The best protein for growth. How harmful are proteins or is there no reason to worry? Protein is your enemy - busting myths

Proteins for muscle growth are sports supplements, which are concentrated proteins. If you look at the chemical level, you can see amino acid chains that form polypeptides.

Why take protein, its effect on the body and muscles

There are two most common myths regarding proteins:

  • this is “chemistry” or doping;
  • This is a product designed exclusively for growth muscle mass.

On the first point. Protein is the same “chemistry” as everything else chemicals, which make up the human body. All components of protein sports supplements are of natural origin - animal and plant. They have nothing to do with doping drugs.

The second myth is no less tenacious, but this opinion is far from the truth. Protein is multifaceted and performs a number of functions:

  1. Forms muscles. Entering the body, protein is broken down into amino acids, which almost entirely make up muscle tissue.
  2. Responsible for muscle contraction. Without protein, there would be no talk of any movement.
  3. Helps maintain immunity at the required level.
  4. Provides metabolic stability.
  5. Affects the shape of cells - forms the cytoskeleton.

As for purely bodybuilding functions, here too protein works on at least two fronts. With the help of protein, you can not only increase muscle volume, but also get rid of fat. Protein affects muscle growth in different ways. Among them:

  • influence on the RNA of muscle cells and stimulation of the growth of the latter through the intracellular signaling pathway;
  • suppression of catabolism – protein prevents the breakdown of existing “reserves” of protein in the body;
  • suppression of the synthesis of myostatin, a peptide that inhibits and blocks muscle growth.

If protein comes from natural products, why do we need sports supplements? The latter have two major advantages:

  • they allow the athlete not to limit the amount of protein; It is not always possible to obtain “natural” protein in the required amount;
  • there are several types sports proteins, differing in purpose and speed of absorption.

Conclusion - supplements allow you to be flexible in the matter of nutrition that affects muscle growth.

Types of proteins

There are many options for protein supplements. We are interested in those that help to increase in volume. In this context, proteins for muscle growth are classified according to their composition and rate of absorption by the body. Let's consider the features of the main types.

Fast protein - whey

Whey protein is a concentrate of globular proteins that are obtained from whey (the mixture formed when milk curds). Its main difference is its rapid absorption by the body.

This variety is sold in the following basic formats:

  1. WPC (concentrate). Protein that is not highly purified - usually contains some cholesterol and fat; range of lactose and bioactive substances – 29-89%; from the intestine it is absorbed into the body in 3-4 hours (90%).
  2. WPI (isolate). Purer protein – the share of bioactive substances is more than 90%; Like the concentrate, this type is characterized by a milky taste; 90% absorption is achieved in approximately 3 hours.
  3. WPH (hydrolysate). The purest variation, which is absorbed easier and faster than others; in fact, it is a protein partially destroyed by enzymes for the purpose of rapid absorption; Hydrolysates are characterized by a bitter taste and high cost.

Despite the different performance of the serum types, a study by Moriarty KJ conducted in the 1980s showed little difference in the effect on muscle growth. In practice, this means that it doesn't always make sense to pay more for cleaner options.

Why do you need fast protein and what is its advantage? Due to its rapid absorption, whey protein is suitable for:

  • people with fast metabolism;
  • for use during periods when the body needs urgent reinforcement with amino acids - in the morning, before and after training, during drying and losing weight.

Slow protein – casein

Casein is a protein with a complex composition. Formed as a result of enzymatic curdling of milk. The main difference is the low absorption rate from gastrointestinal tract. Once in the stomach, this protein forms a dense mass that is digested within 6-8 hours. All this time, the body is provided with the necessary amino acids.

Slow protein is characterized by lower biological value and a relatively weak thermogenic and anabolic effect. For a person seeking to gain weight, this means that casein can and should be considered only as an auxiliary protein.

Important points:

  • casein is not only digested much more slowly compared to whey, but also has the ability to reduce the rate of absorption of other types of protein;
  • It makes sense to consume slow protein before bed; its main task is to slow down inevitable catabolism during periods when other options are not available to the body;
  • casein is a good help during forced fasting; if eating is not possible for several hours, a portion of slow protein will protect the athlete from destruction muscle tissue.

Complete protein

Complex proteins are a combination different types protein. These supplements contain both fast and slow proteins. Thanks to this, both the rapid supply of amino acids to the body and the “smoldering” protein effect are ensured.

