Fast Fat Burning - reviews. Fat burner, Distance program – Operating instructions Kettler Track Experience (training computer) training course your fit gym fat burn

The beginning of my journey was my own transformation, which allowed me to create my own original training program. In 2 years I lost more than 30 kg. excess weight and significantly increased muscle mass, receiving the first serious results already in the first months of training. And then, I helped hundreds of other people achieve the same thing by following a simple, time-tested training and nutrition algorithm.

Your fit gym program(fat burn) for:

YOUR FIT GYM (FAT BURN) training course includes:


The cost of the course is less than a delicious dinner with good alcohol or a month’s expenses on unhealthy, unhealthy foods.

After successful payment, click “return to store” and receive a download link. You can both view files online (workout programs, nutrition plans, video instructions) and download them to your computer or other gadget. If for some reason you have lost the link; at the time of payment, you lost the Internet; If you didn’t see the link after payment, or some other technical glitch occurred, don’t worry. You can always write to me and we will solve this problem. If the money has been debited, I will see your payment in any case, and you will receive your training course.

My personal email: [email protected]

After receiving the training program, you carefully study the course and begin a step-by-step action plan. You can ask all your questions in our closed group, which you will gain access to when purchasing the program.

Plus, when ordering the YOUR FIT GYM (FAT BURN) program, you will receive 3 bonuses:

  • Access to the closed “best of the best” community, where you can ask your questions to me and other participants in the “your fit” program. Share your results, follow the results of others, ask questions, communicate and get motivated!
  • A lifetime opportunity to receive additions that will be released to the training program, as well as to information bonuses (other programs, books, etc.), which, after they are written, will be posted in a closed group.
  • Program " up your mass", which I compiled based on the program of Mike Mentzer (one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's main competitors). The test of the “up your mass” program was carried out in February 2017, when a closed group was created, the participants of which could not get out of the training “stagnation”. My hybrid program was offered to everyone. After using it, the vast majority of participants came out of stagnation within 2-4 weeks, and the guys began to gain muscle mass and strength.

Get access to YOUR FIT GYM (FAT BURN) program and all the bonuses right now and start your transformation!

Frequently asked questions.

At what age can you start using this program and is it suitable for everyone?

The program in the gym is suitable for men over the age of 16, subject to the rules of exercise technique and the absence of contraindications to physical activity and nutrition. Typical problems with health - these are various heart diseases, as well as diseases of other internal organs, as well as various vertebral hernias and joint diseases, with which playing sports or, say, high protein food, may be contraindicated.

You can and should deal with such diagnoses! But if you have serious restrictions, then you should have a special program. The training course presents training programs for people without contraindications.

If there are no “sores” that prevent you from training, with the right load, you can exercise even after 50 (and there are enough such participants in the group). It’s just that the load in an exercise may be 20 kg for one, and only 10 for the other. As a result, everyone receives the optimal load for themselves, without harm to health. How to select working weight and intensity is also described in the training course.

How much weight will I lose and how much muscle will I gain using your program?

How much weight you gain or lose depends on your age, metabolism, hormone levels and individual recovery abilities, as well as genetics in general. 2 different people Those studying the same program can get different results due to their genetics and initial data. A more “full” person will always, at the first stage, lose weight faster. A more genetically gifted person will always gain muscle mass more active than the same guy, but with different genetics. Such figures cannot be given accurately. If someone accurately tells you the figure for the future increase, he is either mistaken himself or is deliberately misleading you. I will tell you one thing: “if you were born on planet Earth, and you are a human being, then this program will work for you, just as it worked for others. And if you train and eat according to plan, your results are only a matter of time. It’s just that some, due to their genetics and physiology, will get results a little faster, and others a little later.” The examples of the results include photos that can be used to evaluate the progress of the participants.

How long will it take for me to get the first result?

As you can see in the examples, different result can be obtained at different times. In the vast majority of cases, the first result can be seen within 1-2 months. If we talk about some more serious result, so that you can see a more significant difference, this is from 3 months.

How much time will you have to spend on training?

On average, training takes 1-1.5 hours. A total of 3 or 4 workouts per week (we will alternate between different training programs, with different numbers of training days).

What time will you need to study?

You can study at any time convenient for you. Usually training takes place in the evening or in the morning.

What kind of equipment do I need for training?

The “basic” equipment of the gym is enough: a barbell, racks for bench presses and squats, a horizontal bar with parallel bars, dumbbells, benches, and a basic exercise machine, which, as a rule, is everywhere (a machine for chest rows).

How long can you do the program?

The course presents different training programs, alternating which you can do for an unlimited time, that is, constantly. The main thing is not to get hung up on the same type of load. The course describes in detail when and how to alternate training programs.

