Open golf. Own mini golf club as a business

Despite the fact that golf as a sport in Russia is not as developed as in the USA, Japan and EU countries, the opening own golf club in big cities our country can be successful. Fortunately, it is not necessary to build expensive certified courses for classic golf - you can build a small mini-golf course for 400-500 thousand rubles and rent it out by the hour...

Mini golf and its characteristics

Don't think that mini golf is just a smaller version of the regular game. In fact, mini-golf is a completely separate sport that appeals to many athletes and amateurs active recreation. In classic golf, people change clubs, and in mini golf, people change balls. The balls themselves are made from completely different materials and have a different weight and diameter from the classic ball. Their diameter ranges from 37 to 43 mm, their weight is about 22 - 80 grams, and their rebound does not exceed 85 cm.

Step-by-step plan for opening mini golf

If you decide to open your own mini-golf club, you must decide for what purpose it is being created: for competitions or simply for rental to individual companies. The first option will require much larger investments in the construction of the field in accordance with international standards. Plus, such a course requires a mandatory certification procedure, which is carried out by the mini-golf committee of the Russian Golf Association.

The second option is more accessible for beginning businessmen. The first thing a newly formed golf club needs is a playing field. Classic field for mini golf it is a 9-hole course. About 20 square meters are allocated for one hole. meters - for the construction of a full-fledged field, about 500 square meters are needed. meters. Mini golf can be located both outdoors and indoors. The second option is more convenient for Russia due to its temperate climate, although it requires high maintenance costs (renting premises). An open golf course usually rests on a pre-prepared concrete base and has a perfectly level surface. Can be covered with either carpet or artificial grass.

In addition to the classic version, there is also the so-called modular mini-golf. Modules are used in the absence of large areas. For example, when opening a site in a shopping center. The design of such a field consists of inexpensive modules. The average price of one module is about 25,000 rubles. A full-fledged turnkey modular field, if ordered from specialized organizations, will cost 400 - 600 thousand rubles.

You can build a golf course yourself - this will save up to 90% of start-up costs. However, you will have to work hard and read the relevant literature. Otherwise, the client simply will not want to play on an unclear and unfinished field.

As the basis for a homemade platform, you can use ordinary chipboard sheets (350x175 cm) with mandatory impregnation by special means moisture repellent. The sheets are cut in half and joined with pins. The sheets are attached to the bar from below. A board is installed along the long sides of the sheet to prevent the ball from flying off the court. Next, the entire structure is sheathed with carpet to add ambiance to the site. To make 8 platforms, only 10 sheets of chipboard are needed. You can use plywood sheets to build a mini golf course as they are lighter in weight.

Golf Course Manufacturing Technology

An entertainment (amateur) golf club needs the construction of several small grounds of 5-6 holes. Basically, the more fields, the better. If you make only one platform, then if two companies play, they will interfere with each other, even if one company advances much further than the other.

In addition to the field itself, you will need to purchase instruments for the game. These are, first of all, putters (a type of game stick) - 15-20 pieces, balls - 50 pieces, cards for recording games and special clothing with shoes (~ 15 sets). About 50 - 100 thousand rubles will be spent on these purposes. If you are opening an entertaining mini-golf club in an open area, then you should take care of creating a special recreation area for guests. This is primarily a dressing room, tables and chairs on which guests can sit and have a snack. Near the field you can open a small bar with drinks and fast food - this will increase the club's turnover.

A serious step in the development of the club is the presence of experienced golf instructors. It’s one thing to explain the rules, another thing to teach how to play golf at a professional level. In our country there are still very few athletes playing golf at high level and each club has a chance to gather its own team of regular players. Regular customers are the bread and butter of any entertainment business. They need to be worked with, they need to be cherished and loved. Then they will bring you 50 other players.

Mini golf advertisement

There are many ways you can use to promote your club. In the information age, this is especially easy to do. You should definitely create your own business card website on the Internet and register the group on social networks. Communication at specialized city forums dedicated to leisure and entertainment is also prerequisite in promoting the club. It does not allow for all kinds of promotions, for example, you can give out free certificates to someone who brings five more players with them. Another good way make yourself known throughout the city by holding amateur mini-golf competitions. For example, competitions among large enterprises, competitions for Santa Claus prizes. Small modular fields can be taken to various promotional events and club business cards can be distributed there.

