Red onion: beneficial properties. What are the benefits of red onion?

Using red onions you can prepare delicious dishes and protect the body from bacterial infections. The product can only harm people with organ diseases gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. In this case, the vegetable has a local irritant effect. Compared to regular onions, red onions contain several times more antioxidants. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and slows down cell aging.

Composition and beneficial properties of red onion

The amount of antioxidants in red onions is twice as high as in white onions. Antioxidants have a positive effect on the human body - they prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases, premature aging.

The color of onions is due to the presence of anthocyanins in them. These substances contribute to:

  • combating bacterial diseases and inflammation in the body;
  • alleviation of nervous disorders and cancer;
  • preventing diabetes.

Quercetin in red onions has unique antitumor properties and helps reduce the risk of allergic reactions, swelling and spasms. The sulfur found in onions prevents blood cells from sticking together and cholesterol from accumulating. The microelement improves blood composition, is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, and quickly removes cholesterol. The red vegetable contains a lot of chromium. This element reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood, as a result of which the cells begin to better perceive insulin and the risk of developing diabetes mellitus decreases.

Red onion is a natural antioxidant. When applied externally, its juice disinfects the skin. When consumed internally, it destroys germs and viruses and strengthens the immune system. Onion juice is included folk recipes for the treatment and prevention of colds, pneumonia. Red vegetable juice is very useful for the acidic environment of the stomach. It improves metabolism and improves digestion. It is often used on menus by obese people to lose weight.

The vegetable helps get rid of worms. To do this, eat the product daily before each meal or use its tincture for an enema.

Red onion promotes better blood circulation in the head. A mask based on it is one of the best in the fight against hair loss: it stimulates the growth of new hair follicles.

Onion peel helps in the fight against calluses. It must be filled with vinegar, left for 10 days and applied as compresses to rough areas of the skin. Onions also help with oral infections, headaches, and salt deposits. It is used in the form of decoctions, juice, tinctures internally or externally. Frequent consumption of red vegetables improves general condition body.

Benefits for men

The red vegetable will also be of great benefit to representatives of the stronger sex, who, in order to maintain male power testosterone is needed. Purple onions increase it several times.

The vegetable activates the immune system, improves erection, increases libido and sperm quality.


However, not everyone can eat the red vegetable. Due to its severity, it is contraindicated in people with:

  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • kidney and liver diseases.

For hypertension and asthma, onions are allowed in minimal quantities.

Healthy people should also use this product in moderation. So, you can eat 100 grams of raw onions at one time.

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women eat onions?

The beneficial properties of onions are due to a large number vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is simply necessary for pregnant women to eat it. Eating vegetables helps:

  • avoid colds;
  • prevent the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system and nervous system mother and child;
  • prevent constipation due to the presence of magnesium;
  • protect the baby from the development of pathologies of the central nervous system due to the presence of folic acid;
  • improve digestion with essential oils.

If pregnant women have no contraindications, red onions can be safely consumed in reasonable quantities. You should stop using it only if you are prone to metabolism and in the second half of pregnancy - in order to avoid allergic reactions.

Among the Slavs, red onion is considered one of the most popular products. beneficial properties which is due to its rich chemical composition. Even the simplest dish acquires an exquisite taste and aroma with it.

It is impossible to replace it with a white relative, because the composition of nutrients is completely different. Red tastes more pleasant than white, it has no bitterness, it is juicier and sweeter.

Useful properties

This vegetable is an important source of nutrients. Its rich chemical composition makes it an indispensable product nutrition. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of red onions for human health.

The largest amount of nutrients in it is stored in its raw form. After thermal and any other treatment, most of them are lost.

The vegetable can prevent disorders and diseases internal organs. Its consumption strengthens the immune system, improves digestion and increases appetite. But that’s not all that red onions are good for.

  • Valuable substances such as anthocyanins and antioxidants effectively help fight viral infections. They also have a powerful preventive effect against diabetes, nervous system disorders, the appearance of malignant tumors and aging.
  • This vegetable can prevent heart disease. It cleanses blood vessels and improves their condition.
  • Quercetin reduces allergy symptoms, relieves swelling and cramps.
  • Improves blood circulation in the skin, which is why the vegetable is often used to make masks. After using them, hair begins to grow better and stops falling out.
  • The invaluable benefits of red onions include preventing the development of atherosclerosis and improving blood composition.
  • People with stomach problems should use it to eliminate congestion and improve the production of gastric juice.
  • Onions cleanse the body of toxins and activate metabolism, which is why it is recommended to be consumed for obesity. Low calorie content allows you to add it to any dietary dishes, making food more juicy and tasty.
  • Eating half an onion daily prevents the occurrence of helminthiasis.
  • Pregnant women are recommended to take a small amount of red vegetable to prevent vitamin deficiency, strengthen the baby’s musculoskeletal system and nervous system. With regular use, anemia can be avoided.
  • Helps men increase testosterone and restore physical strength. Onion juice improves sperm quality and increases libido.

