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Surely you know how your well-being improves after a foray into the forest or mountains. This is due to the fact that in nature you get the opportunity to saturate your tissues and organs with oxygen. As a result, new energy is immediately formed. However, not everyone can afford to live constantly in nature.

An oxygen cocktail will bring effect almost instantly. You will feel that you have energy for new achievements. Your sleep will improve and your rest will be more effective. If you used to wake up exhausted in the morning, then after regularly drinking oxygen cocktails you will forget about this feeling forever.

Oxygen starvation leads to deterioration of brain function. If you are engaged in intellectual work or study, you literally need additional oxygen like air.

Nervousness, irritability, increased fatigue, a feeling of loss of interest in life: all this may be a symptom of not depression, but oxygen starvation. Therefore, everyone should try the oxygen cocktail. After all side effects and it has no contraindications, but the effect is almost instantaneous. Naturally, the question cannot help but arise, how to make an oxygen cocktail at home. After all, the cost of a course of treatment can be quite impressive. It is quite possible to make a cocktail, although you will have to try and spend time purchasing all the necessary ingredients and equipment.

Advice! Oxygen cocktail - great way regain your strength and energy. However, the need to breathe regularly clean air it won't replace. Make small trips outside the city regularly: a “one-day hike” will help you stock up not only with oxygen, but also with new impressions.

What is an oxygen cocktail?

This drink is more like foam, which consists of tiny bubbles filled with oxygen. Typically, such a cocktail is made in different flavors, so that everyone has the opportunity to “combine business with pleasure” and not only saturate the body with oxygen, but also enjoy the delicacy.

Typically cocktails are made from juices and nectars. However, drinks are sometimes offered whose main ingredients are herbal infusions. The latter is very useful: the combination of oxygen and active biological substances contained in infusions promotes rapid recovery body and relief from symptoms of many diseases.

Advice! You need to consume the oxygen cocktail a maximum of 10 minutes after its preparation. After this time, the bubbles will lose their original volume, which means you will not be able to get the required dose of oxygen.

How does the drink “work”?

After you drink a cocktail, oxygen enters the blood through the walls of the stomach. Therefore, after just a few minutes you will feel a surge of strength and new energy.

Oxygen is a natural oxidizing agent. Thanks to its effect on the body, a person receives the energy that is necessary for both physical work, and for mental activity. Scientists call oxygen a natural catalyst, which accelerates the course of biologically active processes and takes part in almost all chemical reactions that occur in our body.

By drinking a cocktail, you receive a dose of pure oxygen, which quickly penetrates the bloodstream and spreads throughout all tissues and organs. Thanks to this, you feel an almost instantaneous increase in energy. If taken in courses, metabolic processes will gradually normalize and improve memory and thinking, even mood swings will disappear.

Advice! If you are studying at a university and have a difficult session ahead, it is better to start drinking an oxygen cocktail a week before the start of exams. This way you will have time to gain strength and energy in order to remember all the information necessary to successfully pass all tests and exams. In addition, oxygen improves thinking abilities: you can easily find the answer to any question from a strict teacher!


Oxygen cocktails have no contraindications. However, some caution should be exercised by people who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract. They should consult their physician before starting the course. For example, with a stomach ulcer, cocktails can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, especially if they are prepared based on citrus juices and nectars.

People who are prone to allergies should also be careful. They should carefully select the base of the drink. Fortunately, the choice is wide: juices, egg whites, herbal infusions, etc. To ensure that the drink brings double benefits, ask a nutritionist to recommend a cocktail base that is best suited for you.

Advice! If you want to lose weight, it is best to choose an egg white based drink base. The juice contains sugars, so for people sitting on strict diet, they may not fit.

How to make a drink at home?

As a rule, in order to complete the course, you must regularly visit a specialized medical institution. You can also receive oxygen treatment in a sanatorium. However, not everyone has the opportunity to spend time going for a healing drink or traveling. Therefore, a natural question arises: is it possible to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home? This can be done, however, you will have to show some ingenuity and acquire some devices. Therefore, if you want to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home, you will need certain equipment.

On the Internet you can find a number of recipes where they advise making an “oxygen cocktail” using the usual bicycle pump or a mixture baking soda and vinegar. Naturally, such drinks can be called “oxygen” only with great stretch. They will resemble a real cocktail only in structure and appearance, but not at all healing properties.

