Basic human movements - pull, push, kick! Exercise with the Push Up effect Push up exercise how to do it correctly.


According to modern ideas, beginners are recommended to train in full body patterns, including basic multi-joint exercises with a barbell three times a week. This is the only thing the right approach, which has proven its effectiveness. Beginners are usually not happy with this: they immediately want isolation, they want to pump up “cans” and “cubes”, they want to “hammer the bitsuha” and that’s all. They don't understand how deadlift and standing press will make them look like Brad Pitt from the “ fight club” (really, they won’t). They need a hypertrophy training program, right from the first day in the gym.

“It’s okay to pump yourself up like this,” right?

Classic, time-tested training schemes, created specifically for beginners, such as, cause bewilderment among fitness enthusiasts, they say, where are these sweaty dips and heroic crunches that we saw in the movies? Like, these squats of yours with a barbell every day are not at all like “real” training, when you need to alternately lift dumbbells onto your biceps while standing in front of a mirror on serious cabbage soup. And why, they say, only three days a week? I'm very motivated now, I want to train every day.

Meanwhile, it is impossible to achieve anything sane without the same squat or deadlift. Therefore, in order to still provide results, but at the same time satisfy the newbie's pathological need for isolation exercises, and also provide him with the tight training schedule he wanted (after all, there were eight days and fifteen hours left until summer!), the PPL program was invented.

PPL includes everything basic exercises with free weights, which every beginner simply must do, but at the same time it is skillfully disguised as a program for advanced people due to the abundance of isolation exercises and the use of the principle of separate training (split format). Because of the latter, by the way, you will have to train 6 days a week, just like you wanted, on serious sweaty cabbage soup. The program is very democratic: all exercises, except the basic ones, can be replaced with similar ones.


Reddit logo before and after P.P.L. classes.

Who is this program created for?

For beginners for whom classic training schemes do not seem “cool” enough, as well as for those who have already trained according to the classic beginner scheme and now want to add isolation.

Program outline

Like any classic hypertrophy training program, PPL is built on the split principle, that is, different muscle groups are separated on different training days. In PPL, the division into muscle groups does not occur anatomically (arms-legs-back, or top-bottom, for example), but according to a functional principle, that is, according to the nature of the movement of the projectile: towards oneself or away from oneself + leg day is taken out separately.

Thus, PPL consists of three workouts: Deadlift (T), Press (W), Legs (L).

  • Traction: includes those exercises in which you pull the apparatus towards yourself (for example, bent-over barbell row)
  • Press: includes those exercises in which you push the apparatus away from you (for example, bench press)
  • Legs: well, it’s clear

Training alternates like this: TZHNTZHN or like this: TZHNTZHNO, where o is a day of rest. The order of the TZhN can be changed, that is, schemes like ZhTNoZhTn are allowed. Thus, you need to train 6 days a week, 1 day off.

Day 1: Cravings

Deadlift1 5+
Vertical Row or Wide-Grip Pull-Up or Reverse-Grip Pull-Up3 8-12
Horizontal pull-down or Dumbbell row while lying on your stomach3 8-12
Mid-block pull to face5 15-20
4 8-12
4 8-12

Day 2. Press.

Bench press4
Overhead press3 8-12
3 8-12
Triceps press in the simulator
Dumbbell lateral raises


Dumbbell lateral raises



Day 3. Legs

Barbell Squat2
Romanian deadlift3 8-12
Leg press in the simulator3 8-12
Leg bending in a lying machine3 8-12
Calf press5 8-12

Day 4. Rest.

Day 5: Cravings

Bent-over barbell row4
Vertical Row or Wide-Grip Pull-Up or Reverse-Grip Pull-Up3 8-12
Horizontal pull-down or Dumbbell row while lying on your stomach3 8-12
Mid-block pull to face5 15-20
Hammer grip dumbbell curls4 8-12
Standing dumbbell curl4 8-12

Day 6. Press.

