Bioenergoplasty in speech therapy work. Bioenergoplasty as an innovative method in working with children in speech development

MBDOU "Podporozhye kindergarten No. 4 combined type"

It's no secret that the number of children with disabilities is currently growing, including children with SLD. And therefore, for us, specialists - speech therapists, the creation of an optimal system of comprehensive assistance to children with STD in mastering the preschool education program and positive social adaptation to the next age level - school, is of particular relevance.

Organizing the activities of children with speech disorders requires special approach. Often, neither the desire of a speech therapist nor the knowledge of speech correction techniques is enough to obtain the desired result when correcting speech deficiencies. Therefore, specialists are forced to look for the most effective ways education and training.

It is known that the use of various non-traditional methods and techniques by speech therapists in their work supports the child’s cognitive activity, prevents fatigue, and, in general, increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work. And one of these methods is bioenergoplasty.

Bioenergoplasty- this is a combination of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus with movements of the hands and fingers.

In speech therapy practice, a significant role is played by the development in children of kinesthetic sensations of the organs of articulation, which allow them to feel the different positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

And the use of a method such as bioenergoplasty helps specialists develop these sensations in children.

This method is advisable to use in speech therapy practice, since by developing fine motor skills and thereby activating the corresponding parts of the brain, we activate neighboring areas responsible for speech.

Research by domestic physiologists (Marionilla Maksimovna Koltsova, Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev) confirms the positive effect subtle movements fingers on the functioning of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

The basic principle of bioenergoplastics- this is the conjugate work of the hands, fingers and articulatory apparatus, where hand movements imitate the movements of the speech apparatus.

Corrective work using the “Bioenergoplasty” method arouses children’s interest in speech therapy classes. When teaching children, the speech therapist uses various game characters, gloves, counting, musical accompaniment, poems, presentation materials.

Each speech therapist can develop an acceptable set of exercises aimed at producing sounds. different groups using the Bioenergoplasty method. Exercise sets may vary in complexity depending on the age of the children. It is also possible to use elements of bioenergoplastics as warm-ups and physical exercises in any type of activity. The proposed method can be used by educators in correctional work.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics,

aimed at producing whistling sounds using the “Bioenergoplastika” method

When performing exercises, children sit on chairs opposite the speech therapist. The children's arms are spread to the sides, elbows bent. Each exercise is performed for 6 - 8 seconds. After completing each exercise, children are asked to lower their hands and relax.

Exercise for the tongue “Hippopotamus” - the exercise is accompanied by squeezing and unclenching the hands;

Exercise for the tongue “Smile” - fingers clenched into a fist;

Exercise for the tongue “Tube” - fingers closed, extended forward;

Alternate exercises “Smile” and “Pipe” 2-3 times.

Exercise for the tongue “Shovel” - the hands are relaxed and lowered;

Exercise for the tongue “Groovet” - the hands take the shape of a “boat” (fingers are closed, slightly bent, fingertips are adjacent to each other);

Exercise for the tongue “Slide” - the hand takes the shape of a slide;

Alternate exercises “Groove” and “Slide” 2-3 times.

From the experience of a preschool teacher. The use of bioenergoplasty in the correctional work of speech therapists with preschoolers

Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Bendersky” Kindergarten No. 9" Bendery
Description of material: The development contains theoretical and practical material on the use of bioenergoplastics. This material will be useful for speech therapists and educators in working with children with speech disorders.
Target: development of articulatory praxis using bioenergoplasty.
-strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;
-develop strength, mobility and accuracy of movements of organs involved in the speech process;
- develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the fingers;
-develop memory, voluntary attention, interhemispheric communication.

Well-formed oral speech is an important condition for a child’s successful start to school. The most common problem for future first-graders is incorrect pronunciation of sounds in speech. Speech therapy correctional work with children with speech pathology is carried out in several stages. At the first stage of forming correct sound pronunciation, articulatory gymnastics is used. It promotes the development and strengthening of the muscles of the speech motor analyzer, and this helps long-term retention of articulatory postures and correct sound pronunciation.
Scientists who studied the activity of the child's brain and the child's psyche noted the great stimulating value of the hand function. Neurologist and psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev wrote that hand movements are closely related to speech and contribute to its development. V.M. Bekhterev proved in his works that simple hand movements help relieve mental fatigue, improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and develop the child’s speech. In the book “The Brain and Its Activity” V.M. Bekhterev noted that people who write a lot should also speak well. He believed that the development of the motor and speech centers are directly dependent on each other.
The English psychologist D. Selley attached great importance to the “creative work of hands” for the development of children’s thinking and speech. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.M. Koltsova noted that the formation of speech areas of the cerebral cortex occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or more precisely, from their fingers (the ability of the brain to constantly be aware of the position and movement of the muscles of the fingers). This pattern must be used in work not only with the timely development of speech in children, but also in the case of delayed development of the motor side of speech.
The drawing by Canadian neurologist W. G. Penfield, called “Penfield’s homunculus (man), shows the projection of the hand and fingers in the cerebral cortex. Large sizes The projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor speech zone led scientists to the idea that training fine movements of the fingers would have a great impact on the development of speech.

