Dizziness when dieting what to do. What treatment is most effective for dizziness? Poor diet and mental disorders

Dizziness after eating is a pathological condition in which the patient experiences blurred vision and loss of balance. The attack can be isolated and short-lived, but if vertigo begins to bother a person constantly, you should consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive examination– these symptoms may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

If the patient is constantly bothered by attacks of vertigo, it is necessary to find out why he feels dizzy after eating and begin treatment in a timely manner. The most common causes of the syndrome:

  • hypovolemia;
  • late or early dumping syndrome;
  • hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia;
  • improper strict diet;
  • allergic reaction;
  • foods containing certain substances that can trigger an attack.

After prolonged fasting, the body signals that it cannot cope with the incoming food. Consuming high-calorie foods will help eliminate the disorder.

Early and late dumping syndrome

Causes of dizziness - gastrectomy, when it is time to eat, blood gradually begins to flow into the digestive system to help the stomach digest foods. If food is poorly digested, it turns into a lump, which, penetrating into the small intestine, creates pressure that activates the release of catecholamines into the blood plasma, thereby provoking the occurrence of an unpleasant condition.

This process is called dumping syndrome, the onset of which is indicated by the following symptoms:

  1. Tachycardia, excessive weakness.
  2. Hypotension and dizziness.
  3. Severe nausea, vomiting.
  4. Pallor of the skin, possible formation of spots.
  5. Shortness of breath, cold sweating.
  6. Cardiac rhythm disturbances during feeding.

There are several stages of the pathology, depending on at what time the patient became dizzy. The early phase occurs after eating, after a maximum of 20 minutes. But the late stage, which develops after a few hours, is much more dangerous.

Dumping syndrome is a disease that leads to gastric resection

Signs of hypovolemia with vertigo

Feeling dizzy can occur for various reasons. One of the pathological conditions that provoke the development of an attack is hypovolemia. The syndrome is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • a strong feeling of thirst when a person constantly wants to drink;
  • immediate fatigue, excessive weakness, tachycardia;
  • unpleasant discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin, sometimes the epidermis acquires a bluish tint.

Despite large number of fluid consumed, a person develops oliguria, in which the amount of urine excreted is sharply reduced. The disease is associated with a decrease in the volume of circulating blood in the vessels. In advanced forms of hypovolemia, blood flow in the chest and abdominal cavity is disrupted, and the patient becomes uneasy.

When examining the patient, the doctor notes that heart rate increased, and the veins in the neck are somewhat weakened. The vessels do not cope with their work and cannot keep the pressure readings normal. Skin turgor changes, mucous membranes become dry. But these signs do not one hundred percent indicate the presence of hypovolemia.

Hypovolemia - decrease in circulating blood volume

Poor diet and mental disorders

An unbalanced diet can cause dizziness and nausea while eating. The disease develops in almost the same way as dumping syndrome; in this condition, the patient may be bothered by vomiting and cramps. This is explained by the fact that with a lack of useful elements, the body is so depleted that if an excessive amount of nutrients penetrates into it, it cannot simply process them.

Create a menu dietary nutrition Only a nutritionist or gastroenterologist should. You cannot choose your own diet - this can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Some psychological disorders can provoke attacks of vertigo:

  1. Bulimia. The patient uncontrollably consumes large amounts of food, then tries to get rid of calories: takes diuretics and laxatives, induces vomiting, and refuses to eat for a long time. People suffering from bulimia become irritable, but their weight is normal, so diagnosing the pathology is very difficult.
  2. Anorexia is a nervous disorder in which the patient is indifferent to food. He does not feel hungry, and food causes attacks of vertigo and suffocation. The person constantly feels unwell, has a rapid heartbeat, and increased sweating.

Only an experienced doctor who will select proper diet nutrition. The patient is not recommended to exercise after eating; it is better to spend time in a pleasant, calm atmosphere.

The wrong diet can cause nausea and dizziness

Anemia and sugar levels with vertigo

Dizziness with low hemoglobin is one of the most dangerous pathological conditions, which can cause the patient to lose consciousness. Anemia causes oxygen starvation of the brain. Attacks of vertigo may be accompanied by tinnitus, weakness, shortness of breath, fainting, and tachycardia.

The causes of dizziness are often hidden in low or high levels of sugar in the blood plasma. The following irritants can provoke the development of hypoglycemia:

  • insulin overdose;
  • abuse of sugar-lowering drugs;
  • systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Hyperglycemia often complements the causes of vertigo in diabetes. Unlike the condition in which sugar levels are low, the disease is mild and almost unnoticeable. The main signs of the disease are:

  1. Dryness of the oral mucous membranes.
  2. Constant urge to empty the bladder.
  3. Attacks of vertigo.
  4. Dark veil before the eyes.
  5. Headache.
  6. High blood pressure.

