Interesting information about athletes. The most interesting facts about athletes

Interesting facts about athletes will allow you to find out what everyone has long forgotten about!

  • 1. Famous thinkers Ancient Greece(Demosthenes, Socrates, Hippocrates, Democritus, Aristotle) ​​at one time took part in Olympic Games Oh. Moreover, Pythagoras became famous as a champion in fist fighting, and Plato - in the martial arts pankration.
  • 2. Back in 1932, the 100-meter race was conquered by an athlete from Poland, Stanislava Walasiewicz. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, during an autopsy it was discovered that Stanislava Valasevich was a man. This was revealed by the genitals, although the chromosome set of this person was both female and male.

  • 3. An interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation is given to the four-time alpine skiing World Cup winner and two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer - "Herminator".

  • 4. Chinese representative Song Minmin is the tallest basketball player in the whole world. His height is 236 centimeters and his weight is 152 kilograms.

  • 5. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match of Aston Villa against Leicester City. Then Chris Nicholl, a first-team player, scored two goals each against the enemy and his own. The match ended with a score of 2:2.

  • 6. Interesting facts about athletes also concern unusual, sometimes tragic, phenomena during competitions. In 1998, during a soccer match in the Democratic Republic of Congo, lightning struck the field. 11 players from the visiting team died, 30 fans received burns. But representatives of the home team remained unharmed.

  • 7. In 1957, baseball player Richie Ashburn hit a ball that hit a fan and smashed her face. Surprisingly, after the game resumed, the same player again hit the same spectator who, after the previous blow, was carried out of the stadium on a stretcher.

  • 8. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - more than anyone else.

  • 9. Haile Gebrselassie, the Olympic 10,000m champion from Ethiopia, has a special running style. He presses left hand to the body, more than the right one, and bends it unusually. The athlete explains this posture during competitions by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

There are many curious facts and achievements in the world of sports, which we will talk about in this article.

The most popular trainer

You don’t need to explain to anyone what health is? Yes, maybe everyone knows this, but not everyone has enough time to play sports. There is a way out - home exercise machine. But which exercise machine is better to choose? What is the most popular exercise machine? It turns out that the most popular home exercise machine is the universal “orbitrek” device. As for the model of the exercise machine, users prefer the Turneo Vento C-207; this exercise machine is the most popular among people who want to be healthy and who do not have enough time to go to the gym. The Turneo Vento C-207 simulator can replace treadmill, exercise bike, stepper and rowing machine.

Most Expensive Baseball Card

Everyone knows that the price of rare collectibles is incredibly high. Baseball cards are no exception. The most expensive and coveted prize is considered to be a card with the baseball player T 206 Honus Vagner. Now its price is 2.8 million dollars, although most recently it was 2.35 million of the same American dollars. Only 27 of these baseball rarities were recorded at public auctions. Anyone who has the required amount can buy them.

Why is the price of some card so high? They were released at the beginning of the 20th century, when Honus Wagner fought against smoking. A hundred years have passed, and only 50-60 copies have survived to this day.

The best karateka

Would you like to know which karateka is the best today? Yes, exactly “the best” and no other. Are you familiar with the name Hirokazu Kanazawa, this man is the most respected karateka in the world. Kanazawa was born in 1931 on the island of Honshu in the family of a fisherman. Until the age of eleven, the boy did nothing and was like others, but then everything changed. One day, a fight took place between Kanazawa and his classmate, in which, naturally, our future sensei won. Everything would be fine, but after this fight, Kanazawa received a slap on the wrist from the father of his enemy - a 100-kilogram sumo wrestler, the boy fell into the mud and could not do anything.

It all started from that moment - the boy became very offended, and he decided to take revenge. Making incredible efforts, training day and night, cherishing a plan of revenge in his heart, the boy developed spiritually. When Kanazawa graduated from school, he was already so strong not only physically, but also mentally that he forgave the old offender, and he died 2 years later. Today, Hirokazu Kanazawa is already over 80 years old, but being the owner of a black belt and 10-dan, he remains the best karateka of our time and age is not a hindrance to him.

Longest parachute jump

The longest parachute jump was made by Joseph Kittinger, a US Army captain. On August 16, 1960, the stratospheric balloon raised the record holder to a height of 31,332 meters, from where the parachutist jumped. The movement towards the ground lasted 13 minutes and 45 seconds - a third of this time the captain was in free fall, maximum speed parachutist's speed was 1149 km/h. It must be said that this jump is considered the most dangerous, since it is impossible to make it without equipment.