Advice! You can prepare a real cocktail using a device called a cocktail maker. A cocktail container is a container into which pure oxygen is supplied on one side. From the other side of the cocktail, foam flows out, which is the cocktail. The simplest device can be purchased for 10–15 dollars: this will be quite a profitable investment, since one glass of cocktail costs about a dollar, which means the device will pay for itself in just the first half of the course!

Where can I get pure oxygen?

Where can you get the “gas of life” and how to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home? Here are the main options:

  • buy an oxygen cylinder. It is not cheap, but the cylinder can be refilled several times;
  • Pharmacies offer oxygen cushions. Typically, such pillows are intended for patients who suffer from hypoxia. The pillows are sold empty, but you can order a service to refill them;
  • purchase a bottle that is designed for making cocktails. This bottle resembles a regular deodorant spray, but it is equipped with a straw that will allow you to prepare a cocktail by simply dipping it into the bottom of the glass;
  • If you feel like a chemist, you can produce oxygen using hydrogen peroxide. This is very simple to do: pour peroxide into the bottom of the container and place a rubber ball on top. After some time, pure oxygen will accumulate in the ball.

Making an oxygen cocktail at home without equipment is not easy. Be careful when choosing recipes: many “recommendations” allow you to create tasty foam, but not a healthy drink that will bring you health and longevity!

Advice! Oxygen is an extremely explosive gas. When it comes into contact with a heat source, a fairly strong explosion can occur. Therefore, remember the safety rules and never work with oxygen near open heat sources.


On sale you can find special kits for preparing oxygen cocktails. The set includes:

  • foaming powder. The powder simply dissolves in any drink that you decide to base your cocktail on;
  • oxygen cylinder;
  • a tube that connects the liquid to the foaming agent and cocktail.

Each set is equipped detailed instructions, which contains information on exactly how to use the device. The cocktail obtained using the kit can be safely given to a child or person suffering from a serious illness. By the way, the latter is very important: regular consumption of the cocktail will help mobilize the body’s resources and quickly cope with any disease.

Advice! Juices with pulp, such as tomato juice, are not suitable for making cocktails.

Healthy recipes

You can make various cocktails that suit your taste. After all, the main thing in such a drink is not the base, but oxygen. However, it is worth giving recipes for the most delicious, healthy and simple drinks that you can prepare at home:

  • Mix approximately equal amounts of apple and cherry juice. Add the required amount of foaming powder to the mixture. The drink is not suitable for people with high acidity, as well as those who are seen by a gastroenterologist for stomach ulcers;
  • stir half a glass of berry broth rosehip and one spoon of fresh natural honey. Mix the ingredients and place in a cocktail glass. Drinking an oxygen cocktail based on this drink is very useful during the epidemic season: beneficial substances honey and vitamin C, which is contained in huge quantities in rose hips, quickly improve immunity. And oxygen ensures that beneficial components instantly penetrate into tissues and organs.

Oxygen cocktails at home, the recipes for which are described above, are far from the only options for tasty and very healthy drinks. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the perfect taste for yourself!

Advice! Every craftsman can make a cocktail at home. The principle of operation of the device is very simple. The main thing is not to get carried away with cocktails too much: the body may get used to oxygen and stop responding to oxygen therapy courses.

An oxygen cocktail is an oxygen-enriched, pleasant-tasting drink consisting of a foaming and sweet base. According to authoritative doctors: “gas entering the body through the stomach works 10 times more efficiently than oxygen entering the body through the traditional route - through the lungs.”

This air mixture not only has healing properties, but also fills the entire body with life-giving strength, strengthens the immune system, and removes waste and toxins. At the same time, it has practically no contraindications or side effects. The only exception is the base itself - if it is made from syrup, then it should not be added to the drink for people suffering from diabetes. Cocktails based on phyto and with flavors should be used with caution by allergy sufferers. It is also not recommended to use such cocktails for people with breathing problems or bronchial asthma.

Equipment for making cocktails at home

To make an oxygen cocktail at home, you should stock up on an oxygen source that will produce gas, a device for whipping foam, the liquid base of the cocktail itself and a special powder for forming foam.

To create oxygen you can use:

  1. A concentrator is a special medical device that runs on mains power and produces oxygen from the air;
  2. small oxygen bottle;
  3. a concentrator with a reducer containing ready-made medical gas.

You can choose from foaming devices:

  • oxygen cocktail,
  • oxygen Stone,
  • mixer,
  • aerator tube.

