Sports Winter Olympic Games. Winter sports at the Olympics list

The first Olympic Games are believed by historians to have taken place in 776 BC. The name of these worldwide competitions actually has no connection with the famous Olympus, where the ancient Greek gods lived. The small town of Olympia, located on the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece, gave its name to a truly epoch-making phenomenon that is still alive today - the Olympic Games.

In ancient times, Olympia was a small town, typical for its time. Its main attractions, in addition to the sanctuaries dedicated to the gods, were the stadium, hippodrome and gymnasium - a special place for training and gymnastic exercises. Firstly sports games Only citizens of Olympia itself and residents of neighboring cities could participate.

This tradition then spread throughout Ancient Greece. At that time, it consisted of many small city-states endlessly warring with each other. During another threat, Olympia asked for protection from Sparta, pledging in return to hold an annual sports celebration in her city. As a result, this city became neutral territory, which should never have its own army or participate in any conflicts. This peaceful tradition extended to the Olympic Games themselves as they gained widespread popularity. During the sports festival, as the legend says, peace was established throughout Ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek games lasted for a thousand years.

Modern Olympic Games

At the end of the nineteenth century tradition of peace-loving and democratic sports competitions attracted the attention of many gymnastics lovers and healthy image life. Several attempts have been made to recreate the Olympic Games in Greece and Scandinavia. However, this wonderful idea was embodied by the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin.

He was extremely persistent in implementing his idea and initially created a committee to promote physical education in his own country. Then he established contacts with other organizations of physical education supporters in other countries. He proposed a wonderful idea to organize sports competitions in the image ancient games. The idea was received with great enthusiasm, and in 1894, at the Sorbonne, delegates from France, England, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Hungary and Russia founded the International Olympic Committee.

The basis of the current Olympic Games are ancient sports disciplines. Then, little by little, Olympic sports expanded their list. At first, there were no winter scenes in the games, because snow never fell in Ancient Greece.

By the way, the Winter Olympics were born in the 20th century. For the first time international competitions winter species were carried out in France in 1924. Athletes from different countries competed in the following disciplines:

  • cross-country skiing,
  • biathlon,
  • ski jumping,
  • figure skating,
  • speed running skating,
  • bobsled.

The enthusiasm of the participants and the admiration of the audience was incredible. Therefore, the IOC decided to hold the Winter Olympic Games on a permanent basis.

Olympic disciplines

In total, the Summer Olympic sports include approximately forty disciplines. Then By decision of the IOC, twelve of them were excluded:

  • baseball,
  • water sports,
  • same de pam,
  • cricket,
  • croquet,
  • lacrosse,
  • pelota Basque,
  • polo, rackets,
  • rocky,
  • tug of war.

The last one, already in 2008, was excluded from the list of disciplines: softball.

The problem is that these types were not very popular among sports fans, and therefore did not spread widely in different countries peace.

The selection criteria for inclusion in the list of Olympic disciplines are very serious. For summer male species A sports discipline can acquire the appropriate status when it becomes widespread in at least seventy-five countries on four continents of the planet. Female summer look must have followers in forty countries on three continents of the world. For winter species, a “quota” is established in twenty-five countries and three continents.

At the same time, a sport applying for the title of Olympic sport must be a regular participant in cup, national, regional and world championships. Organizers and athletes are required to comply with the charter and comply with all prescribed conditions of the World Anti-Doping Code.

How different sports are introduced into the Olympic Games program

The IOC has consistently fought against excessive expansion of the Olympic program. Therefore, all kinds of requirements for the Olympic classification of sports are being tightened. Nowadays, entertainment, reach of a television audience, recognition among young people, commercial return and many other criteria have become important.

The IOC session can exclude and introduce different sports types into the Olympic program, and individual disciplines can be excluded by the IOC Executive Committee.

Today the Olympic program is presented twenty-eight summer and seven winter species. The majority of them belong to the International Sports Federations of the relevant disciplines.

However, a number of sports are included in only one International Sports Federation. These are aquatic sports, in particular swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo. Gymnastics, which is represented by artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining. Speed ​​skating, which includes sports such as speed skating, figure skating and short track. And finally, skiing is racing, biathlon, skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle and other types.

Back in the Soviet Union, it was not customary to combine individual sports types into groups; they were considered as independent. Russia and the CIS countries remained committed to precisely this idea. Therefore, according to this version, the Olympic program includes forty-one summer disciplines sports types and fifteen - winter ones.