Kittinger himself lost consciousness during the fall, and was saved by his parachute, which opened at an altitude of five and a half kilometers. After landing, the captain fell into the caring hands of doctors, who quickly got him back on his feet.

Greatest skateboard jump

Are you interested in who is the best skateboarder, and who set, well, just a record jump on a skateboard? Danny Way became a legend when, in 2004, he set a world record for skateboard jumping while competing at the Skateboarding Big Air competition in Los Angeles. Climbing onto a high ramp, Danny rode off it, accelerating his skateboard to a speed of 88 km/h, then he jumped a distance of 24 meters. This jump became the greatest in history.

A year later, Danny Way decided to cement his name in people's memories by jumping over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard. With his achievements, Way demonstrated to everyone his willpower and true courage.

Heaviest weight lifted in the bench press exercise

Everyone knows, and some know firsthand, that lifting barbells is quite difficult. Raise heavy weight Only a trained person can do this without harm to health. I would like to inform everyone that a new world record has been set for the bench press exercise. This record was set by Ryan Keneally. The athlete managed to bench press no less or more than 486 kilograms.

The record set by Ryan is absolute and no one has yet been able to break it. Even though Keneally was unable to perform the exercise cleanly - he was unable to straighten his arms completely, but still, the judges decided to count the result. One cannot but give credit to the champion, because that barbell weighed 486 kilograms - almost half a ton.

Guinness World Record for inversion lifting

Famous Russian athlete Zalodny Denis entered his name into the famous Guinness Book of Records, having made greatest number inversion lifts on the bar. While performing the exercise, the guy lost 1 kg, and his hands were worn out, because he worked without gloves. By the way, it took 208 minutes to set a record of 1333 coups. The most remarkable thing is that the athlete was only 21 years old.

Coach Sergei Rachinsky said that in 2008, on April 28, his ward set another record - he squatted a hundred kilogram barbell 210 times.

Drifting record

Cars, speed, drifting (controlled skidding) - how popular it all is today. What can we say about records, because they exist here too. For example, have you ever wondered how long the longest drift is? This happened at the Mercedes World test site located in Britain. A special circular route was prepared. Mercedes test driver Mauro Calo decided to show what real drifting is.

In fact, he was not going to set a record, but was simply testing what the Mercedes C63 AMG could do. Kalo managed to keep the car in a skid at a distance of 2308 meters, he would have driven further, and the car didn’t mind, but there was one problem - the tire failed. However, a record was set - the length of the longest drift is 2308 meters.

A child who can do more push-ups than you

The boy named Ronak Atul Vitha is already 5 years old. At the age of 2.5, he seriously decided to develop his body. According to Ronaka's mother, her son was able to easily perform various stunts, even those that were shown to the audience in the popular blockbuster Ghajini. It was this film that became the starting point of the future record holder.

Ronak decided to try his hand at push-ups. Every day he did 10 push-ups. The child’s body began to quickly get used to physical activity and after a week the boy was already doing 50 push-ups a day. After a little more time for Ronaka 100
push-ups became a regular warm-up. Today, in the Guinness Book of Records, in the column “master of push-ups” there is the name of a small athlete - Ronak mastered the “height” of 1482 push-ups, and it took about 40 minutes.

The boy was born in 2005. At 2.5 years old, Ronak Atul Vitha set a life goal - to become the strongest child on Earth. The boy is helped to achieve his goal by his loving family and his personal trainer named Satyajit Chaurasya, who comes to the child 3 times a week to conduct training.

First triple backflip

A young BMX rider named Jed Mildon made history cycling. This athlete is the founder of the triple backflip. This is exactly the trick Mildon showed on sporting event, which took place in New Zealand in hometown athlete. The 24-year-old rider delighted people with three perfect backflips on BMX bike. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records were present at this BMX show; seeing the talents of the young rider, they could not pass by. The trick, which Jed Mildon worked on for three months, brought the young athlete not only fame, but also new record.

145 water skiers enter the Guinness Book of Records

A new day and a new record. All over the world, some records are set every day, because there are enough disciplines in which you can show your talents. For example, let’s take 145 water skiers who were included in the Guinness Book of Records. What did they need to do? Just stay on the water for 1.85 kilometers.

This is all fine, but the fact is that they were all attached to the same boat, can you imagine this sight? This happened on the west coast of Tasmania, in Strahan in Maguira Bay.