The program will describe what, when and how much to eat?

Yes, the course describes all meals (with an example menu), and how to adjust them.

From the author:

Every day I see how people invest money in expensive subscriptions gyms, expensive sports nutrition, equipment and other “attributes” of training. But are they getting closer to the goal?

From Robert Kiyosaki's book Raise Your Financial IQ:

“One of my friends is a big golf fan. He spends thousands of dollars every year on new clubs and other equipment that come on the market. But the problem is that he is not willing to spend a dime to take golf lessons. As a result, the level of his play remains the same, despite being equipped with the latest technology. If he had invested in golf lessons using last year's clubs, he would have played much better."

The whole point is that a cool fitness club or the most best dumbbells, by themselves, will not make your body better. Equipment, equipment and other “training attributes” are worth nothing if you don’t have the knowledge of how to use them correctly. Having even the most modest resources, but understanding how to use them correctly, you will get the maximum result. It is knowledge that will underlie your transformation. And the course “YOUR FIT HOME (MUSCLES AND STRENGTH)” is knowledge of the maximum effective use equipment and products that you eat. Once you receive it, you will receive a huge knowledge base and RESULT!

Leslie Sansone has prepared 3 fat-burning workouts for you that combine aerobics and simple strength exercises. Her workouts are normal walking with arm exercises, knee raises and leg swings. Leslie uses light weights to tone your mice and maximize calorie burning. You'll start with 1 mile per day (1.7 km) and then increase your daily distance to 3 miles (5 km).

So, the program consists of three workouts with progressive difficulty:

  • 1 mile (17 minutes)
  • 2 miles (33 minutes)
  • 3 miles (48 minutes)

If you are a beginner, you can follow this program for a month, 10 days per level. If you already have training experience, you can start right away with 2 or 3 miles. For more advanced people, the complex will be too simple: it makes sense to include only a 3-mile workout in your fitness plan.

For training you will need wrist weights from 1 kg. It is quite acceptable to replace them with dumbbells, but it is still more comfortable to exercise with weights. The program is ideal for beginners and for those who have had a long break from classes. To complicate the program, you can exercise with leg weights - this will help to work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks even better.

Do you think that ballet training cannot be aerobic and fat burning? Suzanne Bowen is willing to argue with that. Her Cardio Fat Burn program from the BarreAmped bar series is a clear example of this.

Description of cardio training from Suzanne Bowen

Suzanne Bowen, who became the author of a number of effective programs Based on Pilates and ballet, she developed a cardio complex for fat burning and weight loss. Her workouts combine interval aerobics and functional exercises to strengthen muscles. You will exercise at an increased heart rate, which means you will burn calories and fat. Suzanne offers a low-impact workout, so you don't have to worry about injury or discomfort while exercising.

The Cardio Fat Burn complex includes the following segments:

  • Warm Up (3 minutes): warm-up workout.
  • Extreme Cardio Fat Burn (26 minutes): Interval fat-burning cardio workout.
  • Cardio Sculpt (17 minutes): workout to tone muscles and sculpt the body.
  • Cardio Core (17 minutes): a set of exercises for the core muscles.
  • Cool Down Stretch (12 minutes): Post-workout stretch.

You can alternate segments with each other, or you can complete the entire program for 75 minutes. For training you will only need a pair of light dumbbells (from 1 kg), a mat and stable chair. The program contains light jumps, but they assume a soft “impactless” landing.

The complex is accessible in complexity and is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Together with the trainer, two girls demonstrate the classes: one of them shows an easy modification of the exercises, the other shows a complex one. Suzanne demonstrates a modification of medium complexity. In accordance with this, you can choose the most optimal load for yourself.

Pros and cons of the program


1. Aerobic program BarreAmped: Cardio Fat Burn will help you burn calories and fat, speed up your metabolism, and tone your muscles.

2. The complex includes an excellent workout for working the core muscles: Cardio Core. you will create flat stomach, slim your sides and strengthen your spine. However, the program also places increased emphasis on the buttocks and thighs through barre exercises.

3. The complex is divided into separate segments, so you can train at any time convenient for you from 20 to 60 minutes.

4. Despite the cardio load, you will exercise barefoot. You won't need sneakers, and you won't disturb your neighbors.

5. This is a low-impact workout that is safer for people recovering from injuries and having joint problems. The program includes jumps, but they require a soft, silent landing.

6. Suzanne Bowen and her two assistants show three options for performing exercises: simple, medium and complex. You can adjust the load depending on the specific exercise.


1. The training is designed for beginners and intermediate level classes. If you are an experienced practitioner, we recommend watching Tracy Mallett's programs.

