Causes of sudden weight loss in men and diagnosis of the body. Reasons for sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss may be a sign of a serious illness.

Weight fluctuations of 1–2 kilograms are normal. But if you have lost more than 5% of your initial weight, and this is in no way explained by changes in your diet and lifestyle, you should be wary and undergo a medical examination.

A person loses weight when the organs of our body - the brain, heart, muscles - no longer have enough nutrients for normal functioning, and they send a signal to the adipose tissue that it is time to use additional resources. In response to this signal, fat cells begin lipolysis - the breakdown of fat - and provide the body with the necessary energy.

Cause of weight loss: DEPRESSION

One of the most common reasons sudden weight loss- depression. People suffering from depression have impaired taste perception. Any food seems tasteless, appetite decreases. In addition, neuroses and depression are often accompanied by exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example gastritis. Discomfort after eating worsens symptoms.

What to do? If, in addition to weight loss, you notice a constant bad mood, apathy, lethargy and lethargy, consult a psychotherapist. Only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Signs of anorexia in a woman. The disease usually begins against the background of normal nutrition, but every day the patient eats less and less. The reason for this, in her opinion, is the excessive fullness of her arms and legs. The less she eats, the less she wants to eat, and even when she becomes skeletal, she still sees herself as fat and is horrified by the apparent weight gain. She will be reluctant to undress in front of anyone in order to hide her weight loss. In order to avoid pressure from loved ones and normal nutrition, she will hide and throw away food or make herself vomit after eating. Such patients often take large quantities laxatives in the mistaken belief that this will help them maintain their reduced weight.

As weight loss increases, most women with anorexia stop menstruating. The skin becomes yellowish, and delicate fluff appears on the body. Without proper treatment, many patients develop severe depression and, in some cases, have suicidal thoughts.

Cause of weight loss: HORMONAL DISORDERS

Hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and pancreas are responsible for the intensity of metabolism in the body, so problems with these endocrine organs immediately affect weight. In patients with hyperthyroidism and type 1 diabetes mellitus, body weight decreases, despite increased appetite. Such diseases are accompanied by weakness, dry skin, increased heart rate and mood disorders.

What to do? Be sure to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4). Blood tests are also needed: general and glucose tests.


Weight loss is caused by some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The “suspect list” includes enterocolitis, atrophic gastritis and celiac disease. These diseases lead to atrophy of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients, which leads to weight loss. Symptoms may vary: pain, bloating, heaviness, diarrhea or constipation. A lack of vitamins and microelements can manifest itself in the form of anemia, dry skin, brittle nails, and bleeding gums.

What to do? Contact a gastroenterologist. Most likely, he will prescribe a gastroscopy and stool test to make an accurate diagnosis.

Cause of weight loss: Diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder

Body weight decreases in chronic pancreatitis and chronic cholecystitis. Due to these diseases, digestion is disrupted and the body loses the ability to absorb certain nutrients. Patients feel discomfort after eating, nausea, diarrhea appear, and with cholecystitis - pain in the right hypochondrium. The stool changes consistency and becomes greasy.

What to do? Consult a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and a stool test. Follow a diet: exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet, eat little and often.

Weight loss may be a sign of serious viral illnesses. Hepatitis C or HIV can develop for a long time without significant symptoms, and weight loss is often the first sign of the disease.

Another reason for weight loss may be tuberculosis. Patients lose their appetite; in addition, the body spends a lot of energy fighting the infectious agent. In addition to weight loss, classic signs of pulmonary tuberculosis are a prolonged cough with sputum production, as well as a prolonged rise in temperature above 37°C, general weakness and night sweats.

What to do? Self-diagnosis is useless; you need to see a therapist or an infectious disease specialist. Depending on your symptoms, you may be prescribed fluorography, stool analysis, and various blood tests.

Cause of weight loss: cancer and blood diseases

Oncological diseases are often accompanied by significant weight loss and deterioration general condition patients with cancer cachexia. Patients lose their appetite and their taste perception is impaired. Metabolic pathologies occur - muscle mass and the volume of adipose tissue decreases even with adequate nutrition. In addition, psychological factors can cause weight loss: patients with a newly confirmed diagnosis lose weight due to developing depression. Chemotherapy also causes temporary weight loss.

