Physical education classes at school. Physical education in schools

Physical culture at school

Physical education at school is crucial for the development of a full-fledged, holistic personality of the student. After all, physical education at school solves the problem of not only preserving and strengthening health, but also increasing the level of sociability and social activity of the child.
Physical education at school takes place either in a specially equipped gym, or on the street, also on a specially equipped area. Both in the gym and on the playground, certain conditions are created in accordance with government regulations. In the gym, standards regulate how many schoolchildren can exercise in a given area, what should be the height of the ceilings, ventilation and heating, how many utility rooms and locker rooms should there be, how many showers and rest rooms, what sports equipment must be present. On the court, regulations govern how soccer goals, basketball hoops, and volleyball nets should be positioned.
Physical education at school, each lesson, usually consists of three sections: introductory, main and final. The introductory part, or warm-up, prepares the body for the load. The main part is provided for learning new exercises, as well as for running, jumping, throwing, climbing, for coordination exercises, moving sports games, relay races. The final part is designed to ensure that the body returns to normal in the correct way, breathing and pulse improve.
Least tiring for children to do on their own motor activity Therefore, physical education at school often offers children the conditions for its implementation. This can happen both in the gym and on the street, both with and without special equipment, with or without a specific purpose.
Often physical education at school, especially if it is a certain system of exercises, is carried out to music. This develops the hearing, sense of rhythm, and attention of schoolchildren.
Physical education at school is not limited to physical education lessons alone. Physical education at school is also the so-called physical education minutes, which are held during other lessons. They are necessary to relieve physical and mental stress. Unfortunately, today physical education classes in schools are carried out mainly in primary classes and, with very rare exceptions, in secondary classes. And in this sense, they completely forgot about high school students. But teachers are completely in vain to neglect physical education minutes, because if they spent a couple of minutes relieving tension, they would get greater results from their work in the end.
Physical education at school is necessarily accompanied by medical examinations. The purpose of medical examinations is to assess the state of health, development and level of physical training schoolchildren. Data from medical examinations allow the doctor to recommend certain types of physical exercises, the amount of load, and methods of their application.
Physical education at school in grades 1-3 continues the work of preschool institutions. Namely, physical education at school in the primary grades continues to develop endurance, agility, strength of arms and legs, coordination of movements, skills to participate in team games. And physical education at school does this, taking into account the physical and mental characteristics of the child’s body inherent in a certain age.

Physical education at school in the primary grades continues to teach children:
breathe correctly, combine breathing with movement;
complicated walking and running;
basic skills of running long and high jumps;
throw and catch the ball with one or two hands;

throw the ball at a target at different distances;
climb in various ways By gymnastic wall;
elements of sports team games;

Swimming and skiing are often taught.
Physical education at school in high school is carried out in more diverse forms. These forms are interconnected, complement each other and represent a single process of physical education. Physical education at school in higher grades should include teaching the basics of psychoregulation, hardening, massage and self-control.
Physical education at school in high school is designed to form the habit of physical education for the rest of your life. Physical education at school should instill an orientation towards a healthy lifestyle. Physical education at school in high school should encourage a person to further engage in physical education, including independently.
It is important to note that physical education at school is of great importance in the prevention of antisocial behavior in schoolchildren.
Physical education at school has its own problems. Among them we can name the problem of physical education of children with various mental and physical disabilities. physical health. Such children are often simply exempted from classes, but weakened children are even more in need of the beneficial effects of physical education on the body. Teachers should pay especially close attention to this.

Preparation for the Olympiads in physical education


For schoolchildren in grades 9-11 who are interested in physical education, classes are held to prepare for participation in various stages All-Russian Olympiad on a budget basis.

Are you just starting your Olympiad journey, or are you already familiar with its format? We will be happy to help everyone prepare. The “Circle of Champions” of the Association of Olympiad Winners is always open to beginners, and experienced participants can join the Moscow physical education team.

