Statics for the back muscles. For the development of red muscle fibers and capillary network

There are strength exercises dynamic and static.

The first ones are performed in motion. At the same time, the muscles either tense or relax, and alternating contractions of the antagonist muscles occur.

With static exercises, the body is fixed in a stationary position, and constant muscle tension occurs.

For static exercises human blood circulation and him breathing increases disproportionately little . During rest, all indicators begin to increase, but still to a lesser extent than during dynamic load. During statics, the same nerve centers of one specific muscle group are continuously working. That is, the limiting link in this case is the higher nerve centers. This phenomenon was named after the Danish scientist Lindgard .

Now there is an opinion that static has a bad effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is some truth to this. A constantly tense muscle compresses the blood vessels, thereby impairing blood supply. It turns out that the muscle needs oxygen and energy. The heart muscle has to strain unnecessarily, pushing blood into the constantly tense muscle. As a result, it increases blood pressure, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

Static load, depending on time and intensity, affects the body differently. It is worth noting that it is static exercises that tire the body faster than, for example, dynamic exercises.

To strengthen the musculoskeletal system, loads of large and medium duration and intensity are necessary.

For hypertensive patients, on the contrary, a load of low and moderate intensity and short duration is better suited. In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, static exercises should be used to have a depressant effect on the vessels. The intensity should be low, the duration should be short or medium. There should be a combination of exercises with voluntary muscle relaxation and breathing exercises. At the very beginning, the proportion of exercises will be 1:2:1. In the intermediate period 1:1:1. Low intensity (load) in this case will be 20-30% of the maximum. Short duration - up to 5 seconds, medium duration - from 5 to 25 seconds of operation.

Positively influence cardiovascular system static-dynamic exercises or ratios of statics and dynamics 1:3 or 1:2. This has been confirmed by various studies.
Static exercises should be used extremely carefully, depending on your goals and priorities. It is important here that the training program has an individual approach; in groups, only the average generalized program is usually practiced.

The most popular static exercise is considered plank There are various variations of it: on one or two legs, with or without weight. The next exercise is squats. Just not the classic one, which is performed dynamically, but the one that skiers love to do - leaning their backs against the wall and fixing their body in this position. Static load can be performed in almost any exercise, staying at some point (phase) for a short time.

There are static exercises isometric and isotonic. With an isometric exercise, the contracted muscle only tenses, but with an isotonic exercise, the length of the muscle changes.

Isometric exercises (static) increase strength, muscle tone and muscle and tendon endurance. They cannot be used to increase muscle mass. For this, dynamic exercises are suitable, which stimulate muscle growth much more.

The main work during static load is performed half-heartedly or even less by red muscle fibers. Training these muscle fibers leads to strong development capillary network of the muscle. Red muscle fibers get their main energy from fats. It turns out that this good remedy to burn fat, the main thing is a competent approach.

If the static load occurs with great force, then mostly white muscle fibers come into action. This develops strength and the muscles begin to increase in volume. With strong exposure, the capillaries in the muscles can become pinched, resulting in a lack of oxygen and glucose, and breakdown products are also poorly removed.

Static training involves performing exercises during which the body remains motionless and the muscles are tense. To better understand what it is, you just need to position yourself near the wall and rest your hands on it. Stay in this position while trying to move the wall. You will immediately feel how much your muscles tense.

Benefits of static exercises for weight loss

For a long time, people did not attach much importance to static training, preferring dynamic training. But scientists have proven that static exercises for losing weight can be very effective and the situation has begun to change. An example of static muscle work is the spinal column. The muscular corset surrounding it performs static work at the moment when you stand motionless.

When you use static exercises not in full force, then the main load falls on the so-called red fibers, which helps accelerate fat burning processes. In turn, when maximum effort is applied, the main load is experienced by the white fibers, which causes an increase in muscle mass.

One of the main advantages of static exercises for weight loss is the absence of the need to use sports equipment. For training you will not need a lot of free space, and you will be able to maintain your physical fitness while simultaneously getting rid of fat deposits. Of course, to get tangible results, you need to exercise regularly.

The effect of static exercises on muscles

Almost all static exercises for weight loss involve working with own weight your body. To understand that the muscles have been properly loaded, all exercises must be performed until a burning sensation appears in them. As soon as it appears, you need to complete the movement and take a break to rest.

Most often, muscles recover within 15 seconds. It is very important that your muscles are tense when performing exercises. This is precisely the essence of static training. After completing the movement, you need to relax your muscles. Also, you should not hold your breath during training.

