Pilates video lessons: the best exercises for losing weight at home. Pilates for beginners at home - The best way to tighten your body (video)

For people of the current millennium, taking care of health has become not just a norm of life, but a necessity dictated by environmental conditions, the development of new technologies and a high rhythm of life. It’s worth relaxing a little and not giving your physical condition proper attention, as immunity immediately decreases, metabolism is disrupted, and extra pounds. These changes entail a number of diseases, the treatment of which may subsequently take an indefinite period.

Today, all conditions have been created so that any person can take advantage of the opportunity to regularly engage in physical improvement. A huge variety of special techniques for healing and losing weight allow you to do this with minimal financial and time costs. Each person can choose for himself the path to healthy image life, which is the most effective and comfortable for him. However, those complexes of physical activity that have undergone many years of testing and helped many people are more credible. The Pilates exercise system is one of these systems.

Where did the Pilates system come from?

This system has become popular in our country relatively recently. And, like many other things, it gained its fame thanks to its popularity among pop stars and other public celebrities. The lightning-fast spread of the system among people who care about their health is explained by its effectiveness and focus on the exercises performed. Meanwhile, the system is already more than a hundred years old.

This set of exercises received its name in honor of the person who invented and developed it - Joseph Hubert Pilates.

In 1880, in a small German town located near Düsseldorf, a very weak and sickly boy was born. It’s hard to imagine that dedication, perseverance and careful attention to own body helped little Joseph overcome diseases such as rheumatic fever, asthma and a whole “bouquet” of other diseases. Already at the age of fourteen, thanks to his own system of exercises, young Pilates had excellent health, the body of an athlete and the appearance of a model.

When Joseph immigrated to the United States in 1926, his famous system gained new fans and adherents. It was from there, from America, this method body training began its victorious march throughout the world. Despite some transformation and adaptation to modern reality, the Pilates system, today, still relies on the dogmas that were proposed by its author.

What is the Pilates system?

Today, many people want to find out in more detail for themselves what Pilates is, what benefits the system brings and who can practice this program. Like any set of physical exercises, the Pilates system is based on a certain load that a person experiences during physical education and sports. However, this complex contains several significant differences from other systems, due to which Pilates has come to be considered unique.

First of all, since Pilates exercises are performed slowly, measuredly And smoothly, getting injured during training is almost impossible. The main goal of the system is to teach you to feel your body, to feel every muscle and every bone. As you master the technique, you will be able to learn to manage not only your own well-being, but also independently “sculpt” yourself the body you have always dreamed of.

The system is based on exercises for the whole body that develop flexibility, mobility and strengthening the transverse and rectus abdominis muscles, which Joseph Pilates called the “framework of strength.” Combining proper breathing with smooth, focused movements allows you to gently and consistently strengthen your muscles. without extension muscle mass . At the same time, those muscles that you didn’t even know about are included in the work during training.

A gentle and, at the same time, consistent, deep impact on the body results in amazing achievements if you follow principles of the Pilates system:

  • correct breathing
  • conscious concentration
  • constant monitoring of the “strength frame”
  • smoothness and softness of movements
  • concentration
  • regularity of exercises

By doing Pilates under the guidance of a competent trainer or just at home, you can strengthen your body, lose excess weight and get rid of many diseases.

Why and who needs this exercise system?

The Pilates exercise system can confidently be called one of the most effective and safe systems. The complex can be performed people of any gender and age, regardless of their physical training.

In addition to general improvement of the body, Pilates allows you to solve such health problems as: headache, spinal injuries, osteoparosis, osteoarthritis, back pain, stress, etc. In addition, doctors around the world actively use this system during the recovery period of patients who have suffered severe injuries.

Pilates is very popular for weight loss.

Using a special complex you can purposefully correct the figure, getting rid of extra pounds in the right places. Moreover, women who are preparing to become mothers can absolutely fearlessly practice this method both during pregnancy, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and lower back, and in the postpartum period, in order to quickly regain their previous slimness and beauty.

