Maggi Diet (Egg Diet) - “difficult, but possible! even with errors, I lost a lot of weight. The egg diet from Margaret Thatcher herself is simply Maggia! How to eat after the Maggi diet

Here are the answers to many questions. Let's read!

Important Notes:

  • You should drink more water;
  • Vegetables are boiled in water without any addition of broth; you can add salt, pepper, seasoning, onion, garlic;
  • Do not add oils or fats;
  • You can drink a glass of soda at any time, as well as a can or two of carbonated drinks (diet);
  • If you feel hungry, you can eat cucumbers or carrots or salad, but respect the time (2 hours) after the prescribed food;
  • It is necessary to strictly observe this regimen with the same products and quantities, and not change lunch with dinner and vice versa;
  • If you want to monitor your weight loss, weigh yourself once a day in the morning after using the toilet;
  • It is impossible, having stopped at some period of the regime, to resume it from the same moment, you need to return to the beginning. The same goes if a mistake was made;
  • Sports activities are preferred;
  • After the regime, you will have a feeling of quickly filling your stomach, even if the food was small; this will help you monitor your weight for several months, but with the condition of moderate intake of high-calorie foods and sugar;
  • If you want to repeat the regimen again, it is preferable to repeat the first and fourth weeks twice.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Maggi Diet

What is the word salad?

Regarding the salad: if it is indicated in parentheses what you need to eat, then we eat what is written, if not, then we mean lettuce leaves.

What is toast?

Toast is a toasted piece of any bread (black or for toast, without raisins).

What kind of low-fat cheese is this?

The cheese is better than Oltermani 17%. Those who don’t like cheese these days can eat low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%).

Here are the types of cheeses and cottage cheese that girls buy:

  • cottage cheese 0% “President” is for those who live in Ukraine
  • Low-fat cheese "Svalya"
  • "Home" 4% or "Valio" 2% -17%
  • Dietary 17%, Count 17%
  • “Russian” 17% (Russian ones come in different fat contents)
  • feta cheese 15% Agroproduct and homemade cottage cheese Foodmaster 0% (for Kazakhstan)
  • low-fat cheese (up to 9%) or “Fitness” cheese, it contains about 15%
  • mozzarella 8-10% fat, there are cheeses 0.1% fat (for Germany)
  • Polar cheese 5%
  • From low-fat cottage cheese 0-0.1-0.2% edible “House in the Village”. And the most delicious “Savushkin product” (Belarusian)
  • fromage frais cottage cheese with 0% fat mass fraction, sold in Auchan

I need to eat fish tomorrow, I have a question, which is better and who cooked it?

Fish is better than pollock or sole; fish can be replaced with seafood. Shrimp give good plumb lines. It is better to cook with spices and herbs.

What can hurt with this diet?

Kidneys. Since a large number of eggs can affect their performance.

Contraindications to the egg diet?

This diet is absolutely not suitable for allergy sufferers, as well as people with impaired renal function and diseases cardiovascular system. It is also worth weighing everything for those who suffer from intestinal dysbiosis: during the decomposition of proteins in the intestines, a lot of gases are released, and their decomposition disrupts the natural microflora.

In order for the egg to be quickly (within an hour or two) and completely digested, it is better to soft-boil it.

The downside of the egg diet is that eggs increase the level of “bad” cholesterol. True, egg cholesterol is considered the least harmful, since it enters the body along with lecithin; in addition, the consumption of vegetables and fruits, which contain natural antioxidants and plant fiber, can be considered a plus of this diet. As well as green or herbal tea.

What can you replace eggs with?

Eggs can be replaced with cottage cheese. In proportion, a pack of cottage cheese = 2 eggs.
Let me clarify, 1 egg = 100 grams of cottage cheese

Is it possible to replace meat with fish or fish with meat?

No. You can't replace it that way.

Is it possible to chew gum while on a diet?

It is possible without sugar, but it stimulates the appetite. You can have sugar-free lollipops.

And with this diet you can do fasting days, and then continue further?

Unloading is not provided on this diet.

Why are there no plumb lines?

The body gets used to the new weight, then settles at the new weight, and then down again.

How does weight on a testicle behave?

Good plumb lines in the first week, some water comes out in the first days, notice that you are starting to run to the toilet more often. WITH heavy weight up to 5 kg goes away in the first week, a maximum of 12.5 kg went off in 1 month, but the girl’s weight was 110 kg and she fanatically followed the menu of this diet... In the third week, the weight either stands still or very small plumbs, the volume goes away.