The liquid base for a cocktail can be:

  • freshly squeezed juice without pulp,
  • fruit drink,
  • syrup,
  • herbal tea (herbal decoctions),
  • milk,
  • mineral water.

The foaming component is a powder made from egg white or licorice root or gelatin. In addition, the foaming agent may contain rosehip extract, pectin and powdered sugar.

Ways to make a cocktail at home

  • 1st method
  • With the help of an oxygen cocktail, you can prepare a delicious drink for the whole family at once. A concentrator or bottle is used as an oxygen source. The advantage of this method is that you can obtain a useful mixture with airy foam in a matter of minutes. The only drawback is that it is unlikely to be possible to prepare a cocktail with different flavors in a cocktail maker, since the base is poured into a common container and distributed among glasses.

  • 2nd method
  • If you make an enriched drink using a mixer, you can get a more tasty mixture with dense, rich foam. However, the oxygen content in it will be much less than when prepared in a cocktail. To prepare an air mixture using a mixer, you need to mix the liquid base with a foaming agent, connect the mixer to the oxygen source itself, lower it into a container, and turn it on for a few seconds. The healthy drink is ready!

  • 3rd method
  • However, most often a cocktail or mixer is used in medical institutions, sanatoriums, and also for sale through retail chains and pharmacies. But with the help of an oxygen concentrator (or can) and a tube with an aerator, you can easily prepare a cocktail at home. It is enough to take a glass or plastic glass (ceramics hold foam less well), fill it with the liquid base and the finished composition, and mix everything. Take an oxygen canister or concentrator and attach a tube to it. Gradually add gas until the glass is completely filled with foam. To make the foam lush, the aerator must be completely immersed in liquid.

  • 4 way
  • It is enough to simply make an oxygen cocktail at home using an oxygen stone. For such a drink, you need to mix the base with foaming powder and leave to stand for several minutes. Connect the stone to an oxygen source, lower it into the prepared mixture and turn on the concentrator or press the cylinder.

The benefits of an oxygen-enriched drink in today's environmentally unfavorable environment are obvious. After all, penetrating through digestive system, oxygen is more easily absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body’s cells, increasing the body’s resistance to various pathogenic factors. Cells are saturated and metabolism improves.

To make the benefits of the “foamy” drink more tangible, just follow these recommendations:

  1. The sooner the mixture is drunk after preparation, the greater the benefit it will bring to the body, since with every minute the volume of oxygen and foam in the drink decreases.
  2. The best effect and maximum benefit will come from a cocktail drunk 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal.
  3. More often, air-foam cocktails are taken for prevention, exclusively for health purposes. In this case, the recommended dose is up to 600 ml per day in several doses.
  4. To achieve best result It is better to take a healthy air mixture in courses of 10 to 30 days. At the same time, your health will noticeably improve day by day, fatigue and irritability will gradually disappear, and your immunity will increase.
  5. “1 serving of oxygen cocktail = a two-hour walk in the forest.”
  6. Drinking a drink filled with air bubbles is especially beneficial for children, the elderly and pregnant women.
  7. An oxygen cocktail is perfect way maintain a slim figure. Nutritionists say: “two days of oxygen fasting (5 servings of a cocktail per day instead of food) is equivalent to a week of regular fasting.”

You can make an oxygen cocktail at home - this is a feasible task for everyone, and most importantly, the benefits from such a cocktail will be twice as great as from a store-bought one. In addition, such a homemade drink will be much cheaper than a store-bought one.

Adherents healthy image In life, it’s worth paying attention to today’s trend - an oxygen cocktail at home. This healthy drink will enrich the body with the valuable O2 component, which is especially needed by residents of large cities and environmentally disadvantaged regions. You can prepare it at home, which is what we will discuss.

What are the benefits of an oxygen cocktail?

Oxygen plays a leading role in all vital processes of the human body. When it is deficient, the brain is the first to suffer, causing general well-being to deteriorate: migraine, loss of strength, increased irritability, apathy, drowsiness. Oxygen starvation leads to malfunction internal organs, with possible subsequent complications.

Systematic consumption of the miracle drink has the following benefits:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases physical capabilities;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • improves the structure of the skin;
  • restores healthy sleep;
  • energizes;
  • relieves fetal hypoxia and anemia in pregnant women, and also increases blood circulation in the placenta;
  • maintains normal hemoglobin;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • stimulates the removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • controls blood cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes the activity of the respiratory system;
  • has a tonic effect.

Oxygen in this form is indicated for everyone, but especially: children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. It is this group that is most susceptible to greater fatigue.

In many children's institutions, such a cocktail is included in the daily menu, due to its ability to energize. And this is so necessary for a developing and growing organism, which is extremely susceptible to all sorts of harmful influences.

A glass of an enriched cocktail will be a complete alternative to a 3.5-hour walk in the forest.

For the human body to function properly, the oxygen level in the air must be within 23%. IN big cities this figure is not higher than 17-18%, which is due to multiple external negative factors (gas pollution, industrial exhausts, etc.). Therefore, city residents often experience a shortage of clean air.

From the name of the drink it is clear that the fundamental component is oxygen. The cocktail is an airy foam with a small amount of liquid. The taste varies depending on the additional ingredients included.

Usually added:

  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • canned juices;
  • syrups;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • nectars.

More often they use liquid licorice root and specialized spum compositions that produce specific bubbles.

A drink made with water is calorie-free. If any additives are added, then per 100 grams there are about 250 Kcal.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home

In many health institutions, a bubble cocktail is included in mandatory preventive measures. It should be noted that this procedure is expensive. But it’s possible to make such a drink yourself.

What equipment may be needed in the process:

  • oxygen bag with a tube for oxygen supply;
  • a can filled with O2, intended for making cocktails or for normalizing breathing;
  • an electric shaker or a special cocktailer - a foaming device.

Instead of an electric mixer, you can make a structure consisting of a glass, an aerator (controls the degree of oxygen supply), a tube for releasing the finished product and a concentrator.

It is possible to create foam through a chemical reaction using potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.

To ensure that the resulting foam is thick and does not fall off for a long time, it is recommended to add chicken (quail) yolk or gelatin. Such implementation does not apply to the ready-made Spum mixture.

Sequence of further actions:

  • Any selected container is thoroughly washed and dried with paper towels or a cotton napkin. Pour in a cooled oxygen-containing liquid (water), then a syrup of your choice.
  • Connect the shaker to the concentrator using a silicone pipe. Connect the devices to the network, having previously set the speed on the hub to 2 liters per minute.
  • They begin to actively beat the mixture in the container, while simultaneously pressing the feed button O. The process usually lasts 15 minutes.


After that, all that remains is to insert a straw into the foamy cap and enjoy the drink. Just don't mix it.

It would be a good idea to consider the option of preparing a cocktail using your own equipment.

Take a half-liter glass jar with a polyethylene lid, in which 2 holes are made for the tubes. A long and thin pipe should reach the bottom, and a thick and short pipe should only go into the lid.

A small amount of foam will serve as a foaming agent. plastic bottle, in the lid of which a hole is cut for a narrow tube. Fix it with glue.

A spray nozzle is threaded onto the lower part of the thin pipe (a part from an aquarium filter will do).

Pour 200-250 ml of sweet or herbal base and 50 ml of licorice extract into a jar. If desired, add yolk, egg powder or another foam generator. Close with a lid with tubes. Boiling water (about 270 ml) is poured into the bottle and 2-3 grams of crystalline potassium permanganate are added. Then shake, add 3 more hydroperite pills and immediately twist.

Due to the start of the chemical process, oxygen is released, which enters the adjacent container with syrup (juice) through the connecting channel and creates foam.

A wide tube is lowered into a glass. As soon as the foam completely fills the jar, it will begin to flow into it.

The remaining solution can be poured into a hermetically sealed container, wrapped in light-proof film and stored in a cool place. The composition is stored without loss useful composition 24 hours. The next day there will be something to make more cocktails from.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home? Instructions!

How to take an oxygen cocktail

An oxygen drink is not a medicine, but requires compliance with certain rules for administration. Nutritionists recommend consuming it 2-3 times daily in a certain dosage:

  • from 3 to 7 years - 150 ml;
  • up to 12 years - 200 ml;
  • teenagers - 250-270 ml;
  • adults - 300 ml.

Follow the course for a week, then take a break for a month and repeat.

The product is taken 15-20 minutes before meals so that the valuable composition is fully absorbed. To maintain the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, a thirty-day preventive course is followed. At the end of it, you should rest for 3 weeks and resume daily procedures.

It is unacceptable to drink an oxygen drink on an empty stomach, as this can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

Today, oxygen drink is considered a unique means of healing. It has gained particular popularity among people leading an active lifestyle and exposed to frequent stressful situations. Along with a wide range useful properties, a product with virtually no contraindications.