In addition to whey and casein protein, protein complexes may also include other types. Supplements that additionally include egg white perform very well. In terms of absorption, the latter is a cross between the main options. Thanks to the good combination egg white With whey, a similar complex serves as an excellent nutritional mixture with a high anabolic response.

Despite the described advantages of individual types of protein, each of them has disadvantages. Complex proteins largely offset the disadvantages of the components, making the mixtures universal.

Many complexes include soy protein. It is a leader when it comes to fast protein compatibility. Sometimes you can find a combination of egg and soy whites. But their effect is inferior to that of mixtures that include fast and slow species.

So which proteins are best for muscle growth? Versatility is good when it is not possible to use specialized compounds. Preference should be given to supplements with a pronounced specific effect, based on a well-thought-out consumption strategy.

It has been proven that fast whey protein has the best anabolic properties. Complex additives compensate for the shortcomings of the species, but at the same time do not allow the full potential of the individual components to be revealed. In addition, soy proteins, which go well with fast ones, have many disadvantages. And “soy”, due to its low cost, is often included by manufacturers in complex sports supplements.

Protein Pros Cons Biological value Rate of assimilation (absorption), g/h
  • absorbs very quickly
  • goes well with other components
  • low cost
It is advisable to take before and after training, while during the day - in combination with other types100 10-12
  • is slowly absorbed, allowing you to maintain the required amino acid level throughout the day
  • good amino acid composition
  • has an unpleasant taste
  • poorly soluble
80 4-6
  • absorbed at an average rate
  • closest to the ideal protein (the best amino acid composition)
High cost100 9
  • takes a long time to digest
  • lowers cholesterol levels
Relatively ineffective74 4
  • good amino acid composition
  • low cost
Can worsen bowel function90 4,5

Possible harm

Let's return to the myth that protein is a “chemical”. This stereotype is the reason the masses believe that protein supplements pose a health threat. In fact, studies show inconsistent effects from taking protein mixtures.

However, taking supplements in excess can have a negative impact on the body. Possible harm from proteins for muscle growth:

  • Skeletal system. Excessive consumption of proteins leads to excessive excretion of calcium from the body; on the other hand, additional protein intake enhances the bioavailability of calcium and stimulates its absorption.
  • Carcinogenic effect. Studies demonstrate a visible relationship between protein abuse and the development of cancer; In some cases, the statistics are inconclusive, but they cannot be discounted.
  • Kidney diseases. There is evidence of a relationship between high protein intake and the formation of kidney stones; but this relationship is controversial - data from various experiments are contradictory.
  • Diabetes mellitus. There are studies demonstrating a possible connection between consuming large amounts of protein (and low carbohydrate intake) and the development of type 2 diabetes; however, the exact cause of the disease is unclear - perhaps the reason lies in, or maybe the roots should be sought in other aspects.
  • Cardiovascular system. There is evidence indicating a possible connection between the intake of animal proteins and the risk of coronary disease; on the other hand, statistics showing the dependence of characteristic mortality on low-carbohydrate high protein diet unconvincing.

Are there any contraindications?

There is a contraindication to taking protein - individual protein intolerance. As happens with regular foods, sometimes protein can cause allergies and intestinal disorders. The causes of digestive problems are intestinal dysbiosis or a lack of appropriate enzymes. If there is a connection between a protein diet and diarrhea/constipation/flatulence, the solution is either to reduce protein dosages or take enzymes.

To summarize, we can say that the problems from consuming protein mixtures are insignificant relative to the harm that the modern diet causes. Confectionery products, saturated fats and other foods that are far from compatible with the body are much more compelling reasons to think about changing your diet.

If you don't consume enough protein at the right times during the day, you may experience decreased productivity. We will tell you when you need to take proteins for efficient growth muscles.

Proper timing of protein is an important part of your health and fitness regimen, and proteins are especially important for muscle growth as an athlete. After finishing your workout, it’s too early to relax, because only consumed in a timely manner protein shakes for muscle building will bring the desired muscles. Finding suitable proteins for beginners with a real selection in stores will not be difficult.

If you don't consume enough protein at the right times during the day, you may experience less of a performance boost than expected. Additionally, you run the risk of overtraining because you won't be able to provide your body with enough fuel to build, repair, and replenish muscle after. physical exercise.

