Gymnastics after sleep for the middle group (complexes by month for a year). "complexes of morning and invigorating gymnastics" for children of the middle group Gymnastics, we finally woke up


In the morning the butterfly woke up, smiled, and stretched.
Once she washed herself with dew, twice she twirled gracefully,
three - she bent down and sat down, on four - she flew away.


Bear paws up, bear paws down
Bear, Bear, spin around, and then touch the ground.

And rub your tummy once, twice, three - once, two, three!

"Wake up and smile"
The eyes open, the eyelashes rise.
(Light facial massage.)
The children wake up and smile at each other.
(Turn their head right - left.)
We breathe evenly, deeply and freely, and easily.
(Take a deep breath and exhale, inflating and retracting the stomach)
What a wonderful exercise - how it helps us,
Improves mood and strengthens health.
(Rub with palms chest and forearms).
We clench our fists tightly and raise our arms higher.
(Slowly raise their hands up, quickly clenching and unclenching their fists.)
Stretch very, very hard. Smile wider at the sun!
(Hands outstretched and stretched)
Let's reach out! Smile!
Finally we woke up!
Good afternoon It's time to get up!
Make your bed.
"Get up kids"
Get up, kids!
The quiet hour has ended, daylight greets us.
We woke up and stretched. Stretch, twist.
We raised our heads and clenched our fists deftly.
Our legs started dancing, we don’t want to sleep anymore.
Let's lean on our legs and rise a little.
Everyone bent, rounded, and created bridges.
Well, now it's time to get up, get up, kids!
Everyone walks on the floor barefoot, and then runs lightly.
Take a breath and get up, stand on your tiptoes.
Lower yourself, exhale and repeat again.
Stretch your foot - walk.
Now they have completely woken up and returned to their business.
"Let's play"
Guys, wake up! Eyes, open!
Legs, stretch! Hands, rise up!
We will first take very small steps.
And then take a wider step, like this, like this.
Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up.
Raise your legs higher and walk like a heron.
The planes sat at the airfield, and then they took off.
They flew through the sky for a long, long time, then they landed - they were tired.
The ball was jumping high and high...
Rolled far, far...
He began to spin like a top, and then he stopped.
Oh, how butterflies fly and dance and flutter.
Suddenly they freeze, don’t move,
They sit on a flower.
Finally we woke up and returned to our business.
Hey guys, are you sleeping? Wake up, don't be lazy!
I'll push away the remnants of sleep, throw the blanket aside,
I need gymnastics - it helps a lot.
Look to the right, look to the left, tilt your head down.
Look to the right, look to the left, look at the ceiling.
Let's sit straight, legs together, arms up and bend over:
Bend over, pull yourself up, listen to your legs, don’t bend.
And now they sat down quietly, looked at each other,
We smiled, looked around and stumbled upon slippers.
They clenched their fingers, opened them, repeated this many times,
Do it quickly and your fingers will become stronger.
Hands like two wings, march around the table in steps
Straight to water procedures, and then back to business.
“Rising is announced!”

The rise is announced! The dream is over - let's get up!

But not right away. First, the hands woke up and stretched.

The legs straighten, they danced a little.

Let's turn over on our stomachs and bend over.

And then on your back again, now the bridges are ready.

Let's ride a bike for a while.

We raise our heads, we don’t want to lie down sick.

One, two, three and exactly on time we need to get on the mat.

This rug is unusual, button-shaped, cute.

This mat is very important. It is therapeutic, it is massage.

Stomp around, walk around and run a little.

Now let's walk on the floor on our toes, on our heels,

On outside feet, and then squat!

We will jog, we want to dance a little.

After some light twirling we will create a surprising figure.

We raise and lower the chest,

We inhale and exhale.

We finally wake up and get down to business!

“Dreams fly out the window”

The dreams flew out the window, ran away along the path,

Well, you and I woke up and, when we woke up, we smiled.

Open one eye, open another eye,

Now you and I will do stretches,

Lying on the pillow.

We pulled the blanket, we hide in it first,

We fold back slowly and look for the baby together.

In order to teach children to wake up (not all children like this and know how to do it calmly), you can periodically play hide and seek with them under the blanket. Then we sit down in the crib and “push apart” the ceiling with our hands. To see the sun. We alternately reach up with our right and then our left hands, while saying: “Polyagushechki - prosygushechki.”

We pull our arms, we pull our ears,

Using a pen, they took out the clouds and made them a little higher than the steel!

To wake up the head, you need to twist the neck

We do various swings and rotations.

To wake up your hands. We will teach them to clap.

Right, left, and above, behind and below.

We will hide the tail on the pillows. We will make turntables.

Children make turns towards the pillow lying behind them, looking for the “tail”. To maintain interest, you can look either left or right under the pillow.

Where did the legs go? How will we go along the path?

We lifted the blanket. Immediately my legs started running.

One, two. Three! Come on, legs, catch up!

Children sit and raise their legs and do the “Legs Run” exercise.

They turned over on their stomachs and quickly dived into the water.

And they swam as best they could! If you can, catch up!

Lying on their stomachs and raising their heads, looking at the teacher, children work with their arms and legs - their backs bend back. The muscles of the upper and lower belts are tense at the same time.

And now we are all dogs.

We get up on our knees.

The teacher shows the children how to get on all fours (knees-palms)

And we all wag our tail.

You can turn the pelvis to the right and left, you can raise one leg instead of the tail (as a more complex version).

And now you and I are bunnies: get out of the crib,

Go barefoot and jump lightly.

Breathing exercise:

Bunnies smell flowers like you can smell:

Inhaled through the nose (inhale through the nose)

Blow with your mouth (3-4 times).

We inhale the sun, we exhale sleep.

We inhale a smile - we exhale “whims”.

We breathe in health and let go of illness!

"Bear Cubs"

Wake up my friend and smile.
Turn from side to side and turn into a bear cub

The cubs lived in the thicket, turning their heads!
Like this. That's how they turned their heads
(turns head).
Here our little bear is walking, he will never fall.
Top-top, top-top, top-top, top-top.
(imitation of walking).

A bear found honey in the forest - not enough honey, a lot of bees
(wave your arms).
Mishka was walking through the forest and met a musician.
And now in the dense forest he sings under a bush.
Breathing exercises .
Take a deep breath, exhale: “M-M-M.”
You were cubs, now become guys.

"I'm lying in the sun"

The sun woke up and smiled at us all
(children smile).

Let's remember the sunny summer, let's remember the free time.
Let's remember the blue river and the sand on the shore

(The teacher says: “Turn on your stomach, let your backs bask in the sun”).

I'm lying in the sun, I'm looking at the sun.
I just lie there and look at the sun
(lying on your stomach, moving your legs).
Now let’s swim together, you need to do this with your hands
(hand movements).
We went ashore and went home
(imitation of walking).

Breathing exercises:

"Boat Rowing" (sitting, legs apart)

inhale - pull in the stomach (hands forward),

exhale - stick out your stomach (arms to the sides). (5-6 times).

And now, single file, single file, run to the washbasin.


What is it that we hear? It's rain knocking on the roof.
And now it goes harder and hits the roof faster
(they hit the palm of the other with the pads of the fingers of one hand).
Let's raise our hands up and reach the cloud
(raise hands up, stretch)
Get away from us quickly, don't scare us children
(wave hands)

The sun came to us, it became fun and bright
(turn head right, left).
Now let’s stand on our own two feet and become big.
(I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise clasped hands up - inhale, lower down - slowly exhale while pronouncing the word Uh-kh)

Tili-tili-tili-don, what a strange chime.
Then our alarm clock rings, telling us to wake up.

I’ll push the rest of the sleep blanket aside.
We need gymnastics, it helps a lot.

We woke up and stretched.

They turned from side to side and stretched back.
And one more time, we turned from side to side,
And they pulled back.

We raised our legs and stood on the pedals.
I turn the pedal faster, and I swing, I swing, I swing.
We found ourselves in a meadow.
Motley wings flutter, these are butterflies flying.