Red onions are a real treasure not only for cooks, but also for doctors. People who want to lead healthy image life, you definitely need to eat this vegetable.

Harm and contraindications

It is important to know not only about the beneficial properties, but also about the contraindications to consuming red onions:

  • severe kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • colitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • flatulence and pancreatitis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • asthma and hypertension.

If you experience an allergic reaction to this product, you should exclude it from your diet.

Healthy people do not need to overuse this vegetable: you can eat no more than 100 g per meal.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

100 grams contain 42 kilocalories. One onion consists of 90% carbohydrates, 8% proteins and 2% fats.

The rich chemical composition of red onion has made it a natural medicine. It is distinguished by a significant content of fiber, vitamins A, C, group B and other useful substances such as potassium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, iodine, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

Red onions are a storehouse of valuable substances, which, in the absence of contraindications, should be included in the daily diet of every person.

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Contents of the article:

Red onion is one of the very popular types ordinary onions. A distinctive feature is the purple-red color scheme. The taste is sweetish-spicy, and the bitterish aftertaste is not very pronounced. The countries of Central Asia are considered the homeland of this red beauty. And it was brought to Crimea in the 19th century from Portugal. The most popular varieties of red vegetables in the world are Yalta, Romanov and onions from Tropea, from Italy. This crop is grown in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and many countries in Europe and Central Asia.

Composition and calorie content of red onion

Red onion is very tasty, and its benefits are no less than those of a regular vegetable, and perhaps even more.

Calorie content of red onion is 40 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.1 g;
  • Fats - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.34 g;
  • Water - 86 g;
  • Fiber - 1.7 g;
  • Ash - 1 g;
  • Sugar - 4.24 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.046 mg;
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.5 mg;
  • Beta Carotene - 1 mcg;
  • Beta Cryptoxanthin - 47 mcg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 4 mcg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.027 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 6.1 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.123 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.12 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 19 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 1 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocotrienol - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 0.4 mcg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Aluminum, Al - 400 μg;
  • Boron, B - 200 μg;
  • Iodine, I - 3 μg;
  • Potassium, K - 146 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 23 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 10 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 4 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 29 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 0.21 mg;
  • Cobalt, Co - 5 μg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.129 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.039 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.5 μg;
  • Fluorine, F - 1.1 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.17 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.104 g;
  • Valine - 0.021 g;
  • Histidine - 0.014 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.014 g;
  • Leucine - 0.025 g;
  • Lysine - 0.039 g;
  • Methionine - 0.002 g;
  • Threonine - 0.021 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.014 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.025 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.021 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.091 g;
  • Glycine - 0.025 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.258 g;
  • Proline - 0.012 g;
  • Serine - 0.021 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.014 g;
  • Cystine - 0.004 g.
Lipids per 100 g:
  • Fatty acids, saturated - 0.042 g;
  • Fatty acids, monounsaturated - 0.013 g;
  • Fatty acids, polyunsaturated - 0.017;
  • Phytosterols - 15 mg.
Of the digestible carbohydrates in red onion, per 100 grams of product contains only mono- and disaccharides (sugars) in the amount of 8.1 g.

Beneficial properties of red onion

This onion variety has reddish flesh and purple skin. It is very rich in vitamins and various minerals. There are most of them near the husk, so you need to clean it as carefully as possible. It loses a third of its strength when we peel it off too thickly.

The benefits of red onion and dishes containing it:

