How to reduce cheeks on your face exercises. A wide face is not a death sentence

One of the fastest and radical methods rejuvenation – surgical intervention. But not every woman will go under the doctor’s knife for the sake of beauty, even to get rid of the hated hamster cheeks.

There are also more gentle ways to restore women’s cheeks to their former elasticity. Is it possible to tighten the contour of the face without a scalpel?

Beauty salons offer safe procedures without health risks. One of effective ways– beauty injections. Using injections, the subcutaneous layer is filled with hyaluronic acid.

This rejuvenation option is called biorevitation - one of best methods get rid of chubby cheeks without surgery.

RF technology will help you get rid of thick cheeks. The method works by heating layers of skin with electrical impulses.

When exposed to heat, collagen production doubles, which smoothes wrinkles and reduces facial swelling.

Medical centers offer cosmetic complexes of collagen masks. Myostimulation and lifting procedures have an immediate effect.

Visit the salon before an important event, and in a few hours you will completely get rid of the burden of an extra 5 years.

Exercises at home for men and women

There is special facial gymnastics that helps maintain muscle tone. These exercises are aimed at shaping the contour of the face and correcting the shape of the cheekbones. Regular classes Facebuilding will tighten the facial muscles and eliminate age-related changes.

Try these exercises daily and within a week you will see the first results. Facial gymnastics will help remove the cheeks on the face not only for women, but also for men.

Facebook building at home

  1. Point your head up with your chin forward. Try to reach your nose with your lower lip. Repeat the exercise for a minute.
  2. Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out. Quickly roll your tongue left and right. Perform the movements 30 times.
  3. Take a full breath of air into your cheeks and exhale slowly. Repeat these breaths for about a minute.
    The exercises are simple and won't take much time.

    Take a break right at work, lose weight with the women's team. Just 5 minutes a day will help you enjoy results within a week.

Removing thick cheeks with makeup

Do you want your date with your guy tomorrow to go well, but your cheeks are getting ahead of you? You can resort to the help of decorative cosmetics. A few makeup tricks will help you create perfect cheekbones and make your cheeks smaller.

Advice! Chubby women suffer from the problem of swollen cheeks.

Many girls, making a mistake in choosing a hairstyle, only show more problem areas.

Avoid bangs and slicked hair, choose voluminous hairstyles and haircuts.

Diet and masks for face weight loss

By doing only exercises you can achieve temporary results.

To consolidate the effect of facial slimming, follow a few simple rules:

  • Don't slouch and watch your posture. Saggy cheeks and a double chin can be a result of poor circulation.
  • Don't sleep on large pillows. It is better to opt for orthopedic models.
  • Follow a facial diet, exclude highly salty and sweet foods from your diet.
  • Choose the right beauty care according to your skin type.

Facial diet

Helps cope with swelling of the cheeks proper nutrition.

Get your body in order, and this will be reflected primarily on your face:

  • Reduce your sugar and salt intake. Remove harmful carbonated drinks and foods rich in fats and carbohydrates from your diet.

    Don’t have extra tea parties; there’s always candy for a cup of coffee.

  • Take vitamins in their pure form. More than 50% of your diet is fruits and vegetables.
  • Add fiber to your meals. This will speed up your metabolism and give your body a feeling of lightness.
  • Eliminate alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks accelerate the aging process and cause swelling.
  • Drink more clean water. Maintain salt balance. Water will help you fight hunger in just 0 calories.

Cosmetic masks

To increase skin elasticity and improve complexion, use cosmetic masks at home. To get rid of fat accumulated over the years from the face, it is worth performing at least 10 procedures.

Don't expect an instant effect like a lift; be patient and constantly take care of your beauty.

To make homemade face masks, you can find the following basic products at home:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Wheat bran.
  • Green tea.
  • Brewer's yeast.
  • Eggs.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Essential oils.
  • Cosmetic clay.

Soak oatmeal in milk and apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. Or dilute blue clay in water with added ylang-ylang oil.

