Tomato juice for weight loss: diets, secrets, tips. Tomato juice for weight loss - diet and fasting day, benefits of the drink and contraindications

Losing weight for health benefits is the dream of many women and girls, but for some reason it is generally accepted that diets cannot be healthy, and any restriction negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole. But the main thing is not just to stop eating, but to choose a nutritious diet in which you will not suffer from deficiencies of nutrients and vitamins. For example, if you use tomato, you can lose extra pounds without harm to the body.

Thus, a diet in which you need to drink a glass of multivitamin tomato juice several times a day is rich in vitamins and minerals. This drink contains microelements such as potassium, copper, calcium, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, vitamins A, E, C, B and PP. It is quite nutritious, but low in calories. In addition, it also contains serotonin, which is called This is why people who use tomato juice for weight loss do not worsen their mood during a diet, they do not become hungry and angry.

Of course, when losing weight using tomatoes, you must also consume other foods; you should drink juice only before meals and in between meals. Thus, it has already been established experimentally that drinking this drink with the same dietary intake contributes to more rapid loss weight.

With tomatoes it is possible to quickly effective weight loss in a week. Not only will you become about 5 kg lighter after such a diet, but you will also improve your appearance and well-being. So, a weekly diet involves drinking 1 liter of juice daily. In addition, during the day you can drink no more than 300 g of tea or coffee without sugar, and also eat in small quantities. For example, on a day you can eat some product indicated in one of the points:

150 g boiled potatoes;

0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;

1 kg of any fruit (only grapes and bananas are excluded);

500 g of lean chicken meat (you can even fry it);

700 g of various dried fruits without sugar;

500 g boiled fish.

It is better if every day you move according to the presented list, eating potatoes on the first day, cottage cheese on the second, and so on. On the 6th day of the diet, you need to eat cottage cheese again, leaving the fish for the 7th and last day.

Tomato juice for weight loss in combination with these products allows you not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body and improve metabolism. And adjusting your metabolism is the best guarantee that the lost kilograms will never return.

In order to effectively lose weight, it is better to use natural freshly squeezed tomato juice. Of course, what manufacturers offer in packages can also be drunk, but it is better to spend time preparing this drink at home. During heat treatment, a tomato passed through a juicer releases lycopene, a substance that improves metabolism, nervous and cardiovascular system, and even preventing cancer. It’s a good idea to add celery, lemon, carrots or beets to tomato juice for weight loss.

One of the most unpleasant problems of humanity is the presence excess weight. There are several methods to combat it: physical activity, diet.

Physical activity can be organized independently or you can seek help from specialists in various sections ( gyms, shaping and the like). But you will never be slim if you continue to eat haphazardly. Following a diet is simply necessary for rapid weight loss and getting rid of excess fat.

Remove the figure from extra pounds Can diets, the recipes for which have now accumulated a huge number. The products included in their composition are very diverse: porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), tomato juice and others. Let's stop at the latter.

Tomato juice has been used for weight loss for a long time, and in the end it gives excellent results. What this is connected with will be discussed in detail below.

First of all, it should be noted that the composition of tomato juice is simply ideal. It includes many trace elements (calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and others), vitamins (E, C, A, B), proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as other beneficial substances. And the number of calories is negligible. This is why it is good to use tomato juice for weight loss.

Products such as beets, lemon, etc. will help complement the taste of homemade tomato juice. We will describe the recipes for obtaining them below.

1. Pass the following ingredients through a juicer: half a fresh large cucumber, two stalks of celery and three tomatoes. Drink the resulting juice slightly chilled.

2. Using a blender, chop the tomatoes and carrots (200 grams each). If desired, add ground black pepper (a pinch), which will also help burn calories. Drink two glasses of this drink during the day.

3. Mix juice from cucumber, bell pepper and tomatoes. Add some black pepper to the mixture.

These drinks can be periodically included in the diet below.

Tomato juice diets and their menus

Currently, due to the abundance of various retail chains, there are fewer and fewer homemade preparations. The same goes for tomato juice: it’s easier to buy it than to make it yourself. Better effect weight loss can be achieved using natural juice prepared at home. Freshly squeezed tomato juice does not contain preservatives and dyes that are found in store-bought products. When you have fresh tomatoes on hand, put them through a juicer and be content with a natural drink, and for the winter, close it in glass jars and store them in a dark place.

Well, if you don’t like tomato juice, try a chicory drink. Not only does the taste resemble natural coffee, but it also has more than enough benefits. recommended by leading nutritionists. Why? Find out from the article in the same section.

