Moving along a narrow support. Hardening of military personnel, physical training

In order to win a battle, defeat an enemy, perform combat mission, one desire, no matter how great it may be, is sometimes not enough. Modern combat requires perfection from a warrior. physical qualities, and therefore peacetime military service is saturated with significant physical activity.

To make it easier to adapt to conditions military service, to quickly and better master a military specialty, a young man in the process of pre-conscription training and physical education you should raise your level physical fitness up to the starting standards of a recruit warrior.

Overcoming obstacles includes unsupported and supported jumps, climbing and crawling, depth jumps, and movement on a narrow support.

Unsupported jumps are used when overcoming narrow horizontal and low vertical obstacles and are performed with landing on one or both legs.

Jump landing on one leg used when overcoming obstacles up to 2 m wide and up to 0.8 m high.

Make a short run-up, push off in front of the obstacle with one leg, taking the other leg with a wide step forward, jump over the obstacle and, landing on this leg, continue moving without stopping. At the moment of flight, the pushing leg remains behind until the other leg touches the ground, after which it swings forward, helping to continue running without stopping. Hands work in rhythm with the movement, as when walking, when pushing right foot the right hand is sent with a sharp upward movement forward, helping to jump.

Jump landing on both feet used when overcoming obstacles up to 4 m wide and up to 1 m high, which cannot serve as a support when jumping.

Make an energetic run-up accelerating towards the end, push off in front of the obstacle with the pushing (strongest) leg and, helping the jump by energetically extending both arms forward upward, jump over the obstacle. In flight, the body is tilted forward, the legs are bent, and the arms are extended forward. Landing is done on the heels of slightly apart legs.

Vaults are used to overcome obstacles up to chest level that can be used as support.

Jump while stepping on an obstacle, used when overcoming obstacles up to 1 m high.

Having taken a running start, push off in front of the obstacle with the pushing (strongest) leg and, moving your body forward, gently jump onto the obstacle onto the other, strongly bent leg. Without straightening, carry the leg that performed the push over the obstacle, and, gently jumping onto it, continue moving.

Jump with arm and leg support used when overcoming obstacles up to chest level.

Run energetically, push off with your left foot and jump onto the obstacle, leaning on left hand and on the slightly bent right leg set aside. The weight of the body is on the left hand, thumb facing backwards. Bringing your shoulders forward, move left leg through an obstacle, jump onto it and, without stopping, continue moving.

Climbing is used when overcoming obstacles 4-5 m high. Depending on the height of the obstacle and the situation, climbing can be done independently (obstacle height up to 2.5 m) or with the help of a friend.

Climbing with chest support used when overcoming obstacles, the height and upper edge of which allow you to lean your chest against them.

Run up to the obstacle, grab its edge with your left hand and lie with your chest on the obstacle. Rolling over it, rest the palm of your right hand on the other side of the obstacle, move both legs over it and jump off.

Hand-supported climbing used when overcoming obstacles up to shoulder height.

Run up to the obstacle, grab its edge with your hands and, pushing off the ground with both feet, go point-blank. You can jump off as if you were jumping, supporting yourself on an obstacle with your hand and foot, or by moving your left leg first and then your right leg over the obstacle.

Climbing with a “hook” used when overcoming plank fences taller than a person.

Run energetically, push off with your strongest leg from the ground one step from the fence and, leaning on the fence with your other bent leg, grab its edge. Pull yourself up and hang on the fence with your left side facing it so that the top edge of the fence is under your armpit, and the elbow of your left hand is pressed against the fence on the other side. Bend your left leg and, bringing your knee forward, press your leg against the fence. Take your right leg back and, swinging it, catch your heel on the top of the fence. Pull yourself up to the fence, fall over it and jump off.

Climbing by force used when overcoming fences and high obstacles with a wide edge.

Run energetically and, pushing off with one foot from the ground, and leaning on the obstacle with the other, grab its upper edge with your hands. Pulling yourself up on your arms, pressing your chest against the obstacle and helping yourself with your legs, come to a point-blank range. Grab your left hand with your thumb forward. Leaning your body forward, swing your legs back up, rest the palm of your right hand on the opposite side of the obstacle and, moving your legs over it, gently jump off.

Jumping off from a standing position is used when jumping from obstacles up to 1.5 m high, and jumping with support on the hand - when jumping from obstacles up to 2 m high, as well as when jumping from a lower obstacle onto hard or uneven ground, with heavy equipment and in darkness. When jumping from obstacles up to 3 m high, jumping from a sitting position is used, and when jumping from obstacles up to 5 m high, jumping from a hanging position is used.

When overcoming obstacles through the holes in them, crawling is used. Depending on the size and shape of the hole, you can crawl through sideways or head first. If the hole is at ground level, climbing is accomplished by crawling into the hole on your belly.

Moving on a narrow support Depending on the situation and the size of the obstacle, it can be carried out either while sitting astride, or walking, or running.

