Workout for weight loss at home. Exercises for weight loss at home

Problems excess weight for today's humanity are more relevant than ever. Any man or woman who is faced with such trouble does not give up and tries to find a way out. Some use strict diets, some simply reduce food portions, and there are those who engage in physical exercise. But in both cases, it is not enough to just do one thing - it is necessary to have a comprehensive impact on own body and the body, that is, eat right and exercise.

If someone is frightened by the mere thought that they will need to strain, then they should understand that nothing is given for nothing, you need to fight for it. And it doesn't have to be hard. No need to go to fitness centers, sports complexes or gyms to improve your appearance. It is enough to do a certain set of exercises every day to burn excess fat at home and everything will be fine.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home must be used in conjunction with proper nutrition. It is best to limit the intake of carbohydrate foods (reduce it from 55 to 35%), which are the very deposits under the skin, and not fatty foods, as many mistakenly believe.

Proteins, on the contrary, are better to increase their amount in the diet by 50% (something like a protein diet). With such a distribution of organic substances in food, a set of exercises will manifest itself to the maximum - fat layer will be burned, and the muscles of the body will be nourished and strengthened.

It is worth noting that effective exercises for losing weight at home are divided depending on the parts of the body. Typically for the abdomen and thighs more excess weight than, for example, for the arms. Therefore, exercises for these parts of the body will be described first.

Before the main part of the complex, it is necessary to warm up - running for 15 minutes or all kinds of swings, circular movements in different parts bodies.

Exercises for losing belly fat

No. 1. Twisting.

Lie on the floor on your back, hands behind your head, elbows to the sides, lower back pressed firmly to the floor. Tear off the back of the head and top part shoulder blades off the floor, stretching your chin forward and up. Perform 4 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

No. 2. Torso flexion.

The starting position is exactly the same as for twisting, but the ankles must be clearly fixed (ask your partner for help, place them under some object). Fully bend your torso, bringing your elbows to your knees. Do 3 sets of 20 reps. The exercise can be supplemented by turning the torso to the sides after lifting the body - the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles will be simultaneously worked.

No. 3. Leg raises while lying on your back.

Lie on your back, firmly grasping a solid support behind your head - it will act as a counterweight. Bend your legs slightly knee joints, fix them and raise them above the floor by 5 cm. This is the starting position. After this, you need to lift your legs to a height of approximately 50–60 cm from the floor, and then lower them to the starting position (do not touch the floor). Do 3 sets of 15-17 reps.

No. 4. Side bends with weights.

Take a weight in one of your hands (a dumbbell, if you have one; a five-liter bottle of water or something else at hand), stand straight, legs close to each other, place your free hand behind your head. Bend to the side with a weight, then perform similar slope in the opposite direction. It is necessary to do up to 20 inclinations. Then change the position of your hands and repeat the exercise. Just 2 sets of 20 reps for each side.

Exercises for the buttocks and thighs

No. 1. Squats.

Perform a squat until the thigh is parallel to the floor or a few centimeters below this position, while you need to monitor the angle between the lower leg and the thigh - it should be approximately 90 degrees. Afterwards, perform the lift. Repeat 20 – 25 times in 4 approaches.

There is no need to chase quantity, it is better to keep track correct technique, it is much more important. You can also increase the exercise to 6 approaches, every 2 of which are performed with narrow, medium and broad setting stop. This will ensure better development of the hips and buttocks.

No. 2. Raises straight legs forward and to the sides.

Select a supporting leg, stand on it, fixing your knee. Raise your working leg forward, pulling your toes away from you. Do not bend the supporting leg when lifting the working leg. Lower the worker without placing it on the floor. Repeat 20 times for each leg in 2 sets. The same thing should be done with the same number of repetitions and approaches when raising the legs to the sides.

No. 3. Swing your legs back.

Rest your hands on a table, bed or other furniture (you can use a wall) and swing your legs back. During the swing, the leg should not be straight; on the contrary, it should bend at the knee. This will provide tension and stretching. 2 sets of 20 reps for each leg.

No. 4. Calf raise.

Stand on a low platform (height 5 - 7 cm - a block, a tightly folded blanket), placing your feet close to each other. Perform a toe raise, hold for a second at the top point, and lower. Do 3 - 4 sets of 25 reps each.

Lower back exercises

No. 1. Hyperextensions on the floor.

Lie on the floor, arms up. Perform simultaneous lifting right hand and left leg – 15 times. Do the same for opposite sides. Afterwards, perform simultaneous lifting of both arms and legs – 15 times. This is all just one approach. Total number 2 – 3.

No. 2. Inclines with weights.