Proteins - aka proteins - are essential for muscle growth and repair. Although fats and carbohydrates are also needed, it is through these foods that muscle tissue is built. However, this element is not stored efficiently in the human body, so if it is not used, it is eliminated from the body relatively quickly. This is why regular protein intake is required.

How much protein per day do you need for muscle growth?

The required amount of protein is often discussed on bodybuilding forums and athletics. Some people calculate their daily protein needs based on lean body mass, others based on total mass bodies. Some people simply use a lot of it, with the belief that if your body doesn't use the protein, it will eliminate it anyway.

The question of whether too much is harmful large number protein is also often discussed. Some believe that this leads to kidney problems, while many bodybuilding trainers claim that they have never seen or heard of such problems. And nutritionists generally believe that bodybuilders and athletes consume much more protein than they really need, and put themselves at greater risk of cardiovascular disease in the future.

Calculation of protein amount:

In order not to worry about the amount of protein needed to build muscle, use the following calculation formula:

  • Daily protein requirement = total muscle mass x 2.75/1000,

where muscle mass is your total weight in kg minus the weight of fat in your body. To estimate your body fat content, use this equation:

  • For men, body fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x age) - 16.2
  • For women, body fat % = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x age) - 5.4

So let's assume that you have overweight, but you want to build muscle and improve your fitness. You need to determine how much protein you need to make quality muscle gains so that you can cut calories and reduce your carbohydrate intake as much as possible without compromising your muscle mass.

Example for a man: 35 years old, weight 95 kg, height 175 cm.

To better understand the process, let’s do the calculations in parts:

Body fat % = (1.20 x 31) + (0.23 x 35) - 16.2 = 37.2 + 8.05 - 16.2 = 29.05% body fat.

Daily protein requirement = (95 - (0.2905 x 95)) x 2.75 = (95 - 27.5975) x 2.75 = 185.35

Therefore, this adult male needs to consume 185 grams of protein per day as part of his muscle-building diet. This protein can be supplied from any source for as long as needed.

A simple way to calculate the amount of proteins

There is another popular way to calculate the required amount of protein, try using this formula:

  • Daily protein requirement (g) = body weight in pounds (1 pound = 0.450 kg)

So in the example above, a 200-pound man weighs about 209 pounds, so daily requirement would be 209 grams. Since this equation doesn't take into account the amount of fat in your body, it may actually result in your consumption more more protein than you need to grow your muscles.

Therefore, a more reasonable equation using the metric system would be:

  • Daily protein requirement (g) = weight in kg x 2

So the same 95kg man would aim to eat 190g of protein per day, which is very close to the amount based on body fat.

When is the best time to consume protein for maximum muscle growth?

Distributing protein over time is a real art. However, there are basic rules.


Start your day with protein. Your body is in a catabolic state when you wake up and therefore you are at risk of breaking down muscle tissue for energy. So, quickly increasing your protein levels will help you change your metabolism to burn fat. Whey protein is the best option in gaining weight for the first half of the day.


Eat more protein as a snack between meals. Casein protein - good choice to be consumed throughout the day because it is a slow release protein, meaning it will stay in your blood for longer to continue replenishing muscle stores.

After training

Protein after a workout. Most people agree that this is the most important time protein consumption. Research has shown that protein should be consumed within 30 minutes of exercise for maximum results. The best way is to drink a protein shake for muscle growth. Multi-component protein is an excellent choice.


More protein before bed. If you'll ideally be getting at least 8 hours of sleep to give your body every chance to recover and rebuild, you'll need to stock up on protein before bed. A protein shake before bed is perfect for this purpose if you are bulking.

Protein sources for weight gain

Ideally, you should get as much protein as possible from healthy dietary sources. One of the pitfalls of trying to get all the protein from your regular diet is that you end up consuming foods that are also high in saturated fat and salt. Processed and fried meats should be avoided, so don't eat more hot dogs and salami. In this article we will list some good sources squirrel:

  • healthy sources of protein
  • vegetarian sources of protein

Whey and casein protein shakes

There are many different protein shakes on the market today that can help you gain weight, so read the reviews to choose one, and then read the label to find out how to take it correctly.