Overhead press4
Bench press3 8-12
Incline Dumbbell Overhead Press3 8-12
Triceps press in the simulator
Dumbbell lateral raises


Dumbbell triceps overhead press
Dumbbell lateral raises



Day 7. Legs

Barbell Squat2
Romanian deadlift3 8-12
Leg press in the simulator3 8-12
Leg bending in a lying machine3 8-12
Calf press5 8-12

Explanation of symbols:

  • 5+ means that in this approach you need to try to do five or more repetitions, that is, do as many as you can. Please note that the repetitions must be performed with perfect technique, this is very important, otherwise you will not avoid injury. For such approaches, you need a partner who will insure you. This last set of 5+ reps will be especially useful when you are doing a weight rollback.
  • Superset - this means that two exercises are performed one after another, as if simultaneously, approach after approach. That is, you do one set of triceps presses, immediately after that, without rest, you do one set of dumbbell lateral raises, then rest. The second part of both supersets is the same, yes, this was done on purpose.
  • The days are almost the same. The day on your feet is the same, I just duplicated it. The two deadlift days differ in just one first exercise. The two bench press days are different in that the first two exercises are swapped.

Linear progression, constant increase in load

Like any decent hypertrophy training program, PPL regulates the constant increase in loads - the increase in the weight of the projectile - from training to training. In other words: the weight of the bar needs to be increased every time you come to the gym. While you are a beginner, you can easily afford it. Weight increase scheme:

  • 5 kg – for deadlift
  • 2.5 kg – for all other exercises with a barbell

This is the meaning. In the main (basic, multi-joint) exercises, where the last set looks like this - 1x5+ - add weight if you were able to complete working sets in the required amount.

In the remaining exercises, your task is to perform at least 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Add weight if you were able to complete 3 sets of 12 reps with correct technique(!). If you can perform from 8 to 12 repetitions, everything is fine, leave this weight, work with it, try to bring it to 3x12. If you can't do 8 reps, reduce the weight.

Reducing working weights, unloading.

Obviously, it is impossible to increase the weight on the barbell indefinitely, and sooner or later you will not be able to complete the required number of approaches. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce weight - take a step back, so that you can then take two steps forward. This is called weight rollback or deload - unloading. Only those who have stopped going to the gym or are doing it incorrectly do not reach this point. So don’t worry, unloading is an integral part of any program. Here's what to do if the weight of the shells stops growing.

You need to reduce the working weight by 10% and continue working according to the scheme with this weight. For example, you couldn’t squat 3x5 100 kg, so next time squat with 90 kg. As the weight rolls back, 5+ reps start to show their best. If when you went through 90 kg in a squat for the first time, you did 2x5 and 1x5, then now, returning to this weight after a while, you can easily do more than 5 repetitions in the last approach. The same applies to the remaining stages (92.5, 95, 97.5) - the results in them will be better than on the first pass. By the time you get up to 100kg again, 3x5 with that weight won't be a problem for you.

Starting weight for exercises

Start performing the exercise with an empty barbell, do sets of five repetitions, rest for a sufficient amount of time between them. Gradually increase the weight of the barbell in each approach. As soon as the pace of the exercise slows down, that is, the bar begins to move more slowly, stop and subtract 2.5 kg from the current weight. This will be your starting weight for this exercise.

If you have already done this exercise before, there is another definition starting weight. Calculate your 1RM and take 50-60% of that weight. It will be fine.


The author recommends reducing the warm-up to warm-up approaches in each specific exercise. That is, do warm-up approaches in the bench press before working sets in the bench press, warm-up approaches in the squat before squats with a working weight, etc. The point is to “remember” biomechanics this exercise, warm up the ligaments and muscles, psychologically prepare for the working weight. You shouldn't get tired during the warm-up.

For example, if you need to bench press 100 kg, the warm-up scheme will be: empty barbell x 10 repetitions, 40 kg x 10 repetitions, 60 kg x 5 repetitions, 80 kg x 3 repetitions. Next will be working sets of 100 kg 4x5 and 100 kg 1x5+

The author also notes that warming up is an individual matter, and you can additionally do whatever you like to do: dynamic stretching, push-ups, whatever you want. Meanwhile, static stretching before strength training undesirable.

Rest time between sets

Rest between sets for as long as it takes to complete the next set, but no longer. General recommendations are:

  • 3-5 minutes between sets in the first exercise of the workout
  • 1-3 between other exercises

What can replace exercise x?

