Kettlebell squats: benefits and variety for your legs. Kettlebell squats (goblet, goblet) - benefits and technique Kettlebell squats for jumping

As a rule, women choose kettlebells with weights from 8 to 16 kilograms, and men - from 16 to 32.

To find your weight, try performing five repetitions of one exercise. If it's easy, take heavier weights. If you can't finish the exercise, you need less weight.

Once you find your weight, don't do all the exercises with it. Some of them you can do with heavier weights, for others you will need lighter ones. Check the weight for each exercise separately.

As for the number of repetitions, aim for five sets of 10–15 reps. If you feel you can do more, do it.

Exercises with kettlebells

Russian kettlebell swings differ from regular ones in that the kettlebell is not raised above the head, but only slightly above the shoulders. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise, it is best to start with simple Russian swings.

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Grasp the weight with both hands, lean forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  • The back should remain straight, without rounding.
  • Swing the kettlebell, bringing it to shoulder level. The movement starts from the hips, not the arms, which provides the force of the push.
  • Lower the weight down, bringing it back between your legs, and repeat the exercise.

This movement is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you work with one hand.

One-arm swings allow you to better pump up target muscle groups and are suitable for those who have already mastered two-handed kettlebell swings.

This exercise helps to pump up your back well. It will be an excellent replacement for dumbbell rows. Due to the shifted center of gravity of the kettlebell, performing the exercise will be a little more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and lean forward with your back straight and knees slightly bent.
  • Pull the weights towards your stomach. At the final point, the handles of the weights should be located in the stomach area.
  • Pull the weights with your back muscles, not your arms.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.
  • Lower the weights into starting position and repeat.

This exercise pumps up the core muscles well and also provides stress on the arms and legs. In addition, it looks quite impressive.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the weight in your right hand.
  • Bend your knees, lean forward slightly with a straight back and bring the weight between your legs at body level.
  • Reach your left arm back and take the weight from your right hand.
  • Translate left hand with the weight forward and bring it back between your legs.
  • Reach your right hand back and grab the weight from your left.

During this exercise, you seem to describe a figure eight around your legs, passing the weight from hand to hand. It may be difficult to coordinate the movements at first, but with a little practice you will get used to it.

Due to inertia, the exercise is performed quite easily, so you can take a heavier weight. The main thing is not to slouch your back, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your body.

This exercise will help target your legs and buttocks. By using weights in the form of a kettlebell, you will achieve the desired shape much faster than doing repetitions without weight.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold a weight in front of your chest with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Keeping your back straight and your pelvis back, do a deep squat.
  • At the bottom of the squat, the hip joint should be below the knees.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

If you want to put more stress on your leg muscles and pump them up, try supplementing squats with jumping jacks.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell at your outstretched arms below.
  • Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly less.
  • Jump up from the squat and repeat.
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can place plates or step pads under your feet. This will help deepen your squats, increase your range of motion, and increase your load.

During lunges, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are worked, and lifting the weights provides stress on the shoulders and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold the kettlebell in your bent arm at shoulder level, elbow close to your body, arm turned with your palm facing your body.
  • Lunge forward and at the same time raise your arm with the kettlebell above your head.
  • Return to the starting position, lowering your hand with the kettlebell during the rise.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

The exercise perfectly pumps up the core muscles, but it is quite difficult to perform and has a number of contraindications.

It should not be performed by those who have poorly developed rectus abdominis muscles, thoracic region spine or have back problems.

Exercise technique

  • Sit on the floor on your ischial tuberosities, press the weight to your body and hold it in both hands, do not place your elbows to the sides.
  • Raise your legs off the floor with your knees bent.
  • Try to keep your back straight.
  • Turn your body to the right and left side without rounding your back or lowering your legs.

This exercise requires some flexibility and good hip mobility. It simultaneously stretches the latissimus dorsi muscles and strengthens the muscles of the core, arms and shoulders.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grab a kettlebell in one hand and lift it above your head.
  • Bend to the side as far as the stretch allows. Ideally, you need to touch your foot with your hand. The weight remains in the outstretched hand at the top.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

This exercise will help you pump up pectoral muscles, arms and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Hold the kettlebell in a bent arm, the shoulder lies on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees. The palm is turned towards the body.
  • Press the kettlebell upward, turning your elbow to the side and your wrist with your palm facing your feet. At the extreme point, the weight is located above the chin.
  • Lower the weight to the starting position and repeat.