Legs in a wide stance. Take the weight with both hands and lean forward, reaching your hands to the floor. In this case, the back should be arched, not bent. 2 sets of 20 inclines.

Arms, chest and back

No. 1. Arm curls with weights.

Stand up straight, back straight. Take a weight in your hand and perform 20 bendings without moving your elbow away from your body. Change the position of your hands. Repeat. Complete 2 approaches in total.

No. 2. Straightening your arms from behind your head.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Take a weight in your hands and place it above your head. Bend your arms behind your head (elbows pointing up), straighten your arms. 2 sets of 15-20 times.

No. 3. Push-ups.

You can do push-ups from the floor, bed or other piece of furniture - it all depends on the difficulty (the lower, the more difficult). Do 15 – 20 push-ups in 3 sets. If you don't know how to do push-ups, then...

No. 4. Flexion-extension of the arms in support from behind.

Place your hands on the back of the chair, put your feet on the bed or leave them on the floor (this is easier) and lower yourself as low as possible. Then lift your torso with straightening your arms. Repeat 20 times. Only 2 approaches.

Video with a set of exercises for losing weight at home

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Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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A person needs a certain supply of fat tissue, but health declines if more fat accumulates than permissible. The habit of women in this situation is to lose weight through dieting, but with low activity it does not achieve the planned result. Sedentary work requires strict diet, the willpower for which not all women have enough. Effective measures to resolve the situation are physical exercises.

Diets lead to removal extra pounds, and also deprive the body of essential vitamins, microelements and amino acids. That’s why, following a diet, women start to feel hungry. The body requires nutrients; in the absence of physical activity, girls gain weight again. To break out of vicious circle, it is necessary to play sports.

But you can’t ignore your daily diet; you need both a set of exercises for losing weight at home and proper nutrition. Correction of the diet, added by exercise, will allow you to lose body weight faster. No need to go on a diet follow simple nutritional recommendations:

  • Eliminate baked goods: white bread, confectionery, pies, pasta;
  • Remove fried side dishes from your diet; instead of frying, cook meat;
  • Eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products;
  • The last possible meal is 2 hours before bedtime. Don't eat at night!
  • Monitor your water consumption, the norm is 2-2.5 liters;
  • Eat when you're hungry.

Weight loss comes from not enough calories to provide energy for intense exercise. With increasing intensity, energy consumption increases; at low intensity, the consumption is 4-5 calories per minute; with increasing load, the calorie consumption reaches 10-12 calories per minute.

To cause a calorie deficit, you should not eat fatty, sweet foods, as well as foods rich in carbohydrates: rich bread, pasta, confectionery.

To lose 1 kg, you need to burn 8000 kcal by exercise. Beginners are advised to choose less intense loads; the desire to lose weight earlier and exercise more will lead to injury to muscles and ligaments. The most effective exercises are for the legs and buttocks, these muscles consume greatest number energy. Less effective workouts for burning fat are for the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and arms. Muscle load abdominals the latter consumes the least amount of calories.

To reset faster extra pounds run, squat, swim and walk more.

Do aerobic exercise for more than 30-40 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. Initially, the body consumes carbohydrate reserves from the pericellular fluid, blood and liver. Only after half an hour they come to an end, the body takes over fat cells internal organs and subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, if the duration is less than the specified time, physical exercise is useless for losing weight.

Effective classes are carried out with the maximum permitted intensity, the upper limit of the load is determined by the “working” heart rate.

The maximum number of beats per minute for each age is found by the equation: 200 minus your age, but this figure is when performing weight loss exercises at home.

For example, if age is 40 years old, maximum quantity heart rate - 160 beats. Then optimal training to burn fat falls between 104 and 136 beats. If the number of beats does not reach this segment, increase the load; if the pulse exceeds the norm, reduce the intensity. By counting the number of blows, control the load.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home requires following a number of rules:

  • Exercise no earlier than an hour after meals and 3 hours before meals;
  • When resting between approaches, do not sit, walk, it is better to do light gymnastics;
  • You should not get drunk during exercise, it is permissible to take a sip, quench your thirst after playing sports;
  • Breathe deeply, inhale as the effort increases, exhale as the effort decreases;
  • Exercises for losing weight at home should take at least an hour, 3-4 times a week.

Warm-up for a quality workout

Before playing sports, warm up, perform rotational movements with your legs, pelvis, shoulders, keep your legs, back and arms straight. While standing, twist your body to the right and left, bend, swing your legs forward, to the sides and back. Stretch your neck, hands and feet with rotational movements.