Weight loss is one of the main symptoms of lymphoma and lymphogranulomatosis. In addition to weight loss, these diseases are indicated by painless enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin. With leukemia, weight loss is also observed.

What to do? Constant weakness, fatigue, prolonged fever are symptoms that should alert you. You need to visit a general practitioner who can refer you to the right specialist - an oncologist or hematologist. You will need to undergo general and biochemical blood tests and take an x-ray. If lymphoma or lymphogranulomatosis is suspected, a computed tomography scan of the chest and abdominal cavity, a biopsy of the lymph nodes are prescribed, and to exclude leukemia, a puncture of the pelvic bone is prescribed.

Which doctors should I contact if weight loss occurs:

The changes that occur in the body during weight loss cause serious problems digestive system, metabolism, weaken the immune defense, cause dysfunction of the endocrine glands, therefore, when the first signs of a symptom appear, you must urgently consult a general practitioner (general practitioner, pediatrician, family doctor).

You may also need to consult a doctor:

  • Endocrinologist
  • Oncologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Psychologist
  • infectious disease specialist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Phthisiatrician

If organic pathology is excluded and the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is confirmed, an examination by a psychiatrist is necessary.

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Weight loss- a common sign of disease. Sudden weight loss is called wasting or cachexia (the latter term is more often used to denote extreme exhaustion). Moderate weight loss can be not only a symptom of a disease, but also a variant of the norm, due to the constitutional characteristics of the body, for example, in people with an asthenic body type.

The basis for weight loss may be insufficient or malnutrition, impaired digestion of food, increased breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body and increased energy expenditure (exogenously and endogenously caused). Often these mechanisms are combined. For different diseases, the time of onset, severity and specific mechanisms of weight loss differ significantly.

Causes of weight loss

The causes of weight loss can be both external factors (limited food intake, injury, infection) and internal ones (metabolic disorders, digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body). What diseases cause weight loss:

The weight of each person fluctuates depending on the quantity and quality of food, hormonal status, and physical activity. Weight loss (losing weight) is often a beneficial process, but if it begins suddenly and for no apparent reason, it is a symptom of a serious illness, the cause of which must be found out. Sudden weight loss is often observed with strict diet, inability to eat (for example, after surgery or during a serious illness) or lack of appetite. However, it happens that the reasons are not so obvious, and it is necessary to be examined for food intolerance or pathology of the digestive tract (peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, enterocolitis, etc.). A person often loses weight also with depression or neurosis.

If you have a tendency to lose weight, make sure you are eating right. Eat appetizing dishes in small portions more often, take your time and chew well. Take measures in advance to avoid going hungry. For example, when going to a place where the likelihood of a normal lunch is low, take food with you. Try not to leave home without a hearty breakfast. Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides nutrients, including B vitamins and zinc, which also stimulate your appetite.

Sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss or cachexia (exhaustion) is most often observed due to insufficient or poor nutrition, poor digestibility of food, increased breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body, as well as excessive energy consumption.

A sharp loss of body weight can be caused by an energy deficiency, the causes of which are a long-term diet or taking medications for weight loss. Restricted nutrition can cause imbalance throughout the body. And as a result, the body begins to independently search for the nutrients it needs in its reserves.

Factors leading to sudden weight loss

  • Disturbance of digestive processes: occurs with colitis, enteritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, atrophic gastritis.
  • Restriction of food intake: is the result of intoxication, anorexia nervosa, decreased or loss of appetite, stroke or tumor, impaired consciousness due to traumatic brain injury, narrowing of the esophagus or larynx.
  • Metabolic disorders: in this case, the processes of destruction (catabolism) in the body prevail over the processes of synthesis. The causes of metabolic disorders can be connective tissue diseases, burns, problems with the thyroid gland, severe injuries, and malignant tumors.
  • Experiences accompanied by stress: psychological trauma can cause severe weight loss, even if the body is generally healthy. Sharp weight loss during stress is caused by increased levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).
  • Worm infestation.

Besides, sudden loss weight gain can be a symptom of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), AIDS and other diseases. Treating individual symptoms, such as sudden weight loss, without identifying the specific disease and making a correct diagnosis in most cases is not correct and can harm your health.

Weight loss treatment

Treatment for weight loss should begin as early as possible, avoiding the development of severe exhaustion, which is difficult to treat, until clinical, laboratory and somatometric parameters stabilize.

