Hoop for Pilates kettler exercises. Isotonic ring in Pilates and strength training

Isotonic ring- one of the simulators in the small equipment category most often used in Pilates training. This ring can be of different diameters: from 35 to 38 centimeters. It is based on a metal rod of a certain elasticity, coated on the outside with flexible and soft plastic. There are double-sided handles mounted on the sides of the ring, allowing you to comfortably hold the ring in various positions from the outside and inside, not only with your hands, but also with your feet. The main working quality of a ring is its elasticity. By pressing or stretching it, we try to overcome the resistance of the rod.

Initially, the ring was created to “work out” problem areas: pectoral muscles, adductor and abductor muscles of the thigh. But the possibilities of its use are much wider, the creation of new exercises is limited only by the imagination of the trainer, and the types of training can be any: group classes or personal training, Pilates classes, strength or functional training.

The isotonic ring is an excellent exercise machine for home use. Very inexpensive, takes up minimal space - you can even take it with you on vacation.

Isotonic ring in Pilates

If the ring is used in Pilates training, then the principles of Pilates must be followed, namely:

Concentration - constant awareness of what is happening in the body, concentration on every movement.

Centering - creating a force belt in an area abdominals by retracting the abdomen. The difficulty is that when squeezing or unclenching the ring, it is quite difficult to simultaneously maintain a retracted abdomen and not use straining. Straining causes significantly greater involvement in stabilization lumbar region spine abdominal muscles (rectus and oblique abdominal muscles), which reduce priority participation transverse muscle belly. And this is an undesirable effect in Pilates exercises.

Breathing - using specific chest breathing without delay: inhaling through the nose for 5 or more seconds (without moving the shoulders upward), exhaling through a relaxed mouth and lips for the same time as inhalation. Avoid straining caused by significant muscle tension when squeezing/unclamping the ring, leading to a stop in the respiratory cycle.

Control is the subordination of muscle activity to your will.

Accuracy - performing a motor action in accordance with specific technical characteristics. The ring often distracts from monitoring the accuracy of the actions performed by those parts of the body that do not interact with the ring.

Smoothness - performing movements slowly and continuously.

Isolation is the awareness of the participation of certain muscles in an exercise and the selection of the weakest link for preferential impact on it. The ring allows you to more locally and selectively influence muscle groups, giving greater strength to Pilates exercises. Especially on such as the pectoral muscles, the muscles of the inner thigh.

Isotonic ring in strength training

The ring is also a great trainer for strength training. If your task is to develop strength qualities, then the only difference will be that it is not necessary to adhere to breathing control and choose starting positions that are difficult to stabilize the lumbar spine. It is unlikely to use the ring to target fast-twitch muscle fibers due to insufficient elasticity (unless in poorly trained individuals). However, for slow muscle fibers an isotonic ring is simply irreplaceable. The very name “isotonic” already suggests the use of a ring in isotonic strength training, in which isotonic, statodynamic and static exercises are used, i.e. those in which there is no muscle relaxation phase.

Ways to use the isotonic ring

Whether you use the ring in Pilates, strength training or functional training, variations in its use can be divided into 4 main types.

Ring as resistance- resist the elasticity of the ring by pressing or unclenching it.

Exercise example 1: dynamic contraction of the pectoral muscles and latissimus dorsi while standing on one leg, the other to the side. Additional load falls on medium and small gluteal muscles both halves of the body and the lower leg muscles of the supporting leg.

For Pilates, the most important thing is not so much the load on the chest and latissimus muscles, created by the pressure of the hand on the ring, as much as maintaining balance with a correctly “exposed” stabilized body. The forceful impact of the hand on the ring makes it difficult to maintain balance and correct posture. How stronger hand compresses the ring, the more difficult it is to maintain the correct position.

Ring as a burden- despite the relatively small weight of the ring itself, it can be very effectively used as a weight. You can create a significant load on the working muscle group, changing the leverage of the external load force.

Example exercise 2: static contraction of the abdominal muscles using leg movements. In this example, the exercise itself is aimed primarily at the abdominal muscles. By holding the ring with straight arms behind your head, we increase the leverage of external force, and therefore the load on the abdominal muscles.


    1. Lying on your back, bent legs pelvis-width apart, hips perpendicular to the body, shins parallel to the floor, upper body (chest) raised due to flexion of the spine, straight arms above and behind the head, ring in hands

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    2. Exhaling and maintaining the position of the arms relative to the body, straighten right leg forward and down, straightening the hip and knee joints. Do not lower your foot lower iliac crest.