For women suffering from excessive body weight, the simplest ones are suitable physical activities– running and walking. Start with a walk at a light pace, gradually increase the time from 20 to 45 minutes. To increase your performance, change simple steps to fast sports ones. Then start jogging. Increase your jogging distance by 10% once a week or two, depending on how you feel and your heart rate.

To exercise without leaving home, purchase sports equipment. Let's look at several options: exercise bike, rowing machine, etc. The first two load only the legs, the latter distributes the load evenly over the body. Also elliptical trainer requires a lot of effort. The rowing machine pumps up the muscles of the back, arms, abdominals, and puts less strain on the legs. You should use a rowing machine to develop your body evenly.

Simplified push-ups

They differ from men’s in that in the initial position you rest your knees on the floor, but also keep your back straight, and do not extend your elbows too far to the sides when doing push-ups. Perform 10-15 push-ups in 2 sets.


  1. When lying down, keep your back straight, do not bend.
  2. Place your palms at shoulder level, and when doing push-ups, bring your elbows as close to your body as possible.
  3. A total of 10 push-ups in 1-2 sets.

Simplified bridge

It differs from the classic bridge in that you rest your shoulders on the floor, not your arms, and spread your arms to the sides. Perform 15-20 movements.


Lie on your back, resting your feet and hands on the floor, lift your pelvis as high as possible. Do 15-20 movements.


  1. Take a lying position, but rest on the floor not with your palms, but with your elbows, place your forearms parallel to each other, keep your body straight.
  2. The task is to stand like this for 90 seconds; if it’s hard, increase the time gradually.

Triceps squats

  1. Sit on the edge of a chair, bench, sofa, with your legs forward.
  2. Leaning on your hands, lower your body forward from the chair, placing your body weight completely on your hands.
  3. The task is to lower and raise the body, training the triceps of the shoulder, at the top point you straighten your arms, at the bottom point you almost touch the floor with your pelvis.
  4. Do only 10-15 movements in 1-2 approaches.


  1. Get on all fours, lift your bent leg back and up.
  2. First 15 times for one leg, then for the other.

Inverted caterpillar

  1. Lying on your back, at the same time lift your straight legs and arms up, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. Carefully return to the starting position.
  3. Do only 10 times in 1-2 approaches.

Hanging over the floor

  • Option 1: Lying on your back, raise your legs above the floor 20-30 cm, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, and place your hands on your forehead. Hold your legs and chest for 60 seconds.
  • Option 2: Similar to the previous one, but performed while lying on your stomach. Lift your legs and chest off the floor, place your hands on the back of your head, and hold them for one minute.


The exercise is performed lying on your back, lift your bent legs and pull them towards your stomach.

  1. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle, throw forward first one leg, then the other in a circular path.
  2. Move your legs for a minute.

Side lunges

  1. Stand straight, throw one leg to the side, squat deeply, touch the outstretched leg with the opposite hand, keep your back straight.
  2. Do 15-20 lunges for each leg.


For correct execution It’s better to practice while standing sideways to the mirror.

  1. Make sure that your back is straight, your thighs in a squat are parallel to the floor, and your knees do not spread.
  2. Do 25-30 squats, 2 sets.

Jumping lunges

  1. Lunge forward without your back knee touching the floor.
  2. While jumping, change your legs, and then also while jumping, change to the starting position.
  3. Do 20 lunges for each leg, 2 sets.

Burpee exercise

  1. Squat down deeply, place your hands on the floor, jump slightly, throw both legs back to take a lying position without getting up from the squat.
  2. After pushing off with your feet, quickly pull your legs under you.
  3. Perform the movements 20 times in 2 sets.

Eagle pose

  1. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, clench your palms into fists, and show with your thumb that everything is “okay”.
  2. Then turn your hand so that thumb looked at the floor, keep your arms parallel to the floor for 2 minutes.

Wide squat

  1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, spreading your knees to the sides, and do deep squats.
  2. Perform a total of 20 squats.

Jump with overlap

  1. Standing on the floor, keep your arms down, jump high, hit yourself in the butt with your heels, and touch the back of your head with your hands.
  2. Saddle 20-30 jumps.

Tuck jump

  1. Standing straight, keep your hands at your waist, jump high, press your knees to your stomach, and touch the front of your shins with your hands.
  2. Perform 20-30 jumps.

Cool down - finishing the exercises correctly

Gradually, using bends, rotational movements in the joints of the arms and legs, reduce the intensity physical exercise. Cooling down will distribute the blood evenly throughout the body, and stagnation of blood is dangerous. varicose veins veins To improve the effects of exercise, walk around the house, take a walk down the street.