The main principle is to use well-balanced micro meals throughout the day. Don't neglect carbohydrates and fats when looking for more protein, they are also essential for healthy growth. Muscles use glycogen for fuel, and the only source of glycogen is carbohydrates. However, to maintain healthy diet eat low carbohydrates. Fresh salads with protein are in a great way maintaining a balanced diet.

Remember to check and analyze the results. If you start to gain too much weight or stop making progress in your workouts, you'll need to reevaluate your diet to make sure you're not eating too many of the wrong foods.

Health Risks of a High Protein Diet

Some people believe that increasing protein intake does not come without health risks. Although many bodybuilders and nutritionists say it poses no risk, leading nutritionists say there is a link between increased protein intake and chronic disease.

The British Dietetic Association said in September 2012 that increasing protein intake could lead to short-term problems such as nausea and more serious long-term health problems such as kidney and liver problems, according to the BBC. However, this information is at the moment not confirmed.

Protein supplement makers responded to the health warning by saying that on average only one such incident occurs per year. Improvements in health that result from improved physical fitness, far outweigh the risks associated with taking extra protein shakes to build muscle.

The British Department of Health says you should not exceed twice the recommended daily intake of protein, which is 55.5g for men and 45g for women. Therefore, men should not consume more than 111 grams per day, and women should not consume more than 90 grams per day. This is approximately half the recommended amount of protein for normal muscle growth.

Here's what it says about it controversial issue our expert, Lyana Sedova:

Athletes and bodybuilders demand evidence that protein is harmful - empirical evidence, group studies, etc. Research now shows that protein is not harmful to health.

The Science of Protein and Muscle Development

The authors of Dietary Protein and Resistance Exercise also concluded that there are no obvious health risks to strength athletes using protein diets. The book's editor, Lonnie M. Lowry, published a paper in 2009 on the safety of dietary protein and concluded that...

...various researchers have observed a disconnect between scientific data and people's knowledge about protein. The lack of population-specific data on athletes and the ambiguous nature of available data on non-athletes (for example, older adults and even patients with chronic kidney disease were not included in this study) call into question statements such as: “the widely held belief that increasing protein intake leads to to calcium costs" or "press releases often conclude that too much protein affects the kidneys.

This paper looks at protein synthesis, muscle protein breakdown, and how diet helps maintain balance. Also, Lonnie M. Lowry explains the importance of carbohydrates in reducing muscle protein breakdown after exercise.

This study specifically looks at the effects of whey and casein protein on muscle growth after resistance training. The study involved 23 people who took either whey protein, either casein protein or placebo. The drinks were consumed 1 hour after performing the leg extension exercise.

The results showed that whey and casein actually had similar effects on muscle growth—a finding that conflicts with the argument that whey is always better post-workout because it breaks down faster.

The distribution of protein supplements over time was also studied: it is better for older men to consume protein supplements immediately after training.

Modern media continues to claim that increasing protein intake causes kidney problems, although there is no scientific evidence for this.

However, we cannot deny the fact that protein is essential for muscle growth. What foods and supplements you choose for muscle gain is up to you, but remember that nutrition is no less, and in this case, even more important

bcaaYears of experimentation and tons of protein consumed have allowed scientists and athletes to come up with the most effective formula for how to properly take protein for muscle growth. This formula is followed by the absolute majority professional athletes. In this article we will introduce you to its main ingredients.

Despite the complexity of the topic sports nutrition, the answer to the question “how to drink protein correctly?” can be formulated quite simply: calculate the amount of protein you personally need per day, eat them in 5-6 approaches; plan your menu with use first, and use protein mixtures as needed.

This formula is followed by the vast majority of modern professional bodybuilders and it is confirmed by scientific research. The secret to its popularity and effectiveness is simple: when you eat small portions frequently, you create the conditions for muscle growth by ensuring a continuous supply of nutrients to the muscles.

How NOT to drink protein correctly: 2 most common mistakes

First of all, your menu should include, and only if necessary (you can’t eat, you don’t meet your daily protein requirement), sports proteins.

2 Eat small, frequent meals

Divide your daily protein intake into 5-6 servings at different intervals between doses and eat them along with a small amount complex carbohydrates, which will optimally promote muscle growth.

3 Avoid eating exclusively protein foods with low biological value

(protein quality) determines how well it is absorbed and how complete its amino acid composition is.

The protein of most plant products has low biological value.