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    3. Inhaling, return the right leg to its original position.

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    4. Exhaling and maintaining the position of your arms relative to your body, straighten your left leg forward and down, straightening it at the hip and knee joints. At the same time, do not lower the foot below the iliac crest.

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    5. Inhaling, return the left leg to its original position.

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Additional stress falls on the hip flexor muscles.

Ring for easy execution- options in which the ring helps reduce the load on the agonist muscles, i.e. the main muscles that produce a specific movement.

Exercise example 3: dynamic contraction of the abdominal muscles. In this example, as you move your arms forward, the leverage of the force will decrease, which is facilitated not only by the weight of the arms themselves, but also by the weight of the ring, which will correspondingly reduce the load on the abdominal muscles.

Ring as a movable support and limiter while doing the exercise. The ring as a movable support allows you to additionally work on your balance.

Example exercise 4: dynamic contraction of the adductor muscles in a side-lying position. In this example left leg rests on a ring that stands vertically, has a limited support area and is very unstable. This body position is extremely difficult to maintain balance. The right leg is limited in the height of its lift (adduction) by the size of the ring.

Additional stress falls on the muscles that maintain body balance.

Ring as a limiter- good to use in those exercises where it will help maintain the given correct trajectory of movement.

Example of exercise: dynamic contraction of the rotator cuff muscles in a sitting position with legs crossed: seated spinal twists. In the proposed exercise, the rotation of the torso is often replaced by moving the arms back. By fixing the ring to the sternum, you can avoid moving your hands when turning, i.e. the ring seems to fix the position of the hands.


    1. Sitting legs crossed right in front, arms slightly bent in elbow joints, grab the ring and hold it against the chest parallel to the floor.

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A huge advantage of this type of fitness as Pilates is that it is universal. Pilates will effectively and safely help you get rid of back pain, joint pain, and lose weight. overweight and just bring yourself into great shape.

Pilates ring exercises: video training

If you use various other objects and equipment in this type of fitness, this will only expand the technique. Pilates ring is a very interesting and useful projectile. It is very soft and very easy to bend. But at the same time, the ring is rigid so that you can train your muscles well. Another advantage of this ring is that it does not slip.

It is very convenient for you to take it, and there are special handles on the ring. These rings are very compact. It does not require a lot of space, so you can store it at home, take it with you on vacation, to the fitness center, and so on.

How to choose and buy a quality Pilates ring

Buy Pilates ring It won’t be difficult, they are sold in any online store sporting goods. In addition, such rings can be purchased at reasonable prices.

  • Such rings are in great demand among women, because with the help of a ring you can very quickly tone and tighten muscles, without increasing volume. with a Pilates ring will help make your workouts more challenging and more effective.

Choosing the Best Pilates Ring

Very effective Pilates squats with ring video. You can not only hold such a ring between your legs, but also in your hands. When doing squats, you will have everything going on your legs and your glutes. You should keep your back straight during squats.

The Pilates ring is an excellent exercise machine. If used correctly, you can create many new exercises.

Using a Pilates Ring for Home Exercises

If you purchase some other accessories for Pilates, you can come up with an endless number of different exercises.

You can do Pilates both at home and in fitness clubs. Having a ring at home, the Internet - where there are video tutorials, achieve excellent result very easy. The main thing is to have the desire and free time.

Pilates workouts at home with a ring

If you understand that you can’t handle it on your own if you exercise at home, fitness clubs are always open for you. In such clubs you can study both individually and in groups. It all depends on your preference and your budget.

Exercise options with Pilates ring

The Pilates Isotonic Ring is gym at your home. This full workout for the whole body at a time convenient for you. Use the machine regularly and short time You will strengthen almost all the muscles of the body, lose extra pounds, you will find slim figure. The exercise machine is equipped with comfortable grips for legs and arms.

The Pilates ring works on an isotonic principle, which allows you to:
- concentrate on training a specific muscle of the body without increasing its volume;
- effectively train all problem areas of the female body: outer and inner thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms and chest;
- increase flexibility and improve coordination of movements.

During exercise, you do not need to squeeze the ring too hard; light compression is enough to load the muscle.
Do not forget to breathe correctly during exercise: do not hold your breath while performing the exercise, watch its rhythm.
Try to perform all exercises as slowly as possible, fixing the position at the extreme point each time.