A sports discipline that aspires to become an Olympic discipline gains more fans, becomes much more prestigious and gains international popularity. However, it cannot be said that if some sports discipline is not Olympic, then it is somehow worse. Many types sports competitions, not related to the Olympics, have a huge number of fans and participants. They are no less prestigious and well funded.

The resumption of summer occurred in 1896. During this time, the list included such names of Olympic sports as gymnastics, martial arts, water sports, equestrian sports, all-around, tennis, team games.

In total, about 40 sports were included in the Summer Olympic sports, but over time, 12 of them were excluded by decree. Thus, we can announce the number 28 - that’s how many Summer Olympic sports are included in the list now.


This is, perhaps, one of His homelands - Southeast Asia. For the first time, the Summer Olympics included badminton on its list in 1972. Demonstration performances took place in Munich. This sport was officially included in Olympic program 20 years later in Barcelona. Since 1996, 5 sets of awards have been played out: individual and doubles in men's and women's categories, as well as in mixed categories. Singles is 36 participants, doubles - 32 and mixed - 16. The winner is the one who first scores 30 points (with a score of 29:29) or 22 (with a score of 20:20). There are 3 games in total, the winner must win 2.


Summer Olympic sports include men's (since 1936) and women's (since 1976) basketball. Increased attention to Olympic basketball tournaments was noted when NBA players began to be allowed to participate. There are 12 teams participating in the Olympic tournaments, divided into 2 groups. Four teams advance to the quarterfinals and are eliminated using a knockout system.


This team game appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in the USA, but for the first time the Summer Olympics included it in its lists only in 1992. The goal of the teams (and there are two of them) is to score points. The game is played using a ball and a bat. One player throws the ball, and the second returns it. If the batter manages to run around all the bases located in the corners of the field, the team is awarded a point.


Men's boxing has been included in the list of Olympic sports since 1904, and since 2012 women's boxing has also received this honor. To date, medals are played out between boxers in 11 weight categories. During the entire period of the Olympic Games, the most more Boxers from the USA (48), Cuba (32) and Russia (20) received medals.


Greco-Roman wrestling has been one of the sports of the Summer Olympic Games since its revival in 1896. It was not included in the list only in These competitions are held only among men. Athletes are divided into seven weight categories. A feature of wrestling is the prohibition of grabbing below the belt, sweeping and tripping. All actions take place using the arms and torso. Since 1904, the Summer Olympics have included freestyle wrestling, in which trips, sweeps and other techniques are allowed. Since 2004, women have also taken part in these competitions. In total, 11 sets of awards are given for freestyle wrestling: in 4 weight categories for women and 7 for men.


The cycling sports of the Summer Olympics are track cycling, road cycling, BMX and mountain biking. The cycling track was first included in the program in 1896, and appeared for the second time only in 1912. Women's competitions were first held in 1988. Track cycling includes individual pursuit, sprint, madison and points racing.

  • Olympic sprint - teams of 3 compete in 750 meter races in which only the last 200 meters are timed.
  • Pursuit race - men's distance - 4 km, women's - 3 km.
  • Points race - men's distance - 40 km, women's - 25 km.
  • Madison is an all-men's team (2 person) 60 km event.
  • Keirin is a 5 ½ lap race of 250m.

The bicycle highway is a group women's (120 km) or men's (239 km) race that begins with a common start. Team members have the right to help each other in terms of repairs. In an individual race, competitors start 90 seconds apart and cannot assist other athletes. BMX was first included in the Olympic Games in 2008. Participants, using maneuverable bicycles, cross the area, which is covered with bushes.

Water polo

Men's water polo is one of the regular sports. Thus, the first competitions were held at the Olympics in 1900, but women’s teams began to participate only in 2000.

The match involves two teams of seven (including a goalkeeper), and there are six players on the bench. The game consists of four periods of eight minutes.


Volleyball first appeared at the Olympics in 1924 as an entertainment show. But he was included in the program in 1964. Two teams of 6 people play 3 games of 25 points each. In this case, the gap must be at least 2 points, otherwise the game is considered incomplete. The tiebreaker (5th game) is played up to 15 points. The game has technical timeouts of 60 seconds and two additional timeouts of 30 seconds.

Beach volleyball is included in the modern Olympic Games. Sports differ in location (the name speaks for itself) and some conditions. For example, a game is considered won if one of the teams has 15 points.