Practicing the Pilates exercise system, many people, after some time, note a surge of strength, general rejuvenation of the body and the absence of negative emotions. It should be noted that the system helps improve brain function and helps develop intuition, logical thinking, memory, etc. In our fast-paced times, such abilities are just a gift that can be received by anyone who strives to improve not only the body, but also souls.

What are the advantages over other systems?

Many sets of exercises are based on physical activity body. The Pilates system is also no exception and you will have to make some effort to practice. However, there is a main difference that transfers this system from the category of mechanical influence on the body to the category of targeted training of the body.

The fact is that Pilates demonstrates integrated approach simultaneously to the entire body, and not to a single muscle group. You don't train your back, abs or legs separately, you train them all in one complex.

The loads are distributed in such a way that it works maximum quantity muscle mass at the same time. In addition, in addition to simply automatically performing exercises, such as exercises on exercise machines, all movements in Pilates harmoniously complement each other and require focus and concentration. A person who practices this system feels his body very well and consciously directs the necessary energy to restore the body or get rid of unnecessary fat deposits in problem areas.

Like any new activity that a person begins to do for the first time, the Pilates exercise system for beginners should start with a general introduction and introductory classes. To do this, you should use the services of a professional trainer or instructor. However, thanks to the Internet, today it is not at all necessary to visit the training room to master the popular complex. If you wish, you can perform Pilates at home, not only by reading the sequence and technique of the exercises, but also by watching videos and photographs.

However, Pilates is considered a rather complex complex in terms of technique. To avoid ruining all your efforts, try to stick to basic rules, which are relevant primarily for beginners:

  • pay attention to your breathing during training - breathe with your chest, trying to open the ribs wider when inhaling and contract the muscles as much as possible when exhaling
  • constantly control the press- keep it tense throughout the entire session, drawing energy and distributing it to the entire body, all movements should come from the abs
  • follow the recommendations as accurately as possible and accept correct position - an uncomfortable or incorrect posture can not only not bring benefits, but also harm the body
  • shoulders, during most exercises, must be omitted- this is of great importance for establishing proper breathing, because when the shoulders are lowered, it opens wider rib cage
  • keep your head straight without tilting back or pressing your chin to your chest - when doing exercises on the floor or standing on all fours, this allows you to use muscle groups that are difficult to work under normal conditions
  • try to stretch your spine throughout all exercises - you increase the distance between the spinal discs, making your body more flexible and mobile

There are a number of other recommendations that a Pilates trainer can give you. It is enough to attend two or three training sessions to understand the basic rules and be able to further perform Pilates exercises at home, without the constant supervision of an instructor.

Pilates exercises aimed at losing weight

This system involves the use of three types of exercises: exercises on the floor, exercises on machines and exercises on the floor using special equipment.

You need to train barefoot, choosing a comfortable one. sportswear, which will not constrain the body or cause discomfort.

To practice, you will need a small mat and some room for movement.

If you wish, you can turn on quiet, calm music to help you get ready for work.

Exercise "Boat"

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands on your hips. The feet should be completely flat on the floor, legs hip-width apart.

Stretch your head up, straightening your back. Lift your feet off the floor and raise your ankles parallel to the floor. Freeze for a few seconds in this position, controlling your breathing. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pull in your stomach, slightly rounding your spine.

On your next inhalation, straighten your back, repeating breathing exercise at first.

Exercise "Cancan"

Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, lean on your forearms, placing your elbows under your shoulders. The toes should lightly touch the floor, and the legs should be tightly compressed.

Pull your stomach in, take a deep, full breath and at the same time turn your knees to the right side. As you exhale, straighten your knees, raising them diagonally towards your body. The next inhalation is accompanied by the body returning to starting position.

Exhale and perform a similar set of movements aimed at left side.

Alternating between the exercise and controlling your breathing, do several repetitions.