The author allows you to replace any exercises in the program, except for the five basic ones (those that come first in the workouts). It is proposed to consider the program as a template, rather than a set of strict rules. Some alternatives seem to me personally even more exotic than what they are supposed to replace, but I’m just translating. Here's how you can replace some exercises:

  • Triceps exercises can be anything: French bench press or arm straightening with dumbbells lying down or triceps press with EZ barbell, do what you like best.
  • Legs.

    • The leg press can be replaced by a front squat
    • You can replace leg curls in the machine with hamstring curls
    • The calf press can be replaced with absolutely any calf exercise.


    Exercises for general physical training, their purpose

    For general physical training, you should choose from other sports exercises that best suit the nature of the boxer’s actions and contribute to the development physical qualities. Some types physical exercise, which generally have a positive effect on the boxer, at the same time can negatively affect the formation of the necessary skills and the development of the necessary qualities. So, for example, fencing, in terms of speed of movement, is a complex motor reaction, but a straight back, splayed feet, legs strongly bent at the knees, limited directions of movement do not contribute, and perhaps harm, the development of coordination and dexterity of a boxer; exercises in the bench press of a large mass can develop the strength of the upper extremities and at the same time limit the speed of striking, etc.

    Therefore, it is important to select types of exercises that would help improve body functions in the direction the boxer needs and at the same time have a positive effect on the formation of the necessary skills and abilities (or, in extreme cases, do not interfere with their formation). As a rule, each exercise has a main focus (for example, develops speed), but at the same time helps the formation of other qualities.

    Walking fast. With long and rhythmic walking, most people are involved in work. muscle groups body, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems is enhanced, metabolism is increased, internal organs are strengthened, and their functions are improved. Walking has a positive effect on the development of endurance and develops strong-willed qualities.

    Running is the most common type of physical exercise, an integral part of many sports. When running, greater demands are placed on the body's performance than when walking, since the intensity of the work of muscle groups is much higher, and, accordingly, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems increases, and metabolism increases significantly. By changing the length of the distance and running speed, you can dose the load, influence the development of endurance, speed and other qualities necessary for a boxer. Long, slow running, especially in a forest or park, has great hygienic and psychological significance. Fast running has a positive effect on the development of endurance and speed. While running, strong-willed qualities and the ability to calculate one’s strength are also developed. Running plays a significant role in a boxer's training.

    Mixed movement - alternating running with walking for 3-10 km (depending on age, fitness and training period). This type of exercise has a significant load in volume, but less intensity than running. Boxers often use it on days reserved for general physical training. The running pace can be average or variable with spurts of 60, 100 and 200 m, after which light running again, turning into walking. You can perform exercises while walking (Fig. 47).

    Rice. 47. Exercises while walking.

    Steeplechase. In the 500-1000 m race, a boxer overcomes obstacles in order to increase agility, strength and speed, balance, the ability to briefly strain most muscle groups and develop general endurance. As obstacles you can use barriers (jump over), a fence (climb over), a log (run through), obstacles for climbing; carry a load in one of the sections, etc. If running is carried out in natural conditions, for example in a forest, you can use ditches, stumps, hummocks, logs for jumping over them, branches for pulling up, etc. as obstacles. Running relay races with obstacles between individual small teams.

    Skating and skiing They develop all muscle groups well, have a positive effect on the systems and organs of the body, and develop general endurance (speed and strength). Of particular note is cross-country skiing, in which all muscle groups actively work with a rational alternation of tension and relaxation. Skiing has a positive effect on the athlete’s mental state and is an excellent means of active recreation.

    Sports and outdoor games are an integral part of boxers' training. Games (especially handball, basketball, tennis, hockey, speed and agility relay races) are largely similar to boxing in terms of the nature of the actions, speed and endurance (fast movements, stops, turns, active resistance from the enemy). Games develop speed, agility, and endurance. A variety of natural movements, in most cases on fresh air, helps strengthen the nervous system, motor system, improve metabolism, increase the activity of all organs and systems of the body. Sports and outdoor games also serve good remedy active recreation.