To prevent the progression of hyperglycemia, patients diagnosed with diabetes need to be regularly tested for sugar. If a person becomes irritable or suffers from weakness, he should consult a doctor.

Dizziness with low hemoglobin is one of the most dangerous pathological conditions

Allergy to food irritants

Some foods or their components can cause dizziness after eating. The risk group includes not only people suffering from allergies, but also patients with a hereditary predisposition.

A reaction to food can occur even if the patient has never complained of such symptoms. It is very rare that an allergy makes itself felt in adulthood without manifesting itself in childhood.

The patient not only feels dizzy after eating, but is also worried about:

  • periodic tinnitus: the more intense it is, the stronger the allergy;
  • feeling of pressure on the skull;
  • excessive weakness in the arms and legs.

Most often, the reaction is provoked by protein foods, as well as flour and sweet products. Synthetic food additives can also cause vertigo. If such symptoms are present, their consumption should be limited.

Treatment and prevention of pathological conditions

If you feel nauseous and dizzy after eating, you should urgently undergo an examination. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will recommend appropriate therapy:

  1. Medicines: Imodium, Motilium, Octreotide. These drugs can cope with nausea and dizziness.
  2. After eating, it is better to sit down, read a book, relax. It is worth giving up the loads.
  3. It is recommended to adhere to a certain diet. Consume more carbohydrates, reduce the amount of fat, especially animal origin.
  4. For severe attacks, Novocain is indicated. The drug is taken 3 times a day before meals.
  5. Sometimes the patient is prescribed a blood plasma transfusion, but this measure is used quite rarely.

By medical indications the doctor may recommend surgery. Surgical intervention is required when pathologies are detected gastrointestinal tract during ultrasound examination, which can provoke an increase in osmotic pressure.

These drugs will help cope with nausea and dizziness

If vertigo attacks occur, you need to carefully study your diet and try to exclude the following foods:

  • pickled, salted, canned (legumes, fish and meat);
  • cheeses of some varieties (long aging);
  • ale, vermouth, dark and light beer;
  • cereals, nuts;
  • reduce consumption of citrus fruits, chocolate, meat broth, and baked goods.

If, after eating, the patient notices that his eyelids, tongue, lips have begun to swell, breathing has become difficult, there is an extraneous ringing in the ears, an excessive feeling of nausea, lightheadedness and dizziness, severe cramps in the abdomen, you should urgently call an ambulance team, and before upon her arrival to give an intramuscular injection of antihistamine medication.

Any unpleasant discomfort that appears after eating indicates an incorrect diet. Constant drowsiness, attacks of dizziness, a feeling of nausea turning into vomiting - these symptoms very often occur when overeating.

You shouldn’t overload yourself with work immediately after eating, but going to bed to rest is also not recommended; it’s better to sit down and rest. It is better to eat food at the same time. If the patient’s condition does not improve, you should consult your doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, because severe dizziness often signals the development of a serious pathology.

The diet has just started, the body is not accustomed to the changed diet and is experiencing stress. In addition, during dietary restrictions, we still have to work hard and lose calories even when working in a white collar job, not to mention heavy work. physical activity. In addition, there are people around you who are unaware of your limitations. And they all chew constantly! And not only at work, but also at home. Only a stress-resistant body can withstand this.

The diet has just started, oh, how dizzy!

Get ready for such a development of events, and if you feel dizzy at first on a diet, then:

A week has passed

And if you complain that you have a headache on a diet that you started more than a week ago, it makes sense to take a closer look at your diet:

Dizziness during a diet and the occurrence of headaches are typical for people who sharply limit any product in their diet. Most likely, this is not one, but a group of products. We are maximalists, if we exclude, then everything at once. Be smart about changing your eating habits. Nutritionists recommend not eliminating any product completely, leaving at least a small part of it in the diet. Don't eat white bread, great! Pinch off a piece of the top when you buy it at the store for your family. The body feels good, and you will receive the happiness hormone serotonin, which, by the way, will help get rid of dizziness when losing weight.

  1. Sometimes the complaints, like, I’m on a diet, my head is dizzy, are mixed with a state of weakness. Check your blood pressure. Diets that exclude salt consumption are now popular, and its absence leads to a decrease in blood pressure and weakness.
  2. No one has canceled a healthy lifestyle. Be in the fresh air, walk a couple of kilometers a day. Alternate working at the computer with warm-up once every half hour - avoid headaches associated with osteochondrosis - a disease of computer geniuses of the 21st century.

Try to maintain a positive mood! Having dealt with the cause of the disease, you will get rid of it in no time!

I’m on a diet for the 7th day, I’m dizzy, why?

My version is hypoglycemia. If you cut down on carbohydrates too much and abruptly, you may feel dizzy. Blood sugar levels drop to the lower limit; the body, roughly speaking, lacks energy. If you are on a “complete diet”, that is, simply half-starved, this is very possible. The decrease in carbohydrates must be compensated by an increase in protein and fat (yes, exactly fat, don’t listen to idiots about the “harm” of fat!) components. We reduce coals to zero; this is the main component that produces fat. But! We add fats - this is energy without the deposition of fat on the sides, proteins - this will save your muscles from “self-eating”.