Exercise "Criss-Cross"

Lying on your back, bend and lift your legs so that your ankles are parallel to the floor. Elbows should be spread to the sides, hands behind the head.

Keeping your back firmly pressed to the floor, pull your stomach in. As you inhale, lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor. As you exhale, straighten right leg(it will be at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor) and, without bending at the waist, turn your whole body to the left. On the next inhalation, return the body to its original position without lowering the shoulder blades.

On your next inhalation, perform a similar movement in the opposite direction.

Exercise “Plank Pose”

Standing on all fours, lean on your forearms, placing your elbows under your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips.

Straightening and moving back, place both legs in succession on your toes. The feet should be pressed against each other. Straightening your body from head to heels, assume Plank pose, forming a straight line.

Take a deep breath. Exhaling, lift your hips and lower your head into dolphin pose. On your next inhalation, return your body to the original position.

Exercise "Leg Swing"

The exercise is performed on the floor. Standing on all fours, straighten your arms and place your wrists directly under shoulder joints. Your legs should be in line with your hips.

Starting the exercise, smoothly straighten, move back and place both legs in succession on your toes, resting and maintaining balance on your toes. The feet must be kept together. Lowering your hips, you need to form a straight line, straightening from the top of your head to your heels.

On inhalation, the leg is raised, on exhalation, it is lowered. Consistently alternating right and left leg, the exercise is repeated several times.

Exercise "Mermaid"

With your knees bent, sit comfortably on your right thigh. Rest your right hand on the floor, straightening your elbow and moving your hand away from your body at a distance of no more than 15 cm. Left hand place your palm facing up on your left knee.

Push up as you inhale. right hand and lift your hips. The left hand should be extended upward. Your posture should resemble the letter "T". Exhaling smoothly, take the starting position.

On your next inhalation, repeat the exercise, switching sides. Alternately perform the exercise first in one direction, then in the other.

Pilates gymnastics is a system of exercises in many ways. The movements here are made smoothly, flowing from one to another. But still there is power loads— the result of exercise is similar to the effect after aerobics. The body tightens and becomes more flexible, muscle mass increases.

How to do Pilates

If you decide to do Pilates exercises at home, be patient. Don't expect results in the first week of training. Only regular and long-term exercise will give you lasting results. But in addition you will acquire not only flexible and slim figure, but also a general improvement in health, coordination, and even psychological state.

By the way, it is best to combine training with proper nutrition. You can see the diet for the week.

What is Pilates?

How is a set of these exercises useful? This is one of the systems related to fitness. With its help, you can significantly improve your figure, even if losing weight is not your goal. After all, the main task here is to strengthen muscle corset, activation of the body's resources. In a word, the benefits cannot be overestimated.

This system exercises will do everyone: women, men and children, elderly people. The stress on the joints is minimized here, the whole complex is very gentle.

It combines maximum efficiency and safety. The exceptional benefits of Pilates for the back - doctors even prescribe classes for those with scoliosis. By strengthening your back muscles, keeping your back straight becomes much easier. Working on the stabilizer muscles, which in normal life are not subject to stress at all, also helps to straighten up.

It is especially important that a lot of attention is paid in a set of abdominal exercises - after all, this is the same antipode muscle that also largely affects posture.

How to practice at home for beginners

Pilates can be performed both at home and in a fitness club. Its particular advantage over other sports is that it does not require special attributes - a mat, a couple of weights, if you are advanced enough for this, a stick - almost all you need.

Of course, there is a lot of equipment for gymnastics - special simulators, unstable platforms, balls. But these devices are not at all necessary.

Do basic complex You can do exercises anywhere, anytime; all you need is a mat and a couple of square meters of free space. You don't even need special shoes - you can do it barefoot or in socks.

Of course, now you can simply find a video on the Internet on how to do the exercises, but it is still recommended to conduct at least a few training sessions with an experienced instructor. The Pilates system is complex in that you need to exercise correct posture, otherwise there will be no effect.