  1. Reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer. This onion variety contains more antioxidants than its white counterpart. Thus, it reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, quercetin contained in onions provides an antitumor effect.
  2. Prevents diseases cardiovascular system . This happens thanks to the same antioxidants.
  3. Helps with colds. Anthocyanins, which give the peel a purple tint, help fight inflammation and bacterial diseases. Being a natural antiseptic, they destroy viruses inside our body. They also help strengthen the immune system.
  4. Reduces allergic reactions, swelling and cramps. This is due to the quercetin found in red onions.
  5. Prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Sulfur, found among the beneficial substances of onions, prevents blood cells from sticking together and thereby inhibits the increase in cholesterol by 20% (approximately 3-5 onions per week). In addition, the vegetable improves blood composition.
  6. Helps with diabetes. The microelement chromium, which red onions are rich in, reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood. The body's cells perceive insulin better, and the likelihood of developing this disease is limited.
  7. Helps with secretory deficiency. A couple of tablespoons of red onion juice has a beneficial effect on stomach acidity.
  8. Improves digestion. This red vegetable helps normalize metabolism. Supports metabolism.
  9. Promotes weight loss. If you constantly eat red onions, your body will absorb various groups sulfur, which help reduce body intoxication and lead to weight loss.
  10. Helps with gum disease. For this purpose, it is recommended to eat red onion feathers.
  11. Rejuvenates the body. The red vegetable slows down its aging.
Many beneficial substances in red onions have a healing or preventive effect if consumed regularly, because vitamins, minerals and other life-giving components must accumulate in the body.

Harm and contraindications to eating red onions

No matter how useful red onion is, it, too, like any vegetable, has contraindications. These restrictions on use are associated with the pungent taste of the product.

This type of onion should be eaten with caution:

  • People suffering from colitis. For these ailments, you should adhere to dietary nutrition, and onions are not included in the list of permitted foods.
  • Patients with high stomach acidity. Red onions cause irritation by increasing the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Patients with liver and kidney diseases. This vegetable causes disruptions in the functioning of the mentioned organs.
  • Patients with hypertension, asthma (can eat, but in limited quantities). Onions cause irritation of the nervous system, which can negatively affect the heart, provoke high blood pressure and even an asthma attack.
  • Women in the second half of pregnancy. During this period, you need to limit the consumption of this vegetable to avoid allergic reactions.
  • People with certain skin diseases. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions.
Other people are not advised to abuse the product, as well as dishes containing it, and take into account the contraindications of red onion. An acceptable and harmless dose is 100 g of raw vegetable at one time.

If we grow this red onion in our garden, it will not cause any harm. But its purchased “brother”, “rich” in chemicals, can create problems for our body. You should also not eat a rotten onion: we cut off the rotten part and put it on the table - this is not recommended.

Recipes using red onions

Many chefs prefer to use red onions in cooking. As a rule, it is consumed raw, and very often it is used to decorate salads. This type of onion, not having such pungent properties as its “white brother,” goes well with other grilled vegetables and meats. And if you marinate it, it will be an exquisite variety to ordinary dishes. At the same time, it will also retain its specific sweetness, while acquiring a slight spiciness and new flavor shades.

Recipes with red onions:

  1. Salad with red onion and peanuts. Ingredients: 2 medium onions, peeled peanuts - 100 g, sunflower oil (you can also take olive oil - this will give our salad an exquisite taste) - 50 g, 1 tablespoon of sour apple juice, salt, parsley and spices to taste. First, prepare the onion: peel, cut into thin rings and soak for 15 minutes in ice water. After such a “procedure” the red vegetable will not be so hot, but will acquire a delicate taste. Grind the peanuts in a blender and mix with onions. Salt, pour oil and sprinkle with apple juice. The final touch is to add herbs and spices. This salad is very suitable for those people who cannot or do not like to eat red vegetables with whole onions. But together with other components, this is exactly what is needed.
  2. Vitamin salad. To prepare it, take 3 tomatoes, 2 onions, dill and parsley, salt, pepper and olive oil. First you need to wash the vegetables and cut the tomatoes into slices and the onion into half rings. Season with olive oil, then salt, pepper and add herbs. Our vitamin salad is ready. Eat healthy and don’t get sick!
  3. Cauliflower salad. Ingredients: 1 head of cauliflower, 1 red onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 pieces of allspice, 3 pieces of cloves, 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Step 1: You need to peel the onion and chop it thinly. Step 2: in a large saucepan, blanch the cabbage inflorescence for 2 minutes, then drain it in a colander and let it cool. Step 3: sterilize 800 ml jars, put cabbage mixed with onions, spices and garlic in them, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into each jar. Step 4: prepare the brine, dissolve sugar and salt in 1 liter of boiled water and pour in the vegetables. Step 5: wrap the jars upside down, after cooling, put them in a cold place. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.
  4. Salad with red onion for the winter. To prepare this dish you need to take the following products: 1 kg of tomatoes, 4 red bell peppers, 300 g of red onion, half a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, sunflower oil. First, prepare the onion: peel, chop and fry in sunflower oil. Then we cut the washed tomatoes into slices and the pepper into strips. Now mix all the ingredients, add salt, sugar and spices. Then bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Place in a sterilized container, wrap and leave for 24 hours. After this we put the jars in the cellar. Eat this delicious and healthy salad in winter for your health!
  5. Caviar from baked vegetables. We prepare this dish from 4 eggplants, 4 tomatoes, 3 red sweet peppers, 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic and 1 red onion. And what is caviar without a pinch of salt, herbs and, of course, sunflower oil? We wash the peppers and eggplants and bake them in the oven so that the vegetables are soft. Cool them, remove the seeds and peel the skin. Now finely chop the baked ingredients, as well as the tomato pulp, peeled onion, and dill. Mix everything, add lemon juice, salt and sunflower oil. It is better to serve chilled after 1 hour so that our dish is well infused.
  6. Scrambled eggs with red onion. Take 1 kg of red onion, 4 eggs, 200 g of Parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan. Beat the eggs with a fork, adding salt, pepper and grated cheese. Then mix everything with the red vegetable and fry over low heat. Cut into pieces and serve hot. You can decorate with greenery.
  7. Pickled red onion. This preparation is very suitable for meat. Ingredients: apple cider vinegar- 2 tablespoons (you can take 1 tablespoon 9%), water - 2 tablespoons, salt - 0.5 teaspoon, a pinch of sugar, pepper to taste, 2 large onions. Cut the red vegetable into thin half rings. Then we put it in a colander and pour over it first with boiling water and then with cold. We repeat “dousing” again. This will help remove the bitterness. Add salt and spices, then marinate for 2 hours. After cooling, place in the refrigerator.
  8. Pizza with red onion. The dough is prepared the same as for any pizza. The filling will have an unusual taste. For it, take 500 g of red onion, chop finely and pour cold water. Then fry in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. We form flat cakes from the dough, put the filling on them - and into the oven. After baking, decorate with herbs.