Reviews of the Cardio Fat Burn program from Suzanne Bowen:

This is one of the few ballet workouts that includes fat-burning cardio. If you like barre training, be sure to try Suzanne Bowen's Cardio Fat Burn program.

My name is Sergey and I am the creator of the project you are currently on. In addition, I have a project dedicated to sports nutrition. Despite owning such a project and having a financial interest in selling sports nutrition, I always said that knowledge comes first and only then supplements. If you don’t have the knowledge, then it’s better to buy it, it costs less. Only after gaining knowledge can you choose a sports nutrition and start using it with maximum efficiency. But I'm going a little off topic. I have been in the fitness industry for a long time, but this does not mean that all these years I have only trained for maximum results. My goals are most likely close to yours, namely, I want to be a healthy (from the word health) person, with high efficiency in life and at the same time looking good. That is why I never had the task of going to competitive bodybuilding, because this in no way correlates with health or efficiency in life, but, on the contrary, it takes away your health and makes you extremely ineffective in life. Nevertheless, I know how to make the shape I want and that’s enough for me. This is exactly the skill I want to teach you! Building a body for a harmonious life, or lifestyle bodybuilding.

There are many reasons why fat burning workouts at home are necessary. There is only one goal - to achieve results. There are two paths to this result: reasonable nutrition and physical activity that you can afford. It is worth adding one more important factor - faith in victory, because a tangible result is a victory, albeit a small one. By getting rid of unnecessary things, we find harmony. This applies to both our body and the state of our soul, because only in healthy body you can feel the presence of a healthy spirit. The ancient Greeks were right...

When you do gymnastics at home, you are absolutely free and don’t owe anyone anything. These classes help strengthen your will, and you really need it.

Below we will look at exercises that have a purely targeted effect. This circuit training. Its main feature is that you perform all the exercises one after another, without rest between them. After completing all the exercises the specified number of times, you perform 1 round. Rest between circles - 2-3 minutes. A total of 3 laps must be completed.

1. Jump Squats

We place our feet shoulder-width apart and do a half squat. So that the knees and shins form a right angle. The important thing is to be fit, you should feel every cell. The back is as straight as possible! Simultaneously with the squat, we raise our straight arms to the “in front of us” position. Lock this position and concentrate for the jump. With a strong, sharp movement we push ourselves up and make a jump. Straight arms should be pulled back. This will help the movement, give it direction and strength. You should lower yourself gently, quietly, with your knees slightly bent. We straighten up and get ready to repeat the exercise from the beginning.

15 reps and start the next exercise.

2. Push-ups

The next exercise is push-ups. This exercise has an amazing, very powerful effect. But only if it is done correctly. Feel every cell! Your back and legs should be straight. Hands firmly, with the entire palm resting on the floor. Slowly lower the body. We feel our back and toned abs. Feel like a strong log as you do this exercise. We also return to the original position slowly.

The exercise is difficult, only you can determine how many times you can perform it. Start slowly, add more and more repetitions every day. Once you master this exercise slowly, you will be able to do it quickly. But in such a way that the thoroughness of execution does not suffer.

3. Burpee

Starting position For this exercise, sit down with your hands on the floor. The first movement is to straighten your legs with a sharp movement back, acquiring a lying position. We also return to the starting position with a sharp movement. The second movement is to push ourselves up from the initial position and make a jump. We raise our hands up, clap above our heads, and then return to the starting position.

We do this exercise 10 times.

4. Medicine Ball Squats

We perform the fourth exercise with a medicine ball. Starting position - half squat. We hold the ball in front of us without pressing it to our chest. We straighten up sharply, pushing the ball up. We push the ball out so that we can catch it right away. And again we take the starting position.

We perform the exercise 20 times.

5. Seated crunches with a medicine ball (additional weight)

We perform the fifth exercise while sitting on the floor. Let's do it with the ball. The knees are slightly bent, the heels do not touch the floor. Keep your back straight. The first movement is to turn the ball to the right, the second movement is to turn to the left, the third movement is to lift the ball above your head. We lower the ball to our knees and repeat everything from the very beginning.

The exercise should be performed 30 times.

That's it, the first circle is finished. Rest for 2-3 minutes and proceed to the next ones. Dare and believe! The main thing is consistency. You can't leave what you started. And then the result will surprise you. Just don't expect it right away. He will come unnoticed.