Please note that performing static exercises for weight loss is not recommended for people with heart problems. This is due to a deterioration in oxygen supply to muscle tissue, which increases the load on the heart.

A set of static exercises for weight loss

Any training, and static training is no exception, must begin with a quality warm-up. This will allow you to warm up your muscles. It is best to carry out static training after dynamic training, when the muscles are supplied with oxygen. As a warm-up, you can use a light jog, followed by a few movements to stretch the muscles.

Here approximate complex exercises that you can use. In the future you can create your own complexes static exercises for weight loss:

  • Exercise 1. Your arms are extended in front of you and your fingers are on the table. As you exhale, begin to press down on the table, trying to push it into the ground. The duration of the exercise is five seconds, and you should rest for half a minute, then repeat the exercise.
  • Exercise 2. Take a position while lying down, then push up to the middle of the trajectory and freeze in this position. Stay still for as long as possible. After a short rest, repeat the movement.
  • Exercise 3. Bend your arms in elbow joints, and palms into fists. Resting your hands on the table, try to move it from its place. This static weight loss exercise is performed for five seconds.
  • Exercise 4. This movement is designed to train deltas. Take a standing position with your hands on your stomach, interlocking your palms and turning them upward. Start spreading your arms out to the sides. Trying to break the “lock”. In this case, the movement should be performed only by the elbow joints.
  • Exercise 5. To perform the exercise, you should use an elastic belt or chain. With your hands at the level of your shoulder joints in front of you, begin to stretch the projectile. This is an excellent movement for the muscles of the arms, back and chest.
  • Exercise 6. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles. Take a standing position, placing your hands at chest level, so that your palms rest against each other. Start pressing your palms with minimal force, gradually increasing it.
Static full body workout in this video:

Static exercises can be performed at home in a small space without additional equipment.

In addition, they require little time, but are comparable in effectiveness to some active exercises, so they can be used for weight loss and toning the body.

Add static exercises to your fitness program or use as a separate workout.

Benefits of static exercises

Static exercises, also called exercises, are a form of training in which the body makes little or no movement while at the same time contracting muscle fibers.

The main benefits you will get by regularly performing static exercises:

Static training program

For many common exercises, there are analogues from static exercises that use the same muscle groups.

The workout consists of 10 exercises, which are performed in 2 sets with a 10-second rest break.

Each static position must be held for a full 20 seconds, without holding your breath. Over time, each approach can be increased to 60 seconds.

This program will get your muscles working quickly, so take extra breaks as needed. It is advisable to do at the beginning of the program, and at the end -.

Despite the fact that these exercises are low-amplitude, they burn a large number of calories due to the need to constantly keep the muscles tense. Depending on the difficulty and duration of the exercises, you will burn from 100 to 240 calories within 20 minutes.


  • Get on all fours, place your hands directly under your collarbone. Tighten your abdominal muscles, straighten your legs, standing on your toes.
  • Pause at the top of the push-up position. You can straighten your arms or lower your elbows to the floor. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe.

Static squat

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms crossed over your chest or extended forward.
  • Lower yourself into a squat while holding chest directly. The knees are level with the toes. Hold this position.

Inverted plank

  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight and your palms on the floor.
  • Push your body up, resting on your heels and palms, and hold in this position. You can lower your elbows to the floor to make the exercise easier.

Static Lunge

  • From a standing position, step forward and lower yourself down. The knee of the walking leg should not extend beyond the toes. The thigh of the second leg remains perpendicular to the floor.
  • To make it more difficult, you can pick up dumbbells and hold them in your hands while performing the exercise.

Reverse static push-up

  • Rest your hands on a bench or chair, legs extended forward, resting on your heels.
  • Lower your body down, but do not touch the floor. Support your body on your heels and palms.

Raise on toes

  • From a standing position, rise onto your toes and hold.
  • To make the exercise more difficult, hold dumbbells in your hands.

Dog pose

  • Bend your body so that your palms and feet are on the floor and your upper body forms a right angle with your legs.
  • Keep your hips up and your spine straight.

Static twisting

  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms and legs parallel up.
  • Stretch your toes up toward your legs, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and hold.

Side plank

  • Lie on your side, stretch your legs straight. Raise your body using your forearm so that your body forms a diagonal line with the floor.
  • Place your other hand on your thigh. Tighten your abs and hold this position.