Handball is a team game, both for men and women. She made her Olympic debut in 1936. The game consists of two matches of 30 minutes each. Break duration - 10 minutes. The team consists of 14 people (7 on the field and 7 on the bench).


Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics are the sports of the Summer Olympic Games that have appeared on the list since the revival of these competitions. Men's artistic gymnastics made its debut in 1896, and women's gymnastics in 1928. On at the moment Medals are awarded among athletes for team participation and individual all-around competition, as well as for each apparatus separately. Rhythmic gymnasts first took part in competitions in 1984. What did the Olympics please fans with? Rhythmic gymnastics widely known for her amazing pirouettes.


What are the Olympic sports related to rowing? The list included the following:

  • swing (when athletes are divided into two teams, each rowing with one oar) and sculling (each participant has two oars). The race takes place on a straight track with a duration of 2000 m.
  • Kayaking and canoeing for men and women, at different distances in singles, doubles and fours.
  • Rowing slalom - racing along a turbulent stream through a special gate.


Judo is one of the most popular martial arts. It has been included in the list of Olympic sports since 1964. Competitions among women were first held in 1992. The main goal of the participants is to maintain balance and throw the opponent.

Equestrian sport

This is an “aristocratic” discipline; it has been included in the Olympics since 1900. The types of competitions in this sport are constantly changing, but currently medals are awarded for individual and team participation in show jumping, eventing and riding.


Athletics is considered one of the most extensive sports. The Olympics provides for as many as 47 sets of medals. Types of competitions by athletics classified according to the venue:

  • On the athletics track.
  • Inside the athletics core.
  • Outside the stadium.


This sport is one of the most difficult in terms of technique. There are 11 sets of awards for participation in the competition. At the moment, the old classic ships have been replaced by more modern and lightweight ones.


Swimming was included in the Olympics in 1912. Competitions in this sport are held in several stages. There are the following varieties: freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, medley, relay.


This is a variety aquatic species sports that involve jumping from a tower or springboard (located at different heights). Single jumps were first introduced at the Olympics in 1904, followed by synchronized jumps in 2000.

Jumping on a trampoline

Included in Olympic sports since 2000, their essence is to perform three exercises of ten elements. Today, a set of men's and women's medals is being played out at the Olympics.

Synchronized swimming

Synchronized swimming is rightly called one of the most sophisticated sports. Its basis is performing various figures in water to music. Water ballet (this sport was originally called that) debuted in 1984 in the form of singles and pairs performances. Synchronized swimming is exceptional female appearance sport, consisting of a technical and a long program.

Modern pentathlon

Includes the following Olympic sports (you can see photos of competing athletes in the article): shooting, fencing, swimming, horse riding, running. The pentathlon was first introduced in 1912, and initially medals were awarded only to men. Since 1996, women have also participated in this type of competition.


To hit the target using firearms and air gun. This sport has been included in the Olympics since 1896. Both men and women compete. Today, shooting is divided into bullet and clay pigeon shooting. The first is made from firearms (distance 25 and 50 meters) and pneumatic (10 meters) weapons. Men take 60 shots, women - 40. There are also different positions: lying down, standing and kneeling. Competitions take place at open shooting ranges. Smooth-bore weapons are used to hit flying targets-plates. Competitions include round, trench and double trap.


Two types of weapons are used - a compound bow and an Olympic bow. Competitors hit stationary targets from a distance of 70 meters. For the first time, this sport was included in the Olympic Games. Both men and women take part in the competition, and team and individual shooting are also provided.


Today, tennis and table tennis are included in the Olympics. The first debuted in 1896, then was excluded, and since 1988, by decision of the IOC, it was again included in the lists of Olympic sports. Table tennis Its roots go back to the 19th century, but it only made it to the Olympics in 1988. Men and women take part in the competition. The one who scores the most points wins the match. The competition consists of seven games, each of which is scored up to 11 points.


This is one of the most difficult types of competitions. It includes swimming, cycling and running. The courses are the same for men and women, and all races take place on the same day. Women start earlier than men: when running - 30 minutes, when cycling - 60 minutes, when swimming - 20 minutes.


Another young (since 2000), but progressive sport included in the Olympics. During the competition, not only the ability to lead is assessed contact fight, but also breaking objects with your hand and foot while jumping. Participants' limbs and heads are protected. During sparring, low blows are prohibited. The winner is the participant who scores more points in technical techniques.