If you vegetarian, combine several sources of plant protein in each meal to ensure that all the necessary amino acids are delivered to the body.

4 The diet should contain a sufficient amount of not only protein, but also carbohydrates and fats

According to the results scientific research Nitrogen balance can also be disturbed when there is a lack of carbohydrates and fats in the diet(even if there is adequate protein). This is explained by the fact that carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy; when there are not enough of them, the body has no choice but to cover its energy needs at the expense of its own cells, including muscle cells, destroying them. This leads to a state of negative protein (nitrogen) balance.

There is another mechanism for how carbohydrates affect the rate of protein absorption. When we eat protein in food, it is broken down into amino acids that enter the blood. The ideal is their maximum transportation into the muscles with subsequent absorption. This is exactly what carbohydrates contribute to: when consumed, the level of insulin in the blood increases, which makes the process of absorption of amino acids into muscle tissue more efficient.

5 Consume carbohydrate-protein shakes immediately after training in order to saturate the muscles with amino acids.

6 Take "slow proteins" before bed, to maintain a positive protein balance throughout the night

7 Avoid overtraining, in which dietary protein can be used as an energy source to meet energy needs

8 Train so that engage maximum quantity muscle fibers and minimize their destruction, which occurs under excessive loads. This style of training is the most optimal for a positive nitrogen balance and muscle growth. Short is ideal intense workout, which uses many muscles with varying intensity. The optimal duration is 45-60 minutes.

The best way to gain muscle mass is a short, intense workout that uses multiple muscles at varying intensity.

When should you drink protein?

Protein in the morning

From a bodybuilding perspective, sleep is a time of recovery, but also of forced, dangerous hunger, so dangerous that some people set alarms to get up in the middle of the night and eat to avoid losing muscle mass. But there is no reason to fear. After all, this is a natural phase of the daily cycle and regular sleep interruptions clearly disrupt the processes of recovery and muscle growth, the intensity of which is highest during night rest. In addition, they interfere with natural secretion that is active during sleep.

Regular interruptions of sleep in order to drink a portion of protein disrupt the processes of recovery and muscle growth, and the natural secretion of growth hormone

When we sleep and immediately after waking up, the body uses energy from storage: liver glycogen, fat cells and sometimes muscle cells. If the energy reserve in internal storage is sufficient and you do not have the habit of skipping breakfast, then muscle cells will not be used (or only in very small quantities).

One of the recommendations is to consume a portion of “fast” protein immediately after waking up in order to saturate the blood with amino acids and prevent the process of muscle breakdown. Ideal is a portion of whey protein or isolate, since after 20-30 minutes the amino acids will be in the blood.

After this, you can start breakfast. Prepare it using natural, low-fat foods that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Protein throughout the day

Choose small portions of whole foods, including a variety of sources of quality protein and complex carbohydrates.

Important : There is no need to take special sports protein shakes during the day.

However, if it is not possible to eat regularly, a multi-component protein (a mixture of whey protein isolate or concentrate and casein, for example) will be a good alternative, since it contains both “fast” and “slow” proteins.

There is no need to take special sports protein shakes during the day and before training if you eat regularly natural food containing high-quality proteins in the quantities you need

Protein before workout

If you eat regularly, there is no need to take special sports protein mixtures immediately before training.

A “quick” protein or meal replacement shake that contains proteins and carbohydrates can be drunk 60 minutes before training, in case if you had to skip a meal. This will lead to an increase in the level of insulin (an anabolic hormone that enhances the absorption of amino acids by muscle tissue) and BCAA in the blood, which will promote the synthesis of muscle fibers.

Additionally, you can take BCAA. In this case, they will be used during muscle recovery between approaches and immediately after the end of the workout.

Protein after workout

Important : Post-workout nutrient and protein needs are highest. For the bodybuilder This meal is the most important(not breakfast). The body is especially sensitive to nutrients, the level of amino acids and insulin in the blood is reduced.

Post-workout needs for nutrients and protein are highest and eating at this time is most important.

To restore a positive protein (nitrogen) balance, it would be ideal to drink a whey protein hydrolyzate cocktail, which has the highest absorption rate of all proteins. If this is not done, it is likely that the body will begin to use BCAA from muscle fibers to restore it, destroying them. Protein with high biological value will increase the level of growth hormone in the blood.

Which is better: g einer or protein after training?