The most dangerous sport

For some reason, it’s hard for all of us to live in peace - we constantly want a surge of emotions and adrenaline. This is why people sign up for extreme species sports Have you ever thought about which sport is the most dangerous? No? Now you will know. “Base jumping” is considered to be the most dangerous sport. What is it? This is parachute jumping from a very low height. The first danger that awaits athletes is destabilization of the body, which turns into uncontrolled rotation. This raises the next threat - the parachute may not open, and it is also easy to get tangled in the lines when rotating. Here, of course, everyone must understand that no one will have a chance to fix everything!

The next most dangerous sport is considered to be “Heli-skiing” - non-traditional skiing. alpine skiing. Then we have Cave diving, diving, rodeo, rock climbing, surfing, rafting. Like this!

The richest athlete in history

Are you wondering which athlete has earned the most money in his career? The London Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Peter Strack, a professor at the University of Chicago, calculated and found the richest athlete in all history.

This man was Gaius Appuleius Diocles, who lived in ancient Rome in the second century AD. Guy was involved in a popular sport at that time - chariot riding. According to modest calculations, for my sports career Guy Appuleius Diocles earned about 15 billion dollars in modern currency!

The heaviest wrestler

What sport do you think the heaviest athlete in the world should choose? Of course, it can only be a sumo wrestler. That's how it is. The heaviest sumo wrestler in the world today is Emanuel Yabrauch. The weight of this giant is as much as 402 kilograms with a height of 203 centimeters. Of course, Emanuel’s build is largely due to the specifics of the sport in which he plays. Emanuel Yabrauch is a recognized seven-time world champion in sumo.

Was born famous athlete in 1964. Today, Emanuel Yabrauch is a member of the board of the Foundation dedicated to the development of children's sumo. The champion is trying in every possible way to support young beginner sumo wrestlers.

Tennis court - skyscraper

Oh, these extreme people! There is a five-star hotel in Dubai called Jumeirah, and that's where you can find the highest of tennis courts, floating in the air at a distance of 1000 feet (about 300 meters) from the ground. In between tennis matches, the court serves as an excellent landing pad for helicopters. From the tennis court at Jumeirah you can see most of Dubai.

There is such a height that it takes your breath away, even when you look at the photographs, because 300 meters is practically a 100-story building. Naturally, every tennis fan would like to play on such a court at least once.

Record fast electric car

People create amazing things. For example, a group of students from Brigham Young University created a record-breaking electric car called Electric Blue. The implementation of this project took about 7 years, and 130 people worked on it. Recent tests conducted at a traditional test site located in the Bonneville Desert have shown that this electric car is capable of a cruising speed of 250 km/h and a peak speed of 281 km/h.

This figure is a speed record in the category up to 500 kilograms. What can you say about the electric car itself? There are two most important nuances auto devices: carbon fiber body and lithium phosphate batteries.

