Consultation for parents on the topic of articulation gymnastics. Consultation for preschool teachers

Consultation for parents

Articulation gymnastics at home

Correct pronunciation of sounds by children is ensured by good mobility and differentiated functioning of the articulation organs. Articulatory gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics - this is a set of exercises, some of which help improve the mobility of the organs of articulation, others - increase the volume and strength of movements, others develop the accuracy of the posture of the lips and tongue, necessary for pronouncing a particular sound.

Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation necessary for correct sound pronunciation.

There is an opinion that articulatory gymnastics is not such an important, frivolous activity that you don’t have to do. However, this is not true. Systematic implementation of articulation exercises allows you to:

    Prepare the articulatory apparatus for independent development of pronunciation of sounds (i.e., the sooner parents and their child begin to engage in articulatory gymnastics, the faster the child develops the sounds of his native language, even such difficult ones as R, L).

    Articulation exercises help children with complex speech disorders quickly overcome speech defects.

    Articulation gymnastics is very useful for children about whom they say “porridge in the mouth” (i.e., such children have reduced tone of the muscles of the cheeks, lips and tongue).

Speech therapy classes for the correction of sound pronunciation disorders are held two to three times a week, depending on the complexity of the speech disorder. However, this is not enough to correct speech. It is necessary to work with your child at home.

How to properly perform articulation gymnastics at home?

Organization of the event articulatory gymnastics Houses :

    You should exercise daily for 7–10 minutes.

    All exercises are performed in front of a mirror ( best option– a large mirror where the child sees himself and the adult, but a small mirror is also possible).

    All exercises are carried out in the form of a game. It is prohibited to force a child to study. It is necessary to interest: “Let's play with the tongue...”

    At first, the exercise is carried out slowly, slowly, 4 - 5 exercises per day, then every day we add one new exercise.

Now let's look at what articulation exercises there are. Articulation exercises are divided into static and dynamic (presentation “Articulation gymnastics at home”).

Static exercises – these are exercises where the child performs a certain way, position of the cheeks, lips, tongue. These are the following exercises:









These are some basic exercises, there are many more. Here it must be said that the first two exercises are especially important - “Fence”, “Window”, since it is from these exercises that others will be performed. For example, to perform the “Sail” exercise, we tell the child: “Make a “Fence” - “Window” - “Sail”. And so any exercise will begin with these two.

Static exercises should be held by the child for 7 - 10 seconds, that is, it is not enough to show, the main thing is to be able to hold the pose. For example, we tell a child: “you will do the exercise, and I will count”

Dynamic exercises – these are exercises where correct movements of the cheeks, lips, and tongue are necessary. These are exercises such as:




    “Brushing our teeth”;

    "Delicious jam";


    “Thin people - fat people” and others.

These exercises are also carried out by counting, only with each count the child needs to change the position of the cheeks, lips or tongue. In the “Swing” exercise, you can count, so the child raises and lowers his tongue up and down, and the adult counts “kick-kick”.

If the child’s tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side, the child cannot even hold the pose short time, be sure to consult a speech therapist.

    E. Pozhilenko “Articulation gymnastics”

    T. Kulikovskaya “Articulatory gymnastics in pictures and poems”

    T. Budennaya “Speech therapy gymnastics”,

    E. S. Anishchenkova “Aritculation gymnastics for the development of speech of preschool children”,

    E. Kosinova “Articulation gymnastics. Fairy tales, games, exercises for speech development.”

These manuals are compiled in such a way that every parent can carry out articulation gymnastics with their child without any problems. In the books on each page there is one exercise, its purpose, detailed description, a poem, problems that may arise, and of course, a picture with the correct execution.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 93 of a combined type in Nevsky district

St. Petersburg

"Articulation gymnastics"

Teacher-speech therapist:

Sitnova O.B.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Articulation gymnastics"

Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill. For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including: chewing, swallowing, and facial muscles. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes and the correction of sound pronunciation disorders of any etiology and pathogenesis; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group. Static exercises are aimed at ensuring that the child learns to hold an articulatory pose for 6-10 seconds. Dynamic exercises (rhythmic repetition of movements 6-8 times) develop the mobility of the tongue and lips, their coordination and switchability.

Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed by the child are consolidated.

The exercises are carried out sitting in front of a mirror, slowly, without breaks or jolts,

easy, smooth, without twitching.

Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.

Exercises are carried out in a certain sequence - from simple to more

Articulation gymnastics

1. ex. "Smile"

Stretch your lips into a smile, teeth are exposed

The frogs will like us

We pull our lips straight towards our ears.

2. exercise "Tube"

Pull your lips forward with tension (teeth closed).

A baby elephant came to visit us - an amazing child. Look at the baby elephant - pull your lips with your trunk!

3. ex. "Watch"

The lips are in a smile, the tongue moves left and right.

The chin is motionless.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the clock goes like this.

To the left - tick, to the right - like this, the clock goes like this!

4. ex. "Window"

Open your mouth wide - “hot”

Close your mouth - “cold”.

I'll open my mouth a little

And it turns out - a window.

5. exercise "Spatula"

Open your mouth and place your wide tongue on your lower lip.

The tongue is wide, smooth,

It turns out - a spatula!

6. exercise "Needle"

The lips are in a smile, the mouth is open, the narrow tongue stretches forward.

I smile: here is a joker - The tongue has become narrow and narrow. Between the teeth, like a twig, a long tongue came out.

7. exercise "Spatula - corner"

Alternating these two movements and switching the position of the tongue

from wide to narrow. At the same time, the mouth is open, the lips do not move.

Now it’s a needle, now it’s a shovel. You guys have a tongue.

8. exercise "Football"

The mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue presses against the cheek with tension.

Wonderful football

I score on the cheek - a goal!

That's why I love the game

that I can do a lot!

9. exercise "Bow"

The lips are in a smile, the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue is bent behind the upper teeth.

We will close all questions.

Did the bow turn out askew?

We'll try five times

Everything will be fine with us!

10. exercise "Bridge"

The lips are in a smile, the mouth is open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth,

tongue arches.

The back of the tongue will now become our bridge. Come on, bridge, get up!

Stay strong for a long time!

11. exercise "Kneading the dough"

Smile, slap your tongue between your lips “five-five-five-five.”

I knead, I knead the dough,

There is a place in the oven

I'm baking, I'm baking a loaf!

12.exercise "We bite the mouse by the tail"

Smile, bite your tongue with your teeth “ta-ta-ta-ta.”

Dragged away mice cheese, They threw a feast in the hole, sat down at the tables, ate their fill.

13.exercise "Brushing our teeth"

Smile, open your mouth, with the tip of your tongue on the outside

“brush” the lower and upper teeth alternately.

A toothbrush scurries like a boat on the sea,

Like a steamboat on a river, it goes through teeth,

Up and down, back and forth, we enjoy scratching the itches.

14.Ex. "Swing"

Lips in a smile, mouth open, tip of tongue behind upper teeth

tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

I'm flying on a swing: Up - down, up - down. I sing, fly, shout: Up - down, up - down.

15. exercise "Cup"

Smile, open your mouth wide, stick out your wide tongue and

give it a “Cup” shape.

Lena is cheerful today, simply extraordinary! After all, the tea from this tea cup tastes extraordinary!

16. exercise "Horse"

Lips in a big smile, slowly “click” your tongue,

It's like you're riding a horse.

17. exercise "Fungus"

Smile, click your tongue, as if you were riding a horse,

the wide tongue sticks to the upper palate and remains at the top.

A boletus was born in the forest. He raised his hat and became proud. So as not to turn up his nose, the mushroom picker plucked the Proud Man.

Anastasia Shevchenko
Consultation for parents “Articulation gymnastics is fun, useful and interesting”

Consultation for parents

« Articulation gymnastics is fun, useful and interesting»

Our speech is directly related to the movements of the speech apparatus. Mobility and precision of organ movements are responsible for beautiful, clear speech. articulation. Precision of movements articulatory apparatus develop in children during the first 5 years of life. For clear articulation needs strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech - tongue, lips, palate. Articulation associated with the work of numerous muscles, including number: chewing, swallowing, facial expressions.