On high altitude, in the dark and if necessary to move with a load, moving along a log while sitting astride is used. Sit astride a log (beam). Move your torso forward, placing your hands 30-40 cm in front of you. Having transferred the weight of your body to your hands and slightly raised yourself on them, swing your legs and move forward to your hands. Continue moving forward in the same way.

Moving along a log by walking and running is used at low heights. Move along the log in small steps with your knees slightly bent. Place your feet straight along the log, looking at the support three to four steps in front of you. When moving one after another, keep pace. You can move along a narrow support at a high altitude by walking, holding on to a rope stretched on the side of the support at waist height.

Swimming. When swimming 100 m, the start is made from the starting block. At the command “Participants take their places” (or an extended signal is given with a whistle), swimmers stand on the starting platform, and at the command “To the start” they take a stationary position to jump into the water. At the command “MARCH” (or a short signal is given with a whistle), perform a free jump into the water and swim the distance using any swimming method. The rotation is performed with the obligatory touching of the wall (rotary shield) of any part of the body.

  1. Tell us about the content and significance of military-applied training.
  2. Reproduce the methods of overcoming obstacles that you know: unsupported and supported jumps, climbing, jumping, creeping, moving along a narrow support.
  3. Complete exercises No. 1 and 2 for throwing hand grenades.

cooking and sports are carried out in order to increase the sustainability

susceptibility of their body to various sudden changes in physical

ical environmental factors, to the conditions associated

with the characteristics of military service and combat performance

Hardening of military personnel should be carried out systematically

mathematically and continuously through integrated use

water, solar and air factors in combination with

physical training and sports. Main

methods of hardening military personnel are:

Daily execution physical exercise on from-

indoor air;

Washing to the waist cold water or acceptance of short

a temporary cold shower;

Gargling with cold water and washing your feet

cold water before lights out;

Carrying out in winter period ski training and for-

classes, performing work in lightweight clothing;

In the summer, classes and sports

mass events in light clothing, taking salt

short baths and swimming in open water.

Physical training and sports activities are carried out

are performed during morning physical exercises, training sessions,

time of mass sports work, in the process of combat training

activities of military personnel, as well as during independent

body training. Physical exercises are performed during classes

exercises using in various ways training

cutting and dosing physical activity, taking into account the accessories

servicemen's attitude towards appearance Armed Forces and family

troops, age and health status.

Sports activities take place in sports sections And

teams at the time established by the daily routine and regulations

ment of official time.

Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic me-

acceptance. Every soldier must take care of

maintaining your health, not hiding illnesses, strictly

observe the rules of personal and public hygiene and

stay away from bad habits (smoking, drinking

alcohol). Compliance with personal hygiene rules includes:

Morning wash with brushing teeth;

Washing hands before eating;

Washing, brushing your teeth and washing your feet before going to bed;

Timely shaving of the face, cutting hair and nails;

Weekly bathing in a bathhouse with a change of underwear and clothing

bed linen, foot wraps and socks;

daily change of collar guards.

The military man's hairstyle, mustache, if any,

must be neat, meet hygiene requirements and

do not interfere with the use of personal protective equipment and

wearing equipment.

Rules of public hygiene include: keeping in

cleanliness of the territory of the military unit, sleeping quarters,

toilets and rooms public use, as well as regular

their ventilation.

To ensure the immunity of military personnel

precautions are taken against infectious diseases

vaccinations. Vaccinations can be scheduled and according to epidemic

ski testimony.

The serviceman is obliged to report to command about cases

occurrence of infectious diseases among persons pro-

living with him in the same apartment (dormitory room), and

perform official duties with the permission of the commander

military unit and according to the conclusion of the head of the medical

If a sick person is detected in a military unit, he is infected

infection, are immediately identified, isolated and

the rest of the sick are hospitalized. Immediately

Disinfection in departments and observation of persons is underway.

for those who have been in contact with the patient, sanitary measures are intensified

hygienic control. If necessary in the military

parts are introduced into quarantine or observation mode.

therapeutic and preventive measures. Basic

Our therapeutic and preventive measures are

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clinical examination, outpatient, inpatient and sanatorium

spa treatment for military personnel.

Clinical examination includes medical control for

health status of personnel, active early

the phenomenon of diseases, the study of the conditions of service and life of military

but employees, identifying factors that negatively affect

on their health, carrying out preventive and therapeutic

health activities.

Medical monitoring of the health status of military personnel

relief is carried out by conducting daily inter-

Dicin observation in the process of combat training and in

everyday life, medical examinations, in-depth and control

medical examinations of military personnel.

In case of illness, a serviceman is obliged to immediately

report this to your immediate superior and, with his permission,

decision to seek medical help from a medical

military unit point. Outpatient appointments are carried out in

medical center at the hours established by the daily routine

military unit. Military personnel who suddenly become ill or

those injured are sent (accompanied) to medical

Qing point immediately at any time of the day.

