Bragg field exercises for the back. Bragg field spine exercises

Every day, the human spine experiences serious stress, which causes it to shorten a little. You can verify this by measuring your height after coming home from work or getting out of bed in the morning. To prevent this from happening and to avoid severe back pain, you can do 5 Paul Bragg exercises for the spine. Read below about who he is and how to exercise correctly.

Who is Paul Bragg?

This is an American showman, folk healer, naturopath and healthy lifestyle promoter. He believed that there were only 9 real doctors in the world: sunlight, clean water, fresh air, fasting (fasting), correct posture, rest, physical activity. As well as the human spirit (mind) and healthy eating. He became famous in the USSR after the books “The Miracle of Fasting” and “The Spine - the Key to Health” were translated into Russian.

Paul Bragg I sincerely believed that to maintain health and a long life (up to 120 years!) a person only needs to: strengthen the body, develop the spirit, and do regular exercises special exercises and avoid overeating. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​how to stretch intervertebral discs to maintain joint mobility. He proved by his own example that his idea has the right to life, having lived to the age of 95 and dying only because an accident happened.

What are the benefits of exercising?

Paul Bragg's five exercises for the spine can not only restore the strength of the joints and their length, but also make life more fulfilling and joyful. Take for example the same cat that loves to stretch. How does she do it? It arches its back and thereby stretches the vertebrae. But the dog acts differently: it bends forward to the ground, raises its pelvis and stretches its front legs forward. After which he stretches and slowly returns to his original position. As a result, these animals are able to make a wave-like movement to stretch the spine. It is thanks to this kind of exercise that they manage to maintain flexibility, mobility and health until old age.

If a person begins to take care of himself and his spine in this way, then even by the age of 80-90 he will be energetic, cheerful, and youthfully mobile. He will be able to:

  • maintain a clear mind and sober memory,
  • avoid joint pain and improve posture,
  • make your muscles stronger and stronger;
  • make the spine more elastic;
  • start breathing correctly and deeply.

In general, just five Paul Bragg exercises, performed up to 2-3 times a week, will have a positive effect on a person’s well-being, allowing him to live longer and without back pain.

How to prepare properly?

The benefits of charging will be greater if you do it correctly. There is no need to immediately run and do exercises until your vitality runs out. You should approach their implementation carefully, without making any sudden efforts and commensurate the load with your own physical capabilities. This is important because you do not know the true condition of your intervertebral discs, spine and ligaments, as well as the extent of salt deposits. It would be even better if before classes you consult a doctor about any contraindications. If all is well, try to create a motivational reason. The stronger it is, the more you can achieve.

How to start?

Paul Bragg's exercises for the back cannot be rushed. Therefore, during the first week it is better to do them slowly, gradually, without tension. At the first sign of fatigue or discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising. You can return to them the next day or a little later. When you feel that your body has become stronger and more flexible as a result of exercise, you can slightly increase the load. You may experience slight muscle pain. It's okay, it will pass soon. Well, now let's move on to the description of Paul Bragg's set of exercises.

Exercise No. 1. On the upper spine

This exercise allows you to eliminate headache, normalize the functioning of the stomach, put the vertebrae in their designated places. It is recommended to do it smoothly and slowly. So: lie on your stomach on the floor, face down. Place your palms under your chest and your legs shoulder-width apart. Leaning on your palms and fingers and toes, lift your torso up, trying to properly arch your back. The buttocks should be above the head. Straighten your arms and legs completely, lower your head. Then smoothly lower your pelvis almost to the floor without bending your limbs. In this position, your spine will be stressed to the maximum. Now you need to lift your head and throw it back. Return to starting position.

Exercise No. 2. Tension with torsion

This exercise allows you to normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys, urinary and gall bladder. It must be carried out almost the same as in the previous case. Only after arching your back should you turn your pelvis to the left as much as possible, lower your left side down, and then make the same movements, but to the right. At the same time, it is important to leave your arms and legs straight; you cannot bend them. While moving, you should imagine how the spine is stretched and the vertebrae smoothly “settle” into place.