    Depending on the intensity of gaming activity, oxygen consumption by tissues increases sharply (about eight times compared to the resting state). Big changes occur in the musculoskeletal system: muscles are strengthened, their strength and elasticity increases, joints become more mobile.

    Struggle. This type of martial arts is characterized by short-term maximum tension, breath holding, and sometimes prolonged effort. The value of exercises in wrestling is that they increase the speed of movements, as well as the strength of the muscles of the upper limb girdle. Joints are strengthened, movements become elastic. During wrestling, positive psychological qualities are developed for a martial artist.

    Fighting in a standing position resembles actions in close combat (struggle for stability, for an advantageous position of the arms and head, dives, tilts back and to the sides when a partner tries to grab the neck, etc.). This type of exercise is used during specialized training at the beginning of classes (during warm-up) or at the end, depending on the focus of the lesson.

    Rowing, As a rule, it is used in the transition period or at the beginning of the preparatory period for active recreation. Well develops strength and flexibility of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities and torso. By the nature of the movements, it is not similar to boxing movements, so you should not get carried away with it.

    Gymnastics without apparatus, on apparatus and acrobatics. Exercises aimed primarily at improving the motor abilities of those involved, developing strength, balance, and the ability to exert themselves include exercises on gymnastic apparatus, acrobatic floor exercises, and jumping. Exercises for coordination, flexibility, strength, speed and courage are mandatory for boxers in all activities (Fig. 48, 49, 50). Gymnastic exercises, for example, are used in warm-up, as well as in the second half of specialized classes to develop strength or flexibility of individual muscle groups.

    Rice. 48. Standing gymnastics.

    Rice. 49. Seated gymnastics.

    Rice. 50. Lying gymnastics.

    Pulleys or resistance bands are typical equipment for developing mouse strength (Fig. 51). Exercises using blocks, rubber bands or expanders are widespread in many sports. They, like no other, develop strength qualities and increase muscle mass. But you can’t get carried away with them, as they tighten the muscles and movements become constrained. Therefore, after a set of exercises on blocks, with rubber bands or an expander, you should perform speed exercises with large amplitudes without tension (with a jump rope, simulating blows to relax muscles, etc.).

    Rice. 51. Exercises with expanders and rubber bands.

    Fencing develops speed, sense of time and distance, accuracy and high coordination; it can find a place in the general physical training system of a boxer, especially in the transition period.

    Cycling develops muscles and joints lower limbs, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increases gas exchange and metabolism. Riding over rough terrain helps develop endurance.

    Swimming different styles for boxers is extremely necessary. Smooth movements, rhythmic breathing form the ability to consistently relax and tense, develop the chest, and develop freedom of movement. In addition, swimming has great hygienic and health benefits and has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is advisable to practice free swimming after specialized training or general training. physical training as a means of restoring the body after heavy loads in all periods.

    Jumping into the water from a low height, with a parachute, ski jumping from a springboard develops courage, determination, and coordination. These exercises are recommended during the transition period; they are also active recreation.

    Exercises with weights(barbell, dumbbells and objects - (Fig. 52, 53) occupy a large place in the physical training of boxers. Practice and scientific research have proven that all kinds of exercises with small weights for individual muscle groups are an effective means of development strength endurance and speed. These exercises must be combined with exercises to develop speed without weights (for example, bending, squatting or turning the body is performed first without weights, then with weights and again without weights). In terms of number, weight-bearing exercises make up a third of non-weight-bearing exercises.

    Exercises with weights are used in all periods of boxers’ training, depending on the tasks of the period and each lesson separately. Exercises with small dumbbells (0.5-2 kg) should be highlighted as special preparatory exercises that contribute to the development of strength and speed endurance in boxers. They perform shadow boxing with dumbbells, practice actions related to defenses and a number of exercises - in swings, flexion and extension of the upper limbs. After 2-3 minutes of active exercises with dumbbells, you should perform the same exercises without dumbbells for 3-5 minutes. This alternation can be repeated two or three times. As a rule, these exercises are used during morning exercises and at specially designated times for general physical training in the transitional and even preparatory periods.