From this point of view complete fasting is preferable. On day 6-7, the natural fat burning mechanism starts, you begin to burn the fats accumulated in the body and eat from them. And hunger begins to be felt much less. A half-starved diet does not allow you to switch to endogenous fat nutrition. That is, you will switch - provided that you completely give up carbohydrates and in 2 - 4 weeks. Complete fasting - for 6 - 7 days. If you semi-starve with carbohydrates, you will ruin your health, since you will not be able to switch to fully endogenous nutrition. You can't fool the body.

Learn materiel. And tell us better about your diet, it will be clearer what the cause of your condition is.

But! It's far from a fact that I'm right

Simply because a diet is not just fasting, but a kind of “medicine” for the body, and should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Any diet should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body, existing diseases, etc. And “going on a diet” is just like that, at will, stupidly for the sake of losing weight - this is generally unacceptable and dangerous! You can “die” forever and then not a single doctor will help you! And the first indicator that you are doing something wrong is dizziness and all the other consequences.

The diet should be prescribed only by a doctor, and strictly according to certain indications, taking into account the characteristics of your body. And self-medication in this case can lead to terrible and irreversible consequences!

And there is one proven way to lose weight: eat less. Especially very fatty ones. However, you don’t have to give up anything! Just learn to limit yourself, it’s much easier than sitting on some newfangled diet and then gaining more more weight. And move more! You just need to work off calories, not fight them!

And don’t forget: the body’s response to any fasting is completely different from what many people think! During a hunger strike, our body categorically refuses to burn fat, since it does not receive anything in return and uses it to a minimum! Plus the lack of vitamins and other useful substances. That's the whole reason for the problem!

So forget about any diets, and just eat less. Then there will be no dizziness, loss of strength, and most importantly, the weight will gradually drop to normal. And what is also very important, it will remain the same in the future, since you will simply get used to such nutrition. (Checked!).

What to do if you feel dizzy while on a diet?

I'm on a diet that involves counting calories and proper nutrition. During the first month of losing weight, I didn’t feel any particular discomfort. Dizziness began to bother me at the 2nd month.

I eat 6-7 times a day, always protein foods + plant foods. In the first month I lost 5 kg, in 2 - 4 kg.

Could dizziness and my weight loss be related? How to deal with it? IN at the moment I didn’t stop the diet, I added walks in the air for about 1 hour a day.

This means that your blood pressure has dropped, and yes, this is related to weight loss, in which case you definitely need to eat something. And try not to bring yourself to such a state, eat a little, but often you will protect yourself from such situations.

What is the name of your diet? Dizziness is possible in the absence of carbohydrates in the diet. You can’t go on a diet for a long time, it’s better to eat less, and proteins and carbohydrates should be in your diet.

Either pressure or disruption of brain activity due to a lack of necessary substances.
Your body is signaling to you that your diet is having a detrimental effect on it.
Be careful! Don't chase losing pounds at the expense of your health.

Your body simply does not have enough energy, because you spend much more of it than you consume. This can cause weakness, dizziness and even nausea. Replace this diet with a more gentle one, take pity on your body!

You are waiting for a specific answer, but my advice will consist of 2 parts. In the first I’ll simply advise you to eat a piece of chocolate, in the second I’ll advise you to change your diet. It was necessary to dwell on the results of the first month, 5 kg is a lot. The faster these kilos go, the faster they return, bringing a couple more with them. A kilogram per month is an excellent result, believe me.

Dizziness and even fainting are often signs of a lack of glucose in the body. Most likely, due to your diet, you limited your consumption of sweets, which led to such consequences. The main panacea is to make hot sweet tea. If it is not possible to make it, then any product containing sugar will do. A lack of glucose is dangerous not only due to dizziness, but also headaches. Also, a lack of glucose negatively affects brain function and overall performance.

It is quite possible that you have low hemoglobin and this is causing your dizziness. If you eat and sleep well, I don't see any other reason. Better yet, go to the doctor, maybe this is related to some other problems in the body.

With a properly organized diet, there should be no dizziness. If it is prescribed to you, taking into account the characteristics of your health, by a doctor, then there should be no dizziness and the reason is not the diet. If you have prescribed such a diet for yourself, contact a nutritionist. Only a specialist can calculate the required amount of nutrients in the diet.

Diet and protein in your diet are certainly great, but without vitamins and glucose you won’t get far. In your case, you need to try to eat normally and understand the cause of dizziness and seek help.

In this case, you need to stop with the diet; if the dizziness does not stop, then go to the doctor. If you have problems with your body, then diet promotes development.

If you experience dizziness while you are on a diet, you should immediately consult a nutritionist, this is serious. Dizziness can occur due to insufficient nutrients in the body, or even problems with metabolism.

