Traction using a t-bar than to replace. How to replace bent-over barbell rows? Similar exercises

Bent-over barbell row this is one of the main basic exercises for training the back muscles, which is included in almost any back workout for mass and strength. However, for one reason or another, not everyone can or wants to do this exercise. In this case, the question arises: what to replace the bent-over barbell row with? Let's figure it out.

Exercises for the back can be divided into two subgroups: exercises for the thickness of the back and exercises for the width of the back. Bent-over barbell rows are specifically designed to build back thickness. A quality back workout should consist of at least two back exercises, one of which is for developing the thickness of the back muscles, and the other for width. Therefore, before answering the question of how to replace the bent-over barbell row, you need to understand which back exercises in bodybuilding are used to create thickness and which ones to increase the width of the back.
How to replace a bent-over barbell row or a t-bar row.

Exercises for back width:

Pull-ups wide grip to the chest or behind the head. Traction upper block to the chest or behind the head.

Exercises for back thickness:

Bent-over barbell row. Bent-over dumbbell row to the waist. Traction of the lower block to the belt while sitting. T-bar row with or without support. Hammer rows. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow/medium grip.

As mentioned above, bent over rows are a multi-joint exercise that builds the thickness of the back muscles. Therefore, you can replace the bent-over barbell row with any similar exercise for back thickness. All these exercises are interchangeable, and also perfectly combine and complement each other. In addition, you can not only replace exercises with similar ones, but also experiment with grips. For example, the same bent over row can be performed both straight and reverse grip, and when performing block pulls, you can use different handles for the simulator.
It's the T-Bar Row, baby!

So we figured out how to replace the bent-over barbell row. I hope you have found the optimal solution for yourself and have resolved this issue forever.

To build a beautiful and pumped back, best exercise can't be found. It is one of the top three most productive back workouts. However, despite the highest status assigned to the bent-over barbell row, it continues to be ignored by experienced athletes, not to mention beginners who have just joined the gym. This happens due to the reluctance of the hall holders and personal trainers who put classes on stream, listen to the issues that concern athletes. They view the emergence of new athletes solely from the angle of an influx of additional investment.

No one explains to beginners that at first it is better to carry out trainings with free weights, so they have to do what is understandable, including exercises on machines. They are also not told that in order to become “big”, they need to pay attention to working on the back and legs, since 2/3 of a person’s body consists of them. The first thing young people do when it comes to developing these muscle groups is to work out in the gym.

These designs are good, but classes on them do not relate to the main training, and in reality the opposite happens: what is at hand is what is used.

Therefore, it is important to learn more about exercise. And we start with bent-over barbell rows.

Developing the back mass, this basic exercise is extremely necessary for bodybuilders, because it develops several joints at the same time: scapula, elbow and shoulder.

How the muscle atlas looks can be seen in the figure:

You can see the movements performed in a more visual way:

Regarding the kinesiology of traction: the movement consists of complete retraction of the shoulder blades. This is necessary so as not to reduce the amplitude and not reduce the productivity of the training.

When performing bent-over barbell rows, your legs and body remain motionless throughout the exercise. The muscles that perform bent-over barbell rows do not shorten during contraction.

What are the benefits of performing bent-over barbell rows?

This training is a favorite among bodybuilders because with its help you can:

  • increase muscle size and strength. Reminds me of rowing a barbell while rowing a kayak. And those who are familiar with rowing have impressive backs. The latissimus muscle “takes” most of the load, but it is also enough for the rhomboid and trapezius muscles;
  • increase flexibility. By stretching the hamstrings, performing bent-over barbell rows helps the athlete become flexible. Just don’t forget that your back remains straight when pulling;
  • improve posture. The muscular corset of the back and lumbar region are strengthened if training process include bent over rows.
  • thanks to this training, large and small muscle groups that are connected to the spinal column learn to work harmoniously, as a result of which their strength increases and posture becomes better;
  • increase power and strength in basic exercises. It has been proven by practice that bent-over barbell rows help achieve progress in deadlifts and bench presses;
  • speed up calorie burning. The training belongs to the “weight loss” class, because Thanks to it, significant force is generated in muscle groups, which helps increase metabolic rate. And, if the number of calories spent exceeds the number received from food, excess weight goes away. Loss of fat mass leads to an increase in muscle mass, so body composition strength training reflected positively.

Technique for proper bent-over barbell row

Contrary to what at first glance the bent-over barbell row seems easy exercise, it is distinguished by a lot of nuances and secrets, which we will consider step by step.

First step.

