How to turn on a treadmill in a fitness room. Treadmill training for beginners

The treadmill is the most popular exercise machine that is found in almost every fitness club. Many people even buy it for their home.

If you are studying in gym, then you can always ask the instructor all your questions. And if at home, then the instructions will always help you understand how to use it correctly. treadmill.

Moreover, after reading this article, you will not need to waste time studying the instructions. This material includes a description of the use of almost all treadmill options and will make it easy to get used to different models and understand how different functions work.

How to turn the trainer on and off?

The article will only consider, since to turn on you only need to start walking. The use of sensors and devices on mechanical tracks is similar to electrical ones.

Well, if you don’t want to waste time reading the material at all and want to figure it out yourself, read only the minimum basic information:

  1. stand on the side runners and grab the handles;
  2. press Quick Start (usually a large colored button);
  3. you start running;
  4. adjust the speed to the desired level using two large switches;
  5. stop the movement with the Quick Start button or the big red button.

If you want to use your treadmill as little as possible, you don't need to know anything else. Well, if you plan on regular training, read on.

By the way, on many tracks you should simply press the Start button twice. After this, by default, 2-3 seconds after pressing, movement begins at a minimum speed.

Carefully! Never try to stand up or jump onto a fast-moving walkway. First stand on the side runners, and get on the track only after first reducing your speed.

For more advanced use, you will need to know how to create programs (or select programs) before starting a workout, how to set the incline, and use other functions.

Display and main buttons

Using the Russian-language track is much more convenient: it is often easy to understand how to use all the functions simply thanks to the messages on the screen and labeled buttons.

Paths on English make it a little difficult to use for people who don’t particularly know English. Therefore, further we will proceed from this “inconvenient” premise.

The names of the Start and Stop buttons are probably clear to everyone. Let's list other buttons on the console you need to know:

  • Workout Profiles, Mode, Program– or buttons with a similar name enable the selection and configuration of training programs;
  • Speed– speed: next to there are two buttons with up/down arrows;
  • Incline– tilt of the canvas: next to it there are two buttons with up/down arrows, measured in degrees;
  • Select– often serves as a program selection button;
  • +/- — switches on the display, program selection, settings, etc.;
  • Enter– confirmation of the selected program or selected option;
  • Pause– pauses the selected program, while Stop resets the program completely

The tracks are indicated on the display following data:

  • current speed– may be designated Speed;
  • distance traveled– in kilometers and decimals, can be indicated DIST;
  • – sometimes indicated CAL;
  • current goals– distance, calories and the like, sometimes indicated TARGET TOTAL or just target;
  • current heart rate- often indicated in heart icon, measured by touching special sensors on the handles, or with a clip for the earlobe;
  • minutes and seconds from the start of the workout– general recording of time;
  • programPROG, type or number of the current program;
  • current stage of the program– often displayed as successive bars of varying heights, where the height indicates the degree of inclination at a given stage.

In addition, during the selection process individual program Maybe you will be required to enter personal information:

  • Sex– your gender, M (male), F (female);
  • Age– your age;
  • Weight– your weight;
  • Jog speed or Jog interval l is the required running speed in the dynamic rest phase, if you are creating an interval training program;
  • Sprint Intervals or Speed ​​Intervals- the required running speed in the sprint phase if you are creating an interval training program.

Perhaps this basic data is enough to more or less navigate the interface.

How to customize the simulator for yourself?

The first thing you need to learn is to turn on/off and switch the speed and incline controls. This will require one session.

On next classes You will need to learn how to use the functions and create your own programs.

Pay attention! Many treadmills have short, visual instructions for use located right on the panel.

The instructions must clearly state the need and

Main functions and elements

On some treadmill panels there are quick access buttons to the desired inclination and speed. Since the maximum speed and inclination reach a maximum of 14-20 on different models, it is not difficult to place such a number of buttons on the panel.

Thanks to this, you can immediately select the speed and incline you need. However, you should not change these parameters in increments of more than four, it is better to increase and decrease the speed/incline gradually.

Often, separate buttons indicate basic programs, and a description of the program is offered on the buttons or above them with a diagram.

Pay attention! Some tracks are equipped with functions to adjust the program based on your parameters. There is a separate option for this, where you enter your own data and get an optimal training program.

Functions and items will vary depending on

Overview of 11 main programs and modes

Now let's look at what programs you can use and create yourself. Find out if your track has a program save feature. Sometimes such functions are connected via USB connectors and can be recorded onto media. One way or another, the saving function will allow you to immediately set up the activity programs you need and not install these programs again.

Remember! Once you learn how to create your own workout program, you will save a lot of time in the future and get more pleasure from your workouts.

Let's list the main programs:

  1. Hill running. One of the basic programs, in the diagram, represents a mountain with a peak in the center. In essence, it represents a gradual increase in load and incline towards the middle of the workout and a decrease to minimum values ​​towards the end of the workout, simulating the ascent and descent from the mountain.
  2. or target hrt. For this program, you determine your own maximum heart rate, from which you calculate percentages. For example, an activity at 60-70% of maximum heart rate gives the most effective fat burning. In this program, you set a heart rate range (for example, 117-145) and when you leave this range, the simulator adjusts the load. This program is useful for various purposes: both for endurance and for burning fat. In each target heart rate zone, different results.
  3. Development of endurance. The program gradually increases speed, and about a quarter of the time you are working at maximum. Useful only for trained people.
  4. It has varieties, but the essence lies in alternating intervals, of which there are only two - calm and intense. On intensive it is given high speed and incline (or only speed and only incline), at a quiet time the load decreases. Great option for weight loss, fat burning and endurance development. The diagram looks like alternating high and low bars.
  5. Fitness test. Many treadmills have a program that measures your current fitness. You will need to run a distance with a heart rate monitor. Based on the results, the track will calculate the results based on the algorithms proposed by modern scientists and draw a conclusion about your current form.
  6. Fat burning mode or Fat burn. Often represents work at maximum load for a long time and is intended to lose weight. However, in reality, the fat burning regime is not as effective as it seems. Indeed, at a high heart rate, the body begins to burn fat less actively and may even go into a mode of saving from exhaustion. May be useful for trained athletes. For the rest, it is better to use a load in a certain heart rate zone or an interval program as a mode.
  7. For children and... On a diagram, such programs are often depicted as a flat strip with small periodic elevations. The loads here are minimal, we are talking about measured walking or running with a periodic minimal increase in load.
  8. Cardio. It is indicated by just such an inscription or the inscription cardio in the program selection menu. This training will strengthen cardiovascular system and endurance, but it is more consistent entry level preparation and By the way, if you want to start training somewhere, then this option is one of the most optimal.
  9. Glute. The program is used to train the buttocks.
  10. Cool down. Cool down program, useful to use after an intense workout.
  11. Targeted training. Often indicated by a target button, where you simply set a goal (for example, a distance or number of minutes).