In order to stimulate the release of insulin, which enhances the effect of muscle cell synthesis, and also restore depleted glycogen reserves, it is recommended to add carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (maltodextrin or dextrose) to the protein shake after training or use a gainer.

Protein at night

The general opinion is that eating before bed is harmful. But this rule does not work for bodybuilders, who are confident that eating immediately before bed reduces the period of fasting sleep. Best take a portion of “slow” protein, since amino acids from its breakdown will evenly enter the blood, and then into the muscles, within several hours. This effect can be achieved with the help of a multicomponent protein (a mixture of whey and casein, for example) or with a small content of complex carbohydrates.

At night it is ideal to take a “slow” multi-component protein

Benefits of eating small meals frequently

Meal frequency plays a very important role in building muscle mass.

Experiment: A study of young women who ate 62 grams of protein per day (53 of which was animal-based), spread over three meals instead of two, showed an increase in the efficiency of amino acid utilization.

Experiment: A similar result was observed in an experiment involving children. 8 children who consumed 63 g of protein per day (60% of which was from animal sources). When distributed over four meals instead of two, the efficiency of protein absorption increased almost threefold! The results are similar to those obtained in an experiment on one person who took 1.14 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in 2 and 4 meals.

It is obvious that even distribution of protein intake throughout the day improves the efficiency of its use.

1 The regime of frequent meals is of particular importance primarily from the point of view of protein supply, since, unlike carbohydrates and fats, we do not have internal mechanisms for its storage (carbohydrates can be stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, but where and There is no need to explain how fats are stored, we know from a young age;).

When we eat a portion of protein, it is broken down into amino acids ( building material for muscle tissue and not only), which are in the blood for a very short time (they are in great demand there). Muscle growth and recovery occurs only when the concentration of amino acids in the blood is high. Accordingly, to ensure high levels of amino acids in the blood for a long time, you need to eat food often and in small quantities to speed up digestion.

2 Maintenance high level amino acids are also important for protecting muscle tissue from destruction in the process of muscle catabolism, when the body begins to use muscle protein as energy, breaking it down. This is often a consequence of low calorie food, for example during “drying”.

You can avoid the negative processes associated with a lack of protein by eating 5-6 times a day, with 20-30 grams of protein in each serving (calculate how much protein you personally need based on the above recommendation).

3 Another effect of the “little and often” diet is stabilization of insulin levels. This is important, since the hormone insulin takes an active part in the processes of muscle tissue growth, as well as fat formation/burning.

4 Also small portions of food easier to digest our digestive system, and some studies suggest that in this mode, the metabolic rate increases, which accounts for the lion's share of energy expenditure during the day: more calories are burned and, as a result, it becomes easier to lose weight.

Frequent meals in small portions provide favorable conditions for gaining muscle mass and maintaining it, because protein absorption improves

Consider the nutritional value of the liquids you mix your protein with

The nutritional value of a protein shake is determined, among other things, by the liquid that is used to prepare it from the dry mixture. Below are the nutritional values ​​for the most common ones, excluding water (for obvious reasons). The calculation is made for 1 cup of liquid (240 ml).

Nutritional information for protein shake liquids

Pay attention to serving sizes:

Serving sizes vary widely in protein powders and drinks, ranging from 10 grams per serving to more than 90 grams per serving for powders, and from one cup (237 ml) to more than two cups for drinks. Keep this in mind when comparing the nutritional value and cost of different protein supplements.

How to properly store protein

In dry powder form, the protein is sufficient stable and does not collapse, unless exposed to heat above 46° Celsius.

When the package is opened, the protein is exposed to moisture. When air humidity is above 10%, it begins to collapse. To reduce exposure to moisture, especially in humid climates, it is best to store powdered products in several small containers rather than one large one.

Protein should not be stored in the refrigerator, because when you take it out and leave it at room temperature, moisture will accumulate on the colder item due to condensation.

On the other hand, liquid protein supplements such as ready-to-drink sports drinks are generally sensitive to heat: even at room temperature they become unstable and protein destruction occurs. If you live in a hot climate, storing them in the refrigerator is preferable, especially after opening.

Scientists' warnings about protein intake

Increasing protein in the diet requires more effort from the body to process it and, as a result, leads to an increase in the volume of urination. If you do not drink enough water, the result may be high degree of dehydration and, as a consequence, a significant reduction training efficiency. Drink enough water, at least 8 glasses a day.