Options for consuming tomato juice on fasting days are as follows:

Drink 1.2-1.5 liters of diet drink throughout the day;

Breakfast: 50 ml tomato juice;

Lunch: a piece of bread (preferably black) plus 100 ml of tomato juice;

Dinner: same as breakfast.

Morning: a slice of cheese plus two small tomatoes;

Day: eat soup made from tomatoes, onions, garlic, olives, and balsamic vinegar, plus herbs and hard cheese.

Evening: drink a glass of tomato juice or make a salad from tomatoes.

Three-day tomato juice diet

Breakfast includes a boiled egg and tea (natural coffee) without sugar;

The second breakfast consists of 200 grams of cottage cheese (necessarily low-fat) and 75 ml of tomato juice;

Lunch: 200 grams of lean fish or chicken, vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and 100-150 grams of red berries.

Dinner: vitamin herbal decoction (from rose hips, linden, mint, and so on).

Throughout the day, drink about two liters of liquid: green tea, plain water, still mineral water, etc.

Weekly diet

Throughout the day you need to drink one liter of natural tomato juice: a glass of this drink in the morning and evening, the rest - in the remaining time.

Day 1: 5-6 potatoes (preferably in their skins) plus 1 liter of tomato juice;

Day 2: juice and cottage cheese with minimal fat content (0.5 kg);

Day 3: 1 kg of fruit, with the exception of high-calorie bananas and grapes, plus tomato juice;

Day 4: half a kilogram of boiled chicken breast or beef plus juice;

Day 5: 0.5-0.7 kg of dried fruits (except figs, raisins and bananas) and tomato juice;

Day 6: half a liter of yogurt (low-fat) and juice;

Day 7: boiled fish or meat plus tomato juice.

The dishes used do not contain table salt or spices.

Two-week diet based on tomato juice

Breakfast includes your favorite fruit, except grapes and banana, plus a couple of slices of bread (necessarily black) with cottage cheese and 50-75 ml of tomato juice;

Lunch consists of 100 grams of boiled fish and rice, vegetable salad, tomato juice, apple (1 pc);

Afternoon snack: a glass of tomato juice;

Dinner: 50 grams of rice, beef cutlet, vegetable salad and a glass of tomato juice.

Tomato juice and its beneficial properties

Tomato juice not only effectively helps in the fight against extra pounds, but also has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial effect, prevents atherosclerosis, and also strengthens capillaries. It improves intestinal function and suppresses decay processes in it. Thanks to this, this dietary drink is useful for those who suffer from constipation. Tomato juice helps to avoid thrombosis of the veins in the legs and other ailments dangerous to human health.

Tomato juice and contraindications for its use

Tomato juice in most cases is harmless to the human body. Only during exacerbations of diseases gastrointestinal tract(cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and others), as well as in case of poisoning, this drink should be discarded.

Tomato juice: reviews

I received, receive and will probably only receive tomato juice for weight loss positive reviews, because diets based on it are very effective. This is explained by the fact that this dietary drink is one of the most low-calorie, but at the same time healthy, due to its composition, which we talked about at the beginning of the article.

Low calorie content - only 22 Kcal per 100 ml; complete absence of fats in the composition, lots of water; low amount of carbohydrates – 5 g per 100 ml; has a diuretic effect; large number fiber; stimulates the production of gastric juice; the composition contains specific enzymes and amino acids that are involved in the process of fat breakdown, plant/dietary fiber.

Strictly prohibited Use by people who have a history of acute and chronic diseases of the stomach, duodenum, inflammation of the pancreas or gall bladder may result in an exacerbation of the disease.

Important details: a combination of tomato juice and starchy vegetables (potatoes, legumes) can lead to the formation of kidney stones; the drink should not be consumed on an empty stomach; your health should be monitored for allergies; It is not advisable to combine juice from fresh tomatoes with meat.

Tomato juice should be drunk 20 - 30 minutes before eating, or use it as a snack. In fact, such a schedule is suitable either for absolutely healthy people or for those who have clearly established low acidity of gastric juice. It is also not advisable to drink tomato juice after a meal, but this is possible in limited quantities. The best option is to drink juice from fresh tomatoes at night.