Let's stand by the crib together. And we'll look out the window.
A rooster walked across the yard and shouted to us “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
He flapped his wings and stomped his feet.

Well, in response, we will all shout to him “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
Our legs, our legs ran along the path.

(Movements are performed in accordance with the words).


Wake up my friend and smile.
Turn from side to side
And turn into a bunny.
(turn right, then left).

To jump the furthest, the bunny raised his paws up.
Stretched and... bounce.
(stretch while lying on your back, hands down).
Bunnies are lying on their backs, all the bunnies are playful:
They all bend their legs together and hit their knees.

So he saw a fox, got scared and fell silent
(Press your hands to your chest, hold your breath).

We'll outwit the fox and run on tiptoes
(lying on your back, leg movement, simulating running).

"Good afternoon!"

1.Exercises in bed

Hands, legs, cheeks, ears love stretching.

We will stroke them lightly and wake up slowly.

Where, where are our eyes? Answer without prompting.

We covered them with our palm and stroked them a little.

We raised our eyes, and blinked, and blinked.

Eyes, eyes, good afternoon! We are not too lazy to wake up!

Right ear with palm, left ear with palm

We stroked everything, guys, and tugged a little!

Ears, ears, good afternoon! We are not too lazy to wake up!

Right cheek with your palm, left cheek with your palm,

Everyone was petted, guys, and clapped a little!

Cheeks, cheeks, good afternoon! We are not too lazy to wake up!

Let's play with the right handle, let's play with the left handle -

We connect the fingers and then separate them.

Pens, pens, good afternoon! We are not too lazy to clap our hands!

Right leg with palm, left leg with palm

We petted everything, guys, and stomped a little!

Legs, legs, good afternoon! We are not too lazy to stomp together!

So we will wake up, wash ourselves, get dressed!
2. Walking on a path with footprints

Let's all get back on our feet and grow up right away.

Let's all get on our feet and go like this.

Back straight - look forward. Don't knock your feet.

Let's learn how to walk like this and show it to mom.

3. Exercise "Charging"

And now, in order, let’s get together and start exercising.

Arms to the sides, bent,

Lifted up

They sat down together and touched their heels.

They stood up on their toes, waved,

They hid them behind their backs and looked around:

Over the right shoulder, over the left again.

We sat down together, touched our heels,
We stood up on our toes and lowered our hands down.

(Children perform movements according to the text.)

4. Breathing exercise "Funny ball"

I.p.: stand up straight, legs apart. Raise your hands with an imaginary ball to your chest, inhale and throw the ball forward from your chest, while exhaling, say “u-h-h-h” (5 times).

5. Water treatments- extensive washing(hands, face).

Well, did the little kitties wake up?

We stretched sweetly and turned on our backs

And now we are interested in looking around.

Let's turn the head to the left and see what's there?

Now let’s stretch our paws and show our claws.

Let's count how many fingers, where are your fists?

We almost woke up and got ready to run.

Well, are your legs ready? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

To avoid yawning from boredom, we stood up and rubbed our hands

And then with a palm to the forehead - clap-clap-clap

Are your cheeks bored too? We can clap them too

Come on, don’t yawn together 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

And now, look, we’ve reached the chest

Let's knock on it to the best of our ability from above, below, left, right.

We bend down a little and breathe evenly. Let's clap as high as we can.

Well done my kittens, now let's go play.

We just need to line up one after another first.

We are walking along a path, not an easy path.

On the uneven, on the prickly, on the rough - that's what it is!

We walk along the path and raise our legs higher.

We fly, we fly, we catch up with the warm wind.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we all know how to walk.

Raise your hands to the sun. Squat a hundred times in a row.

We know how to relax too. Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher and breathe easily, easily.

“My back is straight”

“My back is straight” I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

“I’m not afraid of bending over” (bending forward)

“I straighten, I bend, I turn”

“One, two. three, four, three, four, one, two!” (turns of the torso-arms on the belt).

“I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight” (walking in place)

"One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two" (torso turns)

“I can sit down and stand up, sit down and stand up again.” (actions in accordance with the text)

“I’ll bend over here and there!” Oh, what a straight back!” (torso bends, hands slide over hips).


(Children lie down on the bed, “curled up”)

And our kittens are sleeping. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They don't want to wake up. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They sleep quietly back to back and purr in their sleep:

(Turn on their backs

and do rotational exercises with arms and legs)

Everyone lay down on their backs. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They all got crazy. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

Paws up, and everything in a row, everyone purrs and plays pranks.

Mur-mur, pur-pur! .pur-pur-pur!

Back massage “Rain”

The rain runs on the roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

(stand behind each other like a train and pat each other on the back)

At home, sit at home - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

Don't go out anywhere - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

(tapping fingers)

Read, play - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

If I leave, then go for a walk... Bom-bom, bom-bom!

(pumping fists)

"Hares are gray balls"

Gray balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.

Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”).

Jump-jump, jump-jump Jumping back and forth

The little bunny stood on a tree stump

He lined everyone up in order and began showing exercises.

Stand up straight, lower your arms

Once, everyone walks in place Step in place

"Two!" Make a scissoring motion with your hands in front of you.

. "Three!" Hands waving together .

We sat down and stood up together! Sit down. Stand up.

Everyone scratched behind the ear Scratch behind the ear

Reached for four Straighten up.

Five! Bent over and bent over Bend over, lean forward

Six! Everyone lined up again

We marched like a squad Marching in a circle


The children are walking happily, they are carrying hoops.

(walk one after another, holding a hoop on your shoulder)

They began to raise the hoop, they began to lower the hoop

(raise the hoop up and lower it down)

They looked out the window and everyone sat down together

(sit down, stretching your arms with the hoop forward)

Let's bend together and bend our backs

(bend forward, stretching your arms with the hoop in front of you)

Let's turn the hoop to the right, turn the hoop to the left

(turns right, left with a hoop)

We don’t let go of the hoop, we crawl through the hoop

(thread the hoop from top to bottom)

Let's take it with our hands and step over it with our feet.

(keeping your hands side by side, take the hoop with both hands and

step over it forward and backward, raising your legs high)

We lower the hoop to the floor and we begin jumping.

(jumping on two legs in a hoop and stepping over it)

Invigorating gymnastics complexes for children 4-5 years old

Complex No. 1

"Teddy Bear"

Teddy bear cub

Slept in a den next to my mother

And when spring came,

The she-bear woke up her son:

Little bear, get up

And do your exercises!

Children lie on their sides, curled up.

Turn from side to side,

And lie down on your back.

They turn over to the other side, then lie on their back.

Wipe your sleepy eyes

And raise your head.

They rub their eyes with their fists, tilt their head back a little, lifting their chin up.

Look left, look right,

Stretch your paws towards the sun.

Turn your head to the sides, raise your arms up.

Now hurry up and sit down

And you lean forward.

They sat down on the bed, bent over, and touched their feet with their hands.

I need to stretch my paws,

To run and jump.

Stretch your soles and toes.

And now it's time to get up,

Get out of the den!

They get up and go get dressed.

2. Physical exercise

  • Back massage “Rain”

3.. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 2

"Sunny bunnies"

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

The sun rose in the morning

We connect the tips of our fingers, depicting a ball, and raise our hands up.

It's time for the kids to wake up too!

We spread our arms to the sides.

Let's stretch our arms to the sun,

Let's play with the rays.

We raise our hands up, rotate the “flashlights” with our hands, and look at our hands.

Suddenly through our fingers

Bunnies will come to us.

We look through our fingers, lightly touching our faces with our palms.

Sunny, not simple,

But they jump like they’re alive:

We depict bunnies: hands in fists, index and middle fingers up - ears, move the “ears”.

From the forehead to the temples,

On the nose, on the cheeks

On the shoulders, on the neck,

And even on the knees!

Lightly tap with your fingertips

We clapped our hands

And they grabbed bunnies

Let's clap our hands,

Grasping movements

But to the radiant sun

The bunnies have galloped away!

We raise our hands up, spread our fingers, and rotate our hands.

2. Physical exercise

IP - sitting on chairs."Let's warm our feet

Complex No. 3

"We woke up"

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Finally we woke up

They rub their eyes with their fists.