In 1896 list power types sport was replenished with weightlifting. The essence of the competition is lifting weights. The snatch and clean and jerk are the basics of lifting a barbell. Each participant has the right to three attempts. Weightlifting is part of the double event. Since 2000, women have also taken part in the competition. There are 8 weight categories for men and 7 for women.


Fencing is exclusively an individual sport. Included in the Olympics since 1924. Women and men compete. The weapon for the competition can be the fight itself is held on a track 2 meters wide and 14 meters long, made of electrically conductive material. Points are scored as follows:

  • A saber is a thrust and a blow, since it is not only a piercing weapon, but also a cutting weapon.
  • Rapier - injections made to any point of the body except the back of the head.
  • A sword is any thrust given.

During epee fencing, simultaneous thrusts are counted. And when using a rapier - only those inflicted during an attack.


What makes men happy about the Olympics? Football is, perhaps, exactly the kind of game that makes millions of the stronger sex gather in front of the screens. In 1996 it was added and women's football. At the very beginning of the development of the Olympic Games professional clubs was prohibited from participating in competitions. At the dawn of the 20th century, leading football team was the British team. It was she who took prizes at several Games in a row. The England amateur team represented Great Britain. Its composition, oddly enough, included professional football players. The year 1932 was marked by the fact that football was excluded from the list of Olympic sports. There were two reasons for this. First of all, it was believed that football was of no interest to residents of the United States (and the 1932 Olympics were planned there). Secondly, the FIFA federation did not want this promising sport to be in the shadow of such a world-famous event as the Olympics.

Football was restored to the list in 1936. Due to the fact that athletes quickly reached high professional level, FIFA allowed professional players to participate in the Olympics. Only those who did not take part in the world championships were banned. In 1992, age restrictions were introduced: a team should not have more than 3 players whose age exceeds 23 years.

Field hockey

It is a hybrid of football and hockey. The competition involves 2 teams of 16 people. The game consists of two halves of 35 minutes with a break between them of 10 minutes. Until 1980, only men took part in the competition, but now there are also women's teams.

The list of Summer Olympic Games includes 41 disciplines in 28 sports.


This is a sport in which athletes compete by performing various extreme stunts on special bicycles. The following disciplines exist:

  1. Racing - races that are distinguished by their entertainment. No more than 8 athletes can take part in each race. The track consists of an embankment with turns, jumps, waves and other obstacles.
  2. Flatland - tricks are performed on a flat surface.
  3. Vert - stunts are performed on a steep ramp.
  4. Dirt - participants perform extreme stunts on a special track with quite significant hills.
  5. Street - competitions take place on a special site, equipped to resemble a regular street, with all the attendant obstacles in the form of curbs, stairs, railings and other things.


Competitions taking place on the water. They differ in the number of athletes in teams:

  1. One athlete.
  2. Two athletes.
  3. Four athletes.
  4. Eight athletes.

There is also a difference in the type of rowing: using one or two oars.


In this sport, 5 sets of Olympic medals are played in the following types:

  1. Single among men.
  2. Men's doubles.
  3. Singles among women.
  4. Women's doubles.
  5. Mixed couples.


During the game, 5 players from each team participate on the field. The goal of each athlete is to hit the basket more times than the opponent. Both men's and women's teams participate in the main Olympics in the world.


Boxers took part in the games for the first time in 1902. Female athletes were able to compete for the first time only in 2012. In total, 13 Olympic medals apply to this sport. Athletes are divided into categories by weight. There are 3 categories for female athletes, while men are divided into 10.

Cycling track race

There are 10 disciplines in total:

  1. The Australian Pursuit is a competition where competitors must start from different places on the track at the same time. Those who are overtaken during the race are eliminated from the track. The winner is the one who remains last on the cycle track.
  2. Git is an individual type of competition, the meaning of which is extremely quick overcoming track.
  3. The points race is also an individual event. The length of the track for men is 40 km, and for women - 25 km. Every 10 laps, the first one gets 5 points, the second - 3, the third - 2, the fourth - 1. The winner is the one who scored maximum quantity points based on the results of the entire distance.
  4. A race with an unknown finish - its peculiarity is that the athletes do not know what the distance will be. The final round is announced by an authorized person only during the competition.
  5. Pursuit race - cyclists must start from different sides cycling track. The goal of the competition is to show the fastest time or overtake your opponent.
  6. Keirin is a race in which athletes are required to cover a certain distance at a given speed. And then just speed up and perform the final sprint.
  7. Madison is a group race of two or three athletes per team.
  8. Omnimum is one discipline that immediately includes 6 other track cycling disciplines.
  9. Scratch is a race of 15 km for men and 10 km for women. If an athlete is one lap behind the others, he is eliminated from the race. The winner is the one who came to the finish line as a leader or overtook all competitors by a lap.
  10. A sprint is a short race. The competition takes place over just a few laps.