What can be combined with:

  • Tomato soup. For weight loss, two recipes are used - cold soup and hot. The amount received in both cases is evenly distributed over several meals. If you plan to prepare cold tomato soup for weight loss, then you need to scald 1 kg of ripe tomatoes with boiling water and peel them, then combine in a blender with 1 raw carrot, several sprigs of basil and 1 onions, beat until smooth. This soup will be the basis of the diet, to which you can add sequentially every day: 1 kg of non-sweet fruits (bananas, mangoes, grapes are excluded); 2 kg of any raw vegetables; 1 kg of vegetables and 1 kg of fruits; 500 g of boiled dietary food (chicken, rabbit, etc.). Can be used for a maximum of 14 days in a row, after which you need to take a break for 3 months.
  • Rice. Perfect if you want to get rid of 2-4 kg of excess weight in a few days and make your figure more toned. The diet belongs to the emergency category and cannot be used frequently and for a long time - a maximum duration of 5 days. The menu is the same for everyone: breakfast – 250 ml of tomato juice + 1 rye cracker + 1 teaspoon; lunch – 2-3 lettuce leaves + 100 g rice without salt and oil + tomato; dinner – 50 g of rice + 50 g of any fresh vegetables + 300 ml of the main product.

Weekly diet. You should drink at least 1000 ml of the drink daily.

1 day 6 pieces of medium jacket potatoes;
Day 2 any amount of low-fat cottage cheese or with the lowest possible percentage of fat content;
Day 3 1 kg of any non-sweet fruit, excluding grapes, mangoes, bananas;
4 day 400 - 500 g boiled chicken without skin;
5 day 700 g dried fruits;
Day 6 500 ml natural yoghurt;
Day 7 500 g of boiled or oven-baked/grilled low-fat fish.

The diet is quite strict, the body receives a minimum of calories, so combine it even with moderate or light physical activity not worth it. You need to get out of it smoothly, maintaining a balanced and low-calorie menu, and after 3 - 4 days you can start playing sports. In 7 days you can get rid of 3 - 5 kg of excess weight. If you continue to follow the standard rules for losing weight, you will be able to get rid of another 5 - 7 kg in 1 month.

Read more in our article about tomato juice for weight loss, combining it with other foods, diet and precautions.

Read in this article

The benefits and harms of tomato juice for weight loss

To lose weight, nutritionists recommend drinking vegetable juices, but not all of them will be useful in this particular case. Many vegetables contain sugar and, accordingly, are high in calories. The opinion of doctors is clear regarding the tomato drink - it is ideal for weight loss, it can act as one of the components of a low-calorie menu or an independent product, on the basis of which the entire diet is based.

Useful properties of tomato juice for weight loss:

  • low calorie content - only 22 Kcal per 100 ml;
  • complete absence of fats in the composition, but a lot of water;
  • low amount of carbohydrates – 5 g per 100 ml;
  • has a diuretic effect - salts and excess fluid are removed from the body;
  • a large amount of fiber - cleanses the intestines, ensuring complete absorption of nutrients from foods;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice - significantly accelerates the metabolic process and improves digestion;
  • the composition contains specific enzymes and amino acids that are involved in the process of fat breakdown;
  • vegetable/dietary fibers are present - provide long-term satiety, quickly satisfy an acute attack of hunger.

It has been scientifically proven that tomato juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background. This is important for those losing weight, because a limited diet, lack of favorite (and very harmful) treats, and the need to exercise often lead to irritability, nervousness, insomnia, and depression.

The result of this will be a gastronomic breakdown, a severe violation of the diet and regime– already lost kilograms return and are quickly replenished with new ones.

Despite all the benefits, drinking fresh tomatoes can also be harmful to your health. It is strictly forbidden to use it by those people who have a history of acute and chronic diseases of the stomach, duodenum - gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Losing weight with tomato juice with already diagnosed inflammation of the pancreas or gall bladder, it can result in an exacerbation of the disease - there is no strict ban on the drink, but it can be consumed in limited quantities, which should be discussed with your doctor. You need to remember two more nuances:

  • a combination of tomato juice and starchy vegetables (potatoes, legumes) can lead to the formation of kidney stones;
  • the drink should not be consumed on an empty stomach;
  • you should monitor your health status - the product belongs to the category of hyperallergenic and can provoke a powerful allergic reaction at any time;
  • It is undesirable to combine juice from fresh tomatoes with meat - this is too heavy food for the stomach and can cause heartburn, nausea, increased production of bile and pain in the intestines.

Can I drink it at night?

It is believed that tomato juice should be drunk 20 - 30 minutes before eating, or used as a snack to quickly satisfy an “unauthorized” attack of hunger. In fact, such a schedule is suitable either for absolutely healthy people or for those who have clearly established low acidity of gastric juice.

It is also not advisable to drink tomato juice after eating, but this is possible in limited quantities. The problem lies in the property of the drink to ferment in the stomach and intestines, subjecting all other products that enter the body to this process. The result of this can be increased gas formation (flatulence), intestinal colic and diarrhea.

If a person has a predisposition to these pathological conditions, then it is worth seeking recommendations from nutritionists or your doctor regarding the regimen of drinking tomato juice.