Exercise No. 3. For relaxation

This exercise by Paul Bragg allows you to stimulate each nerve center, relieve the condition of the pelvic area, strengthen the muscles of the vertebra and restore the intervertebral discs. To carry it out, you need to sit on the floor, lean on your straight arms located slightly behind you, and bend your knees. Raise your buttocks so that your body rests completely on your limbs. Other parts of its surface cannot touch the floor. Return to starting position. It is recommended to do this charging as quickly as you can.

Exercise No. 4. To stretch the spine

This exercise helps to release the nerve endings of the spinal cord, normalize the functioning of the stomach, strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and abdominal cavity, relieve tightness between the vertebrae and blockage of small pinching. However, it cannot be done if you have a hernia or lower back pain. If there are no such contraindications, you should lie on a hard floor on your back, legs extended, arms spread to the sides. Then bend lower limbs in your knees and pull them to your chest, clasp them with your arms. You should immediately try to push your knees and hips away from your chest, without letting go of the hug. At the same time, raise your head and touch your chin to your knees, or at least try to do this. Lie like this for 3-5 seconds, return to the original position.

Exercise No. 5. Walking on all fours

Paul Bragg considered this exercise one of the most useful for stretching the spine and returning its discs to their original place. In addition, it can normalize the functioning of the large intestine. To accomplish this, you need to walk with your limbs fully straightened, your pelvis raised high, your back arched and your head bowed along the entire perimeter of the room. Can be repeated several times.

How many times should I repeat?

All Paul Begg exercises must be done in combination. Above, under the description of each of the classes, you could see photos showing an approximate sequence of actions. Although no one forbids you to first crawl on all fours, then do a “bridge,” and then do the remaining 3. The main thing is not to overexert yourself in the first days. You need to start with 2-3 repetitions. And after that, increase their number as much as possible.

You yourself will notice that in this case it will be easier to get used to the exercises. First you need to do them every day. And after relief of the condition and a fantastic feeling of strength, the number of classes can be reduced to 2-3 times every 7 days. This will be enough to maintain joint mobility and keep the spine stretched and flexible. The first results can be expected within 2-3 weeks. They may not be significant, since in a few years it is impossible to eliminate all the pathological changes that have occurred over many years. But they will be, and that’s already wonderful!

How to control your posture?

It is worth remembering that to maintain it, it is also important to monitor your posture. Paul Bragg noted this more than once in his writings. From the pages of his books, he recommended to all his readers to walk, sit and stand, monitoring the position of their own spine.

It was this naturopath who came up with the idea of ​​how to determine which position is correct. In particular, you need to go to the wall, stand with your back to it so that your shins, feet, back of your head and lower legs are in contact with it. The distance between the lower back and the vertical surface should be 1 finger, no more. In this case, the stomach must be pulled in and the shoulders straightened. Maintaining this posture, you should walk along the room, slightly bending your knees and stepping with a spring. This is necessary so that the body can remember correct position.

According to Paul Bragg, you need to sit in the following way: your shoulders are straightened, your head is slightly raised, your stomach is pulled in and tense, your back is pressed against the back of the chair. That is, in the way many of us were taught to do it in school. And one more thing: according to a naturopath, you should never cross your legs, as this can cause serious disruptions in the body, including blood stagnation, impaired blood flow and vascular constriction.

Are there any contraindications?

Yes, they really do exist. These include: elevated body temperature, chronic or acute diseases of the spine, inflammation of the joints, viral and infectious diseases, severe back pain, hypertension, poor circulation in the brain, intervertebral hernia (especially advanced ones!). But, as already mentioned, in any case, it won’t hurt to go to the clinic and consult with your doctor or therapist about performing Paul Bragg exercises.

If a person takes care of his spine, then even at 70-80 years old he will be healthy, energetic, have a clear mind and a sober memory

A set of exercises for a healthy spine

During daily activities Under the influence of gravity, the spine shortens somewhat. This is easy to notice by taking a height measurement immediately after you get out of bed and in the evening when you come home from work.

Despite the fact that the spine has a huge margin of strength and can withstand a wide variety of loads, it is necessary to maintain its healthy condition during the day by performing special stretching exercises. And due to the fact that the condition of the spinal column affects all life processes, these exercises can not only lengthen our spine, but also prolong life itself, making it full and joyful.