Choose products that suit your skin and look beautiful with high cheekbones.

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No one gets younger over time, and if you want to preserve the former beauty of your face and body, even for a short while, you will have to devote some time to this. One of the main problems of women remains the appearance of sagging cheeks over the years. You can get rid of them and return your face to its previous appearance without even resorting to plastic surgery. Find out how.

How to get rid of cheeks at home

Not all women like their chubby cheeks. The reason for this is often weight gain, and it is possible and necessary to remove such a deficiency without liposuction of the cheeks. Not only the figure, but also the face can be slim. Much more stylish haircuts and hairstyles will immediately suit him, while chubby ladies have to spend a long time choosing an image to look impressive.

There are many ways to lose weight in your cheeks. Moreover, these methods, if not completely free, then cost pennies (if we talk about masks). The main thing that is required is patience, because without it nothing will work. As in any process of losing weight, it is important not only to take any actions aimed at reducing weight, but also to maintain proper nutrition, without which overweight won't go away. You will learn further about how to remove fat from your cheeks.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

To reduce the contour of your face, you can do special exercises to slim your cheeks. It is important to perform them regularly, then the result will certainly please you. With the help of this complex you will get rid of not only full cheeks, but also a double chin. How to remove cheeks:

  1. Sit down and tilt your head back. Move your chin as if you want to grab your upper lip with your lower lip. Repeat 30 times.
  2. With your jaw closed (while keeping your head straight), try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Slightly tilt your head forward, begin to move your chin: stretch to your left, then to your right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight and the corners of your lips down. Start tensing your muscles and stay in this state for a minute.

Diet for losing weight on the face and cheeks

If you think there is special diet for the cheeks, then you will probably be disappointed that it is not there. Losing weight in this part of your face will entirely depend on how much weight you want to lose overall. Uncontrollable hunger won't help, so start by eating a healthy diet. Review your diet: remove all fried and fatty foods from it, give up quick snacks. Devote at least two weeks to the diet, cleanse your body of toxins, and in combination with exercise, you will achieve the effect even faster and you will not need any cheek liposuction.

Healthy eating will help not only improve the contour of the face, but also make slim figure. Eat more vegetables, try to use honey instead of sugar, and give up flour products more often. The main thing in this matter is to be patient, because there is no way to quickly remove cheeks. Everything requires time and perseverance, and the result will definitely not be long in coming.

Cheek masks

Another great alternative for getting a beautiful face are various anti-cheek masks that you can make yourself from natural products. Here are a few recipes that will help you fight the roundness of your face:

  • Lemon mask. Stir 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of honey with warm oatmeal (1 tbsp). Spread the mask over your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Yeast mask. Dilute 20 g of yeast with a tablespoon of milk, add an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Thicken the mixture with rice flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 30 minutes.

Cheek slimming massage

Finally, the last free method is a facial massage to slim down your cheeks. How to remove cheeks with massage:

  1. Apply any nourishing cream. It is not advisable to use products with a lifting effect.
  2. Start stroking the skin of your face, move on to patting and pinching. There is no need to hurt yourself, because a massage should only bring pleasure. Direct the movements from bottom to top from the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. Start pinching and rubbing the folds. It would be a huge mistake if you start to stretch the skin too much. In this case, the completely opposite result will be obtained.

How to remove bulldog cheeks at home

Not only older women, but also girls and young men can experience sagging facial skin. Sagging largely depends on genetics. There is no need to worry about this problem, because there are many methods for tightening sagging cheeks at home. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to liposuction of the cheeks or other plastic surgery.

Contrast shower for face

A very useful remedy that will help remove cheeks is a contrast shower. It can and should be done regularly, every time you take a bath yourself. It's very simple: pour hot water on your face, then cold water. In this case, you can alternately inflate and deflate the cheeks, drawing air into them. Such gymnastics and contrasting water procedures have a positive effect on facial skin, rejuvenating it and making it more elastic.