What to do after the Maggi egg diet?

You need to get out of it carefully (fatty, spicy, and don’t eat too much at once!, don’t indulge in all seriousness). Weight, as after most diets, needs to be maintained for at least a couple of weeks. After the diet, they either count calories, or count calories, or count calories.

Can I have some corn?

You can't do this diet at all.

I didn’t break anything, but the weight increased. Why?

There could be a lot of reasons, here are some:
constipation, the onset of CD, you even know what else happens, seriously - the waxing or waning moon has an effect. The water lingers, the weight wanders, but after them there is a good plumb line. We don’t worry and continue the diet!

Shish kebab is basically fried meat - so is it ok (for example, first week, first day)?

Shish kebab is also fried meat. The main difference is that you will eat little boiled (even with salt) meat, but much more kebab.

Are grilled chicken and oven-baked meat included in the diet?

Only chicken without skin, and the meat is not fatty.

Is it possible to eat after 18.00?

Can! You should limit your diet 3 hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to use canned peas instead of boiled vegetables?

No, canned vegetables are prohibited

Is it possible to salt food?

It is possible, but within reasonable limits, salt retains water; if we want good plumb lines, then we do not abuse salt.

When is the best time to start a diet?

In the first clean days after menstruation, there will be maximum weight loss.

When does fat start to melt?

The first breakdown of fat occurs on the fifth day of diet.

I lose 1-2 kg on the first day, is this normal?

Normal, output excess liquid from the body. Don’t be alarmed, soon the plumb lines will stabilize at 200-300 grams per day

I don't feel hungry, what's wrong with me?

The body has become accustomed to eating a diet, the stomach has decreased in volume and now you eat less food.

Is it possible to add a sweetener to tea or coffee while on a diet?

You can, just make sure it contains 0 kcal.

When holidays, birthdays and other celebrations occur while following a strict diet, it is quite difficult to avoid drinking alcohol. The situation is complicated by the fact that most developers and creators of weight loss programs forget (or do not consider it necessary) to indicate the possibility of drinking alcoholic beverages, their quantity and type.

This publication will be useful to those who are tormented by doubts about what kind of alcohol you can drink while on a diet, and whether it is permissible to do this at all.

Where does the ban on alcohol come from?

It’s worth starting with the fact that most people who are losing weight don’t even think about counting the calorie content of alcoholic beverages.

And this despite the fact that they are not just mega-calorie, but also capable of dulling the sense of control over the amount of snacks consumed, not to mention the brutal appetite that appears out of nowhere in a drunken state.

Such thoughts should arise, if only because alcohol acts as an aperitif, whetting the appetite and feeling of hunger. Again, different types alcohol has its own calorie content, and when on a diet you can simply take it into account in your daily diet. This way you can maintain a weight loss menu and not regret drinking a glass of white semi-sweet, for example. Most people who are losing weight and experiencing strict dietary restrictions have a very reasonable question as to why they should not drink alcohol while dieting. It turns out that everything is simple: it saturates the body with empty calories that do not take part in material metabolism.

That is, they are not broken down and removed from the body, but settle in it in the form of fat accumulations.


If you enjoy this sparkling drink while on a diet, pay attention to the sugar content in it. Today many types of champagne are produced, but overweight It is permissible to drink only a few, namely regular and natural brut. The latter is made either without adding sugar at all, or with a minimal amount of it. Again, nothing bad will happen if you indulge in classic sparkling brut, the caloric content of which is several times lower than that of the same semi-sweet or sweet champagne.


This grape drink has pronounced beneficial properties, some of which
will also be of interest to those losing weight. Its consumption during the diet helps to normalize metabolism and saturate the body with polyphenols - powerful antioxidants. Moreover, scientists have proven that moderate consumption of wines such as cabernet or merlot significantly alleviates the condition of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

What specific type of wine is acceptable when following a diet for weight loss?


It is believed that such a massive type of alcohol can be drunk during a diet, but only in limited quantities. Ideally, the product will be light and light, with a strength value not exceeding 4.5%. Again, no diet will tolerate even such beer being eaten with a huge amount of salty snack. Salt will linger in the body, causing the desire to drink even more alcohol, while beer can cause swelling and have a strong diuretic effect. Along with urine, a huge amount of potassium and magnesium, necessary for the heart and nervous system, will leave the body.


