Body ballet lets you lose weight quickly and beautifully. What is body ballet, how is it useful? Body ballet trial lesson

Modern girls spend a lot of time on their devices, at their desks in class or at their desks at work in the office. This negatively affects the condition of the body, muscle tone and posture. They will help you get fit, become elegant, graceful and healthy. body ballet classes. You can do this by making an appointment with us at.

Body Ballet Classes

What is the difference between classical ballet classes and Body Ballet? While classical ballet classes are aimed at improving dance skills, Body Ballet classes are aimed at improving the body, its muscles, grace and the ultimate goal of body ballet classes is healthy and beautiful body. Hence the name: Body- body, Ballet- ballet. Body Ballet is a ballet for adults. Body ballet classes in Moscow take place in our ballet studio. Just find the one that is closest to you in the list of ballet studios and call the administrator to sign up for free lesson in body ballet. Body Ballet Classes- the path to health and beauty!

It’s no secret that women and girls come to a point when it’s very difficult to get fit: sedentary work, driving, mobile devices, in general, the lifestyle is such that the body bends to the ground, the back hurts, and the legs can’t hold up. This cannot be treated medically. There is only one road for you: to the group Ballet Bodysuit.

What is Body Ballet?

You won't believe it, but Body Ballet is the commercial name of classical Choreography, slightly adapted to modern techniques and various directions, which, by the way, themselves arose from ballet choreography. That is, Body Ballet These are exercises from a ballet class with an emphasis on stretching and aerobic and anaerobic exercise. In simple words, Body Ballet- This ballet classes for adults, helping to burn unnecessary pounds and strengthen muscles, while the skeleton is aligned and strengthened, and the body becomes slimmer and more graceful.

Does Body Ballet Make Your Body Beautiful?

The whole secret of the beauty of ballerinas' bodies is that exercises in ballet class do not produce male hormones. Body Ballet Classes make the body feminine, graceful and beautiful through exercises that burn unnecessary, transverse muscles, and the absence of exercise equipment and external weights when practicing Body Ballet prevents the body from producing “male hormones” that are harmful to the female body. But while studying in gym with weights, you risk making your figure “square”, losing beautiful hair and even damaging your spine. This will never happen in a Body Ballet group: the exercises are so simple and thoughtful, so characteristic of the female body that Body Ballet classes bring pleasure!

Body Ballet for beginners or experienced?

Body Ballet is universal exercises both to support the already achieved form, and for those who came to ballet class for the first time. No matter what age you are, no matter how prepared you are: Body Ballet is a simple and enjoyable way to improve your appearance, body and life in general. Body ballet for beginners will help to reveal those resources of your own body that have not been revealed for a long time. Exactly Body Ballet classes for women- this is a chance to make your childhood dreams of Ballet come true!

BODY BALLET - an elegant way to a beautiful figure!

Body Ballet

Body Ballet - Novokuznetskaya, Tretyakovskaya

Mon, Fri 19:00, 20:00 (Tretyakovskaya, Polyanka, Novokuznetskaya)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - 1905

Mon, Wed, Fri 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 (1905 Years, Barricade, Running, Exhibition)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Baumanskaya

Tue, Thu 19:00 (Baumanskaya, Kurskaya, Sokolniki, Krasnoselskaya, Elektrozavodskaya)

Body Ballet - Timiryazevskaya

Tue, Thu 20:00 (Dmitrovskaya, Voykovskaya, Timiryazevskaya, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, Otradnoe, Altufyevo)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Korolev

Mon, Wed, 19:30 (Korolev, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi)


Body Ballet - Saturday Two-Hour Intensive!