How much can you earn from mini golf?

The monthly income of a mini golf club, depending on the organization of the business, can range from 200 to 400 thousand rubles. To do this, it is necessary that the club is visited daily by about 25-50 people with average price for 2 hours of play equal to 300 rubles per person. Taking into account the costs of renting premises (or a plot of land), paying wages to employees, utility bills and taxes, the club’s net profit can be about 100 - 150 thousand rubles per month.

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How much does it take to start a mini golf club?

To open a mini golf club you need about 700 thousand rubles. Investments will be required for:

  • Arrangement of the playing field;
  • Building renovation, toilet equipment;
  • Recreation area furnishings;
  • Purchase of inventory;
  • Registering a business with the tax service.

Additional costs include setting up a bar or cafe. Selling alcoholic beverages will require a license.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

What documents are needed to open

To open an entertainment mini-golf club, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing the tax service with a photocopy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty. If you plan to hold professional-level tournaments and competitions, it is advisable to open an LLC. The procedure for registering a business is the same as when opening an individual entrepreneur.

Which tax system to choose

A simplified tax system is suitable for organizing a mini golf club.

Do I need a business permit?

To open a mini golf club, you will need to obtain permits and licenses from local governments. It is also necessary to obtain the appropriate certificate from the Russian Golf Association. To obtain a permit, you will need to fill out a form and wait for the commission’s decision. As a result of such actions, the businessman will receive a certificate plate and will have the opportunity to conduct mini-tournaments at professional level. If you are creating a mini golf club for entertainment purposes, obtaining a certificate is not necessary.

Business technology

The technology for creating a mini golf club depends on the goal being pursued:

  • For professional games. A special feature of the opening is the presence of a large field and strict compliance with international standards.
  • For active recreation. When creating such a business, it is necessary to make sure that everyone is interested: professionals, beginners, children and ordinary vacationers.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Mini golf is conquering the world! The history of this game began in 1953, and already in 1963 the International Minigolf Federation was created. Next, field standards and international rules were introduced, and official championships. Today, mini golf is one of the most popular amateur sports in Europe and continues to gain recognition around the world. Russia was admitted to the International Federation in 2003, and since then the exciting democratic game has been rapidly spreading throughout our country.

If you think that mini golf is just a small copy of regular golf, then you are very mistaken. The only thing they have in common is the presence of a field, balls and clubs, otherwise mini-golf is a completely different game.

The secret to the success of mini-golf is that this sport does not require a large area; the playing area can be located both outdoors and indoors. A player does not have to be in good health physical fitness. He must be able to stand on his own feet, be able to move around and hold a stick in his hands. The game is interesting and represents great way actively carry out free time for almost any person.

The mini golf club is called a putter, it has an L-shape and a light head. The player uses one club during the game, but different balls, which differ in size, stiffness, weight, surface type, and rebound. Ball diameter from 37 to 43 mm, weight from 22 to 80 grams. A ball thrown from a meter height onto a concrete surface at a temperature of 25 degrees should bounce no more than 85 centimeters. Usually the balls have different colors to make it easier to distinguish them during the game.

The mini golf course is called a track. Typically the course consists of 18 numbered lanes, designed according to the class of the course.

There are four types of certified fields on which it is allowed to conduct sports competitions.

1. Eternite course or miniature golf has a total area from 500 to 1200 sq. meters. The length of the track is 6.25 meters, width is 0.9 meters. Assembled from separate modules, obstacles are not repeated.

2. Swedish course or felt golf covered with cloth similar to that of a billiard table. The width of the platform is also 0.9 meters, the length can be from 9 to 18 meters. The diameter of the circular platform is from 1.8 meters to 2.4 meters. The total field area is from 700 to 1400 square meters. meters. This field, like the ethernite one, consists of modules with obstacles.
3. The concrete field is used for playing outdoors, while the miniature and felt ones can be installed both outdoors and indoors. The length of the site is 12 meters, width 1.25 meters. The diameter of the circle is 2.5 meters. Number of sites - 18. Total field area from 700 to 1400 sq. meters. All sites have a perfectly flat surface.

