds rest.
    4. Circuit training #2. You do as many exercises as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Do two circuits:
      • burpee;
      • jumping rope;
      • rock climber;
      • Jumping Jacks;
      • alternating legs in a lunge.
    5. Stretching.

    Saturday and Sunday

    Rest and recover. You can either stretch.

    Strength block of home training program


    This universal exercise for pumping triceps and pectoral muscles. Try to immediately perform push-ups correctly: your elbows are at an angle of 45 degrees, your abs and buttocks are tense, and your body is a straight line.

    If you can't complete full push-up lying down, place your feet on your knees. It happens that it is difficult for you to do push-ups on your feet, but too easy on your knees. In this case, perform as many push-ups as you can while lying down, and then go to your knees.

    In push-ups with wide arms, the emphasis shifts to the pectoral muscles, and the triceps receive less load.

    Reverse push-ups

    This exercise also helps work the triceps and pectoral muscles. Turn your back to a static support, such as a chair, place your hands on it with your fingers facing you and do push-ups.

    You can bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees or straighten them completely, the latter option is more difficult. Try to lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. But don’t overdo it with depth: it could result in injury.

    This exercise allows you to work your middle deltoids. Spread your arms, slightly bend your elbows, do not raise your shoulders.

    If you don’t have dumbbells (small dumbbells cost about 200-300 rubles, set ones are more expensive, but you can buy them second-hand), take one and a half or two liter bottles of water. Of course, this is a small weight, but it will be enough for a start.

    This exercise engages the posterior bundles deltoid muscles. Take dumbbells or water bottles, bend over so that your body is almost parallel to the floor, bend your elbows slightly and spread your arms.

    Take dumbbells or bottles of water in your hands, bend your elbows, lift the dumbbells slightly above shoulder level and turn your palms away from you - this starting position. From it you squeeze the dumbbells up and lower them back.

    This exercise works through latissimus muscles backs. Take a dumbbell or a water bottle, find a stable and long enough support, for example two standing nearby chair.

    Take weights to right hand, go to the support, place it on it left leg, bent at the knee, and left hand. Lower your hand with the weight down, and then pull it towards your belt, feeling how your back muscles tighten.

    You don’t have to put one leg on the support, but simply lean on your hand. The main thing is to tilt your body well. The closer to parallel with the floor, the better the latissimus dorsi muscles are loaded. Otherwise, more load is placed on the rear deltoid muscles.

    Squats work well on the front of the thighs and gluteal muscles. Try to go deep, but at the same time keep your back straight, do not lift your heels off the floor, and spread your knees. Turn your toes 45 degrees.

    Lunges also work the gluteal muscles and quadriceps well. It is more convenient to perform them on the spot at home. Take a step forward, touch the floor with the knee of your back leg and return to the starting position.

    The angle at the knee of the front leg should be 90 degrees. Make sure that your knee does not go beyond your toe.

    This exercise works the gluteal muscles well. Lie on the floor on your back, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the heel, straighten the other. Raise and lower your pelvis, feeling your gluteal muscles tighten. Then switch legs.

    Another activation exercise gluteal muscles. Rest your shoulders on a sofa or chair, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis so that your body is parallel to the floor, and then lower yourself.

    This is popular and effective exercise to work the rectus abdominis muscle. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and on a raised platform. Select the height so that the angle at the knee is 90 degrees. Perform the exercise by raising and lowering your body.

    This exercise works the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. Lie on the floor on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees - this is the starting position. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift your legs up, then lower back down to the starting position and repeat.

    Stand in a lying position, with your hands directly under your shoulders. Tighten your abs and buttocks so that your body is extended in one line. Hold this position for the specified amount of time. The photo above shows two positions: on the left is a regular plank, on the right is a side plank. You can combine them.