A high protein diet may lead to increased loss of calcium from bone tissue. This can be avoided by increasing your daily calcium intake by 300 mg (about a glass of milk) above normal.

When eating protein, it is important to drink enough water (at least 2 liters) and take additional calcium

Often found in sports protein mixtures carnitine, the benefits of which in sports have not been proven.

Recent research suggests that carnitine intake may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease in some people.

Interestingly, those who consume red meat (as opposed to vegetarians and vegans) have microorganisms in their intestines that convert carnitine into compounds that, when further transformed in the liver, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries), interfering with the body's normal process of self-cleansing of cholesterol

Addition to sports nutrition products may potentially promote the growth of these microorganisms and, accordingly, provoke the development of long-term cardiovascular problems. If according to medical indications you do not need to take carnitine, then the correct option would be avoid its long-term use in large doses (several hundred milligrams). Likewise, it would be reasonable reduce red meat consumption, which is the main source of L-carnitine.

Sports nutrition is one of the foundations of building muscle mass. In addition to physical exercises like lifting heavy weights, for growth muscle corset and the formation of a sculpted body, the body needs protein - it consists of 80% protein. This substance is contained in some foods, but in small doses. Therefore, athletes use special protein supplements, but they have contraindications.

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    Who needs protein?

    To build cells and renew them, special amino acids are needed that are contained in molecules - proteins. The presence of this substance allows the body to:

    • regulate metabolism;
    • stimulate the immune system;
    • synthesize certain types of hormones.

    Therefore, athletes and people seeking to get slim and toned body, drink protein shakes to:

    1. 1. Increasing the body's endurance.
    2. 2. Accelerate muscle growth.
    3. 3. Obtaining a large amount of energy.
    4. 4. Additional enrichment of the body with useful microelements.


    Protein used for sports nutrition at home is available in different forms. Most often you can find powdered form, which allows you to make healthy drinks or add the amino acid to other foods. Quite often to pure protein vitamin complexes, minerals, creatine and glutamine are added.

    The product also includes:

    • natural whey, containing a maximum of nutrients necessary for the health of the body, it accelerates the absorption of beneficial minerals and their breakdown in the intestines;
    • milk protein - casein: once it enters the stomach, under the influence of juices it is transformed into jelly, which lengthens the process of its absorption to 10 hours;
    • eggprotein contains a balanced composition of amino acids, which are 100% absorbed by the body;
    • plant-based soy rich in micro- and macroelements, which play an important role in the formation of a sculpted body;
    • meat elements (beef extracts) contain creatine of natural origin, maintaining nitrogen balance for a long time.

    The best amino acids for muscle growth in athletes - pharmaceutical preparations and sports supplements

    Types of proteins

    Natural sources of protein are:

    • fish;
    • chicken meat;
    • dairy products;
    • beef;
    • eggs.

    An athlete who wants to increase muscle mass needs to consume excessive amounts of these foods every day, which is almost impossible. In this case, protein formulations come to the rescue and make delicious cocktails.

    The type of protein depends on the protein products taken as its basis. Each type of amino acid has a separate purpose (for gaining muscle mass or losing weight). Also, protein compositions differ in the main components and can be meat or dairy, soy or egg.

    Types of protein:

    View Peculiarities

    It is obtained by purifying whey. It is classified as a protein that is actively digested, which is important for speed dial muscle mass. The use of this type of protein is indicated in the morning, when the body has already lost all its protein reserves overnight, or immediately after finishing a workout. In a person taking whey amino acids, the process of muscle catabolism is prevented.

    There are several types of whey protein:

    • concentrate- the most purified, used in bodybuilding for rapid build-up muscle volume (features a high content of nutrients that play an active role in building cells);
    • isolate- contains a minimum of fat and sugars, but is rich in pure protein (about 95%): this is an ideal option for an athlete’s drying period;
    • hydrolyzate- different high speed absorption, provokes active muscle growth
    CaseinThis is a complex protein that is obtained by enzymatic curdling of milk. It is classified as a slow type, it takes longer to digest, supplying the body with useful amino acids. Take casein before bed; it helps prevent the breakdown of protein in muscles. This protein is not enough for active muscle building, so it is recommended to take the whey variety in combination with it.
    SoyDoesn't play important role in building muscle mass. It is slowly absorbed and contains a small amount of beneficial amino acids, which is why it is considered ineffective for gaining muscle mass
    ComplexContains a mixture of different types of proteins. According to experts, this composition has a complex effect on the body: first, active saturation with fast-type proteins occurs, then slow absorption of whey protein. There is an opinion that whey protein works worse when combined with casein. Therefore, it is better to take them, delimiting them by time.

