Golden ten Anita Tsoi menu. Diet food by Anita Tsoi

The beautiful singer Anita Tsoi showed incredible results - she lost 45 kilograms of excess weight! And all this thanks to the system of nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Anita Tsoi’s “Golden Ten” diet is easy to use, which is why many women resort to it. On average, this diet allows you to lose about 6 kg in 10 days, and 15 kg in 3 months. However, be careful, you should not try the diet on yourself if you have a disease such as a stomach ulcer or gastritis.

Anita, who after giving birth gained up to 100 kg, one day, not entirely wonderful, heard advice from her husband that she should look at herself in the mirror. This moment became a turning point in the woman’s life. In the beginning, there were many attempts to lose weight, which gave very short-term results, or even no results at all. Anita then turned to a fashionable Moscow nutritionist, Margarita Koroleva, who has helped many stars of Russian show business successfully cope with the problem of excess weight. Anita was an obedient student - and the result, as we see, is “obvious.”

Advantages and disadvantages of the Golden Ten diet

Of course, its effectiveness is a plus. In the first month of the “Golden Ten” you can lose up to 15 kilograms of excess weight. The diet is constantly changing, maintaining the stable functioning of all body systems. Thanks to its diversity, such a diet will not have time to get boring. In addition, it was developed by an experienced nutritionist, which means it is completely safe.

In the first five days, the volume of the stomach is reduced due to small portions and low daily caloric intake. Then the body again receives adequate nutrition, but at the same time the fat continues to melt along with the extra pounds. Alas, among the disadvantages of the diet is its severity. You must have remarkable willpower to strictly follow your daily diet.

Such a diet may not be suitable for busy people, because they will have to constantly monitor the daily menu and carry pre-assembled portions of food with them. In addition, due to the almost complete absence of fat, Anita Tsoi’s diet is contraindicated for people with such diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, duodenal ulcer.

Diet menu "Golden Ten"

Throughout the diet, you need to eat small, frequent meals to achieve maximum results.

Cucumber day– you need to chop half a kilo of cucumbers, add 400 g of low-fat kefir and chopped parsley with dill. All ingredients should be blended for a minute in a blender, then divided into 6 servings and refrigerated. This cocktail should be drunk throughout the day, but no later than 8 pm. Should be consumed large number water to avoid dehydration, preferably non-carbonated mineral water.

grapefruit day– in fact, it will last for 3 days and cannot be repeated more than once a month. You can eat 5 boiled eggs and 5 grapefruits or oranges per day; you should eat one of the products every hour. Remember to drink plenty of fluids. If such a menu is too heavy for you, you can drink low-fat kefir.

Egg-cucumber day– you need to cut half a kilo of cucumbers and 2 eggs into small cubes and mix. This salad should be divided into 6 portions.

Oat day– you should eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and use apples and carrots for snacks.

Vegetable day– Take a kilogram of carrots and apples and snack throughout the day.

Buckwheat day- cook 300 grams of buckwheat porridge, you can make a side dish with stewed vegetables. The porridge should be divided into 6 servings; for snacks, use fresh vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.

Meat day– it is allowed to eat any types of lean meat - chicken, fish, beef, rabbit. Portions should be small, otherwise you will not get rid of excess weight.

After finishing the ten-day diet, you should repeat the menu, excluding grapefruit days. Anita Tsoi's diet can get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight in 10 days, the main thing is to follow the rules. To get rid of a large amount of fat deposits, you should repeat the diet until the desired result is obtained; you cannot use this technique for more than 3 months.

After the 10th day, to consolidate the result, we continue eating according to the “Golden Ten” diet from the 7th day for three months to best consolidate the result. Anita Tsoi advises to include exercise in addition to the diet. And also on a psychological level, you need to set realistic weight loss goals for yourself, otherwise achieving results will not be easy at all. For skin tightening active weight loss on the “Golden Ten” diet from Anita Tsoi, you must introduce vitamin E in capsules from the first day of the diet - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Useful information

Basic rules of the golden ten from Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi's diet is the most common diet for weight loss. Balanced and rational nutrition– that’s exactly how, according to the singer, she lost weight. Moreover, she ate this way for a very long time. The weight came off slowly, but she didn’t give up.