There are many subtleties and nuances that need to be understood and felt, video is unlikely to allow you to do this. But after you understand the principle of doing the exercises and remember the basic combinations, you can safely move on to home exercises, unless, of course, you have problems with self-discipline.

Pilates video lessons for weight loss in Russian

These video lessons for beginners are great for training at home. They will help you gain an understanding of the technique and show you basic movements.

Exercises in pictures

Here are a few pictures with illustrations of exercises suitable for doing on your own.

Doing Pilates on your own Simple exercises for beginners

Combine exercises with and you will get a great body.

How is the lesson going?

Usually the training lasts 55 minutes, for an advanced level - an hour and a half. Like any sport, it begins with a warm-up and ends with relaxation and stretching. Throughout the rest of the lesson, exercises are performed to the accompaniment of calm, pleasant music. various groups muscles. It is recommended to practice Pilates at least three times a week to achieve sustainable results.

Is it possible to lose weight with Pilates?

Of course yes. As with any sport, your metabolism increases significantly. And since the loads in the process are small, the appetite does not increase. In one session you burn 280 kilocalories, which you don’t want to immediately go and replenish. Ideal for weight loss are activities in the evening, after which you will not eat anything and go to bed. And, of course, an increase in muscle mass inevitably leads to weight loss, since a lot of energy is spent on maintaining muscles.

Pilates for beginners at home can be your lifesaver

For a modern person, taking care of your health is an urgent need, and Pilates for beginners at home, a video with exercises you will find at the end of the article, can become your lifesaver. After all, the rhythm of life in the 21st century places the highest demands on the body: work and household chores take up a lot of energy. In addition, a person’s appearance is very important: psychologists have proven that extra pounds not only contribute to the development of an inferiority complex, but also interfere with building a career. After all, if a person is not able to control his own weight, can he be trusted with a truly responsible task?

If you want to become the owner of a slim, toned body and prefer fairly calm, static exercises, then you should get acquainted with the Pilates system

Unfortunately, many people do not have enough time to regularly visit the gym. Therefore, sets of exercises that can be done at home without using sports equipment. If you want to become the owner of a slender, toned body and prefer fairly calm, static exercises, then you should get acquainted with the Pilates system.

Piletes system: a little history

The system was developed by Joseph Pilates. Joseph was born at the end of the 19th century in Germany. Since childhood, he was very weak: the boy suffered from asthma and regularly suffered from infectious diseases. However, thanks to his perseverance and conscious attitude towards his own body, Pilates managed to overcome all ailments. Already at the age of 14, he developed his own set of exercises, which helped Joseph not only get rid of diseases, but also gain an athletic physique.

In 1926, Pilates migrated to the United States. There, his system instantly gained enormous popularity: men and women, businessmen and housewives, movie stars and show business figures practiced Pilates.

Advice!If you decide to exercise at home, make sure you wear comfortable clothing. It should not be too tight and impede movement. Loose shorts and a light T-shirt made from cotton fabric are perfect.

Lie on your back. Place one leg on the mat and extend the other up. Breathe in as deeply as you can. Feel the air entering your lungs. At the exit, lower the leg that is extended upward towards the opposite knee. It is important that the knee is not bent: otherwise the exercise will not be effective enough. You should lower your leg quite slowly. When your foot touches the floor, slowly return to the starting position. For each leg, the exercise is repeated at least 10 times, you can do several approaches.

Advice!You can perform exercises at least an hour after eating.

With the help of such simple exercises you can “discover” new muscles in yourself.

Exercise to strengthen your back

Lie on your stomach, touching your forehead to the floor. Your arms should rest freely along your body. Exhale and lift your shoulders off the floor as high as you can. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and slowly lower your shoulders to the floor. You should feel your back muscles working.

Advice! If you are not feeling well, reschedule the class for another time. Pilates involves enough high load, which the body weakened by the disease may not be able to withstand.