Facial massage for facelift at home

Sagging facial skin should be massaged with the palm of your hand or fingertips. This process helps improve blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect. Regular massage for sagging cheeks can be done in a salon by a professional or on your own at home, which is no worse. For the procedure, it is advisable to acquire a special oil that helps increase skin elasticity.

One of the ways to remove cheeks using massage requires a special herbal decoction. Almost any will do, but chamomile, birch, and mint are especially good for the skin. Soak the tip of a towel in the broth and lightly hit yourself in the face with it. Problem areas need to be kneaded thoroughly, tap them with your fingertips. Create vibration-like movements. By performing this massage on a regular basis, you will soon forget about this problem.

  • Fold your lips together as in the first exercise, pressing your upper lip to your teeth. Smile only from the corners of your mouth, lifting your cheeks up. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Hold your last smile for 30 seconds.
  • How to visually reduce cheeks

    Want to know how to visually make your cheeks appear smaller using makeup? There is a simple technique for this that can help make the facial contour more slender, like the models in the photo. You will need a dark blush that matches your skin tone, a light powder, a thick brush and 5 minutes of free time. Use powder to tint your face, and apply blush along the sunken line that is formed when the lips are folded into a duck, starting from the cheekbones. Do not overdo it with cosmetics; distribute the blush evenly.

    Video: Facial exercises to lift cheeks

    The problem of chubby cheeks, which so worries the fair half of humanity, occupies a leading position in the list of its own shortcomings. If figure flaws can be properly disguised with properly selected clothes, then this cannot be done with your face. Even if people around you think your chubby cheeks are cute, this doesn't stop you from trying to get rid of them. The desire to remove the cheeks on the face is driven by the dream of making the cheekbones expressive so that the shape of the face appears more attractive. But if you are completely unable to love yourself for who you are, and you are determined to correct this part of your face, then first you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of chubby cheeks.

    Problem overweight and chubby cheeks are closely related. If you stick to a diet and do it every day physical exercise, then along with excess weight, big cheeks will go away. But it is worth considering that the exercises are aimed primarily at correcting the figure, so the cheeks will begin to lose weight last.

    To hasten the onset of results, you also need to select a row for the face special exercises, called Facebook building. The method consists of making various grimaces with the face, involving all facial areas. Exercises can be performed either at home or with a trainer in the gym:

    • hold a pen or pencil between your lips and draw letters, then words, and even whole sentences in the air;
    • tense the muscles of your face and neck, lowering the corners of your lips down;
    • grab the upper lip of the lower lip, stretch it as high as possible, throwing your head back;
    • pull your lower lip down with your facial muscles, clenching your teeth tightly;
    • tilt your head forward and stretch your chin to each shoulder in turn;
    • inflate each cheek in turn;
    • smile as widely as possible, then return to a serious expression;
    • fold your lips into a tube and try to sing the vowels in a chaotic order.
    This approximate complex exercise will help remove chubby cheeks if you do it every morning and evening for 15 minutes. The effect will be noticeable within a month.

    Maybe one of your relatives had chubby cheeks? If so, then apparently this did not stop them from continuing their family line. After all, there will definitely be someone who will love your chubby cheeks more than anything else in the world. But if you still can’t be convinced, then you can correct the shape of your face with the help of Facebook building and assahi.

    Assahi is a facial massage aimed at prolonging youth, tightening facial muscles and smoothing out wrinkles. You can try to remove chubby cheeks using this method. You can do Japanese massage yourself by studying video tutorials on the Internet.

    The method is very effective and eliminates the need for surgery or the use of expensive drugs and cosmetics.

    Excess fluid in the body
    The cause of chubby cheeks may be fluid retention in the body. To get rid of excess liquid and thereby remove the cheeks on your face, you need to follow the following rules:

    • limit the consumption of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
    • reduce fluid intake in late hours;
    • take herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect.
    Don’t howl that the beauty of many women is, first of all, their work on themselves, work on their body. With a little diligence, you can correct your problem areas, which will be the first achievement in the pursuit of your ideals.