The best option is to drink juice from fresh tomatoes at night.. Firstly, it will help you quickly satisfy your hunger and not have a gastronomic breakdown late in the evening. Secondly, just 250 ml of the drink will provide a calm, deep and healthy sleep– this is important for the level of immunity and overall health.

What can you combine with?

There are many options for losing weight with tomato juice, each of them has its own characteristics and requires strict adherence to the “recipe” to achieve the desired results.

Tomato soup

For weight loss, two recipes are used - cold soup and hot. The amount received in both cases is evenly distributed over several meals. If you plan to prepare cold tomato soup for weight loss, then you need to scald 1 kg of ripe tomatoes with boiling water and peel them, then combine in a blender with 1 raw carrot, several sprigs of basil and 1 onion, beat until smooth.

This soup will be the basis of your diet, to which you can add sequentially every day:

  • 1 kg of non-sweet fruits (bananas, mangoes, grapes are excluded);
  • 2 kg of any raw vegetables;
  • 1 kg of vegetables and 1 kg of fruits;
  • 500 g of boiled dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, etc.).

Cold tomato juice soup for weight loss can be consumed for a maximum of 14 days in a row, after which you need to take a break for 3 months. Additional products on the menu rotate every 4 days.

The second option for weight loss requires preparing hot soup and for this you need to do the following:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes and 1 piece of large bell pepper are cut into strips and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil with 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • add 1 liter of any vegetable broth to the resulting mass;
  • After 5 minutes of boiling, add the chopped .

Once cooked, the hot tomato soup can be pureed in a blender. You can add rye crackers to this dish. You can follow a diet only on such hot soup (tough, but effective - you can get rid of 5 kg in a week), nutritionists recommend not experimenting with your health and adding no more than 200 g of lean boiled meat, 1 kg of fruit or vegetable to your daily menu (which something to choose from).

Watch this video on how to make cold tomato soup:


If you want to get rid of 2-4 kg of excess weight in a few days and make your figure more toned, then the combination of rice and tomato juice will be the best choice. This diet belongs to the category of emergency and cannot be used frequently and for a long time - its duration is maximum 5 days. The menu is the same for everyone:

  • breakfast – 250 ml of tomato juice + 1 rye cracker + 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese;
  • lunch – 2-3 lettuce leaves + 100 g of boiled rice without salt and oil + the drink in question;
  • dinner – 50 g of boiled rice + 50 g of any fresh vegetables + 300 ml of the main product.

Rice and tomato juice when losing weight are strictly prohibited for people with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract! In addition, doctors warn that even with absolute health in relation to digestive system Such emergency weight loss can cause diarrhea (diarrhea).

With kefir

The combination of kefir and tomato juice is excellent for cleansing the intestines and preparing the body for a long and more loyal, balanced diet. Maximum quantity days that can be allocated for the process are 2, because in the future the person develops severe weakness, drowsiness, dizziness begins, performance decreases.

How to do a colon cleanse:

  • in the first half of the day, drink only tomato juice - the quantity is not limited;
  • in the second half of the day, only kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content is consumed.

If the feeling of hunger is too disturbing, then in the morning you can eat 50 g of dried rye bread. You need to be prepared for diarrhea, so it is better to carry out such cleaning on weekends, when you do not need to be away from home for a long time.

After cleansing with kefir and tomato juice, you can switch to a low-calorie diet and monitor the amount of food consumed and its calorie content. Preliminary preparation of the body will ensure faster weight loss. Such fasting days can be carried out no more than once a month.

With celery

Juice from tomatoes and stems, celery greens can be used as a drink for those losing weight on any diet. This drink has a specific taste due to an additional ingredient, and it can be improved with fresh cucumber and ground black pepper. Component proportions:

  • 250 ml tomato juice;
  • 1 stalk + 3 sprigs of celery;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper.

No salt is added, but you can add 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil.

Juices with additional ingredients

If you include tomato juice in the menu and at the same time exclude all harmful dishes/products from it, you will be able to lose 3–5 kg in a month. This rate of weight loss is considered optimal by nutritionists - the body does not experience stress, does not begin to accumulate fat for the upcoming hunger strike, and the strength and energy remains for physical activity. To diversify the menu, you can drink cocktails based on juice from fresh tomatoes (each recipe is based on 1 glass of the drink):

  • juice from ½ lemon + 4 pieces of large basil leaves + 125 ml of cold (ice-cold) water);
  • 4 drops pepper sauce + juice 1 + ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (maximum hot);
  • 1 stalk + 1 large clove of garlic + 1 tablespoon lemon juice + 3 drops Tabasca sauce.