Now you need to understand how to set up a training program yourself. This process varies depending on the model, but in general it looks like this:

  1. the treadmill stops completely, not paused;
  2. press the Mode or Program button twice or three times to go to the program creation menu (usually after this a message will appear on the screen);
  3. set or change the duration of the program;
  4. adjust the incline and speed on each part of the program by moving the arrows along the diagram or changing the interval parameters on the screen;
  5. save the program with the enter button and launch the program with the start button (most often, recently saved programs remain in the tab called custom track programs).

  • development
  • In conclusion, we offer you some general tips that will help make your classes more productive:

    • security key– attached to your clothes and to the treadmill: if you suddenly fall, the key will turn off the treadmill; In addition, this tool is simply convenient to stop movement at your discretion, without touching the panel; running without a key is not recommended;
    • lace up your shoes– you need to lace tightly and tightly, so that the shoes fit snugly and the laces do not come undone during training;
    • water– an excellent option on the treadmill is a cup holder where you can put a bottle of water; you don’t need to drink a lot, but a couple of sips during your workout will benefit you;
    • do not interrupt or interrupt classes– try to train so that you don’t need to interrupt your run, and always do a cool-down at the end;
    • use the built-in fan, which is designed to avoid overheating - you can turn it on using the FAN button;
    • individual programs– preset programs are of course interesting, but you don’t need to use only these algorithms - create your own programs, make your workouts more varied and different, then your performance will increase.

    For greater clarity, watch the video on the topic.

    We hope these tips can be useful to you, and now you can not only understand any treadmill, but also train for the benefit of your own beauty, body and health.

    The treadmill is one of the most popular types equipment for sports. This is not a complicated piece of equipment, but many people use it incorrectly. Proper use of the treadmill will help you have a safe and effective training.

    In this article, you will learn how to properly use a treadmill in the gym and at home, and also receive training tips for beginners and advanced athletes.

    Preparation for training

    If you have joint or back problems, talk to your doctor before you start exercising. It can determine whether you should stick to low-impact exercise (walking) or whether you can exercise high intensity training(running).

    Buy comfortable sneakers. Try on as many pairs of shoes as necessary before making a purchase. The right pair of running shoes should be soft, supportive to your feet, and have room at the toes. The right sneakers don't need to be broken in - they should be comfortable right away when you try them on.

    It is also important to choose comfortable clothes for training. Give preference to lightweight, breathable fabrics that will prevent your body from overheating and will absorb sweat.

    Drink about half a liter of water 90 minutes before your workout. Since most treadmill workouts are longer than 20 minutes, you will sweat quite a bit and suffer from dehydration later. Also be sure to take a bottle of water with you, at least 0.5 liters.

    Now let's move directly to the question of how to use the treadmill.

    Get to know your control panel

    Consult with your gym instructor or, if you purchased a machine for home use, read the instructions on the panel before turning on the treadmill. Most treadmills have identical buttons:

    • start button;
    • stop buttons;
    • training mode selection buttons;
    • Speed ​​and incline adjustment buttons.

    Having mastered one simulator, you will be able to use a treadmill from both Torneo and any other company. Also on some tracks you can set your height and weight - depending on these parameters, the calories expended will be calculated.

    Check out the security feature

    It is very important to know how to turn off the treadmill:

    • Any simulator for aerobic exercise can be turned off using the power button.
    • A safety switch is also common. Find out where it is on your path and check its operation. Typically this is a big red button in the middle of the panel.
    • You can also stop the treadmill using a special emergency stop clip that can be attached to your clothing. If you lose your balance, this will prevent you from falling or getting seriously injured.

    Try adjusting the speed

    Before you start running on the treadmill for the first time, stand on the side panels. Select the program manually and increase the speed to 2-3 km/h.

    Be sure to warm up and cool down. Spend about 5 minutes walking at a pace of 3 to 4 km/h before and after your main workout. If you walk to the gym, this can also be considered your warm-up.

    Using handrails

    For a beginner, it is often easier to hold on to the handrails on the front of the treadmill during your first workouts. In addition, the handrails allow you to monitor your heart rate. When you feel comfortable, release the handrails and walk at your own pace.

    Once you are fully comfortable with the treadmill, try not to hold onto the handrails. You may be tempted to hold on to them for better balance. However, this will create a number of problems, including:

    • reducing exercise intensity (burning fewer calories);
    • incorrect posture and body mechanics;
    • increased risk muscle tension;
    • decreased coordination and balance;
    • decreased proprioception (the ability to naturally determine and correct the position of the body in space).

    Treadmill workout for beginners

    To begin with, give preference to 20-30 minute workouts. During the first 15 minutes of your workout, you will be burning the carbohydrates you recently ate. In the remaining time, you will burn fat and develop endurance.

    Warm up for 5 minutes. This warm-up can help you establish balance and avoid injury. Before starting, attach the safety clip to your body.

    • Walk at a speed of 2 km/h for the first minute.
    • Increase speed to 3 km/h in the second minute. Walk on your toes for 30 seconds and then on your heels for the remaining 30 seconds.
    • In the third minute, increase the treadmill incline to 6. Stay at 3 km/h.
    • At the fourth minute, continue walking at the same speed; if you find it difficult, reduce the incline of the treadmill.
    • Increase speed to 4 in the last minute.

    Then try to walk at a pace between 5 and 6 km/h for 20 minutes. During the first week of using the treadmill, you can stay at the same incline and speed.

    After your main workout, cool down for 5 minutes, slowly reducing your speed every minute.

    During the first 1-2 weeks, try to experiment with the incline and speed of the treadmill. Interval training is one of the the best ways increase endurance, speed and reduce fat layer. After 1 to 2 minute intervals that raise your heart rate, you can return to a moderate pace (you're breathing heavily, but you can continue an intermittent conversation).

    Interval training on the treadmill

    Try it interval training with running or brisk walking. The goal of high-intensity intervals is to significantly increase your heart rate.

    • Warm up for 5 minutes as described in the beginner workout.
    • Then run or walk quickly for 1 minute at a high speed - more than 6 km/h.
    • Return to a speed of 5 to 6 km/h for 4 minutes.
    • Do 4 more intervals, with 1 minute of intense running or walking and 4 minutes of moderate intensity.
    • Cool down for 5 minutes at the end of your workout.

    To make progress, increase the high-intensity interval by 15-30 seconds every week.

    Modern treadmills have pre-programmed interval workouts that you can try as soon as you can confidently do 1-minute intervals. You can also use the built-in hill workouts to increase the challenge by changing the incline rather than the speed.

    Now let's look at the basic tricks that won't let you get bored on the treadmill.