And all because she had a motive that allowed her to move forward, no matter what. This is her relationship with her husband. He began to come home late and did not hide his attitude towards Anita's appearance. At the same time he led active life on the side, which he also did not particularly hide from his wife.

And so that Anita’s marriage with her husband would last for many years, she pulled herself together and began trying all sorts of weight loss methods on herself. But after lengthy experiments, the singer realized a very important thing: weight loss should occur in such a way that health improves, not worsens.

Video story by Anita Tsoi about her diet

Many people who want to get rid of excess weight may be interested in the personal life experience of the Russian singer Anita Tsoi. Consider whether she can be a role model if she has managed to radically change her own appearance and figure.

More at the beginning of his career When Anita first debuted on stage, she had a figure that was very far from what could be called slender. More than once the media heard ironic reviews about the “pop oversize” of her figure, plumpness and impressive body proportions.

Maybe it was for this reason that everyone forgot about the singer for some time. Anita arranged for herself creative break to work on yourself. Appearing on stage after a while Anita Tsoi greatly surprised everyone with the changes that happened to her. She appeared before the audience in a new image: a slender, fit singer with an athletic figure. So to speak, an improved copy of itself.

Not understanding the true reasons for the changes that happened to the singer envious people found only one explanation, that all this - liposuction result. Since Anita was constantly bombarded with questions about her change for the better appearance, she herself told everything in detail, thus destroying all possible rumors.

Gossip about liposuction she refuted, because it is known that this procedure does not fight the causes, but only removes its effect - subcutaneous fat. Often after the procedure, patients quickly return to their original overweight which we had before. In addition, liposuction is quite dangerous due to complications. Anita Tsoi chose a longer but more productive path. This proper nutrition and healthy image life.

Balanced nutrition of Anita Tsoi

As Anita admitted, at one time she greatly “neglected” herself. 15 years agod her body weight was more one hundred kilograms. A serious incentive for change was that her husband stopped showing interest in her and was increasingly late at work. Having impartially and objectively assessed herself, Anita realized that something needed to change. The change process took several years. Fighting unnecessary pounds is not easy work. In just a few years, Anita Tsoi managed to reduce her body weight by almost half!

The singer tried many diet programs and procedures before finding one that was suitable and effective for her. Basis and its essence is separate nutrition, that is, eating foods that combine with each other.

For example fish and meat can only be eaten with vegetables, but in no case with cereals and potatoes. Among other rules, it should be noted that it is extremely necessary drink plenty of fluids throughout the day(water, tea, compotes, mineral water) and of course systematically visit gym . A diet without physical activity is not as effective and healthy.

Cucumber diet from Anita Tsoi

When Anita feels she needs to reset overweight, then she uses a so-called diet for herself, the main principle of which is the consumption of cucumbers. This diet comes in two versions.

Option 1

Throughout the day you need to eat in general two kilograms of cucumbers. No other solid food should be consumed. Don't forget at the same time drink more liquids: water, tea, etc. Before going to bed, you can allow yourself a glass of kefir.

Option 2

In this version diet consists of one special dish - cucumber salad. It is prepared as follows: cucumbers and herbs are chopped, then everything is dressed with low-fat mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream. Eating must be implemented at certain hours, namely:

  • first appointment from 12:00 to 14:00;
  • second reception from 16:00 to 17:00;
  • third reception from 19:00 to 20:00.

For each meal, you can also eat a piece of black bread, and before going to bed, eat one apple.

Option 3

Anita recently spoke about another new version diet, which she came up with personally. Everything you need for the whole day, This two eggs and one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers. Divide the cucumbers into 5 or 6 servings, boil the eggs.

Eat eggs for lunch and dinner, and only cucumbers the rest of the time.