An excellent addition to a glass of tomato juice would be avocado pulp or 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil - the fat will ensure better absorption of nutrients from the drink. The combination of the main product with hot additives (sauces, peppers) increases body temperature, accelerates blood flow and ensures excellent metabolism.

Weekly diet

The classic option for using fresh tomato juice for weight loss is a 7-day diet. Every day you should drink at least 1000 ml of the drink - in the morning and in the evening (at night) you must consume 1 glass, and the rest of the amount is distributed at your discretion. What is included in the weekly diet:

  • 1 day– 6 pieces of medium jacket potatoes;
  • Day 2– any amount of low-fat cottage cheese or with the lowest possible fat content;
  • Day 3– 1 kg of any non-sweet fruit, excluding grapes, mangoes, bananas;
  • The diet is quite strict, the body receives a minimum of calories, so it is not worth combining it even with moderate or light physical activity. You need to get out of it smoothly, maintaining a balanced and low-calorie menu, and after 3 - 4 days you can start playing sports.

    In 7 days of a classic diet with tomato juice, you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight, but it is not fat that will leave the body, but waste, toxins and excess fluid and only 1-2 kg of fat deposits. If you continue to follow the standard weight loss rules, you will be able to get rid of another 5–7 kg in 1 month.

    Rules for drinking tomato juice for weight loss

    So that the process of losing weight on the drink in question brings not only moral satisfaction, but also real benefit, the following rules must be observed:

    • It is better to prepare juice from fresh tomatoes yourself, rather than using store-bought varieties. In the industrial production of the drink, salt and sugar are necessarily used as preservatives - such a product will be absolutely useless for weight loss.
    • You cannot add salt to the drink - it neutralizes all its beneficial properties. In addition, the intake of such spices into the body disrupts the overall water-salt balance and provokes swelling.
    • You need to drink the prescribed amount of the product slowly, in small sips; if you are preparing not juice, but puree in a blender (this is completely acceptable), then it is better to chew it. This way you will be quickly satisfied and stop the feeling of hunger for a long time.
    • For better absorption of the product, it is consumed with a small amount of vegetable oil or. You can “snack” the tomato juice with nuts or add them directly to it.
    • You cannot heat a drink made from fresh tomatoes - heat treatment destroys almost all the vitamins in its composition. If you first need to pour boiling water over the tomatoes (to remove the skin), then this is done in literally 1-2 seconds; to further prepare the juice, you need to wait until the vegetables have cooled.
    • Tomato juice is prepared immediately before consumption, because after 30 minutes there is no benefit left in it for weight loss.

    It is quite difficult to imagine weight loss without vegetables on the menu; they are often the basis dietary nutrition. To make a limited weight loss menu more varied and at the same time speed up the process, it is worth introducing tomato juice into it. In any form, with additional components or not, it will be useful.

    Useful video

    For information about the benefits of tomato juice and the rules for its use, watch this video:

Ripe, sunny tomatoes are a regular guest on the summer menu. The rich taste of this vegetable matches its bright appearance, and the presence of tomato in any dish is immediately felt. The culinary use of tomatoes is widely known, but few people know about another area of ​​their application - nutrition. The substances contained in these fruits can get rid of extra pounds and centimeters in a fairly short time. Let's talk about whether it is possible to lose weight with tomato juice, diet options and medical restrictions on their use.

Tomato juice diet - a mechanism for weight loss

When it comes to losing weight with the help of this drink, it does not mean any specific diet plan, but various options united by a common component - tomato juice. Whatever diet you choose, the pounds will fall off due to a combination of a number of factors.

A well-designed diet with tomato juice for weight loss uses the following mechanisms:

  • The low calorie content of the main product, combined with a reduced daily caloric intake, creates energy hunger, which triggers the breakdown of fats.
  • Drinking a cocktail of vitamins and microelements in the morning, supplemented with antioxidants, activates metabolic processes, allowing you to wake up faster. The morning rush of energy leads to the fact that you spend more calories in ordinary chores - dancing while preparing breakfast, for example.
  • The drink contains a large amount of plant dietary fiber, which triggers gastrointestinal motility. This feature is appreciated by people who suffer from systematic constipation. Normalizing stool eliminates bloating, eliminating several centimeters from the waist.

  • Indigestible fiber cleanses the intestinal walls, which increases the absorption of nutrients from food and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  • The recommended amount of juice replenishes water balance, and helps maintain optimal drinking regime. Of course, the question of whether tomato juice can be used on a diet instead of water is ambiguous and completely replacing water with other drinks is unacceptable. But for the extra liter and a half of fluid, the body will thank you.
  • The low-calorie (only 21 kcal per 100 g) liquid mechanically fills the stomach, and saturation occurs earlier than usual. Unlike water, which is absorbed almost immediately, without requiring digestion, juice has a higher viscosity, which means hunger will subside for a longer period.