Training takes place throughout the year in various areas:

theoretical and methodological studies;
practical lessons on various types sports ( athletics, sports games, gymnastics, applied physical education).

Head coach teams Natalia Anatolyevna Gudeleva with coaching staff(teachers, lecturers from RSUPESY&T, students from RSUPESY&T) trains children who have already shown fairly good results at the Olympiad. These are students in grades 10 and 11 with a score above 74 points at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad last year. Spring and autumn selection rounds are also held for grades 8-11, based on the results of which students are invited to attend classes.

After the regional stage, intensive training sessions are held to prepare the Moscow team for final stage. The guys train 4-6 times a week and also participate in mandatory training camps.


Literature and Internet resources that may be useful in self-preparation for All-Russian Olympiad, collected on the page

In addition, online courses for schoolchildren are launched annually for the municipal stage. Preparation materials, organizational information and expert advice are published for all 24 subjects of the Olympiad. Participants can ask questions to the jury and file appeals. You can register for courses using an invitation, which is issued at the school along with the participation sheet.

Nowadays, society does not attach due importance to physical education lessons at school. Some people think that at school there is nothing interesting or useful in physical education lessons and it is better for the child to do additional lessons, while others are simply lazy and he/she does not go to these lessons out of principle. An even more frightening trend is the fact that the promotion of a lifestyle in which sports plays an important and fundamental role has come to almost nothing in our country. That is why it is necessary to understand and realize the usefulness of physical education lessons at school.

Approximate standards from grades 1 to 11


Boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Run 30 m (sec) 6,1 6,9 7,0 6.6 7,4 7,5
“Shuttle run” 3x10 m (sec.) 9.9 10.8 11,2 10.2 11,3 11,7
Skiing 1 km. 8.30 9,00 9,30 9.00 9,30 10,0
Cross 1000 m (min.,sec.) no time no time
Standing long jump (cm) 140 115 100 130 110 90
Medicine ball throw (cm) 295 235 195 245 220 200
Throwing a small ball 150g (m) 20 15 10 15 10 5
Throwing at a target from 6 m 3 2 1 3 2 1
Jumping rope in 1 minute. 40 30 15 50 30 20
Raising the body in 1 minute. 30 26 18 18 15 13
Hanging pull-up (one time) 4 2 1
Pull-ups while lying down (one time) 12 8 2
Seated forward bend (cm) 9 3 1 12,5 6 2

Exercises 2nd grade, approximate standards


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 12,0 12,8 13,2 12,4 12,8 13,2
Shuttle run 3×10 m, sec 9,1 10,0 10,4 9,7 10,7 11,2
Run 30 m, s 5,4 7,0 7,1 5,6 7,2 7,3
Running 1,000 meters

without time

Standing long jump, cm 165 125 110 155 125 100
80 75 70 70 65 60
70 60 50 80 70 60
Pull-up on the bar 4 2 1
23 21 19 28 26 24
Squats (number of times/min) 40 38 36 38 36 34
Multi-jump - 8 m jumps. 12 10 8 12 10 8

Exercises 3rd grade, approximate standards


Shuttle run 3×10 m, sec 8,8 9,9 10,2 9,3 10,3 10,8
Run 30 m, s 5,1 6,7 6,8 5,3 6,7 7,0
Running 1,000 meters

without time

Standing long jump, cm 175 130 120 160 135 110
High jump method of stepping, cm 85 80 75 75 70 65
Jumping rope (number of times/min.) 80 70 60 90 80 70
Pull-up on the bar 5 3 1
Throwing tennis ball, m 18 15 12 15 12 10
Raising the body from a supine position (number of times/min) 25 23 21 30 28 26
Squats (number of times/min) 42 40 38 40 38 36
Multi-jump - 8 m jumps. 13 11 9 13 11 9
6 4 2 5 3 1