Pilates ring exercise options:
Exercises for chest muscles:
1. Place your palms on the handles of the machine and lift it above your head. Elbows should be slightly apart. Squeeze the handles of the exercise machine and slowly release them. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your elbows to the sides, holding the ring in front of you at chest level. As you exhale, squeeze the ring, then slowly release it. Keep your back straight at all times. Repeat 7-10 times.

Triceps exercise
1. Grasp the ring from behind with both hands, keeping your back straight. Squeeze the handles of the exercise machine and slowly release them. Repeat 5-7 times.

Exercise for biceps.

Place the machine on your side with one hand and wrap your hand tightly around the other handle. Squeeze the ring and release it slowly. Repeat 5-7 times and do the same with the other hand.

Ab exercise
Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place the ring between your knees. Stretch forward towards your knees, squeezing the ring. Repeat 10 times.

Exercises for the buttocks
1. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and place the ring between your knees. Without moving your knees, squeeze the ring. Repeat 10 times.
2. While standing, place the ring between your knees. Keeping your back straight, squat down, squeeze the ring, and pull your arms slightly forward. Repeat 10 times.

Exercises for hips
1. Lie on your right side with your right leg inside the ring and your left leg on top of it. Tightening the muscles of your buttocks, squeeze the ring. Repeat 10 times and do the same while lying on the other side.
2. Lie down with your elbows on your hands and place the ring between your knees. As you exhale, squeeze the ring. Repeat 10 times.
3. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward and resting on your hands. Place one leg inside the ring, the other on top of the ring. Squeeze the ring down. Repeat 10 times.

Contents of the article:

Pilates has a large number advantages and among them versatility should be highlighted. It is an effective and completely safe system physical exercise, which can be used by everyone without restrictions. At the same time, you can work not only with own weight body, but also with various devices. Today you have the opportunity to get acquainted with Pilates ring exercises. This device can be called one of the most effective.

Pilates ring - what is it?

This sports equipment is often called an isotonic ring. It is made of elastic materials that are soft enough to bend. At the same time, the projectile also has decent rigidity, and thanks to this, the muscles are perfectly worked out.

To reduce slipping, the projectile is coated with a special material. Also, for more comfortable work with the ring, the projectile is equipped with two handles. Handles may differ in their design, and you have the right to choose the one that suits you best. This will not affect the effectiveness of the training in any way.

Most often, the diameter of the ring is 35 or 38 centimeters, and this allows you to effectively work not only with crayfish, but also with your legs. Although there is a recommendation to use 35-centimeter shells for girls, and the second type for men, respectively, such a gradation is arbitrary. It should also be noted that the Pilates ring is compact, and you can perform exercises with this equipment even while traveling, taking the ring with you.

How to work with a Pilates ring correctly?

There are a huge number of exercises that use the ring. You can work with it in both tension and compression. You can rest it against the ground or a wall, hold it in your hands, and also squeeze it knee joints and ankles.

Using this sports equipment in your exercises, you get the opportunity to work your muscles more effectively. The ring also helps to increase the load on targeted muscles, e.g. inner surface hips, which for many girls is a very problem area. With the help of a Pilates ring, women can improve their figure in a short time without building muscle.

A set of exercises with a Pilates ring

Created large number exercises performed with this sports equipment. Today we invite you to study the complex, which includes simple and effective exercises with Pilates ring. You need to master the principles of working with a projectile and after that you will be able to create new movements that are most useful to you:
  • 1 movement. Take a basic Pilates stance with your feet level shoulder joints, abdominal muscles are tense, shoulders are slumped. Take the projectile in your hands in front of you and, exhaling air, begin to squeeze the ring. At the point of maximum compression of the projectile, it is necessary to take a short pause, and then release the ring, while simultaneously inhaling air. You can hold the projectile not only in front of you, but also above your head or behind your back. The movement should be performed from 5 to 15 times. This great exercise for the muscles of the arms, back and chest.
  • 2nd movement. Take a lying position on your back, bending your knee joints and spreading them apart. The sports equipment must be pressed between the knee joints, feeling the tension in the muscles. Inhaling air, begin to slowly lift your body, leaning on your shoulders. At the top end position of the trajectory, your hips and chest should form a straight line. There are also two more variations of this movement. One of them involves lifting the body and arms, and the other involves twisting the spinal column forward.
  • 3 movement. Take a position lying on your side, holding the projectile between your ankles. Begin to lift your upper leg, while overcoming the resistance of the sports equipment. We have already said that there are a lot of exercises using the Pilates ring. So, let's say, ring squats are very effective. You can hold the projectile between your knees or hands. During squats, make sure that the knee joints do not extend beyond the level of the toes, and that the pelvis is pulled back.
You can use the Pilates ring even while watching TV by squeezing it with your knees, thighs or ankles. This is a universal projectile and when you master the technique of using it, you will be able to create new movements yourself. It is thanks to its high versatility and effectiveness that Pilates is very popular and the number of fans of this system is increasing every day.