This is another quite impressive exercise that perfectly pumps up the muscles of the core and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell in one hand.
  • Bring the weight behind your back and grab it behind your back with your other hand.
  • Bring your arm forward and grab the kettlebell with your other hand.

This universal exercise, which combines regular kettlebell swings with movement around the gym. Great cardio for those who are tired of the treadmill.

Exercise technique

  • Perform a Russian kettlebell swing. When the weight is at the top point (chin level), place right leg to the left, connecting them together.
  • As the kettlebell lowers from the top, step sideways with your left foot, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When the weight passes between your legs and goes up again, place your right foot next to your left and connect them together.
  • Repeat this exercise on one side and then the other. To go to the right, you need to put left leg, and when the weight goes down, step with your right foot.

This exercise perfectly pumps up the buttocks and hamstrings. The load also goes to the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in both hands.
  • Tilt your torso, push your pelvis back and lower the kettlebell to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight while bending over.
  • Return to the starting position, tensing your buttocks and abs.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This is a fairly challenging exercise, so try it with light weights first and add pounds very carefully. At correct execution The exercise provides stress on the legs, buttocks and back.

Exercise technique

  • Place the weight between your legs, lean towards it with a straight back and grasp the weight with one hand.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs behind your body, gaining momentum, and then swing it up to shoulder level, turning your arm so that your palm is facing your body.
  • The elbow should be close to the body, the wrist continues the line of the arm, without bending. The weight seems to hang on the indentation between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.
  • Lower the weight so that it passes between your spread legs and bring it up again.

This exercise will pump you up perfectly top part body: arms, back and shoulders. It also involves the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and throw them over your shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the palms are directed towards each other.
  • Press the weights upward, turning your palms forward so that at the top point the weights are located behind your hand.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position at shoulder level and repeat the exercise.

It's not only strength exercise, but also cardio. If you choose the right weight, the very first set will greatly raise your heart rate. In addition, the exercise pumps up the shoulders, chest and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and place the kettlebell on the floor between your legs.
  • Lean towards the kettlebell with a straight back, moving your pelvis back, grab it with one hand, and move the other back behind your back.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs, swinging it back a little, and then swing it forward.
  • Snatch the weight, bringing it above your head. The palm faces forward, the weight is behind the hand.
  • Lower the kettlebell down so that it passes back between your legs again, and then repeat the upward jerk.

Try to complicate and diversify the option with weights. This exercise primarily develops the abs, and due to alternate lifting of weights, it puts stress on the arms and back.

Exercise technique

  • Get into a plank position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Raise one arm with the kettlebell.
  • Try to keep your body straight while lifting the weights, do not rotate your hips. Ideally, the hips should be firmly fixed.
  • Pull the weight with your back, not your arms.
  • Lower the kettlebell to the floor and raise your other arm.

This is very interesting exercise. There is quite a lot of movement in it, so you will have to make a lot of effort to maintain your balance. With its help, you can provide stress to all the muscles of the body.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on the floor with your arm extended above your head. If you are holding a weight in right hand, bend your right leg and place your foot on the floor.
  • Raise your body, holding the kettlebell above your head, come out into gluteal bridge. Lean on your right leg, straighten your left and extend it to the side.
  • Place your left leg behind your right and place it on your knee. You will find yourself at the bottom of a lunge with the kettlebell overhead.
  • Stand up from a lunge and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Return to the starting position, going through all the steps in reverse order: lunge, glute bridge, floor position with bent leg and a weight in an outstretched hand.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This exercise works the same muscles as: chest, triceps, core muscles. Due to the fact that the hands are not on the floor, but on the handles of the weights, the exercise becomes more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a prone position with your hands on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Try to tighten your abs and buttocks to keep your body straight.

This exercise combines the two previous ones, and therefore it is even more difficult and effective for pumping up the arms, back and chest.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in a lying position, leaning on the handles of the weights.
  • Do a push-up.
  • Raise one hand with the kettlebell to your waist. Keep your elbow close to your body and try to pull the weight with your back muscles.
  • Place the hand with the weight on the floor and repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Kettlebell squats are an excellent exercise for developing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This type of squats is technically simpler than barbell squats and is quite suitable for training beginner athletes. For those who are interested kettlebell lifting, this exercise can be called an element of the compulsory program.

Deep squats with kettlebells: video

Rules for performing the exercise

So let's look at the proper technique for performing deep squats with kettlebells. It may seem simple to many, but if performed incorrectly, the exercise can lose its effectiveness and become very traumatic.