Sweet, sweet reached out,

They stretch.

To make sleep go away, yawn

They yawn.

They shook their heads slightly.

Shaking their head from side to side.

Shoulders raised

Raise their shoulders.

They waved their hands,

Hands in front of chest, scissors.

Knees bent

Bend your knees.

They pressed me to my chest.

Wrap your arms around your legs and press.

They moved their toes,

Socks on yourself, away from you, alternately.

They kicked their legs.

Stretch your legs and shake them.

We don't want to sleep anymore

Show with your fingers or palms.

Let's play fun

Clap your hands.

2. Physical exercise

“We’ll go to our garden.

We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

- (Walking on toes)

“The road is short and narrow.

Let's go, we step on our toes!

"We're walking along the curb

We squat on it"

"Tired legs

We walked along the path."

“We sat down on a pebble,

Sit down and sit."

“Legs are resting,

Muscles relax"

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 4

Kids are tough

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

(performed while standing near the cribs)

Kids are tough

came out in order.

We walk in place

Kids are tough

Doing exercises.

Hands to the sides, bend your elbows.

Hands up, hands down,

They leaned together.

Raise your arms up, lower them, tilt down, touch your knees.

One more time, one more time

Straightened up straight.

Repeat, straighten up.

Left, right turn -

Let's look to the sides.

Side turns.

One more time, one more time

Let's look to the sides.

Side turns.

Like this, like this

Together we walk!

Walking in place.

Like this, like this

Let's grow up together!

Stand on your toes, arms up, stretch.

2. Physical exercise (2-3 min.)

“We’ll show you a little,

How a cat walks softly

Barely audible - thump, thump, thump,

Ponytail from below: op-op-op"

A cat can be fast"

“He rushes upward bravely.

Jump and jump, jump again."

“And then “Meow” meows!

I’m running away to my house!”

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 5

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Game "Winter and Summer" Winter Summer

- Self-massage of palms (fire to keep warm

Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

IP - sitting on chairs."Let's warm our feet" Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes. (6-8 times)

I. p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels. (6-8 times)

I.p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your legs in the air. (6-8 times) - I.p. - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

Complex No. 6

IP: - lying on your back, arms along your body. 1- Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you; 2-i.p. (3-4 times)

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out. 1- stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction; 2- I.p. (3-4 times)

- Game “Winter and Summer” IP: lying on your back. On the signal " Winter "- children should curl up into a ball, pretending that they are cold. On the signal " Summer !” - open up and relax.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Walking one after another (barefoot)

“We’ll go to our garden.

We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

- (Walking on toes)

“The road is short and narrow.

Let's go, we step on our toes!

- (Additional step sideways with a “spring”)

"We're walking along the curb

We squat on it"

- (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping your torso straight and looking forward)

"Tired legs

We walked along the path."

- (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor. (6-8 times)

“We sat down on a pebble,

Sit down and sit."

(Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet)

“Legs are resting,

Muscles relax"

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

"Sunflower" - In the middle of the courtyard there is a golden head.

I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms up through your sides, stand on your toes; 2- return to starting position.

"Carrot" - For a curly braid

I drag her out of the hole. I.p. - kneeling. 1- bend forward, arms forward-down; 2- return to IP.

“Turnip” - “Round side, yellow side,

The bun is sitting in the garden bed.”

IP - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your arms up through the sides, 2 - return to IP.

"Potato" -

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.

Dig a little - there are potatoes under the bush.

I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise your arms and legs at an angle of 45° upward; 2- return to IP.

"Cabbage" -

Shred upon shred - green patch,

1- bend your knees upward, place your hands on your back; 2- return to IP.


"Who stands on a stick

With a beard made from a washcloth

The wind blows - it makes noise,

He twitches his legs and creaks."

Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.

5. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water).

Complex No. 7

1 . Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- (Children lie down on the bed, “curled up”)

And our kittens are sleeping. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They don't want to wake up. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They sleep quietly back to back and purr in their sleep:

- (Turn on your back and do rotational exercises with your arms and legs)

Everyone lay down on their backs. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They all got crazy. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

Paws up, and everything in a row, everyone purrs and plays pranks.

Mur-mur, pur-pur! .pur-pur-pur!

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

- (Silent tiptoeing)

“We’ll show you a little,

How a cat walks softly

Barely audible - thump, thump, thump,

Ponytail from below: op-op-op"

– (High, easy jumps from foot to foot in a circle)

“But, raising your fluffy tail,

A cat can be fast"

- (Jumping on two legs in place, as high as possible).

“He rushes upward bravely.

Jump and jump, jump again."

- (They meow loudly and run away to the chairs)

“And then “Meow” meows!

I’m running away to my house!”

Self-massage of feet

IP - sitting on chairs, cross your legs. On the right hand, bend the fingers, making a “pinch”, and move them vigorously along the foot of the left foot; repeat everything on the right leg.

Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • “Angry cat pose” I.p. - kneel down, then place your arms and hips perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Lower your head and gently arch your back upward. Focus on the spine. (10-15 seconds)
  • “Good cat pose” I.p. - Same. Raise your head, smoothly bend at the waist as much as possible (10-15 seconds)
  • "Tail" I.p. - Same. Move your hips left and right, like a “cat” twirling its tail,” first at a slow pace, then gradually speeding up.
  • "Cat is a scratcher." I. p. - standing, arms extended forward. Inhale through the nose - hands to the shoulders, moving the elbows back and clenching the fingers into fists; The shoulder blades should come together. Exhale sharply through the mouth (f-f-f-..). - Throw your arms forward with your fingers widely spaced, making energetic movements, as if scratching the space in front of you.
  • Back massage “Rain”

Repeat 1st verse (stroking with palms)

4. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water)

Complex No. 8

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping began to grow in my sleep")

Game "Winter and Summer".

" Winter!" " Summer!"

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)


3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 9

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Exercise with hoops.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

- (lift the hoop up and lower down)

- We looked out the window,

And everyone sat down friendly (

- Let's tilt together,

And we’ll all bend our backs (

(thread the hoop from top to bottom)

4. Back massage

The rain runs on the roof -

Bom! Bom! Bom! cheerful ringing roof

Bom! Bom! Bromine!

At home, at home, sit-Finger tapping

Read, play -Fist pounding


Complex No. 10

1. Gymnastics in bed.

I.p. - the child lies on his back, arms along the body: press his chin to his chest (without raising his head), pull his socks towards himself; stretch, aiming the top of your head in one direction, heels in the opposite direction, return to the starting position.

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out: stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

2. Self-massage to prevent colds (2-3 min.)

Educator: It snowed, but it’s a shame - We’re not ready for winter. We don’t need to catch a cold. Let’s give ourselves a massage!

(Children give themselves acupressure massage of biologically active zones to prevent colds):

The duck quacks, calling all the ducklings with him,

(Stroke your neck with your palms from top to bottom)

And the cat follows them, as if to a watering hole.

(Rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers)

The cat looks cunning and dreams of catching them!

(He strokes his forehead from the middle to his temples with his fingers)

Don't look at the ducklings -

You can't swim!

(Spread your index and middle fingers, make a “fork” and massage the points near the ear)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • “Skier”: simulation of skiing for 1.5 minutes
  • “Tree”: the legs and torso stand motionless, and the hands and fingers imitate the swaying of branches in the wind. The trees stand in the frost

Either white or blue.

  • “Bird”: the arm is brought forward 45 degrees from the body, thumb down. Then it is pulled up and to the side.

Look at the trees

The bullfinches have arrived.

  • “There will be firewood for the winter”: stand in pairs, holding your right hands, hide your left hand behind your back and imitate the movements of your fingers.


We are now sawing the log, sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing

One-two, One-two!

There will be firewood for the winter"

4. Finger game"Snowman"

- Come on my friend, be brave my friend,

- Roll your snowball in the snow

(Show snowballs flying)

- It will turn into a thick lump.

(Show your hands in front of you with a large lump of)

And the lump will become a Snowman.