It is not clear for what reason, but vodka is considered to be a low-calorie type of alcohol, while 100 grams of it contain as much as 250 Kcal!

If it is included in cocktails, then the damage to weight loss increases significantly due to the calorie content of additives in the form of liqueurs, syrups or juices.

It turns out that you can’t drink vodka, especially if we are talking about critical obesity. “Exotic” varieties of alcohol such as tequila (247 Kcal), sake (250 Kcal) and aniseed vodka (27 Kcal) deserve special attention.

Alternative options

Instead of searching for a long time to find out which diets allow the presence of alcohol on the menu, take note of the list of the lowest-calorie alcoholic products.

Items and their volume are indicated with the expectation that the 200 Kcal limit will be observed:

  • 80 g vodka;
  • 300 g dry wine;
  • 200 g of sweet champagne;
  • 400 g Brut champagne;
  • 600 g of light beer with an alcohol content of 1.8%;
  • 400 g of light beer, the strength of which does not exceed 4.5%.

Please note that the energy value of all items will increase significantly if the drinks are eaten with sweet, salty, fried and other high-calorie dishes. The indicated dosages should be consumed slowly and in small sips.

The relationship of different diets to alcohol

It is worth noting that not all creators of weight loss systems using proper nutrition
are categorically opposed to the possibility of drinking alcohol.

For example, the Dukan diet allows its presence in the menu, and alcohol can be drunk immediately after a meal (relating to the Consolidation phase). For the Cruise stage, Dukan has slightly different restrictions, and alcohol in the form of cognac or wine is allowed to be added exclusively to meat sauces or soup dressings.

Do you want to lose weight without constantly feeling hungry? Then the Maggi diet is what you need! In the article you will find recommendations from a nutritionist, a menu of available products and a recipe for dessert made from tangerines and prunes!

The actions of some nutritional methods are based on biochemistry. Maggi diet belongs to this category. Therefore, if you decide to take the course, then you must strictly comply with all the requirements. And if in some cases you can cheat - for example, by replacing an ingredient indicated on the menu, then the Maggi diet does not allow violations. But the result is worth holding out for a month without resorting to forbidden foods.

History of origin

There are suggestions that the Maggi diet “came” to us from Great Britain, and its founder was Margeret Thatcher herself. The Prime Minister had no problem excess weight and did not set myself the goal of inventing it. However, there is information that Margaret’s recipe for slimness, which she herself spoke about, is as follows: you need to eat 28 chicken eggs per week. It’s not for nothing that the Maggi diet is also called the egg diet.

Thatcher wrote down the menu of her two-week diet, with which she kept fit. This became the prototype of the diet, which became known as Maggi, short for Margaret. It is not known for certain who the author of the “second part” of Maggi is. The obvious effectiveness of this nutritional method has been confirmed by many people who, with its help, got rid of extra pounds.


The low-carbohydrate Maggi Diet requires strict adherence to the following rules:

  • You can remove any product from the menu, but replacing it at your own discretion is prohibited. The only exception is replacing eggs with cottage cheese in case of an allergy to chicken eggs;
  • you need to eat exactly as much as indicated on the menu;
  • It is forbidden to change the places of meals;
  • cook vegetables in water without adding broth;
  • It is prohibited to add various fats and oils to food;
  • you need to drink more clean water;
  • You can drink tea/coffee whenever you want - but without sugar and milk;
  • Instead of sugar, it is allowed to use a sweetener;
  • alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited - chemical Maggi diet and alcohol are incompatible;
  • Do not eat potatoes, bananas, grapes, mangoes, figs, dates;
  • cereals are prohibited, pasta and lamb;
  • Salads cannot be dressed;
  • if between main meals you feel unbearable hunger, then eat a cucumber, carrot or salad - but only 2 hours after the recommended meal;
  • if you interrupt the course (for example, eat a prohibited product), then you need to start over.

To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to exercise, or at least walk more, be outdoors and try to sleep at least seven hours a day. After the Maggi diet, your stomach contracts, causing you to feel full with less food. The advantage of Maggi, in addition to its effect, is the correction of eating habits: after leaving it, you are unlikely to want to pounce on sweets and fatty foods.


The Maggi diet is definitely not suitable for people who are allergic to certain foods.
products (eggs and citrus fruits). Also strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. People with medical conditions should follow the diet under strict medical supervision. gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver.