  • Place the weighted apparatus on the floor.
  • Now, bending your knees, lift it forward (to your torso), keeping your back straight and almost parallel to the floor.
  • The arms are perpendicular to the body and the floor, hanging over the bar, gaze directed forward.
  • The bar is taken with a grip wider than shoulder width.
  • This is what the starting position looks like.

Second step.

  • The body is motionless.
  • As you exhale, pull the barbell toward the center of your abdomen, keeping your elbows closer to your body, and using only the strength of your forearm muscles to hold the weight.
  • Hold the peak contraction at the top point by squeezing the back muscles for a couple of seconds.

Third step.

  • After inhaling, slowly, controlling the movements, lower the barbell to the starting position.
  • Start the next repetition immediately.
  • Their number corresponds to the given one.

The picture version looks like this:

You can see the process in motion here:

Important points

Important technical points requiring attention:

  • You should not perform bent-over barbell rows with a large weight until the technique has been mastered and the muscle frame has not been developed;
  • do not allow the body to move during training;
  • the back remains flat and parallel to the floor at all times;
  • do not jerk to lift the weight;
  • don’t leave the bar “understretched” (down), but don’t pull it too high either;
  • to stabilize your back when working with significant weights, use a weightlifting belt;
  • remember that your gaze is directed forward, otherwise (as soon as it drops) your back will immediately round;
  • if there are problems with flexibility, perform bent-over barbell rows, pressing your buttocks against a wall or other vertical support;
  • at large scales use gymnastic belts and special straps.

Mistakes made when bent over rowing

These can be classified as:

  • rounded back;
  • body straightening;
  • traction carried out using arm strength;
  • flexion of the wrists.

Bent-over barbell row options

There are three commonly used variations:

  • using a reverse grip;
  • projectile thrust to the rear delta;
  • work in the Smith machine.

The classic version involves a direct grip. The unusual reverse is rarely used. But he hides a huge power that only a few know about. With a straight grip, an athlete is forced to spread his elbows wider to reach the chest without forcing him to work latissimus muscles. And a reverse grip engages the “wings”. In an ideal situation, it is advisable to include both types of bent-over barbell rows in the training process. It is recommended to start with a heavy weight and a direct grip (2 approaches), and finish with a reduced load and a reverse grip (1 approach).

If the barbell is replaced with a loaded backpack or a mop with weights on the edges, then the training can be carried out even at home. Interesting data were obtained from studies of different draft options. They say that the muscular corset of the back allows you to better strengthen the classic version of the bent-over barbell row.

For bent-over barbell rows, it’s useful to remember 5 tips:

  • after each repetition, return the apparatus to the floor so that the upper back receives the full load;
  • imitate the bench press: the bench press should be identical to the bench press, but in reverse;
  • elbow movements: you don’t need to pull the weight with your hands, working on the biceps - pull your elbows towards the ceiling;
  • position of the torso: during training, the body should be either parallel to the floor or at a slight angle to it, and the back should be straight (the torso should not bend at the expense of the knees and hips);
  • head position: your gaze should be directed forward (if it is lowered to the floor, it can twist your back, but if you look in the mirror, your neck will hurt).

Knowing how to do a bent-over barbell row correctly, all that remains is to try out the knowledge in practice.

Video: Bent-over barbell row

    What you need

    There are exercises that are used within one sport, and there are universal exercises. For example, such as rowing a barbell to the belt. Despite its original origins in weightlifting, it firmly established itself first in bodybuilding, and then moved into other areas of athleticism.

    Interesting fact: Initially, the bent-over barbell row was used exclusively in the snatch style, which increased its risk of injury. Its task was not to build back muscles, but to help overcome the lower phase of the movement.

    Purpose of the exercise

    Bent-over barbell rows are the second most popular exercise for training the back muscles after classic pull-ups. This was facilitated by:

    • multi-joint;
    • possibility of slight differentiation of loads;
    • relatively simple technique;
    • And the most important thing is indispensability.

    If when training your arms, legs and shoulder girdle If you can make do with improvised means, then for the development of truly impressive latissimus dorsi muscles there is nothing that can compare with bent-over rows in terms of effectiveness.

    We hasten to disappoint everyone who wants to add this exercise to their basic program. Despite his high efficiency and the type of sport (crossfit or bodybuilding), you will have to put the barbell aside for at least 3-4 months from the start of classes.

    Why? There are several main reasons why the use of deadlifts and bent-over rows is prohibited in the first months.

    Reason 1

    Unfortunately, without preliminary training, the muscles of the human back are unevenly developed relative to the central axis. For some it prevails right side, someone has a left one. This means that when you try to take it, it’s not even very heavy weight in work, the strong side of the back will eat up most of the load, which, in turn, leads to spinal deformation.