One of the remarkable vegetables of the Southern Coast of Crimea is considered to be red onion, which appeared here in the 19th century. The Nikitsky Botanical Garden is famous for its collection of various plants, among which this vegetable takes pride of place.

As a result of crossing a flat purple variety from the Portuguese island of Madeira with a sweet one from Spain, the Yalta onion was obtained, which was previously called “Kokozsky”. This red vegetable has a sweet taste. Really tasty, it is grown in several communities on the South Coast.

Red onions from Tropea (a city in Italy) also have an exquisite taste. It is very nutritious and healing. Historians claim that it was brought to the Calabria region by the Phoenicians. Recently, archaeological confirmation of this statement was found during excavations near Vibo Marina and Trinity. Onions from this area are sweet due to the climate near the sea. It was imported from Greece in the 2nd millennium. Nowadays, onions are grown along the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria, i.e. Costa Degli Dei, which starts from the village of Nicotera to Pizzo, as well as from Lamezia Terme to Amantea, but already in the Cosenza region.

Another famous variety of red vegetable is Romanovsky, which is pink in color, large in size, and its layers are very tightly packed. It received its name from the city of Romanov in the Yaroslavl region. It has been known since the 15th century.

Watch a review of red onions in the video:

Red onions have many beneficial substances and very few contraindications. It can be bought throughout the whole year and consumed both raw and stewed, as well as prepared in various salads. When choosing this vegetable in stores, pay attention to the fact that the skin is thin and free of spots. But it is best to grow vegetables on your own plots, then they will be healthier and without chemicals.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Red onions differ from the ones we are used to, with golden or white skin, and a number of properties. The countries of Central Asia are considered the homeland of this red beauty. After the founding of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, its collection was replenished with several species of this plant, which became the progenitors of the “Yalta” or “Crimean” sweet onion (calorizer) that we so loved. It is the absence of pungent substances that makes red onions so desirable on our table. Many different varieties of red onions are grown on the Eurasian continent, but only the Yalta variety has a special sweet taste. This variety is so loved by vacationers that almost everyone takes with them several beautiful braids of this miracle vegetable. Red onions, which grow in the vicinity of the famous resort, are particularly juicy and sweet. Even the bulb itself of this variety is unique. It has no more than seven layers, and in the middle it is painted white. This variety of red onion does not grow anywhere else in the world.

Calorie content of red onion

The calorie content of red onion is 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of red onion

The benefits and harms of red onion

The color of red onions is directly related to their usefulness - they contain twice as many antioxidants as light varieties. The purple color that decorates dishes is due to the content of anthocyanins - substances that help our body fight inflammation and bacterial infections, prevent the development of diabetes, nervous diseases and cancer, slow down the aging process of cells, and so on.