The number of eggs in the Maggi diet causes a lot of debate. However, nutritionists say that consuming eggs in such quantities is acceptable if you do not abuse high-fat foods.

Menu for 4 weeks

During the first two weeks, the method involves taking 1/2 grapefruit or orange, as well as 1-2 boiled eggs, for breakfast every day.

Week #1

  • lunch - fruits in any quantity: apples, pears, oranges, watermelon, melon, etc. (except for those prohibited);
  • dinner – baked chicken (can also be fried) – 250 g.
  • lunch – baked or boiled chicken breast without skin (200 g);
  • dinner - 2 boiled eggs, salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers - 150 g), ¼ flatbread or 1 toast (25 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch – low-fat cheese in any quantity, 2 tomatoes, 1 toast (25 g);
  • dinner – 250 g of any boiled or baked meat.
  • lunch – any fruit in any quantity, except prohibited ones;
  • dinner - 250 g of boiled or baked chicken, salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers - 150 g).
  • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables of your choice: zucchini, carrots, green peas, beans (250 g);
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled shrimp, salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers - 200 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch – one any fruit in any quantity;
  • dinner – boiled or baked chicken (can also be fried) – 200 g.
  • lunch – baked or boiled skinless chicken (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), 1 tomato, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables of your choice, except forbidden ones (200 g).

Week #2

  • lunch – boiled or baked (can be fried) meat (250 g), salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers – 200 g);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or 1 orange.
  • lunch – boiled or baked meat (200 g), salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers – 200 g);
  • lunch – boiled or baked (fried) meat (200 g), cucumbers (as much as you want);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch - 2 boiled eggs, any low-fat white cheese (150 g), boiled vegetables from the permitted ones (150 g);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs.
  • lunch – 200 g of baked or boiled fish/boiled shrimp (fried fish is also allowed);
  • dinner – 2 boiled eggs.
  • lunch – 200 g of baked or boiled meat (can be fried), 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - fresh fruits (except forbidden ones) - as much as you want.
  • lunch – fried, baked or boiled skinless chicken (200 g), 3 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner - fried or boiled skinless chicken (150 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.

Week #3

The weekly diet includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, which should be eaten throughout the day.

  • any fruit in any quantity, except banana, dates, mangoes, figs and grapes.
  • any salads and boiled vegetables, with the exception of potatoes and dry cereals - as much as you want.
  • any fruits and vegetables (except prohibited ones), salads in any quantity and at any time.
  • baked or boiled fish (200 g), salad (Chinese cabbage + fresh cucumber - 100 g), boiled vegetables (any in any quantity).
  • 200 g of lean boiled or fried meat, 200 g of boiled vegetables.
  • 1 type of fruit in any quantity (except prohibited ones).
  • 1 type of fruit in any quantity.

Week #4

Products from the diet should be consumed throughout the day and at any time, but without additions.

  • 250 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes;
  • 150 g tuna without oil;
  • one toast (25 g);
  • 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • no more than 200 g of baked or boiled meat;
  • 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 toast (25 g);
  • choice: 1 apple, or 1 orange, or 1 pear, or 1 grapefruit, or 1 slice of melon.
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese or any low-fat white cheese (150 g);
  • 150 g boiled vegetables;
  • 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers;
  • one toast (25 g);
  • 1 orange or 1 grapefruit.
  • 1/2 boiled or baked chicken;
  • 1 cucumber and 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 orange or 1 grapefruit.
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 3 tomatoes, 1 lettuce leaf;
  • 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • 250 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 125 g feta cheese or cottage cheese;
  • 1 toast (25 g), 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers;
  • yogurt (150 ml), 1 grapefruit or 1 orange.
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 can of tuna without oil (150 g);
  • 150 g boiled vegetables;
  • 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 toast (25 g), 1 grapefruit or 1 orange.

Please note that adding salt to food is allowed. You can also add onion, garlic and sugar-free soy sauce. However, it is prohibited to use seasonings that contain flavor enhancers: monosodium glutamate (E621), sodium inosinate (E631) and sodium guanylate (E627).

For 2 additional weeks

If you have successfully completed the Maggi course and want to repeat it, start from the first week, and then go straight to the fourth.

This diet is suitable for people of any age. However, before you start, you should definitely consult your doctor.


