Ballistic training technique. Ballistic training Ballistic training

Pay special attention to exercises with ballistic mode of muscle work. The main things in them are: volitional emphasis on elastic movements, the use of inertia (for example, swinging a projectile in throwing), increasing the requirements for muscle elasticity lower limbs increasing the height from which the athlete jumps, increasing his weight special simulators etc.

Use widely special exercises, equipped with a combination of yielding and overcoming modes of muscle work, For example, jumping exercises, repulsion after landing in deep jumps, the same with a load, jerk-braking exercises, etc. They are quite effective (Fig. 50).

At the same time, more effective exercises are needed, selectively aimed at improving the ballistic work of muscles. In such exercises, the most important thing is to reduce the time of transition from one mode of muscle work to another while stimulating the manifestation of elastic properties.

The desired effect, in particular, can be achieved by using four variants of the ballistic method..

In the first - after stretching and tension of the muscles in the conditions of overcoming some resistance to movement, a special device, relieving this resistance, allows you to create an instant transition to their contraction.

The second option is similar to the first, only stretching and tensioning the muscles is achieved with more powerful resistance. After the release is triggered, the movement will occur at a higher speed than in the first option.

In the third option, a device is required that allows you to create stretching and tension in the muscles with an increased load compared to the usual one, and produce the final force under lighter conditions. For example, a javelin thrower runs up and prepares to throw with a projectile weighing 2 kg, and after the trigger is triggered and most of the load is released in the athlete’s hand at the moment final effort It turns out the weight is only 600 g!

The fourth option may include exercises with powerful magnets, in which the magnitude of the attractive force, and therefore the separation, is regulated by the size of the iron plate - the projectile. Of interest are exercises using electromagnets (electromagnets as external resistance were first used in sporting purposes HELL. Novikov).

Possibility of adjusting magnetic field strength and application trigger mechanisms allow you to widely vary the parameters of the ballistic mode of muscle work. When switching the current voltage, the powerful attractive force is replaced by throwing away the projectile, which allows stimulating the speed of the athlete’s rotational movements (Fig. 51).

Special ballistic exercises at different stages of sports training

It must be said that maximum muscle work in ballistic mode requires preliminary strengthening through strength and stretching exercises. The first stage is especially suitable for this preparatory period.

It is especially important to strengthen muscles through special ballistic exercises performed in a very large volume, but with moderate and slightly higher intensity.

This will create a special foundation, allowing on its basis to significantly increase the level and effectiveness of movements performed in ballistic mode with maximum effort.

Such a foundation should be laid in the second stage of the preparatory period.

Ballistic exercises with maximum intensity should be used in a small amount at the end of the preparatory period and much more in the competitive period.

During the competitive period, it may be advisable to alternate stages with an increased number of special ballistic exercises and devoted primarily to work of a strictly competitive nature.

At the stage of immediate pre-competition preparation before the culminating competition, the use of special ballistic exercises should be limited, as they can contribute to an excessively high increase in nervous excitability.

Overcoming mode of muscle work

Because performance sports action determined first of all overcoming mode of muscle work, it should be the main thing in the development of strength. At the same time, in the inferior mode, you can demonstrate a force of 120-140% or more relative to the maximum. This is of great interest for teaching the ability to manifest such enormous power. However, progress in the development of strength in this mode is somewhat lower than in the overcoming mode (A.S. Medvedev, A.N. Vorobyov). It is believed that the greatest effect in developing the ability to show strength can be achieved with a yielding-overcoming mode, including the use of muscle elasticity.

The term "ballistic training" refers to a specific technique for lifting weights. You accelerate the weight (by carefully controlling the amount of pressure applied) instead of lifting it at a constant speed. This technique is designed to work with relatively heavy implements, so the weight doesn't actually move that fast. But the very attempt to make it move faster leads to a number of interesting consequences:

1. It creates variable resistance. Why? Because you are actually stronger at one stage of the lift than at another due to differences in the mechanics of the movement (the gain in strength is called the "leverage effect"). When you are stronger, the projectile accelerates a little more. But a weight that moves with acceleration is heavier than one that does not accelerate at all or does not accelerate as much. Therefore, the projectile is heavier when you are stronger and not as heavy when you are weaker. This is variable resistance.