    Wide face– a problem that worries not only ordinary people.

    Expert comment:

    Probably one of the most famous attempts to narrow her face was made by the singer Cher. Rumor has it that she had several chewing teeth removed to correct her broad facial features.

    We don't know if this is true or not, but modern approaches won't require you to sacrifice your digestion.

    Optical illusions, or why relative facial proportions are often more important than absolute ones

    Do you perceive your face as wide? To narrow it down, it is not at all necessary to go to South Korea and undergo a complex operation to cut away excess bone tissue. In most cases, it is enough to change the “weight distribution” of the features on the face.

    Expert comment:

    Lindsey Wixson

    For example, there is the three-thirds rule, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci.

    According to the rule, the face can be divided into 3 parts by two horizontal lines. One of them runs along the line of the eyebrows, the second - at the level of the base of the nose. For the face to appear beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary that 3 parts - from the base of the hair to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin - are equal.

    In a harmoniously beautiful face, the distance from the hair growth to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin is approximately the same.

    If in the background round face measurements show a lack of chin area, to narrow the face you won’t have to remove the cheeks - it will be enough . This simple manipulation will significantly lengthen and narrow your face. That is why before each procedure we carry out a series of measurements and mathematical calculations.

    There are different methods to change the “weight distribution” of traits. From playing with light and shadow when applying cosmetics to permanent methods of plastic surgery.

    We will not talk about the most obvious reason for facial fullness associated with excess weight. If after losing weight you do not receive desired effect, which means you need to look for other ways to make a wide face narrow.

    We will start our story with home remedies, then we will talk about the latest low-traumatic developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

    To get a narrow face, you must first visit the dentist

    But not at all for the reason for which Cher did it.

    One of the common reasons for a wide face is a low bite and worn teeth. As a rule, the problem in this case is accompanied by crunching and pain in the jaw joint, headaches.

    To solve the problem, the dentist raises the bite with crowns, removes excess load from the jaw joint and returns the face correct outlines. The face becomes narrower.

    This is what faces with a low bite (on the left) and a normal bite (on the right) look like.

    Do exercises help narrow a face with wide cheekbones?

    To narrow the face, face-building instructors recommend training the muscles of the cheek-zygomatic region, and in theory, the exercises can have a good effect.

    Facial fitness or a new gadget for facial gymnastics.

    We will not dissuade you from gymnastics, because keeping your facial muscles toned is useful in any case.

    Unfortunately, you won’t be able to “pump up” just one or a couple of muscles in isolation. To one degree or another, all groups of facial muscles will be loaded, including those zones that expand the face.

    How to apply blush to narrow your face

    If you apply makeup correctly, your face will be visually narrower and slimmer.

    To narrow your face with blush, you need to make the skin under your cheekbones a shade darker. For this purpose, dark blush, dark shades of foundation or matte bronzer are suitable, which makes the skin tanned.

    How to apply these products?

      With your mouth closed, lower your lower jaw and draw in your cheeks. The cheekbone line is clearly drawn on the face.

      Apply a dark shade to the area under the cheekbones, moving from the center of the cheek to the ear.

      We apply highlighter to the top point of the cheekbones to emphasize: everything light appears visually larger.

    All cosmetics should be used without fanaticism and the line of transition from one tone to another should be shaded so that the face does not lose its naturalness.

    The second way is to focus on the eyes and eyebrows to distract the viewer’s gaze from the cheeks. We paint the eyelashes in two layers, giving a neat shape to the eyebrows.

    The main advantage of this method is that you can narrow your face with makeup in a few minutes, on your own and almost free of charge.

    Posing skills and accessories will make a wide face visually narrower

    What to do if you need to make a narrow face “here and now”, urgently? For example, you have a photo shoot coming up. Remember how celebrities pose.