Make a decision and start acting! If you find yourself on this page, then you most likely have the same problem that I once had. One day I just looked at myself in the mirror and saw the reflection of a man whose image would be good for a documentary about obesity. Belly, sides, and weight over 110 kg, with a height of 173 cm. But I was not even 30 years old.
It’s not that I had never looked at myself in the mirror before, but... My body was covered with a layer of fat gradually and imperceptibly. And I perfectly understand people who are passionate about work, household chores and other problems, when... Sometimes you just don’t have time for it, and you are doing other important things, and then “bam”, and you are no longer in shape. Is this a familiar situation? And at some point it comes to the point where you realize that you can’t go any further. It was at that moment that I understood it, too, knowing that if nothing is done now, it will only get worse, because every year I change, but far from it. better side... Then I decided that I would change my body, no matter what the cost.
I studied a huge number of books on training and nutrition, and began to solve my problem. During the first 75 days of training and proper nutrition I managed to reduce my weight by 17 kg. and significantly change your body! My muscles gained relief, and the fat layer melted. Within a few months I looked completely different! It was amazing and it inspired me, motivating me to move on! During this period, I read a lot and consulted with more experienced athletes. And based on my experience and all the knowledge I gained, I created for myself a scheme for alternating the stages of “drying” and “mass gain,” which turned out to be the most effective. I alternated between workout programs and changed meal plans, adjusting the amount of nutrients in my diet. As a result, in 2 years, I lost about 37 kg. excess weight and significantly increased strength and muscle size.

Do you think you can’t burn fat and lose weight with ballet training? You can if you include cardio intervals in your classes, as Marie Helen Bowers did in her Cardio Fat Burn program. An energizing full-body routine that combines aerobic ballet movements with quality exercises for strong, lean muscles. Interval training will help you create a beautiful strong body ballerinas, speed up metabolism and get rid of problem areas in the upper and lower body.

The Cardio Fat Burn program lasts 1 hour, but it is conveniently divided into several segments, so you can adjust the duration of the classes to suit your capabilities:

  • Warm up (7 minutes). Warm-up workout for the whole body.
  • Core workout (10 minutes). For the first 3 minutes you will perform cardio movements to raise your heart rate and burn fat, then you will have a set of abdominal exercises on the floor.
  • Upper Body (16 minutes). Complete beautiful hands and chiseled shoulders with cardio intervals for the arms and conditioning exercises on the mat.
  • Lower Body (13 minutes). The lower section also begins with aerobic plie movements. In the second part, you will perform a number of effective movements for slender legs.
  • Total Body Workout + Stretch (11 minutes). Finish your workout with a full-body cardio segment and relaxation stretches.

For classes you will not need additional equipment, just a mat on the floor. The Cardio Fat Burn workout is low-impact, but that doesn't mean it's easy for everyone. Many of the movements the trainer uses in the cardio segments will be difficult for beginners. They are based on ballet pliés and can be challenging the first time you try the program. Exercises on the mat are also not easy; your muscles will work intensively due to numerous repetitions.

If you're just getting started with ballet training, you might want to consider Leah Sarago. Her programs are close to traditional fitness and are perfect for those who want to lose weight and achieve slim body ballerinas

Video Let's lose weight together| Fat burning workout

Hi all!
Yesterday I promised you that today I will present a new one intense workout. And I think that Body Burn can cope with this task. If you're looking for some brutal cardio and strength training, you've come to the right site. Because this workout includes both. Today I included a new exercise for me in the program: explosive push-ups. These are very difficult and that's why I haven't done them before, but they are a lot of fun. If you are a regular visitor to this blog, then you know that I do not do any other workouts other than what you can see.

Many new visitors ask me if I do anything else. When I see these comments I just shake my head because when I'm not working out I'm just happy that I finished the previous workout and rested. Believe me, it doesn’t even occur to me to do anything else. Maybe just some yoga stretches. Guys, it is important that you understand the main idea: you don’t need to constantly train and make training the goal of your life. Your true goal is to create general conditions for fat loss and good muscle tone. If you are not a professional athlete, then what is the point of constantly exhausting yourself with endless cardio training by lifting weights? The key to success is consistency and intensity. If you can afford to train 5 times a week, these workouts can work wonders.

I achieved my results by training only with my own weight. The results and the number of different training options made me just fall in love with weight training own body. I really don't want to go back to weight training. Only you can decide how intense your training will be. The more energy you use in your workouts, the more calories you burn and the more toned your muscles are. Some people think that I haven’t been training like this for long because I’m already in good shape, but that’s not true at all. At regular classes you yourself will notice how you become more and more athletic, and your body takes on more and more clearly defined shapes. You must constantly improve your results. If you follow me, you should feel like the workout was really hard every time, no matter how long it takes. If so, then you are on the right track.

Video training:

Body Burn Workout:

Buy a jump rope and start by jumping on one leg. Perform 60 jumping jacks on each leg and move on to the next exercise.