First of all, you need to establish nutrition. It should be fractional 6-8 times a day, balanced, contain an increased amount of proteins, vitamins, have sufficient energy value, in combination with medicines, improving digestion and absorption of food.

It is necessary to limit coarse plant fiber, exclude fried, salted, pickled foods, alcoholic beverages, and spicy seasonings. In case of impaired consciousness, severe nausea, vomiting, enteral nutrition (through a tube) or parenteral nutrition (intravenously) is administered with special nutritional mixtures.

Questions and answers on the topic "Weight loss"

Hello! I am concerned about this question: a couple of years ago my weight was 50-53 kg, with a height of 154, with a chest of 88; waist 67; hips 96, excess was not noticed anywhere. Then, after a severe case of the flu, I began to lose a couple of kilograms, my periods were off, and I just felt unwell. Everything seemed to be restored and back to normal, but gradually, without doing anything for it, I lost weight to 44 kg with volumes: chest 83; waist 59; hips 87. Body type is normal (I mean, bone. They are not big-boned, rather the opposite). The food is always not very good, I eat selectively, at will, but I don’t limit my food. Is this correlation of height-west-age-physique-factors normal or is it due to concern? Thank you! According to your body mass index (18.6) at the moment There is 1st degree malnutrition, which is something to be concerned about. Yours ideal mass body is 51.3 kg. If you have lost up to 44 kg in a short period of time and at the same time you have not been involved in active physical exercise, then I strongly recommend that you contact your local doctor to undergo a full examination of the body, since such symptoms can lead to serious illnesses. Hello. The question concerns my mother. She is 52 years old. She is currently in menopause (for over a year now). The problem is that she has lost a lot of weight. Previously she weighed 63-64 kg, now she weighs 56 kg. Recently, the changes have stopped, but she is depressed, often weak, worried, and often cries over trifles. We took blood tests: general tests, hormone tests, all tests were in order. What could this be and which specific doctor would you recommend? The local therapist prescribed sedatives such as Gedazepam. While she drinks, her condition stabilizes, but as soon as she stops drinking it gets worse again. I'm really worried about weight loss. Could this be related to menopause? Thanks in advance. Hello! Your mother's condition may be associated with hormonal changes in the body that are characteristic of her age. Perhaps in this situation one cannot do without the help of a psychologist. Hello. Is weight loss normal during pregnancy? Slight weight loss during pregnancy early stages can be considered a variant of the norm. However, if vomiting occurs more than 4 times a day, or if your health suddenly deteriorates, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to be afraid of hospitalization, the unfavorable period will soon end, and the child will be healthy. If there is a sudden loss of several kilograms, do not be afraid to tell your doctor about it. His task is to find the cause and do everything to keep mother and baby healthy. It is recommended to weigh yourself regularly, visit a doctor, get tested and carry out the necessary examinations (ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound) to be sure of the normal development of the fetus. A weight loss of 1-2 kg in the last weeks of pregnancy is a sign of imminent labor. After giving birth, I stopped breastfeeding in August 2013, my period came in November 2013, the cycle averaged 34 days. When four cycles had passed, I, with a height of 164 and a weight of 80.9 kg, began to lose weight according to the “minus 60” system. In 1.5 months I have already lost 7 kg, but my periods have also disappeared, now I am on the 29th day of delay, the tests are negative. I believe this is due to the sudden weight loss. How long can you wait before seeing a doctor? Can I prescribe duphaston for myself? Healthy weight loss, which does not negatively affect a woman’s body, including disruption of the reproductive system, is 10% of body weight over 3 months. This means that with a weight of 81 kg you could lose 8 kg during this period, but you lost almost the required weight twice as fast. If you consider that before this you went through two serious energy stresses - pregnancy and lactation, then the body’s reaction is quite understandable. For now, you don’t need to take any medications. Try to improve your diet by making it healthy and balanced. You can continue physical education, but not intense. If you don’t have your period within 3 months, go to the doctor, rule out pregnancy, and then you can use one of the schemes to induce artificial menstruation. The diagnosis is chronic hepatitis C. Biochemical blood test - all indicators are within normal limits. But for some time, an inexplicable sharp loss of weight began with normal appetite and healthy way life and nutrition (up to 800 grams per week). Weight is 47 kg with a height of 170 cm. What tests do I need to take or what kind of examination should I undergo to determine the cause? Thank you. I would advise taking tumor markers, especially alpha-fetoprotein, as it is considered organ-specific for liver disease. And then go for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and get tested for PCR hepatitis. C - i.e. control how the virus behaves in a quantitative equivalent (analysis for HCV gives only a qualitative assessment). And, naturally, contact an infectious disease specialist. Hello. I am 16 years old. After losing weight, my periods disappeared, the doctor prescribed me to take Regulon or Novinet for 2 menstrual cycles. Please tell me which is better? I really don't want to gain weight again. Thank you. In this case, if the menstrual cycle fails due to a sharp change in diet and weight, menstrual irregularities are possible. In such a situation, any of these drugs is suitable. These products will not lead to weight gain with short-term use. I advise you to adhere to the opinion of your attending physician, who examined you and is familiar with the results of your studies and anamnestic data. Please tell me, I lost weight after pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I can’t regain it, I eat a balanced diet. The thyroid gland has always been enlarged. What thyroid hormones should I test for? Thyroid dysfunction may be one of the reasons for weight loss. I recommend that you do a test for thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4 and antibodies to TPO.