    Exercises with clubs and a gymnastic stick(Fig. 54) can be classified as a group of exercises with weights; they can be purely swing or shock. A weighted stick is used to hit an object that somewhat absorbs the shock (for example, a car tire). The blows are applied from the side, above and below, holding the stick in one or both hands. The exercise develops the strength and speed of contraction of the muscles involved in striking, i.e. speed-strength qualities.

    Throwing a medicine ball(Figs. 55 and 56) is an integral part of a boxer's training. The ball is thrown from different positions (standing, sitting, lying) with one or two hands; The most effective exercises are throwing the ball back, forward, sideways and in a circle. These exercises develop speed-strength qualities (including speed endurance), orientation, and the ability for short-term large power tensions and muscle relaxation.

    Exercises with tennis balls (Fig. 57) develop speed, accuracy, and coordination. They can be performed alone or with a partner (throwing and catching). They are used in all types of classes, most often at the end of a class as a distraction.

    Exercises from the athletics cycle such as shot put, grenade throwing, long and high jumps from a running start, develop speed, strength of individual muscle groups and speed. These exercises are popular among boxers and are included in the general physical training system and GTO standards.

    After the tournament, the boxer takes a break from specialized exercises; if this occurs during a transition period, then it is best active recreation There will be a tourist trip, a stay in the middle mountains, walking and climbing accessible mountains.

    Physical training exercises are necessary in the general training system for boxers and, in total, occupy at least half of its volume. When selecting exercises, it should be taken into account that the highest performance in one of the physical qualities can be achieved only with a sufficient level of development of the others.

    Exercises for boxers with special equipment

    An integral part of the educational and training process are exercises with special boxing equipment, which develop the necessary physical qualities and improve technical skills (Fig. 59).

    Rice. 59. Exercises on apparatus.

    Exercises with a skipping rope. Long hops and jumping ropes strengthen the leg muscles, develop coordination and ease of movement. In each workout, especially specialized ones, exercises with a skipping rope last 5-15 minutes.

    Exercises with a bag develop the skill of holding your fist correctly when striking, rationally using muscle efforts in striking at different distances, and calculating the force of the strike, especially if several strikes are struck quickly. The bag also serves as a good tool for developing strength and speed endurance. The desire to deliver as many strong blows as possible in a certain period of time contributes to the development of special endurance. For classes, bags of various shapes are used. An oblong bag of small diameter is convenient for striking straight and from the side, shorter bags - straight and from below. Most gyms have a utility bag. The bags are movable, on them the boxer improves his skills in striking while moving forward and backward, and develops a sense of distance. Usually they start with single strikes, then two consecutive ones in different combinations, and finally a series with individual accented strikes. On a bag that moves in a circle, punches are improved as the boxer moves forward and in a circle. Blows on the bag are applied straight, lateral and from below, long and short (both when the boxer is in a lateral position and in a frontal position).

    Exercises with a pear(bulk and filled with water). By the nature of the exercises used, bulk bags have much in common with bags. Pears with sand and sawdust are heavy and hard; filled with peas - lighter and softer, mobile, with a greater amplitude of movements, stronger single, double and series of blows can be applied to them, they develop a sense of distance. A pear filled with water absorbs shock well, is quite heavy and mobile.

    The different weight and rigidity of the projectiles will allow the boxer to vary his actions, find the desired distance and develop the accuracy of the blow. On one bag you can deliver an accented blow in a series more strongly, on the other (with sand) you can speed up the delivery of blows, but not strong ones, etc. Usually all three types of bags are hung close to each other, and the boxer practices during the round blows, moving from one pear to another, achieving perfection in the speed of blows, accuracy in calculating distance. The boxer strikes the punching bags from all fighting positions.

    Exercises with a wall pillow. They are most often used in training with a group of beginner boxers. This projectile delivers predominantly direct strikes. The immobility and flat surface of the projectile make it easier to calculate the length of impacts. The wall cushion is struck from a place and with a step forward.

    Exercises with a pneumatic bag. Pears come in standard and slightly smaller sizes; the latter rebound faster upon impact. The clear rhythm of striking the platform forces the trainee to maintain the tempo of the exercise and strike with a certain force and frequency. The harder the blow is struck, the faster the bag moves. Exercises with a pneumatic bag develop a boxer's ability to accurately and quickly deliver blows one after another, and also develop a sense of attention and rhythm of movements. Long rhythmic blows on the bag are a good way to develop speed endurance in the upper limb belt and the ability to relax the muscles at the moment of swing for the subsequent blow.

