Muscle pain after training: how to get rid of it? The best remedies for eliminating muscle pain after exercise. How to get rid of muscle pain after training: ointments, tablets, pain-relieving gels, folk remedies Reducing muscle pain after training

One of the consequences intense workout may become painful. Moreover, it will truly manifest itself only the next day. This pain in the muscles is also called soreness. The causes of muscle pain are micro-tears of internal tissues, which are formed due to the unpreparedness of the muscles for stress.

Before you relieve muscle pain after exercise, it is worth finding out the most likely cause of its occurrence. Perhaps this will prevent the situation from recurring in the future. Unless, of course, we are talking about a banal one, the appearance of which is natural. Below is a brief summary of the most common causes of muscle pain.

Causes of pain after exercise

  1. Overtraining. This is signaled by a general feeling of weakness (may even make you feel nauseous), severe pain. The body is simply exhausted, the immune system is suppressed. Biochemists explain this by an imbalance in protein metabolism and nitrogen imbalance.
  2. Injury. A nagging pain that occurs with any load can be evidence of injury. Visually, this also manifests itself in the form of swelling around the injured area. Pain occurs almost immediately after injury and entails a deterioration in the body’s condition.
  3. Full range of motion exercises. They entail stretching not only the obvious muscles, but also those that are not usually subjected to serious stress. The pain will gradually go away if you switch to partial range of motion exercises.
  4. Lactic acid. One of the safest reasons is just a physiological reaction, a slight signal about the need for rest. The release of lactic acid from muscle cells is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, which goes away within a day.
  5. Delayed pain. This type of pain reaches its peak after a couple of days and is a consequence of microtrauma muscle fibers. The body is able to cope with this problem on its own, regenerating tissues and ridding muscles of unnecessary toxins. The pain will subside after several varied workouts.
  6. Muscle reactivity. Imbalance of the biological balance leads to increased sensitivity of nerve fibers, and sometimes spasms calf muscles. To prevent such situations, you need to regularly stretch and drink more water.

How to get rid of muscle pain after exercise

  1. Prolonged exposure to cold water. This means active swimming in the pool, however, no more than 15 minutes. This improves blood circulation, regardless of the type of muscle injury.
  2. Contrast procedures. A change in water temperature (for example, in a shower) for a quarter of an hour should end on a cold note.
  3. Russian bathhouse. You will need a lot of drinking water and a cold pool afterwards.
  4. Massage. It is necessary to warm up the muscles thoroughly, stretching the painful areas for 15 minutes. A mixture of olive and essential oils is suitable for softening. It can be done either with your own hands or with the help of massage rollers.
  5. Ointments for muscle pain. An ointment, gel or cream with active ingredients will act on the receptors responsible for pain.
  6. Warm up. After targeted exercises, it is recommended to switch to other muscles in order to use all power system body. This will make it easier for her to cope (and prevent!) the problem.

How to get rid of muscle pain in your next workout

To do this, you need to carry out its prevention on a regular basis. There are several rules here:

  • proper nutrition: to maintain protein balance, protein consumption for recovery should be in a ratio of 2 to 1. That is, for a person weighing 50 kg, about 100 grams of protein is needed daily. Supplements also wouldn’t hurt: healthy omega fatty acids relieve inflammation and improve immunity;
  • water: the formula for daily water intake assumes a multiplier of 0.04 (per body weight);
  • Sleep: Lack of sleep leads to increased cortisol levels and the risk of injury. An 8-hour rest is considered the optimal value;
  • water procedures;
  • massage;
  • cardio training;
  • changing the cyclicity of diverse physical activities;
  • “no” to long hours of training;
  • taking antioxidants to remove breakdown products;
  • consumption of pain-relieving products: natural watermelon juice before and after training will quickly relieve lactic acid and muscle pain; currant, grape, cranberry fresh juice - will relieve inflammation; pomegranate, fig, ginger - will relieve fatigue; a decoction of chamomile with linden, St. John's wort and licorice will have a sedative, relaxing effect; fresh greens with nuts, cucumbers from the garden - tone the body. The anthocyanins contained in these products have an analgesic effect and replace medicine: tablets, various drugs.