    Solution: The first months while in gym, engage with own weight and on machines, paying attention to light weights with maximum muscle development. Exercise will do“prayer”, when the approach to the projectile is carried out with the minimum possible weight. This will allow you to develop a more stable and evenly developed muscle corset.

    Reason 2

    Underdevelopment muscle corset. Deadlifts and rows require the use of a huge range of muscles, including the lumbar muscles. If this department is underdeveloped, there is a high risk of injury.

    Solution: Hyperextension and exercises for the abdominal muscles. At the same time, it is important to understand that if you work hard on your abs, then you need to pay the same attention to the lumbar region, because these muscles compensate for each other, being the main core of the spine.

    Reason 3

    Specific technique. For those who have never picked up a heavy barbell before, they cannot understand how difficult it is to keep track of all the little details on which the effectiveness of the exercise depends. Starting from the position of the knees, hips, and the ability to pull with the elbows, keeping the back in a deflection. And this is far from full list nuances that reduce the risk of injury and increase efficiency.

    Solution: in the first months, practice exclusively with an empty bar, leaving this exercise after the main ones in the program.

    But after passing basic training(which is usually 2 training months), you can grab the barbell and use your back 200%.

    Note: Regardless of your past successes, in the first days it is better to perform the exercise without a safety belt and under the supervision of a trainer.

    Muscles involved

    Bent-over barbell rows involve almost all muscles, from the back muscles to back surface hips (see table).

    So, what muscle groups do they work when pulled to the waist?

    Group Phase Accent
    Latissimus dorsi musclesActive phase of lifting and holding at the waistMain muscle group
    Rhomboid back musclesWhen bringing the shoulder blades back at the top point
    Carpal musclesHolding the barbell (does not participate in the mixed grip)
    Arm flexor musclesDuring the active phaseWith the right technique, the accent is leveled
    TrapezoidalResponsible for correct position shoulders during the approachSmall load, requires additional work.
    LumbarStabilizer muscles. Large dynamic load.
    Abdominal musclesThroughout the entire exercise. Allows you to maintain balance
    Posterior thighIn the lower phase of the movement, they actively participate in small vibrations of the body.
    CalfDue to the tilt of the body, the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are responsible for holding the increased weight.
    ObliquesThroughout the entire exercise. Allows you to maintain balanceStabilizer muscles. Static load
    CoreThroughout the entire exercise. Allows you to maintain balanceStabilizer muscles. Static load

    As you can see, this is a basic exercise that involves almost all muscle groups. Moreover, during the approach you need to control almost each of them. This determines the complexity of bent-over rows with a barbell, and its effectiveness. Neither the squat nor the press provide as much large group recruitment. Even classic pull-ups place less load on the back muscles, since the load on the stabilizer muscles and the lower back muscles are almost completely absent

    What exercises replace barbell rows?

    The classic barbell row can replace a whole complex various exercises, namely:

    • pull-ups;
    • working with a leg curl machine;
    • biceps curl;
    • hyperextension.

    Such powerful training, albeit with slightly different accents, stimulates the production of testosterone in men, due to which the growth of muscles and strength indicators occurs much faster than it could.

    But most importantly, this is the only alternative to weighted pull-ups, and, unlike the latter, it is much less traumatic.

    Why? After all, pull-ups are a natural movement, while the exercise of pulling a barbell to the belt is not natural. Everything is very simple, when using any weight, the center of gravity shifts significantly in pull-ups, which, with all due respect, changes the load on the spinal columns. In this case, there is an increased load on the lumbar region, and a direct impact on the vertebrae of the lower back. Pulling the barbell to the waist eliminates this drawback, since regardless of the weight used, the nature of the loads does not change.

    What to combine with?

    This basic exercise can be used exclusively for warming up, and by professionals of average and high levels of training. Let's look at CrossFit training complexes with which you can use deadlifts.

    As you can see, most training complexes is aimed exclusively at athletes with high level preparation. Classes are aimed at improving strength indicators, and strength endurance. Fran's program is aimed at developing explosive strength. Therefore, for safety it is better to use a safety belt.

    Execution technique

    How to properly pull a barbell to your belt? The technique, despite some pretentiousness, is extremely simple. But this does not mean that the exercise is simple!