Saturday 14:00-16:00 (M. Novokuznetskaya)

The portal contains information about where you can sign up for body ballet classes in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular areas, reviews from students. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by area and metro station. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

IN childhood many dream of a ballet career, wanting to learn elegant and attractive steps. However, parents, studies and other factors often interfere with the fulfillment of this dream. Modern dance schools offer an excellent option for their students - body ballet dancing. Body ballet can be safely called a lighter version of classical choreography, during which the emphasis is on learning the very basics of the direction. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance for long-term work at a modified ballet barre. Body ballet for beginners is a great opportunity to take a step towards the world of classical choreography, aerial and attractive steps.

Body ballet class in Moscow is an excellent choice for adult dancers

A well-thought-out system of movements contributes to the rapid development of control skills own body. Full of elegance and grace, the body ballet program will help you not only learn the basics of classical choreography, but will also give your body a special attractiveness by reducing extra pounds. The exercises used in body ballet classes will make your calves and thighs elastic and strong.

Body ballet classes for beginners offer a progressive learning of the very basics of ballet through lightweight exercises. With their help, the muscles are gently stretched, and the flexibility of the joints and spine is developed. The direction is based on the correct positions of the arms and legs, borrowed from classical ballet. Many exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the feet. By working with their bodies, students gradually learn to monitor correct position head, neck, shoulders, torso, arms, hips and legs. During classes, future dancers learn proper body positioning, develop eversion of the feet, hips and knees, develop graceful posture and beautiful hand position. The studied elements will fit perfectly into any dance style, giving its performance technicality and correctness.

What should you consider when choosing body ballet lessons for beginners?

Some people mistakenly assume that body ballet classes in dance studios are a relaxing and slow program that does not require stamina. Meanwhile, every workout will make you seriously sweat! Quite complex static exercises, inversion of the hips and feet, and detailed study of each element are not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Which, however, does not prevent anyone from attending classes even for those who have never visited a choreographic studio before.

It is worth preparing in advance for the fact that the training process is quite long and gradual; it does not guarantee quick results. Often, many who exercise only after some time unexpectedly discover a pleasant effect from regular exercise.

Body ballet school in Moscow

Our portal contains information about dance studios that offer body ballet classes for adults. Clearly presented tables will allow you to compare the cost of training at different schools, selecting the most suitable options for each portal visitor. Using filters, you can find body ballet classes in the most convenient area or near the metro station closest to your home or work. Of additional interest are reviews of body ballet classes left by former or current clients of dance studios.

Currently, there are many different fitness trends and sports activities, from which everyone can find something to their liking. This can be either a very simple and leisurely type of exercise, such as meditation in yoga, or dynamic, very energy-intensive workouts, such as Zumba or interval exercises. Appeared relatively recently new look choreographic classes that help you learn to control your body and listen to it. This is body ballet. What's special about it?

What is body ballet

This is a lightweight option designed for people without special training. This is a type of choreography, the core of which is represented by the simplified exercises used in ballet. Therefore, many movements are made near the mirrors located along the mirror.

One of the basic benefits is that body ballet classes develop the ability to sense and regulate your body, control it with grace and ease. It uses a combination of exercises to strengthen and stretch muscles, correct perception space and maintaining balance.

The training contains ballet steps for muscle stretching, which helps develop flexibility of the spine and joints, good posture. This type of ballet helps students to make their body beautiful, fit, full of energy and mobility.

Interestingly, body ballet is a relatively new trend in the fitness industry, which arose thanks to the American choreographer Lee Sarago in the early 2000s. In Russia, this art of dance was improved and introduced by ballerina Ilse Liepa, who created a mixture of exemplary ballet and Pilates. Now you can practice it at home and in fitness clubs and dance schools.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone can practice body ballet, without significant restrictions in age or level of training. Not only children can learn this type of choreography. Body ballet is also suitable for adults. It will help improve the potential of the body, be in excellent shape, improve physical and emotional well-being. As a rule, lessons are held to classical or relaxing music, which helps relieve stress and lift your spirits.

Body Ballet is also adapted for ordinary girls and women who dream in early age become a ballerina. This dance direction will help you achieve slim figure, flexibility, graceful flying gait. Body ballet is also important for males due to the fact that choreographic development is important for dancers.