If you turn to domestic animals, you can notice how a cat or dog occasionally stretches its back. The cat arches its back, and this stretches the vertebrae. The dog acts much differently. She lowers the front part of her body, stretches her front legs far forward. The pelvic part remains slightly elevated. Having assumed this position, she begins to stretch, gradually raising her front and lowering her pelvis. As a result, both cats and dogs experience a kind of wave-like movement that stretches the spine. Their spine remains mobile and healthy until old age.

If a person begins to take care of his spine in this way, then even at 70-80 years old he will be healthy, energetic, have a clear mind and a sober memory. To do this, you need to realize the importance of exercise for your health and perform it daily, at least in a minimal amount. Positive results appear within just a few weeks or even a few days regular classes.

When starting to perform exercises for the spine, you should be guided by the following rules:

    Do not apply sudden force to areas of the spine that have lost mobility;

    Perform exercises, proportioning the load to your physical capabilities, starting with a small one and gradually increasing it;

    Do not strive to perform exercises with a maximum range of motion, start with small movements that rock the vertebrae, carefully and gradually increasing their amplitude.

These rules must be followed for the reason that you do not know the true condition of your spine, the degree of salt deposition, the condition of the intervertebral discs and ligaments. Excessive stress can cause harm instead of benefit.

Remember that by training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments that will keep the spine in a stretched state. This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. Metabolism will increase, and internal organs will become stronger. In general, this will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the whole organism.

The success of any business depends on motivation. The stronger it is, the more a person can achieve. When starting to perform a set of exercises for the spine, create this motivation - convince yourself that these exercises are vital for you. This will solve more than half of the task. Now you need to get into the training mode and gradually increase the load.

To do this, start with the smallest things. During the first week, do the exercises fairly slowly. If you feel uncomfortable or tired, stop exercising for a while. But gradually you will feel that from regular exercise the body becomes stronger, endurance increases, and the spine becomes healthier.

As with any physical activity, after exercises on the spine, muscle pain will occur. This is quite normal. Soon they will pass.

This set of exercises for the spine was developed by the famous naturopath Paul Bragg. It includes five basic exercises. They have different effects on one or another part of the spinal column. They must be completed all within one training session. Rest is provided between exercises.

Exercise 1

This exercise affects top part the spinal column, from which depart the nerves that control the functioning of the head, eye muscles, stomach and intestines. Performing this exercise helps eliminate ailments such as headaches, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion of food.

Starting position: lie on the floor face down. While lying down, place your palms under your chest and your legs should be shoulder-width apart. After this, gradually take the following position: leaning only on your palms and toes, lift your torso up and arch your back. The pelvis should be located above the head. The head is lowered and the arms and legs are fully extended.

After you have accepted this position, smoothly accept the following: lower your pelvis almost to the floor. In this case, the arms and legs should be straight. This position places particular tension on the spine. Now lift your head and throw it back.

It is recommended to perform this exercise slowly and smoothly. Try to lower your pelvis as low as possible, and then lift it as high as possible, arching your back upward. The exercise consists of lowering and raising your pelvis - arching and bending the spinal column. These movements help to stretch it and move the vertebrae into place.

The number of repetitions at first is 2-4. As training progresses, it increases to 8-12.

When the exercise is mastered and performed correctly, a feeling of relief arises and the spine relaxes.

Exercise 2

This exercise is intended mainly for the spinal region, which contains the nerves that control the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. Performing this exercise brings relief in case of their disorders and diseases. As a result of this exercise, the weakened liver, gall bladder, kidneys and bladder will significantly improve their functioning.

Take the starting position as for exercise No. 1. After you have raised your pelvis and arched your back, do the following: rotate your pelvis as far as possible to the left, lowering your left side as low as possible, and then to the right. Do not bend your arms and legs during the exercise. Make the movement slowly, smoothly, imagining that the spine is stretching better and better with each turn. The combination of stretching the spine with some twisting helps the vertebrae “sit” better in their places.

At first, the exercise will seem quite difficult and tiring. Limit yourself to 2-4 executions. It will gradually become easier to do it due to the strengthening of not only the muscles, but also the spinal nerves.

As you train, increase the number of repetitions to 8-12 times.

This exercise is quite difficult and requires considerable skill and effort.

Exercise 3

The previous two exercises put quite a serious load on the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column. Exercise No. 3 is designed to relieve residual tension and completely relax the spinal column. As a result of its implementation, every nerve center is stimulated. Additionally, the condition of the pelvic area is alleviated.