How to relieve muscle pain after training: contact a specialist

A serious reason to go to the hospital is throbbing pain that lasts more than 3 days. Since there is a high probability that this is not the case muscle pain, and articular. This type of pain is fraught with much more serious injuries than just muscle damage due to overexertion.

As a conclusion, we can say that both doctors and professional athletes They agree that the best means of prevention is a well-organized warm-up.

Physical activity is beneficial for the body - this is a proven fact that does not raise doubts. Regular exercise improves well-being, quality of life, speeds up metabolism, helps maintain flexibility and mobility of the body, promotes the growth of muscle mass and increases endurance.

But all these positive moments are slightly overshadowed by one unpleasant side effect from sports training: muscle pain of varying intensity. Pain syndrome most often occurs in beginners after the first exercise, but even if you are an experienced athlete, muscle pain probably accompanies you during periods of high-intensity loads or when performing weight-bearing exercises.

Many felt pain after sports activities, succumb to a common misconception and consider it a sign of a well-done workout and a manifestation of an increase in muscle mass: “it hurts, it means it’s growing.” In fact, severe muscle pain and the inability to move normally the next day, as a rule, are the result of ordinary non-compliance with the exercise technique. Let's take a closer look at what happens in the muscles during training and why pain occurs.

Causes of muscle pain after exercise

There are two types of muscle pain that appear at the initial stage of sports activities, which are considered natural and therefore safe.

One occurs right during training, at the moment when you perform the last, heaviest repetitions of the exercises. Why is this happening?

During training in muscle tissue and the blood begins to decompose ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid), which is the most important source of energy. Because of this, hydrogen ions accumulate in the blood and muscles, and the pH of the blood begins to shift towards oxidation. It is because of the “acidification” of the blood that a burning sensation occurs. It passes quite quickly: blood and increased air ventilation in the lungs help the body cope with the accumulated hydrogen ions. But all subsequent pain is associated with microdamage in muscle tissue.

The second is the so-called sore throat, or delayed muscle pain.

It occurs 6-8 hours after physical activity and reaches a maximum after about 2-3 days. As a rule, its appearance is a consequence of unusual or excessively intense physical activity. You have most likely experienced yourself more than once: not only at the very beginning of fitness classes, but also when mastering new sets of exercises or increasing their duration and intensity. This type of pain is caused by microscopic damage or even tears in muscle fibers.

A large number of muscle microdamages inhibit the growth of muscle tissue. This is because muscle growth requires amino acids, which are also needed to heal damaged muscles. Severe damage to muscle tissue “steals” amino acids for healing, thereby preventing muscle fibers from growing.

Traumatic causes of muscle pain

The exact opposite of natural pain is severe pain resulting from injury. This pain is aching in nature, intensifies even with minor exertion and becomes unbearable with sudden movement.

The pain syndrome appears immediately during training, sometimes the next day.

If you experience redness and swelling of the tissues, bruising, or general malaise, this clearly indicates a serious injury to the muscles and ligaments. In this case, do not delay going to the doctor!

The most important cause of injury in gym is negligence. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow a few simple rules. Not worth it:

  • start immediately heavy exercise skipping the warm-up
  • continue to exercise on exercise machines, experiencing any inconvenience
  • take on excessive weight during strength training
  • During training, ignore the appearance of crunching or clicking in the joints

And don’t forget to listen to your trainer’s advice: under the guidance of our trainers, you can not only get the desired effect, but also learn how to take care of your training safety.

How to get rid of pain after exercise

We've looked at the causes of pain, now let's talk about how to get rid of it. Safe types of pain can be relieved directly during exercise by repeating the exercise that caused it, but with less load. These actions will remove muscle stiffness and ensure increased blood flow, carrying oxygen and nutrients necessary for regeneration to the tissues.

Discomfort in the muscles of the legs and lower body can be relieved with the help of cardio exercises, and get rid of pain in the muscles of the upper body, you can do exercises with own weight or doing yoga.

If we talk about relieving soreness, there are several effective methods that can quickly relieve pain.

Proper nutrition and sleep patterns

This is of paramount importance for the restoration of muscle tissue. After hard training, your muscles need proteins and carbohydrates: the former supply the amino acids needed for the rapid healing of micro-tears, and the latter provide the muscles with glycogen. Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day helps remove toxins from the body and prevents dehydration, which leads to muscle fatigue (however, do not overdo it: drinking too much causes the kidneys to work too hard). Don't forget about rest: stick to a routine, try not to go to bed too late and sleep at least 8 hours. Healthy, restful sleep will help you regain your strength and prepare for new workouts.