Starting position:

Before starting the exercise, place the weights in front of you. Next, throw the weights over your chest, elbows pressed to your torso. The legs stand slightly wider than the shoulders.

Position 1

Perform a deep squat. Try to keep your back straight, slightly leaning forward is allowed. Knees to the sides in the direction of the socks, do not go beyond the socks.

End position

Rise up, straightening your legs at all joints.

Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. Variations of squats with kettlebells can be squats with a barbell. The main mistakes are usually excessive lean forward and backwardfalling onto your toes.

You can see the detailed technique for performing the exercise in the following video.

Description of the exercise

Kettlebell squats are an excellent exercise for developing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This type of squats is technically simpler than barbell squats and is quite suitable for training beginner athletes. It is universal and suitable for both men and women. For those who are interested in kettlebell lifting, this exercise can be called an element of a mandatory program.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's look together at which muscles work when performing the exercise. Such squats are basic and have different variations of execution: narrow, medium and broad setting legs Depending on this, the load on gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

Muscles with dynamic (active) load are the leg muscles: hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteal and calf muscles. These muscles are the main ones in performing this exercise. Most of the muscles involved are statically loaded and are accessory muscles. Among them psoas muscles, deltoids, latissimus muscle, trapezius.

Advantages of squats with kettlebells over other types of exercises

  1. Present static load on the upper body, namely the biceps, triceps and lats;
  2. The exercise involves simultaneously large number muscles and joints, it promotes rapid growth muscles;
  3. Kettlebell squats help develop strength endurance;
  4. The gluteal muscles and quadriceps are worked out much better due to the depth of the exercise.

Alternative Substitutes for Deep Squats with Kettlebells on the Shoulders

Deep squats themselves are quite complex in terms of technique, and kettlebells, as a non-standard equipment, make this exercise even more difficult. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes and injuries, we will advise you to replace deep squats with kettlebells with other exercises that are also aimed at developing the quadriceps and gluteal muscles.

One such exercise is the barbell squat. In this case, the load on the deltoids and triceps is minimized. You can give all your attention correct technique performing squats.

Barbell Squats

Next alternative exercise will be squats with dumbbells. Given exercise will do for those who have back problems or are afraid of injuring it. Here we take the load off shoulder girdle, trapezoid and lumbar region.

Squats with dumbbells

Smith machine squats are also great for back injuries. The load is completely removed from the lumbar region if the exercise technique is performed correctly.

Smith machine squats

An alternative to squats can also be lunges with a barbell, Smith machine or dumbbells. Here the main load goes on the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

Warm greetings to all athletes and just readers of my sports blog. Alexander Bely is with you, and today we will talk about the lower part of the body, namely the legs. Since the beach season is about to begin, and everyone will be actively walking around in shorts, it is important to get your legs in good shape. Thanks to my article today called goblet squats with a kettlebell, you will be able to strengthen and tone your leg muscles. But first things first. So...

Benefits of Kettlebell Squats

Kettlebell squat current time It is very rare, but due to its nature, this is an excellent exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the lower body. This type squats have an excellent property - its implementation is best suited for beginners, due to its simpler technical execution. For people who use weights, this exercise is a panacea for muscles.

The exercise perfectly develops the lower part of the body, namely the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and. First of all, the quadriceps takes a lot of the load, which is why goblet squats can fully replace a squat with a barbell. Due to the fact that you hold the kettlebell in your chest area with your hands, your shoulders and arms are also loaded, this contributes to excellent pumping of almost the entire body.

Let's consider the main advantages of the exercise

  • Due to the large amplitude of squats, good stretch thighs and gluteal muscles. If the muscle fibers are greatly stretched before contracting, this contributes to maximum intensity of the exercise.
  • Exercise improves blood circulation in the lower body, which helps prevent congestion.
  • Another benefit is that it can be done at home thanks to a simple technique.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems. If you were not previously trained and did not engage in CrossFit, then a large amplitude of squats puts your body in great danger, in particular knee joints.

Therefore, if you are just starting to train with weights, then the best option There will be squats for you to parallel. People with a bad back are not recommended to tempt fate; first consult a doctor.

Correct technique

1. Starting position - standing, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Turn your toes 30 degrees outward. There are two grips for how to take a kettlebell - the first involves taking the kettlebell in your hands, the second - by the handle, grab it in a way that is comfortable for you. It is necessary to hold the weight on bent arms in the chest area, practically pressing it.