The curd version of the Maggi diet involves the complete or partial replacement of eggs with cottage cheese. This option is suitable for those who are allergic to eggs, or those who simply do not like them. The calculation is made as follows: 1 egg is equal to 100 g of cottage cheese.

Week #1

  • breakfast: any fruit - as much as you want (except those that are prohibited), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content);
  • lunch: any fruits (except forbidden ones), but do not overeat;
  • dinner: baked beef (200 g), vegetable salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers – 200 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit (for example, apple + 150 g of watermelon pulp), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: boiled chicken breast (200 g);
  • dinner: steamed pollock or hake (200 g), 150 g vegetable salad (tomatoes + lettuce + cucumbers + carrots + peppers), 1 toasted slice of bread (25 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch: low-fat cheese or cottage cheese up to 9% fat (200 g), 1 dried slice of bread (20 g), 2 tomatoes;
  • breakfast: any fruit (200 g), 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: any fruit - as much as you want;
  • dinner: meat (250 g), boiled vegetables (200 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit, 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat), fresh vegetables (200 g);
  • dinner: baked fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • breakfast: any fruit - no more than 200 g, 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat content);
  • lunch: any fruit – as much as you want;
  • dinner: meat (250 g), vegetables (150 g).
  • breakfast: any fruit (as much as you want), 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • lunch: baked chicken without skin (200 g), boiled vegetables (200 g), 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit or orange;
  • dinner: boiled vegetables (200 g).

Week #2

All breakfasts should consist of 200 g of any fruit and 200 g of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat).

  • lunch: cottage cheese (250 g) and vegetables (150 g);
  • dinner: fish (200 g), vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.
  • lunch: baked or boiled meat (200 g), vegetables (150 g);
  • dinner: cottage cheese (150 g) and fruit (200 g).
  • lunch: low-fat cheese (200 g), any vegetables (250 g);
  • dinner: baked meat or fish (200 g), boiled vegetables (150 g).
  • lunch: fish/shrimp (250 g), vegetables (200 g);
  • dinner: fruit (200 g), cottage cheese (200 g).
  • lunch: meat (200 g), 1 grapefruit or orange, 3 tomatoes;
  • dinner: any fruit (250 g).
  • lunch: chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (150 g), 1 grapefruit/orange;
  • dinner: baked chicken (250 g), 2 tomatoes, boiled vegetables (200 g), 1 grapefruit/orange.

Depending on your initial weight and the amount of food you eat, the Maggi cottage cheese diet will allow you to lose from 5 to 20 kilograms. The main thing is not to be tempted and not to overeat on days when you are allowed to eat food in unlimited quantities.


Maggi diet is based on strict restrictions, but at the same time it’s difficult to call her hungry. And despite the strict nutrition system (the method involves boiled vegetables in large quantities), it can be easily diversified using various recipes for preparing permitted products.

Stuffed eggs


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (up to 9% fat);
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic - to taste;
  • dill;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Cut the boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks. Add cottage cheese, dill, garlic (squeeze using a garlic press), pepper and salt to the yolks. Mix everything thoroughly. You should get a paste-like mass, which should be used to fill the egg white halves.

You can serve green pea puree as a side dish.

Prune and tangerine soup dessert


  • 1 tangerine;
  • 45 g prunes;
  • 300 g water;
  • 2 sweetener tablets.


Wash the prunes, remove the pits and chop finely. Then pour hot water, add sweetener and boil for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the tangerine by first removing the zest and grating it through a grater. Add a teaspoon of zest to the prunes, beat the mixture with a blender.

Before serving, add tangerine slices to the soup.

Baked tomatoes with cheese


  • 3 plates of cheese (20 g each) 16% fat;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 rye bread;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • dill;
  • salt to taste.


Remove pulp from tomatoes. Finely grate the cheese and garlic using a grater. Finely break the bread. Then mix grated cheese with garlic and broken bread. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture and place in the oven for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh dill.

Quitting the diet

The exit should be gradual so that the result of weight loss is successfully consolidated and the body does not receive a sudden load.

  • Over the next week after completing the course, include in your diet those foods that your body became accustomed to during the diet. These are: boiled or baked chicken breast, cottage cheese with a low fat content (up to 9%), apples, citrus fruits;
  • do not pounce on the food that was excluded from the diet - fried potatoes, confectionery, rice, pasta;
  • The result of losing weight can be maintained by eating according to the system;
  • Remember to monitor the amount of food and portion sizes. Remember that fractional meals- a guarantee of health.