2. It puts into action maximum quantity fast-twitch white muscle fibers, which are larger (about 22%) and stronger than slow-twitch red muscle fibers.

3. It creates a constant balancing act on the edge of failure. Muscles grow when they are challenged slightly beyond their current abilities. When you're trying to push a weight up, there's a limit to how much acceleration you can achieve. Your muscles refuse to lift the weight faster. So, instead of working toward failure by the end of the series, you are actually teetering on the edge of failure during each repetition.

Ballistic training should be performed primarily for exercises that involve large muscles or muscle groups—for example, bench presses, barbell shoulder presses, or barbell squats. You should be working with a weight that allows you to do about 10 reps under normal conditions. Since the accelerated projectile is heavier than the normal one, you can do about 7 repetitions when using the ballistic method. Additionally, the ballistic method requires a slightly different technique than lifting a weight at a constant speed:

1. Lower the weight as usual, at a constant speed. Pause at the bottom of the trajectory, then push the projectile up, gradually accelerating it through the entire range of motion.

2. Continue the series not until complete failure, but until partial failure - that is, when you are no longer able to accelerate the projectile and can only slowly lift it. There is no point in crossing this line when using the ballistic method.

3. Rest properly between sets (1 to 2 minutes). White muscle fibers take longer to recover than red fibers, and in the ballistic series these are the fibers you work on.

From the point of view of dry terminology, exercises for developing flexibility train completely different qualities. They, explaining simply, teach our nervous system do not interfere with the position that any human body, sufficiently heated. This point of view has been scientifically proven. This type of exercise includes not only what we call “stretching,” but also a number of calisthenic, gymnastic, strength and kettlebell (ballistic) movements. So why are many very physically strong people familiar with the concept of “available amplitude”, and, despite the systematic training of others physical qualities, are not as flexible as, for example, yogis or gymnasts with acrobats? In fact, not all people are anatomically predisposed to splits, hip-to-floor squats and other things that we look at with surprise on sports Instagram. The so-called flexibility is influenced by such constants as the length of the limbs, the mobility of the joints (to some extent it develops), the length of the ligaments, and the predominant type of development of muscle fibers. And in yoga and gymnastics, nevertheless, remain physically predisposed to them, and not everyone else.

A popular misconception is to “pull” an adult as in dancing, fixing him in a static stretch, for example, spreading his legs to the sides, and in this way trying to increase mobility in the joints.

In fact, the majority of people who have not worked on developing flexibility are prevented from achieving any impressive results by simple small mobility in the joints. Therefore, the so-called dynamic stretches (not to be confused with “springs” in an extended position) are what a complex for developing flexibility should begin with. Typically, ballistics also affects cardiovascular system, allowing you to increase your heart rate, warm up your body and achieve greater mobility in a shorter period of time.

Before any dynamic complex, cardio warm-up is recommended, preferably at exercise bike or ellipsoid to avoid shock loading, but increase your heart rate. Warm up enough to lightly sweat, for most people this is about 10 minutes at a free pace.

  • shins, hips, knee joints in a small amplitude, shoulders and wrists in a natural small amplitude;
  • shins, hip and knee joints in a deep accessible amplitude;
  • shoulders in a deep accessible amplitude;
  • transition to static stretching, more focused on stretching the muscles rather than increasing mobility in the joints.