(Put your hands on your belt, shake your head and smile)

- His smile is so bright (smile)

- Two eyes, a hat, a nose... a broom...

(Use your hands to point to your eyes, head, nose, raise one hand up, spreading your fingers (“broom”)

But the sun will be a little hot -

Alas, there is no Snowman.

(Spread your arms to the sides)

5. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 11

2. Corrective physical exercise. “Walk in the winter forest” to improve vision (2-3 min.)

We came to the winter forest. (Walking in circles)

There are so many miracles around here! (Spread your arms to the sides)

On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat (Move your arms to the right and look at her).- On the left the tree is looking at us (Take awayhand to the left and follow it with your gaze)- Snowflakes are spinning in the sky, ("Flashlights" twice and look up)- They lie beautifully on the ground. (Sit down while spinning). - So the bunny galloped, he ran away from the fox (Jumping on 2 legs in place). -This is a gray wolf prowling, he is looking for prey! (Hands on his belt, bending to the sides) - We will all hide now, then he won’t find us! (Slowly crouch, hiding) - Only a bear sleeps in a den, so he will sleep all winter(Imitate a dream) - Bullfinches arrive, wow, they are beautiful! (Imitate the flight of birds) - There is beauty and peace in the forest (Spread your arms to the sides)- It’s just cold in winter (Wrap your arms around your shoulders)

3. Wellness massage of the whole body (2-3 min.)(make quick, frequent claps on the corresponding words):- To avoid yawning from boredom,

They stood up and rubbed their hands,

And then with a palm to the forehead -


Are your cheeks bored too?

We can clap them too.

Come on, come on together, don’t yawn:


Here's the neck. Come on, lively

Let's move on to the scruff.

And now, look,

We got to the chest.

Let's knock on it for glory:

Top, bottom, left, right.

Let's knock here and there,

And a little on the sides.

Don't get bored and don't be lazy!

We moved to the lower back.

We bend down a little and breathe evenly.

Clap as high as possible.

  • Perform circular movements in one direction and the other with your big toes.
  • Children must take the handkerchief from the teacher with their toes and hold it in weight.
  • Children spread a handkerchief on the floor and first collect it with the fingers of their right foot and lift it, holding it with their toes; then do the same with the toes of the left foot.

5. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 12

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Stretching. - I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, release (the same alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

Let's relax! - I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

The children are given a riddle: He is grazing in the meadow,

Eats green grass.

Just tell him: “But!”

He will carry on easily. (Horse)

2. Physical exercise “Tsok-tsok-tsok” (2-3min)

Hooves clatter loudly(Walking in place)

A horse races across the bridge(Straight canter)

Clack-clack-clack! Jumping after her

Foal and boy (Jumping one after another)

Clack - the colt's hooves (Stamp with the right foot) Clack - the heel on the boards loudly (Stamp with the left foot) They rushed, only the floor swirled ("Winner" with their hands) Everyone had to step aside (Step back on their heels)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • Tilts to the sides;

4. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

5. Water procedures (washing, dousing hands with cool water)

Complex No. 13

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower (the same thing - alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

- “Resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • Let's go on a hike

We walk on our toes. (

  • Silence surrounds

We are now out in the meadow. (

  • Like soldiers on parade

We walk row by row.

Left - once, left - once,

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 14

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-Zmin.)

I. p. - lying on your back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body, press your chin to your chest. Socks for yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the crown of the head should tend in the opposite direction; return to the starting position.

- IP - lying on your stomach, arms up. The head rests on the forehead: stretch, the top of the head tending in one direction, and with your hands press the pelvis, pulling it in the opposite direction, return to the position.

2. Physical exercise

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt of the knees to the left, in the i.p., tilt of the knees to the right, in the i.p.

3. I.p.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest, with the sound “f-f” - exhale (through the nose).

4. I.p.: the same, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

5. I.p.: standing, legs apart, hands down. Clap your hands - exhale; spread your palms to the sides - exhale.

6. I.p.: o.s. Stretching: reached to the ceiling, returned to IP.

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 15

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- Sipping. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left hand, right and left leg(either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time, stretching your spine. (3-4 times)

Game "Winter and Summer"(muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - lying on your back, to the signal “ Winter “Children should curl up into a ball, pretending to be cold. On the signal " Summer "! children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm. (3-4 times)

- Self-massage of palms ("It's very cold in winter, so we'll getfire to keep warm"") I.p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Quickly rub your palms until warm, then “wash” your face with warm palms. (3-4 times)

2. Physical exercise

1. I.p. Sitting, cross your legs in a Turkish style. From above, use the finger of your right hand to show the trajectory of its movement, follow with your eyes.

The first drop fell - drop!

Do the same with the other hand.

And the second one came running - drop!

2. I.p. Same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.

We looked at the sky

The droplets sang “drip-drip”,

Faces got wet.

3. I.p. Same. Wipe your face with your hands and get to your feet.

We wiped them off.

4. I.p.: o.s. Show with your hands, look down.

Look, your shoes are wet.

5. I.p. o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders.

Let's move our shoulders together

And shake off all the droplets.

6. I.p.: o.s. Run in place. Repeat 3-4 times.

Let's run away from the rain.

7. I.p.: o.s. Squats.

Let's sit under a bush.

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 16

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping (“The Snow Queen uttered magic words, and the childrenbegan to grow in my sleep")

I.p. - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time.

Game "Winter and Summer".(muscle tension and relaxation")

IP - lying on your back. On signal" Winter!" children should curl up in a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. On signal" Summer!" children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Exercise with hoops.

Children stand in a circle. Everyone holds onto their own hoop and the other child’s hoop. It turns out vicious circle- "carousel". To the words “Barely

The carousel was barely spinning” - everyone begins to move at a slow pace. Then, to the words “And then, then, then, everyone run, run, run!” - everyone runs, to the words “Hush!, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel!” - the children start walking. The teacher suggests disassembling the carousel and doing exercises with the hoop.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

- The children are walking happily, they are carrying hoops.

(walk one after another, holding a hoop on your shoulder)

- They began to raise the hoop, they began to lower the hoop(lift the hoop up and lower down)

- We looked out the window,

And everyone sat down friendly (sit down, stretching your arms with the hoop forward)

- Let's tilt together,

And we’ll all bend our backs (bend forward, stretching your arms with the hoop in front of you)

- Turn the hoop to the right, turn the hoop to the left (turn to the right, turn the hoop to the left)

We don’t let go of the hoop, we crawl through the hoop(thread the hoop from top to bottom)

Let's take it with our hands and step over it with our feet.(keep your hands close and take the hoopwith both hands and step over it forward and backward, raising your legs high)

We lower the hoop to the floor and we begin jumping (jumping on two legs in a hoop and stepping over it)

4. Back massage

The rain runs on the roof -Stand behind each other like a train,

Bom! Bom! Bom! and pat each other on the backcheerful ringing roof

Bom! Bom! Bromine!

At home, at home, sit-Finger tapping

Bom! Bom! Bom! Don't go out anywhere - Bom! Bom! Bom!

Read, play -Fist pounding

Bom! Bom! Bom! And if I leave - then go for a walk - Bom! Bom! Bom!

Rain running on the roof - Stroking palms Bom! Bom! Bom! On the cheerful ringing roof Bom! Bom! Bom!

5. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 17

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

2. Physical exercise

Attention game "Pathway". At the teacher's command"path" , the children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, lowering their heads slightly down. At the command “Hump”, children go to the center of the circle, raising their joined hands up. On the word “Humps”, children squat with their hands on their heads.

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
  • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”). “Grey balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.” – Jumping back and forth “Jump-jump, jump-jump- - Stand up straight, lower your arms. “The little bunny stood on the stump. He lined everyone up in order. He began to show exercises - Step on the spot,” once, everyone walks on the spot. - With your hands in front of you, perform the “scissors” movement “Two!” They wave their hands together. Sit down. Stand up. "Three!" We sat down and stood up together! - Scratch behind the ear. “Everyone scratched behind the ear” - Straighten up. “Stretched for four” - Bend over, lean forward “Five!” Bend over and bend over” “Six! Everyone stood in a row again” - Marching in a circle. “We walked like a squad”

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 18

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's high time to get up.