Soldiers and sergeants must wash in the bathhouse at least once

th times a week, and cooks and bakers, in addition, every day

take a shower. When washing in a bathhouse (showering), military

conscripts are provided with soap, towels,

tsami and disinfected washcloths. Underwear-

clothes and bedding, towels, foot wraps and socks should be

exercise once a week, on bath days; cooks and

bakers change their underwear at least twice a week

liu. If necessary, linen, towels, foot wraps and socks

change more often.

1. Tell us about the meaning and content of hardening military personnel

? pressing, physical training and sports. 2. Name-

those rules of personal hygiene for a military personnel. 3. What does it include

medical examination, how medical control is carried out

health status of military personnel?

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Chapter XIII

Physical training

In order to win a battle, defeat an enemy, perform

combat mission, one desire, no matter how great it may be,

sometimes it's not enough. Modern combat requires

warrior of perfect physical qualities, and therefore military

Peacetime service is saturated with significant physical

To make it easier to adapt to the conditions of military service,

master a military specialty faster and better,

young man in the process of pre-conscription training and physical

education, you should bring your level of physical fitness

sales to the starting standards of a recruit.

§ 60. military-applied physical training

overcoming obstacles includes unsupported and supported

jumping, climbing and crawling, deep jumps,

movement on a narrow support.

Unsupported jumps are used to overcome non-

wide horizontal and low vertical pre-

backwards and are performed with landing on one or both

Jump landing on one leg used when

overcoming obstacles up to 2 m wide and up to 0.8 m high.

Make a short run-up, push off in front of the obstacle

eat with one leg, taking the other leg with a wide step forward,

jump over the obstacle and land on this

leg, without stopping, continue moving. At the moment

in flight, the pushing leg remains behind until the other leg touches

ground, after which he swings forward, helping to continuously

continue running forever. Hands work in time with the movement, like

when walking, when pushing with the right foot, the right hand is sent

a sharp forward upward movement, helping the jump.

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Jump landing on both feet used when

overcoming obstacles up to 4 m wide and up to 1 m high,

which cannot serve as support when jumping.

Make an energetic run-up accelerating towards the end, pushing off

dive in front of the obstacle with the pushing (strongest) leg and,

helping the jump by energetically moving both arms forward upward,

jump over an obstacle. In flight, the body is tilted

but forward, legs bent and arms extended forward. Landing

The exercise is performed on the heels of slightly apart legs.

Vault used when overcoming obstacles

heights up to chest level that can be used

as a support.

Jump, stepping on an obstacle, used when

overcoming obstacles up to 1 m high.

Having a running start, push off in front of the obstacle

with your (strongest) leg and, pushing your body forward, softly

to jump onto an obstacle onto another, strongly bent

leg. Without straightening up, bring your leg over the obstacle,

performing the push, and, gently jumping onto her, continue


Jump with arm and leg support used when trans-

over obstacles up to chest height.

Run up energetically, push off with your left foot and jump up

lean on the obstacle, leaning on your left hand and abducted

with your right leg slightly bent to the side. Body gravity -

on the left hand, thumb facing back. Giving shoulders

forward, move your left leg over the obstacle, jump off

at it and, without stopping, continue moving.

Climbing is used when overcoming obstacles

4-5 m high. Depending on the height of the obstacle and

conditions, climbing can be done independently

(obstacle height up to 2.5 m) or with the help of a friend.

Climbing with chest support used when overcoming

obstacles, the height and upper edge of which are permissible

They lean their chests against them.

Run up to the obstacle, grab it with your left hand

edge and lie with your chest on the obstacle. Waddle over

him, rest the palm of his right hand on the other side of the

obstacle, move both legs over it and jump off.

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Hand-supported climbing used when overcoming

clearing obstacles up to shoulder height.

Run up to the obstacle, grab its edge with your hands and,

push off with both feet from the ground and come to a point-blank range. Co-

you can jump like when jumping with support on an obstacle

hand and foot or by first carrying over an obstacle

left and then right leg.

Climbing with a “hook” used when overcoming

board fences taller than a person.

Run energetically, push off with your strongest leg

from the ground one step from the fence and, leaning on the other, bend

with that foot on the fence, grab its edge. Pull yourself up and

hang on the fence with your left side facing it so that the top

the edge of the fence was under the armpit, and the elbow of the left hand was pressed

to the fence on the other side. Bend your left leg and you...

Keeping your knee forward, press your foot against the fence. Pull back the right

leg back and, swinging it, catch the heel on the top of the

boron Pulling yourself up to the fence, fall over it and

Climbing by force used when overcoming challenges

hogs and high obstacles with a wide edge.

Run energetically and push off with one foot

the ground, and the other, leaning on an obstacle, grab hold of it with your hands

for its top edge. Pulling up on your arms, cuddling

chest towards the obstacle and helping yourself with your feet to go point blank.

Grab your left hand with your thumb forward. Tilting

body forward, swing your legs back up, lean

with the palm of the right hand in the opposite direction, obstruct

movement and, moving your legs over it, gently jump off.