Notably, body ballet is something that even experienced dancers will benefit from, as the choreography provides a valuable base of specific knowledge, and the stretching and strengthening of muscles and joint work improves performance in a variety of dance styles.

These classes are very good for people who have a hard time with high-intensity cardio exercises, but who need to work out large and small muscles body, achieve elasticity and fit.

Experts believe that ballet exercises help to define the contours of the body, rather than build muscle. At the same time, endurance is developed better, and the heart and joints are not overloaded. Classes at the body ballet school are recommended for those who have had injuries and fractures, since the load is applied evenly and has a healing effect. Also, this type of choreography is suitable for people who cannot tolerate very intense training.

Professional medical workers note that exercises of this type are indicated for back pain, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and overweight. Thus, body ballet classes are something that is suitable for any person.

The effect of exercise and the impact on health

If a person is contraindicated in strength and running training, then body ballet is what you need. By carrying out a systematic load on all muscle groups, a person will become stronger, more resilient, gain a toned, elegant body and improve his well-being: both physical and emotional.

After the exercises, the ability to control the body, plasticity and grace is acquired. After some time of stable training, significant shifts in self-perception occur, posture is corrected, muscles and joints are strengthened. The body acquires relief, grace and endurance, as almost all muscles are involved in the work.

According to doctors, exercises have a healing effect in case of bone fractures and injuries, as well as a weak cardiovascular system. The risk of injury and the likelihood of sprains are almost zero. Exercises also perfectly improve coordination of movements and train the respiratory system.

Weight loss

Body Ballet helps improve your figure: the body gains mobility, slimness and fit. Body control skills improve. Also, a positive aspect of body ballet is that beneficial workouts help tone the body and remove overweight. During exercise, the heart rate rises to 140 beats. This pace and intensity allows the body to effectively burn fat. In combination with proper nutrition, it is possible to achieve noticeable results within a month or two.

In addition, Body Ballet helps improve the shape of your legs, abdominals and the whole body as a whole. Uniform load cleans well body fat on the waist and hips. Fitness centers have specially designed programs for weight loss, including using body ballet. They are more energy-intensive and help to work on specific problem areas.

Classes for beginners

Body ballet is also suitable for beginners. Lessons can be learned even if a person is far from dancing and choreography at all. There are no age or gender restrictions. Over time, the exercises will become more complex in technique and coordination.

At the very first lesson, students master basic poses and work at the ballet barre. Performed together with the instructor various movements barre exercises, ground choreography and stretching. For those who can only study at home, video lessons from Lotta Burke or Janet Jenkins are suitable.

What you need for classes

You can wear stretchy, tight-fitting trousers or leggings and a comfortable top or T-shirt, slippers or ballet flats. It is not forbidden to exercise in socks. Some wear a special elastic leotard for dancing. Clothing should be comfortable, not restrict movement, preferably made of moisture- and water-conducting materials. No special equipment is required. And, of course, you need the desire and motivation of the person himself, effort and enjoyment of the training process.

Training mode

To receive visible result You need to exercise at least twice a week. At first, it is important to control the degree of load and take breaks of several days between workouts. It is important to interact with the instructor: ask questions, talk about unpleasant sensations. It is usually more effective to exercise in the morning.

The process of training is gradual and will not bring instant results. But over time, those who practice will be surprised to notice significant progress. Many people are seriously interested in and get great pleasure from this type of physical activity.

The lesson lasts from 40 minutes to an hour at medium intensity. First, a warm-up is invariably carried out, then comes the main part, and ends with relaxation and stretching.

This direction of choreography is one of the most gentle and less traumatic. The intensity of training will suit each student depending on their goals. For the most fast weight loss, for example, it is better to attend classes three times a week and combine them with Pilates or other fitness activities to speed up your metabolism as much as possible. It is also necessary to comply proper nutrition, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

Results and reviews

Many girls who want to improve their well-being and body are interested in the question of what this new type of fitness is. Those who practice leave numerous positive reviews about body ballet. For example, girls note that they are delighted with the classes: their gait has changed, their movements have become soft and feminine. In addition, the muscles become more prominent, the stomach and sides are removed, and the legs are strengthened.