Red onion is indispensable in folk medicine (calorizator). It perfectly overcomes vitamin deficiency, reduces weight and heals almost all organs. This miracle - onion “knows the secret” from all troubles.

Red onions are contraindicated for liver and kidney disorders, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, as well as some skin problems. Other people can eat it without exceeding the norm - no more than 100 g of raw onion per meal.

Red onion in cooking

Red onions are a great addition to all vegetable salads and appetizers. It can be grilled in thick rings, baked in the oven, or simply eaten with bread, especially in winter. Make pizza with red onions - the taste will be unusual and interesting, but your family will probably like it. Red onions are eaten only raw; when cooked, they lose their properties.

Red onions appear on store shelves and markets at the beginning of every autumn. This vegetable resembles its more familiar counterpart - white onion. However, there is a certain amount of differences, both in taste and in the range of beneficial properties. Red onions are added to food, and they are also used in the preparation of a variety of medicines. With the help of this plant you can make every dish delicious, and it does not have such harshness as white onions.

The pulp of this variety has a somewhat sweet taste and is soft. Red onion grows in every region of the Eurasian continent, so it is not a rare or scarce product. This vegetable has been used in the kitchen for many centuries, in the preparation of dishes of various nationalities. During all this time, it has remained a popular seasoning and additive, not going out of active use in any region.

What are the benefits of red onion?

Red onion has a wide range of beneficial properties and is used to treat various diseases. It is actively used in recipes traditional medicine, not only for therapy, but also for preventive purposes. This product becomes especially popular during an outbreak of colds and flu. It is an excellent antiseptic and copes with various harmful microorganisms, while having a disinfecting effect on the entire human body as a whole. But its usefulness lies not only in protecting the body by increasing its resistance to disease and strengthening immune system, but also the ability to cure many diseases.

Red onions contain substances that can act actively, destroying microbes that have already entered the body. That is why all colds, for example, sore throat, flu, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia can be cured using not only expensive medicines, but also red onions. It is not at all difficult to eat it raw, unprocessed. You don’t have to cook or bake anything, just eat a small slice of this vegetable in between meals or at lunch.

The beneficial properties of this unique vegetable are also manifested in its effect on the digestive tract. Red onion juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines. So, in case of secretory insufficiency, it is recommended to take it daily in the amount of several tablespoons.

Onions will also help to establish metabolic processes that are disrupted due to the influence of various negative factors. Accordingly, it has another useful property - the ability to speed up the process of getting rid of excess weight.

Red onion helps to get rid of worms quite easily. In this case, the vegetable should also be consumed raw. The therapy has no secrets - just eat half a large onion immediately before each meal. You can also use onion infusion; to prepare it, cut a large onion in half and pour one glass of cold, pre-boiled water. Leave for 24 hours, then strain. Take half a glass of the resulting infusion three times a day.

Regular consumption of red onions will help remove salt deposits in the joints. In addition, this medicine perfectly eliminates any infectious processes in the oral cavity. This vegetable has an anti-inflammatory effect on sore gums.

If you complain of frequent headaches caused by overwork or fatigue, you can relieve them with the help of two halves of a red onion. Just apply them to your temples. This remedy will also help improve the functional activity of the brain and calm the nervous system. This recipe will also be effective for insomnia.

The healing properties of onions are actively used in dermatology and cosmetology. For example, if you have severe hair loss, you can make a mask based on this vegetable. To do this, pass one onion through a meat grinder and immediately apply it to the scalp. Wrap the top with polyethylene and a warm towel. This product should be washed off after half an hour. The mask is best applied to damp hair; you do not need to wash it beforehand.

This onion pulp is often used to treat warts. In addition, red onions are used in the treatment of a variety of dermatological ailments. In the warm season, this unique vegetable will relieve you from unpleasant itching and inflammation at the site of an insect bite.

One of the most common problems of modern humanity is increased level cholesterol. Many people want to lower its content at least a little. “Bad” cholesterol provokes the development of obesity, causes the development of cancer cells, and, as a result, cancer, in addition, it weakens cardiovascular system. In order to remove it from the body, you should consume either fresh onions, or freshly squeezed juice from it. Eating this vegetable daily reduces cholesterol levels by 25% within a month.

Freshly squeezed onion juice mixed with honey effectively treats cough due to bronchitis, both acute and chronic.

ABOUT healing properties Onions can be talked for a very long time. This vegetable is highly beneficial, so you need to prepare it for the whole winter.