One of the important features of this exercise is the ability to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which maintain it in an elongated state and thereby contribute to the restoration of the intervertebral discs.

Starting position: sit on the floor, lean on your straight arms, located slightly behind you, bend your legs. Raise your pelvis so that your body rests only on your spaced bent legs and straight arms. It is recommended to perform the exercise at a fast pace, which helps relax the spine. The body must be raised until the spine is horizontal, after which it is lowered to its original position.

Repeat the exercise several times - b-8 at the beginning and 12-18 at the end.

Exercise 4

This exercise is designed to give special strength to the part of the spine from which the nerves that control the stomach emerge. In general, it is effective for the entire spine, promoting its stretching. It is the stretching of the spine, releasing the pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord, that brings the entire body into a normal, efficient, healthy state.

Starting position: lie on your back, legs extended, arms to the sides. Bend your knees, pull them towards your chest and wrap your arms around them. Make a movement as if you want to push your knees and hips away from your chest, but at the same time continue to hold them with your hands. At the same time as this movement, raise your head and try to touch your chin to your knees. Hold this torso position for three to five seconds.

In this exercise, a sharp push occurs that stretches the spine, thereby relieving the blockage of small infringements and tightness between the vertebrae.

Additionally, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also deep muscles located in the abdominal part of the spinal column.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 5.

Walking on all fours. Paul Bragg considers this exercise one of the most important for stretching the spine. Among other things, it involves the part of the spine from which the nerves that control the functioning of the large intestine depart.

Starting position as for exercise No. 1. Get on all fours: arms and legs are straightened, the back is arched, the pelvis is raised high, the head is lowered down. In this position, it is recommended to walk around the room. Remember, when moving, do not bend your legs and arms, but walk on straight limbs. During such movement, the load on the spine is minimal and some twisting of the spine occurs. It is this position that helps to better stretch the spine and put its discs in their places.

Paul Bragg advises performing the described set of exercises taking into account individual characteristics. In the beginning, it is recommended to perform each exercise no more than two or three times. After just a day, the number of repetitions can be increased to five times or more.

In just a few days, the muscles of the torso are filled with strength, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Fine developed people in a few days they will be able to easily perform each exercise up to 10-12 times.

As for frequency of practice, Bragg recommends practicing daily in the beginning. Once appeared in the spine necessary improvements, you can reduce the number of classes to twice a week. This is quite enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.

As stated earlier, a week of exercise is enough for favorable changes to begin to occur in the spine. After 2-3 weeks they become permanent.

You should know that pathological changes in the spine have occurred over many years and it is impossible to make it healthy and young in just one day. Be patient and persistent. Constant training of the spinal column will stimulate the restoration and growth of the intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy. published

Ecology of life. Health: Paul Bragg claims that disorders of the spine can be restored at almost any age. 5 Paul Bragg exercises have been developed that are easy and simple to perform.

Paul Bragg claims that disorders of the spine can be restored at almost any age. 5 Paul Bragg exercises have been developed that are easy and simple to perform.

The only condition that must be strictly observed is performing a set of exercises in a complex.

If a person begins to take care of his spine in this way, then even at 70-80 years old he will be healthy, energetic, have a clear mind and a sober memory. To do this, you need to realize the importance of exercise for your health and perform it daily, at least in a minimal amount. Positive results appear literally after a few weeks or even after a few days of regular exercise.

When starting to perform exercises for the spine, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Do not apply sudden force to areas of the spine that have lost mobility;
  • Perform exercises, proportioning the load to your physical capabilities, starting with a small one and gradually increasing it;
  • Do not strive to perform exercises with a maximum range of motion, start with small movements that rock the vertebrae, carefully and gradually increasing their amplitude.

These rules must be followed for the reason that you do not know the true condition of your spine, the degree of salt deposition, the condition of the intervertebral discs and ligaments. Excessive stress can cause harm instead of benefit.

Remember that by training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments that will keep the spine in a stretched state. This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. Metabolism will increase, and internal organs will become stronger. In general, this will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the entire body.

The success of any business depends on motivation. The stronger it is, the more a person can achieve. When starting to perform a set of exercises for the spine, create this motivation - convince yourself that these exercises are vital for you.