    Learning to hit a pneumatic bag begins with shifting the body weight from one foot to another and moving the arm forward to strike and move it back. The correctness of hitting the pear with your fist depends on this. First you need to learn straight single strikes in a “one-two-three” rhythm (the pear is pushed off the platform three times). You need to hit the pear after it has pushed off from the back of the platform and has not yet reached the middle. Having mastered this technique, they proceed to strikes after each repulsion of the pear from the front and back of the platform. The technique of exercises and side kicks is mastered in the same order. Strikes should be struck with both the left and right hand: you can hit several times with one hand, then alternately with one and the other, etc. Having mastered exercises in different rhythms, a boxer can practice punches, randomly alternating them in different sequences and changing the tempo of movements. The blows to the pneumatic bag are applied from the frontal position.

    Exercises with a ball on rubbers (pinchball). Rubbers are attached to the ball; one of them with its free end is attached to the bracket upwards, the other - at the same distance - to the floor; the ball may vibrate horizontally. Hitting the ball causes it to move back and forth. Direct blows are applied from a lateral combat position with one hand or alternately (either left or right). The rhythmic movements of the ball force the boxer to maintain the tempo and strike with a certain force and frequency. The ball should be hit as if in pursuit of it when it moves away and is in the middle of the amplitude or a little further. The sense of distance, accuracy and speed of striking, orientation and coordination develops. The ball can also be used to develop the speed of performing back and side slants (for example, by hitting the ball, give it a sufficient range of motion, make a slant with your body, and then hit the ball again). You can also deliver single blows from the side to the left and right.

    The same ball on rubber is fixed in a horizontal position. It is used to improve low left and right strikes; You can also carry out short straight strikes.

    Exercises with a small hanging ball (point ball). The tennis ball is suspended from a horizontal platform (or on a bracket against the wall) at head level and single blows are struck on it - straight, from the side and from below. You need to hit with the heads of the metacarpal bones of the index and middle fingers. Exercises on this projectile help develop shooting accuracy.

    Exercises with boxing pads(Fig. 60). With the help of boxing lalas, they improve their punches, develop reaction speed, accuracy and orientation. Paws are used at all stages of boxer training. The trainer, holding the paws, positions them for strikes at different distances: at the far distance - for straight ones, at the middle and close ones - for strikes from the side and from below. In this case, it is important to monitor the correct execution of strikes, the transfer of body weight from foot to foot, the movement of the center of gravity and the accuracy of the strike. Pre-installed paws make it possible to improve the delivery of several direct strikes in a certain combination with side ones (side - strikes from below, etc.). Combinations are improved to the point of automatism with emphasis on some kind of blow. The trainer can ask students to perform several combinations in a certain sequence.

    Holding his paws and moving around the ring, the trainer changes the distance, which forces the student to either advance or move back, to the sides and in a circle, thus calculating the distance for striking.

    To develop the reaction, the trainer suddenly changes the position of the paws, for example, puts the paw out for a direct or side strike or a strike from below (with the left or right hand), for two and three strikes, etc.

    The trainer can put on large fighting gloves and use them instead of paws; in this case, the student is asked to solve not only technical, but also some tactical problems, and use light blows to show open spaces during attacks and counterattacks. For example, the coach gets into a fighting position and delivers a direct blow with his left hand to the head, the boxer must make a tilt to the right and deliver a counter-punch with his left hand to the torso, i.e., into the glove placed by the coach in the area of ​​the celiac (solar) plexus; when the coach delivers a left side kick to the head, the boxer dives and responds with a right side punch to the head, i.e., into the coach’s right-hand glove, etc.

    In exercises with paws, you can create an environment typical for many combat episodes.

    At the same time, training on the paws can also have a harmful effect if the trainer does not know how to use them skillfully enough; for example, he puts his paws away from the affected areas or towards the blow, violating the distance that the boxer is counting on, and this disorients the student. You should not get carried away with exercises on the paws and replace them with combat exercises with a partner wearing gloves.