    Music for training

    While it's not safe to use headphones while running outside, listening to music on the treadmill can be a great way to combat boredom and get motivated to keep going. Choose your favorite songs and create an energizing playlist for your workout.

    Route visualization

    Another trick to avoid getting bored on the treadmill is to visualize a street route that you often drive or walk along. Imagine the buildings and landmarks you will pass along the way. Change your incline as you head uphill.

    It's hard not to constantly look at the dashboard to see how much time or distance you have left. However, if you look down, your body position will suffer. You are more likely to hunch over, which can lead to back and neck pain. Looking straight ahead is the most safe way running or walking, whether on a treadmill or outside. Plus, treadmills are often located in front of windows so you can relax your eyes and watch what's going on outside.

    So, in this article, we looked at how to use a treadmill in the gym and at home, some training tips and sample workouts for beginners and intermediates. Now you can carry out effective cardio training to lose weight and improve endurance.


    The treadmill is the main cardio machine. A newcomer who comes to a fitness club approaches her first. And he stands there for a long time in bewilderment or, even worse, presses buttons at random, risking injury. However, even those who have been going to fitness clubs for years have a lot of questions about the treadmills. I chose the most popular ones and asked the fitness manager of the Alex Fitness club, Valentin Belotserkovsky. For the last 15 years he has seen treadmills every day and knows everything about them.

    Is it possible to configure the simulator so that it shows the effectiveness of training not in kilocalories, but in the number, for example, of donuts burned per unit of time?

    “This is not possible yet. It must be said that even modern methods of calculating calories burned are far from perfect. To measure the exact number of calories burned, the simulator would have to collect a complete medical history about the client: gender, age, weight, profession, etc. Let’s say two people of the same build approach the simulator, but one muscle mass 20% of the total weight, and the other - 30%. This means that the former will burn fewer calories during cardio training than the latter. But the simulator uses average calculations: for example, a woman weighing 70-75 kg, after running for an hour, burns 300 kilocalories. In terms of food, as far as I understand, this is one donut.”

    The treadmill not only monitors your heart rate and calculates energy consumption, but also offers a ready-made program with a certain speed, distance length and obstacles such as “hills”. How to use all this?

    “The treadmill, no fools, is a very smart exercise machine. The on-board computer stores several programs in memory that meet specific tasks: calorie burning, cardiovascular training and respiratory systems, increasing endurance. “Fat Burning” is a program where a person runs at the same pace, holding a handrail, and built-in heart rate monitors ensure that the heart rate remains within 70-75% of maximum values ( It is calculated simply: 220 minus age. - Ed.) The “Hills” program trains endurance - the heart rate here is allowed to go off scale beyond 80% of the maximum. A number of programs work only if a person keeps his hands on the handrail, others do not monitor this. The problem is that heart rate monitors lie. You are already all sweaty, there are circles before your eyes, and he shows you, they say, 60 beats per minute, keep up the good work! I support customers who choose manual mode: it's easier to adjust the speed yourself. For those who use a cardio machine to lose weight, I advise you to bring a watch with a heart rate monitor - they are more accurate. And run without holding the handrail: swing your arms freely and burn more calories.”

    They say the treadmill has a seat belt to help you stay on your feet?

    “I saw in some film that they train bull terriers this way: they tie them with several leashes, and, poor things, they run. The string that hangs on the side of the dashboard is called the Emergency Stop Device. According to the rules, which, unfortunately, few people follow, a person must fasten the end of the lace to his T-shirt. If he gets sick and loses coordination, the rope will jerk, the stop valve will operate and the track will stop.”

    For fans of sprint racing, training on treadmills is like a poultice for the dead. Is the trainer designed for calm, measured running?

    “The speed limit for treadmills in fitness clubs is 20-25 km/h. Do you think you can run faster?”

    Why can’t you get on the treadmill until the belt starts moving?

    “There are two basic rules for using a treadmill. First: you need to stand on the canvas after the track has started moving, otherwise the engine will receive an unnecessarily large load, starting work with additional weight. Second: you need to leave the path only after it stops. The first rule protects the equipment, the second protects the client.”

    Can an overweight person break a treadmill?

    “Factory weight limits are 150-180 kg. But this is already obesity. With such a diagnosis, as a rule, they do not go to a fitness club, but to a clinic for treatment. In addition, I can hardly imagine a client weighing 200 kg who decided to run. He won’t break the treadmill, but his knees.”

    If I fall while running, will the exercise machine suck me in like an escalator in the subway?

    “It can suck in clothes. Most often, it sucks in a towel, which some clients are too lazy to hang so that it does not fall. Getting a foreign object into a moving belt is the most the right way disable the simulator."

    Is it worth buying a treadmill for home?

    “I'm against it. They cost the same as an annual membership to a very decent fitness club, where in addition to the tracks, there is a lot of other interesting things.”

    Is it true that in the gym you can’t use the treadmill for a long time, for a maximum of 40 minutes, otherwise others will be indignant?

    “During rush hour, there are queues outside the cardio equipment. But this is indecent, first of all, for the club itself, which was unable to provide clients with the required amount of equipment. In fact, the time for cardio training is limited only by a person’s individual performance. For example, a well-trained man who does not have serious illnesses can run for an hour or longer.”

    People who regularly visit gyms and fitness centers have long been accustomed to the treadmill. But if a person buys this exercise machine for home, then turning on and controlling the treadmill can cause difficulties. In this article we will talk about how to operate the simulator and use it as efficiently as possible.

    The treadmill is one of the key pieces of equipment in any gym. Its undeniable advantages include the ability to successfully imitate real running, while even surpassing it in efficiency. After all, during a normal run, a person does not have the opportunity to select the incline level or turn on the fan, but when exercising on a treadmill, such an opportunity is present.

    In addition, the track makes classes more versatile. In winter, when it is impossible to go outside without several layers warm clothes, running exercises practically impossible. With the help of a simulator, you can run at home, doing it at any time of the year and day. You just need to know how to turn on the treadmill and how to use it.

    How to use a treadmill?

    Different types of tracks can be turned on differently, although the concept looks similar. If you do not know how to turn on the treadmill in the gym, it is better to ask the gym staff or other visitors.

    Please note that tracks from different manufacturers may differ slightly in the set of functions and the way they are enabled. But the general operating algorithm is always approximately the same. The difference most often lies in the shape and location of the buttons, the general design of the information screen, but nothing more. We will look at the intricacies of using the treadmill using the JKexer Fitlux 365 exercise machine as an example, since it looks universal and is very popular.

    Powering up and basic functions

    Turning on the track is not difficult at all. Most models have a “Start” or “Start” button. It is also accompanied by a well-known icon - it is on both the TV remote control and the computer system unit. Most often, before pressing this button, you need to set the angle of inclination and speed of movement. In this case, the safety key must be secured at one end to the person’s belt or clothing, and the other to the console of the simulator. This element helps to avoid injuries, as it immediately turns off the track when a person falls.