Hand exercises

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms in front of you parallel to the floor. Turn your arms palms up and move them behind your back as far as you can. Start doing slow movements, trying to “connect” your hands behind your back. Your arms must remain parallel to the floor throughout the entire exercise! Count to 20, take the starting position.

During this exercise you will feel quite a lot of tension in the shoulder and forearm area. This is completely normal: the muscles should begin to “burn.” If you feel something like this, then you are doing everything right!

Advice! If during class you feel unwell, for example, you feel dizzy or have noise in your mind, stop immediately! Relax, lie down, drink some water. As a rule, discomfort appear in beginners who have never played sports before. As a rule, after some time the body adapts to the stress. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

A set of exercises to strengthen your legs

For this exercise you will need a chair. Stand near the back of a chair, grab it with your hand. Spread your toes to the side, like ballerinas do. Start squatting slowly, trying to keep your knees apart different sides. At the deepest point of the squat, pause and count to 20.

Slowly return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated from 5 to 10 times: it all depends on your level of physical fitness. Advanced fans of the Pilates system do a “pistol” while performing this exercise, that is, they keep one leg parallel to the floor.

Advice! Before you start working out at home, take a few classes at the fitness center. A professional instructor will help you understand how to perform the exercises.

Modern life is filled high speeds and technology, stress, poor diet and lack of sleep. All this gradually leads to excess weight, problems with the spine and so on.

Exercises from one of the areas of fitness - Pilates, which can be performed at home, will help tidy up your body.

Pilates - what is it?

Pilates is a specially developed system that combines breathing and physical exercise. Its founder is Joseph Pilates, who developed the system mainly to strengthen the spine. Exercises gently stretch and strengthen everything muscle groups our body.

The main feature of Pilates exercises is smooth and natural movements. And thanks to high concentration, the whole body is worked out, where multiple repetitions are not required. In addition, the benefits of Pilates training include:

  1. Even a person far from sports can perform the exercises.
  2. Low chance of injury.
  3. Concentrating on movement will teach you to feel your muscles and body as a whole as much as possible.
  4. Having learned proper breathing, the flow of oxygen into the body increases, which accelerates metabolic processes.

Home Pilates is even prescribed to people who have suffered an injury or long-term illness for the fastest and highest quality recovery.

An ideal option for beginners would be to conduct their first classes in a fitness club to master the technique and understand the essence of this system under the guidance of an experienced instructor. As a last resort, you can purchase video Pilates lessons for weight loss in Russian.

Having decided to master this type of fitness, you must follow some rules for the highest quality work:

  • An important point during training is breathing. Inhalation is carried out with maximum opening of the ribs and complete exhalation of the collected air;
  • Constant control of body position - shoulders pulled back, shoulder blades closed. The abdominal and back muscles are constantly in a tense state, creating a frame. The gaze is directed forward. When working on the floor, the lower back should be pressed tightly to the surface;
  • It is important to feel comfortable while performing any exercise. An uncomfortable state indicates incorrect technique.

To train your body using the Pilates complex for weight loss at home, you do not need any exercise equipment - just a mat for the ground floor.

If you wish, to increase the load, you can purchase a special ring for Pilates, which will help you better work the muscles of your arms and legs. It is represented by an elastic oval made of steel (diameter 40 cm) with grips for the limbs.

This machine is widely used not only in Pilates, but also in other types of fitness. Exercises using it large number, here is one of them, for example:

  • Standing on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your hands with the ring to chest level with your elbows out to the sides. Squeeze your hands, fix the position and relax.
  • I.P. the same thing, but the hands with the ring are located above the head - squeeze and relax in the same way.
  • I.P. too, but hands behind your back below.

Each exercise is repeated from 5 to 15 times, depending on the level of physical fitness.

Now let's move on to practical Pilates lessons for beginners at home. The first exercise is described a little higher and, let's move on..!