Jumping off from a standing position is used when spraying

jumping from obstacles up to 1.5 m high, and jumping from

resting on your hand - when jumping from high obstacles

up to 2 m, as well as when jumping from a lower obstacle -

on hard or uneven ground, with heavy equipment

in silence and in the dark. When jumping from high obstacles

up to 3 m, jumping from a sitting position is used, and when

jumping from obstacles up to 5 m high - dismounting

from a hanging position.

When overcoming obstacles through the openings in them,

version applies climbing. Depending on the size

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and the shape of the hole can be crawled through sideways or head-first

red. If the hole is at ground level, crawling

performed by crawling into the hole on the belly.

Moving on a narrow support depending on the situation

ki and the size of the obstacle can be carried out either while sitting

riding, walking or running.

At high altitudes, in the dark and, if necessary, re-

move with a load, moving along a log is used

sitting on horseback. Sit astride a log (beam). Serve the body

more forward, placing your hands 30-40 cm in front of you. Re-

carrying the weight of the body on your arms and slightly rising on them,

swing your legs and move forward to your hands. Pro-

Moving along a log by walking and running is used on

low height. Move along the log in small steps

legs slightly bent at the knees. Place your feet straight

along the log, look at the support three to four steps in front

yourself. When moving one after another, keep pace.

You can move along a narrow support at a high altitude

step, holding on to the rope stretched from the side of the support on

waist height.

swimming. When swimming 100 m, the start is carried out

from the starting table. At the command “Participants to take

places" (or an extended whistle signal is given) swimmers

stand on the starting stand, and at the command “To start”

take a stationary position to jump into the water. By

command “MARCH” (or a short signal is given with a whistle)

perform a free jump into the water and swim a distance

dance by any method of swimming. Rotation is performed with

mandatory touching the wall (rotary shield) of any

body parts.

1. Tell us about the content and significance of military applied

? preparation. 2. Reproduce the methods you know to overcome

obstacles: unsupported and vaulting jumps, climbing

bending, jumping, climbing, moving along a narrow support.

3. Complete exercises No. 1 and 2 for throwing hand grenades.

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Gymnastics and athletic training

144. Gymnastics and athletic training classes are aimed at developing agility, strength and strength endurance, resistance to motion sickness and overloads, spatial orientation, applied motor skills, nurturing courage and determination, improving drill bearing.

145. Classes are held at gymnastics grounds, towns, gyms or specially equipped rooms, on the decks of ships, on training complexes, on the ground.

146. Gymnastics and athletic training classes include physical exercises on the horizontal bar, uneven bars, vaults, acrobatic exercises, exercises with weights, on simulators and multi-span apparatus, in balance, climbing, outdoor games and relay races.
For military personnel of flight personnel and cadets of military educational institutions carrying out training of flight personnel, physical exercises are included on a trampoline, stationary gymnastic wheel, acrobatic exercises.

147. The section “Gymnastics and athletic training” includes the following exercises:
Set of floor exercises N 1 (exercise can be used in the preparatory part of classes):

Set of floor exercises N 2 (exercise can be used in the preparatory part of classes):

Exercise 1. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (Fig. 3).

Lying support (legs together, straight body), bend your arms until your chest touches the floor, straightening your arms, take a lying support.
The exercise is performed without stopping.
To control touch, it is allowed to use a special technical device.

Exercise 2. Bend the torso forward (Fig. 4).

Lying on your back, hands behind your head, clasp your fingers, legs secured. Bend your torso forward until your elbows touch your knees and return to the starting position until your shoulder blades touch the floor.
The exercise is performed for one minute.
Slight bending of the legs is allowed.

Exercise 3. Rope climbing (Fig. 5).

Grasp the rope with your hands below the mark of 2 m from the floor and rise to a height of 6 m from the floor in an arbitrary manner. Touch the top mark with your hand. Lowering down - in an arbitrary way. Pole climbing is permitted.
It is prohibited to start the climb with a jump and jump from the rope above 2 m from the floor.
The exercise is assessed based on the climbing method:
"excellent" - climbing without the help of legs, legs - in the "corner" position;
“good” - climbing without the help of legs, legs - freely;
"satisfactory" - climbing with the help of legs.

Exercise 4. Pull-ups on the bar (Fig. 6).

Hanging (overhand grip, legs together), bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the bar), straightening your arms, lower yourself into a hanging position. The hanging position is fixed.

Jerking and swinging movements are prohibited.

Exercise 5. Raising your legs to the bar (Fig. 7).

Hanging (overhand grip, legs together), raise your legs to the bar until they touch and lower them down. The hanging position is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.

Exercise 6. Lifting by inversion on the crossbar (Fig. 8).

Hanging (overhand grip, legs together), bending your arms, raise your legs to the crossbar and turn around the axis to come out with straight arms. After fixing the stop, lower yourself into a hanging position without stopping in an arbitrary manner. The hanging position is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.
It is prohibited to perform swing movements and touch the crossbar with your chin.