    General physical training exercises, specially targeted exercises and on special equipment to develop the necessary physical qualities are the basis for the successful improvement of sportsmanship

    1. Boxing ■ is a complex and courageous sport that is gaining increasing recognition not only as an effective means of all-round physical development


      I. Ivanova, P. Nikiforova, A. Bulycheva, M. Romanenko, V. Stepanova, N. Koroleva, S. Shcherbakova, ... confirmed the theoretical cues data about... Ed.. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958. Gradopolov K-V. Boxing. FiS, 1951. Gradopolov K-V. Boxing. FiS, 1961. Denisov B.S. Boxing ...

    2. “Kabr-m and printed and tkhyder” (2)


      Newspaper. Founder: Kazikhanova G. Ed.. since 1990 Ch. editor...: [Oh dir. youth bib- ki L. Zhabelova]. - Balkar. Gromova... Dyshekova V.S., Zhamborova S.S., Romanenko N.T.: Decree of the President of the KBR // ... and the weak: [About the trainer boxing S. Zhabove]. - Balkar. ...

    3. Document

      Organizing and conducting tests Ya.I. Romanenko, Shumilin, K.E. Klimantsov, T.P. ... installed on aircraft). Publish

    Which will contain various useful content. Training, nutrition and all sorts of interesting things about nutrition, recipes and all the most useful information will be on the channel Subscribe!

    Important update!

    The calorie calculator is now available only to BS members (or former ones). If you need to calculate your norm, write in the comments:

    Your Gender, Height (cm), Weight (kg), Age and what week you are doing.

    Many people want to participate in the drying frenzy, but they are either sorry to spend money, or they simply don’t have it, or they are afraid that they will be eliminated on the first elimination task, which takes place every Saturday.

    But despite all this, many of them still train at home. And often precisely according to the frantic drying program. Finding these tasks is not difficult, since people themselves post them online. I decided to collect such tasks on this page so that you can choose any one you like and try to do it.

    Circuit training - performed from the first task to the last without rest, then rest (which is indicated in the task). Then it is performed again from the first task to the last and rest again. This is called circuit training. The number of laps is always indicated in the task.

    1 week, day 1.

    The circuit training that is given for the entire first week of crazy cutting is called “Die, but do it.”

    Also in the first week, a special task is given for each day. It lasts throughout the day. I would advise trying to do the maximum possible number of repetitions in one approach, because... the result will be better. That is, I advise you to do not 20 horizhops at a time, but 50, or even better, 100. Horizhops are squats. And they must be performed with the correct technique, otherwise your knees will have a hard time.

    1 week, day 2.

    Do the “Die But Do” workout. Special task for this day: 300 sisepols. Sicepoles are push-ups.

    1 week, day 3.

    Do the “Die But Do” workout. There are 600 special tasks for this day. Bullock shakes are jumping lunges. Technique for performing bun shakers.

    1 week, day 4.

    Do the “Die But Do” workout. Special task for this day: 300 crazy zozhniks. Crazy joggers are burpees. Burpee technique. I advise you to do them all, since this exercise is very effective, all muscles work and it is included in all flight tasks.

    1 week, day 5.

    Do the “Die But Do” workout. Special task for this day: 1000 climbers. Climbing technique.

    1 week, day 6.

    It's the first Saturday and the first flight mission. In seasons 7 and 8 it was a burpee for 90 seconds (one and a half minutes). Personally, I did 22 burpees first time, and 23 second time. And I made it through the second week.

    1 week, day 7.

    Everyone is waiting for this day, as there is a cheat meal on this day. A cheat meal is when you can eat a “harmful” dish for 1 meal. It can be anything: ice cream, a pie, an apple, a banana, sushi or anything else that you have been wanting to eat all week.

    If the first month of our recruiting training program muscle mass was devoted to working to increase muscle strength, then the second month (5-8 weeks) will be devoted to a hypertrophy cycle - training to increase the volume and mass of muscles.

    In turn, the basis of the hypertrophy training program will be a classic bodybuilding split divided into two different workouts, which will allow you to train a muscle group twice a week, thus accelerating its growth processes.

    What is a split?