Water polo

Athletes in the men's category first took part in 1900 and have competed at every Olympic Games since then. Women made their debut only in 2000 in Sydney.


The athletes made their volleyball debut at the games in 1964. Both men's and women's teams took part immediately. Beach view appeared in 1992 as a demonstration option and remained on the list in subsequent years.

Freestyle wrestling

Participants first appeared at the Olympic Games in 1906. But then all the athletes were US citizens. This was due to the fact that no one except them knew about this type of competition.


This sport is also called training. And this is one of 4 competitions, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the abilities of the horse and rider. Only listed horse breeds can participate in dressage. Grades are given based on a whole set of criteria.


This group sport is considered similar to football. The difference in the game is that the ball must be thrown into the goal using your hands. Handball was first listed in 1936. There are both men's and women's teams.


The men's Olympic event, introduced in 1900. But after the 1904 Olympics, golf was excluded from the list. It was brought back only in 2016.

mountain bike

An extreme discipline included in the list at 29 Olympic Games. There are 10 types of main bike competition in total:

  1. Straight.
  2. Bike trial.
  3. Parallel slalom.
  4. Dirt jumping.
  5. Freeride.
  6. Slopestyle.
  7. Uphill.
  8. Cross country.
  9. North Shore.
  10. Downhill.

Kayaking and canoeing

Rowing appeared on Olympic competitions in 1865. The first demonstration race was carried out in 1924, but the sport was added to the list only in 1936.

Rowing slalom

This is a competition for extreme sports enthusiasts. Its appearance as an independent species is dated September 11, 1932. Inclusion in the list of Olympic Games occurred in 1972.

Greco-Roman wrestling

One of the oldest disciplines at the Olympic Games. Added Greco-Roman wrestling was included in the list back in 704 BC.


This discipline first appeared at a competition in Tokyo in 1964. The Games in Mexico City in 1968 are the only time when judokas did not come to the Olympics. Women first appeared at the main competitions in 1992.

Show jumping

A type of competition where a horse and rider take part. The point is to overcome obstacles. Show jumping was added to the Summer Olympics in 1900.

Equestrian eventing

It consists of three disciplines: obstacle passing, dressage riding and cross-country. The debut of this sport at the Olympic Games dates back to 1912.


This is the queen of sports. At the Olympics, as many as 47 sets of awards are awarded. Athletics included in the list of modern Olympic Games in 1896. It includes not only various types running, but also walking, long and high jumps, all-around, cross-country and other technical events.

Table tennis

It was introduced into the list of games in 1988. During the Olympics, 4 sets of awards are awarded.


Application sailing the list of Olympic Games was dated 1900. Initially there were mixed teams. There are currently 10 sets of awards up for grabs: 1 for mixed, 4 for women and 5 for men.


It first appeared as a games discipline in Athens in 1896. During the competition, 34 sets of medals are awarded.


It was first included in the program in 1904. The essence of the competition is technically correct execution acrobatic tricks after a springboard jump. In addition, judges evaluate the smoothness of entry into the water.

Jumping on a trampoline

It wasn't until the 2000 Games in Sydney that trampolining became an official Olympic sport.


Rugby appeared in competitions in Paris in 1900. It is interesting that until 1924 only 3 teams took part, which later all became prize-winners. After the 1924 games, rugby was dropped and only appeared in 2016.

Synchronized swimming

This discipline first appeared in 1984. Synchronized swimming as a form of the Olympic Games has one peculiarity. Only women are officially allowed to participate. Although international competitions have categories for both women and men.

Modern pentathlon

It was first included in 1912. Women's discipline appeared only in 2000. This is an individual competition that includes shooting and running (they have been combined since 2009), fencing, show jumping and swimming.

Artistic gymnastics

Currently, 14 sets of medals are being played out. Among men, this discipline appeared in the modern Olympic Games in 1896. Women began to take part in 1928.