These are explosive push-ups. I only do 3 push-ups at a time because that's my physical limit for now. If you are more trained, then do as much as you can. Start with the rack in a horizontal position. Bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible to the floor. Push off from bottom position so hard that you have enough time to perform the clap in the air. I think I did a lot more repetitions during the photo shoot because I wanted to show you really good photos, but it wasn't easy at all. I'm glad we were finally able to take this photo where you can clearly see me clapping my hands.

Now repeat these exercises (jump rope + push-ups) again, and move on to chair lifts.

Jump onto a chair (the one I used was knee high) with both feet and take 5 steps with each leg. Repeat this 10 times. As I said in the video, this is killer cardio. After this exercise, perform explosive push-ups again and move on to lunges.

Perform 30 repetitions of lunges. Every time you jump, you should touch your toes while near your feet. Each touch is one repetition.

The last exercise was “Single Leg Chair Push Ups” and I did 5 reps on each leg. This is all just one round. Now you need to repeat everything from the beginning in the same order again. Let me know in the comments what you thought about this workout and how it turned out for you.

Happy training, Suzanne!

FAT burn workout on the treadmill. Treadmill training program for experienced:

Using interval running, you will increase your fitness level by adding a few seconds to your personal records.

Below we present one of the most complex programs that David practices with his students, and often uses it himself:

  • 1 minute fast (10) +1 minute rest (7)
  • 1 minute fast (9.8) +1 minute rest (7.3)
  • 1 minute fast (9.6) +1 minute rest (7.6)
  • 1 minute fast (9.4) +1 minute rest (7.9)
  • 1 minute fast (9.2) +1 minute rest (8.2)
  • 1 minute fast (9.0) +1 minute rest (8.5)
  • 1 minute (8.8) +1 minute (8.8)
  • 1 minute (8.6) +1 minute (9.1)

As you can see, the general principle is that 8 fast/rest cycles are used, in each subsequent cycle the speed for the fast minute is reduced by 0.2, and the speed of the rest minute is increased by 0.3. Thus, in the last cycle the rest rate becomes greater than in the “fast” minute.

Reading time: 4 minutes

If you want to reset overweight and tighten your body, but do not have much sports experience, we suggest you start with Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss program. The workout has gained popularity due to its excellent combination of accessibility and effectiveness.

Denise Austin's Rapid Weight Loss Program

Denise Austin is famous in the USA personal trainer and fitness expert. After Denise released video workouts for weight loss, she instantly became popular all over the world. Most of her famous program"Burn Fat Fast" will help you not only get rid of fat on the stomach, thighs, arms and buttocks, but will also make your body elastic and toned. Training with Denise Austin, on the one hand, is quite simple and accessible - anyone can do it. On the other hand, it is very effective for weight loss.

The program consists of two workouts of 25 minutes each. In the first, you'll perform rhythmic movements from aerobics, dancing, and kickboxing to speed up your metabolism, improve your cardiac endurance, and burn fat. In the second, you will do exercises with dumbbells to strengthen muscles and improve body quality. A combination of aerobic and power load guarantees you excellent results. You you will get rid of fat and tone muscles to ultimately make your figure perfect.

For the Fast Weight Loss class, you will need a mat and a pair of dumbbells. You can start with dumbbells weighing 0.5-1 kg, then increase to 1.5-2 kg. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at once: for example, you will simultaneously work on your biceps and internal part hips. This helps increase calorie expenditure per workout.

You can alternate Denise Austin's two workouts with each other, and then you will spend only 25 minutes a day doing classes. If your endurance allows, you can do 2 workouts in a row: this way you will achieve the desired results faster. You should exercise at least 3-4 times a week, and, most importantly, regularly. You should not have “training” downtime for more than two days. Only systematic work will help you change your body. Also check out the trainer's other programs: Review of all Denise Austin's workouts.

Pros and cons of the program


1. The program takes place in energetic fat-burning pace. During strength exercises You'll perform high reps with light weights, thereby increasing your heart rate and burning calories.

2. The workout is great for beginners, all exercises are designed for entry level preparation. We also advise you to pay attention to Cindy Crawford’s programs to improve your figure.

3. The aerobic part uses dance movements, so the class will be not only effective, but also fun.

4. Exercises with dumbbells accessible and understandable. In addition, most exercises involve several groups of your muscles at once. There is no need to worry that your muscles will increase from such activities. You only work on their tone, but first of all, burn fat.

5. The duration of training is optimal for a beginner: 25 minutes. Once you get used to the load, you can do two workouts at once, one after the other.

6. Denise Austin's Rapid Weight Loss Program translated into Russian. Nowadays more and more training videos are being released and fewer of them are translated into our language.

7. You don't need any additional equipment except for dumbbells and a mat.


1. If you have been doing fitness for some time (for example, with Jillian Michaels), then the load that Denise Austin suggests will seem too easy for you.