If eggs are contraindicated for you, you can replace them with tomatoes. As for cucumbers, they can be eaten not in solid form, but chopped in the form of a salad with the addition of greens. Such dress the salad a small amount of sunflower or olive oil.

Analyzing Anita Tsoi, we can say that she is quite effective and will certainly help you win extra pounds.

Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

What is Anita Tsoi's height and weight?

With a height of 157 cm, Anita Tsoi weighs 52 kilograms.

Basic parameters of the figure:

How does the singer lose weight?

Weight loss - 3-5 kg ​​Type of diet - low-calorie

Duration - 3 days

Many fans of Anita Tsoi remember the times when she was overweight and weighed almost 100 kg. But her character, desire to be healthy and look good helped her achieve impressive results - minus 44 kg. Now, with a height of 157 cm, her weight is only 52 kg. It is for this reason that the site decided to pay attention to this diet.

The path to losing weight was long. As the singer said in one of her interviews: “I am prone to being overweight, and nothing can be done about it.”

On the way to ideal weight Anita Tsoi tried many popular diets, used diet pills, and worked hard. As a result of trial and error, the singer developed her own weight loss system, which helped her gradually achieve the desired results. Now, with a height of 157 cm, the singer weighs 52 kg and is in excellent shape.

In her weight loss system, Anita Tsoi uses the following rules:

Separate nutrition according to Shelton, when you cannot combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal / see. product compatibility tables and rules for separate meals according to Shelton /;

It is necessary to have sufficient physical activity every day;

Drinking enough fluid daily in the form of plain water;

Try not to eat after 20.00;

Arrange once a week fasting days.

Since the singer does not always manage to completely follow her nutritional system, in order to quickly lose extra pounds, Anita Tsoi offers the following express diet:

For three days you need to take 15 grapefruits and 15 eggs and divide it all into three parts.

Anita Tsoi's grapefruit diet menu for the day:

For breakfast you eat the white of one egg, an hour later one grapefruit. An hour later, again the white of one egg, replacing another hour with grapefruit, and so on, alternating eggs and grapefruits. This gives you 10 meals throughout the day.

It is best to use orange grapefruits and carefully peel them before eating and use only the grainy segments. Boil the eggs hard, discard the yolk.

During the diet, you must give up tea and coffee and do not salt eggs. It is advisable to drink more water - up to 2 liters per day.

If you feel a loss of energy during the day, you can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.

In three days of such a diet, you will saturate your body with vitamins and easily lose 3-4 kg, especially in problem areas for women (hips, buttocks and abdomen).

You can repeat this diet every month, unless, of course, you have any contraindications.

Once a week, the singer recommends having a fasting day to cleanse the body.

Fasting day on cucumbers and kefir from Anita Tsoi:

During the day you can eat 1-2 kg of fresh cucumbers, drink two liters of water, and at night a glass of low-fat kefir.

Such a fasting day allows you to get rid of 1-2 kg of weight and gain a fresh complexion.

The singer also uses optional fasting days to unload:

On pineapples - all day he eats only pineapples and drinks water;

On kefir - 2 liters of low-fat kefir per day;

On cottage cheese - all day low-fat cottage cheese and water.

Looking at the beautiful Anita Tsoi, it is difficult to imagine that the singer once weighed more than one hundred kilograms. According to the star herself, she was never particularly slim, and during pregnancy she gained more than 40 kg.

When the artist’s marriage began to fall apart at the seams due to her “inappropriate” appearance, Anita decided to pull herself together and strictly limit her diet for the near future. There were many diets tried by the singer, but in this article we will consider only the most effective of them. We will also tell you what basic rules singer Tsoi adhered to and what the final results of losing weight were.

How did Anita Tsoi lose weight?