Hurry up to charge,

We won't keep you waiting!

Breathe deeply through your nose,

Keep your backs straight.

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along your body, tense your body, inhale, hold for a few seconds, relax, exhale.

2. IP: lying on your back, arms to the sides, clench your fingers into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in IP, inhale.

3. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, raise your left leg straight, raise your straight right leg, keep them together, etc. (lower at the same time).

4. IP: lying on your back, hands resting on your elbows, bend over, lift your chest up, keep your head straight (3-5 seconds), return to IP.

5. I.p.: lying on your stomach, hands behind your head, bend over, hands to your shoulders, legs lying on the floor, hold, etc.

6. I.p.: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, placing emphasis on your forearms, neck stretched - inhale, exhale.

2. Physical exercise

  • “Buddles-leaves” I.p. - raise your arms forward. Clench your fingers into a fist - unclench the “buds” with your fists - “leaves bloom.” Raise your hands up and repeat the same thing;
  • Tilts to the sides;
  • “Bush tree” I.p. - standing, arms to the sides; on 1 - sit down, arms forward; 2- return to IP; 3- stand on your toes, arms up; 4- return to i. p;
  • “Where is the birch, where is the rowan?” I.p. - legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, arms below are turned to the sides, arms are moved to the same side;
  • “Get a twig”: high jumps with clapping overhead, alternating with walking.

3. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

  • Walk on your toes, maintaining good posture.
  • Walking with different positions of the feet - on the outside of the foot, with the toes together, the heels apart, with the toes widely spread.
  • Walking sideways on a thick cord.
  • Walk in place without lifting your toes off the floor.

4. Water procedures (washing, dousing hands with cool water)

Complex No. 19

1. Gymnastics in bed (5 min.)

1. IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), IP, raise your left leg (straight), IP.

2. IP: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel”, “riding a bicycle”, IP.

3. I.p.: lying on your back, arms up, turn the torso to the right, without lifting your feet from the floor, i.p., turn the body to the left, i.p.

4. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front (elbows touching each other) - exhale, IP, elbows touch the floor - inhale,

5. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, arms up through the sides - inhale, exhale.

6. I.p.: o.s., accept correct posture without visual control (eyes closed), repeat 3-4 times.

2. Physical exercise

- Game for attention “Path”. At the teacher's command"path", the children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, lowering their heads slightly down. At the command “Hump”, children go to the center of the circle, raising their joined hands up. On the word “Humps”, children squat with their hands on their heads.

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
  • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

- Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”). “Grey balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.” – Jumping back and forth “Jump-jump, jump-jump- - Stand up straight, lower your arms. “The little bunny stood on the stump. He lined everyone up in order. He began to show exercises - Step on the spot,” once, everyone walks on the spot. - With your hands in front of you, perform the “scissors” movement “Two!” They wave their hands together. Sit down. Stand up. "Three!" We sat down and stood up together! - Scratch behind the ear. “Everyone scratched behind the ear” - Straighten up. “Stretched for four” - Bend over, lean forward “Five!” Bend over and bend over” “Six! Everyone stood in a row again” - Marching in a circle. “We walked like a squad”

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 20

1. Gymnastics in bed (5 min.)

1. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times).

2. I.p. the same, blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.

3. I.p. the same, massage the eyelids through closed eyelids in a circular motion index fingers within 1 min.

4. I.p. the same, with three fingers of each hand, lightly press on the upper eyelid, after 1-2 seconds. Remove the fingers of the candle and repeat 3-7 times.

5. I.p. the same, move your eyes to the right, to the left.

6. I.p. the same, look up and down.

2. Physical exercise

Let's go on a hike

How many discoveries await us! (Walking in circles)

  • We follow each other, Summer and spring meadow.

We walk on our toes. (Walking on your toes with your arms up)

  • We walk on our heels, so we checked our posture and brought our shoulder blades together. (Walking on your heels with your hands behind your back)
  • Motley wings flicker, butterflies fly in the field. ( Easy running on your toes, making smooth swings with your arms)
  • One, two, three, four, they flew and spun. (Spin on your toes in place).
  • Silence surrounds

We are now out in the meadow. (walking with high knees)

  • We grow, we grow, we bloom, we bloom. (Take a flower in each hand, lift them up and lower them to chest level)
  • Swish the flower back and forth, do it once and do it twice. (Turns left and right with the flower moving to the side)
  • You need to sit down carefully so as not to touch the flowers. (Deep squat, stretching your arms with flowers forward, put flowers in a vase)
  • We quickly went down to the river, bent down and washed ourselves. (Tilts down)
  • And now everyone lies down together, you need to do this with your hands. (Lying on your stomach, lift top part torso, and make circular movements with their hands, as when swimming)
  • We see two funny frogs jumping at the edge of the forest. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

You need to jump on your toes. (Jumping on toes)

  • Like soldiers on parade

We walk row by row.

Left - once, left - once,

Look at us all. (March step)

3. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
  • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 21

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- Stretching. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right and left hand up, stretch, and release. (the same thing alternately with the left hand, right and left foot)

- “We’re resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2. Physical exercise

1. I.p.: o.s. Shaking a finger.

A beetle flew into our group,

He buzzed and sang: “W-w-w!”

2. Move your hand to the right, follow the direction of your hand with your eyes, and do the same in the other direction.

Here he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

Here he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

3. Use the index finger of your right hand to move towards your nose.

A beetle wants to sit on your nose,

We won't let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed.

5. I.p.: standing, legs apart. Make rotational movements with your hands (“top”) and insert.

Buzzed and spun


6. Retract your hand right side, follow with your eyes. The same in the other direction.

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

7. Raise your arms up, look up.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

8. Rise on your toes, look up.

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the bug.

9. Clap your hands.

Let's clap together


10. Imitate the flight of a beetle.

So that I couldn’t fly away,


3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 22

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, i.p.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks towards you, i.p.

3. I.p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, spread the toes to the sides, i.p.

4. "Transition". I.p. the same, stepping with your toes, bending your knees, the same with straightening your legs.

5. "Hammers". I.p.: sitting, legs bent, arms supported behind the back, toes on toes, left heel hitting the floor.

2. Physical exercise

- Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

- I.p. - sitting on chairs."Let's warm our feet" Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes. (6-8 times)

- I. p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels. (6-8 times)

- I.p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your legs in the air. (6-8 times) - I.p. - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 23

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- Sipping(“The Snow Queen uttered magic words, and the childrenbegan to grow in my sleep")

I.p. - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time.

- Game “Winter and Summer”.(muscle tension and relaxation")

IP - lying on your back. On signal" Winter!"children should curl up in a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. On signal" Summer!"children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm.

2. Physical exercise

“My back is straight” I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

  • “My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending” (bending forward)
  • “I straighten, bend, turn” (actions in accordance with the text)
  • “One, two. three, four, three, four, one, two!” (turns of the torso-arms on the belt).
  • “I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight” (walking in place)
  • “One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two” (torso turns)
  • “I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again” (actions in accordance with the text)
  • “I’ll bend over here and there!” Oh, my back is straight!” (torso bends, hands slide over hips).

3. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 24

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-Zmin.)

- I. p. - lying on your back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body, press your chin to your chest. Socks for yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the crown of the head should tend in the opposite direction; return to the starting position.

- IP - lying on your stomach, arms up. The head rests on the forehead: stretch, the top of the head tending in one direction, and with your hands press the pelvis, pulling it in the opposite direction, return to the position.