Sports shooting

Appeared at the first modern Olympic Games in Athens. Until 1968, only men could take part. And since 1984, a division was made into men's and women's competitions in some disciplines. In 1996, the remaining disciplines were also divided. 15 sets of medals are awarded in the competition.


Archery officially became an Olympic discipline in 1900. But until 1972 it was considered optional.


The sport appeared at the first modern Olympic Games in Athens. After 1924, tennis was canceled and only reintroduced in 1988.


This is an individual sport consisting of a gradual passage of three stages:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Cycling race.

Triathlon as a full-fledged discipline was first included in the Summer Olympic Games in 2000.


Taekwondo came to the Olympic Games from Korea. Its peculiarity lies in allowing the use of legs for throws and strikes at the enemy. Both male and female athletes are officially admitted. As part of the demonstration, taekwondo athletes made their Olympic debut in 1988. But athletes were officially admitted only in Sydney in 2000. There are 8 sets of awards in total, dividing athletes by weight and gender.


The sport has been listed since the first Summer Olympics of the modern era. Men later did not compete in the 1900, 1908 and 1912 Olympics. Women have been able to compete for medals only since 2000. Among male athletes, 8 sets of awards are played out, and among women, 7. The division occurs into categories depending on the weight of the participants.


Fighting with bladed weapons appeared at the first games in Athens. The appearance of women at the Olympics dates back to 1924. A total of 10 awards are up for grabs. 5 sets each for men and women. The Olympic Games include the following fencing categories:

  1. Sword.
  2. Saber among women's teams.
  3. Rapier.
  4. Rapier among men's teams.
  5. Saber
  6. Epee among mixed teams.


For the first time this sport, which can now be confidently called one of the most popular in the world, started at the Olympic Games in France in 1900. Then football was present at all Olympics except 1932. Since 1996, a separate category of football has appeared - women's. Previously, only men's teams could compete.

Field hockey

This sport differs from regular hockey in many ways: the presence of grass instead of ice, the lack of equipment, the replacement of the puck with a hard ball. The first summer variation of hockey appeared at the Olympic Games in 1908. At that time, only men could take part. Women's teams were present in Moscow for the first time in 1980.

Rhythmic gymnastics

This elegant and purely female competition appeared in the competition in 1984. Awards are awarded in the all-around category in both individual and group play. Female athletes perform, as a rule, using one or two objects. Previously, it was allowed to perform dance and acrobatic stunts without additional objects. But now this type of performance is practically not observed at the Olympic Games.

Road cycling

Cyclists of this discipline first appeared at the 1896 Olympic Games. Women were able to take part only in 1984. In total, 2 sets of awards are awarded for men and women. Races are divided into group and separate.

The entire organization and solution of problems related to the holding of the Olympic Games is handled by the IOC - the International Olympic Committee, located in the city of Zurich. It is on this organization that the possibility of getting a new sport into the list of the Olympic Games largely depends. It is the IOC that must analyze all the criteria and make its verdict. For a sport to be included on the list, it must meet the following conditions:

  1. The presence of an International Sports Federation for this sport recognized by the Olympic Committee.
  2. The said federation must recognize and comply with the World Anti-Doping Code.
  3. The Olympic Charter must be recognized and constantly implemented by the sports federation.
  4. The sport requested for inclusion must host competitions at various levels, including world ones.
  5. The sport must be popular.

One of the following organizations may request a contribution:

  1. International sports federation for the requested sport.
  2. National sports federation, only through an international level federation.

In addition, it takes into account additional factors. For example, popularity among young people, entertainment, commercial component and more.

What sports are included in the Winter Olympic Games

The Winter Olympic Games include 15 disciplines. In total, competitions are held in 7 sports.


This sport consists of a combination of both cross-country skiing and precision gun shooting. In addition to skis and poles, additional equipment includes small caliber rifle. Biathlon first appeared at the Winter Olympics in 1924. But this type of competition began to be present at the Olympics on an ongoing basis only in 1992. A total of 10 sets of awards are awarded in the following types:

  1. Individual race.
  2. Sprint.
  3. Mass start.
  4. Pursuit.
  5. Relay.

Both women and men take part in biathlon.


The descent on a special sled (bobs) along an ice chute first appeared at the Olympics in 1924. And since then, bobsleigh competitions have been held at every Winter Olympic Games. The only exception was in 1960. Women's teams appeared at the games only in Salt Lake City in 2002. There are the following types of competitions in which Olympic awards are awarded:

  1. Women's twos.
  2. Men's doubles.
  3. Men's fours.

In 1928, a competition between men's teams consisting of 5 athletes was also included.