Metabolic processes in the body never stop. Even when a person sleeps and does not move, the heart, respiratory muscles, brain, and intestines work. All this continuously consumes energy, but does not help in losing weight. The human body is designed in such a way that the process of burning reserves from subcutaneous fat begins only when there is not enough energy supplied from food. This means that no matter what method of losing weight is chosen, you cannot do without nutrition control.

Tomato juice for weight loss: diet options

Before starting any of the proposed tomato-juice diets, you should clearly understand that this product is not able to provide a complete supply of nutrients. The more stringent the restrictions prescribed in the diet, the shorter the period of its use. Therefore, all mono-diets, in which nutrition is limited to a single product, are more suitable as periodic fasting days.

Dietary regimens based on tomato juice can be of the following types:

  • One-component;
  • Three-day diet rice + tomato juice;
  • Five-day buckwheat-tomato diet;
  • Five-day diet on tomato juice and kefir;
  • Weekly tomato-protein scheme.

Dietary food options are not in vain distributed according to the number of days during which it is permissible to adhere to them. Short-term diets are the most effective and allow you to lose weight faster, but the harm caused to health by long-term unbalanced nutrition does not allow using, for example, a three-day diet for 2 weeks.

One-component option

Perfect for those who urgently need to lose 1-2 kilograms before an important event and get a flat, sunken tummy.

Considering that all your food during the day will consist of only tomato juice, the diet is quite stressful and is designed for no more than 1 day in a row. It looks like this:

  • The night before, the last meal should be no later than 19:00.
  • When you wake up in the morning, immediately drink a glass of cold, preferably freshly squeezed, tomato juice;
  • Carry a bottle of the drink with you throughout the day, and whenever you feel hungry, take a couple of sips;
  • The total volume drunk is from 2 to 2.5 liters, which in total gives daily calorie content at 420-525 kcal;

Just keep in mind that increased bowel movements may continue the next day. So it makes sense to prepare for a party planned for Saturday on Thursday.

A one-component diet is suitable for girls who do not know whether it is possible to lose weight with tomato juice using only it. In this case, the described scheme is taken as the basis for weekly fasting days, which allow you to get rid of 3-4 kilograms in a month, provided rational nutrition on other days.

Three-day rice diet with tomato juice

A relatively gentle option, but still related to emergency measures with a very low daily caloric intake. The combination of rice and tomato juice for weight loss will appeal to lovers of Mediterranean cuisine.

It is preferable to use wild rice, since it contains one and a half times more protein than other varieties. In addition, it contains slightly fewer calories than its counterparts. If your choice is a diet of tomato juice and rice, the menu for three days will look like this:

  • After waking up - 1 glass of mineral or filtered water.
  • For breakfast – 200 ml of tomato juice and 150 g of boiled rice;
  • Lunch – 200 ml juice, 100 g rice, 1 boiled egg;
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of juice and a slice of whole grain bread;
  • Dinner – 200 ml of juice, 100 g of rice and 50 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • Before bed - a glass of warm purified water.

If you don't have a water filter, use in an accessible way get purified water without special devices. The night before, melt 220 ml of pre-frozen water. Just don’t drink it all the way, leave a couple of sips at the bottom of the dish - sediment will concentrate there.

This menu contains about 800 kcal, and allows you to lose 2-3 kilograms in three days, depending on the initial data. A low-calorie shake is stressful for the body, so the rice and tomato juice diet should not be used more than once a month.

Buckwheat with tomato juice: diet for 5 days

Contains essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, making it safe to use 1-2 times a month. In this case, you will lose from 2 to 4 kilograms without experiencing much discomfort. If you plan to lose more than 10 kilograms in the future, then limit yourself to once a month, the result will still be achieved.

For 5 days, follow this diet:

  • Breakfast - 150 ml of juice, 100 g of buckwheat porridge, 100 g of vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice. For the salad, you can use any vegetables you like.
  • Lunch – a glass of tomato juice, 150 g of buckwheat, 100 g of boiled or baked chicken breast. Alternate chicken with veal or lean fish.
  • Afternoon snack – grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner - 100 g of buckwheat porridge, 200 g of steamed vegetables, a glass of juice. Broccoli, cauliflower, green peas or your favorite mixed vegetable will do.
  • During breaks between main meals, drink in small sips. mineral water and tomato juice - optional, in a total volume of 1.2-1.5 liters.