Training planning

The training plan should be based on body weight; with severe obesity, high physical activity impossible, with normal excess weight you can increase the load almost to normal limits. For this need to calculate body mass index, it is equal to body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in meters). The optimal figure for women is 21, for men - 23, the normal figure for any gender should not exceed 25.

You should start playing sports with 3-4 workouts a week, for weight loss 45-60 minutes at a time. Effective workouts must alternate aerobic exercise(running, exercise bike) 2 times a week and 2 times power loads(for abs, squats and others described here).

With a normal body mass index per week, the intensity should be increased to the number of movements and approaches described in the article. If you have excess body weight up to half the above amount, you can start performing the complex in full in a month. If you are obese, it is better to exercise in gym, and not at home, since such body weight is accompanied by various diseases. In this case, constant supervision by a professional doctor and trainer.

How much can you lose?

Many people dream of losing up to 10 kilograms in the first month, but this can be harmful to the body. The optimal rate of weight loss per month is 2-3% of body weight. In the first month, the results may be more than modest; instead of weight loss, you may find weight gain, all due to the increase in muscle mass.

Muscle weighs several times more than fat, so the waist and hips quickly decrease and body weight falls slowly. For weight loss, the normal goal is to lose approximately 2-3 kg (with a weight of 60 kg) to 5-7 (with a weight of 100 kg) in the first month.

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Every girl wants to look slim and beautiful, but only a few can lead a healthy and athletic lifestyle. Even if you are not into dancing or aerobics, or go to the gym, you can have a slim and toned figure. To do this, you need to spend 20–30 minutes a day playing sports. You need to take care of your body and it will delight you with good health and excellent appearance.

How to exercise to lose weight?

This question interests everyone who wants to be in good physical shape. Working out at home for weight loss can give attractiveness to those who do not find time to attend gyms. Experts in this field emphasize that to achieve good result is possible only by competently combining a set of strength exercises

and cardio exercises. Interval training for weight loss has been found to be the most effective when performed at home.

Aerobic exercise can burn more calories than strength training for the same duration. However, when considering the issue of selecting exercises, it is necessary to take into account that strength training increases the metabolic rate during rest. Thanks to aerobics, fat is burned exclusively during exercise; when it stops, this process stops. If we are talking about strength exercises, then the situation looks radically opposite. Fat burning does not stop even after completing your workouts. Increased level metabolism persists for 6 hours, then gradually returns to normal.

An effective training program for weight loss involves performing a strength training program at the beginning and moving on to aerobic exercises. Power complex burns carbohydrates, and aerobic burns fats.

What to consider?

Effective training can only be achieved if a number of rules are followed:

To lose weight and get the best possible results, for training you will need:

  • a comfortable soft mat that allows you to perform exercises on the floor;
  • a small narrow bench;
  • dumbbells;
  • sports shoes and clothing that allow you to exercise freely.

The training schedule at home involves performing them at intervals of one day. It is better to train for weight loss between 11.00 and 14.00 or from 18.00 and 20.00. When choosing which workouts are best, remember that positive effect they only have for 4 weeks. IN future plan training needs to be complicated by increasing the load or changing the set of exercises. Experts do not recommend performing interval training later than two hours before going to bed or eating.

The training system begins with a warm-up, which helps the muscles prepare for more serious loads; to complete it, exercises that you remember from a school physical education course will be enough. To lose weight at home, you need at least 10 exercises covering all muscle groups. If the problem area is the lower body, then the training program for weight loss should consist of 4 exercises for the buttocks and legs, 3 exercises for the upper body and 3 for the abs and back. This training schedule makes it possible to work the muscles of the problem area at the very beginning. home workout when you are still full of strength.

The number of repetitions is determined by the goal. If you are trying to get severe muscle fatigue, the number of p

repetitions can reach 20, the same number will be required for weight loss. If the goal is to gain muscle definition and tone, limit yourself to 10-15 repetitions. Regardless of the goal, the number of approaches is 3-4.

Warm up before exercise

You need to start warming up from top to bottom, gradually moving from warming up the neck, shoulders and arms to the lower back, buttocks, thighs, knees and feet. If you don't know how to warm up, it doesn't matter. Start making circular movements with each joint. First one way, then the other. Work all parts of the body in this way. Then you should warm up thoroughly. To do this, rub your palms vigorously until they become hot. After this, warm up your face, neck, ears, and nose with them. Next, rub your entire body from head to toe with warm palms.

Warm-up for arms and shoulders

Rotate your shoulders forward and backward. You can rotate your shoulders one by one, or you can rotate them simultaneously. At the same time, the arms remain straight, the hands are collected as if they are on a support (for example, if you are leaning on a table or machine) - this way the arm muscles will work more efficiently. Rotate your elbows in opposite directions. Next, we rotate our hands, clenched into fists.