This will solve more than half of the task. Now you need to get into the training mode and gradually increase the load. To do this, start with the smallest things.

During the first week, do the exercises fairly slowly. If you feel uncomfortable or tired, stop exercising for a while. But gradually you will feel that from regular exercise the body becomes stronger, endurance increases, and the spine becomes healthier.

As with any physical activity, muscle pain will occur after exercises on the spine. This is quite normal. Soon they will pass.

Rest is provided between exercises.

The first exercise effectively affects the part nervous system , which is responsible for the work of the head, eye muscles and on the nerves that connect with the stomach and intestines. In the first exercise we target headaches, eye strain and indigestion. The muscles of the cervical spine are significantly trained.

Lie face down on the floor, then lift your pelvis and arch your back. In this case, the pelvis is above the level of the lowered head.

The body should be supported solely by the toes and palms. Feet shoulder width apart.

The knees and elbows are straightened, creating the necessary tension in the spine.

Having lowered your pelvis almost to the floor, raise your head, then sharply throw it back.

The exercise should be done slowly.

Lower your pelvis as low as possible, then slowly raise it as high as possible, while arching your back and repeat again.

At correct execution exercise, some relief is felt due to the relaxation of the spine.

The second exercise trains and strengthens the muscles of the thoracic spine. The nerves that go to the liver and kidneys are stimulated. When performing the exercise, relief is observed in liver and kidney disease resulting from a nervous disorder. Normal kidney function is restored.

Lie face down on the floor, lifting your pelvis and arching your back.

The body rests only on the toes and palms. Arms and legs are straight.

Rotate your pelvis as far as possible to the right, while lowering your side as low as possible.

Repeat everything with a turn in the other direction.

The exercise should be done slowly.

The following exercise trains the muscle of the lumbar spine, in the area where it transitions from the thoracic region to the pelvis. During the exercise, the spinal column is in a state of complete relaxation, each nerve center is stimulated. There is relief in the condition of the pelvic area. The restoration process of intervertebral discs is stimulated.

Sit on the floor, lean on your outstretched straight arms, which are located slightly behind, legs bent.

Raise your pelvis; your body should rest on straight arms and bent legs.

Movements should be done rhythmically .

Then raise your body so that your spine is horizontal and lower yourself.

The fourth exercise is designed to train muscle ligaments in lumbar region. The part of the spine where the nerves responsible for the functioning of the stomach are located is strengthened. The balance of the body is restored and the spine is stretched.

Lie on the floor, on your back. Legs should be extended, arms spread to the sides.

Bending your knees, you need to pull them to your chest, clasping them with your arms.

Then push your knees and hips away from your chest, while not letting go of your hands. Make something like a “rocking chair”.

At the same time, raising your head, try to touch your chin to your knees.

Try to hold this position for five seconds.

The fifth and final exercise is the most important for stretching, strengthening and training the ligaments of the gluteal muscles.

You need to lie on the floor, face down. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, while arching your back.

The support should be on straight legs and arms, the head should be lowered.

In this position, you should walk on all fours for 5-7 minutes.

The number of exercises performed should begin with two to three times, gradually increasing to 10 times each.

An alternative replacement or effective addition to the above set of classes can be added to breaststroke swimming.

Paul Bragg advises performing the described set of exercises taking into account individual characteristics. In the beginning, it is recommended to perform each exercise no more than two or three times. After just a day, the number of repetitions can be increased to five times or more.

In just a few days, the muscles of the torso are filled with strength, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people will be able to easily perform each exercise up to 10-12 times in a few days.

As for frequency of practice, Bragg recommends practicing daily in the beginning. After the necessary improvements have appeared in the spine, you can reduce the number of classes to twice a week. This is quite enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.

As stated earlier, a week of exercise is enough for favorable changes to begin to occur in the spine. After 2-3 weeks they become permanent.

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You should know that pathological changes in the spine have occurred over many years, and it is impossible to make it healthy and young in just one day. Be patient and persistent. Constant training of the spinal column will stimulate the restoration and growth of the intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy. published Please LIKE and share with your FRIENDS! - Subscribe -

The spine is one of the most important parts of the human body, because it supports the entire skeleton.