Check out a set of Pilates ring exercises in this video.

If you have a Pilates ring, the exercises offered by experienced fitness trainers will help bring your body into perfect shape in a short time. The main condition is regularity and high-quality execution.

What are we dealing with?

Pilates is sports exercises, which combine breathing exercises, the power of thought and physical training. Only concentration of the mind and its connection with the body can lead to visible results.

The Pilates ring (also known as the isotonic ring) is an inexpensive modern exercise machine that can be used to change your body. Knowing exercises for certain muscles, girls say goodbye to their problem areas. After all, a beautiful silhouette is the key to success among men, a guarantee of increased self-esteem and a reason for the envy of friends.

The uniqueness of the simulator is that it can be used by men and women of different ages without harm to health. It gently trains the muscles and tones them. But sports trainers It is recommended to use the ring as an addition to other physical activities.

The standard size of a Pilates ring is 38 cm. Thanks to special grips, it is easy to hold and position in different shapes for exercises. Manufacturers of equipment choose plastic as the material for manufacturing. It is characterized by strength and lightness.

The advantage of the simulator is also its compactness and affordable cost. After exercise fat mass burns out, but the muscles do not build up, excluding excess volume.

Leg exercises with Pilates ring

About the beautiful slender legs every girl dreams. To develop endurance and physical strength, you need to pay special attention to the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and calves. In this case, a Pilates ring is an ideal solution, since it does not build muscles, but strengthens them and stimulates them to perform prolonged exercise. Losing weight is a nice bonus.

The Ring Plie exercise is aimed at strengthening the buttocks and inner thighs. To perform it, you need to get into a Pilates position, pull in your stomach and fix the center of your body. The ring is installed slightly above the knees between the legs. The elbows are spread to the sides, and the top of the head is extended towards the ceiling. You need to hold the ring in the starting position, but at the same time squat. Make sure your lower back doesn't sag. To complicate the exercise and give the body additional load, perform spring squats several times.

You can experiment with a combination of exercises. For example, you can simultaneously work on your legs, buttocks and abs. The muscles are tensed and desired result. The body becomes fit and healthy. You can combine positions: standing, sitting, lying down.

Advice! You can independently develop a set of exercises with a Pilates ring for yourself in order to most effectively target problem areas.

Exercises for the back and strengthening the spine

If your back often hurts after office work or vice versa, you work hard, putting stress on your back, it needs to be relaxed and strengthened. The functioning of the body as a whole depends on the condition of the spine. There are special exercises for these areas of the body, which are performed using a Pilates ring.

You can develop mobility of the spine by lying on your back with your arms extended along your body. The ring is placed slightly above the knees and squeezed slowly. The stomach must be pulled in, fixing the center of the body. The buttocks slowly lift off the floor as you exhale. As you arch, feel each vertebra and slowly lower yourself down. In this case, the shoulder blades should not come off the floor, and the main support should be the heels.

You can strengthen the center of your body, relax your shoulders and improve your back health by starting position standing. The legs are placed in the Pilates position. The stomach needs to be pulled in and, fixing the center of the body, pull the top of the head towards the ceiling. The ring is placed on the right thigh so that you can hold the ring with the heel of your palm, turning your elbow to the side. You need to squeeze the exercise machine as you inhale, bringing it as close to your thigh as possible. As you exhale, the pressure is released. It is not advisable to deviate to the side. Watch your breathing and keep your back straight.

Complex for beautiful abs and slim waist

To see the effect of using a Pilates ring, you need to do abdominal exercises daily. Then after three weeks you will notice visible result. In addition to regularity, it is important to breathe correctly. At the end of the article you will find video material that will help you use the simulator correctly.