Relaxing massage

Massage is very effective method getting rid of sore throat. It relieves muscle tension, disperses lymph, increases muscle elasticity and relieves stiffness.

They know how to properly recover after sports: a new sports massage service will help you regain strength and well-being after a quality workout. Search in Massage’30 and Massage’60 and sign up for a relaxing massage session.

Hot bath or sauna

The sauna at The Base is a great way to relieve muscle pain! During your stay in the sauna, blood vessels dilate, which increases the volume of blood in muscle tissue, promotes the removal of toxins and speeds up the recovery process.

How to avoid muscle pain after exercise

The best thing, of course, is to simply prevent pain from occurring. The simplest and most effective way to avoid pain after exercise is to approach your workouts wisely. You shouldn’t overload your muscles at the very first lesson: experienced trainers at The Base club advise increasing the load little by little, constantly adjusting its duration and intensity. In addition, never waste time on warming up and cooling down.


This is a necessary element of any workout, reducing the risk of injury, warming up the muscles, reducing their stiffness and relieving the athlete of pain after exercise.

Cool down and stretch

You need to finish any workout simple exercises for all muscle groups, light jogging and stretching. This will help get rid of the lactic acid that has accumulated in the muscles during exercise.

Is it possible to exercise when your muscles are still sore from a previous workout?

This question is often asked by beginning athletes, and there is no definite answer to it; it all depends on the goals that the trainee sets for himself.

If your goal is to gain muscle mass and improve strength results, then it will not be advisable to continue training, since pain indicates that the process of muscle recovery has not yet ended.

If training is needed to maintain sports uniform, then the muscles can be loaded, albeit with a lighter load.

If you find yourself in the gym to burn excess fat, then you can and even need to exercise, but the load should be more voluminous and less intense.

Mild muscle soreness after a good workout is normal, but when it gets in the way of your progress, it's time to take action!

If your workout session leaves you feeling like you've been hit by a truck at full speed, it's time to learn about ways to prevent or at least reduce post-workout muscle soreness.

Many people, especially new athletes, consider muscle pain to be something of a rite of passage into the world of serious strength training. The problem is that if you can't lift your arms or get out of bed because of pain, you don't have the opportunity to exercise properly. In such a situation, it is time to take measures that will help reduce this pain.

Of course, some degree of pain is normal - it shows that in the gym you have stressed your muscles and given them new training stimuli. But if the pain is so severe that it is difficult for you to move, there is no need to talk about any progress.

With these five adjustments, you can make post-workout pain tolerable.

1. Don't avoid training, just make it easier

Many people think not the best way get rid of pain quickly rather than rest as long as possible between workouts. A great excuse for those who are so paralyzed by pain that they can't even move, but a complete refusal of physical activity is the last thing you need.

Getting out of bed and motor activity will help increase blood circulation to the painful area, which can reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Whatever exercise you choose, do it at a low intensity. You don't need an epic workout at this point. Better try something active, like a walk briskly, leisurely or yoga classes for beginners. These types physical activity Great for exercising despite muscle pain.

2. Before leaving the gym, stretch!

What do you do after completing your last set? Are you trying to get to the locker room as quickly as possible? Next time, find a quiet place in the gym where you can stretch and stay there for 10-15 minutes.

Stretching after exercise helps release muscle tension and reduce the buildup of lactic acid that leads to muscle soreness. Stretching may not completely relieve your pain, but it can help reduce its intensity, which can help next workout will be less painful and more productive.

In addition, regular stretching - great way increase the range of motion, and this will definitely come in handy during strength training. When you are able to do an exercise through its full range of motion, you can reap all the benefits it has to offer.

On good stretching 10-15 minutes at the end of the workout is enough. Once you see how much your well-being has improved, you will never give up stretching again!

3. Take the Right Post-Workout Supplements

After stretching, it's time to throw some nutrients into your body. You've probably heard that protein shake, taken after a workout, speeds up recovery, but did you know that it also helps reduce muscle pain?