2. Physical exercise

  • “Angry cat pose” I.p. - kneel down, then place your arms and hips perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Lower your head and gently arch your back upward. Focus on the spine. (10-15 seconds)
  • “Good cat pose” I.p. - Same. Raise your head, smoothly bend at the waist as much as possible (10-15 seconds)
  • "Tail" I.p. - Same. Move your hips left and right, like a “cat” twirling its tail,” first at a slow pace, then gradually speeding up.
  • "Cat is a scratcher." I. p. - standing, arms extended forward. Inhale through the nose - hands to the shoulders, moving the elbows back and clenching the fingers into fists; The shoulder blades should come together. Exhale sharply through the mouth (f-f-f-..). - Throw your arms forward with your fingers widely spaced, making energetic movements, as if scratching the space in front of you.
  • Back massage “Rain”

The rain runs on the roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!(stand behind each other like a train and pat each other on the back)

- At home, sit at home - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

Don’t go out anywhere - Bom-bom, bom-bom! (tapping with fingers)

- Read, play - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

If I leave, then go for a walk... Bom-bom, bom-bom! (pumping with fists)

- Repeat 1st verse (stroking with palms)

3. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water)

Invigorating gymnastics is carried out in a preschool institution after nap. Having a general strengthening effect on the child’s body, it facilitates awakening after sleep and stimulates activity. internal organs. Invigorating gymnastics, as a rule, has three parts.

First part: carried out immediately after sleep. Its task is to help the child move from sleep to wakefulness. In this part, stretching-type exercises are performed, moving the limbs at a slow pace.

Second part: sleeping clothes are removed, children remain in shorts and a T-shirt, barefoot. The task of this part is to promote the activation of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems children's bodies, help prevent postural disorders and flat feet. Contains general developmental exercises that can be performed, for example, standing by the bed, sitting on chairs, using rhythmic gymnastics complexes to music, etc. Depending on the tasks, exercises are also carried out to prevent postural disorders and flat feet.

Third part: contains hardening procedures. Requirements for performing gymnastics after sleep:

A flat bed and pillow do not prevent the child from stretching out to his full height;

IP: lying on your back (on your stomach) is performed straight (head, torso, legs form a straight line), the teacher, if necessary, corrects each child;

The pace of the exercises is calm, it is recommended to use fixation correct positions and poses (from 2 to 6 seconds);

The number of repetitions of motor actions is on average 4 times, the dosage is individual for each child, depending on his well-being and desires, the teacher encourages children to perform exercises, but does not force them;

It is recommended to complete invigorating gymnastics with hardening procedures. This could be walking on a wet salt path (mat) with a transition to a dry one (bike); washing hands up to the elbows with water at room temperature. Approximate complexes invigorating gymnastics exercises for middle preschool children:

Complex No. 1

1. First part(2-3 min.)

"We woke up"

Finally, we woke up, (Rub their eyes with their fists)

Sweetly, sweetly stretched, (Stretched).

To make sleep go away, they yawn, (Yawn).

They shook their heads slightly. (Shakes head from side to side).

They raised their shoulders, (Raise their shoulders).

They waved their arms (Hands in front of the chest, “scissors”).

The knees were bent, (Bend your knees).

They pressed them to the chest. (Wrap your arms around your legs, press them).

They moved their socks, (Socks toward you, away from you, alternately).

They kicked their legs. (Stretch your legs, shake them).

We don’t want to sleep anymore (Show with fingers or palms).

Let's play happily (Clap your hands).

2.Second part

Walking one after another (barefoot)

“We’ll go to our garden. We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

- (Walking on toes) “The road is short and narrow. Let's go, we step on our toes!

- (Additional step sideways with a “spring”)

“We walk along the curb. We squat on it.”

- (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping your torso straight and looking forward).

“Tired legs walked along the path.”

- (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor.) (6-8 times) “We sat down on a pebble, We sat down, we sat.”

(Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet)

“Legs rest, muscles relax”

3. Third part.

Walking on a wet salt path (mat) and switching to a dry flannel mat.

Complex No. 2

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

"Sunny Bunnies".

The sun rose in the morning (We connect the tips of our fingers, depicting a ball, raise our hands up.)

It's time for the kids to wake up too! (We spread our arms to the sides.)

Let's stretch our arms to the sun, Let's play with the rays.

We raise our hands up (we rotate the “flashlights” with our hands, look at our hands).

Suddenly, bunnies will jump towards us through our fingers.

(We look through our fingers, lightly touching our faces with our palms.)

Sunny, not simple, but they jump like they’re alive:

(We depict bunnies: hands in fists, index and

middle fingers up) - ears, (let's move the “ears”).

Along the forehead to the temples, along the nose, along the cheeks

On the shoulders, on the neck, and even on the knees!

Lightly tap with your fingertips.

We clapped our hands and grabbed bunnies,

Clap your hands (grasping movements).

But to the radiant sun (We raise our hands up, spread our fingers)

The bunnies have galloped away! (rotate with brushes).

2. Second part

Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

IP: - sitting on chairs. "Let's warm our feet." Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes (6-8 times).

I. p.: sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels (6-8 times).

IP: - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your legs in the air (6-8 times).

IP: - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

3. Third part.

Washing, pouring cool water over hands.

Svetlana Kulina
Invigorating gymnastics in the middle group

« Invigorating gymnastics»


Carry out a gradual transition of the body from a state of sleep to cheerful working condition.


1. Development of emotional responsiveness, desire to communicate with peers and adults.

2. Formation of traditions groups- waking up to music.

3. Health promotion, prevention of colds and flat feet; development of physical skills.

4. Development of communicative-speech communication through gaming activities and reading poems.

Time: after sleep

Progress of the regime moment:

Quiet music is turned on, to which the children gradually wake up, gymnastics:

The sun is looking at the cribs:

Wake up, guys!

It's time for everyone to get up

And start charging!

We've finally woken up (rubs eyes with fists)

Sweet, sweet reached out (we stretch)

To make sleep go away, yawn (yawn)

Head shook slightly (shaking head)

Shoulders raised

They waved their arms, bent their knees, pressed them to their chests,

They moved their toes, they kicked their legs,

Now we'll rub our noses, snub noses,

Let's smooth out our foreheads, let's smooth out our foreheads,

Let's clap on the cheeks, only more gently,

But on the chin you can do it harder,

They turned from side to side, stretched sweetly again,

We don't want to sleep anymore

Let's get up merrily!

The children get out of bed.

Respiratory gymnastics:

1. Inhale - reach for the sun,

Exhale loudly through your mouth.

2. Breathe into a tube: "Let's wake up the balls"

Inhale through your nose and exhale through a tube.

Now we go to the path and stretch our legs.

We walk barefoot one after another on the rugs.

This mat is very important

It is therapeutic, it is massage,

This rug is unusual, button-shaped, cute.

There are tracks for walking

There is a ribbed board,

We will always be healthy!

Now stand in a circle

Play with me buddy.

General strengthening exercises

(performed in group room)

On a bright day, animals walked along a forest path to water. calmly walk one after another

A baby moose followed the mother moose, walking at a stomping pace

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox, walking on tiptoes

A hedgehog was rolling behind its mother, walking in a squat.

Mama bear was followed by a cub walking on the outer arch of her foot.

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel

Behind the mother hare - oblique hares, jumping on two legs

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her. walking with long strides

All mothers and children want to get drunk. Sit down

A visual examination is carried out gymnastics:

We look up and then down,

Up again and down again

This is not a whim at all.

And then left and then right

And one more time, two and three

Now look around

My head is spinning

That's right, it doesn't matter.

The eyes need a rest.

All the eyes are closed, the eyes are resting, and then we will open the eyes

We'll see the sun clear

And we will be in the mood

Everyone is wonderful!

What a wonderful exercise - how it helps us,

Improves mood and strengthens health.

Let's join hands

And let's smile at each other

Let's go back to the chairs and wake up completely!

Publications on the topic:

Gymnastics-wake-up for the middle group “Winter” Goal: To provide children with a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness, to prepare them for active activities. Program tasks: -fix.

Gymnastics after sleep for middle group children Gymnastics after sleep Middle group MAY 1st complex - “Journey of droplets” I. In cribs 1. “Droplets wake up” - and. p.: lying on your back.

Gymnastics in the preparatory group Parts of the GCD Contents Part I. Introductory Walking in a column one at a time Walking on toes Walking normal Walking on heels Walking normal Walking p.

Goals: Promote awakening from naps. Prevent colds. Prevention of flat feet. Strengthen your breathing.