It is important that with exercise your attitude towards yourself changes, excess weight goes away, love for your body appears, and shyness disappears. Also, some note that they really love training.

Classes in St. Petersburg and Moscow

Today this fascinating direction of choreography is available in many countries, including Russia. Of course, body ballet did not bypass Moscow. It is offered by dance and ballet schools, as well as numerous fitness clubs. In particular, the Fitness Time centers: st. Otradnaya, 16; st. Artsimovicha, 8. Classes are held there for people with any physical fitness.

Body ballet in St. Petersburg is also available in various dance schools and studios, sports clubs. For example, this is the dance club La Boca on Kamennoostrovsky Ave., 40A. Lessons are designed for any client - beginner or already experienced. A professional ballerina teaches there, so in the future you can study classical choreography.

Masha Botvinina went to body ballet classes to understand how much of ballet there actually is.
I got used to the idea that fine arts are not about me. Jumping, riding – it’s all simple and clear (relatively speaking, of course). I even decided to choose non-standard dances - . Therefore, if someone had told me even a year ago that I would stand at the machine with burning eyes, I would have laughed in his face. But as they say, never say never.

I went to body ballet by chance at my own studio Plastilin (where I go in hopes) - here it is one of the most popular destinations. And she stayed! There are several body ballet trainers here - I ended up with Daria Soboleva, who, in my opinion, is simply magical. She graduated from the Academy of Choreography (MGAC) at the Bolshoi Theater in two directions at once - as a ballet dancer and then as a teacher-choreographer. And he has been teaching for seven years now. But the main thing is that you look at it and want to do everything just as perfectly!

What is body ballet?

The founder of the direction is considered to be choreographer and fitness expert Leah Sarago. In 2005, she released a video course Ballet Body (now available in the AppStore), in which she mixed exercises from ballet, yoga and Pilates - it promises to make the figure fit and slim without intensive training(and is still popular today).

In Russia, the idea of ​​combining Pilates and ballet is supported. In general, the idea of ​​mixing ballet with other directions is quite popular (our Olya went to it last year).

The main part of the lesson is exercises from classical choreography. This is the foundation that gives you the strength and flexibility to dance complex steps. But here we take into account the age and training of the students. Plus, exercises are given for general physical fitness and butt + abs (we have already done this lesson together with).

What did I understand after taking several classes?

There may be zero preparation

You can come to body ballet with any preparation, and especially without it. If you've been sitting at the computer for twenty years, and then suddenly decided that you urgently need to make friends with sports, this is the place for you. The exercises are smooth, they spare ligaments and joints (but not you, don’t flatter yourself), so it’s almost impossible to hurt yourself. In addition, all muscle groups develop evenly here. With the help of exercises you can recover from injuries (with the permission of a doctor, of course).

Even if you came without any preparation, you need to be ready to plow, don’t expect any concessions. Most of the exercises are done slowly and you need to have time to monitor the correct, “ballet” position of the whole body: head, arms, knees - out of habit you constantly lose sight of something. And by the way, they don’t grab onto the machine, they just hold on to it!

The first time after class you feel like a squeezed lemon. But after a month, your body gets used to it and you begin to think about staying for the second hour of class.

Clothes can be anything

Any class is suitable sports uniform. Nobody requires you to wear ballet leotards, tutus, or anything else. And most of the students also go to other studio classes (for example, splits), wandering from hall to hall.

No pointe shoes needed

I was afraid that I would have to wear some kind of terrible chafing shoes (pointe shoes?!). Or something awkward with ribbons. But it turned out that you can wear socks to body ballet. But it’s better to wear special non-slip slippers (you can buy them directly in the studio).