    When during training the need arises to change the settings, you should first click on the “Stop” button (sometimes there are separate “Stop” and “Pause” buttons), and after that enter the data and click on “Start” again. When asked how to properly run on a treadmill, safety plays a role vital role. It is highly undesirable to change parameters on the fly.

    The JKexer Fitlux 365 exercise machine, which we took as a basis, has brief instructions in English. It is located right on the information screen. If your track model is also equipped with such instructions, do not ignore it.

    Changing the speed and incline of the track

    As already mentioned, you need to change the inclination and speed after the track has come to a complete stop. Some devices allow you to enter specific numeric values, while others have + and - buttons for incremental changes. The interface of different tracks may differ, but the general concept remains the same. Modes change due to changes in inclination and speed. Everything else is additional and optional functions.

    It is worth remembering that you need to switch speed and change the angle of inclination gradually. Even if the path allows you to suddenly change one or another indicator, you should take small steps. So, the optimal changes in the angle of inclination are 2-3 degrees. There are no specific values ​​for running, but switch directly from walking to maximum speed not advisable. This makes training less effective and quickly tires you out.

    Switching modes, selecting a program

    Most modern treadmills come with several preset modes and workout programs. They usually switch in different ways. So, on the JKexer Fitlux 365 these are programs indicated on the panel with gray fields, to select the one you need, after clicking on the Profile button, click on the desired program. For the selected program you can set the level and initial speed.

    If you are going to exercise on the track at home, then the best option would be to buy a device with some kind of internal memory. This could be a regular menu, connection to a computer or USB drive. The point is not to set training programs every time, but simply enter them into the memory of the simulator. These features are implemented differently on different tracks, but the interface generally remains intuitive. You can find out exactly how program selection works on a particular model in its instructions.

    Additional functions of the simulator

    Various additional features, which may be near the track:

    • entering a person’s weight to adjust the training program;
    • a fan that can be turned on while exercising on the track;
    • water bottle holder;
    • vibrating massager;
    • rollers for transporting the simulator;
    • compensator for floor unevenness, necessary for outdoor activities;
    • multimedia functions – Wi-Fi, TV tuner, speakers for playing voice messages, color or touch display.

    It is also worth listing the technical functions that can make life easier for the owner of the simulator:

    • safety key (if you fall, this device will instantly stop the track);
    • Possibility of folding or assembling the track.

    To understand how to walk correctly on a treadmill, no additional functions are needed. Beginners should not pay attention to them at all. But if your track is equipped with them, then you can study them later. Surely all of them are described in the instructions attached to the simulator by the manufacturer.

    If you do not know how to use a treadmill in the gym, then the necessary information can be obtained from the employees of the institution. The general algorithm described above will definitely help. But if you have any doubts, it’s better to clarify.

    How to properly exercise on a treadmill? General rules

    There are a number of rules that must be followed while exercising on the treadmill:

    1. Always choose comfortable shoes that are neither too tight nor too roomy. If you study at home, this is not a reason to wear slippers or even practice barefoot. Uncomfortable shoes can harm your feet and simply make your workout less effective.
    2. Don't forget how the treadmill works. It starts moving immediately after you press the “Start” button. Therefore, at the moment of switching on, you need to stand on the floor next to the track, but not on it itself! There is a risk of falling.
    3. Do not hold on to the handrails while walking or running! This defeats the whole purpose of training. By leaning on the handrails, you increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, shift the center of gravity and thereby quickly get tired, losing the effectiveness of your exercises.
    4. Avoid daily workouts. Unless you urgently need to get in shape, train no more than 4 times a week. You will quickly get bored with daily running, and it will become more difficult to force yourself.

    Why do you need handrails if you can't hold on to them? The answer is simple: for insurance. When changing the speed or angle of inclination, you can grab the handrail to avoid falling. In addition, many tracks have handrails equipped with controls and sensors to measure heart rate.

    Treadmill workouts for beginners are often challenging and seem unreasonably boring. To avoid rapid burnout and continue to train effectively on the treadmill, listen to the following tips:

    1. Work out to music or a TV series. This will allow you to escape from the process of walking or running and perform important movements automatically, “on autopilot.”
    2. Change the angle of inclination while walking, preferably gradually. This will help you burn calories effectively and at the same time make the workout process less monotonous. Often walking uphill on a treadmill is even more effective than running on a flat surface. But if you gradually increase the angle, then you also don’t need to lower it right away.
    3. The runner should be placed in a room that you love. A dark bedroom or a gloomy corner is not best place for classes. The more pleasant it is for you to be in the room, the more effective your training will be.
    4. Decide for yourself how long you need to run on the treadmill. The main thing is not to overwork. Preset programs are good for weight loss and heart health, but if you just want to keep yourself in shape, then making your own decisions will be the best choice.

    Treadmill running program for beginners

    There is far from the only treadmill training program. But the vast majority of these programs are designed for people who already have some experience “communicating” with simulators of this type. Beginners should limit themselves to choosing a load and gradually increasing it. At first, 20-30 minutes of exercise is enough, but after a few weeks the load needs to be increased. The fact that the time has come to increase the load will be indicated by excessive ease when performing exercises that previously seemed quite difficult.

    It is necessary to increase the load. If you exercise almost every day, then after a week you need to increase the duration of classes by 10-15 minutes (for example, repeat the selected program again). After a month of training, you need to double the initial training duration. So, if the first lesson lasted 25 minutes, then after a month you need to spend at least 50.

    The optimal treadmill workout for beginners looks something like this:

    1. Start with 10 minutes normal walking at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
    2. Then go jogging at a speed of 7-9 km/h. You should run for 7 minutes, no slope required.
    3. After this, set the incline to 2 degrees and walk for 2 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h. Every 2 minutes, increase the incline by another 2 degrees and end the workout after 10 minutes when the incline reaches 10 degrees.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 at least 3 times.

    If your heart rate is higher while walking uphill than when running, then another training scheme will do:

    1. Walk for 10 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
    2. Set the incline to 3 to 6 degrees and walk for another 5 minutes at the same speed.
    3. Remove the incline and start running for 2 minutes at a speed of 7-9 km/h.
    4. Run for 1 minute at the highest possible speed (also without incline).
    5. Repeat steps 2-4 at least 3 times.

    These programs are designed primarily for losing weight and staying in shape. For example, for cardio training on a treadmill, the program will be completely different. It is better to discuss this with your doctor first.


    The treadmill is great way lose weight, get your body in order, overcome heart problems. The simulator is really very effective, and you can exercise on it both in the gym or fitness center, and at home. There are no difficulties during classes. The main thing to do is to learn the basic functions of the treadmill before you turn it on for the first time and start training.