Abstract - Morning exercises in an early age group Goals: 1) Formation of positive emotions during the game with peers and the teacher 2) Development of basic movements Objectives: 1) Strengthen.

Every day my children and I do gymnastics after naps. We begin our ascent with the ringing of a bell and the words: “Wake up, kids, for us.


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time: 10 s ─ walking, arms to the sides, 10 s ─ walking, arms up, 10 s ─ walking, arms to the sides, 10 s ─ walking, arms down, walking on heels, running in all directions, normal walking in the column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Met”

2 – lower your hands.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise "Up and Down"

Starting position: standing, arms forward.

On the count of 1 - right hand– up, left – down;

2 – vice versa

Repeat this exercise 6-8 times.

    Exercise “Side Bends”

1- lean left

3.4 – the same to the right

Repeat 3 times.

    Exercise “Bends to the floor”

Don't bend your legs!

    Exercise "Springs"

Starting position: main stance

The final part.

Walking in a column one at a time.

In the morning do exercises,

Introductory part:

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise "Strongmen"

Starting position: standing, hands ─ to shoulders.

On the count of 1 ─ bring your elbows forward, clench your fists tightly;

Repeat this exercise 5 times.

    Exercise "Wheels"

On the count of 1-4 ─ rotate your arms forward;

5-8 ─ back

Repeat this exercise 1-2 times.

    Exercise “Checking the tires”

Starting position: main stance

1.3 - sit down, press your fingers to the floor

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Pump"

Starting position: basic stance, hands down.

1-3 Springy downward slopes.

Repeat 6 times.

    Exercise "Bicycle"

    Exercise “Rejoice”

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

The game is repeated 3 times

Walking in a column one at a time.

Invigorating gymnastics for September

    "Find your nose"

    "The nose is breathing"

    “The nose is happy”

    "Nose massage"

    "The porridge is boiling"



Introductory part:

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise "Sunflower"

2 ─ return to the starting position, exhale;

3 ─ arms up, left leg back - on toes, inhale;

4 ─ return to starting position, exhale

Repeat this exercise 2-3 times.

    Exercise “Width-height”

Starting position: standing, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart.

On the count of 1-2 ─ arms ─ to the sides, inhale;

3-4 – return to the starting position, exhale;

5-6 ─ hands – up, inhale;

7-8 ─ return to starting position, exhale

Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

    Exercise "Coils"

Starting position: standing, arms to the sides.

On the count of 1-4 ─ rotate the hands forward;

5-8 ─ back

Repeat this exercise 1-2 times

    .Exercise "Squats"

Starting position: standing, arms down.

On the count of 1 ─ sit down, arms ─ forward, back straight, do not lift your heels off the floor;

2 ─ return to starting position

Repeat this exercise 6-8 times

    Exercise "Bends"

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

On the count of 1-2 – bend over, try to touch the toe of your right foot;

Don't bend your legs!

3-4 ─ return to the starting position;

5-6 ─ tilt, try to touch the toe of your right foot;

7-8 ─ return to starting position

Repeat 4 times.

The final part.

Massage game:

Exercise is good for everyone

Everyone needs charging.

From laziness and illness

She saves us. ( Run in place.)

Walking in a column one at a time.

Introductory part:

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Cube on cube”

3 - cubes up, hit cube against cube,

4 – return to starting position Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise "Tilt"

1, 2, 3 – lean forward, knock the cubes on the floor.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Gorka"

1, 3 – bend your knees, “slide”, extend your arms on both sides of your head,

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Log”

3, 4 – return to ip.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Jumps"

The final part.

Breathing exercise “Ah!”

Walking in a column one at a time.

Invigorating gymnastics for October

    "The animals have woken up"

    "Sly little fox"

    "Welcome to the Wolf Cubs"


    "Nimble Bunnies"

    "Nimble Monkeys"

    "Cub Growling"

    "Strong Elephant"


Introductory part:

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Say hello”

Starting position: main stance

1 – tilt your head forward.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise “Hugged”

Starting position: basic stance, arms to the sides.

1, 3 – hugged themselves with both hands.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Spring"

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up.

1-3 – springy forward bends – exhale.

4 – return to the starting position – inhale.

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Met”

Starting position: lying on your back, legs raised up, arms along the body.

1, 3 – spread your legs to the sides.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Let's rejoice"

Starting position: standing, feet together, hands on the belt.

1, 3 – jump, legs to the sides

2, 4 – jump, return to starting position

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Massage game:

Exercise is good for everyone .(Run the fingers of both hands across the forehead from the middle to the temples; 4 times)

Everyone needs charging. (Run your index fingers along the wings of your nose 4 times.)

From laziness and illness

She saves us. ( Run in place.)

Walking in a column one at a time.

Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, slow running, fast running, walking in all directions, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Surprise the Sun”

Starting position: main stance

1 – raise your shoulders.

2 – return to the starting position.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise “Playing with the sun's rays”

Starting position: basic stance, right hand above, left hand below.

Change the position of the hands for each count.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise “Drawing the sun on the asphalt”

Starting position: main stance

1-sit down.

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Relaxing in the sun”

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, pressed to the chest.

1 – rolls onto the right side.

    Exercise “Good mood”

Starting position: basic stance, hands behind your back.

Jumping in place on two legs (10 jumps, alternate with walking in place.)

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Outdoor game “Sun and Cloud”:

At the command “Sun”, children run scattered around the hall. At the command “Cloud”, children squat and clasp their heads with their hands.

The game is repeated 3 times

Walking in a column one at a time.

Invigorating gymnastics for November

    "Beautiful forehead" . I.p. lying on my back. Run the fingers of both hands across the forehead from the middle to the temples. Repeat 5 times.

    "Laughing Eyes" . I.p. lying on my back. Rub your palms together and place them on your eyes. Repeat 4 times.

    "Drawing eyebrows" . I.p. lying on my back. With the index fingers of both hands, press along the eyebrows. Repeat 4 times.

    "Long Nose" . I.p. lying on my back. Run your index finger vigorously along the wings of your nose. Repeat 4 times. At the end of the exercise, show how long Pinocchio’s nose is and lightly tug your nose.

    "Funny Ears" . I.p. lying on my back. Rub the ears from bottom to top and back until redness and a feeling of warmth (20 s).

    "Let's show our hands" . I.p. lying on my back. Patting the left hand with the right hand from bottom to top, then from top to bottom. Patting with the left hand on the right from bottom to top, then from top to bottom (20s).

    "Let's show our legs" . I.p. lying on my stomach, arms to the sides. Bend your knees and wave them in the air. Repeat 5 times.

    Breathing exercise"Oh!" I.p. – sitting, legs slightly apart, arms down. 1 – inhale, 2-4 – exhale. As you exhale, say “Ah-h-h.”


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your heels, walking with wide strides, running in all directions, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Met”

Starting position: main stance

1 – spread your arms to the sides, smile, say “Ah!”

2 – lower your hands.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise "Turns"

1 – turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, say “Oh”

3.4 – the same to the left

Repeat 3 times

    Exercise “Floods”

Starting position: standing, hands on your belt.

1- raise your leg bent at the knee, stamp your foot, say “Top.”

3.4 – same with the other foot

Repeat 3 times.

    Exercise "Springs"

Starting position: main stance

8-10 half squats, spreading your knees to the sides, raise your arms bent at the elbows, your hands represent lanterns.

The final part.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Do exercises in the morning

You will be strong, you will be brave!

Introductory part:

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise "Clapping"

Starting position: main stance

1 – arms to the sides.

2 – raise your arms above your head, clap 2 times.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise "Bends"

Starting position: sitting, legs crossed, arms straight at the back.

1 – lean forward, clap your palms on the floor in front of your feet.

3 – clap your palms in front of your feet.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise “Spring and Squat”

Starting position: main stance

1, 2 – springs.

3 - sit down.

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise "Tumbler"

Starting position: lying on your back, hands on the back of your head

2 – turn onto your back

3 – roll onto your left side.