Articulation gymnastics called work on the development of basic organ movements articulation. The goal is gymnastics– practicing correct movements and certain positions of organs articulation necessary to pronounce the correct sound. Traditionally, exercises are combined into complexes. Each complex is aimed at preparing organs articulation to pronounce a certain sound.

Articulation gymnastics is effective means clarification, study, and improvement of the basics of the relative position and movement of the child’s speech organs in the process of pronouncing certain sounds. It is aimed at strengthening muscles articulatory apparatus, on the development of mobility and differentiation of movements of organs involved in the speech process. Gymnastics necessary for clear articulation of speech sounds. Sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the speech apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics is carried out:

IN kindergarten with a speech therapist during individual work;

In kindergarten with a teacher and independently;

WITH parents at home.

In domestic speech therapy, there are certain rules for conducting articulatory gymnastics. We can highlight the most significant:

1. Conduct articulatory gymnastics is needed daily so that skills are consolidated and become stronger

2. In any exercise, all movements are carried out sequentially, at first the exercises are done at a slow pace.

3. Gymnastics It is advisable to do it while sitting in front of a mirror in an emotional or playful manner.

4. If the exercise does not work out, you can resort to using a spatula.

5. Speech therapist, teacher and parent must ensure that the exercise is performed correctly.

6. Always praise your child for the progress he makes.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the principles and rules of correctional speech therapy work:

fulfill articulatory gymnastics, selected by a speech therapist;

exercises are performed while sitting in front of a mirror, maintaining correct posture;

at the beginning articulatory movements are performed slowly, unhurriedly;

complex articulatory gymnastics becomes more complex and expanded due to exercises newly selected by the speech therapist;

conduct articulatory gymnastics should be done daily, preferably 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes;

hold articulatory position(exercise) 5-10 seconds;

monitor the quality of exercises;

it is desirable to fulfill articulatory gymnastics counting, to music, with clapping;

prevent muscle fatigue articulatory apparatus.

Exercises articulatory gymnastics:

1. Spatula. Stick out your wide tongue, relax it, and place it on your lower lip. Make sure your tongue doesn't tremble. Hold for 10-15 seconds.

2. Calyx. Open your mouth wide. Raise your wide tongue upward, pull it towards the upper teeth, but do not touch them. Hold your tongue in this position for 10-15 seconds.

3. Needle. Open your mouth. Stick your tongue far forward, tense and make it narrow. Hold in this position for 15 seconds.

4. Slide. Open your mouth slightly. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the upper molars, resting the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth. 15 sec.

5. Tube. Stick out your wide tongue. Fold the lateral edges of the tongue upward. Blow into the resulting tube. Perform at a slow pace 10 - 15 times.

6. Watch. Stick out your narrow tongue and pull it alternately to the right and then to the left ear. Move your tongue from corner to corner of your mouth at a slow pace while counting. Do this 10-15 times.

7. Swing. Stick out your narrow tongue. Reach alternately to the nose and then to the chin. Do not close your mouth. Perform 10-15 times.

8. Delicious jam. Stick out your wide tongue, lick your upper lip, and move your tongue into the back of your mouth. Move your tongue at a slow pace 15 times.

9. Coil. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower front teeth. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the upper molars. Roll out the wide tongue forward and tuck it into the back of the mouth. Do 15 times.

10. Fungus. Open your mouth, suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, strongly pull the lower jaw down and do this 15 times.

Target: to familiarize parents of students with the rules for organizing and conducting articulation gymnastics when performing speech therapy homework.


  • To familiarize parents of students with game exercises that promote the formation of articulatory movements and postures necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Train parents correct execution articulatory gymnastics exercises.
  • Help parents develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for performance correctional work on the development of articulatory motor skills in children.

What is articulation gymnastics and how to properly organize it in such a way, so that she can provide the child with maximum assistance in producing sounds?