You need to eat more proteins! and drink a lot of water! And be sure to take a complex of vitamins with any diet! And everything will be fine with you!

The diet turned out to be not entirely suitable or took too long.
But perhaps dizziness is not related to diet; they also occur with cervical osteochondrosis.

Be sure to get tested and check your hemoglobin; if it’s ok, it means you’re not getting enough carbohydrates. For breakfast, allow yourself chocolate, for lunch, be sure to eat some baked potatoes and rice, but after 15:00 you can switch to protein and plant foods.

Try not to follow this diet. You have started to lose weight, but your body cannot “live” on the same food. If your head continues to feel dizzy, consult a doctor.

If you feel dizzy, it means you don’t have enough oxygen and there is only one way, take deep breaths and exhales until the dizziness stops.

Before the diet, it was still necessary to undergo examination by the main doctors, take tests and take vitamins. If your head is spinning, it means your health has failed, stop with the diet.

When I went to shaping, I had a fasting day once a week. I ate only 1-2 kg of apples either with buckwheat or kefir and also encountered dizziness. It seems to me that this is out of habit and the trainer advised me to drink a cup of coffee in such cases.

In my opinion, you definitely need to donate blood for hemoglobin. Dizziness and weakness are common symptoms of anemia. If this diagnosis is confirmed, then you will have to reconsider your diet. And most importantly, do not stop walking in the fresh air.

I had this happen - when I went on a diet, limited my diet, I immediately felt weak and dizzy. Then they explained to me that this effect of toxins accumulated in the body increases with limited nutrition, and they advised me to cleanse the body before going on a diet. Now I have already made it a rule - first a deep cleansing of the intestines (I take Lavacol, it liquefies all toxins, old stones, everything comes out, the intestines are clean), then a diet, then I feel much better and it’s easier to lose weight.

Enterosgel to help)) I also suffered every time I lost weight - my head was spinning, all sorts of harmful substances were activated during the diet. I consulted a nutritionist - “drink more water along with Enterosgel” - that’s what she recommended to me. And it really helped, and the kilos began to go away faster :))

Anjelika, thanks for the advice. Such an amazing effect from this Lavacol. I'm on the Dukan diet now. I began to feel that something was wrong - also weakness, plus constipation began (carbohydrates are also excluded in the first stages). And so, on your advice, I took this Lavacol all day long - I did a colon cleanse, just great, everything returned to normal, my weight is decreasing, my intestines are working like clockwork.

In general, when I was losing weight, I felt just great. I never had any dizziness, and I think that this is largely due to the doctors who monitored my condition all the time and suggested what was best to eat and how to cleanse better. I was on a program to cleanse the body at Istra Med. It was very comfortable in this sanatorium. So many useful procedures, and gorgeous nature. I was in a great mood all the time (in general, it’s better than going abroad).

15 Possible Causes of Dizziness

The unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, which is characterized by dizziness, sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. Here is information that doctors consider important for everyone.

Dizziness – what does it feel like?

Dizziness is a physical sensation in which everything seems to be spinning around you, or you are spinning while everything around you is frozen. This sensation causes a feeling of nausea, and you may begin to see double. Some people experience hearing problems or ringing in the ears when they are dizzy. It should be understood that this condition can be associated with various reasons.

How long does the feeling of dizziness last?

If you don't consider yourself a ride aficionado, a feeling of dizziness that lasts longer than a few seconds can be frightening. Unfortunately, such a symptom often lasts much longer than the average trip to the " roller coaster" The duration of the symptom depends on what factor caused it. In some cases, discomfort occurs within minutes, while in others it can last for hours, days, or even weeks. It is important to clearly determine how long your feeling of dizziness lasts. This information will help your doctor better determine what is causing the condition.

Dizziness is a symptom, not a separate disease

Dizziness can be a symptom of various diseases, some more serious, and others harmless, one way or another, this discomfort often goes away on its own, but can also disappear as a result of treatment. Many diseases that cause dizziness are associated with the vestibular system. The vestibular system is connected to the inner ear, which responds to movements and determines the position of the body relative to objects around it. In certain cases, the nerves receive false signals, the brain recognizes them as movement, which causes dizziness. It is important to understand the reason for this condition of yours. There is no point in treating only the symptom.

What are the types of dizziness?

In most cases, dizziness comes in two types, peripheral or central. This means that the source of the problem could be either the inner ear or the nervous system. In addition, each variety is divided into subcategories. The peripheral type is more common than the central type.

What causes dizziness when lying down?