Alpine skiing

Alpine skiing made its debut only at the 4 Winter Olympic Games in 1936. What was remarkable that year was not only the appearance of this discipline, but also the fact that both male and female athletes immediately became participants. This happens quite rarely at the Olympic Games.

Alpine skiing includes 5 types:

  1. Downhill.
  2. Supergiant.
  3. Slalom.
  4. Ski combination.
  5. Giant slalom.

It is also worth noting that in the period 1948-1980. Athletes participating in the Winter Olympics were simultaneously considered participants in the World Championships. As a result, the champions received two awards at once.


There were demonstration competitions in curling at the Olympic Games in 1924. But the first medals were received only in 1998. But in 2006, the IOC decided that curling was to be considered a full game in the 1924 Olympics. As a result, the first Olympic champions By this species representatives of Great Britain and Ireland became representatives of sports.


Speed ​​skating has become an official Olympic sport since 1924. Competitions among women at the Olympics appeared only in 1960. At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in speed skating, 14 sets of awards are awarded in the following 7 events:

  • 500 m;
  • 1000 m;
  • 1500 m;
  • 5000 m;
  • 10000m;
  • Team Pursuit;
  • Mass start.

Nordic combined

Nordic combined is also commonly called the Nordic combination. The competition consists of a combination of skiing and ski jumping. This type of competition has been an Olympic event since 1924. Nordic combined is the only type of competition at the Winter Olympic Games where women do not participate.

Ski racing

Ski racing became an Olympic sport from the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix. Women began to take part in 1952. A total of 6 sets of medals are played out for men and women in the following events:

  1. Relay.
  2. Time trial competition.
  3. Mass start.
  4. Pursuit race.
  5. Sprint.

Ski jumping

This discipline skiing became Olympic from the very first games in 1924. Until 1956, acceleration was carried out from a distance of about 70 m. At that time, ski jumping at this distance was classified as “large”. In 1960, they used a springboard with a length of 80 m. And at the 1964 games, 2 sets of medals were played for the first time.

For quite a long time, only men could participate in jumping at the Olympic Games. Women received admission for the first time only in 2014.


For the first time luge appeared at the Olympic Games in 1964. For 50 years, no changes were made to the program. But at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, another event was added - the team relay. Its meaning is for men, women and couples representing one country to start one after another. A total of 4 sets of Olympic medals are up for grabs.


Debuted downhill on a special sled at the Winter Olympics in 1924. The next time athletes were able to represent their countries was in 1948. And after that only at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. In the same year, women made their debut at the Olympics.


For the first time, snowboard athletes took part in the Winter Olympic Games in 1998. The list of competition types has changed several times. The presence of the highpipe has always remained constant. In 1998, the only time there was a giant slalom competition. In the following years it was replaced by parallel giant slalom. Since 2006, athletes have taken part in the boardercross discipline. And since 2014, the disciplines of slopestyle and parallel slalom were introduced. Both men and women compete separately.

Figure skating

For the first time, figure skating was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games in 1908. They took place in October. The next time figure skaters also took part in the Summer Olympic Games was in 1920. Then, in 1924, with the advent of the first Winter Olympic Games of our time, figure skaters began to take part in every Olympics. Due to the high popularity, the IOC introduced special quotas for participants:

  • 24 dance couples.
  • 30 men's singles.
  • 30 women's singles.
  • 20 sports pairs.

Most places are determined by World Championship results.

In total, 5 sets of awards are awarded during the Olympic Games.


This is another type of skiing. It made its debut at the Olympic Games in 1988. The discipline was officially introduced at the 1992 Winter Olympics. Athletes take part in the following disciplines:

  1. Male and female moguls.
  2. Men's and women's acrobatics.
  3. Men's and women's ski cross.
  4. Men's and women's highpipe.
  5. Men's and women's slopestyle

Ice hockey

Hockey became an Olympic sport in 1920 at the Summer Olympics. After 4 years, this sport began to be included in the disciplines of the winter games. Women's teams were able to take part only in 1998.

It is worth noting that in the period 1920-1968. As part of the Olympic Games, a world championship was held between teams.

Short track

Short track speed skating made its debut as a demonstration competition at the Winter Olympics in 1988. The athletes competed as a full-fledged competition at the next Winter Olympics. This discipline speed skating was so named because of the length of the circuit. It is only 111.12 meters. Among men and women, medals are awarded in the following types of short track speed skating:

  1. 3000 m relay
  2. 500 m.
  3. 1000 m.
  4. 1500 m.