Exercise 7. Power lifting on the crossbar (Fig. 9).

Hanging (overhead grip, legs together), bending your arms, place one bent arm point-blank first, then the other; Continuing the movement, go into emphasis with straight arms, after fixing the emphasis, lower yourself into a hanging position without stopping in an arbitrary manner. The hanging position is fixed.
Slight bending and spreading of the legs is allowed.
It is prohibited to perform exercises on both arms and movements with a jerk or swing.

Exercise 8. Bench press (Fig. 10). The weight of the bar is 70 kg.

Lying on your back horizontal bench, with an overhand grip on the barbell of a barbell located on specially equipped racks, lift the barbell with straight arms, then bend your arms until your chest touches the barbell, while straightening your arms, perform a barbell press from the chest. After fixing the barbell on straight arms, repeat the next barbell press.
The exercise is performed without stopping. Usage reverse grip forbidden.
Any change in the starting position is prohibited: lifting the head, shoulders, buttocks from the bench and feet from the floor.
It is allowed to rest in the initial position of the barbell at the top with straight arms.

Exercise 9. Bending and extension of the arms in support on the uneven bars (Fig. 11).

Emphasis on straight arms, bending your arms, lower yourself into emphasis on bent arms; straightening your arms, go straight to straight arms. The position of the stop is fixed; when lowering, the arms are bent completely.
Slight bending of the legs, body and leg extension are allowed.
Swinging movements are prohibited.

Exercise 10. Angle in support on the bars (Fig. 12).

Focus on straight arms, raise straight legs and hold them horizontally above the poles. The time for performing the exercise is determined from the moment the “angle” position is fixed until the heels of the feet are lowered below the poles.

Exercise 11. Kettlebell snatch (Fig. 13). The weight of the weight is 24 kg.

Stand with your legs apart, grab the handle of the weight from above with one hand, consistently lift the weight up and lower it down without touching the floor, first with one hand, then without rest after changing hands with the other. The position of the weight at the top is fixed on a straight arm, changing hands is carried out once during the forward swing.
It is prohibited to press the weight, rest in a position where the weight is lowered down, or touch parts of the body with your free hand.
Two installed weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.
The result is determined by the sum of jerks performed by each hand.

Exercise 12. Push of two weights (Fig. 14). The weight of the weight is 24 kg.

Stand with your legs apart, grab the handles of the weights from above, lift the weights off the floor, lift them to your chest, with the weights lying on your forearms and shoulders, your arms pressed to your body; push the weights up and fix them on straight arms, then lower the weights to the chest.
It is prohibited to press weights or place weights on your shoulders.
There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.

Exercise 13. Push two weights in a long cycle (Fig. 15). The weight of the weight is 24 kg.

The kettlebell push consists of three techniques: the clean, the push from the chest, and the lowering to a hanging position. Stand with your legs apart, grab the handles of the weights from above, lift the weights off the floor, lift them to your chest, with the weights lying on your forearms and shoulders, your arms pressed to your body; push the weights up and fix them on straight arms. To repeat the cycle, lower the weights first to your chest and then down without touching the floor. It is prohibited to rest when lowering the weights to the chest. It is also prohibited to rest while holding the weights down.
It is allowed to rest with weights on the chest after lifting them from a hanging position, as well as with weights fixed on straight arms after a push from the chest.
It is forbidden to rest while holding the weights on the shoulder joints.
There are two weight categories: up to 70 kg, 70 kg and above.

Exercise 14. Jump with legs bent across a horse (goat) wide (Fig. 16). Horse (goat) height 120-135 cm; a bridge 10-15 cm high can be installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a running start, pushing with your feet from the bridge, reaching for the support with your hands, placing your hands on the horse (goat), bending, bending your legs, until your feet pass the vertical, pushing off with your hands, straightening up to land.
It is prohibited to push with one leg or touch the mat with your hand(s) after landing.

Exercise 15. Jump legs apart over a goat in length (Fig. 17). Goat height 120-135 cm; a bridge 10-15 cm high can be installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a running start, pushing with the legs from the bridge, reaching for the support with your arms, placing your hands on the goat, pushing off with your legs apart, arms up - to the sides, unbending to land.

Rice. 17. Long leg jump over a goat

Exercise 16. Jump legs apart over the horse in length (Fig. 18).
For cadets of military educational institutions. Horse height 120-135 cm; a bridge 10-15 cm high can be installed arbitrarily.

The jump is performed with a running start, pushing with your feet from the bridge, reaching for the support with your hands, placing your hands on the far half of the horse, pushing off, spreading your legs, arms up - to the sides, unbending to land.
It is prohibited to overhand, push with one leg, or touch the mat with your hand(s) after landing.

Exercise 17. Forward somersault (Fig. 19)

Drill stance, crouching position, put your hands forward, tilting your head to your chest, push off with your feet and, grouping, roll forward into a crouching position, stand in a combat stance.