Olympic competitions are watched with excitement not only by savvy fans, but also by people far from sports. If you are one of these people, you probably have a lot of questions about the mysterious behavior of athletes, their mysterious rituals and many other details of competitions that seem strange or outlandish to an untrained person. We invite you to lift the veil of sports secrets. What is this white powder that gymnasts smear on their hands? This is magnesia powder. It removes the slightest traces of moisture from the hands, which can lead to the apparatus falling off, and facilitates sliding, making it easier for gymnasts to spin on the uneven bars or horizontal bar. How is the distance over which an athlete has long jumped measured? He flops his whole body, so from what point does the countdown begin? It's simple: the landing point is considered to be the point of contact closest to the push bar. That's why jumpers try to stretch their arms and legs forward - so as not to accidentally scratch a limb on the sand before the final landing, because in any case, only the first touch will count.
Do synchronized swimmers hear the music they perform to? Yes. For this purpose, special speakers are built into the underwater pool. French synchronized swimmer Margot Chretien claims: “The sound, of course, is not like in headphones, but everything is heard normally.”
Why do swimmers pat themselves on the back before starting? For many athletes, this clapping is a familiar ritual that reduces nervous tension. Some, however, argue that these clap speed up blood circulation, which is not superfluous before the start.
Why do some swimmers wear two rubber caps at once? The second cap presses the elastic band of the swimming goggles, because of this they fit tighter and do not risk slipping. What kind of bruises are visible on Michael Phelps' body? What, the coach beats him? And not only Phelps, but also other American athletes. Only these are not bruises, but marks from medical cups - the same ones that our mothers and grandmothers used to treat colds in childhood. Now at sports world- a new fashion fad: cupping is believed to increase blood circulation and help relax muscles.
What is the water temperature in Olympic swimming pools? According to International Olympic Committee standards, the water temperature in Olympic pools should be between 27 and 28 degrees Celsius.
Why are the Olympic field hockey fields blue? Field hockey fields are covered with artificial grass. The color blue was first used on London Olympics in 2012, since the blue surface contrasts best with the yellow ball, which is convenient for spectators, judges and the athletes themselves. At the Beijing Games 2008 and earlier, athletes played on a green field with a white ball.
Why does the score go so strange in tennis - 15, 30, 40, game? Initially, the scoring system was associated with the position of the hands on the clock, which counted points in quarters - 15 minutes, 30, 45 and finally 60. However, later, in France in the 19th century, with the development of tennis, the number 45 was replaced by 40 - presumably to make it easier was to announce the score. Several attempts were made to change the number system to a simpler one - from 1 to 4 - but they were not successful.
Why American football never became an Olympic sport? American football is popular mainly in the USA. Therefore, the IOC decided what to include in Olympic program a sport that is interesting only to residents of one country does not make sense.
What is freestyle swimming? Exactly what the name says: the athlete is allowed to swim in any style, even doggy style. Restrictions apply only in the medley relay: here an athlete swimming freestyle is allowed to swim as he pleases, but not breaststroke, butterfly or backstroke. However, the vast majority of athletes consider one or another type of crawl to be freestyle.
What do the five Olympic rings symbolize? They symbolize the unity of the five continents, although none of them are a symbol of any specific continent. The colors of the rings - blue, red, yellow, green, black - were chosen as the most common colors found on the flags of the world.
Where did the tradition of lighting the cup with the Olympic flame come from for the entire duration of the Games? This is an ancient Greek tradition - however, many people know about it. Few people, however, are aware that ancient Greek olympic flame was not just a torch, but an altar on which sacrifices were made to the gods. Fortunately, this part of the tradition has not reached us.
What sports are included in modern pentathlon? Modern pentathlon is a sport that dates back to military training in the 19th century. In fact, it recreates the situations that an officer had to face when delivering a report to the commander through the enemy's ranks. It includes horse racing, shooting, fencing, swimming and running.
Why are all gymnasts so short? There are many explanations for this. One of them says that it is not natural data that is to blame for this, but the training regimen. At the ends of human bones there are cartilage pads, the so-called “growth plates”. If these pads are constantly subjected to excessive stress, they become thinner and bone growth slows down. Since gymnastics is at the level of sports highest achievements- this is a very traumatic thing for the musculoskeletal system; these same “growth plates” wear out very quickly, and growth practically stops. Why are two bronze medals awarded at judo competitions? This is the scheme of competitions in judo. According to it, athletes who lose in the quarterfinals meet each other in elimination bouts, and the winner of this “battle of four” receives bronze medal. The same competitions are held between the losers in the semi-finals - in the bout between them the second bronze medalist is determined. The same system operates, by the way, in boxing and classical wrestling.
Can judo be used for self-defense? Yes. Judo - real martial art, which originated in Japan in the 16th century and was modernized in the 19th century by the master Jigoro Kano. Olympic view It became a sport only in 1964.
How much does it weigh gold medal? At the 2016 Rio Games, gold medals weighed 500 grams. They consisted of 92.5% silver, 6.16% copper and only 1.34% gold, which was used only for coating. Thus, each Rio gold medalist received 6.7 grams of 24-karat gold. And how much does an Olympic gold medal cost? Somewhere between $560 and $590. But this is the official price; on the collectibles market the price is many times higher. Thus, the gold medal won by black athlete Jesse Owens in 1936 at the Berlin Olympics was auctioned in 2013 for $1.5 million.
Do Olympic winners receive extra cash? Depends on what country they represent. Brazilian athletes pay, in terms of calculation, about 30 thousand US dollars for “gold”, 15 thousand for “silver” and slightly less than 10 thousand for “bronze”. In Argentina, each medal costs about 20 thousand dollars, in Russia - about 60 thousand. But in Italy, bonuses for an athlete can reach 185 thousand dollars. But in the United States itself, only gold medalists are awarded, giving each a relatively modest amount of $25 thousand.

The network is filled with a wide variety of competitions. The athletes give each other slaps and slaps to the stormy applause of the audience. But this tough sport is still more suitable for men. However, a new tournament was invented - butt spanking among girls. The episode from this unusual competition has already begun its journey across social networks...