Ballistic exercises for developing flexibility for a beginner can be like this:

  • swing a weighted gymnastic ball to chest level. The movement begins with moderate flexion at the hip, knee and ankle joint. The legs are spread wider than the shoulders, the ball is on the floor where the barbell would be. deadlift. They grab the projectile from both sides, lift it off the ground to the “knee-mid-shin” level (the accessible level is determined by the degree of rounding of the back, while the back is straight - the level is accessible, if it is rounded - you need to bring the ball higher, closer to the knee), and by extension in hip joint(swing the pelvis forward) bring the ball to chest level, perform the reverse movement, and repeat for 1 minute. Then you need to rest for about 15 seconds and repeat the exercise in 3-4 rounds with the same rest period;
  • weighted pushes gymnastic ball. Same starting position, the ball lies between the legs, the stance is wide but comfortable. Bend your knees and hips and lower yourself down, keeping your back straight. We grab the ball from both sides, straightening the working joints, stand in a stance, and take the ball onto the chest. With a gentle pushing movement (the shins and knees work, the pelvis bends slightly) we bring the ball above the head. The protocol is the same - a minute of work, 15 seconds of rest;
  • swing the ball from the level of your lowered hands behind your head. For this job, you need a ball that can be grasped at shoulder width. For most women this is big fitball. If the width is not enough, you can simply stretch a jump rope or towel in your hands. A straight swing is performed to the level “from the pockets behind the head”, while the grip is adjusted individually - it should not be so narrow as to impede movement in the shoulder joint.

Static exercises to develop flexibility

IN health fitness statics for flexibility are not recommended to be performed with “springs” or, especially, to “push” the body into the desired position with the help of a partner. Statics is performed either after complex strength training, or after “ballistics” or any joint gymnastics. It is enough to “pull” each muscle group for about 30 seconds.

Tilt from a straight stance

Stretches the entire back surface of the body. It is necessary to bend your knees while standing straight so that there is no unnecessary tension in the back surface hips, then with a straight back, bend at the hip joint and fix the stretch.

Bringing your knees to your chest while lying down

From a supine position, alternately bringing the knee to the chest while holding it with your hands at an accessible depth. The movement deepens the stretch in the back of the body and helps increase mobility in the hip joints.

Raising the knees to the sides while sitting

From a seat on the floor, take the following position - bend your legs at the knees, bring your feet to your feet, and spread your knees to the sides to an accessible depth, while your back is straight, and your hands hold your feet.

Standing anterior thigh stretch

From a standing position, grab your foot right leg right hand, gently push your pelvis forward, and pull your heel towards your right buttock. You can hold on to any support with your left hand for balance.

Stretching the chest and abs

From a prone position on your stomach, bring your arms behind you (or use a towel to ease the discomfort in your shoulders by gripping it at a comfortable width), tuck your stomach and lift your head off the floor and chest. Gently maintain the stretch.

Usually people have no desire to specifically engage in stretching, because it does not have such a dramatic effect on appearance, such as regular strength training. You can do without additional ballistic exercises for some time, and perform only basic stretches for the main muscle groups, if instead of classical strength training in the gym you choose kettlebell fitness, or fitness based on movements from weightlifting. These types of training in themselves increase the mobility of the major joints.

TO classical training flexibility classes that can be attended at any club include yoga, stretching, body balance, tai chi and Pilates. Classes using these systems combine static tension in the muscles with stretching. They are usually more versatile and suitable for a variety of health problems. However, in any case, the best option is to select flexibility exercises with the help of a professional trainer. However, the imbalances in our bodies are unique, and some things should only be done after receiving appropriate advice regarding their safety.

Video lessons for developing flexibility

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Ecology of life. Relatively inexpensive, mobile and multi-functional weights are an indispensable thing in your home gym arsenal. Many studies have shown that it is the most effective tool for improving posture, burning calories and building muscles.

Relatively inexpensive, portable and multi-functional, kettlebells are an indispensable item in your home gym arsenal. Many studies have shown that it is the most effective tool for improving posture, burning calories and building muscles.

We have selected 10 of the most effective exercises with kettlebells that are sure to improve your physical fitness. You can do each exercise individually or use them all to create your own workout routine.

1. Ballistic exercises with kettlebells

Ballistic exercises like these are a great way to build strong back, bark and arms. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to relieve pressure on your lower back. Additionally, you strengthen your grip and forearm.