2. The movements that the trainer uses in the first part of the fitness course are wide and very sweeping. Prepare more space in the room.

"Fast Weight Loss" with Denise Austin will become a real guide to the world of fitness for beginners. You lose excess weight, tone your muscles, master home workouts and make your figure irresistible.

The problem for many people who are losing weight is the need not only to follow a too strict diet, but also to exercise at the same time in order to prevent the condition of the skin from deteriorating. Despite this, saggy skin, wrinkles and stretch marks often appear even with minor weight loss. Moreover, significant dietary restrictions lead to the fact that when switching to a normal diet, the lost kilograms quickly return and efforts are in vain. That is why today, those recommended by nutritionists are becoming increasingly popular. natural remedies for weight loss with a prolonged effect, which allows you to maintain the achieved results for a long time. The most effective among them are preparations for external use, which work to eliminate the problem in a comprehensive manner - they remove subcutaneous fat, eliminate cellulite and maintain skin tone. The latest development of such a plan is Transdermal Fat Burner - a cream consisting exclusively of natural ingredients and effectively helping to solve these problems.

Useful properties

"Fat Berner" for weight loss is recommended for use by women and men of any age, regardless of health status. Thanks to its natural composition and dermal application, the active components of the drug have a very mild effect that does not affect hormonal levels and the functioning of internal systems. Maximum effect can be obtained when combined with reasonable dietary restrictions and light physical activity. However, even without these additional measures, it provides the necessary result, helping to remove 8–10 cm in a month of use and significantly reduce the fat layer.

Attention! Weight loss when using a transdermal product occurs mainly due to getting rid of subcutaneous fat, which is much lighter muscle tissue. Therefore, weight loss may be insignificant, while body volumes decrease by 1–2 sizes.

The high effectiveness of Fat Burner for weight loss is achieved due to the increased activity of its formula and each individual ingredient. The active ingredients are contained in the preparation in such a structural state that allows them to penetrate the skin to a depth of 4 cm, acting directly on the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The action of the cream begins immediately after application and precisely in the area that is problematic, which ensures quick visible result. After just 1–2 weeks, the figure begins to transform. In this case, the most noticeable weight loss occurs locally in those places where it is most needed. When using diets, obtaining such an effect is impossible, since all areas lose weight almost evenly.

At the same time, the active substances of Fat Burner, penetrating into the blood, trigger cleansing processes and remove toxins, waste, harmful products decay that does not allow normalization of body weight naturally. This ensures the normalization of the functioning of all internal systems, due to which the breakdown of not only subcutaneous, but also visceral (internal) fat, which is the most dangerous to health, begins. The most important thing is that the effect is achieved by activating the body’s own capabilities, and therefore lasts long after stopping use of the cream, and without special diets or physical activity.

It is also important that even with a strong reduction in volume, when the weight loss is more than 10 kg, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is maintained. It tightens along with the figure, which eliminates the appearance of sagging, stretch marks and wrinkles.

Other beneficial properties"Fat Berner" is expressed by the following actions:

  • acceleration of blood circulation, activation of metabolism;
  • increased production of elastin and collagen;
  • reduction in the amount of accumulated reserves;
  • elimination of the fat roll on the waist;
  • lifting and correction of the buttocks;
  • cellulite breakdown;
  • elimination of double chin;
  • cleansing the lymphatic channels;
  • normalization of body functionality;
  • restoration and rejuvenation of the epidermis.

When removing the subcutaneous layer, a targeted effect is applied taking into account the type of figure:

  • with an “apple” silhouette, the stomach and waist lose weight first;
  • if the body resembles a “pear”, the active ingredients most actively affect the area of ​​the sides, buttocks and thighs;
  • figure in the form of " hourglass»loses weight evenly;
  • in women with wide top part body (“triangle”), fat on the arms and shoulders is first removed.

As a result, the figure acquires classic proportional outlines, becomes slender and fit.

Important! Fat Burner helps not only women, but also men, especially those with a beer belly or fatty rolls on the sides and waist. Weight loss in these cases will be just as effective and safe.

The formula of this unique product was developed by professional nutritionists over several years. The obtained data on the properties and structure of subcutaneous fat were used to create a cream that could break down adipose tissue, penetrating through the epidermis. The finished drug was subjected to numerous studies in laboratory conditions and testing on volunteers. The participants in the experiment were women aged 18–65 years with different constitutions, physiques and weights. All of them used Fat Berner for 1 month without changing their usual diet and lifestyle. Positive results were recorded in 100% of participants:

  • they lost 6–12 kg;
  • reduced problem areas by 5–10 cm;
  • significantly improved the shape of the figure.