The diet of singer Anita Tsoi has always been dominated by products that improve the condition of the skin and speed up the metabolism in the body. The key to success in effective weight loss the singer considers the following rules:

  • Do not under any circumstances torture yourself by fasting, as this can have serious consequences for the liver;
  • You should eat 5-6 times a day;
  • At one time you need to eat no more than 250 grams of food;
  • You cannot combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal;
  • The last meal is no later than 19:00;
  • Drink at least two liters of purified water without gas per day;
  • Weigh yourself every morning after going to the toilet;
  • Try to move as much as possible;
  • Periodically do fasting days on cucumbers, cottage cheese and eggs;
  • Avoid eating flour, salty and smoked foods;
  • For maximum convenience, keep a diary in which you will record the amount of food eaten and the results of weighings;
  • It will be useful to combine a diet with moderate physical activity and walks in the fresh air.

When you finish eating according to Anita Tsoi’s diet, do not rush to switch to high-calorie foods again, because the result obtained will not be preserved in this situation. Replace fatty foods with vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Types of diets

On her way to her ideal weight, singer Anita Tsoi tried a lot of restrictive diets:

  • grapefruit;
  • lunar;
  • cucumber;
  • protein;
  • express diet;
  • "golden ten"

The above Anita Tsoi’s dietary restrictions contribute to:

  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • smoothing the skin.

Alas, the diets that Anita Tsoi followed are not suitable for everyone. Their use is strictly contraindicated:

  • teenagers;
  • old people;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the paragraphs below, we will provide you with three of the most effective diets Anita Tsoi.


Anita Tsoi's grapefruit diet is intended for a maximum of 3 days, as it consists of only a few components: grapefruit, egg white, green tea. Before 19:00 you must consume the above products in the following order:

  • a solution of water and lemon juice;
  • boiled egg white, green tea;
  • half a grapefruit;
  • another protein;
  • the second half of a grapefruit and a cup of green tea.

With this diet by Anita Tsoi, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg, especially on the hips, stomach and waist. You should repeat this diet no earlier than a month after completing the current one.

It is worth considering that products from Anita Tsoi’s diet for weight loss are sources of numerous allergic reactions. Therefore, before eating according to the above menu, make sure that the ingredients are tolerable.

Express diet

Anita Tsoi's express diet is designed for a quick weight loss effect before an important event. You can lose 2 to 3 kg per day.

The basic rule of eating the above diet for weight loss is to consume two kilograms of cucumbers and two liters of purified still water. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir. Water can be replaced with unsweetened green tea.

Anita Tsoi's express diet also has second option, protein. But he requires special careful preparation within two weeks. The diet is designed for 3 days and the diet consists of daily consumption of 7 grapefruits and 7 boiled eggs.

Please note that you should test yourself with Anita Tsoi’s diets no more than once a week, as there is a high probability of leading your body to exhaustion and worsening your mental state.

Golden ten

Meals according to Anita Tsoi's golden ten diet are intended for 10 days, at the end of which your final result will be minus 7-9 kilograms.

On the first day Blend half a kilo of cucumbers, half a liter of kefir and a bunch of greens in a blender. Divide the resulting cocktail into 6 parts and take every 2 hours.

From second to fourth eat 5 times, alternating grapefruit and egg white.

On the fifth It is necessary to divide a salad of 2 kilograms of cucumbers and 2 boiled eggs into 5 equal meals.

The sixth and seventh days include a full menu:


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water and honey and a green apple;
  • Lunch: grated carrots;
  • Dinner: orange.


  • oatmeal with water and honey;
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 150 g boiled cod with cucumber or tomato.

In between meals, you can eat 1 pear or 200 ml of low-fat natural yogurt.

Nutrition eighth of the day includes a salad of fresh cucumbers and boiled eggs.

Ninth suggests cooking buckwheat porridge in water.

Tenth consists of the following menu:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs from two eggs;
  • Lunch: 150 grams of steamed cod and carrot salad;
  • Dinner: two or three potatoes, boiled in their jackets.

"Wedding size"

Everyone who follows the most popular projects on domestic television knows about singer Anita Tsoi’s new diet show called “Wedding Size.” It is intended for people actively struggling with overweight.

The participants' meals were prepared according to the rules of the singer's diet of the same name. Menu is as follows:


  • steam omelette;
  • dietary cheesecakes;
  • flaxseed porridge with dried fruits and nuts.