Scientists E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, N.S. Zhukov studied the activity of the children's brain with general underdevelopment of speech and found that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin, when examining children with general speech underdevelopment, noted that fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as thinking, attention, optical-spatial perception (coordination), observation, imagination, visual and motor memory.
In the human brain, the centers that are responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. If you stimulate fine motor skills and thereby activate the corresponding parts of the brain, then the neighboring zones that are responsible for speech are also activated. The relationship between the motor and speech zones manifests itself, for example, when a person who has difficulty choosing the right word helps himself with gestures, and vice versa: a child who is concentrating on drawing or writing involuntarily sticks out his tongue.
Yastrebova A.V. and Lazarenko O.I. noted that body movements, joint movements of the hand and the articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on enhancing the intellectual activity of children, developing coordination and fine motor skills. To achieve this, speech therapists effectively use articulation gymnastics in their work, which includes a set of specific exercises aimed at improving the basic movements of the articulation organs.
"Bioenergoplasty" includes three basic concepts: bio - a person as a biological object: energy - the force necessary to perform certain actions; plastic - smooth movements body, hands, which are characterized by continuity, energy fullness, emotional expressiveness.
Thus, bioenergoplasty is a combination of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus with movements of the hand.
Bioenergoplasty activates and develops attention, thinking, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, and promotes the correction of sound pronunciation and phonemic processes. Synchronizing work on speech and fine motor skills significantly reduces the time of classes and enhances their effectiveness. It allows you to quickly remove the visual support - the mirror - and move on to performing exercises based on sensations. This is especially important because in real life children do not see their articulation. The position of the fingers in this gymnastics indicates the position of the tongue when performing articulation exercises, and the counting helps to maintain the desired tempo.
Elements of bioenergoplastics are also reflected in systems for the development of intelligence using the methods of kinesiology - the science of the development of mental abilities and physical health person through certain physical exercise. This is another important argument in favor of using bioenergy plastics, since under the influence of kinesiological training, positive structural changes in the body are noted: the work of the cerebral hemispheres is synchronized, attention, memory, thinking, and speech improve. Strength, balance, mobility and plasticity of nervous processes are carried out at a more high level. At the same time, the regulatory and coordinating role of the nervous system is improved.

Work using the bioenergoplasty method when performing articulatory gymnastics is carried out in several stages.
1. On preparatory stage An examination of the structure and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus of children is carried out: lips, jaw, tongue.
2. On next stage children become familiar with the organs of the articulation apparatus and perform exercises for the lips, tongue and jaw using traditional articulation exercises.
3. At the main stage, children perform articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty in front of a mirror. The child repeats the exercise after the teacher, using his leading hand. The teacher makes sure that the child’s hand does not strain and that the movements are smooth and relaxed.
4. Next, children perform articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty in front of a mirror, using the other hand.
5. Then children perform articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty in front of a mirror, accompanying the movements of both hands.
6. On final stage Children perform articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty with synchronized hand movements, using various articulatory tales and poems without visual support.
The teacher constantly monitors the rhythmic execution of exercises. When performing articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty, the synchronism and accuracy of the actions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and the hands are maintained. The hand is level solar plexus parallel to the floor.
The teacher gives a clear movement pattern with both hands. The exercises are performed by children at a fairly fast pace, with positive emotions.
Articulation exercises with bioenergoplasty are reflected in a special card index, which indicates the movements of the tongue and special movements of the hands and fingers.

The teacher can independently select the hand movement for any articulation exercise. The important thing is not what exactly the child will do, but how he will do it. The attention of each child must be drawn to performing articulatory movements simultaneously with the work of the hand; the movements must be rhythmic and clear.