Good day, dear friends! Recently, one of my relatives began to lose a lot of weight. And I lost about seven kilograms in a few months. His wife was very scared and dragged her husband to the doctor.

It turned out that the problem was the frequent stress that the man had at work. In this case, nothing bad happened.

But as the doctor said, the reasons for sudden weight loss in men can be very different and it is better to know about them.

I suggest doing this now.

If weight loss is achieved through significant physical activity, then this is natural. The strong half of humanity can quickly lose weight with the help of regular exercise.

This is caused by the hormone testosterone, which is produced during exercise and quickly burns fat.

This method of conscious weight loss is suitable for both young men under 30 and older men over 40.

But if a person loses weight with sedentary life, and without restricting yourself in food, you need to pay attention to this.

Sudden weight loss or exhaustion in medicine is called “ cachexia" Among the reasons for its appearance, it is worth mentioning increased catabolism, as well as a violation in the development of protein, lipid and carbohydrate compounds.

If for short time If you have lost about 5% of your weight, then consult a doctor immediately.

Many reasons for losing weight are no different for men and women. Here are some of them:

To common reasons quick loss kilograms refers to stress. There are many situations in which a man succumbs to emotional stress. This problem often affects teenagers.
Against the background of nervous experiences, in addition to losing weight, the following may appear:

  • headaches;
  • irritability and absent-mindedness;
  • fatigue;
  • depression.

The male body with hidden ailments takes energy from muscle tissue And . Which causes weight loss in stressful situations. In 2 weeks you can noticeably lose weight.

Endocrine problems

Weight loss may be associated with. At the same time, rapid formation of compounds and burning of calories occurs in the endocrine system.

In this case, even with increased nutrition, a person can rapidly lose weight. If you do not consult a specialist in time, hyperthyroidism develops, in which increased production of hormones occurs.
You should be aware of the following signs of the disease:

  1. Weight loss can be from 10 to 17 kg.
  2. Increased heart rate.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Severe irritability. Problems with sleep and sexuality.
  5. Trembling fingers.

As soon as such symptoms appear, consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis.
Problems with changing hormonal levels can also cause weight loss in both older men and older women.

What other reasons are there?

Are you wondering what other reasons there are for men losing weight? There are actually a lot of them.
Weight loss is associated with cancer. But, as a rule, such a symptom does not occur at the beginning of the disease, but only at the third stage.
One of the reasons may be diabetes mellitus, which can appear even after 70 years.

You can recognize the pathology by the following symptoms:

  1. Weight loss with excellent appetite.
  2. Constant feeling of thirst.
  3. Smell of acetone from the mouth.
  4. Sometimes fainting.

After 50 years, it is advisable to undergo examination every year. Such signs should prompt you to go to the doctor and get tested for sugar. Early diagnosis is a guarantee of successful treatment.

This disease occurs along with loss of appetite. In addition, there are unpleasant sensations in the anal area and digestive disorders.

Also accompanied by complaints of weakness and fatigue. Sometimes the temperature rises. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo certain tests.

According to reviews, in men, worms can cause earlier baldness.