1) stand over the kettlebell, knees slightly bent;
2) keeping your back straight and your core tense, take the weight and lift it with a sharp movement (as if throwing it up);
3) while the weight is rising, quickly change your hand and, catching the weight with your other hand, lower it down;
4) change hands every time you lift the weight; repeat as many times as necessary.

Advice. Try to do these movements where dropping the weight will not damage anything.

2. Overhead Squat Press

This type of kettlebell press is powerful exercise, which engages the upper and lower parts of your body, thereby strengthening them. Squat press with weights overhead - full workout which works every muscle in the body. This is one of the best strength exercises, which does not require special equipment, but it gives phenomenal results. Such a load will also provide much best workout a core that will challenge not only beginners, but also experienced athletes.


1) lift the weight so that it can swing between your legs;
2) the exercise begins at the bottom point with a sweeping movement;
3) with a movement similar to an uppercut, pull the weight to your chest; it should end up between the biceps and forearm (kettlebell-on-chest position);
4) from this position, push the kettlebell up, fully aligning your arm and locking your elbow at the top of the exercise; then lower the weight back to your chest;
5) smoothly lower the weight down to the starting position; begin the next repetition without jerking.


3. Kettlebell Jump Squat

Jump squats with added weight are a powerful exercise for strengthening the legs, but they are contraindicated for people with weak knees or injuries. First, try doing these movements with own weight, and then you can add load. Explosive strength is just one of the many benefits this exercise provides. Over time, you will also gain strong glutes and a strong core.


1) lift the weight to chest level and hold it by the handle;
2) lower yourself into a deep squat and then jump up, stretching into full height(the weight is always in the hands in front of the chest);
3) Land softly back into a squat.

Advice. Try to land as softly as possible so as not to put excessive stress on your knees; Stress your core all the time.

4. Gorilla exercise

This exercise is one of the most powerful for training the shoulders and muscles of the back of the legs. After completing several approaches the next day, you will feel the effect throughout your entire body. The gorilla exercise is great for developing strength.


1) pull one weight up to chest level, lift the second one from the floor and hold it below with your outstretched arm;
2) lower the weight from your chest down, completely leveling your arm, and pull the other one to your chest (the movements should be performed synchronously);
3) repeat these movements as many times as necessary.

Advice. Keep your back straight and your core tense at all times; set the rhythm of the exercise and try to follow it throughout the entire execution.

5. Swing kettlebells with two hands

Two-handed kettlebell swings effectively develop several qualities at once: power, explosiveness, flexibility and cardio. These movements don't just train different groups muscles, but also teach you to direct core energy to the object you are manipulating. Instead of moving a weight from point A to point B, you will learn to generate force from the "energy core" of your body.


1) place the weight at a distance of about 30 cm in front of you;
2) grasp the kettlebell with both hands, bending your hips and slightly bending your knees;
3) lift the kettlebell, allowing it to swing between your legs, and then push the kettlebell forward in a sweeping motion until it reaches chest level;
4) return the kettlebell back to the position between your legs; do not interfere with its movement, let it fall by inertia.

Advice. Keep your back straight and your core and glutes engaged throughout the kettlebell movement; do not lift your heels off the floor.

6. Kettlebell Chest Raise

Lifting kettlebells should be an important part of your workout, no matter your goals. This exercise will build a strong core and shoulders, and develop a strong grip.


1) lift the weight, allowing it to swing between your legs;
2) extend one arm forward and raise it to shoulder level, the second holds the weight below;
3) start the exercise at the bottom point with a sweeping movement, while moving the second (outstretched) arm back;
4) with a movement similar to an uppercut, pull the weight to your chest; it should end up between the biceps and forearm;
5) return the kettlebell back to the position between your legs, without impeding its movement.

Advice. Make sure that the weight does not turn upside down; it only changes its position during the uppercut.

7. Sots Kettlebell Press

The Sots Press will help build a strong, strong core and will also strengthen your shoulders and legs, making them more stable. This exercise combines balance and strength. Optional heavy weight to get the full benefits of this workout. During execution, the muscles must be constantly tense so as not to lose a stable position.