2) An exercise called “hundred” uses the muscles of the arms, legs and abdomen:

  • Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body.
  • Pull your legs towards your chest (lift them off the floor) with your shoulder blades hanging above the surface.
  • Straighten your legs and quickly slap your hands on the floor with springy movements.

You need to perform up to 100 strikes in a set.

3) Using the “balance” exercise, the abdominal muscles are worked out:

  • Sit on the floor, bringing your knees to your chest and rounding your back.
  • Lift your feet off the surface and balance on your buttocks without sliding onto your back or legs.

Hold this for each of 7 approaches for 10 seconds.

4) Stretching the legs is a great exercise latissimus muscle back, buttocks and abs:

  • Lying on your back with your legs extended and straight, bend one leg, clasping it with your arms and pulling it to your chest.
  • The shoulder blades are torn off the floor, and the lower back is pressed. Straighten your leg up (30 degree angle), holding for 10 seconds.

Then do the same with the other leg.

5) Another stretching exercise stretches the spine and nearby muscles. In this case, the hips, buttocks and abs work:

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and your arms clasped around your ankles.
  • As you exhale, straighten your legs (45 degrees) and stretch your arms to the side.

It's never too late to take care of your figure! However, there is always not enough time and desire. An excellent way out of this situation is Pilates exercises, which give results within short time regular workouts. It is suitable even for those who have very little free time. The main thing is not to be lazy, and great figure guaranteed for you!

Today, Pilates is becoming more and more popular not only in Europe and America, but also in Russia. This system of exercises can be called a worthy competitor to yoga, gradually moving it to the background. After all, everything new always arouses great interest among people, especially in our country.

A little about the creator of Pilates

Worth entering small excursion into history and say that the creator of Pilates exercises is Joseph Pilates, who was born in Germany at the end of the 19th century. He opened his first school in New York, creating absolutely new look workouts called the Pilates method.

His main goal was to develop a special set of exercises that would promote the recovery and speedy recovery of soldiers who participated in the First World War. Thanks to these exercises, your posture straightens, all muscles become flexible and elastic, and, as a result, the likelihood of injury decreases. The main principle is smooth and calm breathing, complete concentration and control over your movements.

It should be noted that many people to this day use the Pilates method, which has proven its significance and necessity even in medicine, not in words, but in deeds. After all, modern doctors successfully use a system of exercises invented in the last century to restore patients after receiving various types of injuries.

Who are these exercises for?

The Pilates Method is suitable for everyone, without exception, who wants to be “friends” with their body and make maximum use of the body’s resources, as well as move beautifully and gracefully.

In our time, unfortunately, the movement as such has almost completely disappeared from people’s lives, practically reduced to zero. What can I say: we are in a hurry to go to work - we sit in the car, we relax at home - we sit in front of the TV, we are at the workplace - we sit at the computer. And this is wrong, because, according to scientists, a person should spend sitting position no more than five hours a day. How far from ideal are modern inhabitants of frantic megacities!

Before doing Pilates, just like before doing yoga, you need to full concentration on the muscle group that you are going to develop.

In addition, classes require correct diaphragmatic breathing (i.e., with the stomach) and a serious approach to business, aimed at a positive result.

Features of exercises before others

Home distinctive feature Pilates exercises from others lies in its complete safety for absolutely all people, regardless of age and physical fitness.

It can be done even by pregnant women, which is strongly recommended by many obstetricians and gynecologists.

And two more important advantages of these classes:

  • saving time. Pilates can be done at home and you don’t have to waste time at fitness clubs.
  • saving money. If you decide to work out your figure at home, then the most ordinary clothes will do, and you don’t need to buy a subscription.

However, you shouldn't relax. Training will need to be done regularly. What is important here is not the quantity, but the quality of the exercises performed.

There are three types of exercises:

  • on the floor
  • on the floor using special equipment
  • on simulators.

Pilates for beginners

Let's consider each of them separately. Let's start with floor exercises, since machines are most likely suitable for more experienced athletes. All you need is a small soft rug, a bottle of drinking water and a good mood.