Bioenergoplasty exercises

“Let’s punish the naughty tongue”
Place your wide tongue on your lower lip, slap it with your lips and say: “five-five-five” several times on one exhale. Place your hand on the table, palm down. While spanking your tongue with your lips, lower and raise your hand with closed, straight fingers.
Smile, show closed teeth. Hold this position counting from 1 to 5. Turn your palm in a vertical position towards you, clasp your fingers.
The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. Palm in a horizontal position, fingers closed.
"Baby elephant"
Pull your lips out with a tube and hold the pose for 5-7 seconds. Connect your fingers together with a tube.
Open your mouth slightly, lips in a smile. Move the tip of the narrow tongue left and right, touching the corners of the mouth. Palm in a horizontal position, fingers closed. Bend your hand and tongue in one direction at the same time.
Open your mouth slightly, lips in a smile. Make the tongue wide. Raise the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, press the side edges against the upper teeth. Show your palm in the shape of a cup, fingers pressed together.
"Delicious jam"
Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, making movements from top to bottom. The lower jaw remains motionless. Move your palm in a cup shape from top to bottom.
Open your mouth. Raise the tip of the tongue towards the upper teeth and lower towards the lower teeth. The palm with closed fingers in a vertical position moves up and down.
"The cat is angry"
Open your mouth. Place the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth, lift the back of the tongue up. Close your fingers, bend your palm into a slide.
Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the palate, strongly pull the lower jaw down. The hand lies on the table, palm down. During the lowering and raising of the lower jaw, the hand with closed straight fingers lowers and rises.
Smile, open your mouth, “stroke” the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, making movements back and forth. Place your palm vertically, fingers pointing up. Move your palm back and forth.
Smile. Press the wide edge of the tongue with its entire plane to the palate, open your mouth. He will place one hand on the table, clench the palm into a fist, and “put” the other on the fist (“hat”).
Suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and click your tongue. Place your palm with closed bent fingers on the table. Tap your fingers on the table in sync with your tongue.
Tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and say: “d - d - d.” Close the fingers of one hand and squeeze a little, tapping on the palm of the other hand.
The use of bioenergoplasty arouses children's interest in performing exercises, and this significantly increases the effectiveness of gymnastics, promotes the development of articulation, fine motor skills, improving coordination of movements. Strong motivation and the use of the game method in classes develop and strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, and this greatly facilitates the production and automation of sounds in speech. Bioenergoplasty should be an integral part of corrective speech therapy work, both for the development of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing and the complex: speech and movement, and for emotional and mental balance and perfection.
1. Bushlyakova R. G. Articulation gymnastics with bioenergoplastics. - M.: Childhood-Press, 2011.
2. Sviridova N. I. The use of bioenergoplasty in the correction of sound pronunciation in children preschool age// Pedagogy: traditions and innovations: materials of the VII International. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, January 2016). - Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2016. - P. 92-94.

Mikhailova Elena Viktorovna
Job title: speech therapist teacher
Educational institution: GBOU School No. 283
Locality: Moscow city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"The use of bioenergoplasty in the correctional work of a speech therapist"
Publication date: 26.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

The use of bioenergoplasty in the correctional work of a speech therapist

The more confidence in the movement of a child's hand,

the brighter the child’s speech, the greater the skill

in a child's hand, the smarter the child.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The most important





increase in the number of children with speech pathology.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. How

The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his

opportunities to understand the surrounding reality more meaningfully and fully

relationships with peers and adults, the more actively his psyche develops.




(V.M. Bekhtereva,

MM. Koltsovaya,

A.A. Leontyev et al.) confirm the stimulating role of training fine movements

fingers with the intellectual and speech development of the child. Centers responsible for speech and





The relationship between the motor and speech zones is manifested in the fact that a person who has difficulty with



vice versa:


A child drawing or writing involuntarily sticks out his tongue.

Speech therapists successfully use articulation in correctional work.

gymnastics, which includes a set of specific exercises aimed at

development of basic movements of the organs of articulation. Daily gymnastics

strengthens the muscles of the speech apparatus, while movements of the tongue and lips become precise,










sounds, hold an articulatory pose for a long time.

In order to interest children in daily activities gymnastics did not decrease and

the effectiveness of articulation exercises did not decrease, I recommend





for a long time


interest of the child, increase motivational readiness, maintains positive

emotional mood of the student and teacher throughout the lesson.


connection of movements of the articulatory apparatus with

movements of the hands.

It includes three basic concepts:

“bio” - a person as a biological object;

“energy” is the force required to perform certain actions;

“plastic” - smooth movements of the body, hands, characterized by continuity,

energetic fullness, emotional expressiveness.

Body movements, joint movements of the hand and articulatory apparatus, if they
















motor skills

positive structural changes were noted in the body: work is synchronized

hemispheres of the brain, abilities develop, memory, attention improves,

thinking, speech.

The principle of bioenergoplasty is the combined work of fingers and hands and














mobility of the articulatory apparatus, which, in turn, affects the accuracy in

mastering articulation patterns.