Reasons for sudden weight loss also include infectious diseases, poor diet, tuberculosis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Is a characteristic feature of individuals who suffer alcohol addiction. A bad habit causes damage to the digestive system and liver damage.

Also, during periods of drinking, patients eat little and even completely refuse food.
That's all about the reasons for weight loss in men. To learn even more new and useful things, you can subscribe to my blog updates.

See you again, dear friends!

If you are rapidly, uncontrollably losing weight without apparent reason or effort, then this can be an extremely dangerous factor that requires timely diagnosis and complex treatment.

Description of fast weight loss

Rapid weight loss usually means a sharp decrease in body weight and visual emaciation of a person. At the same time, there are no external factors contributing to such a symptom: the patient does not engage in active sports, continues to eat well and leads a normal lifestyle. In this case, the patient’s state of health may be normal for some time, but after a certain period of time, he feels weakness, possibly intoxication, a high temperature and other symptoms of a disease appear.


The main mechanisms of this process include inadequate poor nutrition or complete starvation, sharply increased needs of the body after exercise and illness, as well as a significant decrease in the absorption of nutrients into the body and hypermetabolism, in which essential vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates are excreted naturally without their penetration into the body.

Sudden weight loss is most often caused by various diseases of the neurological, gastrointestinal, infectious, metabolic, oncological types, as well as acute deficiency of vitamins or nutrients involved in metabolic processes.

Possible diseases

A sharp decrease in body weight, as mentioned above, can be caused by a huge range of diseases and negative conditions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Problem with the adrenal glands. Typically, adrenal insufficiency is accompanied by anorexia, weakness, sudden weight loss, disturbances in regular bowel movements, and mental irritability. Sometimes the patient is plagued by attacks of nausea, as well as focal manifestations of strong skin pigmentation.
  2. Diabetes mellitus. There is a common belief that diabetes only causes obesity - this is not true at all! This disease causes metabolic processes to malfunction and provokes not only weight gain, but also sudden weight loss, depending on the specific condition of the body. In addition to weight loss, diabetes mellitus is accompanied by fatigue, extreme thirst, and frequent urination.
  3. Neurological anorexia. This disease of a neurological nature is typical for women from 18 to 30 years old and is accompanied by a very sharp loss of weight (up to 50 percent) over a short period of time. Patients with this diagnosis experience muscle atrophy, hair loss, general weakness, hypotension, frequent constipation, and regular uncontrolled vomiting.
  4. Systemic depression. Severe forms of systemic depression are sometimes accompanied by drowsiness, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite and weight, and general fatigue.
  5. Cryptosporidosis. Protozoal infections of this type provoke muscle pain, sudden loss of body weight, severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea with vomiting.
  6. Viral infections with herpes. Herpes, despite the classic indolent form of the disease, sometimes contributes to malnutrition due to discomfort during meals, which in turn provokes weight loss.
  7. Gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis quite strongly affects the absorption of fluids into the body, slowing them down, which in turn leads to serious weight loss, dehydration, fever, dryness of all mucous systems of the body, tachycardia and other manifestations of the disease.
  8. Esophagitis. Inflammation in the esophagus area causes severe pain during food consumption - a person can de facto avoid this activity or reduce it to a minimum. Such swallowing dysfunctions provoke severe and sudden weight loss, and the patient often experiences regular vomiting.
  9. Leukemia. Such a terrible disease as blood cancer causes rapidly progressive loss of body weight, the occurrence of tachycardia, general weakness of the body, pain in muscles and bones, anemia, wide-spectrum fevers, enlarged spleen, etc.
  10. Various oncologies. Almost every cancer can be a catalyst for the process of rapid weight loss, which varies in symptoms depending on the location and type of disease
  11. Stomatitis. Various inflammations of the oral mucosa interfere with proper nutrition and thus provoke weight loss.
  12. Pulmonary tuberculosis. A serious infectious disease can cause, in addition to sweating, weakness, chest pain, hemoptysis, shortness of breath and low-grade fever, also weight loss with anorexia.
  13. Lymphomas. In acute lymphomas, dynamic, smooth weight loss is usually observed, occurring against the background of enlarged lymph nodes, spleen, liver and skin itching.
  14. Thyrotoxicosis. This disease provokes a significant increase in the level of hormones in the thyroid gland, which “accelerate” metabolic processes, causing severe diarrhea, sweating, fever, sudden weight loss, and tremors of the limbs.
  15. FFT syndrome. In newborns and small children, nutritional underdevelopment is rarely but periodically diagnosed, as a result of which the baby extremely quickly loses weight and strength.
  16. Whipple syndrome. This condition is characterized by significant damage to the intestinal epithelium and an almost complete stop in the absorption of fluid and nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn provokes a sharp loss of body weight, diarrhea, steatorrhea and various anorexic manifestations.
  17. Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis causes a decrease in appetite, physical exhaustion of the body and weight loss and an increase in body temperature.
  18. Crohn's disease. As the disease progresses, patients experience weakness, fatigue, constant diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fast weight loss even with adequate nutrition.
  19. Medicines. Some medications for the treatment of the thyroid gland, brain stimulants, laxatives, and chemotherapy are a catalyst for extremely rapid weight loss with general depletion of the body.
  20. Physiological reasons. Physiological causes of weight loss include aging (and, accordingly, a decrease in muscle mass), psychiatric disorders, alcoholism, tooth loss (difficulty chewing food), etc.