  1. Place the projectile on the fixing stands. Only after this can it be loaded;
  2. Approach the bar, remove it from the fixing posts, and lower it to the floor.
  3. Next, grab the bar with an overhand grip. Your arms should be parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart. Not narrower, not wider, since in this case the load on the back muscles is significantly weakened, and with a wide grip you can damage the elbow joint.
  4. Bend your legs slightly at the knees;
  5. Bend your lower back.
  6. The head should look strictly at the mirror (i.e. up). This will allow you to control the technique of the exercise, and in addition, the presence of load on the trapezius depends on it.
  7. Slowly raise the barbell. The main movement should be done at the elbows. This is the only way to turn off “weak” arms as much as possible and turn on a “strong” back.
  8. Lift up to your waist, squeezing your shoulder blades back.
  9. Hold for 1 second;
  10. Slowly lower the barbell towards your outstretched arms. At the same time, the arms themselves do not need to be completely straightened, since in this case a “30 degree” effect will occur when joints and ligaments prevent maximum muscle movement.
  11. Perform until complete failure.

You can clearly see how you can correctly pull a barbell to your belt in the video.

Straight grip

The straight-grip technique requires the use of straps, or working with small weights with the lock open ( thumb not opposed to the others). Otherwise the technique is no different from the classics.

The main goal of the straight grip is to maximize the disconnection of the flexor muscles, with a subsequent increase in the load on the wrists. Allows you to slightly expand your grip. And is an alternative to wide grip pull-ups

Reverse grip

This is the classic exercise. In addition, any technique involves connecting the flexors and brachialis. Can be done with more narrow grip. Due to the specific grip and connection of the biceps, pulling the barbell to the belt with a reverse grip allows you to take heavy weights.


This is a type of standing barbell row that uses a t-shaped bar. Its main advantage is the ability to isolate many muscle masses, in particular, the legs and abs are partially disabled, since it is not necessary to maintain the body in one state, and the bar itself is always attached to the floor on one side.

The main feature of the technique is the need to use neutral grip“when the hands look at each other,” using the T-bar allows you to shock the muscles with a new amplitude, and most importantly, break through the strength plateau.

Different grip

A cheating option, in which one hand grabs the barbell in a forward grip, the other in a reverse grip. Used exclusively by professional athletes. Requires symmetrical approaches to make the load more uniform. Not used in CrossFit. The rest of the technology is identical

Help: the symmetrical approach is a multiple of two.


No matter what preparation and sports uniform the athlete did not possess, a certain number of precautions must be followed.

  1. When lifting more than your body weight, always use a safety harness. If your goal is to build muscle lumbar region, it is better to use hyperextension with additional weights.
  2. Never perform an exercise in a snatch style, despite the fact that it seems easier to lift the barbell in the lower phase.
  3. Even if you are in the waist, still arch your lower back and maintain the correct angle.
  4. Do not use wrist straps. If the weight on the bar feels too heavy, it's best to spend a few extra months working on your wrists, otherwise it's easy to get a tendon strain, which will negatively impact your productivity and training efficiency.

And the main thing is moderation. After all, the main goal of CrossFit is not to develop impressive deadlifts and deadlifts, but to develop functional strength. That is why there is no need to strain yourself and try to lift 150-200 kilograms. Since in this case a separate technique is required for execution, which is somewhat different from the classical one.


Knowing how to properly do rows of a barbell to the waist, you can protect yourself from injuries, and forever forget about pull-ups, which are ineffective from the point of view of steady progression. The main thing to remember is that it requires maximum concentration, and it’s better to play it safe - put on straps, a power belt, and work with a Smith machine. In this case, the chances of injury will be minimal.

In CrossFit, although the exercise is rarely used, in complexes it gives an excellent back workout, especially when used in circuit training, or in supersets that engage the pectoral and back muscles.

A large number of muscles involved triggers regeneration processes and testosterone synthesis, on the one hand this is good. On the other hand, you cannot use heavy training with barbell rows constantly; a distance of at least 2 days must be maintained between classes.

Greetings, dear readers of the sportivs sports blog. Alexander Bely is with you. Today our attention will focus on a rather interesting topic - horizontal block pull-down to the belt. In this article we will find out which muscles work, what the main advantages and recommendations are.

The main purpose of pulling a block to the waist is to give your back visual width. Certain variations of deadlifts will allow you to increase the thickness of your back.

So, let's look at the load on the latissimus muscles depending on the change in technique and find out which area of ​​the back is most involved:

  • If you do the standard deadlift, you need to pull the block towards your lower abdomen, which will help you develop your lower back.
  • Making cravings for pectoral muscles you include in work top part backs.

At correct execution This exercise can significantly increase your back strength, but you should take into account correct technique, let's talk about it.