    Split (from English. split- divide into parts) names the method of division training program into parts, each of which is performed on a separate day. The most common split is a triple split (Mon: chest, Wed: back, Fri: legs) or double (upper and lower body).

    The main advantage of this type of training is that the muscle group gets more time to recover (in a triple split it is worked only once a week), and with a sufficient level of nutrition it gives more rapid growth muscles.

    Why such training?

    In a situation where you use serious working weights, it is quite difficult to carry out full workout whole body in the allotted 45-60 minutes. It is in this case that a split with division is required, and not working out the main large muscles in one session.

    It is important to make a reservation: in most past materials, FitSeven did not recommend split training with the division of muscle groups into different days with the sole caveat that this approach does not work for beginners. Split works quite well for professionals.

    Two-day split

    In the material, we mentioned that for the consciousness of a harmoniously developed and symmetrical body, it is important to pay equal attention to the development of the posterior and anterior biomechanical chains of muscles. Distortions are fraught with figure disturbances.

    In this week's training program we will use this approach, dividing the workouts into press training and push training. Each of them uses its own type of movement, thus optimizing the final result.

    Training program: week 5

    The total number of working approaches should not exceed 20-22, total time training - no more than one hour. Don't forget about a general warm-up before training and one or two warm-up sets in each exercise before performing work.

    Press training (“Pull”) - Mon, Thu

    • - 3 x 8-10
    • - 3 x 8-10
    • Deadlift on straight legs - 3 x 8-10
    • Lying leg curls in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
    • Biceps curls in the simulator - 3 x 8-10

    Push training - Tue, Fri

    • - 3 x 8-10
    • Leg press in the simulator - 3 x 8-10
    • - 3 x 8-10
    • Dumbbell bench press incline bench- 3 x 8-10
    • - 3x8-10
    • Traction vertical block for triceps - 2x10-12

    How many times a week?

    The ideal would be to do four workouts per week (each workout done twice). Moreover, in the first half of the week, training is performed with high weight and low repetitions, in the second half - with lower weight and high repetitions.

    This approach both creates stimulus and stress for muscle hypertrophy and does not overload the central nervous system, giving her more time to recover. This is especially true for those who have never trained with such sleep programs before.

    Abs workouts

    Remember that the abdominal and core muscles are engaged during other exercises, such as squats, bench presses, barbell rows, and so on. If you don't feel your abs working when you squat, then you're squatting incorrectly.

    Among other things, abdominal work is energy-consuming - its implementation can negatively affect the recovery and growth of other muscles. Based on these two factors, we do not recommend training your abs separately during your muscle gain cycle.


    The second month of our muscle building training program is based on the double split technique - dividing muscle groups according to the “push/pull” principle and working each of these groups twice a week.

    Today we offer you a strong and interesting exercise for the buttocks and thighs, consisting of several positions. It will add variety to both the sports complex of those who exercise at home and the program of fitness instructors.

    The main thing is to understand the technique, and only then enjoy it (in a certain sense). The exercise is not easy - it requires balance, muscle strength, and the ability to concentrate.

    Start of class

    If you plan to do these exercises separately from the general sports complex, necessary . As a warm-up: jumping rope 20-50 times - two approaches, bending over different sides, stretching the muscles of the legs and buttocks in lunges.


    Starting position: We stand on one leg, the other lies on the supporting leg above the knee, our arms help us maintain balance - it is better if they are extended forward.

    Position 1. Shallow squats from the described starting position. From 10 to 16 squats.

    We change starting position. We carefully straighten the resting leg back, while trying not to touch the floor. We lower ourselves down onto straight arms and assume a plank position with straight arms and one supporting leg.

    Position 2. We work with the leg that remains suspended above the floor. Bend it with your knee towards your stomach.

    Then slowly but surely straighten it just above the parallel of the floor. Then we lower the straight leg to the floor and lift it back to the starting position. In this way, alternate the two movements up to 16 times.

    Now let's finish the exercise correctly. We place our working leg on the floor, move our hands closer to our legs, remain in a standing position, bending down to stretch the muscles. Now you can straighten up and start the exercise on the other leg.

    If you decide to do several approaches, then include an aerobic segment in the exercise between approaches, this will greatly increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
    After everything is done -