  • vegetable salad with herbs;
  • vegetable soup;
  • boiled cod with herbs.


  • rabbit baked in a pot;
  • boiled beef;
  • green salad with squid.


Healthy weight loss recipes for Anita Tsoi's diet look like this:

Steamed chicken cutlets with sauce

Ingredients: minced chicken, a pinch of herbs, juice of half a lemon.

  • form minced meat into cutlets;
  • put in a steam oven for 25-30 minutes;
  • pour over a mixture of chopped herbs and lemon juice.

Chicken and pineapple salad

Chicken and pineapple salad

Ingredients: chicken breast, half a pineapple, 200 g cheese, 150 ml low-fat mayonnaise.

  • cook the breast;
  • cut pineapple into slices;
  • grate the cheese;
  • mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

Diet soup

Diet soup

Ingredients: chicken fillet, two tomatoes, 150 grams of brown beans, a pinch of herbs.

  • cook meat;
  • chop tomatoes;
  • bring water to a boil and add all the ingredients;
  • cook over low heat for half an hour.


The results of singer Anita Tsoi’s diet continue to amaze to this day. Only true love can force a person to go to extreme measures of self-torture in order to lose 50 kg in a short period of time.

Let's get acquainted with "before" and "after" photos several more women who followed all the above rules, including the results of Anita Tsoi herself:

Russian singer Anita Tsoi waged a stubborn struggle with excess weight for several years, as a result of which she lost 54 kilograms.

The secret of such success lies in following certain rules of several diets, which she still uses to maintain results.

Anita Tsoi: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Brief biography : Anita Tsoi (maiden name Kim) was born on February 7, 1971 in Moscow into a Korean family. Zodiac sign - Aquarius, according to the eastern horoscope - . The baby was not even a year old when her father abandoned the family. The reason for his action is difficult to justify - he hoped that a boy would be born, but a girl was born.

Due to her atypical appearance and origins, she early childhood she had to experience psychological pressure from those around her; Anita had very few friends. To prove her worth, she worked hard and strived to participate in everything.

Since childhood, the future singer showed a love for art: she studied ballroom dancing and graduated music school violin and piano class. Later, Anita entered the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, the variety department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI), as well as the correspondence department of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Moscow State University of Theater Arts.

She is fluent in several instruments: piano, violin, flute and guitar. Because of this, she is sometimes called a “one-man orchestra.” Anita Tsoi’s first album, called “Flight,” appeared on the shelves of music stores in 1997 and brought the singer an Ovation award in the Discovery of the Year category and an award for Best Show of the Year. Anita's early songs were in the pop-rock genre. The song “Flight,” by the way, was dedicated to its namesake, Viktor Tsoi.

In 2003, she dramatically changed the style of her activities and switched to dance music. Soon the album “1,000,000 minutes” was recorded, which in many ways became a turning point for her. Her image also changed: instead of a pale gothic brunette with a short haircut on the cover of the new record, Anita appeared with a new hair color and delicate makeup.

A major role in the success of the aspiring singer was played by the Russian pop diva, who invited her to one of her “Christmas evenings,” broadcast on television throughout the country.

Personal life

Anita Tsoi with her husband and son: photo

In 1990, her mother almost blackmailed Anita into marrying a Korean, journalist Sergei Tsoi, whom she met at a Korean course. At that time, he was just starting to work in politics, but two years after the wedding he took the position of press secretary of Yuri Luzhkov.

The girl did not want to tie the knot, but her mother, although raised in European traditions, nevertheless adopted Korean patriarchal mores. “If you don’t get married, you are no longer my daughter,” she promised Anita, and she had to obey, not having any special feelings for the groom. But after the wedding, Sergei showed himself to be such a gentle, caring and sensitive husband that Anita fell in love.

A marriage concluded under parental guidance turned out to be stronger than many “for love.” The couple's son Sergei was born in 1992. The guy has two higher educations, one of which he received in London, and he also has a master’s degree in economics and finance. In December 2018, in the studio, Anita admitted that she did not get along with her husband under the same roof. They still love and respect each other very much, but it is easier for them to live apart.

Does Anita Tsoi go on a diet?

All her fans are interested in the story of how Anita Tsoi lost weight, because she managed to completely get rid of excess weight. According to the singer herself, the basis of her diet was separate nutrition: you cannot eat meat at the same time as starchy vegetables, but as much as you like with vegetables.

Anita Tsoi's figure parameters: 85-62-86 (chest-waist-hips)

Anita Tsoi's current height and weight are 157 cm and 52 kg. Thanks to her diet, Anita Tsoi lost 54 kilograms, but for this she needed to put in a lot of effort. The essence of her nutritional method is that only low-calorie foods are present on the menu, but since the rules cannot always be followed, it is necessary to periodically do fasting days.

Clothing and shoe sizes

It is due to a low-calorie and balanced diet that weight loss occurs, and with good physical activity And proper nutrition the end result can be maintained for many years even by those who are inclined to be overweight, like the singer herself.

Pros and cons of Anita Tsoi's diet

The obvious advantages of the diet include the following:

  • The menu contains almost all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • Metabolism increases, intestines are cleansed;
  • The skin becomes fresher and smoother, because... products are mostly rich in vitamins.

The Tsoi diet has only one drawback: it is not suitable for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and have.

How much can you lose?

The singer’s diet is fast, and in a week her weight decreases by 7-8 kilograms. Daily calorie content the diet in most cases does not exceed 1200-1300 Kcal.

Anita advises placing the main emphasis in nutrition on eggs, grapefruits, boiled meat and fish, vegetables, milk and fermented milk products, but you should avoid all sweets, sausages, fried and salty foods.

Plastic surgery ^

Anita Tsoi looks great at her age - she has very active facial expressions, but there are practically no wrinkles. It’s no wonder why followers suspected that she was abusing visits to beauty specialists.

But the celebrity told followers on Instagram that she has never had plastic surgery and does not intend to. She published a photo without makeup on her photo blog. "Yes. This is what I look like without makeup. There is no surgical intervention. Please do not attribute to me the eyes done and the facial skin tightened. Of course, I take good care of myself. Undoubtedly, I have my own beauty secrets. Of course, I have the world’s best cosmetics in my hands, and I use them every single day,” Anita captioned the photo on Instagram.

The singer has said more than once in her interviews that the most important thing in self-care is “working on the inner, spiritual world, which is based on positivity, harmony, kindness, forgiveness, love for people and favorite work, as well as the ability to rejoice and notice everything beauty on earth, in each of you.”

How Anita Tsoi loses weight: menu and recipes ^

In 2016, Anita, who has impressive experience in fighting excess weight, began hosting the show “Wedding Size,” where she helped spouses who had gained weight after their wedding lose weight.

Anita Tsoi's weight loss rules:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of purified water every day;
  • Make time for physical exercise;
  • Carry out weekly fasting days;
  • The last meal should be taken no later than 8 pm.

How Anita Tsoi lost weight: minus 54 kilograms

After the birth of her son, Anita Tsoi weighed more than 100 kg

In order to lose excess weight in 1 year, you need to eat only approved foods: make salads, soups and other dishes from them, and also play sports.

Sample menu of the singer:

  • We have breakfast with a light fruit salad or cottage cheese, drink green tea;
  • After 2 hours, have a snack with yogurt;
  • For lunch we prepare vegetable puree soup, salad from any vegetables except potatoes;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat grapefruit;
  • We have dinner with a piece of boiled brisket and two tomatoes.