Moreover, the number of kilograms and centimeters lost depended on the volume of the subcutaneous layer - the more there was, the more visible the weight loss was. Along with physical improvements, each woman noted a significant improvement in well-being and emotional and mental state. Positive changes health were confirmed by tests. Only after obtaining such results indicating absolute safety and high efficiency composition, “Fat Berner” was sent into production for further sale without a doctor’s prescription.


The formula of the transdermal cream includes natural ingredients that are separately used in a variety of products and programs for normalizing body weight. These are well-known substances: phosphatidylcholine, L-carnitine, garcinia extract, caffeine. It is in this combination that their action is most effective, since it ensures the activation of all processes necessary for normalizing weight - from fat breakdown to restoration of the skin. In addition, Fat Burner for weight loss does not contain any artificial or synthetic additives, so it is well absorbed and saturates the deep dermal layers with valuable minerals and trace elements.


A natural enzyme found in yolk, soy, mustard and sunflower seeds is phosphatidylcholine. This chemical compound is also present in human cell membranes, being an active participant in lipid metabolism. Phosphatidylcholine, obtained from soybean oil, is used in medicine and cosmetology. It is indicated as a lipolytic that performs several important functions:

  • dissolution of lipocyte membranes;
  • acceleration of lipid cell degradation;
  • binding of fatty acids;
  • ensuring their removal to the outside.

The presence of this enzyme in the Fat Burner formula helps to destroy the membranes of fat cells and transform subcutaneous fat into an emulsion with further excretion through the kidneys and liver. It is this component of the drug that helps to locally remove lipid tissue in the arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, cheeks, chin and neck. In addition, phosphatidylcholine evens out the skin texture and eliminates the appearance of cellulite.

Phosphatidylcholine belongs to a class of phospholipids that are important components of cell membranes. This is why it helps destroy fat cells, but at the same time maintains the integrity of the lining of the dermal and epidermal cells, ensuring their proper functioning. Such a “smart” selective and targeted action of this component ensures the effectiveness of “Fat Berner” when local weight loss. It simultaneously eliminates the lipid layer and immediately tightens the skin, preventing it from sagging after reducing internal volumes, and also preventing the formation of stretch marks, which often happens with rapid loss extra pounds. Moreover, phosphatidylcholine does not work alone, but attracts other valuable substances to restore the skin, which accelerate the restoration of normal cellular functions.

When applied directly to the skin, this component of the cream performs a triple function:

  • improvement of regenerative processes;
  • softening (emollient);
  • transport of other molecules to ensure cellular communication.

Fat Burner cream with phosphatidylcholine does not cause negative reactions and is ideal for people with dermatological problems:

  • allergic diseases that manifest themselves externally;
  • damage to the skin;
  • excessive dryness of the surface of the epidermis;
  • manifestations of premature aging.

Phosphatidylcholine is also often present in topical anti-inflammatory medications used for sensitive skin prone to redness. In dermatology and cosmetology, this compound is used to treat various external diseases of eczema, xerosis, dermatitis and other pathologies. It is included in nourishing and protective cosmetics aimed at preventing aging.

Garcinia extract

Garcinia Cambogia is a tree-like plant that grows in Asia and Africa, with unique biological characteristics. Mentions of healing properties Garcinia is contained in ancient Indian Ayurveda. Its peel and fruits were used to treat various diseases, primarily gastrointestinal disorders. Today, garcinia extract is widely used for weight loss. When applied dermally, it easily penetrates into the deep layers and helps to activate important processes, both directly at the site of exposure and in the body as a whole.

Garcinia extract contains a unique substance, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is practically not found in other plants. GLA is a catalyst for metabolic processes aimed at reducing body weight and helps a person avoid overeating by signaling to the brain that it is time to stop eating after gaining enough calories. Appetite limitation occurs due to the fact that hydroxycitric acid is able to maintain a high concentration of glucose in the blood, which is a signal of saturation.

In general, garcinia as a component promotes:

  • reducing the amount of food consumed and reducing daily calorie content diet;
  • getting rid of the feeling of hunger between meals;
  • increasing vitality;
  • conservation optimal quantity blood sugar;
  • preventing the formation of bad cholesterol and cholesterol plaques;
  • reducing the synthesis of glycogen in the liver, which is involved in the formation of the subcutaneous layer;
  • blocking the processing of carbohydrates supplied with food into lipids;
  • burning fat cells;
  • eliminating signs of cellulite;
  • nourishing and moisturizing the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • improving metabolism;
  • increasing the body's energy balance.

Actively promoting the normalization of mass, garcinia extract does not have any negative effect on the central nervous system, does not give adverse psychological reactions of anxiety, anxiety, a feeling of fear, an excited state, characteristic of synthetic substances or too strict diets.