Exercise 18. Back somersault (Fig. 20).

Drill stance, crouching position, tilting your head to the chest, take a tuck position, roll back, forcefully extending your arms, take a crouching position, stand in a combat stance.

Exercise 19. Turn to the side (Fig. 21).

Drilling stance, with a step of your feet, bend your torso, bending your left leg, place your left hand on the floor, with a swing of your right leg and a push of your left leg, consistently leaning on your hands, go through a handstand, legs apart. Alternately pushing off with your hands and lowering your legs, stand in a stance with your legs apart, pushing your leg into a combat stance. The side turn is performed in both directions.

Exercise 20. Back swing dismount on the crossbar (Fig. 22).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd years of military educational institutions: hanging, lifting with a coup, swing in an arc, dismount with a swing back.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: hanging, swinging, kipping, turning back in support, swinging in an arc, jumping back with a swing.

Exercise 21. Dismount forward swing on uneven bars (Fig. 23).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd years of military educational institutions: emphasis on the hands, swinging, lifting with a forward swing into a sitting position with legs apart, swinging the legs inward and swinging back, swinging forward, dismounting to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions: emphasis on hands, swinging, lifting with a forward swing, swinging back, swinging forward with sitting legs apart, intercepting hands forward, forcefully standing on the shoulders (hold for 2 s), somersault forward into sitting legs apart, swing legs inward and swing back, swing forward, dismount to the right with a turn to the left, holding the pole with both hands.

Exercise 22. Movement on a narrow support (log) (Fig. 24). Log height 110-125 cm; length 500 cm; width 10 cm.

Lines are marked on both sides 40 cm from the edge of the log.
From the starting position, standing in front of the starting line (on the balance beam), move face forward, back backward, then left side and finish on the right side. When moving, it is forbidden to lean on your hands. If you fall, the exercise is not counted. Crossing the line on both sides is mandatory.

Exercise 23. Jumping on a trampoline (Fig. 25).

For cadets of the 1st and 2nd years of military educational institutions training flight personnel: two main jumps, a belly jump, a main jump, a tuck jump, a main jump, a jump with a 180° turn, a main jump, a jump in squat, two basic jumps.
For cadets of the 3rd and senior years of military educational institutions training flight personnel: two main jumps, a belly jump, a main jump, a tuck jump, a main jump, a jump with a 360° turn, a main jump, a sit-up jump, main jump, forward (backward) somersault, two main jumps.

Exercise 24. Turns on a stationary gymnastic wheel (Fig. 26).

Perform 10 rotations to the left and 10 rotations to the right. The exercise begins and ends at the moment of passing the vertical with your head up. The assessment is based on the total time spent on 20 revolutions, without turning off the stopwatch after completing the first 10 revolutions. It is allowed to start the exercise in any direction.

Exercise 25. Turns forward and backward on loping (Fig. 27).

4 series of 5 revolutions are performed, changing the direction of rotation after each series. The exercise begins and ends at the moment the loping frame passes the upper vertical position. The exercise is performed without stopping. The number of swings and additional revolutions during the exercise is not limited.
The score is based on the total time spent completing 4 series without turning off the stopwatch between series.

148. In the manuals for physical training allowed to include additional exercises, ensuring the development of physical qualities in military personnel with the peculiarities of their type and type of activity.

149. Prevention of injuries during gymnastics and athletic training classes is ensured by:
- high discipline of military personnel;
- compliance with the technique of performing physical exercises and good knowledge of self-insurance techniques;
- compliance with teaching methods gymnastic exercises and safety requirements;
- reliable assistance and insurance when performing vaults and apparatus exercises;
- checking the technical condition of projectiles (straps, carbines, locking devices, etc.);
- checking the reliability of fastening the arms and legs when performing exercises on apparatus and simulators.

Rational posture is also the most important component of the technique of all exercises in motion, including the flight phase. The fixed vertical position of the body in space plays, in particular, important role in maintaining stability at the moment of landing after jumping or dismounting. You need to follow the log by slightly bringing your chin closer to your chest, but without tilting your head forward. Otherwise, the stability of the body and the entertainment value of the exercises themselves are reduced.

The balance of a body on a log depends to a large extent on

precision of all movements. For example, deviation of the leg to the side from the vertical plane of the log when performing jumps, slow flips and many other elements shifts the line of gravity (vertical passing through the central point) to the edge of the support and worsens the conditions for maintaining balance (Fig. 122) . Therefore, all movements must be made precisely along trajectories that ensure the most favorable location of the c.t.t. above the log.

The safety of performing exercises of the third group (on the spot and in motion) is directly related to the accuracy of the body's take-off during repulsion. C.t.t. during the flight phase it must be above the center line of the log to ensure reliable arrival at the projectile. The position of the legs on the support should contribute to the stability of the body and sharpen the “feeling of the log”, which is achieved by turning the foot with the toe outward and touching the edge of the projectile with the little finger.