Bench while lying down

  • Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward along your body.
  • At the same time, lift your shoulders and legs off the floor, bending your back. Keep your arms and legs suspended, resting on your lower abdomen.


One of the common phenomena of static training is trembling in the body and limbs.

This is normal - when there is a lot of tension, the muscle fibers try to cope with the load to help your body maintain spatial position.

Static exercises can significantly increase blood pressure. Although it will return to normal levels soon after finishing your workout, it can be dangerous for people with hypertension or any form of cardiovascular disease.

Even if you do not suffer from hypertension, it is important to constantly breathe while doing exercises. Holding your breath will only exacerbate any increase in blood pressure.

Anyone can perform static exercises. Bend your elbow and feel your biceps tighten. Hold for 30 seconds. So you have done your first static exercise in your life.

This type of training has many advantages, including the possibility of high-quality rehabilitation after injuries with its help and maintaining shape. In addition, “statics” may become the only training option for a person who does not want to go to the gym or purchase any equipment. But, like any particular method in physical education, it cannot be the only type physical activity.

What are the advantages of static exercises

The main benefit is that static contractions can maintain muscle mass during periods of forced inactivity. Static exercises for developing strength are used for:

  1. active rehabilitation after injuries to joints and ligaments. During the period when the inflammation has stopped and the person returns to training, he can exercise on non-injured parts of the body using classic exercises and maintain the shape with statics where movements in the joints are excluded;
  2. there are many “punching” of some weak point in complex joint exercises. In this case, a pause is used in the part of the movement from which problems begin. For example, if an athlete begins to “fold” towards the hips in the middle part of the squat amplitude, he should stop at this point and spend 8 to 12 seconds there, and then continue the movement;
  3. increasing strength indicators when the problem with them is the lack of stability during the exercise. This is a narrow technique used in powerlifting. Here a number of static exercises can be used for fixation, e.g. correct position upper back in a squat.

In the training of amateurs with statics, outright chaos reigns. Some sources claim that, for example, callanetics helps to get all the bonuses of strength exercises, including increased density muscle tissue and speeding up metabolism, but without performing strength exercises. They often tell us that if a person does not want to “pump up muscles”, but strives for slim figure ballerinas, static – that’s all.

Others point out the obvious benefits of statics for weight loss:

  • people with a lot of weight already experience overload in their joints; if you replace regular exercises with weights with static ones, you can avoid pain in the knees hip joints and reduce the load on the spine;
  • those who are embarrassed to go to the gym can train at home and maintain the regularity necessary for losing weight without unnecessary stress;
  • static teaches you to feel muscle work. After a “course” of the same callanetics, learning basic power movements is much easier, and the safety of such practice will be at its best;
  • statics allows you to not increase muscle volume too much, which is a plus for those who are afraid of becoming “big” but not slim.

Important: static gymnastics, for example, callanetics, are not a panacea for excess weight. In terms of fat burning (increasing calorie expenditure) they lose even to the simplest strength training, therefore must be supplemented either quite strict diet, or other types of training. The optimal combination is a cardio load of up to 200 minutes per week and three to four static one-hour workouts per week. weekly plan physical activity. Including cardio is also advisable for the reason that static strength exercises do not train the cardiovascular system in any way and do not help increase calorie consumption.

Working out various muscle groups and fibers using static exercises

Static exercises primarily use slow-twitch muscle fibers. By nature more hardy people have more fibers of this type and tolerate static loads more easily. For this reason, naturally stronger athletes, whose bodies work better for 1-2 repetitions with maximum weight, should include statics in their training.

With the help of static exercises we can work absolutely all muscle groups. What is important is that such “hard-to-reach” areas, such as, for example, transverse muscle abdomen, are also perfectly used in statics.

How to create an exercise plan for yourself?

  • If you're working out to lose weight, it makes sense to work your entire body every workout. It would be preferable if a person first performed movements dynamically, and at the end of the workout worked the same muscle groups in a static mode. But an option is also possible when only statics and cardio are done, and the diet is followed.
  • Optimally, about 36 hours should pass between training sessions with static exercises so that the muscles can fully recover. The rule that applies to static exercises is that you should not train the same muscle group day after day.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups

If the goal is to lose weight, you need to perform static exercises for 5-6 repetitions.

You need to start by holding each static pose for 30 seconds. Then continue, increasing the approach time to 90 seconds. When 90 seconds becomes easy to do, you need to change the set of exercises or add strength “classics” to your training. Between repetitions we rest for 30-60 seconds, the training pace should be relatively high.