In the Journal of International Society sports nutrition» the results of an interesting study have been published. A group of scientists divided the experiment participants into two groups. Over the course of 14 days, they gave one group whey protein isolate while the second group received a whey protein supplement.

Blood biochemistry analysis after strength training showed that in the group that received , the level of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in plasma was lower than in the carbohydrate group. Reduced lactate levels indicate less muscle damage in those who took whey protein, and it also reduces muscle pain.

4. Take pre-workouts - with caffeine

If you need an extra boost to get through a training session, a good one comes to the rescue. These products are specially designed to sharpen perception, improve concentration, enhance energy levels, increase energy levels and stimulate metabolism. They can even enhance your body's fat-burning potential.

Additionally, if your pre-workout contains , it can also reduce muscle soreness. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Functional Training compared two groups of athletes. The former received caffeine before training, the latter received a placebo. In the caffeine group, there was a significant decrease in pain intensity in the days after the experiment compared to the placebo group.

Just remember that too high doses of caffeine can lead to insomnia, and adequate and long-lasting caffeine is an important component of the recovery process. Try to find the optimal dose and ideal time to take caffeine so that you can train at maximum intensity without compromising your sleep.

5. Try cherry juice!

Finally, drink a serving of cherry juice before your next training session. In a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Sports Medicine and Science, researchers examined the effects of cherry juice on marathon runners.

Half of a group of 20 runners drank cherry juice the day before the marathon and 48 hours after. The other half drank a placebo. In the group that received cherry juice, recovery of isometric strength indicators occurred faster than in the placebo group.

This suggests that cherry juice has antioxidant properties that promote muscle function and recovery, as well as reduce muscle pain.

How to get rid of muscle pain after training - many athletes face this problem. The question is especially relevant for beginners who are passionate about the idea of ​​radically improving their body, but have not yet understood its capabilities. And having started to play sports intensively, without knowing laziness, they immediately began to perform quite complex sets of exercises.

24-48 hours after the first productive lesson, sore throat sets in, which can ruin not only a positive attitude, but also become an obstacle to the further program. It can be so strong that it prevents you from performing the usual simple actions - getting out of bed, going down the front steps or picking up a child.

If you have this condition, you must:

    make sure that these sensations are not a reaction to trauma and are truly harmless;

    take a warm bath or contrast shower, which will help quickly get rid of muscle pain after exercise

    continue to study as scheduled, but complete half the plan, prefer aerobic exercise force;

    you can skip a lesson if you feel a complete lack of strength and desire to do something;

    pain that lasts more than 5 days and the intensity does not decrease is grounds for a visit to the doctor.

Despite the fact that sometimes the discomfort can be very pronounced, SOMS (delayed onset muscle pain syndrome) goes away without any negative consequences.

Causes of sore throat

Before giving advice on how and how to relieve muscle pain after physical activity, you should give detailed information about this phenomenon. Previously, scientists believed that lactic acid was to blame for pain - it reaches high concentrations in muscles during the breakdown of carbohydrates and the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate. Simply put, during intense physical activity. But later it was found that the level of lactate, along with other by-products of glycolysis, drops within a few hours - that is, even before the first unpleasant sensations appear.

SOMB occurs due to excessive swelling of muscle fibers and inflammation. The fact is that with unusual activity, micro-tears appear on the tissues - they are not dangerous in themselves. Nutrients and substances that promote regeneration, including prostaglandins and leukocytes, arrive to “repair” them. Their strong influx provokes swelling, which, together with inflammation, is the cause of pain.

Comment from Elena Morozova, a nutritionist at the weight loss clinic:

It should be understood that such a reaction of the body is quite natural if you had to experience an unusually large load. How can you avoid muscle pain after exercise without having to deal with intense burning and discomfort? Gradually increase the duration of classes and introduce new exercises with caution. The clinic’s specialists will help you draw up individual program, following which you will not have to experience discomfort. Reasonable pace and correct technique- This high efficiency and pleasant fatigue.

What should not be considered a safe sore throat?

Acute painful sensations that cause suffering and significantly limit motor functions should not be ignored by a specialist. The cause may be a sprain or injury. If you have a fever, dizziness or nausea, you should not continue exercising.