Such gymnastics helps to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver, strengthens thoracic region spinal column.

In the same way, when lying on your stomach, you need to rise up, leaning only on your outstretched arms. Legs remain straight. First, the pelvis is turned to the left as much as possible, trying to touch the floor with it, and then, in the same way, to the left.

It is important to ensure that neither your arms nor legs bend. Perform the exercise very slowly and smoothly, and at the slightest discomfort, take a short pause and reduce the amplitude of the twists. Under no circumstances should you overexert yourself. You need to make sure that you don’t lose your breath and that gymnastics doesn’t cause negative reactions.


This exercise is extremely important for the restoration of damaged intervertebral discs, strengthens the lower back, and has a beneficial effect on the organs located in the pelvis.

You need to sit on the floor with your knees bent and your arms extended and placed slightly behind your body. After which, the pelvis is raised so that the body is horizontal relative to the floor, resting only on outstretched arms and legs bent at the knees.

Then, you need to return to the starting position (and so on several times in a row). At first, you will have to make such movements smoothly, but then the speed, frequency and rhythm increase. Contraindications for this exercise practically no, but it’s better to focus on your own feelings.

Boat (stretch)

This simple exercise is extremely important for the overall strengthening of the body and the restoration of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. It perfectly tones and strengthens the muscular frame of the lower back, does not require any special skills, and is familiar to everyone since childhood.

You need to lie on a flat and hard surface, on your back, with your arms and legs extended. You can lie down for a while, completely relaxing your muscles. After that, you need to bend your knees strongly and clasping them with your hands, pull them to your chest, lying on your back. Ideally, try to touch your chin with your knees.

In this position, you should try to sway slightly back and forth. At first, the amplitude of movements should be very small, but over time, you can increase both the speed and depth of such swaying. But if there is an inflammatory process in the lumbar region, it is better to refuse such an exercise.

Walking on all fours

The next exercise can be called the most important, to strengthen the muscle layer of the back and hips. It has a good effect on work internal organs, but is contraindicated in case of circulatory disorders and brain damage.

It's also quite easy to make. From a standing position, you need to bend over, rest your outstretched arms on the floor, and bend your legs slightly at the knees. Lower your head as low as possible and raise your pelvis higher, arching your back as much as possible. In this position, you need to walk around the room for some time. At first, 1-2 minutes is enough, but gradually the time increases to 5-8 minutes.

Video: "Paul Bragg Exercises"

Along with classes, It is important to always ensure correct posture. After all, you need to not only sit correctly, but also stand and walk. This significantly reduces the load on the spine and relieves pressure on the internal organs.

To remember the feeling of correct posture, you need to go to the wall and press your back tightly against it. In this case, the walls should touch the heels, shoulders, buttocks and back of the head. The distance between the wall and the lower back is minimal.

In this position, you can walk, slightly bending your knees and slightly springing as you walk. With regular training, the body itself will remember the correct position. Although, at first, you will always have to control your posture, especially in a sitting position.


  • Bragg exercises are used not only for any problems with the spine, but also for general strengthening of the body.
  • The effectiveness of such gymnastics has been proven and tested by many years of practice.
  • All exercises must be performed carefully, focusing on your own sensations, without stress.
  • Before starting classes, you should consult with a specialist about the advisability of their use.
  • Sticking to proper nutrition By controlling your posture and regularly doing gymnastics, you can maintain the health of your joints and spine for a long time.

Arthrologist, Rheumatologist

Engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of systemic diseases connective tissue(Sjogren's syndrome, dermatopolymyositis, rheumatoid arthritis), systemic vasculitis.

The talented figure in alternative medicine, Paul Bragg, became world famous thanks to the system of health-improving fasting he developed. But the researcher would not have lived to 95 years if he only cared about his health digestive system. Many years of studying the functions of the human body allowed Paul to put forward the following conclusion: “Well-being depends on the condition of the spine. Advanced age makes people weaker, as the spinal column becomes deformed and wears out. Most diseases of maturity and old age can be prevented if you do therapeutic exercises».

Paul Bragg used these principles to improve the health of himself, his relatives and patients. He was approached by people who had suffered from car accidents, sprains and severe work injuries. Bragg's set of exercises brought relief to those whom surgeons had given up on.