4. Landscape field or free standard field is located in an open space and replicates, in a smaller version, a regular golf course. Most often, the field is equipped with a concrete base and covered with artificial grass. Stone, wood, etc. are used as sides. Number of holes – 18, minimum required area – 2000 sq. meters.

In addition to certified sports fields, mini-golf clubs are equipped with a wide variety of playgrounds that imitate various landscapes, offering a journey into the world of adventure, etc.

The goal of the game is to hit the ball into the hole using the club and making as few strokes as possible. Balls can be changed, but only one ball can be used to complete one hole. All holes are numbered; on the way from lane 1 to lane 18, players must follow a strict order of holes. Each site has fixed obstacles. When passing one track, you can make no more than six hits, each giving you one point. If after six strokes the ball is still not in the hole, an extra point is awarded. You can play in groups of several people, but only one player can be on the court, the rest watch the game and wait their turn. The one who completes all the holes with the fewest points wins.

Choosing a business format

A businessman planning to open a mini-golf club must, first of all, decide on the type of playing fields: whether he is going to host sports competitions or whether his establishment will be aimed at leisurely recreation for cheerful companies.

Professional mini golf

The first option will require a larger area, strict compliance with international standards and, as a result, large investments. The equipment of one field of 18 tracks will cost at least 400 thousand rubles. After which the field must be certified. This is done by the Mini-Golf Committee of the Russian Golf Association.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2019. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

The certification process takes place in several stages. First, the club owner fills out a form where he confirms that the field matches sports standards. Representatives of the association check the information, issue a certificate and enter the course into the register of courses of the Russian Golf Association, and then register the course with the World Mini-Golf Federation (WMF), as a result of which the club receives an international certificate plate for installation on the course. Having a certificate allows you to hold sports competitions, including international level and include tournament results in international ratings; allows you to assign sports categories.

A sports club will need a coaching staff. Individual training visitors may become good source additional income. Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation by the United All-Russian sports classification in the mini-golf discipline were first introduced in 2006, and in 2009 they were revised in accordance with the recommendations of the European Golf Association and approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation. Quantity Russian athletes number of people with mini-golf rank is increasing, many of them are starting to practice coaching work; Methods for teaching mini-golf are being created. However, due to the fact that this sport is still new for Russia, any club can make a serious contribution to the development of mini-golf and enter the sports history our country.

Ready ideas for your business

Most often, entrepreneurs open entertainment clubs, allow visitors to bring their own food, or sell drinks and snacks themselves, which becomes an additional source of income.

Organization of entertaining mini-golf

To organize an entertainment mini-golf center, you will need a spacious room, on the territory of which several small fields will be equipped, for example, with three or five holes. One game is played on one field. If you allow two groups of players on the field, they will interfere with each other, even if the first group has significantly advanced from the beginning of the field. The big advantage is the presence of an open area next to the premises, which can be rented in the warm season. In this area there are collapsible paths and tables. The outdoor area can operate from April to October.

Making childhood dreams come true and making money doing what you're passionate about - what could be cooler? Student from Dzerzhinsk Philip Mazurov turned virtual games into real business by opening the city's first mini golf club.

I liked mini-golf since childhood, first we played it on consoles and mobile phones, then we tried it in real life. And when I thought about the fact that I wanted to have my own business, and began to look for an idea, I remembered mini-golf and realized, “This is it!” says the 20-year-old businessman.

The idea was born in the summer of 2015, and already on November 15 in Dzerzhinsk at the Royal shopping center the opening of Mini-Golf took place. Philip was supported by his fiancee Ksenia Zhirkova, a student at the Faculty of Economics at UNN. Together we developed a business plan, arranged a lease in a popular shopping and entertainment complex in the city center, selected and ordered equipment online, and began an advertising campaign.