    The mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open. In this position, the chin drops, the face visually stretches, the cheeks recede a little, the cheekbones stand out and in general the face seems narrower - that’s the whole secret. Just lower the lower part of your face a little – and voila, a great photo is guaranteed!

    Look, for example, at how Jennifer Lopez poses:

    And here is the result:

    Jennifer Lopez

    To make your face visually narrower, you can use glasses with square frames. This accessory works in two directions at once. On the one hand, it makes the temple area more massive, and thereby hides a wide face in the cheek area. On the other hand, it distracts the eye from the massive line of the lower jaw.

    The same effect can be achieved with side bangs or a voluminous hairstyle.

    If temporary measures do not suit you, and you want to narrow your round face for a long time, pay attention to cosmetic methods.

    How to make a face using cosmetic methods

    1. For general fullness of the face, lipolytics are recognized as the most effective and INNO-TDS Draining ppc. These drugs safely “burn” and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

      Their effect is comparable to liposuction, so do not trust the procedure to a cosmetologist. The drug should not get beyond the fatty areas. The procedure should only be performed by a doctor who is familiar with facial anatomy in detail.

      “Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

      It is important to understand that in order to perform an operation, the doctor must have a well-developed sense of proportion. There is a risk of getting excessive cheek retraction after removing Bisha's lumps. Then the face takes on a tired, haggard appearance. At Platinental we remove just enough to keep the face fresh, natural and attractive.

    2. Laser facial liposuction. In this case, the destruction of fat cells is carried out by laser. A cannula with a laser attachment is inserted through punctures in the anatomical folds in the ear area.
    3. After fat removal, the cannula is switched to collagen stimulation mode - this way the skin recovers and tightens faster after the procedure.

      The procedure allows you to get rid of fat deposits and narrow your face without scars - two-millimeter punctures heal without a trace.

    4. With initial age-related skin sagging – – thread lifting helps to cope. The threads pull the soft tissues upward, making the face noticeably narrower and slimmer.

    Photos "before" and "after"

    In order to remove excessive roundness of the face, reduce cheeks and highlight cheekbones, different techniques. These are gymnastics, surgical intervention and make-up techniques. Each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the techniques and techniques of the main options.

    Causes of chubby cheeks

    If we exclude genetic predisposition, then the main reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks is an imbalance of fluid in the body. The body simply does not have time to remove all the processed moisture. In addition, there are various external factors that directly cause a round face.

    • Allergic manifestations. Not all histamine reactions occur with rash and itching. Very often, allergies manifest themselves as swelling of the cheeks and neck area.
    • Acclimatization. If your cheeks become plump after moving to another country or a long trip, then the reason lies in climate change. This process is strictly individual for everyone. Some suffer from migraines, some have a rise in body temperature, and some “round up” to separate parts bodies.
    • Hormonal imbalance. Many teenagers (especially males) develop large, fleshy cheeks against the background of an ascetic physique. This is one of the manifestations of growing up. As soon as the hormonal system is regulated, the cheeks will disappear on their own. This item also includes hormonal imbalances associated with pregnancy and lactation.
    • Weight gain. This is the most obvious cause of plump cheeks and face in general. Adipose tissue tends to accumulate almost everywhere, and it does not bypass the face with top part torso.
    • Age-related changes. Flabbiness in the cheeks, loss of turgor, hanging folds in the nasolabial area - these are all unpleasant accompaniments of aging. Many women have wrinkles not only in the eye area and corners of the mouth, but also under the cheeks.

    Depending on the cause of large cheeks, methods for getting rid of the problem vary.


    If the cheeks have become rounder as a result of weight gain, then the only rational option for reducing them is diet. To make your face thin and make your cheeks smaller, you can choose any gentle diet (Dukan, BEACH, metabolic). But, first of all, you need to protect yourself from fast carbohydrates. What foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet:

    • Flour in any form.
    • Chocolate, marmalade, caramel and other dangerous carbohydrates. They are not eliminated from the body, but are deposited in less-used areas. In particular, on the chin, cheeks, lower abdomen.
    • Carbonated sweet water.
    • Potato.
    • Fried, smoked and highly salted foods.
    • Ideally, you need to stop consuming sugar and salt.