2. While exhaling, keeping your back straight, you need to squat. As mentioned earlier, beginners are not recommended to sit below parallel. If you have previously done CrossFit, or gym, your muscles are toned and have good elasticity, then you can safely perform deep squats. It is important to take into account the condition of the knees, since the exercise primarily harms them. The elbows are directed downwards; when squatting, they pass between the legs.

3. When you have squatted to the end point, exhale and rise to the starting position. Perform 10-12 repetitions.

1. Watch your breathing. It is very important that during the approach your breathing takes place in the same mode, since when you are short of breath or short of breath, your intensity rapidly decreases.

2. Warm up thoroughly before training, and especially before this exercise. After all, a good warm-up of the ligaments and joints will have a positive effect on your mood and the effectiveness of your workout. In addition, this will prevent the possibility of injury.

3. Choose your ideal working weight. If you weigh too little, your body will not experience the proper load. However, taking too heavy weight you can simply injure your knee joints or fall without keeping your balance. To prevent this from happening, I recommend choosing a working weight at which it will be enough for you to do 10-12 repetitions at breathing correctly. Remember that if you stop breathing during the approach, the weight on the apparatus is too heavy.

4. Follow up correct technique. First, I advise you to adapt and learn with kettlebells, and only then increase the working weight.

Dear friends, here we are looking at such an interesting article as goblet squats. With proper execution and regularity of training, you can achieve good results as soon as possible.

I shared with you interesting tips, performing which you will improve your training results and body condition. In conclusion, I recommend watching an interesting video. Love sports, be healthy.

The legs are a large muscle group that makes up half of our body.

  • Most newcomers to the gym do not pay enough attention to it. This applies mainly to males.
  • Girls, on the contrary, pay enough attention to their legs and are always looking for new exercises.
  • Note that both boys and girls need to pump their legs.

One of the main exercises is squats with a barbell.

  • However, despite their high efficiency, for some they are not enough. This forces us to search effective exercises for working various muscle groups, for example, such as goblet squats or goblet squats.

After heavy exercise muscle fibers it takes time to recover.

Benefits of goblet squats

One of best exercises, which will add variety to any leg workout - squats with a kettlebell (goblet). An excellent solution for both men and girls. Several muscle groups take part in the work:

  • quadriceps,
  • hamstring biceps,
  • buttocks.

With the help of squats with a kettlebell, you can give your buttocks a more rounded shape and an “expressive” outline of the hip line. Such results are achieved by shifting the load forward.

One of the closest exercises to goblet squats with a kettlebell is.

The main benefits of squats with a kettlebell in your hands:

  • They load and work out the leg muscles well;
  • Useful for girls, as they help tighten the buttocks and hamstrings, which for some are a problem area;
  • Involve all muscle corset in static conditions, which has a positive effect on its development;
  • Increases strength and endurance of the legs, tones the muscles;
  • Can be used for typing muscle mass, and for drying;
  • Load joints, improving their mobility and flexibility;
  • Improves the production of growth hormones, accelerates metabolism;
  • A simple technique, the exercise is accessible even to beginners;
  • Ideal for people with problem back– etc.

What muscles work in goblet squats?

When performing any exercise, you need to understand what muscle groups are involved in it. Goblet squats are basic, which means that many muscles are involved in the work:

  • The hamstrings, abs and spinal extensors act as stabilizers.
  • As extra muscles– gluteal and calf muscles.
  • How to squat with a kettlebell correctly?

    In principle, there is nothing complicated in the execution technique. This is why some experienced trainers include exercise in their women's training program.

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    They are suitable for both beginners and “advanced” fitness fans :)

    It is also good for men when they need to strengthen their legs. Therefore, they should diversify the program. Although, many have never heard of goblet squats. However, experienced trainer, depending on the situation and goals of his ward, will definitely include this exercise in the program.

    For the exercise you will need a kettlebell. Each trainee chooses the weight for himself, based on his level. physical training and health status:

    • Typically, weights are 10, 12, 16, 24 and 32 kg.
    • It may vary depending on the availability of the necessary equipment in the gym or at home.

    The technique is quite simple, so even a beginner can perform the exercise.

    Starting position:

    • Select a kettlebell with the desired weight and hold it with both hands, pressing it to your chest.
    • The position of the legs is slightly wider than shoulder width; for greater stability, you can spread your toes slightly to the sides.
    • The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the gaze is straight, and the shoulders are laid back. The body was fixed in this position.