The given requirements for exercise technique are mandatory conditions for increasing the stability of those practicing on the balance beam and should form the basis of the teaching and training methods on this apparatus.

9.2.3. Features of training and organization of classes

The most characteristic and general requirements for most exercises on the balance beam are the rational relative position of the body parts and straightness of movements, depending on the accuracy of the actions that determine the direction of movements.

The formation of rational posture occurs with the direct participation of the teacher in setting and fixing the pose and using various techniques that help to feel the desired body position. These include: comparison of muscle and tactile sensations in correct and incorrect poses; external change in rational posture with active resistance of the student; concentration of motor sensations with eyes closed and other techniques.

In parallel with mastering the pose, the ability to maintain balance in it with the help of control movements for a long time is developed.

Improving the skill of rational posture occurs when the difficulty of maintaining it increases due to additional movements of body parts, changing the method of execution (after a jump, turn), maintaining balance against the background of irritation vestibular apparatus by repeatedly rotating the body around different axes.

When teaching turns, in addition to holding a pose for a while, it is necessary to teach students to take it at the beginning of the rotation and maintain it at the end of the turn, using additional support at the gymnastic wall for this.

In order to improve mastery, it is necessary to complicate the poses and increase the angle of rotation of the body.

When learning to move, serious attention should be paid to the position of the head, since lowering it onto the chest, as mentioned above, leads to deterioration of posture and imbalance.

Since when performing acrobatic elements the interarticular angles continuously change, when studying, for example, flips, it is necessary to highlight not one, but several body positions (in the vertical and inclined planes), and also to perform the elements in parts - from one pose to the other, developing the corresponding motor ideas (Fig. 123).

Nurturing the accuracy of movements, which underlies the straightness of body movements, occurs by improving the spatial and power differentiation of movements. For this purpose, it is advisable to include in classes (primarily for beginners) exercises that develop the ability to assess the positions of body parts, the direction of movements, the height and distance of a jump, and the comparative magnitude of muscle efforts. For example: raise your arms to the sides and close your eyes, trying to understand the muscle sensations. Then perform the same task, closing your eyes in advance - before the movements begin, and opening them, check that they are correct.

ness adopted provision. If there are deviations, correct the error and repeat everything again.

Similar tasks should be done in different directions and planes, and not only with hands, but also with feet, using a variety of starting points bodies.

It is also advisable to perform walking and running exercises, dance movements, jumping with your eyes closed along the drawn line, always monitoring the straightness of your movements (opening your eyes at the end of the task, with help, according to markings, etc.) .

To improve the spatial accuracy of movements, senior gymnasts are recommended, in addition to the indicated exercises, to perform acrobatic elements (somersaults, flips and others - without a flight phase) with their eyes closed on the floor, a gymnastic bench and a low beam.

Performing exercises on a balance beam is organically associated with the possibility of imbalance and the risk of falling. This circumstance leads to excessive caution and constraint in the actions of those involved. Therefore, the psychological difficulty of the exercises should increase gradually, and teaching new exercises should be particularly consistent. New elements should be studied on the floor on lines, forming rational posture under these conditions and practicing the accuracy of movements. Next you need to go to gymnastic benches, low logs and only then onto a regular log.

It is more convenient to learn new difficult jumps on a horse without handles, and then first lay a thin mat or felt on the log.

To get used to the height, it is advisable to use group exercises of a general developmental type on the balance beam: squats, bends, leg swings, body turns, etc.

Belaying the log should exclude the possibility of falls and bruises. Support in acrobatic elements is usually provided in the lumbar region or hips, and when moving - by the arms.

In order to increase the density of exercises on the balance beam, in addition to the use of additional equipment (low logs, gymnastic benches, etc.), it is necessary to use group and continuous methods of performing exercises at the initial stages of preparation.

The flow method can also be carried out according to the principle of circular training, sequentially performing exercises on the floor, gymnastics bench, low or regular beam.

For a broader and more versatile impact on the balance function of those involved in order to increase their ability to master new difficult elements, it is advisable to additionally train on equipment that is narrower than a regular beam: on a tightly stretched cable, a low beam with a wide supporting surface 3-5 cm and on other suitable objects (gymnasium stands, slats from a gymnastic wall, etc.).

A cable with a diameter of up to 2.5-3 cm is tensioned using chains and lanyards between two support platforms at a height of 40-50 cm

From the floor. Its length reaches 3-5 m. A special log can have the same length and height (Fig. 124).

Performing exercises on an extremely limited plane of the projectile is very difficult at first. Attempts to stay on a cable or a narrow log due to balancing movements of the arms and body are not successful.

ut, as a rule, positive effect. Therefore, first it is necessary to develop the skill of maintaining balance, excluding the use of additional movements of the body parts. To make this task easier, it is recommended that at the first stages of learning each new element on narrow implements, use a fan made of wire covered with thick fabric or paper.