Diet Golden Ten

By eating this menu for 10 days, you can lose the same amount of kilograms:

  • First day: eat a salad of grated cucumbers (0.5 kg) and doused with kefir (0.5 l);
  • Second day: eat 5 grapefruits and the same amount of proteins, eat alternately every hour;
  • Third day: we leave the products from the second day, but allow ourselves to drink a glass of kefir;
  • Fourth day: we leave the products, but instead of kefir we drink a glass of water mixed with 1 tsp. honey;
  • Fifth day: grate 1.5 kg of cucumbers, mix the gruel with two chopped boiled eggs, eat before 20.00, dividing into several portions;

  • Sixth day: we eat dishes such as oatmeal every 2 hours, boiled eggs, carrots, yogurt, pear, orange and beets. We do not repeat products;
  • Seventh day: we eat oatmeal with nuts, fruits, carrots, stewed meat, pollock or cod;
  • Eighth day: leave the previous menu;
  • Ninth day: alternate consumption of 200 g of buckwheat in water and fresh cucumbers (200 g);
  • Tenth day: in the morning we eat an omelet from one egg, then we eat an apple, steamed fish, vegetable salad and boiled potatoes with herbs.

Anita Tsoi's lunar diet

You can use any here diet menu, the main thing is to observe 2 principles:

  • Reduce your diet during the descending Moon;
  • When the Moon is in its waxing phase, eat as usual.

Grapefruit diet

This option can be used from 1 to 3 days, because the menu consists of only two products: egg whites and grapefruits:

  • 09.00: on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water with a lemon juice;
  • 10.00: eat protein;
  • 11.00: eat half a grapefruit;
  • 12.00: eat protein;
  • 13.00 – ½ grapefruit;
  • So we alternate until 19.00, after - only water.

Diet for slimming thighs

To reduce the size of her hips, the singer slightly changed her previous diet, making this menu, designed for 3-5 days:

  • We eat 5-7 grapefruits throughout the day;
  • We drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

Anita Tsoi's cucumber diet

The singer uses this option for fasting days:

  • We eat only 2 kg of cucumbers for the whole day;
  • We drink plenty of water.

Express diet

If you want to lose 3 kilograms in 3 days, Anita suggests this method of unloading:

  • We eat 1 kg of fresh cucumbers daily;
  • We drink 1 liter of kefir (1%).

Protein diet

To unload the body in one day, use this option:

  • In 1 day we eat 7 boiled chicken proteins;
  • We drink 3-5 cups of green tea and plenty of water.

Anita Tsoi's height and weight: 157 cm, 52 kg

Recipes for slimness

Chicken and pineapple salad recipe

  • Boil the chicken breast;
  • Cool the meat, cut the pineapple into circles;
  • Grate the cheese;
  • Mix all the products and season with low-calorie mayonnaise.

Diet soup recipe

  • Cook chicken fillet;
  • Grind 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, zucchini, bell pepper and carrots;
  • Add everything to the boiling broth, reduce the heat;
  • 15-20 minutes before readiness, add buckwheat (80 g), herbs and salt to taste.

Anita Tsoi's diet: the opinion of nutritionists ^

Most doctors are unanimous in their opinion that it is impossible to often resort to Anita’s technique. This is especially true for frequent consumption of grapefruit - it can negatively affect the stomach. If you don’t abuse it, then using the singer’s menu 2-3 times a year is quite acceptable, but unloading can be done 1 day a week.

When leaving the diet, you should not immediately load your stomach with fatty foods - you can eat them in small quantities no more than once a week. According to many people who are losing weight, the results of Anita Tsoi’s diet are remarkable:

  • Fast weight loss;
  • Reducing waist and hip volumes.

What Anita Tsoi looks like now: photo

Reviews from our readers

Galina, 29 years old:

“I do it about 3-4 times a month. This allows me to maintain a normal weight, and on the rest of the days I can eat almost whatever I want.”

Marina, 33 years old:

“I don’t like grapefruits, so I decided to replace them with oranges. The effect was pleasing: in 3 days I managed to lose 2.5 kilograms. I’ll probably decide on a longer diet from Anita Tsoi.”

Veronica, 48 years old:

“I decided to remove the volume from my hips by eating. I managed to do this, although it was not easy - I really wanted to eat. It was worth the patience to get rid of the extra 4 kilograms.”

Photo ^

Anita Tsoi in childhood