    Treadmill is the motorized equivalent of walking or running. You just move your feet along a moving surface, which is driven by an electric motor. The sensations are the same as running or walking down the street. A slight difference occurs when you increase the incline: when you increase the incline on the treadmill, it is slightly easier to run compared to running uphill at the same angle in real life. But walking up a treadmill is similar to walking up the street.

    Treadmills now have a softer feel and better shock absorption than ever before. Many manufacturers are adding many new features, such as Internet access and social networks.

    Some treadmills have over 100 built-in programs.

    Treadmills are the easiest home exercise equipment to use. However, users are not immune to errors. If you don't follow some tips, you could hurt yourself or damage your treadmill.

    • Start slowly. Press the START button while standing on the side pads of the treadmill. Do not stand on the running surface. Despite the stated Weight Limit user, when the treadmill starts, the load on the motor is maximum, and the motor or controller may fail. After starting the treadmill, start your workout by walking at minimum speed.
    • Do not lean on the handrails. It's normal to hold on to the handrails when you first start moving to find balance. But once you feel more confident, release the handrails: your movements are more natural with your hands free!
    • Look ahead. Your feet follow the direction of your gaze, so if you focus on what's in front of you, you'll walk straight instead of turning to the side. When someone calls you in the middle of a workout, don't turn around! This advice seems obvious, but I don't advise you to wait for it to happen.
    • Be more attentive to disorientation. When you first use the treadmill, you will become disorientated when you step off the treadmill onto the ground. Your body wonders why the ground suddenly stopped moving. Don't worry. Most people experience dizziness once or twice.
    • Don't read while working out. You risk losing your balance and falling off the treadmill.
    • Start your warm-up workout. To reduce the risk of injury, start your workout with a light warm-up, then get on the treadmill and start, gradually increasing your speed. The workout should end with a cool-down.
    • We will seem boring to you, but: When following the instructions, be sure to use the security key, attach it to your clothes, and leave at least two meters of free space behind the track so as not to become the next hero of such a video:

    The treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to combat overweight,...

    A treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight, cellulite, weak muscles and some diseases. Running is considered cardio exercise, so it can be used to normalize your work cardiovascular system. 3exercising on treadmill You can significantly strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and arms. People who run look great, get sick less (especially in winter period), have good posture and are less susceptible to stress. The benefits of running on a treadmill are difficult to overestimate. If you decide to purchase a machine and start training, then it will be useful for you to learn how to use a treadmill.

    Treadmill: how to use?

    How to use a treadmill? The answer depends on what goals you set for yourself. For example, a mechanical treadmill, in which the running belt begins to move due to the user’s efforts, is well suited for increasing muscle mass. If during exercise you move your body forward a little, lean your hands on the handrails, and mentally divide the canvas with a transverse line, you can put a load on the calf muscles. In this case, you should not go beyond the boundaries of the imaginary transverse line. In terms of effectiveness, such training can be compared to running on sand, in water or in snow. Elaboration calf muscles– one of complex tasks in bodybuilding, and training on a treadmill in combination with other strength exercises give amazing and quick results.

    The treadmill is used as a warm-up before main exercises, as well as after exercises for the leg muscles such as squats and leg presses. Plus, the treadmill is great for finishing off your workout. It is used as cardio for recovery heart rate And the right way out from training mode. The duration of the workout in this case will be from 15 to 60 minutes, but no more.

    If you purchased a treadmill solely for the purpose of losing weight, then you will have to run for at least 40 minutes. The number of classes per week is 3-4. It is advisable to combine training on the track with strength exercises and do not forget about proper nutrition. In this case, the results will appear much faster. If you exercise every day, but for 10 minutes, then don’t be surprised why the arrows on the scales stand still. To lose weight, you will have to put in a lot of effort and you need to run correctly, and not when you want and as much as you want.

    How to use a treadmill correctly?

    • Beginners should start at a slow speed. You can stand on the machine only when the belt begins to move. When you turn on the treadmill, your feet should be on the sides. Switch to the belt at the moment when it moves at minimum speed.
    • Do not lean on the handrails while exercising. They are created only for safety reasons and for people with disabilities. Beginners can hold on to the handrails for the first time until they get used to the features of the simulator. It is much easier and more natural to move when you hold your hands like you would when you normally run or walk. Bend your elbows, press them slightly towards your body and move your arms in rhythm with your legs. If you hold onto the handrails all the time, you automatically tilt your body. As a result, the joints of the arms and legs are overloaded, and the effectiveness of the workout is noticeably reduced. In addition, this is not the most useful method of operation for the equipment itself. If you run or walk using handrails, don't rely too much on the calorie counter. In this case, the numbers will not correspond to reality.
    • Always look ahead. If you look to the sides, you may lose your rhythm. If someone distracts you during training, do not suddenly turn your head to the side. This may result in a fall. Practice shows that it is precisely such everyday moments that lead to people falling off the treadmill, falling and getting injured. It is especially dangerous to get distracted at high speeds.
    • Always remember that you can lose your balance. During the first classes you may feel dizzy. This is due to the characteristics of the body: it cannot immediately adapt to the fact that everything around is standing still, and you are moving. Usually the dizziness goes away after 2-3 sessions, when vestibular apparatus gets used to the new load.
    • Never exercise barefoot. Buy yourself good running shoes especially for training on the treadmill.

    Advice from sports doctors:

    • Before you start exercising, please read the instructions and become familiar with the treadmill control panel. You must know exactly how to quickly change the speed, the incline angle of the running belt, where to take your heart rate, etc.
    • It is necessary to monitor the posture and position of the back: the abdominal muscles are tense, the shoulders are straightened. The gaze is directed only forward.
    • While walking and running, do not lean back or to the sides.
    • It is advisable to practice regularly, choosing the same hours.
    • If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting training.

    See also how to use a treadmill video.

    How to use a treadmill: instructions

    Instructions for safety and operating rules of the treadmill:

    • Clip the security key to your clothing.
    • Place the treadmill on a flat, smooth surface and, if necessary, place a rug or mat underneath it.
    • Before starting your workout, turn on the machine and set the minimum speed, stand first on the sides, and then on the running belt, and only after it starts moving.
    • Exercise only in appropriate sportswear and shoes. Do not exercise in clothing that is too loose, as parts of the clothing could get caught in moving parts of the machine.
    • Children and pets should not be near the running machine.
    • At least 40 minutes should pass after the last meal and the start of training.
    • The simulator can only be used for its intended purpose, that is, for physical training adults.
    • If you are training on a treadmill for the first time, hold onto the handrails with your hands.
    • The simulator is suitable for use only at home. Its use for commercial purposes, in schools and other institutions, or rental is not permitted.
    • If the machine suddenly starts to pick up speed on its own or suddenly stops moving, remove the safety key to disable and lock the system. If you have any problems, please contact technical support or the retailer from whom you purchased this machine.
    • Pay attention to the power cord, do not place heavy things on it, or use damaged sockets to avoid fire.
    • If you are on at the moment If you are not exercising on the machine, unplug the cable from the socket. When using the treadmill, make sure that the outlet is grounded. Do not use the outlet if there is a problem.
    • There should be a free space of about 1-2 meters around the simulator.