This type of peripheral vertigo is quite common. The main cause is calcium deposits in the inner ear, but often the source of the problem remains unknown. This condition can last several seconds or minutes, sometimes it repeats for many months. The intensity can range from mild to extreme, and the symptom is often triggered by head movements, such as when you turn over in bed. The symptom may also be accompanied by involuntary eye movements. In addition, dizziness may occur when sitting or standing after lying down. In women, this symptom appears more often; as a rule, the problem affects older people.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing problems. This is a chronic condition with no cure, but it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms. Dizziness most often occurs due to dysfunction of the inner ear. The causes of Meniere's disease are not yet understood, but it is thought to be a disorder of the ear that prevents the body from recognizing movements correctly. Attacks of dizziness plague people with this disease because the tissues of the inner ear are under powerful pressure from fluids, which causes an abnormal condition.

Sailors' disease

Dizziness is common among people spending long periods of time on board a ship. Some scientists believe that the same phenomenon can occur after a long car ride or plane flight, but sea travel remains the main cause. When a person gets off the ship onto land, he may notice problems with his balance. This condition can even occur in those who sleep on a water mattress. This type of dizziness is short-lived but can still be frightening.

Acute labyrinthitis

Since peripheral vertigo is caused by abnormal functioning of the inner ear, it will come as no surprise that ear infections can cause this symptom. Otitis of the inner ear can cause very severe dizziness. A variety of viral infections can lead to this condition.

Nerve inflammation

When inflammation affects the nerves in the inner ear, the brain is unable to properly recognize information about head position and balance. This causes severe peripheral dizziness, as well as other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating. The cause of this condition can be a variety of infections, from measles to hepatitis.


Stress aggravates any problem, including dizziness. It's actually quite difficult question, scientists have been studying it for a long time and have not yet come to final conclusions. At this point, it is clear that some types of the problem are definitely exacerbated by stress. Additionally, stress can be a result of Meniere's disease. In short, there is definitely a connection between dizziness and stress, but sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is the cause and what is the consequence.

Viral meningitis

Meningitis is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the membranes surrounding the spinal canal and brain. Signs of the disease resemble those of the flu and also include a stiff neck and severe headache. Sometimes meningitis also causes dizziness. In such cases, this is the central variety, since the disease affects the state of the central nervous system.


Another cause of central vertigo can be a stroke. Fortunately, this situation is quite rare and usually occurs in older people. In this case, the discomfort is associated with damage to the back of the brain, causing disruption blood circulation You can reduce your risk of stroke by quitting cigarettes, controlling your weight, staying active and reducing your alcohol consumption.

Vestibular migraine

Some people who suffer from migraines also experience dizziness. According to statistics, about forty percent of migraine patients experience such discomfort. In addition to severe headaches, the disease causes dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance.

Habits that may make dizziness worse

Unfortunately, in most cases it is impossible to influence the cause of dizziness. However, the symptom may worsen due to nervous tension, pressure changes, dehydration or lack of sleep. Sometimes meditation or yoga can help cope with symptoms.

Fight against dizziness

When the symptom appears, try to take the most comfortable position and rest. If the dizziness is very severe, your best bet is to go to bed. Try not to walk while dizzy because this can cause serious injury. Change your body position as little as possible to reduce discomfort.

Dizziness while dieting: let’s not let it develop

And first, let’s figure out when did you feel such an unpleasant symptom as dizziness while dieting? If at the very beginning, then doctors tend to classify such phenomena as psychogenic. The diet has begun - if you please, touch on stress. If you feel dizzy on a diet that you started a long time ago, then your body is signaling a malfunction in its work and we need to find and correct it.

The diet has just started, the body is not accustomed to the changed diet and is experiencing stress. In addition, during dietary restrictions, we still have to work hard and lose calories even when working in a white collar job, not to mention heavy physical activity. In addition, there are people around you who are unaware of your limitations. And they all chew constantly! And not only at work, but also at home. Only a stress-resistant body can withstand this.

The diet has just started, oh, how dizzy!

Get ready for such a development of events, and if you feel dizzy at first on a diet, then:

A week has passed

And if you complain that you have a headache on a diet that you started more than a week ago, it makes sense to take a closer look at your diet:

Dizziness during a diet and the occurrence of headaches are typical for people who sharply limit any product in their diet. Most likely, this is not one, but a group of products. We are maximalists, if we exclude, then everything at once. Be smart about changing your eating habits. Nutritionists recommend not eliminating any product completely, leaving at least a small part of it in the diet. Don't eat white bread, great! Pinch off a piece of the top when you buy it at the store for your family. The body feels good, and you will receive the happiness hormone serotonin, which, by the way, will help get rid of dizziness when losing weight.

  1. Sometimes the complaints, like, I’m on a diet, my head is dizzy, are mixed with a state of weakness. Check your blood pressure. Diets that exclude salt consumption are now popular, and its absence leads to a decrease in blood pressure and weakness.
  2. No one has canceled a healthy lifestyle. Be in the fresh air, walk a couple of kilometers a day. Alternate working at the computer with warm-up once every half hour - avoid headaches associated with osteochondrosis - a disease of computer geniuses of the 21st century.

Try to maintain a positive mood! Having dealt with the cause of the disease, you will get rid of it in no time!