We should start with the fact that speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs. We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to strength, good mobility and coordinated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (lips, cheeks, tongue). Language - main muscle speech organs; For him, like for any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. After all, the tongue must be well developed enough to perform subtle, purposeful movements necessary for clear sound pronunciation.
Hence, the goal of articulation gymnastics– formation of full movements and certain positions of the lips, cheeks and tongue necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.
Regularly performing articulatory gymnastics exercises will help:

  • improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their innervation (nerve conduction);
  • improve mobility articulatory organs;
  • strengthen muscular system tongue, lips, cheeks;
  • teach a child hold a certain articulatory posture;
  • increase range of motion;
  • decrease spasticity ( tension) articulatory organs;
  • prepare the child for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Requirements for articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.
The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, the child and the adult must be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. You can also use a small hand mirror, but then the adult should be in front of the child, facing him.
You need to do articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed are reinforced.
Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.
Static exercises (for example, “Mushroom”) are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding an articulatory pose in one position).
If a child is unable to perform a certain movement, you can help him (with a clean cotton swab, the handle of a teaspoon, or just a clean finger).
In order for the child to find the correct position of the tongue, for example, to lick the upper lip, you can spread it with jam, chocolate or something else that your child likes (i.e. you need to approach the exercises creatively).

Exercise "Pya-Pya-Pya"

Target. Develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue.
Brief description. Open your mouth slightly, calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce sounds five-five-five ...
Please note.
1. The lower lip should not be tucked in or pulled over the lower teeth.
2. The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.
3. You need to pat your tongue with your lips several times in one exhalation.

Exercise “Delicious jam”

Target. Develop an upward movement of the wide front edge of the tongue.
Brief description. Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.
Please note.
1. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it should be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).
2. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touching the corners of the mouth.
3. If the exercise does not work out, you need to return to the “Five-five-five” exercise. As soon as your tongue is spread out, use a cotton swab to lift it up and roll it over your upper lip.

Exercise "Turkey"

Target. Develop the upward movement of the tongue and the mobility of its front part.
Brief description. Open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then increase the tempo and add your voice until the sounds “ bl-bl" (like a turkey chattering).
Please note.
1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.
2. Tongue movements should be forward and backward, and not from side to side.

Exercise "Horse"

Target. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the upward movement of the tongue.
Brief description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse clicking its hooves).
Please note.
1. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.
2. The lower jaw should not move; Only the language works.

Exercise "Mushroom"

Target. Develop an upward lift of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (“frenulum”).
Brief description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate, open your mouth wide (the tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble its stem.)
Please note.
1. Make sure your lips are in a smiling position.
2. The side edges of the tongue should be pressed equally tightly - neither half should go down.

Exercise "Accordion"

Target. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).
Brief description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, without letting go of your tongue, close and open your mouth (just as the bellows of an accordion stretch, so does the hyoid frenulum stretch). The lips are in a smiling position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and wider and keep your tongue in the upper position longer.

Target. Produce a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running down the middle of the tongue.
Brief description. Smile, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing a sound for a long time, f , blow the cotton wool onto the opposite edge of the table.
Please note.
1. Make sure that your cheeks do not puff out; to do this, you can lightly hold them with your fingers.
2. You need to drive the ball with one exhalation, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent.

Exercise "Focus"

Target. Develop the ability to lift the tongue upward, the ability to shape the tongue into a ladle and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.
Brief description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a groove in the middle of your tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of your nose. The air should go through the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.
Please note.
1. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which an air stream flows.
2. The lower lip should not be tucked in or pulled over the lower teeth.

Exercise “Brush your teeth”

Target. Learn to hold the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth.
Brief description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top.
Please note.
1. The lips are motionless, in a smiling position.
2. Make sure that the tongue is at the gums and does not slide along the upper edge of the teeth.

Exercise "Swing"

Target. Develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, which is necessary when connecting sounds [l] with vowels a, s, oh, y.
Brief description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue behind your lower teeth (with inside) and hold in this position for a count of one to five. Then lift your wide tongue by the upper teeth (also from the inside) and hold it for a count of one to five. So, alternately change position 5 times.
Please note. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

In the first stages, when performing exercises, tension in the movements of the lips, cheeks and tongue is observed. Gradually, tension disappears, movements become relaxed, coordinated, and their differentiation increases.
Don't be upset if some exercises don't work out for you the first time. Try repeating them with your child, confessing to him: “Look, I can’t do it either, let’s try together” . Be patient, gentle and calm.
Remember that negative comments can lead to refusal to perform movements. It is important to encourage the child’s successes, systematically show him his achievements, and encourage him.