Warm-up for the back

Stand up straight. Start turning left and right. When performing turns, the part of your torso that is below the waist, as well as your legs, should remain in one place and not move.

During twisting, the neck muscles should not tense. Always look straight, no matter which way you turn. Do this for 20–30 turns.

In the next exercise, we will bring to combat readiness lower back, including the lower back. Stand up straight. Begin to rotate the body around its axis in a circular motion to the left. Do this 10 times and start repeating

go in the opposite direction.

From the outside, this should resemble the movement of a boxer in the ring, dodging his opponent’s blows. As with the previous exercise, your hips and legs should remain in place.

Leg warm-up

The feet are warmed up like this: put the toe on the floor and rotate the foot in different directions. Standing on the toes of both feet, rise and lower yourself without resting on your heels. Do this several times.

To make the task more difficult and the warm-up more effective, rise on your toes as high as possible and squat with legs bent without bending your back.

If the problem area is the stomach

The abdominal area is a problem for most of those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The most effective exercises for the abs: crunches, turns and leg raises.

  • The twist is performed while lying on the floor. Press your lower back firmly to the floor surface, bend your legs at the knees, place your hands on the back of your head, spread your elbows to the sides. As you inhale, lift your head and elbows off the floor, lift your chin up, and hold this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, return to your original body position. Please note that in a raised position, tension should be felt in the abdominal area. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • A weight loss program implemented at home must include: reverse twist. This exercise involves lifting not only the shoulder blades and head, but also the pelvis from the floor. Similar to the previous exercise, the number of repetitions is 20 times. Lie on the floor, while inhaling, lift your upper body, trying to reach your knees, and while exhaling, lower yourself, repeat this 20 times.
  • To perform the following exercise you will need a chair. Sit on its edge, try to pull your legs up so as to touch your chin. The exercise is repeated 20 times. Sitting on a chair, rotate your torso to the right and left, 15 times on each side.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

  • To perform the first exercise, place your feet wider than your shoulders. While standing, bend your knees. The angle should be such that you can put a cup on your foot and not be afraid that it will fall (i.e., an angle of about 90 degrees). Freeze and remain in this position for as long as possible.
  • Squats are best exercise to get a slim butt with toned buttocks. It is better to perform squats in several approaches of 20-50 times.
  • Squat down. Jump up sharply and return to the starting position. You need to jump as high as possible. 20 such jumps will be enough.

Wasp waist at home

A thin waist has always been the envy of women. By putting a little effort into doing the exercises, you can achieve noticeable results at home, without special equipment and the watchful eye of a trainer.

  • Lie on the floor, put your hands under your head. You need to rise with your arms outstretched so that the angle between your lower back and the floor is 45°.
  • Stand with your back to a wall or door. Attach a rubber band or expander to the door at shoulder level. Hold the other end of the tourniquet in your left hand. While stretching the expander, turn into right side. Do the same exercises with your right hand.
  • The next exercise requires a heavy book. Lie on your back with a book on your stomach. Inhale and exhale slowly, while keeping the book in a static position.
  • A weight loss training program can also be implemented using additional items. For the next exercise you will need a fitball. Sit on the fitball, fix your feet and back, the body should be motionless. Move the ball left and right with your buttocks. Make sure that the body does not lean forward and backward. Thanks to this exercise, it is possible to use the oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Get on your knees, place the fitball on the left. Right leg place it forward with your knee bent. Hold the ball with your left hand and place your right hand behind your head. Lean to the right, only your core should work. The exercise is performed 40 times in each direction.

Exercises for a flexible and slender back

  • To perform the first exercise, lie on your back with your arms extended. Bend your knees. Then rhythmically raise your pelvis as high as possible and lower it, trying to stay in the raised position for as long as you can.

To complicate the exercise, one of the legs standing on the floor can be raised up or placed on the knee of the other leg. This will help you strengthen your back and pump up your abdominal muscles.

  • From the same position, raise your arms straight up, then raise your legs straight. Do this so that your hips lift off the floor. Slowly lower your legs. Now stretch out following your raised arms, trying to lift your upper body off the floor. Following this order, try to repeat the exercise several times.
  • Lie on your stomach. At the same time, try to lift your arms and legs off the floor. Do this 30-40 times.

The fight for attractive hands

A weight loss training program should include a number of exercises for the upper limbs.