The IOC sets the program for the Olympic Games, which includes only Olympic sports.

A mandatory condition, without which a sport cannot be recognized as an Olympic sport, is the presence of an International Sports Federation that manages and develops this sport worldwide.

In order to be included in the Olympic Games program, an Olympic sport must meet the following criteria:

1. Only sports that are widespread in at least 75 countries can be included in the program of the Olympic Games. four continents, for men, and in no less than 40 countries on three continents - for women.

2.Only sports that are widespread in at least 25 countries on three continents can be included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games.

3. Sports are included in the program of the Olympic Games no less than seven years before the relevant Olympic Games, after which no changes are allowed.


1. To be included in the program of the Olympic Games, a discipline that is a branch Olympic event sport and including one or more types of competitions, must have strong international recognition.

2. The criteria for inclusion of disciplines are similar to the criteria for inclusion of Olympic sports.

3. The discipline is included in the program at least seven years before the start of the specific Olympic Games, and after that no changes are allowed.

Types of competitions

1. A type of competition that is a competition within an Olympic event or one of its disciplines and leads to the distribution of places among participants. Ends with the presentation of medals and diplomas.

2. To be included in the program of the Olympic Games, types of competitions must have a strong international status, both in the number of countries and in geographical distribution, and also be included at least twice in the programs of world or continental championships.

3. The program of the Olympic Games may include only competitions for men that are common in at least 50 countries and on three continents, and for women – in at least 35 countries and on three continents.

4. Types of competitions are included in the program four years before the next Olympic Games and after that no changes are permitted in relation to these Games.

9. Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympic Games, which began in 1924, do not have such a classical past and such long traditions as summer games. Winter views sports, as we have already mentioned, appeared in 1908 in the program of the Summer Olympics. Their harbinger was figure skating. Following this, in 1920, at the Games of the VII Olympiad (Antwerp, Belgium), in addition to figure skating, the program featured the premiere of modern hockey, cultivated by Canadians. Under pressure from fans of winter sports, the International Olympic Committee in 1920 encouraged the French to organize the First Winter Sports Week in the next Olympic year. The only stipulation was that the results could not be accepted as official Olympic results.

I Winter sports week was held in Chamonix (France), where the northerners who were in opposition came in full force. Influenced by the unexpectedly great success, the Prague Olympic Congress in 1925 called for regular holding of the Winter Games. They were included in the Olympic program. Moreover, the events in Chamonix were subsequently given the official rank of the Olympic Games.

The 1st Winter Games, which started as a Sports Week, were held in accordance with Olympic formalities. The Olympic flame was lit and the participants took the Olympic oath. The games were in the nature of “home” competitions for Scandinavian athletes. Having demonstrated the so-called aerodynamic style, Norwegian ski jumpers ushered in a new era. The Norwegian “king of skiing” Thorleif Haug won three gold and one bronze medals. He became the first winner of the Winter Olympics to have a monument erected during his lifetime. Norwegian Sonja Henie, the heroine of subsequent Winter Olympics, performed here for the first time.

At the First Winter Olympic Games, 293 athletes (including 13 women) competed in 14 program numbers in 5 sports. Demonstration competitions took place in curling and cross-country skiing for military patrols.

In the unofficial team competition, the Norwegian team was in 1st place, Finland in 2nd place and Austria in 3rd place.

The Winter Olympic Games constitute a separate cycle, which includes competitions in winter sports.

Beginning in 1924, they were numbered in the order in which they were held and were held in the same calendar year as the summer ones. However, the XVII Winter Olympic Games took place in 1994, as the IOC decided to hold them separately. (table z.o.i.)

Sports that take place on snow and ice are treated as winter sports.

The term "Olympics" is not used in connection with the Winter Olympic Games.

The medals and diplomas are different from those awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games.

The Winter Games are held in accordance with the rules of the Olympic Games, with the exception of some special changes.

For the first time on winter games athletes from our country took part in 1956 in Cortina d’Ampezzo (Italy).

Speed ​​skaters Evgeny Grishin, Yuri Mikhailov, and Boris Shilkov became Olympic champions. Gold medal in ski race at 10 km. Lyubov Kozyreva won, and the men's team won the 4x10km relay race. The national ice hockey team also became Olympic champions.