Since the New Year holidays, I just couldn’t pull myself together, stop eating buns at night and force myself to study with Gillian. My laziness and gluttony led to the fact that in 4 months I gained almost 5 kg. Horror and nightmare!

and then I decided to go on a diet. preferably strict, but with varied menu

my choice fell on Maggi. you can eat a lot of things: eggs, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, even bread in the form of toast. in general, you definitely won’t leave hungry.

I won’t describe the essence of the diet; there is a lot of information on the Internet, and here on the website.

The diet is strict, but it is convenient because all meals are written down, on which day how much of what is allowed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It was very difficult for me to give up milk and kefir, so after one week of stricture I became bold and included these products in the menu. that is, I started drinking coffee and tea with milk. and made kefir snacks, that is, between meals I drank a glass of 1% kefir.

There were no relaxing moments like candy or cookies.

eggs didn’t make me sick (but who doesn’t like eggs, there is an option for you cottage cheese diet Maggi)

I don't like grapefruits. I almost didn’t eat them, and I ate few oranges, I did almost without citrus fruits

I was sick for three days, but decided not to deviate from the diet, although I had to take medicine in powders, but this did not affect my weight, judging by the morning weigh-ins

once in 4 weeks there was alcohol - a cocktail of dry white wine and mineral water, 3 glasses. the next morning there was no weight gain

There was no sports either, I absolutely couldn’t find time for it

In general, in 4 weeks I lost 5.7 kg. (from 60 to 54.3) volumes went well. I'm happy, considering that I didn't strictly follow it.

In general, it’s good to take this diet as a basis and adjust it to suit yourself within reason.

And what’s most surprising is that I don’t want any treats at all, even now that the diet is over!

I really hope the results last

Every person has a desire to become better. It's not easy to lose extra pounds, but to have toned body, it’s not easy to have good natural qualities, but to skillfully highlight them with the help of beauty industry services, not just to understand something, but to be the best at it. The Maggi diet is a godsend for those who want to lose weight and look fit at the same time, because it is based on proteins ( building material muscle tissue) and vegetables and fruits that promote their absorption.

The duration of the diet can be two weeks if the goal is to lose 2-3 kilograms or 4 weeks if 5-10 kilograms. The diet of this food system is based on eggs, meat, citrus fruits and vegetables. The menu is designed in such a way that physiological hunger is practically eliminated. Of course, people who are accustomed to frequent consumption of sweets, baked goods, fried foods and sausages will find it difficult at first, but the result is worth it. It should be said that Maggi is not suitable for people with individual intolerance to eggs.

The main requirement is to eat 3 times a day exactly the foods that are recommended. Diet meals are easy to prepare and there is no need to count calories. There are foods that you can eat as much as you like, this ensures the absence of hunger. At the right way out, the result remains for a long time, and if you follow certain nutritional rules, it lasts forever.

Each diet, in addition to prescribed meals, contains general recommendations, following which the person losing weight will receive maximum results.

For Maggi they are:

  • Eating only the foods indicated on the menu and adhering to time intervals between breakfasts, lunches and dinners will give results. Therefore, there are two options: either get ready and do everything properly, or don’t even start, so as not to waste time and energy;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat dinner dishes for lunch and vice versa, as well as to use another product instead of one, even if their composition is very similar. If this does happen, the diet must be started from the first day;
  • Coffee drinks and all types of tea can be drunk whenever you want in any quantities, but without additives and not sweet. If it’s really difficult, you can use sweeteners; preference should be given to organic ones, for example, stevia;
  • You need to drink simple purified water at least 2.5-3 liters per day. It promotes easier digestion of heavy protein foods, prevents dehydration and speeds up metabolism;
  • among seasonings salt, onion and garlic are allowed;
  • refuse meat broths and oils when preparing dishes;
  • the result will come faster if the new method of nutrition is combined with exercise.

Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of the Maggi diet is possible only with strict adherence to the menu. Therefore, it is necessary to know it and plan the purchase of products in advance. The menu offered below for 4 weeks has been tested to be as balanced as possible.

First week

The first thing to say is that breakfasts for this diet are stable: 1 large or 2 smaller boiled eggs and half a large citrus fruit. Henceforth they are not indicated, but this particular combination of products is meant.