You can often hear the question, is it possible to use factory-produced tomato juice for weight loss? Of course, no one will forbid using the finished product, but most brands add salt, sugar and even starch to their products to achieve the desired thickness of the drink. Therefore, if possible, it is better to prepare freshly squeezed juice using a juicer, or simply by grating the tomatoes on a fine grater.

Five-day kefir-tomato diet

This menu has some variety of tastes, since the liquid in it is also represented by a fermented milk product. When combining kefir with tomato juice for weight loss, resist the temptation to grab a bottle off the shelf that promises 0% fat content. To maintain consistency, thickeners are added to 0% kefir, and the total calorie content is not much lower than 1% of analogues, only calories come from carbohydrates, which is not very good for those losing weight.

Nutrition within this system will look like this:

  • After waking up - ½ tbsp juice;
  • Breakfast – 150 ml of tomato drink, buckwheat or rice porridge, unlimited quantities;
  • Lunch – baked or boiled vegetables (120-150 g), 150 g of boiled veal or chicken fillet, a glass of juice;
  • Afternoon snack – 250 ml kefir;
  • Dinner – a glass of tomato juice, a slice of rye bread, a boiled egg;
  • Before bed - a glass of kefir.

This is a very comfortable diet option that includes tomato juice - the weight loss benefits are combined with the absence of a constant feeling of hunger. Weight loss while maintaining mode physical activity will be 2-3 kg.

Seven-day tomato-protein regimen

Long enough for low-calorie systems, but due to its high protein content it is well suited for girls involved in sports. The caloric restriction here is quite reasonable, so losing weight will not be stressful. By following a tomato-protein diet for 1 week a month, you can lose up to 15 kilograms in a year.

The menu will look like this:

  • Breakfast – 150 ml of tomato juice, 1 egg white, 150 g of boiled quinoa, which contains the highest percentage (up to 20%) of protein among cereals.
  • Second breakfast - any fruit except bananas or grapes;
  • Dinner. Gazpacho is a tomato juice soup for weight loss, to prepare which you just need to blend tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper and a couple of drops of olive oil. You can add garlic or onions. The protein part is represented by baked fish or boiled chicken fillet (150 g) with a slice of rye bread.
  • Afternoon snack – tomato juice (1/2-1 glass) with vegetable salad;
  • Dinner – 200 g of cottage cheese, grated with herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro), tomato juice.

Such a diet will be useful not only for people who are overweight, but also for those who have chronic constipation or simply want to cleanse their intestines of toxins.

Is it possible to drink tomato juice while losing weight: contraindications

There are diseases in which a large amount of tomatoes in food can worsen health, causing an exacerbation of chronic pathology. If your diet includes tomato juice, the benefits and harms for weight loss will not be comparable for the following diagnoses:

  • Gastritis, gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • Gout;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Allergy to tomatoes.

If you have not been diagnosed with any of the listed diseases, but after starting to follow a juice diet, you feel discomfort or pain, stop eating this diet immediately and consult your doctor.

Now you know for sure whether tomato juice is useful for losing weight, how you can use it, and in what cases you should beware of this method of getting rid of annoying wrinkles.

Tomato is a frequent guest in our kitchen; it has many benefits for the body and is ideal for weight loss.

It contains vitamins (A), group B, PP, K, and vitamin C contains up to forty percent of total mass. Tomato juice also contains minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, as well as beta-carotene, lycopene and bioflavonoids.

One glass of juice can cover a quarter of the daily value of vitamin (A) and almost ¾ of the daily value of vitamin (C). The most important mineral in juice is iron and potassium, of which 100 grams of tomato contains 293 mg. It has no fats or cholesterol, contains very little carbohydrates, only 5 grams per 100 g of product.

Useful properties of tomato juice

  • Due to the folic acid it contains, a tomato drink can be used to prevent gallstone disease, and if it is already present, it can help dissolve stones formed in the gallstones.
  • Helps improve the condition of bone tissue, hair and teeth.
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system and is used as a remedy for hypertension.
  • Eliminates constipation and diarrhea due to the available fiber.
  • The vitamin (K) included in the composition helps improve blood clotting.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Useful for type 2 diabetes.
  • Prevents the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, as it lowers the level of bad cholesterol.
  • The presence of magnesium and iron in tomato juice helps increase hemoglobin in case of anemia.
  • Reduces the risk of bladder and urinary system cancer.
  • Thanks to the beta-carotene content, vision improves in case of night blindness, and the process of degeneration of the corpus luteum slows down (if such a problem exists).
  • Lycopene contained in the drink prevents heart disease.
  • And vitamin (C) helps in the treatment of cancer (in particular prostate cancer). Just 200 g of tomato juice per day reduces the risk of this disease by 4%.
  • Stimulates the process of cell renewal, which prevents the aging of the body.
  • Tomato juice is a healthy food because it contains no saturated fat or sodium.
  • An excellent antioxidant.
  • It has a beneficial effect on joints with arthritis because it removes salts.