1. Articulatory gymnastics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
2. Makerova, O. N. Recommendations for conducting articulatory gymnastics exercises [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
3. Recommendations for conducting articulatory gymnastics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:




"Kindergarten No. 6 "Golden Key"

Consultation for parents

« Articulation gymnastics for children.

Why is it needed?

teacher - speech therapist


Articulation gymnastics for children

The child speaks incorrectly, but why? When we speak, our tongue is in constant motion in our mouth. But these movements are not chaotic, but of a strictly clear order, in which the tongue, when pronouncing a sound, occupies only a certain position of this sound. The slightest deviation of the tongue from the correct position, and the sound becomes unclean and indistinct.

Due to the excessive mobility of the tongue or, conversely, its sluggishness, the movements of the tongue are imperfect and not ordered, so the child makes many substitutions of some sounds for others. The child grows, his muscles become stronger. The tongue grows, becomes more elastic, flexible and, with the help of hearing, finds correct position. Fewer errors occur during sound pronunciation, motor language skills improve, turning into automatism, and the child speaks clearly. And where the mobility of the tongue remains sluggish or tense, the tongue fixes incorrect positions. This is

To develop correct sound pronunciation, articulation gymnastics is necessary.

Articulatory gymnastics is special exercises for the development of mobility, dexterity of the tongue, lips, cheeks, frenulum.

We do gymnastics for our arms and legs so that they become strong and dexterous. The same gymnastics is necessary for the speech organs, where the tongue needs sufficiently good development to perform subtle targeted movements.

When pronouncing a certain sound, the tongue occupies only a certain position. At the slightest deviation of the tongue from this place, the sound becomes unclean.

For children 2-4 years old, articulatory gymnastics will help the tongue gain targeted dexterity of movement. At this age, an adult helps the baby achieve correct sound pronunciation.

During the initial period of training, articulation gymnastics must be performed only in front of a mirror. The child must see what the tongue does. After all, we, adults, do not think about where the tongue is at the moment (behind the upper or lower teeth). This happens automatically for us (an automated skill), and the child needs to acquire this automatism through visual perception, constantly practicing. Don’t be upset if you don’t succeed in articulation exercises the first time, even for you. Try to repeat them together with your child, confessing to him: “Look, I can’t do it yet, let’s try it together.” Be patient, gentle and calm. You will succeed!

Articulation gymnastics

(perform in front of a mirror).

“Tube” - stretch your lips forward, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. “Fence” - stretch your lips into a wide smile (all teeth are visible, teeth together, closed), hold for 10-15 seconds. “Fence” - “Tube”, alternate exercises. Repeat 8-10 times. “Spatula” - the mouth is open, stick out a wide tongue forward and place it on the lower lip. Hold for a count of 1, 2...10. Hide your tongue deep in your mouth, do not close your mouth (make sure that your tongue does not tremble). Repeat 8-10 times. “Needle” - the mouth is open, stick out a narrow tongue forward. Hold for a count of 1,2…10. Repeat 8-10 times. “Watch” - mouth open, stick out your narrow tongue forward, pull it to the left and right (“tick-tock”). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. “Swing” - the mouth is open, stick out a narrow tongue forward, alternately pull up and down, either to the nose or to the chin (“swing – swing”). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. “Delicious jam” - lick your upper lip from top to bottom with a wide tongue. Repeat 8-10 times. Then lick your upper lip, then your lower lip ( circular movements clockwise and vice versa). “Painters” - mouth open, move the tip of the tongue along the “ceiling” (hard palate) forward and backward, then to the sides, left and right. Repeat 8-10 times. “Horse” - mouth open, tongue clicking on the hard palate, “horse galloping.” Stop the “horse” with your lips: tprrrr… “Mushroom” - the mouth is open, “suck” the wide tongue to the hard palate and hold it in this position. Pull the lower jaw down strongly. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue” - spank the wide tongue with your lips: bah-bah-bah... “Let’s be sorry, let’s stroke the tongue” - stroke the wide tongue with your lips, pushing it between your lips (movements forward and backward).

Each exercise is performed slowly

pace, clearly and repeated 10-15 times.