Dizziness: how to determine the cause

Dizziness is one of the common symptoms. Typically, dizziness is a fairly serious symptom, accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting and severe weakness. There may be several reasons for dizziness, and the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms themselves are sometimes not true dizziness. To clarify the situation, let's look at this problem in detail.

What is dizziness?

Vertigo is the name given to true dizziness. This is a state when a person has the feeling that the objects around him (or the whole world) are rotating, or a feeling is created that he himself is rotating or moving, while standing still. To understand this, remember the feeling you get when you spin around for a long time or ride on a carousel.

True dizziness is always a serious illness or damage to the nervous system or the adjacent vestibular system. The vestibular apparatus (located deep in the ear) is responsible for the position of the body in space, control of posture, stability of a person and coordination of his movements.

However, the position of the body in space is coordinated by the eyes and skin-muscular reflexes, and the brain controls all sensations and actions. Receptors for responding, coordinating, and controlling body position systems are found in all parts of the body - from bones and muscles to internal organs. This is why when a person feels dizzy, he feels sick.

Why do you feel dizzy?

There are plenty of reasons for dizziness in a person: the most obvious is inflammation of the ear or damage to the vestibular apparatus. My head is spinning because of mental disorders, with osteochondrosis, especially cervical region, with a lack of blood circulation in the brain or very low blood pressure.

However, the exact cause cannot always be identified immediately and independently, so you should definitely go to the doctor, preferably visit a neurologist. It is he who will be able to determine the cause and distinguish true dizziness from another form of the disease.

Most often, darkening of the eyes is mistaken for dizziness if a sudden movement is performed: turn around or stand up. Doctors call this phenomenon orthostatic collapse(rapid outflow of blood from the head).

Dizziness: how to determine the cause

Unlike true dizziness, in which the vestibular apparatus, with false dizziness, which is described as “it’s getting dark in my eyes”, “I’m feeling sick”, this usually happens due to** fatigue, decreased hemoglobin in the blood or abnormal blood pressure**. Sometimes these are signs violations muscle tone or even epilepsy.

Causes of dizziness

Does not apply to dizziness:

  • the appearance of a veil before the eyes,
  • feeling of weakness,
  • confusion,
  • unsteadiness on the legs,
  • attacks of nausea,
  • feeling of imminent fainting (lightheadedness with severe weakness),
  • imbalance with unsteadiness in gait.

What is not dizziness?

Dizziness is identified as a symptom of several pathologies:

  • primarily benign attacks of dizziness,
  • psychogenic dizziness,
  • dizziness due to migraines,
  • Meniere's disease
  • neuritis of the vestibular nerves,
  • brain tumor
  • osteochondrosis in the neck area with poor circulation.

The good news is that in the vast majority of cases, dizziness is not a symptom of a serious illness. Such attacks of dizziness arise spontaneously and also pass spontaneously; they usually occur with sudden turns of the head or body in different directions.

The reason for this phenomenon is a sharp and unusual irritation of the nerves inside the vestibular apparatus by special substances. This usually happens after 50 years. An attack occurs when throwing back the head, turning in bed, or sudden bending. This may make you feel sick. The attack lasts up to a couple of minutes and goes away on its own. The basis of treatment is a complex special exercises, training the vestibular apparatus.


Such attacks occur in overly emotional and impressionable people with phobias, and in this case there are no true disorders in the vestibular apparatus. At the same time, people describe dizziness as confusion, fog in the head, fear of falling and injury, spinning of objects and the body.

They usually occur in stressful situations, in enclosed spaces, and crowded places. At the same time, there are also manifestations of hysteria - a sore or lump in the throat, dull pain in the chest, a feeling of suffocation, bouts of sweating and sleep problems. In this case, the patient should unbutton his shirt collar, if there is one, offer him water and, if possible, take him to the fresh air.

Why do you feel dizzy when losing weight?

Hello. I am 29 years old, height 181 cm, weight 117 kg. Since childhood I was large, but not fat, at least there was no belly. Time passes and I notice that I have grown a belly. This is due to a passive lifestyle. Sedentary work in an office. In general, I want to remove overweight. There was a period when I used my own diet, I ate 200-300 grams of everything. for one meal, 5-6 times a day. Result: I lost about 10 kg in a month, but my health worsened. I felt dizzy and had a headache. I would like your recommendations. Thank you.

Hello, perhaps your poor health is due to the fact that you have chosen a diet that is too low in calories for yourself. In order to lose weight without harm to the body, you need to switch to a PP diet with a calorie content of 2000 kcal per day. This diet is more balanced and you will not experience loss of strength and dizziness.
Sample menu for the day:
- A plate of oatmeal with skim milk with chopped dried apricots or prunes (2-3 pieces) – 350 kcal;
- Cup tomato juice 200 g – 50 kcal.
Total: 400 kcal.
- Dates 100 g - 300 kcal.
Total: 300 kcal.
- 250 g of beef broth – 70 kcal;
- Cod baked in the oven (1 ready-made portion 300 g) - 270 kcal;
- Red pepper salad with herbs (250 g sweet pepper 1 piece - 70 kcal, 25 g parsley, 25 g dill, 25 g basil, salt, 15 ml (1 tablespoon) vegetable oil - 150 kcal) - 230 kcal ;
- Black tea 200 g – 80 kcal.
Total: 650 kcal.
- Apple 200 g + banana 100 g - 200 kcal.
Total: 200 kcal.
- Low-fat cottage cheese (2%) 200 g – 200 kcal;
- Blueberries 100 g – 50 kcal;
- Raspberries 100 g – 50 kcal.
The above products can be mixed.
- Black tea with lemon – 200 g – 90 kcal.
Total: 390 kcal.


Dizziness is a loss of balance, the apparent rotation of surrounding objects around you, a manifestation of general weakness, and fainting. It is very important to determine what exactly causes dizziness, since it is a symptom of more than eighty diseases. Usually this sensation itself does not pose a threat to health, but the reasons that cause it can be very serious. Dizziness is divided into true, called vertigo, and false. True dizziness is a symptom of a dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, diseases of the inner ear, eyes and receptors of muscles and bones.

Causes of dizziness, called false dizziness

Mild false dizziness includes the following conditions:

  • Feeling weak;
  • Approaching fainting, appearance of “spots” in the eyes;
  • Poor balance, unsteady gait;
  • Disorientation in space;

The causes of such mild dizziness can be very diverse - emotional state, fatigue, taking certain medications, unstable blood pressure, sudden rise to the feet, from sitting or standing positions. Typically, mild dizziness lasts from a few seconds to a minute. The most common causes of such conditions are:

  • Cardiovascular pathology – ventricular arrhythmias, aortic stenosis;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Hypoglycemia – decreased blood sugar levels;
  • Anemia – insufficient hemoglobin level;
  • High myopia;
  • Overwork, neuroses, depression.

Such dizziness is often accompanied by increased heartbeat, pale skin, increased sweating, and a feeling of emptiness.

Vertigo - true dizziness and the causes of its manifestations

True dizziness in a narrow medical sense includes manifestations of diseases of the systems that control the position of the body in space. In such conditions, a person feels that all objects around him, or himself, begin to rotate. Vertigo is usually dizziness, which is a sign of a serious disease of the vestibular apparatus and the nerve endings adjacent to it, accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and severe weakness. Let's look at some of the causes of this type of dizziness:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Most often it occurs in people after fifty years of age, the cause is irritation of the vestibular apparatus receptors by otoliths located in the canals of the inner ear. It manifests itself as severe dizziness when throwing back, tilting or turning the head to the side, accompanied by vomiting or severe nausea, which can last for several minutes;
  • Dizziness with osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine disrupts the sensitivity of the neck receptors and prevents blood from accessing the parts of the brain responsible for the balance of the body in space. It also leads to impaired blood circulation in the vertebrobasilar region (lower parts of the brain), resulting in severe dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting, headache in the back of the head. Most often observed in older people;
  • Dizziness in Meniere's disease. Occurs with nausea, vomiting, a feeling of pressure and noise in the ear, usually in one. As the disease progresses, the membrane may rupture, which in turn can lead to deafness. An attack of severe dizziness can last from several hours to several days. The exact cause of this disease is unknown; adults of all ages are susceptible to it;
  • Dizziness with migraine. With migraine, the blood circulation of the parts of the brain responsible for the vestibular apparatus is also disrupted, which leads to an attack of acute dizziness, nausea, headache and photophobia;
  • Dizziness due to brain tumors. A tumor located near the inner ear can also cause dizziness, headaches, hearing loss and tinnitus.

For any dizziness, you should contact a specialist.

Treatment of dizziness

To treat dizziness, first of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that causes it. For an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound examination of blood vessels (to detect narrowing of blood vessels in the brain), magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and electroencephalography are often performed. Having diagnosed the disease, the doctor will be able to treat dizziness in this particular case. Complex treatment is usually prescribed - medications and other methods. Most often, sedatives, antihistamines and antiemetics are prescribed for the treatment of dizziness. Also used in complex treatment manual therapy, massage, vestibular and breathing exercises, psychotherapy. If serious health problems are discovered, treatment will be carried out by an appropriate specialist.

Monitor your health and in case of recurring dizziness, do not self-medicate, but seek medical help in a timely manner.

What to do if you feel dizzy while on a diet?

I'm on a diet that involves counting calories and eating right. During the first month of losing weight, I didn’t feel any particular discomfort. Dizziness began to bother me at the 2nd month.

I eat 6-7 times a day, always protein foods + plant foods. In the first month I lost 5 kg, in 2 - 4 kg.