    1. As you inhale, we begin to lower the body down, maintaining the angle of inclination and the spine in a fixed position. Do not lift your heels off the floor; do not spread your knees outward. We lower the body to a position where the hamstrings almost touch the calf muscles - a full squat. If your back begins to round and there is a bad arch in the lower back, you don’t have to go lower. There is a short pause at the bottom of the amplitude.
    2. As you exhale, we rise up, focusing on the heels, simultaneously straightening the knees and hip joints. To avoid injuring them, you can not fully straighten your legs.

    Is squatting with a kettlebell good for girls?

    Many girls, when they come to the gym, at first are content with squats. However, over time this becomes not enough. And you need to include more exercises in your training program:

    • Squats with a kettlebell for girls are one of the best options, which allows you to shift the load and pump up your legs efficiently.
    • Squats with a kettlebell are no less useful for men, thanks to which you can dilute the training program.
    • The exercise itself “shocks” the legs well, due to the shift in weight and body position.
    • Recommended for those who experience stagnation in training and progress.

    To increase efficiency and reduce injuries, we suggest following the following recommendations:

    • Choose the right weight. It is better to take a smaller weight, but do everything technically, than to work with a large weight and not follow the technique, rounding your back.
    • Be sure to tense your abs as you perform.
    • Watch the position of your knees. They should be flush with the feet and not extend beyond their vertical plane. Be careful not to damage your knee joint.
    • Keep your back straight. First you need to raise your back, and then your pelvis. If you do the opposite, the technique of performing the exercise is disrupted.
    • Pull your buttocks back. When lowering, it is necessary to move the gluteal muscles back. The back must be straight, maintain a deflection in the lower back.
    • We touch our elbows to our thighs. When lowering at the lowest point of the amplitude, the elbows must come into contact with the hips. If this is difficult to do, then it is recommended to work on stretching.

    If there is no suitable weight in the gym, then you can easily replace it with a pancake.

    What variations of the exercise can there be?

    • Squats with a kettlebell behind your back. Everything is the same as in the classic version. Only the weight is located behind the back. A very labor-intensive exercise. As the weight moves, the load also shifts.
    • Two dumbbells in hands. One dumbbell in each hand. The technique is the same. This variation is for advanced athletes.
    • Overhead squat with a kettlebell. Hold a kettlebell above your head with both hands or hold a kettlebell in each hand. With this position of the hands, the back muscles are included in the work, receiving a static load.
    • On one leg. Only for experienced and advanced athletes, as it requires good strength and flexibility. You can alternate legs. We place one leg on the knee to form a triangle. And in this position we squat.

    Kettlebell overhead squats are a fairly complex coordination exercise that strengthens the entire body and develops flexibility. These squats are especially useful if you need to strengthen your back.

    The exercise is asymmetrical. This means that it must be performed on each half of the body separately.

    Starting position

    Take the weight in your hand and stand up straight. Keep your feet wider than your shoulders for stability and comfort in squats. The toes are slightly pointed to the sides. Do not spread your toes too much, as this will distort the technique of the exercise. Instead of normal work of the back muscles, you will get torsion in this case. ankle joints, which is fraught with injuries to the knees and ankle.

    Having swung the weight back between your legs, you need to pull it up to your outstretched arm and securely fix it.

    Overhead kettlebell squats, exercise technique

    Holding the weight with your arm extended upward, squat down with your knees bent. The task is to reach the floor with the palm of your free hand. Do not lift your heels off the floor. Keep your hand with the weight closer to your head. The torso can be slightly turned towards the raised hand. But ideally it should be kept straight. It is worth striving for this as you master the exercise and improve flexibility.

    Squat smoothly, trying to maintain your balance and roll the tension through your body for balance.

    Squats with a kettlebell overhead. Start.
    Squats with a kettlebell overhead. Finish.

    Perform the required number of repetitions while holding the kettlebell with one hand. Then do the same number of repetitions while holding the kettlebell with your other hand. This is considered one approach.

    Pay attention to correct position hands with a weight. You should not experience any discomfort during shoulder joint. But there may be completely normal sensations from stretching the chest, latissimus muscle this hand.

    Single kettlebell overhead squats improve flexibility chest, strengthens the muscles along the spine (it is important to maintain symmetry!), powerfully pumps the trapezius muscles.