Stretching is a mandatory part of the lesson

After each strength exercise, stretching immediately follows. And that's great! Because the muscles become strong and at the same time elongated, and not pumped. In ballet, it is generally difficult to acquire any convex muscles due to constant stretching exercises (after all, flexibility is critical) and the lack of weights. #opening of the year

Every movement has a ballet term

All these passe, batman, jete. Just a squat is somehow ugly and uninteresting, but a plie is already sublime. It's like croutons and croutons from What Men Talk About. But when it’s sublime, you want to do everything better and more beautiful.

Classical music is played during the lesson (but not only)

Definitely don’t expect any “tut-tut-tat” – not in this hall. But movie soundtracks are also going great. For example, I recognized the main melody from the 1968 film “Romeo and Juliet”, and once I even cheerfully waved my leg to the soundtrack of the third part of “The Lord of the Rings” (play it again!).

It is the music that sets the mood that some small miracle is about to happen. And you will be both a part of it and the center.

You can feel elegant and graceful. If you want to be a ballerina, you want to be a fairy, a squirrel, a dragonfly. But light and beautiful. Here it is, the same hook that everyone falls for and comes for more!

There is no dancing in body ballet

And after a while it starts to get frustrating. Because the movements cease to be constrained and awkward, and the body asks to dance. However, sometimes Dasha gives us concessions, and if the general level of the group allows, then we “dance” short sequences. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Ballet habits will become firmly established in life.

Keep your head and shoulders turned, slightly pull your toes in motion, walk smoothly... It seems that this is the most valuable thing that will happen to you. For example, I began to sit upright much more often, and when standing in a subway car, I constantly unroll my socks. Mechanically.


Body ballet increases endurance, trains balance and improves stretching. And at the same time strengthens the whole body. Stand on your leg, stretch it up. And don’t forget about your hands, head and butt. If you're not tired yet, rise up onto your toes. And repeat everything on the other leg :)

I asked Dasha about who goes to classes and why

— Why do they even go to body ballet?

— For many, ballet is a childhood dream. Especially those who went to a choreographic studio, but for some reason quit. Our classes are an opportunity to feel like a ballerina, to remember what it was like.

Body ballet shapes beautiful figure– a great alternative to boring fitness. It helps straighten your posture, strengthen muscles, make joints mobile, develop coordination and even musicality. Plus this - great way cheer up, throw away negative thoughts and immerse yourself in classical music.

— Will I have the famous ballet posture?

- Yes. Most girls come just for the posture. Ballet exercises lengthen the spine and strengthen the back muscles, because all movements are performed with a straight back, lowered shoulders and long neck. So body ballet - best choice, if you are used to sitting crochet at the computer.

— Is it necessary to combine body ballet with stretching?

- With stretching - yes. We have it in class, but it would be useful to add it separately. It lengthens muscles and increases range of motion.

— If a girl already has good physical training, won’t she be bored or too easy?

- No, it’s never boring or easy! Body ballet works those muscle groups that are not involved in classical fitness, because the classes are based on turnout - the position of the legs when they are turned from the hip. Plus I give a lot different exercises, as close as possible to ballet (sometimes small dance sequences). And you can study this art for years and always find something interesting.

What woman does not look with envy at the chiseled figures of ballerinas and does not admire their flexibility, stretch marks, grace with considerable muscle strength and body endurance. And then everyone probably thinks: I will never achieve this, because I haven’t studied at a ballet school since I was 5 years old... But it’s not all so sad - to make your body, if not exactly like that of a professional ballerina, then slim , graceful and flexible can be helped by relatively new modern direction training – body ballet fitness. What is bodyballet, what results does it give, is it possible to lose weight with it, practice at home using video lessons - the answers are in our review.