    How to train correctly?

    Preparation for training

    If you are over 35 years old or have chronic diseases, consult a specialist before starting classes. Before you start training, carefully read the instructions. You should know how to turn the treadmill on and off, how to adjust the speed and incline of the belt. If you are stepping onto the path for the first time, then hold on to the handrails with your hands. During the first lessons, train at a low speed of -1.6-3.2 km/h, and then gradually increase.


    Read the instructions carefully and remember how to change the parameters. At the beginning of the session, walk about 1 km at a moderate speed. Record your results, you should have 15-25 minutes. If the speed is 4.8 km/h, then the required time is about 12 minutes per 1 km. If the load is easy for you and does not cause discomfort, then after 30 minutes change the speed and angle of inclination. At this stage, it is not recommended to increase the speed and incline too much, as the training involves maintaining a comfortable pace.

    Intense workout

    First, you should warm up thoroughly, the recommended speed is 4.8 km/h, time is 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 5.3 km/h, and leave the time for 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 6 km/h, then time same – 2 minutes. After this, increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes. It is recommended to start with a 5-minute warm-up at a speed of 4-4.8 km/h, and then gradually increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes.

    Training schedule

    It is recommended to exercise 3 to 5 times a week for 15-60 minutes. Create a workout schedule for yourself and stick to it. You can make your workouts more effective by adjusting the speed and incline of the running belt. Consult your doctor before starting exercise to help you create a proper exercise schedule.

    If you experience chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or severe shortness of breath during exercise, stop immediately and seek medical advice. If this is your first time on a treadmill, the following schedule will help you:

    • A speed of 1-3.0 km/h is slow walking;
    • Speed ​​3.0-4.5 km/h – moderate walking or light walking;
    • Speed ​​4.5-6.0 km/h – walking;
    • Speed ​​6.0-7.5 km/h - fast walking;
    • Speed ​​7.5-9.0 km/h - warm-up run;
    • Speed ​​9.0-12.0 km/h – running;
    • Speed ​​12.0-14.5 km/h - fast running;
    • Speed ​​14.5-16.0 km/h - running for professionals.

    It is believed that the optimal speed for walking is 6 km/h, and for jogging – 8 km/h.

    Now you know how a treadmill is useful, how to use it, video.

    Gyms use professional-grade electric treadmills designed for commercial use. These treadmills can withstand intensive daily use by users with different parameters. Commercial models are equipped with a powerful engine, a comfortable running surface and a good shock absorption system.

    At first glance, the treadmill console may seem complicated. However, this is not true. Many consoles have a standard design and contain the same control buttons. Let's look at one of the consoles.

    • Console display. Used to track or control your workout and navigation features.
    • Start. Allows the user to start with a Quick Start workout or a previously established workout.
    • Tilt keys. Allows you to reduce or increase manually.
    • Stop. Stops/pauses the workout.
    • Speed ​​control keys. Allows you to manually reduce or increase the rotation speed of the treadmill belt.
    • Enter. Used to confirm a selection, such as when entering data or selecting a workout program.

    Video: Turning on the treadmill

    Instructions for using the treadmill

    1. The intuitive console lets you adjust Speed ​​and Incline, and sensors on the handrails measure your heart rate (but not accurately). A graphic display is used to control the pace, calories burned, time and distance traveled, heart rate, inclination of the running belt, and speed. To quickly start a workout, a button is sometimes provided QuickStart(or combined with the Start button).
    2. The set of programs may include preset programs: hills, fat burning, cardio programs, endurance development, as well as custom programs and the ability to manually set training parameters. Program selection is carried out using the “Select”, “+/-”, “Start” buttons. Many models offer to indicate the user’s age and weight before selecting programs. This data is necessary to calculate calories burned.
    3. Before training, it is recommended to do a 5-10 minute warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and ligaments and increase the elasticity of the tendons. For prolonged periods intensive training You will need drinking water and a towel. It is better to immediately place the water and towel so that you can use them while running.
    4. After starting the program It is prohibited to be on the running surface. To eliminate the possibility of injury, the treadmill has fixed side supports for the legs.
    5. During training, the user has the opportunity to stop the program (Stop), or use a pause (Pause), as well as change the speed and angle of inclination of the belt.
    6. You can’t end your workout abruptly; lactic acid can remain painful for a long time. Also, with a sharp decrease in load, the heart does not have time to readjust itself, pumping oxygenated blood at high speed, which can cause dizziness. For an effective cool-down, 10 minutes of light decreasing load is enough.

    Training programs

    Treadmills have a set of built-in programs that represent variations in the speed and incline diagrams of the running belt over time. Using such programs, you can implement any type of training, starting with light running, which is perfect for warming up.

    To provide targeted workouts, treadmills have programs consisting of preset workout profiles.

    Hill running. For a profile simulating hill running, the speed increases gradually to the maximum selected value, then gradually decreases to the minimum value. The incline reaches its maximum value in the middle of the workout, then gradually decreases.

    Fat burning. For the most effective fat burning, a profile is used in which the speed is increased to the maximum load level and maintained for 2/3 of the total training time. The incline of the running belt changes quickly up to the maximum value and does not change until the end of the workout.

    Pulse-dependent program. A cardio program is a profile in which the load quickly changes to a maximum level, and then, depending on the target heart rate zone, the speed and incline of the running belt changes. In the zone of 60% of the maximum heart rate, effective fat burning occurs, in the zone of up to 80%, the cardiovascular system is strengthened and endurance is developed. The maximum heart rate is calculated: MHR = 220 - age.

    Development of endurance. To develop endurance, a profile is used in which the speed is gradually increased to a maximum level at medium incline levels and maintained for 25% of the total training duration. This type of exercise helps build strength and muscular endurance in the buttocks and lower body. Then there is a gradual reduction in load.

    Interval running. Interval running involves alternating high levels intensity and recovery periods (low intensity). The incline of the running belt changes in sharp ranges: for example, 25 and 65% of the maximum height. This program is performed at high heart rates, which increases the overall endurance of the body, and the cardiovascular system learns to use oxygen as efficiently as possible. This profile is not recommended for beginners.


    Before using the treadmill, you must read the operating instructions for the treadmill and recommendations for training on it. This will increase the effectiveness of your training.