  1. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your feet parallel to each other, extend your arms along your body. Now, as if twisting your tailbone, slowly rise up vertebra by vertebra, building a straight line from shoulder to knee. Then just as slowly lower to the starting position. During the exercise it is necessary Be sure to monitor your breathing: take a deep breath and, as you exhale, lift your body. At the top, inhale again and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat 10 times.
  2. The starting position remains unchanged. Raise one leg up, bending it at the knee, pressing your lower back. As you exhale in the air, change legs. The goal of the exercise is to keep your back pressed using your abdominal muscles. When replacing legs, you need to touch the floor with your toes. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.
  3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your legs, place your arms bent at the elbows so that your palms are slightly higher than your shoulders. Inhale at the bottom and as you exhale, pushing off the floor with your palms, lift top part bodies. Then, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position. You don't need to go too high to avoid straining your lower back. The lower ribs should remain on the floor. The task is to try to stretch and lengthen as much as possible. Repeat 10 times. At the end, rise up and relax your lower back, taking the “cat” pose.

Video exercises for beginners

These exercises can be called basic, with which it is recommended to start Pilates classes. This is the most best option for home workouts. The biggest beauty of this is that after just a few days you will be amazed at the lightness in your body and your toned figure.

Pilates exercises for weight loss

With the help of equipment you can add variety to your classes and pay special attention problem areas(buttocks, thighs, abs, arm and chest muscles). Everyone chooses for themselves what they need most. It could be isotonic ring, balance board, rollers, arch (spine corrector), balls, spinning discs or even a portable Pilates studio.

Weight loss result

Since the purpose of these exercises is to keep the body in good shape, as well as strengthen muscles and joints, it can also help you lose extra pounds. Of course, you shouldn’t expect immediate results.

After all, each is a kind of work for the body. Unlike other sports, Pilates is not aimed at the rate of fat burning, but at acceleration of the metabolic process by strengthening muscle tissue.

Examples of exercises for weight loss may include the following:

  1. Lie on the mat, tense your abs, place your arms along your body, palms down. Then slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor and twist forward. Fix the position for 3-4 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your side and pulling your abs in, raise your leg and perform it circular movements first clockwise and then counterclockwise. One minute each way. Switch legs and repeat.
  3. Lie on your stomach and pull your abs towards your spine. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, pull in your stomach and perform short movements for a minute, as if hitting water. Repeat 2-3 times.

I would like to talk about how to make the exercises as simple and effective as possible.

  1. A lot depends on your workout clothes. Dress so that your movements are free and there is no pressure or constriction.
  2. Since the muscles of the foot are involved in the work, it is advisable to practice in socks or barefoot.
  3. Exercise only when you feel well. Although skipping workouts is not advisable, if you are sick, it is better to postpone the lesson.
  4. It is not necessary to exercise in the morning, but not earlier than an hour after eating.

How to eat after training so as not to spoil the result

A set of exercises for weight loss should be combined with proper diet. It has long been known that nutrition and physical development are closely interconnected with each other. After all, our body receives the necessary substances and energy from food, which it then spends in the process of life.

It is important to correctly combine the amount of food consumed with your energy expenditure. There are no special secrets for making Pilates classes beneficial.

The main thing is that you don’t need to load your stomach before going to bed, eat less chemicals - more natural ones, give preference to dairy products, pamper yourself with fruits and drink at least 2.5 sheets of clean water a day.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can do Pilates even with a chic figure, a wasp waist, an elastic butt, toned belly and seductive hips.

The important thing is that the classes give you a feeling of complete unity with your body, because all exercises are performed slowly and therefore meaningfully.

Pilates not only improves the physical but also the emotional state of a person who, in the modern hectic pace of life, has found a few free minutes to enjoy and feel himself internally.

The beauty of Pilates is that there are no prohibitions or restrictions. The only thing you need to remember is that classes do not require haste and carelessness.

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