    Exercise "Jumping with a turn"

Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt.

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Health is good -

Thanks for charging.

Invigorating gymnastics for December

    "The bugs have reached out" . I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. Stretch, arms to the sides. Repeat 3 times.

    "Eyes woke up" . I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. Stroke closed eyes from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge and back (10 s).

    “Ears woke up” . I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. Rub your ears until red and warm from bottom to top and back (10 s).

    “Paws woke up” . I.p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your arms outstretched in front of you and shake them (10 s).

    "Beetles bask in the sun" . I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 – turn on your back, 2 – turn on your stomach. Repeat 5 times.

    "The bugs are getting ready for a walk" . I.p. lying on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your right leg with the knee bent. Lower. Raise your left leg, bent at the knee, and lower it. Repeat 4 times.

    "Funny Bugs" . I.p. lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-3 – clap hands in front of you. 4 – return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, walking on your heels, running with a change of direction, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Cube on cube”

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes behind your back

1 – cubes forward, hit cube against cube,

2 – return to the starting position,

3, 4 – the same

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise "Tilt"

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with six-packs in front of the chest.

1, 3 – bend forward, cubes to the sides.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Gorka"

Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body, holding cubes in your hands, legs straight.

1, 3 – bend your knees, “slide”,

2, 4 – return to the starting position.

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Log”

Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms with cubes straightened behind your head

1, 2 – turn on your side, on your stomach.

3, 4 – return to ip.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Jumps"

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor.

8-10 jumps around the blocks, alternating jumping with walking.

The final part.

Breathing exercise “Ah!”

Inhale, hold your breath, exhale and say: “a-a-a-h.” Repeat 5 times.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Invigorating gymnastics for January

    "The animals have woken up" . I.p. lying on your back, arms along the body. Stretch, arms to the sides. Repeat 3 times.

    "Sly little fox" . I.p. lying on my back. Smile like a sly fox. Repeat 4 times.

    "Welcome to the Wolf Cubs" . I..p.lying on your back, arms along your body.. Bring your arms to your chest, then stretch them forward. Repeat 4 times.

    "Owl" . I.p. lying on your back, one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Drawing in your stomach - inhale, sticking out your stomach - exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 4 times.

    "Nimble Bunnies" . I.p. lying on your back, arms up above your head. Raise your legs and touch your toes with your fingers. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.

    "Nimble Monkeys" . I..p.lying on your back, arms along your body. On the command “Tummy” - turn on your stomach, on the command “Back” - on your back. Repeat 5 times.

    "Cub Growling" . Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, draw out a long “mm-mm” while simultaneously tapping the wings of your nose with the fingers of both hands.

    "Strong Elephant" I.p. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. 1-3 – imitation of walking, 4 – return to walking position (30 s).


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, walking with high knees, running in all directions, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Nimble squirrel”

Starting position: main stance

1 – tilt your head to the right, hands on your waist.

2 – return to the starting position.

3.4 – the same to the left

Repeat 6 times.

    Exercise “Nimble Hare”

Starting position: standing, feet wider than shoulders, arms up.

1 – lean forward, touch your heels with your hands inside.

Repeat 7 times

    Exercise "Fast Wolf"

Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt.

1 – raise your right leg forward;

2 – take it back;

3 – lift forward again;

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Let's admire the animals”

Starting position: legs together, arms down.

Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, stretch out: mmmm, tapping your finger on the wings of your nose

Repeat 6 times.

    Exercise "Cunning Fox"

Starting position: standing on your knees and palms, head raised.

1, 2 – arch your back, lower your head

3, 4 – return to starting position

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Form into a column one at a time.

Running in all directions, stopping and completing the task “Imagine an animal”

Walking in a column one at a time.

Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, slow running, fast running, walking in all directions, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “Drawing the sun with your head”

Starting position: main stance

Circular movement of the head alternately left and right

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Drawing balloons with your elbows”

Starting position: basic stance, hands to shoulders.

Circular movements hands forward, backward.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise “Drawing a spring on the asphalt”

Starting position: main stance

1-sit down.

2, 3 – circular movements of the hand on the floor.

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise “Washing the brush”

Starting position: basic stance, arms to the sides.

1 – raise the leg bent at the knee, pull the toe towards the floor.

2, 3 – circular movements of the toe

    Exercise “Rejoice in your drawings”

Starting position: basic stance, hands behind your back.

Jumping in place on two legs (10 jumps, alternate with walking in place.)

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Outdoor game “Sun and Cloud”:

At the command “Sun”, children run scattered around the hall. At the command “Cloud”, children squat and clasp their heads with their hands.

The game is repeated 3 times

Walking in a column one at a time.

Invigorating gymnastics for February

"Let's play hide and seek"

    "Hide our fingers" . Our sleepy palms

We woke up little by little,

We had fun playing hide and seek -

Fingers clenched into a fist

    "Hide our toes" . Our toes

They know all the paths in the park.

Checking where the heels are

And they play hide and seek with us.

    "Hide our hands" . We're almost awake

Our hands reached out

They waved it over the sheet,

They quickly hid behind the back.

    "Hide our face" . We'll lock our hands together

Over your head

Right, left elbow

We will bring it together in front of us.

    "Knees are waking up" . My knees don't want to sleep

It's time for them to get up

We stuck out our knees

The legs were quickly straightened.

    "Let's grow big" . Well, let's stand on our tiptoes.

Our hands look up.

How mushrooms grow in the forest,

This is how we are growing now


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking with high knees, walking in a half-squat, running changing direction at a signal, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise “The Cheerful Conductor”

Starting position: main stance

1 – arms to the sides;

2 - hands forward;

3 – arms to the sides;

4 – return to the starting position.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise “Responsible Doctor”

Starting position: basic stance, hands behind your back.

2, 3, 4 – exhale.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise “Attentive policeman”

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1-turn right, left hand on the right shoulder, right hand behind the back.

2 - return to the starting position;

3 -4 – repeat the same in the other direction.

    Exercise “Funny Photographer”

Starting position: main stance

1 – sit down, hands point-blank,

2 – straighten your legs with a push,

3 – push squat point blank.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Cyclist"

Starting position: lying on your back. legs raised and knees bent.

Circular movements with legs.

The final part.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Do exercises in the morning

You will be strong, you will be brave

Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, slow running, fast running, walking with a mincing step, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise "Doll"

Starting position: basic stance, hands on waist

1 – move your arms back – inhale;

2 – I.P. - exhale.

Repeat 5 times.

    Exercise “Vanka-stand up”

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart

1 – hands behind your head.

2, 3 – springy tilts to the left, right.

Repeat 4 times

    Exercise "Clapperboard"

Starting position: main stance

1 – raise the leg bent at the knee upward, while simultaneously moving both arms sharply back.

3.4 – the same with the other leg

Repeat 4 times.

    Exercise "Pyramid"

Starting position: squat, arms down, touching toes.

1-4 – slowly rise, stand on your toes, place your palms together through your sides

5-8 – slowly lower yourself onto your entire foot, arms down through your sides.

    Exercise "Balls"

Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt.

Jumping in place on two legs while turning around.

Repeat 4 times

The final part.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Health is good -

Thanks for charging.

Invigorating gymnastics for March

    "Find your nose" . I.p. lying on your back. With your eyes closed, find your nose and pull its tip. Repeat 5 times

    "The nose is breathing" . The teacher invites the children to close their mouths, press their lips tightly, then take a deep breath and exhale through their nose. Repeat 4 times

    “The nose is happy” . Inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right nostril. Repeat 8 times

    "Nose massage" . Stroking the nose from the wings to the bridge of the nose

    "The porridge is boiling" . I.p. – sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Pulling in the stomach - inhale, protruding - exhale. Exhaling, say “f-f-f” Repeat 5 times

    “March!” . Walking with high knees.


Introductory part:

Walking in a column one at a time, walking on your toes, walking on your heels, running in all directions, regular walking in a column.

Formation in 2 columns

Main part:

    Exercise "Sunflower"

Starting position: standing, arms along the body.

1 ─ arms up, right leg back ─ on toes, inhale;