  • Stand up, pick up dumbbells (no more than 1.5 kg each) and lower them down. Raise your arms, bending them at the elbows. Spread your arms out to the sides and lower down through your sides. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your right arm with the dumbbell up, positioning it so that your elbow is at ear level. Slowly bend your arm, bring it behind your head and lower the dumbbell to your left shoulder. To reduce the possibility of overload elbow joint, hold the elbow of your right hand with your left hand. While continuing to support your elbow, straighten your arm.
  • Take a lying position. But, unlike the man's stance, place your knees on the floor. Try to do 10 push-ups.

Workout program for losing weight at home. Dietary recommendations.

Day 1

Breakfast: From 100 g oatmeal cook the porridge and add tbsp. a spoonful of raisins, black coffee or green tea. Don't put sugar. 360 kcal.
Second breakfast: Kefir 1% - 1 glass, grain bread - 2 pieces. 157kcal.
Lunch: Boil, bake or stew skinless chicken breast – 100 g, boiled rice – 100 g, tomato – 1 piece, mineral water. 246 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Yogurt without any fillers, 1.5% fat – 125 g, kiwi – 1 piece. 133 kcal.
Dinner: Crab meat with arugula salad, mineral water. 196 kcal.

Day 2

Breakfast: Boil 100 g of buckwheat, add vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, black coffee or green tea. 356 kcal.
Second breakfast: 1 apple, skinny cottage cheese – 150 g, tea or mineral water. 148 kcal.
Lunch: Beef steak with vegetables, mineral water. 364 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Carrot or pumpkin juice – 1 glass, grain bread – 1 piece. 152 kcal.
Dinner: Low-fat fish (stewed or grilled) – 200g, green salad, seasoned with lemon juice, mineral water.
The number of calories per day is 1192.

Day 3

Breakfast: Boiled egg – 1 piece, cereal bread – 2 pieces, coffee or tea. 368 kcal.
Second breakfast: Pomegranate, pear and unsalted nuts – 10 pieces, mineral water or tea. 162 kcal.
Lunch: Soft cheese – 60 g, octopus salad, mineral water. 162 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Natural yoghurt (fat content 1.5%) – 125 g, green salad seasoned with lemon. 148 kcal.
Dinner: Fry an omelette from milk (fat content 0.55) and 2 proteins, green onions and tomatoes, and mineral water. 169 kcal.
The daily amount of kcal is 1185.

Day 4

Breakfast: Grapefruit – 1 piece, oatmeal (according to Monday’s recipe), coffee or green tea. 345 kcal.
Second breakfast: Skinny cottage cheese -200g, mix it with herbs, radishes and parsley, tea - green or black. 172 kcal.
Lunch: Veal (boiled or grilled) – 200 g, green peas – 200 g, salad: fresh herbs and lemon juice, 1 apple, mineral water or tea. 134 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Stew champignons (200 g) together with tomatoes and onions and season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream (fat content -10%), one apple, mineral water or tea. 134 kcal.
Dinner: Vegetable salad and Parmesan cheese, mineral water. 182 kcal.
Daily calorie intake – 1185

Day 5

Breakfast: Dried apricots – 60 g, grain bread – 2 pieces, cheese (fat content 17%) – 30 g, green tea or coffee. 336 kcal.
Second breakfast: Egg, vegetable juice – 1 glass. 114 kcal.
Lunch: Mineral water and mushroom risotto. 395 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Apple, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, green or black tea. 148 kcal.
Dinner: Stewed fish -200g, green salad with lemon, mineral water. 155 kcal.
Daily kcal volume – 1148

Day 6

Breakfast: Porridge from 100 g buckwheat and 1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, green tea. 356 kcal.
Second breakfast: Mozzarella cheese – 100 g, ripe tomatoes and basil. 148 kcal.
Lunch: Low-fat fish (stewed or grilled) – 150 g, one boiled potato, green and lemon salad and mineral water. 335 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Orange, yoghurt - 125 g, mineral water. 148 kcal.
Dinner: Peeled shrimp – 200 g, greens and mineral water. 168 kcal.
The daily amount of kcal is 1155.