Secondly, we also provide the list of permitted fruits once, and then we will simply write “fruits”: orange, kiwi, apple, apricot, watermelon, pear, melon. We remind you that the quantity of their use is not limited.

First Monday fruit system for lunch and meat for dinner. The fruit should be taken of one variety, and the meat should be chosen according to your taste and boiled

On Tuesday you need to have boiled chicken for lunch, and dinner with the same set of products as in the morning + chopped raw vegetables + a small rye bread cracker or toast.

Wednesday will delight you with tomatoes, a slice of rye bread or toast + low-fat cheese for lunch and a choice of lean boiled meat in the evening.

Thursday characterized by the same menu as Monday with the addition of chopped raw vegetables for dinner.

Friday offers soft-boiled eggs (2 pieces) + vegetables (carrots, peas, beans) for lunch and boiled fish with chopped raw vegetables and grapefruit for dinner.

Saturday— the first day off gives you the right not to bother and repeat Thursday’s menu.

Sunday conditionally vegetable: chicken with tomatoes, steamed vegetables and grapefruit for lunch and just steamed vegetables for dinner.

Second week

Everyone who persevered through the first 7 days will be rewarded with a little variety in the second week.

Monday lunch consists of chicken meat and chopped raw vegetables, and dinner consists of boiled eggs, vegetable salad and citrus.

Tuesday menu differs from this week's Monday menu in that there is no salad in the evening.

On Wednesday You should have lunch with meat fried on a non-stick coating in the company of an unlimited number of fresh cucumbers, and have dinner with boiled eggs, sliced ​​raw vegetables and grapefruit (if you’re tired of it, replace it with orange).

Thursday suggests having lunch with a couple of soft-boiled eggs and steamed vegetables (carrots, green peas), as well as low-fat cheese. It will be delicious if eaten with coffee sweetened with stevia. Dinner is much more modest - consists of a couple of boiled eggs.

On Friday for lunch as much as you like sea ​​fish for a couple, and have dinner like on Thursday.

On Saturday During the day, you can safely treat yourself to boiled beef and tomatoes, and for dessert choose any citrus fruit. Dinner is also more fun than in previous days - fruit platter.

Sunday lunch is vegetable and consists of steamed legumes and zucchini, and fresh tomatoes, and dinner is chicken and grapefruit.

Third week

If you have the willpower to go through the first half of the journey, then the second half will be okay.

Monday a completely fruit day (breakfast, as always, is standard).

Tuesday a completely vegetable day (breakfast, as always, is standard).

Fruit Wednesday.

Thursday Finally, vegetarian days will be diluted by seafood with unlimited quantities of boiled fish, steamed vegetables and cabbage salad for both lunch and dinner.

Meat Friday: lean meat with steamed vegetables in any quantity for both lunch and dinner.

Weekend completely fruit days.

Last week

Surely by this time those losing weight will become much lighter and will get used to diet menu. You are allowed to choose your own lunch and dinner from the food sets offered.

Monday: 200 grams of boiled lean meat, 180 grams of canned tuna without oil, 4 medium cucumbers, 2 large or 4 medium tomatoes, citrus, toast.

Tuesday: 200 grams of boiled lean meat, 180 grams of canned tuna without oil, 4 medium cucumbers, 3 medium tomatoes, choose a fruit: citrus, apple or melon.

Wednesday: 30 grams of cottage cheese 0%, 200 grams of low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables (carrots, green peas), raw vegetables: 3 medium cucumbers, 2 medium tomatoes, citrus, toast.

Thursday: 400 grams of boiled chicken, 1 medium cucumber, 3 medium tomatoes, citrus, toast.

Friday: 2 boiled eggs, chopped raw vegetables, 3 medium tomatoes, citrus.

Saturday: up to 500 grams of raw boiled chicken breasts, 100 grams of cottage cheese 0%, 2-3 medium cucumbers, 2 medium tomatoes, citrus, 200 ml low-fat kefir, toast.

Sunday: 60 grams of cottage cheese 0%, 180 grams of canned tuna without oil, 2-3 medium cucumbers, 2 medium tomatoes, steamed vegetables, citrus, toast.

The menu is quite specific and unusual for most people, but that is why it causes reactions in the body aimed at weight loss.

Maggi diet recipes

All the recipes for this food system are incredibly simple and can be done by any housewife. Let's share a few of them.