This exercise is named after Russian weightlifter Viktor Sots, but you'll find yourself cursing the name throughout.


1) take a kettlebell and place it in the “kettlebell on chest” position;
2) keeping your back straight, lower yourself into a squat as low as possible;
3) While in a squat position and bracing your core, lift the kettlebell up, fully aligning your arm and locking your elbow;
4) lower the weight down and repeat the movement as many times as necessary, then change hands.

Advice. If you're having trouble with the Sots press, then try overhead squats and military press in a sitting position.

8. Kettlebell swings + squats

The two-hand kettlebell squat is a combination exercise that combines a kettlebell swing and a squat. The goal is a smooth transition between the two parts of the movement, thus engaging the entire body at once.


1) take the weight with both hands; feet stand slightly more than shoulder-width apart; lower your arms straight down in front of you so that the weight is between your legs;
2) with a swinging motion, lightly throw the weight in front of you, while straightening your back;
3) while throwing the weight up, lower yourself into a squat (you should catch it with your palms by the core already in a sitting position);
4) as soon as you catch the kettlebell at the bottom of the exercise, stand up and then lower it down (you need to catch the kettlebell with both hands by the handle); when the kettlebell is again in a hanging position at hip level, proceed to the next repetition.

Advice. Before you begin squatting kettlebell swings, do a few reps of two-arm kettlebell swings.

9. Double kettlebell swing

Double kettlebell swing is effective exercise to find explosive force, strengthen your whole body and develop an iron grip. This movement is mandatory not only for strength and power, it will also be the key to overall improvement of physical condition.


1) pick up the weights, letting them hang between your legs;
2) with a swinging movement similar to an uppercut, synchronously pull the weights to the chest; they should end up between the biceps and forearm;
3) return the weights back to the position between your legs, do not impede their movement.

Advice. Make sure that the weights do not turn upside down; they only change their position during the uppercut.

10. Alternating Back Lunges with Kettlebells

This is an extremely difficult exercise that will challenge your legs. Thanks to the position with two weights on the chest at once, you work your core and top part body as well as the legs during lunges.


1) take the weights so that they are between the biceps and forearm;
2) keep the weights as close to your chest as possible, your back straight; Lunge back with one leg, dropping to your knee; maintain a straight line between your knee, hip and shoulder;
3) return to the starting position and repeat this movement with the other leg.

Advice. Remember to control your breathing: weights increase pressure on the chest, so your breathing rhythm may be disrupted. published

Ballistic training is commonly used by athletes to develop explosiveness and strength. By accelerating and releasing weight into free space, the athlete's body gains rapid muscle fibers, which are directly responsible for growth and strength. Ballistic movements require the central nervous system to coordinate and produce the most force in the shortest amount of time.

Video of the day

Jump Squats

Squat jumps build strength, speed and power and improve your rate of force development. High speed movement will fire up your nervous system, increasing neural output and muscle recruitment. To perform a squat jump, start at correct position squat and jump vertically from the floor, returning to the starting position in a controlled manner. They can also be used at the beginning of leg training to improve performance.

Push Presses

The push press is similar to the military press, except that the movement starts at the feet. Start in a standing position with the barbell at collar bone height supported in your hands. Do a quarter squat, quickly dip, then explode to full magnification hips. As you begin to finish your leg, focus on pressing into it like a shoulder press. Once the bar passes your forehead, completely block the bar above your head. All joints from the floor to the wrists should be fully engaged and the weight locked overhead.

Kettlebell exercises

Kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance, improve cardio, and improve grip. Basic movements like the swing, snatch, and clean and snatch work the entire body right away. Many traditional ballistic exercises can be performed with kettlebells in addition to specific kettlebell movements such as swings.

Before you turn it on ballistic movements In your workouts, it's best to build strength with closed chain movements. Improve your form and technique before moving on to more advanced positions or loading up on weight exercises. Work with a trainer or experienced trainer to provide correct execution each exercise. If for any reason you experience any pain, stop the exercise immediately and seek medical attention.