Day 7

Breakfast: Skinny cottage cheese – 200 g, berries (fresh or frozen) 100 g, coffee or tea. 254 kcal.
Second breakfast: Yogurt (2.5%) – 1 glass, grain bread -2. 129 kcal.
Lunch: Kenyan beans, green salad with lemon, mineral water. 454 kcal.
Afternoon snack: Boiled egg, tomato, apple, tea. 141 kcal.
Dinner: Veal – 150 g, 100 grams of fresh cabbage salad, water. 163 kcal.
Daily kcal volume – 1141

For a good result, you need to approach your training wisely, that is, prepare in several important aspects. Let's list the most important things:

  • First of all, decide what you want to achieve. If this is general weight loss, then aerobic activities, such as running, fitness, and jumping rope, must be included. If it is important to reduce the volume of certain parts of the body, then you will need to choose targeted exercises for them.
  • Second important factor– determination of load. Each of us wants to see results as quickly as possible, but squeezing the maximum out of the body from the very beginning is harmful and even dangerous. You risk overexerting yourself, creating heart problems and being out of action for a couple of weeks from unbearable muscle pain.
  • The third thing you need to pay attention to is the place to study. Sometimes its absence becomes the reason for skipping and quickly abandoning original plans. Therefore, make sure that it is always at your disposal, provides you with room to swing, and is located away from fragile objects.
  • Fourth is nutrition. Its importance cannot be written off, especially in people with slow metabolism. The diet needs to be adjusted at least minimally.
  • The last thing is inventory. For convenience, it is recommended to purchase a mat, dumbbells, fitball ( sports ball), but the mat can be replaced with any non-slip floor covering, and the dumbbells can be replaced with water bottles. Leave the purchase of a fitball at your own discretion.

Exercises for weight loss

The exercise program for losing weight at home for anyone who decides to lose weight quickly and effectively should include two types of training: aerobic and strength training. The first ones are designed to warm up the body and increase blood circulation. They increase metabolism, make a person sweat, and when performed well for a long time, lead to noticeable weight loss in all parts of the body. The second will be aimed at specific muscle groups. This will allow you to “dry” the body, driving away body fat from each muscle, working out the relief.


This type of exercise is popular among all those involved in bodybuilding, because it helps to create a beautiful muscular figure. When it comes to losing weight, strength training is useful for working out individual muscles, but there is no need to fear that your muscles will grow by leaps and bounds. No, a good load will tighten them and make the body more elastic. The essence of strength training is to work with weight (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, or your body weight). Each type is performed n number of times from 2 to 5 approaches.

When performing this type of training, it is important not to overload yourself. The load must be increased gradually, otherwise the ligaments, tendons, and muscles may suffer due to severe stretching. This will allow your body to confidently gain strength and increase endurance. Alternate inhalations and exhalations correctly. The program of exercises for losing weight at home includes basic power elements, among which we can highlight squats with weights, bench press, working out the arms, chest, and shoulders using dumbbells.


In contrast to the power aerobic exercise All muscle groups are involved. When performing them, a person consumes a lot of oxygen and expends a lot of energy. Their second name is cardio training, because they give good load for the whole cardiovascular system. For this reason, it is very important to calculate the intensity of such training. Beginners or people with entry level preparations should not, from the very first lessons, bring yourself to exhaustion, severe shortness of breath and the inability to move your legs, since out of habit you are putting a lot of strain on your heart.

Sports trainers It is recommended to choose the intensity of aerobic exercise depending on your heart rate. This will allow you to calculate the most effective and at the same time safe pace. It is recommended to include aerobic exercise in weight loss programs three times a week, alternating with strength training. You can choose the type of activity at your discretion: running, walking, dancing, swimming, cycling or exercise bike.


One of the most popular methods to achieve good physical indicators– conduct interval training. They represent an alternation of increased and decreased activity with minimal time for rest. Nothing burns fat better than this type of approach, but it also takes a lot of energy, so not everyone can withstand a heavy load at once. Even an aerobic activity can be turned into an interval activity by running, jumping or pedaling at a high or low pace.

How to create a workout program for weight loss at home

A properly designed training program for losing weight at home is half the success of the whole endeavor. Insufficient and irregular load will not produce results, too intense will lead to overwork. It is important to decide on the three components of a good workout: frequency, intensity and exercise selection. In order to start losing weight, it is best to alternate between strength and aerobic training, using small weights of equipment and a higher number of repetitions. This will ensure an even load and a constant reduction in fat reserves.

In what order to perform

Another important factor on which good health and results depend is consistency. Whatever exercises your workout program for weight loss at home includes, perform them in the same order:

  • Warm up. Most avoid it, considering it a waste of time. Meanwhile, warming up is very important. It warms up muscles and ligaments, protects joints and spine from injury. You need to start every workout with it, spending 5-10 minutes on intense arm swings, bends, and turns.
  • The most difficult thing. Energy-intensive exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and push-ups are best done at the beginning of the workout, otherwise you won’t have any strength left for them later. Those types that need to be carefully worked out should come first, otherwise you will also not be able to perform them well in the end.
  • Load on muscle groups. The general basic one always comes first, then the corrective one.