Constantly maintaining the amount of glucose at the same level eliminates the appearance of not only feelings of hunger, but also cravings for sweets or starchy foods, due to which the amount of food consumed is reduced and the use of one’s own reserves begins to replenish energy. At the same time, new deposits are not formed due to accelerated metabolism and calorie deficit. This mechanism of action of garcinia in Fat Berner provides a quick, but completely natural reduction in volume and weight due to the burning of the subcutaneous layer. Moreover, due to the uniform distribution of glucose throughout the cells, the integrity of muscle tissue and the elasticity of the skin are maintained.


This is the most common and safe fat burner, which one in three Americans regularly takes. In other countries, including Russia, L-carnitine is an integral part of sports nutrition. At its core, this is a natural compound - a metabolite synthesized by the body during metabolism. It is responsible for the breakdown of lipids and participates in the production of energy, which it extracts from its own reserves and directs for use to meet the needs of the body, primarily to improve the functions of the heart, blood vessels and brain. Thanks to these properties, the substance is considered an excellent fat burner and is actively used for weight loss, promoting it at the cellular level.

The mechanism of action of this Fat Burner component is explained as follows:

  • inside each cell there are special substances, mitochondria, which produce energy by extracting it from the fatty acids that enter them;
  • these acids cannot always reach the mitochondria, so they are stored in reserves;
  • L-carnitine ensures the delivery of fatty acids to mitochondria and penetration through membranes, which accelerates oxidative reactions, activates fat burning and energy production.

L-carnitine also has anabolic properties, which help you lose weight faster. fat mass and replace it with muscle.

The benefits of L-carnitine in Fat Berner cream include several other important actions, including:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminating stress and its consequences;
  • relief from chronic fatigue;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the adrenal glands;
  • strengthening intellectual and physical endurance;
  • increasing the oxygen transport function of the blood.

In general, L-carnitine is able to affect the entire body, helping to normalize its functioning, reduce weight and dry the body.

With a lack of L-carnitine, progressive muscle weakness, as fat cells begin to be deposited in muscle tissue. To adapt to a deficiency of this metabolite, the body turns on compensatory mechanisms, which, at best, leads to the development of strong cravings for fatty foods, and at worst, to exhaustion and diabetes.


The plant alkaloid, caffeine, is well known in nutrition, sports nutrition and medicine as a powerful stimulant.

It can have a number of beneficial effects:

  • dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood microcirculation, increase the pulse rate (heart rate), which increases the consumption of internal energy;
  • suppress hunger and reduce appetite by reducing the amount of food and calories consumed;
  • normalize lipolysis, accelerate fat burning;
  • increase the speed of metabolic processes, remove toxins and excess fluid;
  • have a lymphatic drainage effect;
  • reduce the severity of edema;
  • adjust the contours of the figure;
  • improve brain function, relieve drowsiness;
  • eliminate depression, reduce fatigue, increase endurance.

Important! Exposing the caffeine through the skin in Fat Burner has the same results as taking it orally. But the effect is achieved locally, which minimizes the load on the cardiovascular system.

When applied topically, caffeine increases muscle tone and significantly improves the condition of the skin:

  • moisturizes, makes it smoother;
  • eliminates the appearance of cellulite, evens out the relief, reduces pores;
  • relieves swelling, accelerates lymph flow, removes congestion;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating effect.

At the biochemical level, caffeine inhibits the activity of fatty tissue receptors responsible for the formation of lipids and promotes the excretion of free fatty acids from the body through the kidneys. All topical caffeine-containing products, including Fat Burner, perfectly stimulate the functions of the circulatory system, accelerate cellular metabolism, which ultimately leads to a decrease in figure volume.

How to use

Fat Burner cream is ideal for use at home. It is easy to use and does not require time-consuming application. The procedure must be performed 2 times a day, observing the following rules:

  • the skin should be clean and dry (preferably after taking a shower);
  • the cream is applied in a thin layer to problem areas;
  • then rub in with massage movements until completely absorbed.

The duration of the course is determined by the thickness of the fat layer and the goal. Most often, 1 month is enough for a significant correction of the figure. If the result obtained is not completely satisfactory, you can repeat the course until the desired parameters are achieved. It is also recommended to periodically use Fat Berner as preventive measure to maintain shape and prevent the formation of new deposits.


Fat Burner for weight loss consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Its safety has been thoroughly tested in laboratory conditions and proven by testing on volunteers. The results obtained confirmed that the product:

  • has no contraindications;
  • does not give adverse reactions;
  • does not provoke allergies.

Women and men of any age and health status can use the cream. It does not affect hormonal balance and is allowed even in the presence of chronic diseases.