Exercises 4th grade, approximate standards


Shuttle run 3×10 m, sec 8,6 9,5 9,9 9,1 10,0 10,4
Run 30 m, s 5,0 6,5 6,6 5,2 6,5 6,6
Run 1,000 meters, min 5,50 6,10 6,50 6,10 6,30 6,50
Standing long jump, cm 185 140 130 170 140 120
High jump method of stepping, cm 90 85 80 80 75 70
Jumping rope (number of times/min.) 90 80 70 100 90 80
Pull-up on the bar 5 3 1
Tennis ball throwing, m 21 18 15 18 15 12
Raising the body from a supine position (number of times/min) 28 25 23 33 30 28
Squats (number of times/min) 44 42 40 42 40 38
Multi-jump - 8 m jumps. 15 14 13 14 13 12
Pistols, supported on one hand, on the right and left leg (number of times). (m) 7 5 3 6 4 2

Exercises, 5th grade

Boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 10,2 10,7 11,3 10,5 11,0 11,7
Run 30 m, s 5,5 6,0 6,5 5,7 6,2 6,7
Run 60 m, s 10,0 10,6 11,2 10,4 10,8 11,4
Run 300 m, min, s 1,02 1,06 1,12 1,05 1,10 1,15
Run 1000 m, min, s 4,30 4,50 5,20 4,50 5,10 5,40
Run 2000 m

No time tracking

Cross 1.5 km, min, s 8,50 9,30 10,0 9,00 9,40 10,30
Hanging pull-up on the bar, one time 7 5 3
Pull-up on a low bar from a hanging position, one time 15 10 8
Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down 17 12 7 12 8 3
Raising the body from a position lying on the back, arms crossed on the chest in 1 minute, once 39 33 27 28 23 20
Standing long jump, cm 170 160 140 160 150 130
Running long jump, cm 340 300 260 300 260 220
Running high jump, cm 110 100 85 105 95 80
Skiing 1 km, min, sec 6,30 7,00 7,40 7,00 7,30 8,10
Skiing 2 km, min, sec

No time tracking

  • Simultaneous stepless movement
  • Herringbone lift
  • Descent into the “gate” made of sticks
  • Plow braking

Ski technique

Dribbling the ball while running in basketball
Jumping rope in 1 minute 70 60 55 60 50 30
Jump rope, 15 sec, times 34 32 30 38 36 34
Swimming without time, m 50 25 12 25 20 12

Exercises, 6th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 10,0 10,5 11,5 10,3 10,7 11,5
Run 30 m, s 5,5 5,8 6,2 5,8 6,1 6,5
Run 60 m, s 9,8 10,2 11,1 10,0 10,7 11,3
Run 500 meters, min 2,22 2,55 3,20
Run 1,000 meters, min 4,20 4,45 5,15
Running 2,000 meters

no time

Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 13,30 14,00 14,30 14,00 14,30 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 19,00 20,00 22,00
Standing long jump, cm 175 165 145 165 155 140
Pull-up on the bar 8 6 4
Lying push-ups 20 15 10 15 10 5
10 6 3 14 11 8
40 35 25 35 30 20
46 44 42 48 46 44

Exercises, 7th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 9,8 10,3 10,8 10,1 10,5 11,3
Run 30 m, s 5,0 5,3 5,6 5,3 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,4 10,0 10,8 9,8 10,4 11,2
Run 500 meters, min 2,15 2,25 2,40
Run 1,000 meters, min 4,10 4,30 5,00
Run 2,000 meters, min 9,30 10,15 11,15 11,00 12,40 13,50
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 12,30 13,30 14,00 13,30 14,00 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 18,00 19,00 20,00 20,00 25,00 28,00
Standing long jump, cm 180 170 150 170 160 145
Pull-up on the bar 9 7 5
Lying push-ups 23 18 13 18 12 8
Bend forward from a sitting position 11 7 4 16 13 9
Raising the body in 1 minute from a lying position (press), times 45 40 35 38 33 25
Jumping rope in 20 seconds 46 44 42 52 50 48