The researcher himself was cheerful, healthy and active until the very last day of his life. And this speaks first of all about the effectiveness of the system he developed.


The methodical implementation of Paul Bragg's exercises brings relief and changes in condition after just a couple of weeks of practice. After a month, the pain in the back area will decrease. The following results will also be clearly visible:

  • The muscles will become stronger and will be able to cope with heavy loads.
  • The endurance and flexibility of the spinal column will increase.
  • The body will begin to independently maintain a straight posture.
  • Will launch healing processes: normal blood circulation will be restored, internal organs will function better.
  • The body will get used to proper, deep breathing, which will ensure a better flow of oxygen to the brain.

The positive effects will persist for some time after the completion of the training complex. But you should continue to do the exercises even when your back feels better.

The spinal column ages due to regular unnatural stress. To reduce damage, preventative measures are necessary. This technique will help with this.

Principles of the complex

Paul Bragg believed that optimal functioning of the body is ensured by the regular use of all 640 muscles. Muscles that we do not use for years become thinner and atrophy. Therefore, it is not enough for the health of the spinal column. It also requires strong muscles to keep it stretched every day.

The researcher noted the following loads that need to be added to the complex:

  1. Swimming. This type of exercise involves all types of muscles and straightens the spine, returning it to its natural state. Helps back health.
  2. . A walking step is not enough: you need to try to use your whole body and move your arms in the same way as when swimming. Be sure to take deep and rhythmic breathing.
  3. Training all types of muscles, especially the limbs and abdominals.

Paul Bragg's complex includes five exercises he developed. Maximum effect gives the correct distribution of loads by duration and intensity. Here are the most common mistakes that beginners do when starting classes:

  • Workouts for wear and tear. The body will not thank you for regular overload and will respond with a strike. By exceeding your body's limits, you do not speed up the healing process, but create barriers to continuing your activities. In addition, this approach can lead to serious injury.
  • Irregularity of loads. Today there are three classes a day, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - none. This regimen will not help the spine recover. After noticeable improvements in your condition, you can reduce the number of workouts to two or three per week, but this should be done gradually.

The Bragg Field set of exercises may seem difficult for patients with low levels of physical training, but after several repetitions the muscles begin to get used to the new type of load. This way you will increase your load without compromising your health.

First exercise

Take the “lying down” position (lie on your stomach and rise up, leaning on your palms and feet, limbs straight, legs shoulder-width apart). Now slowly lift your pelvis to the maximum point upward, arching your back. Only the back and pelvis should move, the legs and arms remain straight. Now lower your pelvis so that it almost touches the floor. Bend back, tilt your head up so that your neck also participates in the bend. Repeat.

This movement is effective as a remedy for headaches. In addition, it provides treatment for diseases of the digestive system and has a healing effect on the nerves of the eyes, head and digestive tract. Triggers recovery of the nervous system after overload. It must be performed at the slowest pace possible. This gives the body a full load and allows you to feel changes in the position of the spinal column during tension and relaxation. Feeling this difference is a sign that the movement is being performed correctly.

Perform this movement with caution if you have the following health problems:

  • High blood pressure. Start the exercise carefully, rocking your pelvis up and down for small distances. Then gradually increase the amplitude until you reach the maximum.
  • Problems with the neck and lower back. Do not straighten the spinal column to the maximum, so as not to cause worsening of the condition.
  • Overweight. The movement puts stress on the wrist joints. Overweight coupled with regular repetition can lead to premature wear and tear and joint pain. Perform carefully, focusing on your own feelings.

This is one of the simplest movements in the Field complex; it does not require prior preparation. Every workout should start with it.

Second exercise

Take the “lying support” position again and lift your pelvis up, arching your back. Now twist your pelvis in left side all the way, while simultaneously lowering your left side as far down as possible. Make sure your elbows and knees remain straight. Then return to the starting position and repeat the movement to the right. Repeat.

During the day, we rarely twist our spine along its axis. This movement adds the missing load, due to which the spinal column and ligamentous apparatus are better stretched and warmed up. Provide effective treatment problems with the liver and kidneys by stimulating the corresponding nerves. Patients suffering from chronic diseases of these internal organs will feel relief after performing this movement regularly.