Braised beef meatballs

  1. Grind lean beef into minced meat, preferably several times.
  2. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Form small meatballs.
  4. Place them on the bottom of the dish in which the stew will take place.
  5. Fill the meatballs with water, add a couple of bay leaves.
  6. Simmer for about 40 minutes over medium heat.

Tomatoes with cheese

  1. Medium tomatoes cut into rings
  2. Grate the low-fat cheese on a medium grater and mix with garlic and herbs.
  3. Spread the cheese mixture onto the tomato rings.

Stuffed eggs

  1. Hard boil 2 chicken eggs
  2. Cut the eggs in half, remove the yolks.
  3. Mix the yolks with 60 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a clove of garlic passed through a garlic press and a bunch of dill.
  4. Fill the egg whites with the yolk-curd mixture.

Bon appetit!

Diet "Maggi" curd

Some people are not able to consume eggs in the quantities required by the classic Maggi diet due to personal intolerance to this product or dislike for it. Especially for those losing weight, there is a great opportunity to replace eggs with another protein product - cottage cheese. Being rich in calcium, this product has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, nails and hair, as well as on the emotional state. It is better to buy cottage cheese with a low fat content, because low-fat cottage cheese is almost not absorbed by the body. As for a serving of cottage cheese, its optimal size would be 200 grams.

Diet "Maggi" egg

As mentioned above, this diet is based on boiled chicken eggs and citrus fruits. The proposed menu also meets the concept of the classic Maggi diet. Here it is worth honestly saying that the number of eggs recommended by doctors per day is one, maximum two, otherwise there is a danger of cholesterol accumulation due to the composition of the yolks. But this opinion is controversial, and over the past decades there has been enough research that has proven that the composition of eggs, on the contrary, helps to reduce the level of slagging in blood vessels. When choosing an option for the Maggi diet, it should be based on personal taste preferences. It would be a good idea to consult a specialist you can trust.

The correct exit from any diet guarantees consolidation and retention of results and preservation of health.

  1. Maintain the Maggi diet as much as possible, namely, eat eggs, oranges, grapefruits and vegetables. This will help avoid stress in the body.
  2. Continue to drink clean, plain water in sufficient quantities.
  3. Strictly avoid raiding the refrigerator at night.
  4. Try to keep your food as clean as possible.
  5. Carbohydrates are eaten in the first half of the day.

If all points are followed, it is possible not only to maintain the result, but also to further lose weight.

Permitted and prohibited products

Among the permitted products on the Maggi nutrition system are the following:

  • protein: eggs, fish, meat (except lamb), cottage cheese, beans (including green beans), peas;
  • fruits: citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples, apples, apricots, peaches, melons, plums, watermelons, pears;
  • vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, greens;
  • drinks: tea, coffee without sugar, clean water.

It is prohibited to use: sausages, bakery and confectionery products, sugar, store-bought sauces, all types of oils, meat broths, bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes, dates, alcohol.

Is alcohol allowed on the Maggi diet?

Despite the fact that the Maggi diet is not considered to be a fasting diet, it is still stressful for the body. And in such a situation, any alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited, otherwise there is a high risk of causing damage to health and weakening the immune system. By the way, alcoholic drinks are contraindicated in all nutrition systems aimed at weight loss.


Depending on age, gender, lifestyle and initial weight, you can lose from 6 to 20 kilograms during any of the Maggi diet options. In addition, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves, there is a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength due to the abandonment of wear and tear on the body. harmful products. These results are confirmed by reviews from many people who have tried this method.

The specific Maggi diet menu should ideally be coordinated with competent doctors and nutritionists, based on the medical history of each person. In general, all experts prohibit this nutritional system for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys due to large quantities eggs on the menu.

Nutritionists do not approve of eating meat without accompanying fiber, that is, vegetables, as happens on certain days of the system. However, they argue that a significant amount of microelements from fruits and vegetables is not absorbed without the healthy fats contained in the oil.

At the same time, Maggi is considered by experts to be the most optimal among all mono-diets. And if there is a choice between it and kefir/buckwheat/Dukane, then it is better to choose it.

In any case, the health of each person, like his appearance- a personal matter and you should rely on your feelings during the diet. The composition of the menu, of course, is not the most loyal, but if Maggi helps obese people get rid of life-threatening extra pounds forever, we can try it.