Body ballet - a little history

Body-Ballet, as a type of dance aerobics, appeared relatively recently - in 2005, when the author of the method, famous choreographer and fitness trainer Lee Sarago (pictured) presented the world with a video of his new development, where she combined ballet movements, classical dances, and elements of Pilates and yoga into one mix program, which was aptly named body ballet. The author simplified and adapted the movements taken from ballet to suit the capabilities of ordinary women, without special dance and physical training, therefore, body ballet classes are available to almost everyone (including men) who do not have serious health restrictions.

Body ballet quickly spread thanks to Janet Jenkins, the most popular fitness trainer in the United States. This dark-skinned athlete, with two higher educations in the field of sports medicine, helps many Hollywood and music stars have slim and flawless figures. She immediately appreciated all the advantages that body ballet classes have, made her own additions and, together with the author, released video body ballet lessons for classes in the gym and at home.

Body ballet was brought to Russia by the famous ballerina, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Ilse Liepe. She changed the technique a little and offered her own version musical accompaniment. Her initiative was taken up by Ekaterina Buida, a choreographer and YouTube blogger, the author of many phytoyoga programs. In 2009, she proposed her own version: body ballet for weight loss or body transformation.

The essence of the program and exercises

The body ballet program is designed for adults, as it requires quite noticeable loads on the muscle corset and joints, you need to patiently and diligently try to perform all the exercises that include body ballet lessons. Classes for beginners should be carried out only in the gym, under the guidance of an experienced fitness trainer, since from photos and even videos it is impossible to correctly understand the technique of performing many specific exercises taken from classical ballet.

The schedule of classes is expected to be as follows:

  • body ballet for beginners – 2 times a week for 40-45 minutes;
  • after 3 months of training – 2-3 times a week for 60 minutes;
  • for experienced athletes – 3 times for 90 minutes.

And only after you have fully mastered all the body ballet exercises and training features, you can practice on your own at home using an online or video lesson.

Body ballet training, as in other types of fitness, consists of three stages.

  • – to warm up muscles and develop joints – at least 10 minutes.
  • The main part of the workout is 30-60 minutes, consisting of performing exercises at an intense pace, in a certain order. Mainly classical music is used, including modern arrangements. Modern classic with pop treatment and modern rhythmic tracks are also allowed.
  • Cool down to maximally work out each muscle group and restore breathing. It is carried out at a calm pace, to smooth melodies, and elements are used. Time 8-10 minutes.

Basic exercises

It is impossible to list all body ballet exercises in one article; we will briefly describe those that are used more often than others.

Efficiency and results of classes

Body ballet for those who practice regularly and purposefully will be able to get the maximum benefit in just a few months. This:

  • Weight loss effect. By increasing your heart rate during exercise, the natural combustion process starts subcutaneous fat. It is also recommended to combine body ballet training with a specific nutrition system.
  • Correction of body shapes without significant extensions muscle mass. The fabrics will simply become more taut, elastic, and embossed.
  • Strengthening joints and restoring ligament flexibility. Body ballet classes are suitable for people who have suffered limb and back injuries - as a therapeutic rehabilitation.
  • Strengthening cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation and oxygen supply to all tissues of the body.
  • Increased flexibility (give), improved coordination, dexterity and endurance of the body.
  • Improved posture, graceful gait and all movements.
  • Anti-stress effect – psychological relaxation, mood stabilization.


There are restrictions on body ballet classes, but they are less extensive than for other types of fitness.

  • heart failure;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • spinal lesions;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy.

Equipment for body ballet

Since this is still fitness, there is no need to buy a ballet tutu and pointe shoes. Clothes should be as comfortable as possible, but tight-fitting so that their looseness does not interfere with their ballet steps. Options: T-shirt or tight-fitting T-shirt plus tights (leggings) or shorts. The second option is a dance leotard, mini skirt and leg warmers. The optimal shoes are soft and comfortable. These can be Czech shoes or slip-ons (thin sneakers without laces). You can also practice simply in socks.


Body Ballet great option classes to get a beautiful, slim and fit figure. The main thing is not to be lazy.

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