Static exercises for legs

  • "Chair" against the wall

Stand up straight, lean your back against the wall, step forward so that you can sit down comfortably, lower your pelvis below your knees and fix the squat, pushing your knees to the sides and resting your heels on the floor. Your knees should be pointing towards your toes. It is in this position that the muscles of the buttocks are better worked out. Once the time is up, straighten up, shake your legs and repeat again.

  • "Bridge" lying down

You need to lie on the floor, heels to the buttocks, and push the pelvis up, as if “squeezing” the buttocks on both sides, one towards the other. The muscles should tremble already at the beginning of the approach. The body itself should be on the floor on the feet and shoulder blades; during the fixation time, it is necessary to firmly squeeze the buttocks.

  • Keeping your legs suspended

You need to lie face down on a bed or sofa and grab a support with your hands. Next, we “hang” the legs in the plane of the back, strain the buttocks and back surface hips and “stand” like this for the entire allotted time.

We sit on the edge of the bed or sofa, place our legs as usual, bent at the knees. We tense the abs and the front surface of the thighs, lift the feet off the floor and hold them in weight by contracting the muscles.

Static exercises for the press

  • Classic forearm plank

Stand on your forearms and toes, pull in your stomach, tighten the front of your thigh and literally push your navel inward to remove the natural sag in the lumbar region spine. Hold the pose for the entire allotted time, try not to “protrude” your shoulder blades back and not bring your shoulders to your ears.

  • Plank on one forearm (t-pose)

From the classic plank, transfer your body weight to your right forearm and toes, and get into the T-pose. Do an equal number of holds on both sides.

  • Static twisting

Lie on your back, pull in your stomach, bring your lower ribs to your pelvic bones. Strongly contract your abs, try to “push,” as it were. abdominal wall inward with each repetition.

  • Double static twisting

Place your feet on the floor near your buttocks, first twist as in the previous exercise, leaving your hands behind your head. Then tighten your stomach and bring your legs to your chest, strongly “squeezing” the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Lateral twist

From a lying position, lift your right leg perpendicular to the floor, stretch towards right leg With your left hand, tighten your abs tightly. Repeat on the other side, making sure that the number of repetitions is equal.

Back, chest and arms

  • Static push-up

Stand in a plank position on your palms and toes, lower yourself with your back straight until your chest touches the floor, and fix this pose. The exercise is difficult; you can rest your palms on a bed, sofa or wall if the floor doesn’t work.

  • Static triceps push-up

Everything is exactly the same, only the palms are placed ribs-width apart and the elbows are pointed straight back and up.

  • "Superman" for back muscles

Lie on the floor on your stomach, lift your legs, arms extended forward and chest off the floor, fix the position, trying to pull your shoulder blades towards each other and, as it were, push them towards the pelvis.

Contraindications and harm

Statics should not be practiced during an exacerbation period hypertension. Static and isometric exercises on the legs for some types varicose veins veins, you should not exercise if you have a fever for any reason, including exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Damage from static can manifest itself in cramps if the person is generally overtrained or if their electrolyte balance is imbalanced. You need to monitor your fluid intake and not use any diuretics, especially for those who are losing weight.

It is also worth noting that the effect of the same callanetics on weight loss is exaggerated. Often girls give up on her classes before they begin to bring at least some effect, simply because they are waiting for the notorious weight loss of 3 sizes in 10 workouts. For static gymnastics to give just such results, a person must be significantly detrained and follow a fairly strict diet.

In general, static loads are a great addition to any weight loss program that is not yet based on basic strength exercises in a low-repetition mode. But static exercises are not the only form of physical activity. Perform gymnastics for 6-8 weeks, and then, to avoid adaptation and stopping the weight loss process, go to classic strength exercises with weights.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

When performing static (isometric) exercises, a person's muscles tense, but do not contract; they hold the body or a certain joint in a motionless state. Unlike dynamic exercises, isometric exercises do not involve short breaks for relaxation, and the load on the body increases with every second. Thanks to this, even deep muscles. Static load on white muscle fibers can give the body power and strength, and provide sculpture to the figure. Therefore, static exercises for developing strength are especially effective.