    Treadmills imitate natural running in different conditions using built-in programs and targeted profiles that help you carry out your training most effectively. Some models have the ability to independently adjust the profile, taking into account the physiological capabilities and abilities of the body.

    The treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight,...

    A treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight, cellulite, weak muscles and some diseases. Running is a cardio exercise, so it can be used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. By exercising on a treadmill you can significantly strengthen the muscles of your buttocks, thighs, abs and arms. People who run look great, get sick less (especially in winter), have good posture and are less susceptible to stress. The benefits of running on a treadmill are difficult to overestimate. If you decide to purchase a machine and start training, then it will be useful for you to learn how to use a treadmill.

    Treadmill: how to use?

    How to use a treadmill? The answer depends on what goals you set for yourself. For example, a mechanical treadmill, in which the running belt begins to move due to the user’s efforts, is well suited for increasing muscle mass. If during exercise you move your body forward a little, lean your hands on the handrails, and mentally divide the canvas with a transverse line, you can put a load on the calf muscles. In this case, you should not go beyond the boundaries of the imaginary transverse line. In terms of effectiveness, such training can be compared to running on sand, in water or in snow. Working out the calf muscles is one of the most difficult tasks in bodybuilding, and training on a treadmill in combination with other strength exercises gives amazing and quick results.

    The treadmill is used as a warm-up before main exercises, as well as after exercises for the leg muscles such as squats and leg presses. Plus, the treadmill is great for finishing off your workout. It is used as cardio to restore heart rhythm and properly exit the training regime. The duration of the workout in this case will be from 15 to 60 minutes, but no more.

    If you purchased a treadmill solely for the purpose of losing weight, then you will have to run for at least 40 minutes. The number of classes per week is 3-4. It is advisable to combine training on the track with strength exercises and do not forget about proper nutrition. In this case, the results will appear much faster. If you exercise every day, but for 10 minutes, then don’t be surprised why the arrows on the scales stand still. To lose weight, you will have to put in a lot of effort and you need to run correctly, and not when you want and as much as you want.

    How to use a treadmill correctly?

    • Beginners should start at a slow speed. You can stand on the machine only when the belt begins to move. When you turn on the treadmill, your feet should be on the sides. Switch to the belt at the moment when it moves at minimum speed.
    • Do not lean on the handrails while exercising. They are created only for safety reasons and for people with disabilities. Beginners can hold on to the handrails for the first time until they get used to the features of the simulator. It is much easier and more natural to move when you hold your hands like you would when you normally run or walk. Bend your elbows, press them slightly towards your body and move your arms in rhythm with your legs. If you hold onto the handrails all the time, you automatically tilt your body. As a result, the joints of the arms and legs are overloaded, and the effectiveness of the workout is noticeably reduced. In addition, this is not the most useful method of operation for the equipment itself. If you run or walk using handrails, don't rely too much on the calorie counter. In this case, the numbers will not correspond to reality.
    • Always look ahead. If you look to the sides, you may lose your rhythm. If someone distracts you during training, do not suddenly turn your head to the side. This may result in a fall. Practice shows that it is precisely such everyday moments that lead to people falling off the treadmill, falling and getting injured. It is especially dangerous to get distracted at high speeds.
    • Always remember that you can lose your balance. During the first classes you may feel dizzy. This is due to the characteristics of the body: it cannot immediately adapt to the fact that everything around is standing still, and you are moving. Usually, dizziness goes away after 2-3 sessions, when the vestibular system gets used to the new load.
    • Never exercise barefoot. Buy yourself good running shoes especially for training on the treadmill.

    Advice from sports doctors:

    • Before you start exercising, please read the instructions and become familiar with the treadmill control panel. You must know exactly how to quickly change the speed, the incline angle of the running belt, where to take your heart rate, etc.
    • It is necessary to monitor the posture and position of the back: the abdominal muscles are tense, the shoulders are straightened. The gaze is directed only forward.
    • While walking and running, do not lean back or to the sides.
    • It is advisable to practice regularly, choosing the same hours.
    • If you have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting training.

    See also how to use a treadmill video.

    How to use a treadmill: instructions

    Instructions for safety and operating rules of the treadmill:

    • Clip the security key to your clothing.
    • Place the treadmill on a flat, smooth surface and, if necessary, place a rug or mat underneath it.
    • Before starting your workout, turn on the machine and set the minimum speed, stand first on the sides, and then on the running belt, and only after it starts moving.
    • Exercise only in appropriate sportswear and shoes. Do not exercise in clothing that is too loose, as parts of the clothing could get caught in moving parts of the machine.
    • Children and pets should not be near the running machine.
    • At least 40 minutes should pass after the last meal and the start of training.
    • The simulator can only be used for its intended purpose, that is, for physical training of adults.
    • If you are training on a treadmill for the first time, hold onto the handrails with your hands.
    • The simulator is suitable for use only at home. Its use for commercial purposes, in schools and other institutions, or rental is not permitted.
    • If the machine suddenly starts to pick up speed on its own or suddenly stops moving, remove the safety key to disable and lock the system. If you have any problems, please contact technical support or the retailer from whom you purchased this machine.
    • Pay attention to the power cord, do not place heavy things on it, or use damaged sockets to avoid fire.
    • If you are not currently exercising on the machine, unplug the cable from the outlet. When using the treadmill, make sure that the outlet is grounded. Do not use the outlet if there is a problem.
    • There should be a free space of about 1-2 meters around the simulator.

    How to train correctly?

    Preparation for training

    If you are over 35 years old or have chronic diseases, consult a specialist before starting classes. Before you start training, carefully read the instructions. You should know how to turn the treadmill on and off, how to adjust the speed and incline of the belt. If you are stepping onto the path for the first time, then hold on to the handrails with your hands. During the first lessons, train at a low speed of -1.6-3.2 km/h, and then gradually increase.


    Read the instructions carefully and remember how to change the parameters. At the beginning of the session, walk about 1 km at a moderate speed. Record your results, you should have 15-25 minutes. If the speed is 4.8 km/h, then the required time is about 12 minutes per 1 km. If the load is easy for you and does not cause discomfort, then after 30 minutes change the speed and angle of inclination. At this stage, it is not recommended to increase the speed and incline too much, as the training involves maintaining a comfortable pace.

    Intense workout

    First, you should warm up thoroughly, the recommended speed is 4.8 km/h, time is 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 5.3 km/h, and leave the time for 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 6 km/h, then time same – 2 minutes. After this, increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes. It is recommended to start with a 5-minute warm-up at a speed of 4-4.8 km/h, and then gradually increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes.