Exercises, 8th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 9,6 10,1 10,6 10,0 10,4 11,2
Run 30 m, s 4,8 5,1 5,4 5,1 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,0 9,7 10,5 9,7 10,4 10,8
Run 1,000 meters, min 3,50 4,20 4,50 4,20 4,50 5,15
Run 2,000 meters, min 9,00 9,45 10,30 10,50 12,30 13,20
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 16,00 17,00 18,00 19,30 20,30 22,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without time
Standing long jump, cm 190 180 165 175 165 156
Pull-up on the bar 10 8 5
Lying push-ups 25 20 15 19 13 9
Bend forward from a sitting position 12 8 5 18 15 10
Raising the body in 1 minute from a lying position (press), times 48 43 38 38 33 25
56 54 52 62 60 58

Exercises, 9th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 9,4 9,9 10,4 9,8 10,2 11,0
Run 30 m, s 4,6 4,9 5,3 5,0 5,5 5,9
Run 60 m, s 8,5 9,2 10,0 9,4 10,0 10,5
Run 2,000 meters, min 8,20 9,20 9,45 10,00 11,20 12,05
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 15,30 16,00 17,00 19,00 20,00 21,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without time
Standing long jump, cm 210 200 180 180 170 155
Pull-up on the bar 11 9 6
Lying push-ups 32 27 22 20 15 10
Bend forward from a sitting position 13 11 6 20 15 13
Raising the body in 1 minute from a lying position (press), times 50 45 40 40 35 26
Jumping rope in 25 seconds 58 56 54 66 64 62

Exercises, 10th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 9,3 9,7 10,2 9,7 10,1 10,8
Run 30 m, s 4,7 5,2 5,7 5,4 5,8 6,2
Run 100 m, s 14,4 14,8 15,5 16,5 17,2 18,2
Run 2 km, min 10,20 11,15 12,10
Running 3 km meters, min 12,40 13,30 14,30
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,40 5,00 5,30 6,00 6,30 7,10
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,30 10,50 11,20 12,15 13,00 13,40
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,40 15,10 16,00 18,30 19,30 21,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 26,00 27,00 29,00 without time
Standing long jump, cm 220 210 190 185 170 160
Pull-up on the bar 12 10 7
3 2 1
Lying push-ups 32 27 22 20 15 10
10 7 4
Climbing a rope without using legs, m 5 4 3
Bend forward from a sitting position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Raising the body in 1 minute from a lying position (press), times 52 47 42 40 35 30
Jumping rope in 25 seconds 65 60 50 75 70 60

Exercises, 11th grade


Shuttle run 4×9 m, sec 9,2 9,6 10,1 9,8 10,2 11,0
Run 30 m, s 4,4 4,7 5,1 5,0 5,3 5,7
Run 100 m, s 13,8 14,2 15,0 16,2 17,0 18,0
Run 2 km, min 10,00 11,10 12,20
Running 3 km meters, min 12,20 13,00 14,00
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,30 15,00 15,50 18,00 19,00 20,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 25,00 26,00 28,00 without time
Cross-country skiing 10 km, min without time
Standing long jump, cm 230 220 200 185 170 155
Pull-up on the bar 14 11 8
Lifting upside down on a high bar 4 3 2
Lying push-ups 32 27 22 20 15 10
Lean forward from
sitting position, cm
15 13 8 24 20 13
Bending and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars, once 12 10 7
Bend forward from a sitting position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Raising the body in 1 minute from a lying position (press), times 55 49 45 42 36 30
Jumping rope in 30 seconds 70 65 55 80 75 65
Jumping rope in 60 seconds 130 125 120 133 110 70

Many parents believe that physical education teachers at school are people who have nothing to do with sports or sports education. It is immediately important to note that this statement is fundamentally not true. First of all, it is necessary to realize that nowadays, without being professional athlete in the past or by a person who has sports education, getting a job in a school as a physical education teacher is almost impossible. This fact indicates that all those children who will engage in physical education at school under the supervision of a specialist practitioner or theorist (depending on the type of previous activity of the teacher) will at least be able to achieve good results in certain sports disciplines, if they want to. .