There are no contraindications to twisting the pelvis, but not everyone will be able to perform this exercise correctly the first time. Therefore, it is important to perform it as slowly as possible - this allows you to concentrate on the sensations of stretching and better control the process. Even after repeated practice, this movement remains the most difficult in the complex.

Third exercise

Sit on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands resting on the floor behind your back. Now lift your pelvis so that your spine is in a straight, horizontal position. Make sure that there is no jerking: it is not the legs and arms that should work, but the muscles of the back and pelvis. Lower yourself back. Unlike the previous movements, this one must be performed at a fast pace, repeating the lifts rhythmically.

This exercise leads to overall strengthening of the spine and relief from symptoms of chronic diseases. Rapid, repetitive exercise stretches the spine while activating all nerve centers. The muscle complex responsible for correct posture. Treatment of stagnant back problems is carried out. The pain in the pelvic area goes away, the condition of the cartilage and muscles is normalized.

The movement can be performed by people with any level of physical fitness, there are no contraindications. A couple of repetitions at a slow pace is usually enough to understand the principle of loading and move on to fast rhythmic execution.

Fourth exercise

Lie on your back and stretch well. Feel the work of the spinal muscles, the stretching of the spinal column. Then pull up bent knees to the chest, holding them with your hands. Continue to hold your legs, but as you do you want to push your hips and knees away from you. The head should be raised, the chin should try to touch the knees. Stretch like this for five seconds, then straighten up to the starting position.

Movement has a broad preventive effect, leading to general condition body and internal organs into harmony. With its help, diseases of the digestive tract are treated, thanks to which it brings relief to patients suffering from stomach problems. Perfectly kneads the spinal column, ensures restoration of strength and tone.

  • Chronic back pain.
  • Hernia of the spinal column.
  • Problems with the lower back ().
  • Problems with cervical region spine.

To avoid causing a pinched nerve, you should stick to a lighter form of movement. Gently pull your knees to your chest and, holding them with your hands, freeze in this position for five seconds. Then straighten up and repeat, slightly increasing the fixation time. If after several minutes of holding the pain does not appear in the back discomfort, you can go to full version.

Fifth exercise

Take a “lying support” position (as in exercise 1) and lift your pelvis as high as possible. Make sure your limbs are shoulder-width apart and your head is down. Now, slightly bending your knees and elbows, make several circles around the room. Feel how the spinal-brachial complex stretches.

This movement simultaneously stretches the spine and makes it longer. Due to active stimulation of the intestines, age-related diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diseases of internal organs are treated. The activity of the digestive system is normalized.

Patients with hypertension should perform the exercise with caution. While the head is lowered, blood flows to the brain much more intensely. This may cause the condition to worsen.

To be successful, training must be done every day. You need to perform all the movements in turn, without skipping anything or rearranging the order. After a noticeable improvement in your condition, you can gradually move on to the preventative version of the complex (these are the same exercises, but only twice a week).

Other useful tips:

  1. The number of repetitions should depend on the level of training and well-being. Contraindications should be taken into account. If the movement seems too difficult, it is enough to repeat it up to 3 times daily. In just a few days you will be able to increase the number of repetitions. The norm is ten repetitions or more for each exercise. The whole complex should take about half an hour a day.
  2. The duration of the complex in a health (daily) mode depends on the severity of problems with the spine and how long ago they appeared. Focus on your own feelings, but remember: positive changes how you feel after a couple of weeks is just the beginning of the process. This means you are performing the movements correctly and need to continue.
  3. There's no need to be a hero. Monitor the load on your muscles and avoid overwork. Unpleasant pain in muscles and joints while performing a set of exercises indicates that it’s time to take a break.
  4. Learn to distinguish between “helpful” and “harmful” pain. Sometimes painful sensations after training are a signal of muscle growth and strengthening. This pain goes away on its own after a couple of days of exercise. It is not an indication for stopping classes.

To maximize the efficiency of the complex, Paul Bragg advises relying less on cars and elevators and walking whenever possible. At the same time, it is not enough to just go the whole way on your own two feet: move at a good pace, maintaining your posture and maintaining deep, rhythmic breathing. When climbing stairs, do not put the load on your arms and shoulders: grab the railing less, walk more with a straight back. These recommendations will help you get the maximum benefit from your classes and maintain positive effect during the day.