Previously, we tried our hand at entrepreneurship, we all started from scratch,” recalls Philip. - We carefully studied the rules of the game, equipment, and the experience of similar establishments in other cities in order to understand what premises need to be rented and what equipment to purchase. They invested 200 thousand rubles in the business.

By the third month, the business reached self-sufficiency. Now there is a period of payback for equipment and advertising costs. The main expenses are payment for rented premises, advertising and inventory renewal. “Mini golf in Dzerzhinsk” is advertised through local television, newspapers, and social networks. But the most effective were street banners. In the shopping center itself there are also sold-out signs for the new “section”.

Mini golf is open every afternoon and all day on weekends. Philip and Ksenia themselves work there; no other employees are hired yet. They teach beginners themselves and show master classes. Half-hour classes cost 150 rubles. 2-4 people can play at the same time. You can come as a family and have a mini-competition, or you can leave the children while the parents go shopping.

According to Philip, in six months regular customers have already appeared. In general, the contingent of players is quite different, from small children to adults. Mini-golf is popular in the city, and this is understandable: this is the only such entertainment in Dzerzhinsk, there are no competitors yet, and even in the regional center you can only play mini-golf in private club. This sport is not freely available to everyone.

Mini golf can be perceived both as a sport and as entertainment, relaxation, and an exciting pastime. This is extremely useful activity, developing coordination of movements, concentration, eye, body control, accuracy. Our clients say that mini-golf is great for calming and relaxing at the end of a working day or work week,” says Ksenia.

Philip and Ksenia’s immediate plans are to organize city mini-golf competitions.

Mini golf is a sport that in just a few years has achieved popularity in most countries of the world. Only ten years have passed since the game's appearance when the International Minigolf Federation was created. Currently, this game is considered one of the most popular games. She also achieved success in our country.

There is a widespread belief that mini golf is the same golf, only smaller in size. This is a misconception. They have very little in common. This is absolutely different games, which are united only by the presence of fields, clubs and balls.

The area intended for playing mini golf is called a track. In most cases, the playing field consists of 18 tracks. There are four types of playing fields on which games are allowed.

  1. Miniature golf or ethernite course. The area of ​​such a field is from 500 to 1200 square meters. meters. The path is 6.25 meters long and 0.9 meters wide. The tracks are assembled from separate modules, and for this reason the obstacles are not repeated.
  2. Felt golf course or Swedish course. This field has a width similar to that of Eternite. The length of the site can be from 9 to 18 meters, the total area ranges from 700 to 1400 square meters. meters. Similar to the previous view, it consists of modules and contains obstacles.
  3. Concrete field. This type of site is intended for outdoor use only. Whereas the first two types can be installed both outdoors and indoors. The length of such a platform is 12 meters, and the width is 1.25 meters. The field includes 18 sites. The total area of ​​the field is 700-1400 meters. The surface of such a field is absolutely flat.
  4. Landscape field. This field is located in the open air and is quite free. It is a regular golf course. Only smaller sizes. Very often, such fields are located on a concrete base, and the covering is made of artificial grass. Trees, stones and similar objects are used as sides. In this case, there are 18 holes, and the minimum required area to accommodate such a field is 2000 square meters. meters.

Before you take on a mini golf club business plan, you need to decide on the direction in which you want to work in the future. There are two ways. The first of them is the opening of a club aimed at hosting professional games. Then it is worth considering that in such a case the field must meet all the requirements. To equip such a field, you will need to spend about 400 thousand rubles. Next, your field must be certified. Then you must register with the World Sports Minigolf Federation.

But most often, entrepreneurs prefer the second option, which involves opening a club for entertainment purposes. Clubs of this nature allow you to bring your own food and drinks and even sell them. This brings additional income.

To organize a mini golf club you need a spacious room. On it you need to place several fields, each of which will have 3-5 holes. It will not be possible to place two companies on the same field, since they will greatly interfere with each other, despite the fact that one of the teams is far ahead.