What to do and how to stop?

If the diagnosis does not reveal serious health problems, then it is necessary to apply a number of physiological procedures to normalize metabolism and systematize the diet.

  1. Exercise regularly physical activity, preferably on outdoors.
  2. Be outside more often on a sunny day and work up an appetite.
  3. Significantly increase the calorie content of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat heartily, include a variety of baked goods in your diet, pasta, fish dishes And large number vegetable oil.
  4. Drink decoctions that increase your appetite.

If sudden weight loss is associated with stress or emotional tension, you should:

  1. Learn to fully relax. Take meditation and yoga courses.
  2. You use aromatherapy to normalize your emotional background.
  3. Drink decoctions that lift your spirits and relieve stress.
  4. Sign up for relaxation massages.

If your problem is still related to illness, then you should definitely visit a doctor, especially in the case when weight is rapidly being lost for more than a month, there are other ailments, and total mass your body is 15-20 percent smaller than average.

Are you suddenly losing weight, and at the same time there is a constant urge to vomit, and nausea does not go away even after using medications? There may be several reasons for this, and all of them are related to possible manifestations of disease.

The combination of the two above symptoms is characteristic of:

  1. Wide range of gastrointestinal tract diseases. In this case, the underlying factor is the inflammatory process, which blocks the absorption of nutrients and disrupts digestion. Such dispersed phenomena as loose stools, vomiting with nausea, provoke a more active removal of useful substances from the body, which causes tissue hypoxia, as well as an acute lack of “fuel” for the body.
  2. Hormonal imbalances, in particular hypothyroidism, caused by a lack of basic thyroid hormones. The autoimmune disease is characterized by constant nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, as well as sudden weight gain or, conversely, weight loss.
  3. Cancer of various etymologies. Some of the basic symptoms of advanced cancer are nausea, weight loss, and blood clots in the stool.
  4. Pregnancy with concomitant toxicosis. In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers often experience attacks of nausea, they lose weight, lose appetite, and experience general weakness of the body. This physiological process is a consequence of toxicosis and should pass by 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. If the alarming symptoms do not disappear, then it is urgently necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the condition of your body.
  5. Addison's syndrome (hypocortisolism). With adrenal insufficiency, along with other symptoms, the weight of the patient who experiences regular nausea and vomiting almost always decreases significantly.

Weight loss and fever

Rapid and sudden weight loss, as well as the high temperature that accompanies this process, usually indicates the presence in the body of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis or pulmonary tuberculosis. Quite often, these symptoms indicate extreme exhaustion of the entire body or a chronic lack of fluid that nourishes all body systems.

Smooth dynamic weight loss with increasing amplitude, as well as constant low-grade fever, increasing in the evenings, may indicate the development of oncology and cancerous tumors.

Weight loss during pregnancy

Weight loss during pregnancy in the first trimester is considered normal if it is accompanied by toxicosis. During this period expectant mother experiences regular vomiting, aversion to certain types of food, and general weakness. Typically, toxicosis goes away by 20-22 weeks and with physiological point vision does not harm the baby or the fair sex. However, if toxicosis significantly drags on or you lose weight in the absence of a visible reason for a long period of time, and especially in the second and third trimester, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, who, using a comprehensive diagnosis, will help determine the true cause of weight loss.