    Most often, girls with an abdominal body type are susceptible to swelling of the cheeks. To lose weight for apples, it is important to maintain a balanced diet. Sample menu for the day:

    • Breakfast: green tea with honey, toast with cheese, whole grain porridge.
    • Second breakfast: juice, a couple of eggs, any fruit.
    • Lunch: Broth, fresh vegetable salad with olive oil, croutons, green tea or compote, boiled white meat.
    • Afternoon snack: Smoothie based on natural yogurt
    • Dinner: Vegetable puree soup, coleslaw salad, steamed cutlets, tea with honey.

    This is an approximate diet and may vary depending on dietary preferences. It is important to adhere to the optimal daily calorie content. The required number of calories can be calculated using women's calculators.


    The easiest way to remove sagging hamster cheeks is to make masks with a tightening effect. They will provide the necessary skin turgor, refresh the appearance, and improve lymph exchange.

    What masks can be used to remove cheeks?

    Exercises to help remove double chin and cheeks

    To remove belly fat, girls torture themselves in the gym, attend various yoga courses and regularly get massages with wraps. The same applies if you need to remove a double chin or correct the shape of your cheeks. Exercises for the face are called face building. They help to straighten the oval within a week and provide a long-term effect.

    To remove fat from the cheeks, it is important to activate absolutely all the muscles of the face. Otherwise, the effect will not be as obvious as we would like. And face-building trainers have one secret on how to smooth out sagging in the shortest possible time. This is to make faces as much as possible. It is believed that grimacing is one of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles. But this is not an entirely true statement. If you regularly train your muscles, the skin simply will not be able to sag - it will have nowhere to do it.

    How to quickly tighten the facial muscles in the cheeks, forehead and chin at home:

    • Before each gymnastics, the face is warmed up with a massage. Use gentle patting movements to cover all areas: from forehead to chin. Rub your skin afterwards in a circular motion and finish the “warm-up” with pinching. Please note that there should be no bruises after the manipulations.
    • Facebuilding of the cheeks, paradoxically, begins with the eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows up, lower them, move your eyebrows one by one. Repeat each movement 5 times.
    • Raise your cheeks as if you are about to grin. Make sure that no other muscles are worked in this exercise - only the cheek muscles. Do not do it for 3 minutes.
    • Do the same with your lips. Gather them into a “bow” and move them in a circular path. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.
    • Now make faces. Try to engage maximum quantity facial muscles. At first, it will be most difficult to control your eyebrows. They should move symmetrically with the cheeks. Repeat for 4 minutes.

    Adjustment of shape and size

    It is believed that correcting the shape of the face can only be done surgically, but it is possible to eliminate sagging cheeks without surgery. How to remove chubby cheeks and reduce the shape of your face:

    • Sit up straight, place your hands on your collarbones. Smile as wide as possible and try to fix this position of your lips. Slowly open your mouth and move your jaw down as if you were going to say, “Ah.” Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
    • Sit in again starting position. Pull your head as high as possible and smack your lips (this is the movement girls do when they put on lipstick). The louder the sound, the better the muscles work. Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
    • It is impossible to correct the shape of the face and oval without working on the area under the eyes. This is where girls most often fail. Put index fingers on the upper eyelids and press the skin to the bone. Open your eyes as much as possible and try to move your eyelids down. Repeat 10 times.
    • After the previous exercise, do not remove your fingers, but move them slightly away from the bridge of your nose. This will help relax the muscles in your frontal lobe.

    Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

    A girl with thick cheeks needs to be given maximum attention muscle groups neck. They are responsible for the correct distribution of load and fat tissue. To strengthen these areas, the following exercises are used:

    • Open your mouth and take in as much air as possible (encourage diaphragmatic breathing). Afterwards, stick your tongue out as far as possible and exhale loudly. Repeat 10 times.
    • In the same way, draw air under your upper lip; a flexible cushion should form there. Then press your lips together, as if smacking your lips, and loudly push it out. This will tighten the muscles of the neck, nasolabial and cheek areas. Repeat 10 times.
    • To tighten up sunken cheeks, you need to puff them up all the time and play with your cheekbones. Only then will the hanging areas become less noticeable. The simplest exercise: take air into your mouth and rotate it in a circular path. Repeat for 3 minutes.

    Massage plays an important role in therapy. To achieve a more noticeable result, you need to stretch the muscles of your neck and lower face after each gymnastics exercise. To do this, carefully tilt your head from side to side, rotate it at the maximum possible amplitude, raise your eyes up and lower them to the floor.

    Swelling in the cheeks, their sagging, and the absence of clearly defined cheekbones are very often a consequence of underdeveloped chin muscles. As one of the signs of this problem, sagging cheeks are added body fat under the chin.

    They can be removed in the following ways:

    • Open your mouth and press your tongue against your lower teeth. As you exhale, move your jaw forward as much as possible, and as you inhale, return it to its original position. Repeat 12 times.
    • To make round cheeks a little less noticeable and your chin more defined and vibrant, combine the Smacking exercise with jaw thrusting. With your mouth open, move your jaw down as far as possible, then lift it and smack your lips. The most important thing is to perform the exercise very slowly and measuredly. Perform 12 times.
    • Maximum stretching is used to remove sagging areas in the lower part of the face. You need to relax your muscles as much as possible, and then tense and tighten them all. The easiest way to do the exercise is to use an analogy with morning stretching. Repeat 15 times.

    Getting rid of chubby cheeks

    At home, you can make cheeks only with the help of face building. Without fillers, punctures with a hyaluronic cocktail or other non-invasive techniques.

    To do this, you just need to do a set of exercises every day:

    • Stretch your face in a smile and take a breath into your mouth. Roll the “bubble” from one cheek to the other for 3 minutes. After this, move it in your mouth in a circular path, slightly holding it in the area of ​​your cheeks and lips.
    • Hanging cheeks can be corrected well with inflation. The main thing is to inflate the muscles to their maximum condition, so that they are like steel. First you need to hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, your goal is to achieve a 3-minute tension delay.
    • The “tube” exercise will help remove swelling. Extend your lips into a “tube” and make a drawn-out sound: “Uh.” The main thing is not to let go of the muscles, they should be stretched, like the strings of a guitar.

    Combine these cheek exercises with the gymnastics described above, then the result will not keep you waiting. The first effect will be noticeable after the 5th session.

    Making beautiful cheekbones

    It's hard to imagine beautiful face with clearly defined lines without pronounced cheek bones. Of course, you can draw them using makeup, for example, concealer, corrector and bronzers. But few girls are familiar with contouring. If you don’t want to create the effect of modest cheeks with blush, then you can create beautiful cheekbones with gymnastics:

    • In order for the cheeks to become sunken and the cheekbones to become pronounced, you need to train them by squeezing. Close your jaws and try to move the distant muscles. The sensations should be similar to those that occur when chewing meat. Repeat for 3 minutes. In the future, gradually increase the time to a 5-minute interval.
    • The “Smile” exercise will help emphasize dimples and reduce adipose tissue. Close your lips and smile gently and slowly. Try to act exclusively with the zygomatic muscles, without touching the forehead and eyebrows. Repeat 15 times.
    • Extra centimeters are removed from the cheeks when the cheekbones are pulled out. This is a great opportunity to highlight the “Mongolian” features on your face. Sit up straight and stretch your neck forward. As you inhale, open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position for 1 minute. Slowly bring your lips together and repeat the exercise 12 times.

    To be most effective, face building should be complemented by mesotherapy or active massage with natural oils. Minimum course recommended by coaches facial gymnastics– 15 procedures. Afterwards you need to take a month's break and then, if necessary, resume sessions.