Once you decide to spend significant time in the gym, you need to learn not only how to relieve muscle pain after a workout, but in general be attentive to your body’s signals, distinguish between harmless soreness and serious symptoms, since it is easier to prevent SOMB than to remove it. Signs of discomfort cannot be ignored. Self-attention is one of the important components for achieving the desired results - slimness, endurance, attractiveness.

If you don’t find your own comfortable pace and optimal load, it’s difficult to maintain the desire to exercise for a long time. And without regularity, you can’t count on sustainable results. So learn to recognize your body's cues and find your own comfortable pace, avoiding over-exertion and exhaustion.

It is necessary to distinguish between the following types of sensations that are possible after completing a workout:

    A mild burning and buzzing sensation in the muscles immediately after exercise is evidence that the muscles have worked well. In this state there is no stiffness of movement, it can even be pleasant. Goes away after proper rest.

    Delayed muscle pain does not occur immediately, but on the second or even third day; its intensity can vary depending on the nature and intensity of the exercises performed. The greatest discomfort is associated with strength training, which required unusually high tension. Also, SOMB occurs with a high probability even in experienced athletes who perform new complex with a predominance of eccentric loads (when the fibers stretch) over concentric ones (contraction occurs).

    Acute painful sensations that appear suddenly and interfere with movements are most likely a sign of injury. It is not advisable to practice self-medication, as you can harm yourself by applying a hot compress instead of a cold one or vice versa.

What actions are most likely to cause sore throat?

It is worth highlighting the work in which the fibers lengthen - this happens when performing eccentric exercises. They contribute to the formation of a large number of microdamages to muscle tissue, after such sets you have to think about how to reduce muscle pain after training and alleviate the condition.

During the recovery process, intensive cell proliferation occurs in the injured area, which promotes muscle growth. That's why this type physical activity popular in powerlifting, weightlifting and similar sports.

Eccentric exercises (push-ups with a slow lowering of the body and rapid extension of the arms, squats with weights or on one leg and many others) remain in demand, as they bring many benefits in addition to increasing muscle size:

    develop flexibility;

    speed up metabolism;

    contribute to the development of strength.

Training focused on the eccentric phase is not recommended for people with joint diseases or those who have suffered an injury.

Preferring these types of physical activity, you need to take special care to prevent post-workout pain. Following the sequence will help: a long warm-up, then stretching, and then the main complex. The final exercises should be relaxation exercises (or cool down). Often the last stage neglected, but this is wrong. Its importance is as great as warming up, as it helps the body smoothly transition from intense activity to calm functioning. During this period, the heart rate and breathing slow down, sweating decreases, and the skin cools. A cool-down may consist of slow stretching and leisurely walking.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

How to relieve muscle pain after exercise

If you couldn't prevent SOMB, don't worry. There are ways to help you get through an unpleasant period easier:

    warm bath – relaxes the body, improves blood circulation, which helps accelerate regeneration;

    cold compress – fights inflammation;

    contrast shower – combines positive effects the previous two methods;

    massage – improves microcirculation, relieves excess tone, which accelerates cellular metabolism, which means microtraumas heal faster;

    warm-up - leisurely light exercises improve the condition, as they have a beneficial effect on chemical processes in cells;

    swimming - allows you to move as painlessly as possible, this method is especially good when the whole body hurts and it is difficult to apply ice or massage;

    medicinal ointments with an ingredient that stops inflammation and a slight warming effect;

    anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, help to survive an unpleasant condition with comfort, but slow down tissue repair because they interfere with the normal production of prostaglandins.

Nutritionist's comment:

Self-massage should not be too intense, as excessive exposure can lead to increased swelling and worsening of the situation. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a specialist.

How to Reduce Post-Workout Muscle Soreness with Food

The first thing the body needs to get in abundance in order to successfully cope with recovery from tiring work is water. During a fitness set, you should not deny yourself fluids.

To help your body successfully adapt to increasing loads, include it in your diet.

    Cherries and freshly squeezed juice - contain antioxidants (anthocyanins), which successfully fight inflammation, promote regeneration and reduce discomfort.

    Vegetables and leafy greens - a vitamin complex obtained from fresh foods that has a beneficial effect on the body and damaged tissues. Particular attention should be paid to cruciferous vegetables - radish, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi - they reduce cortisol levels, fight free radicals, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Fish with a significant content of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are herring, salmon, and halibut. Optimizes regeneration, allowing you to return to normal in a short time.