Correct technique

1. The exercise is performed while sitting; before starting the approach, position the seat so that the pulley cable operates exclusively parallel to the floor.
2. Your feet should be fixed on the support, which is located in the front of the exercise block, thanks to this you will receive maximum stability during the approach.
3. The handles can be either fixed or separate; when performing each repetition, make sure that your palms are opposite each other when grasping the handles.
4. Can be performed with two grips. For best results, I recommend alternating between narrow and wide grips.
5. Having accepted starting position, you should grab the pen and start doing it.
6. This exercise starts with a negative phase, you should smoothly, slowly pull down to the lower abdomen and exhale. Many experienced athletes take a deep breath before repeating, citing better muscle contraction.
7. After the handle touches the abdomen in the lower part, stay in this position for a couple of seconds, this will contribute to maximum development muscle fibers.
8. Upon completion of the repetition, exhale and slowly return the handle to the starting position.
9. You should perform 8-15 repetitions, depending on the results you want to achieve.

In order to build your workout as efficiently as possible and gain muscle muscle mass I recommend as a gift to familiarize yourself with the Free video course « How to gain muscle mass» and begin to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

To better pump up muscle fibers, I do not recommend that you deviate your back from a vertical position by more than 10-20 degrees. If you listen to my advice, you will be able to prevent the occurrence of various injuries that are possible with a strong deviation. Excessive deviation can cause injury to the lower spine.

In order to remove the load from the back of the shoulder and fully concentrate on the latissimus muscles, you can do the exercise with a parallel attachment.

Before performing the approach, be sure to check the machine for serviceability, otherwise you risk getting an unpleasant injury.

Also, use all types of grips (narrow, wide, straight, reverse). This will help you work your back in the best way from all sides. Don't take too much weight optimal quantity There will be 8-15 repetitions, which will help to work your back well. To increase mass, 6-8 repetitions will be enough.

When you pull the handle towards you, your back should be slightly tilted, I recommend squeezing your shoulder blades together, this will increase the intensity.

When performing, you should press your elbows to your body, this will help to best load the latissimus muscles and lower chest.

One more important nuance there will be a stretch with each repetition. With this technique, you stretch forward behind the weight, which allows you to squeeze out the maximum.
We have looked at all the advantages and basic tips of the lower block pull-down, now let me tell you what you can replace this exercise with.

What can be replaced

A replacement for the main exercise can be the lack of equipment or the necessary exercise equipment, various injuries that do not allow you to work on a certain apparatus, the desire to diversify the training cycle, or the need to work the muscle from different angles.

It is then that the question arises and the need to select alternative and equally effective exercises:

  • The first, which is a worthy alternative, can be safely called. This is a basic exercise that targets different areas of the back. Bent-over barbell rows are one of the most complex basic elements that help build voluminous and massive muscles. Before you start deadlifting, be sure to warm up thoroughly.

  • The second variation is the T-bar row with a narrow grip. It works the latissimus muscles perfectly; it is basic, since in addition to the spinal muscles, biceps, triceps, etc. are also involved.

If you want to work your back muscles in more detail, you can do one-arm rows. During the exercise, concentrate completely, this will help achieve maximum results.

Bent-over barbell row This is one of the main basic exercises for training the back muscles, which is included in almost any back workout for mass and strength. However, for one reason or another, not everyone can or wants to do this exercise. In this case, the question arises: what to replace the bent-over barbell row with? Let's figure it out.

Can be roughly divided into two subgroups: exercises for thickness and exercises for back width. Bent-over barbell rows are specifically designed to build back thickness. A quality back workout should consist of at least two back exercises, one of which is for developing the thickness of the back muscles, and the other for width. Therefore, before answering the question of how to replace the bent-over barbell row, you need to understand which back exercises in bodybuilding are used to create thickness and which ones to increase the width of the back.

Exercises for back width:

  • Wide grip pull-ups to the chest or behind the head.
  • Pull the upper block to the chest or behind the head.

Exercises for back thickness:

  • Bent-over barbell row.
  • Bent-over dumbbell row to the waist.
  • Traction of the lower block to the belt while sitting.
  • T-bar row with or without support.
  • Hammer rows.
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow/medium grip.

How to replace bent-over barbell rows?

As mentioned above, bent over rows are a multi-joint exercise that builds the thickness of the back muscles. Therefore, you can replace the bent-over barbell row with any similar exercise for back thickness. All these exercises are interchangeable, and also perfectly combine and complement each other. In addition, you can not only replace exercises with similar ones, but also experiment with grips. For example, the same bent-over row can be performed with both a straight and reverse grip, and when performing pull-downs in blocks, you can use different handles for the machine.

So we figured out how to replace the bent-over barbell row. I hope you have found the optimal solution for yourself and have resolved this issue forever.