Could dizziness and my weight loss be related? How to deal with it? At the moment, I haven’t stopped the diet, I added walks in the air for about 1 hour a day.

This means that your blood pressure has dropped, and yes, this is related to weight loss, in which case you definitely need to eat something. And try not to bring yourself to such a state, eat a little, but often you will protect yourself from such situations.

What is the name of your diet? Dizziness is possible in the absence of carbohydrates in the diet. You can’t go on a diet for a long time, it’s better to eat less, and proteins and carbohydrates should be in your diet.

Either pressure or disruption of brain activity due to a lack of necessary substances.
Your body is signaling to you that your diet is having a detrimental effect on it.
Be careful! Don't chase losing pounds at the expense of your health.

Your body simply does not have enough energy, because you spend much more of it than you consume. This can cause weakness, dizziness and even nausea. Replace this diet with a more gentle one, take pity on your body!

You are waiting for a specific answer, but my advice will consist of 2 parts. In the first I’ll simply advise you to eat a piece of chocolate, in the second I’ll advise you to change your diet. It was necessary to dwell on the results of the first month, 5 kg is a lot. The faster these kilos go, the faster they return, bringing a couple more with them. A kilogram per month is an excellent result, believe me.

Dizziness and even fainting are often signs of a lack of glucose in the body. Most likely, due to your diet, you limited your consumption of sweets, which led to such consequences. The main panacea is to make hot sweet tea. If it is not possible to make it, then any product containing sugar will do. A lack of glucose is dangerous not only due to dizziness, but also headaches. Also, a lack of glucose negatively affects brain function and overall performance.

It is quite possible that you have low hemoglobin and this is causing your dizziness. If you eat and sleep well, I don't see any other reason. Better yet, go to the doctor, maybe this is related to some other problems in the body.

With a properly organized diet, there should be no dizziness. If it is prescribed to you, taking into account the characteristics of your health, by a doctor, then there should be no dizziness and the reason is not the diet. If you have prescribed such a diet for yourself, contact a nutritionist. Only a specialist can calculate the required amount of nutrients in the diet.

Diet and protein in your diet are certainly great, but without vitamins and glucose you won’t get far. In your case, you need to try to eat normally and understand the cause of dizziness and seek help.

In this case, you need to stop with the diet; if the dizziness does not stop, then go to the doctor. If you have problems with your body, then diet promotes development.

If you experience dizziness while you are on a diet, you should immediately consult a nutritionist, this is serious. Dizziness can occur due to insufficient nutrients in the body, or even problems with metabolism.

You need to eat more proteins! and drink a lot of water! And be sure to take a complex of vitamins with any diet! And everything will be fine with you!

The diet turned out to be not entirely suitable or took too long.
But perhaps dizziness is not related to diet; they also occur with cervical osteochondrosis.

Be sure to get tested and check your hemoglobin; if it’s ok, it means you’re not getting enough carbohydrates. For breakfast, allow yourself chocolate, for lunch, be sure to eat some baked potatoes and rice, but after 15:00 you can switch to protein and plant foods.

Try not to follow this diet. You have started to lose weight, but your body cannot “live” on the same food. If your head continues to feel dizzy, consult a doctor.

If you feel dizzy, it means you don’t have enough oxygen and there is only one way, take deep breaths and exhales until the dizziness stops.

Before the diet, it was still necessary to undergo examination by the main doctors, take tests and take vitamins. If your head is spinning, it means your health has failed, stop with the diet.

When I went to shaping, I had a fasting day once a week. I ate only 1-2 kg of apples either with buckwheat or kefir and also encountered dizziness. It seems to me that this is out of habit and the trainer advised me to drink a cup of coffee in such cases.

In my opinion, you definitely need to donate blood for hemoglobin. Dizziness and weakness are common symptoms of anemia. If this diagnosis is confirmed, then you will have to reconsider your diet. And most importantly, do not stop walking in the fresh air.

I had this happen - when I went on a diet, limited my diet, I immediately felt weak and dizzy. Then they explained to me that this effect of toxins accumulated in the body increases with limited nutrition, and they advised me to cleanse the body before going on a diet. Now I have already made it a rule - first a deep cleansing of the intestines (I take Lavacol, it liquefies all toxins, old stones, everything comes out, the intestines are clean), then a diet, then I feel much better and it’s easier to lose weight.

Enterosgel to help)) I also suffered every time I lost weight - my head was spinning, all sorts of harmful substances were activated during the diet. I consulted a nutritionist - “drink more water along with Enterosgel” - that’s what she recommended to me. And it really helped, and the kilos began to go away faster :))

Anjelika, thanks for the advice. Such an amazing effect from this Lavacol. I'm on the Dukan diet now. I began to feel that something was wrong - also weakness, plus constipation began (carbohydrates are also excluded in the first stages). And so, on your advice, I took this Lavacol all day long - I did a colon cleanse, just great, everything returned to normal, my weight is decreasing, my intestines are working like clockwork.