Above we tried to answer the question: “How to open a mini-golf club on your own?” Below we will consider the approximate costs of its arrangement. An entertainment complex consisting of three fields, each with three holes, will cost you about 700 thousand rubles. These funds will be used for repairs, arrangement of fields and communications, and furniture for the recreation area. Also, don’t forget about inventory. It is better to purchase it in online stores.

But don't be upset. Big golf has an alternative – mini golf. A business of this kind can become very profitable.

Entertainment available to everyone without exception

Mini golf can be called not only a sport, but also a form of entertainment. Anyone can spend time in good company among friends on fresh air or indoors with a stick in your hands. In addition, the modern world, which is characterized by a business approach to almost every field of activity, has made mini-golf good option holding business meetings.

During the gameplay on the way to the hole, you can not only arrange a meeting, but also enlist support from larger companies. It was decided to devote this review to such an issue as the possibility of opening your own business activity related to mini-golf.

Minimum costs, absence of possible contraindications not only by gender, but also by age and weight. In addition, there are practically no physical contraindications in this field of activity. All this key points, which are able to attract attention to such a game. Therefore, the mini golf business plan should be covered in more detail.

Formation of sites

The elements inherent in mini golf courses must be perfectly balanced. They should include factors such as luck and the skill of the player in general.

With the help of mini-golf, it will be possible to hold competitions in which children, the elderly, and professional players will have an equal chance of winning.

In order to implement entrepreneurial activities and qualitatively draw up a mini-golf business plan, you will need to find good place, on which the platforms will be formed. In addition, you will need to decide on the organization’s operating mode.

If you decide to make a site in an open area, then in winter there will be problems with attendance. In addition, you will need to constantly clear the area of ​​snow debris. In the case of renting premises, problems arise related to the convenience of the location, as well as the loss of potential clients due to the heat.

The best option is to rent both an open area and a room at once. In this case, you can maintain the relevance of mini-golf regardless of weather conditions.

Types of certified sites

A mini-golf business plan must have a clause that describes in detail about the site. You should know that there are several types of fields on which you can hold not only games, but also competitions.

  1. Miniature field. The area reaches 1200 square meters. The length of the paths reaches 25 meters. Such a field must be assembled from a variety of modules, and obstacles cannot be repeated.
  2. Swedish field. Covered with green cloth. The length of the site can reach 18 meters. The size of the golf course is 1400 square meters. It is also composed of separate modules.
  3. Concrete field. The platform reaches 12 meters in length. The total number of areas for play is 18. The area of ​​the entire area is 1400 square meters. All sites must be perfectly level.
  4. Landscape field. The minimum area reaches 2000 square meters. You can use stones and trees as sides. Mini golf courses can be of any size. Such a field can be located both indoors and outdoors. You will need to use all your imagination to create an interesting design.

Sites can be completely different in size

In order to implement a mini-golf business plan, you need to take a not too large area and create playgrounds on it. It should be understood that the shapes and sizes of the site can vary. After this, you will need to make mounds and make ponds, plant greenery, arrange various figures, etc.

You can use all your imagination in the design of your project in order to attract the largest number of clients. Then you need to make a choice in favor of coverage. It is advisable to purchase a material that is smooth. In addition, the canvas must be painted green. Such material will imitate a natural lawn and will not impede the movement of the ball.

The site will need to organize approximately 10 holes, which must be marked with flags. With this move you can diversify the game. In addition, it will be easier to organize competitions and tournaments.

Attracting potential clients

In order to advertise your business activities, you need to place advertisements in the press, on bulletin boards, on the Internet, or use the services of a radio station. You need to print a certain number of flyers and generate discount coupons. They can be distributed to passers-by on the street.

When you open your company, you can organize a grand show and raffle off a certain number of subscriptions. Those people who attended the event can be offered to play for free. You can attract potential customers through discounts and other numerous loyalty programs.

Obtaining a certificate

Minigolf certification is carried out by the relevant Association. In order to obtain a certificate, you will need to go through several stages. First you need to fill out a form. Then representatives of the association will check all the necessary information and issue the necessary document. They will also enter the field into the register and carry out registration. As a result of all the completed stages, the entrepreneur will receive a certificate plate, which will need to be installed on his site.