Results of using bioenergoplastics:

development of articulatory and fine motor skills;






significant facilitation of production and introduction of sounds into speech;










physical and mental health;





educational space in the correction of children's speech.

The use of bioenergoplasty significantly speeds up the correction of incorrect

pronounced sounds in children with impaired kinesthetic sensations, because

the working palm greatly enhances the impulses going to the cerebral cortex from

language. I.P. Pavlov believed that every thought ends in movement. That's why

many people find it easier to think when repeated physical actions, for example, walking,

shaking a leg, tapping a pencil on a table, etc. On physical activity



correctional and developmental






At the initial stage, the child becomes familiar with the organs of articulation and performs

exercises for the lips and tongue (familiar articulation gymnastics). They are done while sitting

in front of the mirror, the speech therapist teacher accompanies the gymnastics with movements of the leading hand.

The child remembers them, but does not yet perform them himself.

At the next stage, articulation exercises with connection

child's hands. The speech therapist performs the exercise with the child and accompanies the demonstration























doing exercises. For this purpose, you can use counting, music, and poems.

At the same time, with both hands the adult continues to give a clear pattern of movement.

At the last, final stage, the child independently performs

articulation exercises with movements of both hands.

A set of basic articulation gymnastics exercises

using bioenergoplastics

Static exercises








articulatory movements, development of hand coordination, fine motor skills











relationships, developing the ability to act according to verbal instructions.


Target: develop the ability to hold your mouth open for several seconds.

We open our mouth wider,

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouth wide,

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

I count to five.

And then we'll shut our mouths

A hippopotamus is resting.


Target: develop the ability to hold your lips in a smile for several seconds.

We imitate frogs:

Pull your lips straight towards your ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I'll see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won’t get tired at all.


Target: develop the ability to stretch your lips forward and hold them in this position

a few seconds.

I'm getting some water

And I water the kids!

I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with my trunk.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.


Target: develop the skill


narrow tongue outside the mouth.

We imitate the snake

We will be on par with her:

Let's stick out our tongue and hide it,

Only this way and not otherwise


Target: develop an upward lift of the tongue, train the hypoglossal ligament.

Under the birch tree, by the path

The mushroom grows on a thick stalk.

We can't pass by

We will put the mushroom in the basket.

Dynamic exercises











smooth movements of the articulatory organs, development of coordination of movements of the hands and











verbal instructions.


Target: develop the ability to hold a wide tongue and perform tongue massage.

We baked some pancakes

Cooled in the window.

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.


Target: learn to perform precise and rhythmic movements with the tongue.

The children sat on the swing

And they flew higher than the spruce tree.

We even touched the sun

And then they came back.

"We clean


Target: learn to perform differentiated movements with the tongue.

You need to brush your teeth twice:

Every morning and every evening.

"Pussy is angry"

Target: develop the ability to change the position of the tongue, perform precise movements.

Look out the window

There you will see a cat.

The cat arched its back

She hissed and jumped...

Pussy angry

Don't come close!


Target: develop the ability to alternate precise movements of the tongue.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The tongue swayed like this

Like the pendulum of a clock.

Are you ready to play with the clock?


Target: develop the skill

make movements

tongue on the upper lip.

I am a turkey

Run away in all directions!


Target: learn to perform smooth movements with the tongue, train the hypoglossal ligament.

I got up this morning

And the village did not recognize:

Every pillar and every house

Was painted by a painter.

If you want to live like in a fairy tale,

Call paint for help!


Target: develop the ability to rhythmically click the tongue, train the hypoglossal ligament.

I'm a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the ringing sound of hooves.


Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue in the upper position, train

sublingual ligament.

Come on, open your mouth, little ones.

Let's play the harmonica!

We don’t let go of the tongue

Just open your mouth.

One, two, three, four, five,

It's easy for us to repeat!

Prospects for using the bioenergoplasty method in speech therapy

practice is determined by high educational opportunities: with joint

movements of the speech apparatus and hands, especially if these movements are plastic and

are free, energy distribution occurs in the body. Bioenergoplasty has
















full-fledged educational activities. As a result of bioenergoplastic exercises, no

Only the child’s speech improves, but also memory and attention.

Prepared by Mikhailova E.V.

teacher-speech therapist GBOU School No. 283, Moscow


1. Bushlyakova R.G. Articulatory gymnastics with bioenergoplasty. M.: “Publishing house

Childhood-Press", 2011.

2. Eroshkina S.T. Finger play training. // Speech therapist - 2007. N 4.








speech therapists,

educators and parents. – M: Ventana – Count, 2015.

5. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. Finger games. - M.: Astrel, 2007.