    In addition to special formulations, protein is found in food products of animal origin:

    • meat of pigs, cows and poultry;
    • seafood;
    • cheeses;
    • cottage cheese;
    • milk;
    • eggs.

    Comparative analysis of the amount of protein in different products:

    Protein bars - composition, benefits and harm, recipes

    Optimal dosage

    A common myth is that high amounts of protein promote accelerated muscle growth. This opinion is erroneous; too much protein will most likely damage the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys and will be excreted unchanged through the intestines.

    The optimal dosage of protein intake should be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person. However, there is an approximate formula according to which for every kilogram of weight you need from 1.5 to 2 g of protein. Exact numbers can only be determined experimentally, taking the substance for several months and gradually adjusting the dosage.

    Release forms

    Protein for athletes is available in the form of powders for shakes and bars.


    For regular training gym More often they choose protein shakes. They are sold in powder form, which must be whipped in a blender or mixer.

    You can prepare protein shakes by adding to the active ingredient:

    • water, including mineral water;
    • milk;
    • natural yogurt;
    • cottage cheese;
    • kefir;
    • juices;
    • coffee.

    Important: this cocktail should be consumed very slowly, through a straw. The feeling of fullness will occur no earlier than after 15 minutes.

    The consumption of such cocktails is prohibited for people with the following diseases:

    • organs of the respiratory system;
    • kidney;
    • heart and blood vessels;
    • endocrine system.


    Another type of protein meal is protein bars, which replace dry matter. In addition to protein, they contain carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

    Advantages and disadvantages of bars:

    To prevent the negative impact of the bar on the beauty of the body, you should follow the rules for their use:

    • eat 1 bar in the morning, before breakfast;
    • consume after training, which will promote muscle growth and weight loss;
    • instead of one of the main meals, eat 1 bar.

    Reception features

    To get the maximum benefit from protein, it should be consumed according to the following rules:

    • consume protein not only on training days, but also during rest periods;
    • divide the daily dose into several equal doses;
    • consume protein separately from main food;
    • dilute the powder only with warm water (or milk);
    • during training separate groups muscles you can take about 30 g of protein, for strength - up to 40 g;
    • be sure to take casein proteins to prevent the destruction of muscle mass during sleep and before training;
    • maintain a gap between taking different types of proteins (no more than 3 hours).

    The benefits and harms of protein

    When deciding to start consuming protein, you should consider important contraindications:

    • intolerance to one or more components;
    • the presence of an allergic reaction to protein (the appearance of flatulence, dysbacteriosis, digestive disorders), such people are advised to take soy and whey protein;
    • diseases of the urinary system (renal failure);
    • gastritis (only soy protein is allowed).

    Soy protein contains the hormone estrogen, which helps maintain women's health, but can negatively affect the potency of men. Otherwise, the benefits of protein for men and women do not differ:

    Benefit Harm
    Possibility of getting rid of excess weight due to rapid saturation. A serving of cocktail completely replaces a full mealIncorrect intake of the composition can negatively affect the functioning of the urinary system
    Reducing “bad” cholesterol levelsThe likelihood of stomach and intestinal problems (especially if you are lactose or protein intolerant)
    Enriching the body with beneficial amino acidsLiver dysfunction that occurs when the recommended dosage is exceeded
    Powerful antioxidant effect on the bodyRapid loss of calcium due to dehydration
    Active growth of muscle mass (subject to regular training in the gym)The appearance of acne (with abuse of serum components)

    Separately, it is worth noting the effect of taking soy protein for muscle growth on the health of young girls. This type of protein contains phytoestrogens, which can disrupt hormonal balance, which is dangerous for the unformed female body. The consequences of such a failure can be problems with the reproductive system, including infertility.

    There is a lot of debate on this topic among experts. The final decision on taking the drug can only be made by a girl, having assessed the possible benefits and risks for her body.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...