With regular consumption of tomato juice, you can avoid diseases such as thrombosis. This disease primarily affects those who spend most of their time in sitting position. Cashiers, drivers and those who sit at the computer for a long time especially need a tomato drink.

Benefits for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you need to control more than just what you eat. And what you consume in the form of drinks. Since many of them have a high calorie content and a high sugar content, and these are extra calories that lead to weight gain. Tomato juice is not only ideal for dietary nutrition (it contains only 3.6 g of sugar per 100 g), but can also become an excellent ally in the fight for an impeccable figure.
Why? Judge for yourself:

  • Contains a lot of water and few calories (100 g contains only 22 calories).
  • It has no fat and contains only 5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of juice.
  • Has a low glycemic index (15).
  • It is a good diuretic, removing from the body excess liquid and salt, and this promotes weight loss.
  • It contains a lot of plant fiber, which improves metabolism and prevents the absorption of fats after eating, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste. All this has a positive effect on weight loss.
  • It acts as a stimulator for the production of gastric juice, which improves digestion and metabolism.
  • Tomato juice has enzymes and amino acids that help break down fats, and vitamin (B) speeds up metabolic processes.
  • The plant fibers found in tomato juice help to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger.

Tomato juice is a natural antidepressant. By improving the production of serotonin in the body, it relieves nervous tension, thereby reducing the effects of stress. It is especially good for people who experience false hunger during stress.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

How to drink tomato juice

Before swallowing the juice, try chewing it. This promotes good absorption and digestion of the drink. Drink it slowly, twenty minutes before meals, one glass. This will help significantly reduce hunger.

No need to add table salt to the drink! It greatly reduces the properties of beneficial elements in the juice. Moreover, tomatoes have a diuretic property, and salt inhibits the removal of fluid from the body.

But for better digestibility of the drink, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to it. Or eat it with fat-containing foods, such as cheese or nuts.

Do not drink tomato juice with protein or starch-containing foods. These include cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, potatoes, bread, etc. The combination of these products provokes the formation of kidney stones.

It is also not recommended to heat tomato juice. When frying or boiling, the beneficial acids of tomatoes are converted into inorganic (harmful) ones. Therefore, in the summer season, eat more salads from fresh tomatoes than prepare tasty and “healthy” boiled and stewed dishes from them.

You should drink the juice immediately after preparation. After an hour, not a trace of beneficial vitamins will remain in the prepared drink.

When to drink tomato drink

Important! It is generally recommended to drink tomato juice for weight loss about twenty minutes before meals. But this type of drink is only suitable for people with low acidity. If the stomach acidity is high, drinking it on an empty stomach is absolutely impossible. Only an hour after eating.

It is also not advisable to drink juice during meals, since it, when mixed with food, can cause fermentation. As a result, we get bloating and flatulence.

Tomato juice at night helps get rid of insomnia, as it relieves stress and nervous tension.


  • Cholecystitis and pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcer during exacerbation or gastritis
  • Also, forget about the tomato drink if you are poisoned.

Recipes for weight loss drinks with tomato juice

Recipe No. 1

Tomato juice - 1 glass
Juice of half a lemon
Basil leaf - 4 pcs.
Cold purified water – 125 g
Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients and blend in a blender.

Recipe No. 2

Tomato juice - 1 glass
Juice of one lemon
Cayenne pepper - pinch
Pepper sauce - 4 drops

Mixing juices with peppers contains thermogenic ingredients. Thanks to pepper, body temperature rises slightly and this will speed up fat burning.

Recipe No. 3

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. lie
Garlic - 1 clove
Tabasco sauce - 4 drops
Celery - 1 sprig

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well.
Tomato juice speeds up metabolism as it has beneficial acids, garlic has allicin, which affects fat metabolism, lemon helps break down fats, Tabasco sauce improves calorie burning, and celery removes toxins. The result is an excellent fat-burning drink.

Recipe No. 4

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Pulp of ½ avocado

Place the avocado pulp in a blender, add juice and mix well.
By drinking a tomato drink with avocado, we will help the body better absorb lycopene, which helps burn fat.

Recipe No. 5

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Juice of one cucumber
Juice of one celery stalk
Pinch of ground black pepper

Mix everything well. The result is a low-calorie vitamin cocktail for weight loss.

For more fast weight loss It is also necessary to add a low-calorie diet to tomato juice. And then you can easily cope with excess weight.