    Training schedule

    It is recommended to exercise 3 to 5 times a week for 15-60 minutes. Create a workout schedule for yourself and stick to it. You can make your workouts more effective by adjusting the speed and incline of the running belt. Consult your doctor before starting exercise to help you create a proper exercise schedule.

    If you experience chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or severe shortness of breath during exercise, stop immediately and seek medical advice. If this is your first time on a treadmill, the following schedule will help you:

    • A speed of 1-3.0 km/h is slow walking;
    • Speed ​​3.0-4.5 km/h – moderate walking or light walking;
    • Speed ​​4.5-6.0 km/h – walking;
    • Speed ​​6.0-7.5 km/h - fast walking;
    • Speed ​​7.5-9.0 km/h - warm-up run;
    • Speed ​​9.0-12.0 km/h – running;
    • Speed ​​12.0-14.5 km/h - fast running;
    • Speed ​​14.5-16.0 km/h - running for professionals.

    It is believed that the optimal speed for walking is 6 km/h, and for jogging – 8 km/h.

    Now you know how a treadmill is useful, how to use it, video.

    The treadmill is a popular exercise machine that is found in almost all fitness clubs. Many people buy it for home practice. Before training, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of using the equipment, as well as learn how to turn on the treadmill. This is discussed in the article.

    Turning on and off

    Mechanical type? In this case, you don’t need to know any rules, you just need to start walking. The use of sensors and instruments on such devices is similar to electrical ones. How to turn on an electric treadmill? The procedure is carried out as follows:

    1. You need to stand on the side rails and grab the handles.
    2. You should click Quick Start (usually a large colored button).
    3. After that, start running.
    4. Speed ​​is controlled by two large switches.
    5. The movement is stopped using the Quick Start button.

    This is all the instruction on how to turn on the treadmill and also how to turn it off. If you want to use the device to a minimum, no additional knowledge other than what is indicated is needed. And if you need regular training, you should read the information presented below.

    On many tracks you need to use the Start button 2 times. Then, after 2-3 seconds, movement begins at minimum speed. You shouldn't try to get on a path that is moving quickly. First you need to stand on the side runners and move onto the track, only by reducing your speed in advance. For competent training, you need to familiarize yourself with how to create programs, set the incline and use other functions.

    Main buttons

    The instructor will tell you how to turn on the treadmill in the gym. And if classes take place at home, then you need to read the instructions. It is more convenient to use the Russian-language track. It makes it easier to understand how to configure all the functions, since messages appear on the screen and the buttons are labeled.

    If all the inscriptions on the device are in English, then the process of use becomes more complicated for many people. Therefore, we will talk in more detail about this option. Usually on the panel there are buttons Start - start, and Stop - finish. There are others:

    1. Workout Profiles, Mode, Program - involves selecting and setting up exercise programs.
    2. Speed ​​- speed: there are buttons with up/down arrows nearby.
    3. Incline - this function allows you to tilt the blade up or down - the measurement is in degrees.
    4. Select - program installation button.
    5. +/- are switches.
    6. Enter - function to confirm the specified program or option.
    7. Pause - stop or pause.

    The Stop button completely resets all programs and options. These instructions will help you understand how to properly turn on the treadmill. Typically, all English-language devices have such buttons.


    Manufacturers try to protect users as much as possible, so they equip the track with a special key. If an athlete falls, it blocks the mechanism and stops the belt. Many people do not use this function, sometimes they even lose the key. In this case, the mechanism will not start. And then the athletes are concerned with the question: “What to do if you turn on treadmill without a key? "In fact, you just need to contact the manufacturer. Mostly they provide a new one for a fee.

    You should also familiarize yourself with the data indicated on the display:

    1. Current speed - Speed.
    2. Distance traveled - DIST.
    3. Calories expended - CAL.
    4. Goals - distance, calories - Target Total.
    5. Current heart rate - usually indicated by a heart icon.
    6. Minutes and seconds before the start of class - total time.
    7. PROG - program type or number.
    8. The current stage of the program is indicated in the form of successive columns of varying heights.

    Selecting an individual program

    When considering how to turn on a treadmill at the gym, you should become familiar with the individual program selection. This often requires entering personal data:

    1. Sex - gender, M (male), F (female).
    2. Age - age.
    3. Weight - weight.
    4. Jog speed - running speed during dynamic rest.
    5. Sprint Intervals - running speed during a sprint if you are creating an interval training program.

    The specified data will be enough to navigate the interface. How to turn on the Torneo treadmill? The instructions given in the article will allow you to do this correctly.


    First you need to learn how to turn on/off and switch speed and incline. This requires 1 lesson. On next training sessions you should learn to use functions and create your own programs.

    Some treadmills have visual usage information on the dashboard. The instructions must include the need and rules for servicing the simulator.

    Functions and elements

    Some treadmill panels include quick access buttons to the desired incline and speed.

    You should not change parameters in increments greater than 4; It is advisable to increase and decrease the speed/incline not instantly, but over time. Often the main programs are fixed with separate buttons, and a description is presented on them or above them with a diagram. Some tracks have functions for adjusting the program based on personal parameters. For this, there is a separate option where you can enter personal data and receive a suitable training program. Functions and items may vary depending on the type of device.

    Programs and modes

    What programs can be used and created independently? It is necessary to find out whether the device has a function for saving programs. Often these functions are connected via USB connectors and can be recorded on media. The saving function helps you immediately set up the necessary training programs without having to install their basis.

    If you learn to create own program training, you will be able to save a lot of time in the future and enjoy your workouts. The main programs include:

    1. Hill running. This is the main program. In the diagram it is represented as a mountain with a peak in the center. This function involves a gradual increase in load and incline towards the middle of the session and a decrease to the minimum parameters towards the end of the workout.
    2. Heart rate zone. For this program, your own maximum heart rate is determined, from which percentages are calculated. For example, exercising at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate allows you to effectively burn fat. In this program, the heart rate range is set, and when this range is exceeded, the device adjusts the load. This program is suitable for various purposes: developing endurance and burning fat. Each target heart rate zone provides different results.
    3. Development of endurance. The program increases the speed, and about a quarter of the time it works at maximum. The function is suitable for trained people.
    4. Interval program. There are varieties, but the essence is the alternation of intervals, of which there are two: calm and intense. On the second, high speed and inclination are provided; on quiet, the load is reduced. An excellent option for losing weight, burning fat and training endurance. The chart shows high and low bars.
    5. Fitness test. Many treadmills have such a program that measures the current parameters. You need to run a distance with a heart rate sensor. Based on the results, the device calculates the results based on algorithms and draws a conclusion about the current form.

    These are just the main programs. They may vary depending on the equipment model. A variety of programs allows you to choose the optimal training option for yourself.


    Thus, turning on the treadmill is easy. If you want to exercise with this simulator, it is important to know the rules. And be sure to follow them.