How to do static exercises for strength

To make the most of effective workouts and minimize the likelihood of injury, you need to perform isometric elements, following a number of rules:

  • Conduct training twice a week. With good physical training it is allowed to conduct classes more often and perform static exercises to develop strength in several muscle groups at once in one workout
  • Muscle tension should last 3-5 seconds. It is advisable to do 5-15 approaches for each muscle group, the number depends on the athlete’s preparation. This is 8-10 isometric exercises for 3-5 seconds
  • Start with small loads and increase them gradually. On the first day of classes, do 2 approaches, with each workout, adding one approach over the course of 2-3 months. Thus, your body will easily enter a new mode, and the development potential will stretch over a longer period of time, but with maximum impact. Don't start right away with large quantity approaches, otherwise in a month the muscles will get used to such a load and it will be difficult to increase it
  • Do not forget about quality nutrition: the diet should be rich in protein foods, as well as foods high in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Focus on meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Proteins are essential for gaining muscle mass.
  • Perform each exercise, feel the tension of the muscles being worked. Tighten the muscle as much as possible, do not deceive yourself by making concessions. Do not do the element at half strength - most important rule isometric strength exercises
  • Be sure to warm up before starting a set of static exercises. Ignoring this point can lead to serious injury and inability to exercise at all. strength sports. To avoid tearing muscles, tendons, or joints, run or pedal an exercise bike before exercising. Do several push-ups and squats, alternately rotate your elbows, wrists, shoulder joints. Warm up your spine by rotating your pelvis and torso, neck and head. Warm-up should last at least 5 minutes
  • Start the main exercises when you feel lightness in your body, dexterity of movements and the body’s readiness for stress.

Static exercises for chest and back muscle strength

  • Stand straight, bend your elbows and clasp your palms at chest level
  • Arms bent at right angles at the elbows should be parallel to the floor
  • Squeeze your palms as hard as possible. This will allow you to work all muscle groups of the chest, paying special attention to the middle part.
  • Move your palms to waist level and repeat the exercise. This is how the muscles of the lower chest are worked
  • If you place your palms at face level, you will work out as much as possible. top part breasts

Isometric exercises to develop back strength

  • Starting position- hands at chest level, as for chest exercises. But now don’t just close your palms, but clasp them
  • Try to “pull” your hands behind your back, pulling your elbows behind you
  • To change the angle of working the muscles, place your hands clasped in your palms at neck level, and spread your elbows different sides
  • A stick will help increase tension - place it on your shoulders and pull it down, simulating a pull-up

Static exercises to develop arm strength

For triceps:

  • Take the belt in your hands and extend them in front of you
  • Stretch the belt in different directions until you feel very strong tension in the triceps muscle of the shoulder
  • Place your hands opposite your stomach and pull them in opposite directions
  • You can stretch your arms parallel to your body or raise them above your head

Isometric gymnastics for biceps:

  • Take an expander or jump rope and press one end firmly with your foot to the floor
  • Opposite end sports equipment take it in your hand extended in front of your chest
  • Pull the expander/rope while keeping your arm bent at the elbow at a right angle
  • After a few minutes, carefully release the load and change hands

Simulating attempts to move the wall

  • Stand 50 cm from the wall
  • Starting position - standing, feet wider than shoulders, elbows bent, as in a push-up
  • Bend over and push against the wall, “trying” to move it
  • Perform 10 sets

For a great grip:

  • Take any object that you can grasp with your brush.
  • Squeeze the object with maximum tension, with all your might.
  • Use objects as projectiles different sizes to enhance the effectiveness of your training. This way you will train your girth from full to open.

Static exercises to develop leg strength

Isometric leg exercises are difficult to perform without the appropriate equipment. Here are a few of these elements that do not require sports equipment:

  • Find a room in which the distance from wall to wall is 1-1.3 meters
  • Sit with your back to one wall and push your feet against another

Imaginary chair against the wall

  • Stand with your back to any wall at a distance of 40 cm
  • Lean against the wall and start sitting on an imaginary chair
  • In this case, the arms should be lowered down and the legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle.
  • Exercise develops strength calf muscles and also trains the back and lower back

Isometric strength exercises

A very “simple” exercise at first glance will help you develop excellent strength and endurance. Any very strong metal object is useful as a projectile - chains, steel beams, horseshoes, etc. Try to break the chain, bend the beam, and, on the contrary, bend the horseshoe. Do this by any means, but the main condition is that the action must be performed exclusively on your own: do not help yourself with other objects. Only your hands can touch this kind of “projectile”. Train regularly in this way, applying maximum effort each time, and the result - a strong and resilient body will not take long to arrive.