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Sports may seem like a source of fun for everyone who participates in tournaments and beyond, but from time to time, injuries and even death can overshadow the good mood Therefore, we should not forget that every sport entails an element of danger, and some of them even pose the maximum risk for athletes. Determine the most dangerous look sports is not so...

One Englishman speaks highly of his 10-year-old son's football talent. He bet 63 marks (in terms of German currency) on a sports bet that his son would play for England at the 2006 FIFA World Cup and score a goal. If he does win, he will be paid 630,000 marks.

One Englishman speaks highly of his 10-year-old son's football talent. He bet 63 marks (in terms of German currency) on sports betting that my son will play for England at the 2006 FIFA World Cup and score a goal. If he does win, he will be paid 630,000 marks.


"Bonn tennis club continues to recruit new members.” From an advertisement in a Bonn newspaper.

Roof for a football match

Unemployed Briton Steven Spiller sold all 500 slate sheets from the roof of his own house to travel to London for an international football match. But since he had to pay for travel, and in London on the way to the stadium he lost a large sum, he did not have enough money for a ticket. However, the passionate fan was not at a loss and sold his jacket. When he returned home in the evening, frozen, it turned out that his wife and three children had moved in with their mother. She had no desire to live in the open air. Until Stephen found a job and became solvent, the roofless house remained empty.

Revenge for a fine

One Swiss radio pirate took revenge on the police for a fine in his own way. For 10 days he fooled the Neuenburg cantonal police by making comments on police radio frequencies football matches and sending police officers at halftime to the scenes of fictitious traffic accidents. Having arrived at the indicated place, the fooled policemen still had to listen to sarcastic statements on the radio. Only a Telecom specialist was able to catch the joker. The fine was followed by a lawsuit, which cost the radio pirate dearly: six months in prison and a fine of 2,000 francs.

1:0 in favor of wild pigs

A herd of wild pigs attacked the football field in the town of Sun-gai Pasir Puti in Indonesia during a game between a local team and football players from a neighboring province. Enraged wild boars drove the players off the field, knocked down the gates, and devastated building club, tore up a well-groomed lawn and injured five football players. Continuation of the game was impossible, the field was rendered unusable. By the time the wild ones attack animals the score was 2:0 in favor of the home team, but by decision of the football federation the game was scored 4:0 in favor of the guests. Rationale for the decision: Firstly, local players are responsible for the condition of their field and for all incidents, because ultimately it is about “their” wild pigs. Secondly, the visitors should be awarded one goal for each injured player. And 4 were injured person: goalkeeper, two midfielders and one striker. They were out for 4 weeks, which was also taken into account when making the decision.

Neat football players

The Chinese Football Federation found it too unpleasant that many players came to the game looking unkempt. The functionaries decided to improve the image of the athletes and issued instructions according to which top-class football players do not have the right to smoke, drink alcohol, or wear jewelry. Playing football with a gold chain around your neck is absurd, the functionaries said. In addition, the players were instructed to cut their hair short and enter the field only in clean, freshly washed clothes. If at least one of the players violates this rule, the entire team is punished: points are deducted from it.

Vain "doping"

Vice President of one football club in Orleans (France) decided to make sure his team would win in a very specific way: he poured mineral water sleeping pills for the enemy. The “doping” really had an effect, and the players moved around the field as if in trance, however, despite this, the vice-president's team lost with a score of 1:2. It turned out that the goalkeeper drank by mistake mineral water enemy.

30,000 kilometers to get points

A nearsighted British soldier serving in the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic crashed during football game your glasses. Since he worked in a machine bureau and couldn’t see anything without glasses, the short-sighted would-be soldier had to fly 30,000 kilometers home to bring spare glasses from England. There was no optician's shop in the Falklands.

"Throwing" dwarfs

In France, such a crude “sport” as long-throwing dwarfs was rightly banned. But the dwarf Manuel Weikenheim (height 1.20 m) very strongly protested against this. He went on a hunger strike and then appealed to the International European court. He stated that this ban means a loss of monthly income for him, and in addition, he has the right to be scammed. This is tradition, and he insists on it.

One-legged skydiver

Not far from the city of Pau, in southwestern France, a 70-year-old pensioner landed after his first parachute jump. When he landed, he only had one leg. At an altitude of 1,500 meters, his prosthesis came unfastened. But despite this, the strong pensioner landed confidently on one leg.