It is very important that people who attend physical education classes develop motivational qualities in themselves. If we compare in everyday life people who paid attention to sports and those who never wore sports suit, then the difference in life motivation is visible to the naked eye. People involved in physical education, and therefore the majority of those who attend physical education classes at school, are much more successful, since even during their school years, in physical education lessons, they develop such qualities as determination and overcoming oneself.

According to statistics, those who do not attend physical education classes on a regular basis get sick twice as often during flu epidemics as those who regularly attend physical education classes. As a result, those who get sick more often have large number problems with academic performance due to the fact that they attend fewer classes at school. It would seem that skipping classes at school and not wanting to attend physical education classes are in no way connected at first glance. However, if you trace the cause-and-effect relationship described above, it becomes clear why it is so important to go to physical education classes and not look for excuses for yourself to once again sit on the bench while your classmates are taking tests or just playing sports games.

If all of the above arguments are not convincing enough, then a small experiment should be conducted. The student needs to compare his well-being over two months. Let him not go to sports at school for one month and sit on the bench. In another month, you must attend all physical education lessons and follow all the teacher’s instructions. Each day of these two days it is necessary to leave an entry in a special diary in which the student will leave his impressions of his well-being and general condition body. After two months, re-read the diary and compare your notes. Surely the conclusions will be amazing for many, but what they will be can be found out by conducting this experiment.

Of course, it is quite difficult to call modern school physical education perfect. And there are many reasons for this. But if you approach this lesson more carefully, consider what the teachers offer, and do not try to evade and hide somewhere in the alley, then in the future you will be able to express huge gratitude to the teachers for this.

Now let’s move away from loud phrases and try to figure out what real benefit being in the gym, or at sports ground. First of all, it's a matter of physiology. A growing young body requires mobility in order to be able to circulate blood throughout the body. This is why children tear down ceilings in hallways or classrooms during recess. And the more you try to keep them under strict discipline, the louder they will scream at recess.

Physical education classes are designed to balance this imbalance. A properly constructed physical warm-up allows you to disperse excess energy throughout the body. In this case, there is no overwork, as well as the danger of getting a sprain or other kind of injury. Moreover, thanks to active physical exercise The body is morally recharged when the brain temporarily switches off complex mathematical calculations or thoughts about a literary plot, giving a person the opportunity to refresh his thoughts. This will help in the future to deal with complex tasks, which we left for last.

Among other things, physical education sometimes allows a person to reveal hidden talents that in another environment he would simply be embarrassed to reveal. After all, here, in essence, everyone is equal and everyone is in equal conditions, when few people will joke about your successes. But an experienced teacher will be able to assess the possible potential and develop it in the future. This is exactly how future football players, volleyball players, basketball players, and track and field athletes manifest themselves. After visiting the gym, many people want to develop independently, improve their body and improve their health. And this is precisely what is valuable in school physical education, as a source of limitless opportunities in the future.

The harmonious development of modern man largely depends on physical education lessons, which imply not only practical, but also theoretical study. Teachers should pay special attention to how they are absorbed by students and constantly test the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren. This can be done using our website “Aida”, which regularly hosts physical education Olympiads for schoolchildren.

Testing knowledge in physical education through online Olympiads

Online Olympiads on our website are free for participants, are ongoing, and can be completed at any convenient time. Online Olympiads are tests that include fifteen multiple-choice questions. Students are asked to choose the correct option. The more of them there are, the more successful the Olympics will be. Its results appear immediately after testing is completed. This can be first, second, third place, a laureate or a participant.

Olympiads in physical education involve accepting work from practical recommendations, which are created by students under the guidance of a teacher. They are reviewed by the competition jury for two days after receipt, and then the authors of the works also receive first, second, third place, and become participants or laureates.