    Foods with a high glycemic index - watermelon, persimmon, dates - restore the supply of muscle glycogen, which serves as a source of energy for productive physical activity.

    Eggs are a product that contains a lot of protein and, in particular, leucine (an amino acid that promotes muscle growth).

With proper balanced nutrition, the body will receive all the necessary nutrients for a speedy recovery and energy to continue the sports program.

What to take care of so you don't have to ask yourself how to relieve muscle pain after a workout

It is important to start with a leisurely warm-up, gradually preparing and warming up the muscles. This measure will allow the body to adapt well to subsequent exercises, work productively, and also get maximum pleasure from physical activity.

When starting a fitness program, you should exercise restraint. Do not try to perform the complex of an experienced athlete in the first lesson - this will not bring you closer to the desired result. The best solution is to do 10% of the optimal load of the selected program. Next time add the same amount. Increase the intensity systematically, even if it seems suspiciously easy to do the exercises at a reduced volume. This approach will save you from having to think about how and how to relieve muscle pain after training.

After completion, drink water without restrictions; a contrast shower is also recommended. These simple measures will help support high speed metabolic processes and blood microcirculation in tissues.

After completing a fitness set, you need to eat; foods rich in proteins and vitamins A, C, E will be especially useful. The best solution would be to create a special post-workout diet.

Nutritionist advice:

Dehydration significantly slows down recovery in the body, and can cause soreness in the body even in experienced athletes. Therefore to drinking regime must be taken seriously.

It’s impossible to play sports without sore throat – that’s a myth

The idea that pain is an integral part of an athlete's life has now been refuted. Previously, it was believed that soreness was the only sure sign of productivity. In fact, when regular classes and technical performance of exercises, painful sensations should not arise. After a good workout, there is usually pleasant fatigue and a slight buzz.

If you constantly exercise according to the same program, but often experience aching pain, then you should revise the plan downward. Specialists working at the Slavic Clinic will help you adjust the course taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, age and desired results. By following the recommendations of professionals, you will lose weight comfortably - watch how your volume disappears, muscle relief appears, flexibility increases - without having to endure unpleasant sensations.

Most people various reasons I had to deal with muscle pain. The home remedies described here will help you get rid of muscle pain, back pain, and bruised shins.

What causes muscle pain, cramps, sprains and joint distortion?

Nonspecific painful sensations after physical overexertion (krepatura), as a rule, are caused by micro tears in the muscles. Over time, as the muscles recover and become stronger to accommodate the stress, the soreness decreases. A cramp, that is, a strong, painful spasm or contraction of a muscle that comes suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes, can be associated with a number of reasons:

  • physical exercise, injury or overuse;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • lack of microelements such as calcium, potassium and magnesium;
  • dehydration;
  • taking certain medications.

Joint distortion is damage to a ligament (the tissue that connects two or more bones to form a joint). With distortion, one or more ligaments are stretched or torn. A sprain is an injury to a muscle or tendon (the tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone). When a muscle or tendon is strained, it lengthens or tears. Sprains and strains are usually caused by injury (fall, torsion, external impact) or excessive physical activity. In this article you will learn how to reduce muscle pain after exercise.

12 tips to relieve muscle pain after exercise

Always remember: if the pain is severe or makes it difficult to move, you should seek professional medical help. This post is for informational purposes and cannot replace medical advice.

#1 – Epsom salts and magnesium oil

A glass or two of Epsom salts dissolved in a bath of warm water will work wonders for sore muscles. Use warm rather than hot water. Warm water dehydrates the skin less. Sit in the water for about 15 minutes or until the water cools, up to three times a week. This method is not recommended for those who have heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes.

Magnesium oil is usually applied using a spray bottle, making it easier to use in a specific area, such as calf or foot pain.

How does Epsom salts and magnesium oil help muscle pain? Epsom salt consists of magnesium sulfate, magnesium oil - from magnesium chloride. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, and in salt form these compounds help remove excess fluid from tissues, reducing swelling.

No. 2 - Warm or cold

A warm shower or bath is a natural muscle relaxant that can be helpful for muscle tension in the shoulders or soreness after physical activity.