Holding a Pilates ring in a lying position between your knees will lift your upper back. In this case, the arms are located along the body. This method can be called weighting the press. During the lesson, your torso needs to stay in highest point and freeze.

From a lying position, when the ring is fixed between the knees, you need to perform 5-15 upward twists of the spine. At the same time, the body rises and the hands reach towards the knees. Looks like standard exercise press, but with a complication.

About the beautiful oblique abdominal muscles and perfect abs every girl dreams. To achieve the desired result, you need to perform a simple exercise.

You need to lie on the floor and secure the ring between your palm right hand And internal part left thigh. During exhalation, you should raise your pelvis and gradually raise your neck and shoulders. The elbow of the right hand should touch the left knee. Then from the starting position repeat the action in the opposite direction. 10-15 times is enough.

The stomach is perfectly tightened after exercises that are performed while lying on it. To do this, you need to stretch your arms in front of you, and, squeezing the ring, raise the top of your body. If you have a good physical training and the exercise seems too easy, also raise your legs synchronously. You can hold the ring between your ankles.

Advice!Pilates is good for women. It helps to develop perfect posture and gain a seductive figure shape. The ring speeds up the process and enhances the effect of exercise.

Hip correction

A woman's butt and thighs can drive a man crazy. But only toned and sculpted parts of the body really deserve attention. To get proper attention from the opposite sex, perform exercises with a Pilates ring. It's simple, cheap and doesn't take much time.

Fitness trainers identify three best exercises for hips and butt:

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs and spread them slightly wider than shoulder level. The arms are extended along the body, and the ring is clamped between the knees. The buttocks should be slowly raised as you inhale and lowered as you exhale. For better effect, repeat the exercise 5-15 times.
  • The inner thigh is perfectly tightened during exercises from the side-lying position. At correct technique, the ring is clamped between the ankles. Next, you need to try to, overcoming the resistance of the ring and the upper leg, lift the lower one. You can repeat the exercise up to 10 times for a visible effect, and then change your leg. If the exercise is easy, also raise your arm while lifting your body.
  • You can strengthen your pelvic and thigh muscles with simple exercise. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and place a Pilates ring between them. While inhaling, you need to raise top part back without using your hands, but only resting on your legs. To enhance positive effect, stretch the elbow of your right hand to your left knee and vice versa. Alternate the exercise 10-15 times.

To make your butt and thighs look seductive, do not forget about squats. But complicate your usual exercises with a Pilates ring. It can be held in your hands or between your knees. Impact immediately different groups muscles.

Advice! The Pilates ring can be used at a convenient time, without even leaving the TV. The main thing is to feel how the muscles tense during exercise.

How to use a Pilates ring to tighten your pecs?

Tightening the pectoral muscles is especially important among women who have breastfed a child. She loses her previous shape and becomes slightly saggy. Miracle remedies for breast enlargement are not suitable. Only sport will help correct the situation. With a Pilates ring, the exercises look like this:

  • Get into a classic Pilates stance. That is, tighten your abs, raise your arms to the level chest, spread your elbows to the sides and relax your shoulders as much as possible. At this time, the ring is squeezed between the hands. Squeeze it slowly and remain at the maximum point of tension for several seconds. As you inhale, you should release the exercise machine. 5-15 repetitions are enough.
  • Stand straight, tense your abs, raise your arms above your head. Try to keep your shoulders relaxed and slowly squeeze the ring. Repeat the exercise 5–15 times.
  • Stay in classic rack for Pilates with tense abs and relaxed shoulders. Feet shoulder width apart. The hands that squeeze the ring are placed behind the back and lowered down.
  • Effective strengthening of the center of the body, shoulders and chest comes from regular classes with Pilates ring. To perform the technique correctly, you need to stand straight, pull in your stomach and stretch the top of your head up. The legs are placed in the Pilates position. You need to hold the ring with the heels of your palms so that it is directly in front of your chest. In this case, the elbows are turned outward. During exhalation, you need to squeeze the ring as much as possible. It is enough to perform 5–8 times. The main thing is not to bend and make sure that your hands always remain at the same level.

Advice!During pregnancy, use a low resistance ring. You don't need to apply a lot of force, so you will remain in perfect condition. physical fitness even after childbirth.

By tightening your pectoral muscles, you also strengthen your spine's protection.