Weight loss under stress

Stressful situations, depression, as well as various neurological conditions can provoke both obesity and significant sudden weight loss. In some cases, these conditions provoke the development of anorexia, especially if they are caused deliberately in an attempt to reduce weight by provoking vomiting after meals.

The problem can only be eliminated by qualified help from specialists who will prescribe appropriate medication, physiological procedures and recommend psychological help.

Carefully and carefully monitor your own health, prevent the development of diseases and always be happy!

Useful video

Weight fluctuations of 1–2 kilograms are normal. But if you have lost more than 5% of your initial weight, and this is in no way explained by changes in your diet and lifestyle, you should be wary and undergo a medical examination.

A person loses weight when the organs of our body - the brain, heart, muscles - no longer have enough nutrients for normal functioning, and they send a signal to the adipose tissue that it is time to use additional resources. In response to this signal, fat cells begin lipolysis - the breakdown of fat - and provide the body with the necessary energy.

One of the most common reasons for sudden weight loss. People suffering from depression have impaired taste perception. Any food seems tasteless, appetite decreases. In addition, neuroses and depression are often accompanied by exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example. Discomfort after eating worsens symptoms.

What to do?If, in addition to weight loss, you notice a constant bad mood, apathy, lethargy and lethargy, consult a psychotherapist. Only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cause of weight loss: HORMONAL DISORDERS

Hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and pancreas are responsible for the intensity of metabolism in the body, so problems with these endocrine organs immediately affect weight. In patients with hyperthyroidism, body weight decreases, despite increased appetite. Such diseases are accompanied by weakness, dry skin, increased heart rate and mood disorders.

What to do?Be sure to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4). Blood tests are also needed: general and blood tests.


Weight loss is caused by some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The “suspect list” includes enterocolitis, atrophic gastritis and celiac disease. These diseases lead to atrophy of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients, which leads to weight loss. Symptoms may vary: pain, bloating, heaviness, diarrhea or constipation. A deficiency of microelements can manifest itself in the form of anemia, dry skin, brittle nails, and bleeding gums.

What to do?Contact a gastroenterologist. Most likely, he will prescribe a gastroscopy and stool test to make an accurate diagnosis.

Cause of weight loss: Diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder

Body weight decreases in chronic pancreatitis and chronic cholecystitis. Due to these diseases, digestion is disrupted and the body loses the ability to absorb certain nutrients. Patients feel discomfort after eating, nausea, diarrhea appear, and with cholecystitis - pain in the right hypochondrium. The stool changes consistency and becomes greasy.

What to do?Consult a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and a stool test. Follow a diet: exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet, eat little and often.

Weight loss may be a sign of serious viral illnesses. or HIV can develop for a long time without significant symptoms, and often weight loss is the first sign of the disease.

Another reason for weight loss may be tuberculosis. Patients lose their appetite; in addition, the body spends a lot of energy fighting the infectious agent. In addition to weight loss, classic signs of pulmonary tuberculosis are a prolonged cough with sputum production, as well as a prolonged rise in temperature above 37 ° C, general weakness and night sweats.

What to do?Self-diagnosis is useless, you need to see a therapist or an infectious disease specialist. Depending on your symptoms, you may be prescribed fluorography, stool analysis, and various blood tests.

Cause of weight loss: cancer and blood diseases

Oncological diseases are often accompanied by significant weight loss and deterioration of the general condition of patients - cancer cachexia. Patients lose their appetite and their taste perception is impaired. Metabolic pathologies occur - muscle mass and fat tissue volume decrease even with adequate nutrition. In addition, psychological factors can cause weight loss: patients with a newly confirmed diagnosis lose weight due to developing depression. Chemotherapy also causes temporary weight loss.

Weight loss is one of the main symptoms of lymphoma and lymphogranulomatosis. In addition to weight loss, these diseases are indicated by painless enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin. With leukemia, weight loss is also observed.

What to do?Constant weakness, fatigue, prolonged fever are symptoms that should alert you. You need to visit a general practitioner who can refer you to the right specialist - an oncologist or hematologist. You will need to take a general exam and take an x-ray. If lymphoma or lymphogranulomatosis is suspected, prescribecomputed tomography of the chest and abdominal cavity, biopsy of lymph nodes, to exclude leukemia - puncture of the pelvic bone.