Based on the results of the Olympiads, students and teachers can receive diplomas that cost 89 rubles. They include the last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher and student, the results of the Olympiads, and their date. Diplomas are assigned an individual number. They are issued a few minutes after payment is received electronically, then, if necessary, printed on paper.

Certification of physical education teachers

Teachers can use the diplomas that schoolchildren receive after Olympiads in physical education to improve their qualifications. They are attached to the portfolio and shown together with it to the certification commission. This will help speed up the process of advanced training, resulting in a significant increase in salary. The more active the participation of schoolchildren in physical education Olympiads, the more diplomas their teacher can receive. And the sooner it will be assigned a new, more promising category.

Currently, physical education has acquired particular importance in school. What's happened physical education V educational organization? How can you plan for this academic discipline? We will look for answers to these questions in order to understand the essence and specifics of teaching physical education in a modern school.

Role and place in the educational institution

What place does sport occupy in national education? Let's start with the fact that currently one hour of teaching this academic discipline has been added to all classes.

The reason for this decision was a significant deterioration in the physical health of the younger generation, as well as the lack of a positive attitude towards healthy image life of schoolchildren.

The Federal State Educational Standards for physical education are designed so that teachers place the main emphasis on preserving the health of schoolchildren and developing in them an active desire to play sports.

The structure of the lesson and its features

Lessons are held in the gym or on the street. The program is designed so that each lesson has three sections:

  • introductory part;
  • main content;
  • conclusion.

At the introductory stage, the teacher offers the children exercises in the form of a warm-up. The main block is intended for learning new game, exercises, throwing, jumping, rope climbing, running, tasks for coordination of movements, outdoor games, team relay races.

In the final part of the lesson, the physical education teacher gives the children time to adjust their pulse and breathing and bring their body into normal functioning.

Important aspects

What does the concept of “physical culture” mean? What is school physical education? Let us note that physical education in a regular school is not limited only to lessons; it can also include small unloading physical exercises, which are conducted not only by physical education teachers, but also by teachers of other academic disciplines.

It is also necessary to include systematic medical examinations conducted annually in educational institutions. They are intended to assess the development, health, and physical fitness of students. Taken together, all this is physical culture. What is a physical education program for a Russian school? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Program specifics

It contains several forms and components:

  • base part;
  • rehabilitation and health part;
  • “background” physical culture.

The first part is the fundamental basis of the subject. It includes systems of educational and educational goals, as well as the selection of techniques and methods of work that contribute to the achievement of set goals and objectives. It is on this part that physical culture is based. What is the wellness part of the program? The teacher is obliged to fully fulfill the social order, create optimal conditions to preserve the physical health of the younger generation.

That is why the regular program for this academic discipline additionally (if necessary) includes sets of exercises that help correct various skills. For example, what a teacher does with children as part of a physical education lesson breathing exercises, exercises to correct posture.

Primary School Program

It includes elements that involve the development of endurance, agility, coordination of movements, and teamwork skills. In physical education class, a teacher teaches children the basics correct breathing, combining it with movements.

The program includes familiarization with the elements of team and sports games, training in swimming, rope climbing, throwing a ball at different distances, and throwing it into a volleyball net.

Features of the physical education program for high school students

At the senior level of education, the teacher uses a variety of working methods to organize lessons. They represent a single collection methodological techniques, allowing each student to build their own developmental trajectory and instill in teenagers a positive attitude towards sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Lessons include training in hardening skills, psychoregulation, self-control, and massage. This subject is aimed at developing the habit of playing sports in high school students for the rest of their lives. It is this subject that allows teachers to prevent associative behavior in high school students.

An explanatory note is drawn up, which notes all the basic techniques and methods of work. Relevance and features of physical education.

Next, the teacher describes the lesson thematic planning, indicating the number of hours allocated to each game, exercise, running and other activities. According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, special attention is paid to those universal skills that schoolchildren must master.