How to alternate the load correctly

Sustainable weight loss can be achieved through properly distributed exercise. You need to tune in for 40-60 minutes of training, because fat begins to be consumed after the first half hour of training. During weight loss training, pay attention to:

  • Gradual increase. This applies to load and intensity.
  • Number of approaches. There should be no more than 5. In the future, the muscles become exhausted.
  • Alternating exercises for different groups muscles distant from each other. For example, first on the arms, then on the back. If you need to work out a separate area well, do several different exercises with an emphasis on her.
  • Load reduction. Don't let this happen to you. Once you feel used to it, try harder.

Home workout schedule

The speed of weight loss will depend on the frequency of exercise. It is best to appoint strength training to work out different muscle groups three times a week, create a daily table and follow the regimen. For example, on Monday, choose exercises for the upper body. On Wednesday - emphasis on the legs, on Friday - a complex for the buttocks and abs. Devote the remaining days to rest or light aerobic exercise, starting with 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing to 1-1.5 hours. You can combine strength and aerobic exercise in one workout, then you can safely rest 4 days a week.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home

A competent training program for losing weight at home should provide an even load on the entire body, including aerobic. An hour and a half training session is enough for this. There is no need to be overtired, because you can always regulate the number of hikes and give yourself a 5-minute rest. Your class schedule should definitely include a warm-up, several basic exercises, and complete the work on yourself with a cool-down, which will allow you to relax and retain strength after sports activity.


Warm-up is designed to warm up the body and supply the muscles with oxygen. Don't avoid it if you don't want to get injured, tear your lower back, or overstrain unheated muscles. To warm up, you can do several body movements, which should take no more than 15 minutes:

  • any swings of arms and legs;
  • jumping rope;
  • easy running;
  • rotational movements for the joints of the arms and legs.

Basic exercises

The main forces of the body and the lion's share of time need to be devoted to working out all zones. These are legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms. Here are the basic exercises that everyone can do at home:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs to the sides;
  • swing your legs back;
  • press;
  • bends;
  • raising your arms up and to the sides;
  • push-ups.


Athletes also have a term called a cool-down. It refers to a set of exercises that are performed at the end of a workout and takes up to 10 minutes. The purpose of the cool-down is to move from an excited to a calmer state, remove lactic acid from the muscles, and reduce the pulse. As a cool-down, you can do a slow jog, which will end with walking and pull-ups.

For a thin waist

If you want to slim your waist, it's important to set achievable goals. So, the generally accepted norm of 60 centimeters is correct only if your height is 160. This means that your waist circumference is the number that is obtained if you subtract 100 centimeters from your height. So, in order for your waist to become slim, you need to include in your classes:

  • Hoop or hula hoop. The weight of the projectile is important. It must be at least 2 kilograms, and it must be rotated for at least an hour.
  • Tilts. It's simple and effective exercise can be done in different variations (forward/backward, right/left).
  • Mill. The arms are placed to the sides and intense swings are made.

For slimming thighs and buttocks

Legs are one of the problematic parts of many people, especially girls, women, and much less often men. Cellulite, riding breeches, wide calves – all this requires correction. The following list will help you make your legs and buttocks beautiful:

  • forward lunges;
  • side lunges;
  • swing to the sides;
  • abduction of legs to the sides from a lying position;
  • deep squats with dumbbells.

For slimming the belly and sides

A general body weight loss scheme will help reduce the volume of the abdomen and sides. This process can be helped by adding a few exercises that will tighten the skin and muscles in this area:

  • bike;
  • lifting the body or twisting (better and more effectively performed on a fitball, on which you need to hold your legs);
  • roller skating (to begin with, you can do it from your knees, do not forget that you cannot bend your back - it must be straight all the time);
  • leg lifts at a 90 degree angle from starting position lying down (performed with lowering the legs, without touching the floor, so that the stomach is in constant tension).

What exercises should you do to lose weight on your arms?

Several exercises with and without equipment will help make your arms beautiful and give them a toned shape. Each works different parts of the arms, so it is recommended to alternate them from workout to workout or do them all one by one:

  • push-ups;
  • reverse push-ups (to do this, you need to rest your hands on the bench behind you, bend your elbows, lower and raise your torso);
  • pulling dumbbells to the chest.


When choosing an active and often rigorous training regimen, many of us completely overlook stretching exercises, which are also very useful for losing weight. problem areas, even taking into account static conditions. Stretching forces you to linger for a few seconds in each position, which helps to work out every cell of the body, develop flexibility and consolidate the result. Anyone who is familiar with yoga, even at a basic level, knows how energy-consuming, that is, effective for weight loss, the following exercises are:

  • dog looking down;
  • active pigeon;
  • cobra.