If there is bruising or inflammation, apply an ice pack to the affected area for 20 minutes to reduce swelling and soreness.

No. 3 – Drinking magnesium

Low levels of magnesium in the body can lead to generalized pain and cramps. You may want to consider magnesium supplements, but it's best to start with foods high in magnesium. The most best sources Magnesium includes blackstrap molasses, squash and pumpkin seeds, spinach, cocoa powder, black beans, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews.

#4 – Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective for muscle pain and leg cramps. Most people add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and drink it, some take pure vinegar internally. You can rub it directly into the skin over sore muscles. Similar results can be achieved by drinking brine. The recommended mixture recipe is to mix well 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, a sprig of fresh mint and 250-300 ml of cold water.

No. 5 – Molasses

Another way that can relieve muscle pain is 1 tablespoon of molasses in a cup of coffee every day. This effect is likely due to its high magnesium content. Another way to get the combination of apple cider vinegar and molasses is in an old-fashioned drink called "Switchel", which was used before the era of bright sports drinks and juices.

Recipe "Switchel"

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar;
  • 1/4 cup molasses;
  • 1/2 cup sugar or honey;
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger;
  • water up to 1 liter.

Mix the first four ingredients until smooth, then add water and stir until dissolved. Serve chilled or with ice cubes.

#6 – Coconut oil

Like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil is recommended for many diseases. Basically, 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day can be used during cooking or spread on bread as butter. If you want to eat even more of it, include some coconut fudge in your diet, which contains coconut oil and cocoa powder.

#7 – Essential oils

Row essential oils and mixtures thereof may be useful for relieving muscle pain. For cramps, try lemongrass oil, mint and oregano. At muscle spasms Basil, marjoram and Roman chamomile oils are recommended. To relieve tension, try oils of marjoram, mint, helichrysum, lavender or Roman chamomile.

Add one to two drops of essential oil to one tablespoon of a base oil, such as coconut or olive, and apply to the affected areas.

#8 – Movement

If you have tense and sore muscles, exercise can be very helpful. Over time, the muscles will recover and strengthen, and you will be able to do more with less discomfort. If you sit too much, your muscles become stiff. Just get up and move around, do some stretching. Our muscles, as a rule, reflect our internal state. If you are tense, they will remain tense. Get up, walk around, run, stretch, go outside - do whatever you can to be active (age-appropriate).

#9 – Massage

Massage stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, which speeds up the healing of damage. By combining it with the healing oils and essential oil blends listed above, or with pepper rub, you get double the benefits.

No. 10 – Rub with hot pepper

Capsaicin, which causes hot peppers to burn, is used to relieve pain from arthritis, joint and muscle pain, and sore throat. You can buy a pre-made remedy with it or make your own by mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with one cup of olive or warm coconut oil. Some people combine pepper with aloe vera gel.

Apply the rub to the affected area and wash your hands thoroughly at the end. Keep it away from your eyes, nose and mouth because pepper is an irritant. Test on a small area of ​​skin before use to make sure it doesn't make you feel worse as this option isn't for everyone.

No. 11 – Rest

Sometimes the best thing you can do is do nothing at all. If you rest for a few days, general muscle soreness will go away on its own. Of course, for those who work a lot in the garden or vegetable garden, rest is not an option. But everyone chooses what suits them best.

No. 12 – Concentrated cherry juice

The British Journal of Sports Medicine described a study in which volunteers drank a mixture of cherry juice or a drink that did not contain cherry juice. According to the researchers:

“There was a significant difference in the degree of loss muscle strength between those who drink a mixture with cherry juice and those who take a pacifier. Muscle strength decreased by almost 22% in those who drank the dummy mixture, and only 4% in those who drank cherry juice.

Muscle strength even increased slightly after 96 hours in those who drank cherry juice. The degree of pain did not differ much between the two groups, but the average pain score was significantly lower in those drinking cherry juice. The average pain rating was 3.2 for those who drank the dummy mixture and 2.4 for those who drank cherry juice.

"Pain peaked after 24 hours in those who drank cherry juice, but pain continued to increase in intensity in those who drank the pacifier over the next 48 hours."

You can buy either fresh or frozen cherries. And cherry juice concentrate can be bought in the supermarket all year round.

Based on materials: