What should you take to remove fluid? How to remove excess fluid from the body for weight loss

Water and life are impossible without the other. Normal functioning of the body is impossible when dehydrated. But when there is excess fluid, it causes many problems: body swelling, weight gain, pregnancy complications and much more. All these problems can be solved only by getting rid of the accumulation of excess fluid.

The fact is that excess fluid does not accumulate in the body just like that. But what are the reasons for excess water? How accessible are the ways to solve the problem of excess fluid accumulation at home? How can you remove unnecessary fluid using folk remedies? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

How to remove water from the body for weight loss?

The kilograms that are lost at the first stage of losing weight are excess fluid that has accumulated in the body of the person losing weight. This is why in the first weeks of the diet the weight comes off so quickly, and 2-3 kilograms are easily lost even without following a strict regime.

The simplest and most effective ways to get rid of excess fluid are:

  • increasing the consumed daily volume of clean water;
  • salt-free diets to remove excess fluid from the body and accelerate weight loss at home;
  • avoidance of products containing significant amounts of caffeine;
  • consumption of foods rich in coumarin, a substance that regulates the amount of fluid in tissues (cinnamon, parsley, celery);
  • long walks;
  • frequent changes of positions and short breaks during prolonged sedentary work.

If these methods do not help, and the amount of excess fluid in the body cannot be reduced, you should consult a doctor.

The cause of swelling can be serious disorders functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and thyroid gland. In addition, excess water may be a consequence side effect the drug being taken.

How to remove water from the body during pregnancy and pregnancy later? Edema during pregnancy, especially in its later stages, is a special problem for women. After all, the stress on the body increases, and the kidneys have to remove much more waste fluid than before. At the same time, medications often provide only a placebo effect. Therefore, to remove excess fluid during pregnancy, you can use a set of simple measures.

The most effective and safe ways to combat edema during pregnancy:

  • daily walks;
  • light massage and self-massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • special gymnastic exercises;
  • contrast shower;
  • baths with sea salt and essential oils;
  • wearing compression garments.

One more effective means to reduce physical stress on the excretory organs is knee-elbow position. It is advisable to get into it regularly, increasing the time every day.

Remember, water is like vehicle for waste products of the body, needed in large quantities . Contrary to the previously held opinion of doctors, it is impossible to limit its use under any circumstances..

Folk remedies

How to expel water from the body using folk remedies? Grandmother's methods will help in solving this problem. You can improve lymphatic drainage using folk remedies if you take one of these instead of regular tea throughout the day herbal infusions.

  1. Lovage. The infusion is consumed for about 20 days. It is useful even with significant accumulations of excess fluid. Preparation: A teaspoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to drink the entire infusion after breakfast.
  2. Peppermint. Pour 8 tablespoons of herbs into a thermos and pour 6 cups of boiling water. Close for half an hour, then strain. Use the product throughout the day. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.
  3. Rose hip. Pour 6 glasses into a saucepan or kettle hot water and 2 handfuls of berries, then put on fire and bring to a boil. Cover with a tight lid, wrap in a towel and leave for about an hour. Drink this tea for at least 20 days.

In addition, the following herbs can be classified as mild diuretics:

  • lingonberries;
  • bearberry;
  • arnica flowers;
  • dill seeds;
  • birch leaves.

They are often used in folk medicine in the manufacture of anti-edema products. Before using teas using them to remove water, you should consult a herbalist.

How to remove fluid from the body with ascites, edema and heart failure?

The situation is much more complicated in patients suffering from ascites, that is, abdominal dropsy. With this disease, excess fluid accumulates in large volumes in the abdominal cavity. It can be extremely difficult to remove it from the body.

Other serious pathologies can also cause the accumulation of a large volume of excess fluid:

  • cirrhosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood stasis.

In this case, the removal of excess water from the abdominal cavity is done with the help of diuretics used in both traditional and alternative medicine. But the solution to this problem, first of all, is aimed not so much at removing fluid from the abdominal cavity quickly, but at elimination of the main pathology as the root cause of its occurrence.

Recipe for ascites: Take 50 g of sweet clover and 50 g of coltsfoot, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. We drink 150 g of decoction in the morning.

If you have swelling, you should use the following method: Brew dried apple peel as tea and drink half a glass 5-6 times a day.

What medications can you take?

Returning to the topic of losing weight at home, remedies can also help get rid of excess water accumulated in the body traditional medicine. What diuretic drugs are needed to remove excess fluid from the body?

To remove excess fluid, most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Veroshpiron;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Diursan;
  • Ectaric acid.

All of these drugs have strong diuretic properties and help remove excess fluid.

They can also be used to remove excess water after drinking alcohol. But you should be more careful with diuretics, since due to the leaching of electrolytes from the body, you can provoke a water-salt imbalance and disrupt metabolism.

What foods should you eat?

To help the body remove excess fluid that is not pathological, you can resort to minor physical activity and adjustments to your diet.

Excess water in the body leads to swelling, bags under the eyes and weight gain. Feet become enlarged and do not fit into usual shoes. Have you noticed that your weight is “jumping”? Suddenly, out of nowhere, a couple of extra pounds.

The fingers swell unsightly. All this causes trouble.

What are the reasons for this and how to remove excess fluid from the body yourself?

Where did the extra water come from?

Excess fluid in the body indicates health problems - perhaps the kidneys are not coping with their job or the heart has begun to fail. Of course, you should consult a doctor. But most often, water is retained simply due to poor nutrition and consumption of large amounts of salt.

Excess fluid in the body also adds weight Causes of water retention:

  1. Lack of water. Everyone has heard that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day, but few people fulfill this condition. To satisfy daily requirement in water, the brain signals the body to accumulate water. Try keeping a bottle of clean water next to you and drinking it throughout the day. Drink little but often. After two weeks, the body will get used to it and stop storing excess water.
  2. Diuretic drinks. Alcohol (including beer) has a strong diuretic effect. Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks are also available. IN large quantities they can lead the body to dehydration. As a result, the body stores such precious water in edema. Try to drink more clean water.
  3. Excess salt. One molecule of salt binds 20 molecules of water and settles in fat cells. They increase in volume - this is how “ overweight" In addition, the body requires additional water to remove harmful salt from tissues. The circle closes, the swelling does not go away. Eat less salty foods - chips, salted fish, nuts for beer. And again, drink more water.
  4. Drink at night. Water drunk after 20.00 greatly overloads the kidneys. In the morning your face will be swollen. Try to drink most of your water before six to seven o'clock in the evening.

Review your diet - perhaps you are making the mistakes described above and don’t even notice it. There are also safe and simple traditional methods how to remove fluid from the body quickly.

Products that remove fluid from the body:

  1. In the summer, watermelon is very useful. It not only removes water, but also cleanses the kidneys well, improving their functioning. Melons and cucumbers will also help remove excess fluid from the body. Once a week, arrange watermelon or cucumber days for yourself, you will notice the effect on the first day.

    Watermelon removes toxins and excess water, cleanses the kidneys

  2. In the spring, birch sap will help - it does not linger in the tissues and quickly removes salt and toxins. A wonderful remedy, drink a glass of it three times a day.

    Birch sap removes salts

  3. Green tea and hibiscus are also known as mild diuretics. Unlike black tea, you can and even need to drink it in large quantities.

    Hibiscus and green tea are healthier than black tea

  4. Oatmeal and rice porridge are also excellent for removing water. Rice is low in sodium (which retains water) and high in potassium, which removes salt. Professional athletes Before important competitions, they go dry - they eat only unsalted rice porridge for several days.

    Eat oatmeal and rice porridge more often

  5. Fresh fruits and vegetables do not contain salt. The more you eat, the better your salt balance will be. Beetroot and cabbage help against swelling.

    There is almost no salt in fresh vegetables and fruits

  6. Eat foods that remove water from the body - containing potassium: pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant, apples, apricots and dried fruits.

How to remove excess water from the body

A sauna or steam bath will help remove excess water from the body. Excess water and salt will come out with sweat. Regular visits to the sauna will also help you lose weight.

Physical exercise speeds up metabolism and helps remove fluid through the sweat glands. Running, walking, and aerobic exercise, cycling - the leg muscles contract and the swelling goes away.

And once a day for 1-2 hours it is useful to raise your legs above the level of your heart - for example, when you are lying on the sofa, place a pillow under your feet. The swelling in your ankles will go away quickly. This is especially useful for older people and those who have a sedentary job.

Sit back and raise your legs higher - the swelling of your ankles will go away quickly

If the situation is critical and you urgently need to remove fluid from the body, use diuretics - diuretics: these are Furosemide, Torasemide, Diuver, Ethacrynic acid, Diursan and others.

But don't overuse medications. Tablets that remove water from the body wash calcium, potassium and magnesium from the tissues. They can only be taken under medical supervision. It is better to give preference to natural diuretics - herbs: herbal teas have a milder diuretic effect and do not harm the body.

Herbs and infusions for removing water from the body

  1. Infusion of birch leaves. Crushed dried leaves are sold at any pharmacy. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and add soda at the tip of a knife. Drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  2. Rosehip or lingonberry tea: Brew dried berries as you would regular tea and drink half a cup two to three times a day.
  3. Dill seeds have a strong diuretic effect: pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain, drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
  4. You can cook a compote from dry apple peels and drink half a cup 5 times a day.

If you have already tried some of the proposed methods, but did not help, do not despair. Remember that the same remedy for different people may act differently. Try different methods and you will find yours. Perhaps birch infusion or rosehip decoction will help you. Then the question “how to remove water from the body quickly” will no longer bother you. Be healthy!

Water plays a role in losing weight important role. Often its excess in the body results in significant weight gain, far from better side changes the silhouette of the figure. How to remove water from the body for weight loss, so as not to harm your health, but reduce the number of kilograms and centimeters? You need to find out why water is retained in the body, reconsider your diet, and choose a suitable method for getting rid of water ballast from the body.

Causes of water accumulation in the body

Excess water often becomes a consequence of diseases that disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, endocrine system, and water-lipid metabolism. Meanwhile healthy body often suffers from accumulated water for other reasons:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids before bed. At night, the kidneys simply cannot cope with the load, which leads to swelling and stagnation of water.
  2. Water deficiency (insufficient drinking) provokes the body to create its own water reserves.
  3. Abuse of diuretic drinks is similar to the effect of moisture deficiency in the body.
  4. Small motor activity leads to vascular pathologies, lymph stagnation, and accumulation of water between cells.
  5. Abuse of salt, which binds water molecules and prevents it from leaving the body naturally.

Ways to remove excess fluid when losing weight

- the simplest and fastest means of removing excess water. However, medications are intended to treat ailments, and they will not benefit a healthy person, so diuretics should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Those whose body suffers from excess water not due to illness should resort to rational and safe ways fluid removal: fasting days and dietary nutrition, physical activity and bath procedures.

Special diet

How to remove excess water from the body for weight loss by changing your diet? To do this, it is necessary to limit the amount of salt as much as possible, and it is better to do without it altogether. You should exclude fast food, semi-finished products, canned food from the menu, and stick to following rules power supply:

  • drink more plain water;
  • increase the share of foods rich in coumarin (celery, parsley, cinnamon, etc.);
  • refuse (or reduce as much as possible) drinks with caffeine and tannin;
  • eat foods rich in fiber.

Designed to quickly and intensively rid the body of excess water special diet. You need to follow it for exactly seven days, during each of them do a cleansing enema, drink 500 ml of kefir and eat a certain set of foods:

  1. 5 boiled potatoes.
  2. 100 grams of white chicken meat (boiled, without salt), vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  3. 100 grams of lean veal (beef) plus vegetable salad.
  4. 100-150 g of fish (boiled, steamed, poached) and three to four bananas (optional).
  5. Any fresh vegetables in any combination and quantity.
  6. Kefir (no more than two liters).
  7. Still mineral water.

Fasting days

It is possible to remove excess fluid from the body through short-term food restriction. Fasting days can be different: based on drinking or on mono nutrition. For effective weight loss It is important to drink at least a liter of clean water on this day. Choose any method of unloading that suits you, arrange it at least once a week, try alternating the wellness menu:

  1. . It is considered one of the most effective means of removing accumulated water from the body. Brew green tea and drink it with milk without other additives. You should not consume anything other than milk tea (not counting water!) on a fasting day.
  2. . One and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day will help to significantly lose weight, remove swelling, and other manifestations of excess water in the body.
  3. Unloading on pumpkin juice It will help get rid of accumulated water in the body and nourish you with vitamins. The only condition is that the juice must be natural, preferably freshly squeezed.
  4. Oatmeal It removes excess water well, cleanses the body of toxins, and improves digestion. For fasting day you need to cook yourself porridge from rolled oats or whole oat grains. The dish must be cooked in water, do not add salt to it. It is allowed to sweeten the porridge with raisins and a small amount of honey. You can eat it as much as you want.
  5. Another option for unloading on oatmeal is "beauty salad". Pour three tablespoons of rolled oats into a half-liter jar, add raisins, a quarter of a chopped apple and some crushed nuts or seeds. Fill everything to the top with kefir and leave overnight. This is your food for the entire fasting day.

Physical activity

In an efficient way To remove accumulated water from the body, intensive activities that cause sweating will occur: brisk walking, running, jumping rope, cycling, training on machines, fitness. An effective way to speed up metabolism, relieve swelling, and remove excess water from the body are simple gymnastic exercises that can be easily performed at home:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Raise your legs and arms up (perpendicular to your body).
  • Start shaking your limbs, at first just shaking them.
  • Gradually speed up the pace, increasing the intensity of the shaking.

Hot bath or sauna

Wet or dry steam helps to intensively remove accumulated water from the body. This proven method is actively used by athletes before competitions if they need to quickly lose weight. The only thing you need to consider when resorting to this remedy is contraindications for bath procedures:

  • heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis (residual effects – including!).

How to remove excess water from the body for weight loss in a more gentle way? To do this, take baths with a soda-salt solution. A couple of hours before the procedure, try not to drink or eat. Fill the bath with warm water (38-39 degrees), add a few tablespoons of baking soda and salt. Lie in the healing solution for about 20 minutes, drink a cup of green tea while taking a bath. After the procedure, put on warm home clothes (pajamas, robe), lie in bed under a warm blanket for 30-40 minutes. Take a refreshing shower and refrain from drinking or eating for about an hour.

What drugs remove water from the body?

Medicines that remove water from the body are called diuretics. They are classified depending on the specific area of ​​the kidneys on which the drug acts:

  • thiazide;
  • loop;
  • potassium sparing;
  • aldosterone antagonists.

The first group of drugs is considered the most effective for removing excess salt and water from the body, but taking the drugs sharply and greatly reduces blood pressure. Popular tablets of this group:

  • "Indapamide" or "";
  • "Klopamide";
  • "Benzthiazide";
  • "Dichlorothiazide" or "Hypothiazide".

Loop diuretics regulate the filtration process in the kidneys and enhance the removal of fluid and salt from the body. The disadvantage of this group of drugs is serious side effects, therefore they are prescribed only in critical cases. Loop diuretics include:

  • "Bumetanide";
  • "Ethacrynic acid";

The use of potassium-sparing diuretics is combined with other strong diuretics. They are prescribed to prevent the leaching of potassium and calcium and to enhance the diuretic effect. The group of potassium-sparing drugs includes:

  • "Triamterene";
  • "Amiloride";
  • "Spironolactone".

Water retention in the body is caused by the action of the hormone aldosterone. If it is neutralized, salt and water begin to be intensively excreted in the urine, but the potassium content in the body does not decrease. A well-known aldosterone antagonist is “Veroshpiron” (tablets and capsules). The medicine has the effect of removing excess water from the body on the second to fifth day of treatment.

Foods that remove liquid

A properly formulated diet will help reduce excess water in the body even without the use of medications. To achieve this effect, you need to include seasonal vegetables and fruits, herbs, and some spices in your daily menu. For example, cinnamon and ginger, celery and parsley successfully remove water from the body. Products such as:

  • watermelon;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • cucumbers;
  • dried apricots;
  • eggplant;
  • dill;
  • asparagus;
  • horseradish;
  • potato;
  • oatmeal;
  • green tea;
  • kefir;
  • vegetable juices.

Effective folk remedies and herbs

Diuretic drinks were used long before the creation of synthetic diuretics. Take advantage folk recipes drugs that rid the body of excess water:

  1. Brew a teaspoon of medicinal avran in 250 ml of water. Leave for two hours, drink 3 times a day after meals.
  2. Infuse two spoons of crushed birch leaves in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 3-4 times a day.
  3. Diuretic mixture for removing fluid: juice of viburnum, rowan (1 tbsp.), Lemon (0.5 tbsp.), 100 g of honey. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.
  4. Brew three teaspoons of dry bearberry herb in a glass of water. Drink a spoon before meals.
  5. Infusion of water from lingonberries - three glasses a day.
  6. Drink 10 ml of dill water three times a day (a spoonful of seeds per 200 ml of boiling water).

Video: how to expel water from the body at home

What to do if you have an important event coming up and you just need to lose just one more kilogram? The answer is simple - remove excess fluid from the body. We often do not notice slight swelling, bags under the eyes - but this is all a sign of excess fluid. How to get rid of it and why it accumulates in general - you will learn from this article.

Excess water in the body: causes

There is a scientific term for this phenomenon - hyperhydration. Excess fluid in the body can be even more dangerous than its lack. With normal functioning of the body and use healthy water and food, liquid simply does not linger. If this occurs, then your health is in serious danger.

Causes of overhydration:

  1. Not healthy eating. Lack of vitamins and low levels of protein in the blood lead to delayed fluid excretion.
  2. Excessive consumption of salt, sweeteners or seasonings can cause problems with the urinary system. But this does not mean that you need to immediately completely give up your usual food. Everything is good, but in moderation.
  3. Taking medications that tend to retain fluid. Such drugs are prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes or inflammatory processes.
  4. Hard or mono diet. A sudden weight loss is perceived by the body as stress and therefore it begins to accumulate energy in all ways.
  5. Hormonal imbalance, the beginning of menstruation.
  6. . In some cases of pregnancy, this is considered normal; the baby and the placenta need it.
  7. Dehydration. The body simply begins to store fluid for future use.
  8. Alcohol abuse. Any alcohol is a diuretic. After taking something “cheerful”, the body again stores the water it needs for life.
  9. Taking diuretics is perceived by the body as a threat.
  10. Heart failure.
  11. Lack of physical activity.
  12. Liver diseases.
  13. Hypertension.
  14. Inflammation.
  15. Metabolic disorder.
  16. Varicose veins.
  17. Incorrect sleep pattern.

How to remove water from the body

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of measures that will help prevent and relieve mild forms of swelling:

  • proper nutrition, saturating the body with all necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • refusal;
  • an activity, even just cardio exercises that will help get the blood flowing;
  • reasonable consumption of artificial flavor enhancers - salt, sugar and spices;
  • consumption of at least 1.5 liters of clean water during the day, the bulk of the liquid is recommended to be taken before 6 pm;
  • contrast shower improves blood circulation;
  • visiting a sauna has the same effect as a shower, only it’s also pleasant;
  • comfortable clothes and shoes, squeezing the veins does not contribute to overall health;
  • massage, at least simple stroking of the limbs;
  • Avoid stress and learn to deal with it.

To maintain your health, consume as little of the following foods as possible:

  1. Mayonnaise.
  2. Store-bought sausages.
  3. Instant dishes - noodles, mashed potatoes in cups.
  4. Chips and crackers.
  5. Soda.
  6. Beer.
  7. Grilled chickens.
  8. Fatty desserts.
  9. Store-bought canned goods.

What removes water from the body

If swelling is bothersome, contact your doctor immediately. He will appoint medicinal product, which will quickly remove water. The scientific name of such drugs is diuretics.

It is extremely rare that fluid is retained in the body due to minor health problems that will go away on their own. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to diagnose and eliminate the root cause - the disease leading to overhydration.

The most commonly prescribed diuretics by doctors include:

  • Furosemide. A strong and fast-acting remedy. Do not take it before bed - you will have to choose between sleep and a wet bed. Eliminated from the body within 4-5 hours. Prescribed when fluid needs to be removed urgently.
  • Indapamide. A milder medicine, but its duration of action is much longer than that of Furasemide. It is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, as it easily penetrates the placenta and into.
  • Urea is an analogue of Furasemide. In principle, all other diuretics are analogues of the above.

The use of any diuretic drug must be agreed with a specialist. It is good to undergo an examination before this so as not to cause irreparable harm to your health. All diuretics gradually wash away beneficial substances from the body, such as calcium or magnesium. Do not overuse them.

You can carry out routine cleansing of the body on your own using herbal teas, vegetables and fruits.

Products that remove water from the body

Remember that the maximum cleansing effect can only be achieved by using a combination of methods. For example, daily activities sports, visiting a bathhouse or sauna once a week and proper nutrition can bring the body back to normal in a month.

Products with a pronounced diuretic effect:

  1. Oatmeal is considered one of the strongest natural diuretics. At the same time, it perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins. Be careful, long-term use can wash calcium out of the body.
  2. Watermelon, its diuretic property does not need description. Works great on sand and small kidney stones. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. , removes toxins from the body well.
  4. Kefir. Cleanses all excretory systems of the body.
  5. Bearberry leaves. Brew dried leaves in a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon before meals, 3 times a day. Sold in a pharmacy, for convenience it is packaged in disposable bags.

In addition to these products, there are also foods that have less strong diuretic properties. Suitable for gentle and gradual removal of excess water.

  • apples;
  • pumpkin;
  • strawberries;
  • greens - parsley, nettle, sorrel;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • apricot;
  • mint;
  • cherry;
  • rose hip;
  • horsetail;
  • barberry.

Herbs have more pronounced properties than vegetables or fruits. It is useful to give the body deload one day a week. Sit on oatmeal or kefir. This method will help not only remove excess water and toxins, but also lose some excess weight.

Fluid retention in the body can ruin anyone's mood. Especially during weight loss, when every gram counts. Edema masks weight loss and reduces motivation. Often the body accumulates fluid due to illness. Then the only way to get rid of swelling is to cure the disease. Quick methods for removing excess water give short-term results, but they are worth taking a closer look at if you are losing weight.

Well-known nutritionist and fitness expert Lyle MacDonald argues that weight loss is based on a mechanism that is tied not only to burning fat, but also to getting rid of water.

Fat cells are composed of glycerol and fatty acids. causes fatty acids to leave fat cells, allowing us to use them as energy (calorizer). Glycerol remains in the cell. It is this that attracts water, which temporarily fills the place of fatty acids. When water is removed from the cells, we can see a decrease in body weight and volume. It is stupid to wait only for a minus on the scales, but it is important to create the conditions to see this minus.

The problem with losing weight is that fluid retention is a constant companion to calorie restriction. The stricter the diet, the stronger the swelling. Some people who are losing weight may feel like... Therefore, the diet should be comfortable, and water must be removed in a timely manner.

Ways to remove excess water from the body

There are many quick methods to help cope with swelling. These are spa treatments, refeed, stress reduction, salt reduction, drinking regimen, and inclusion of foods with a diuretic effect in the diet.

Spa treatments and cosmetology

Spa treatments and cosmetology (sauna, LPG massage, etc.) - spas offer many procedures to get rid of accumulated water, and some of them can be done at home. Even doctors recommend that people suffering from swelling regularly take contrast showers and massage. However, the effect of spa treatments does not last long. If water retention was caused by improper drinking regimen, excess salt, chronic stress, kidney, heart, vascular diseases or hormonal disorders, then the fluid will return back.


According to expert Martin Berkhahn, . He recommends doing 2-4 sets and 12-15 reps of each exercise beforehand to deplete muscle glycogen stores. For refeed, the expert recommends choosing starchy foods - bread, rice. On this day, it is necessary to reduce fat consumption, and calculate carbohydrates based on 4-6 g per kilogram.

Stress Reduction

Stress reduction - relaxation, walks fresh air and your favorite hobby help relieve stress nervous system and reduce cortisol, the excess of which causes fluid retention. According to Martin Berkhan, do HIIT instead. The body perceives low-intensity cardio as an activity that does not require significant effort.

Reducing salt

Reduction - daily norm salt is 5 g per day, when most people eat 3-4 times more. Avoid salty snacks, canned food, salted cheese, sausages, processed foods, homemade pickles, salted fish, store-bought sauces - these products contain large number salt. Don't add salt to your food at the table and pay attention to how much salt you add during cooking.

Normalization drinking regime- gradually go out and try to drink the same amount daily.

Including foods with a diuretic effect in the diet. Among them,