The sequence of exercises should be approximately the following: stand on one leg longitudinally and transversely with different positions of the arms, the same on two legs; movements of the body parts in these stances, squats, various movements and turns, elements of the competitive program.

Exercises on a cable and a narrow beam have a beneficial effect not only on the formation of the skill of rational posture, which allows you to confidently maintain balance in unstable positions on apparatus, but also on the psyche of those involved, eliminating the “fear of the log,” which after the cable appears wide and comfortable.

9.2.4. Basic exercises

Jump at point blank range(placing a bent or straight leg on the side on a log).

Jump into a squat position on the hip and point-blank on the knee, performed from a place or from a run with a push of both legs. Their execution is based on confident support with the hands and soft positioning (lowering) of the legs, eliminating the possibility of bruising. Insurance is carried out from the side of the bridge; support by the hand and non-supporting leg (in the last jump) (Fig. 125).

Jump up point-blank crouching(longitudinal and transverse) are performed respectively from a straight and oblique run. In the second case, the thumbs should touch each other when supported. The technique of execution and belay are similar to those described above. The same jumps on one leg with subsequent turns can be performed after mastering turns while crouching on one leg.

Jump up point-blank standing with legs bent apart does not differ in execution from the previous ones, but requires the use of great effort. Belay should be on the shoulders on the side of the log opposite to the jump.

Jump up from behind with a jump with legs bent unlearned after similar jumps with a one-leg swing. Training should begin on a horse with handles, then without them. Belay from the side of the bridge.

Jump into a squat on the hip with an alternating jump and into a squat on oneleg, the other forward. They are performed from an oblique run with support from the hand, a push from the leg farthest from the log and require an active swing forward and upward with the free leg while keeping the pelvis down. When placing your foot on a log, to go into a squat you need to push off with your hand and move your shoulders forward. Belay from the opposite side of the log (Fig. 126).

Jump into a squat on one leg without supporting yourself with your hands. It is performed through an energetic run-up, pushing off and swinging the leg with the help of moving the arms from bottom to top. To jump onto a straight leg, all movements are made more powerful. These jumps are performed both at the end and in the middle of the log.

Turns. Allowing you to periodically change the direction of movement, i.e. playing a service role, turns are a mandatory and integral part of any exercise on the balance beam. However, presenting a certain difficulty as elements with rotation on a narrow support, they also have independent significance. Turns are performed in stands on one and two legs (straight or bent), in handstands, in mixed or simple supports.

Turning around on two legs in a stand and squat, squatting and standing up have a power basis, i.e. they are performed slowly due to active muscular efforts associated with the rotation of the feet in the opposite direction to the rotation, with a fixed position of the body relative to the legs. First you need to stand on your toes, and when finishing the turn, lower yourself onto your full foot.

Turning around with one leg swing(of the same name and different names). The supporting limb performs actions similar to those described above, while the fly limb, facilitating this task, twists the body in the direction of the turn, without going beyond the plane of the log.

When training, it is advisable, as mentioned earlier, to use additional support from a gymnastics athlete or skateboard.

undershirts, placing the swing leg on the toe while turning (Fig. 127).

Rotate 360° on one leg. From the longitudinal stance, you need to take a right step to the side and, slightly squatting on it, stand on your toes, pushing off at the same time with the other leg. Helping the rotation with your hands, maintain a straight vertical position of the body. When finishing the rotation, stand on your entire foot, left to the side.

One leg squat twists, the other to the side. Rotation begins with taking a pose by pushing the leg, twisting the body and arms, and then swinging the leg in the direction of rotation.

When training, the angle of rotation should be increased gradually.

Turns in mixed stops- mostly auxiliary elements that serve to change the position on the balance beam and for transitions from squats to a standing position: from the support and support from behind, the same swings with a turn to the squat with the legs apart or on the hip; from gray, legs apart, crossing with a swing back with a turn in a circle; from the support behind, a turn of 270° to the support, squatting on one leg (Fig. 128), a turn in a circle or more in the support with the angle of the leg apart outwards (simple support), etc.

Movements include various types walking, running, jumping, dance movements.

Walking includes a normal step, from the toes and on the toes, with high raising of bent and straight legs forward, can be performed with the back and side forward, squatting and standing, with turns, etc.

Running, with some exceptions, it consists of movement options similar in shape to walking. The criterion that determines the content of running exercises is their relative safety.

Dance moves. These include added and alternating steps (forward, backward, sideways), polka, waltz, mazurka steps, Russian step, etc.

Jumping can be performed on the spot and with advancement in different directions on one or two legs, pushing with one or two legs with landing on one And both legs. The most difficult are considered to be jumps with turns in the flight phase. Jumps can be single or performed one after another. At the same time, the hands can occupy different positions and make movements.

To ensure landing stability (in beam jumps and dismounts), braking should be started in a timely manner, involving the muscles of not only the legs, but also the torso. The support when jumping should be of a locking nature and begin before the line of gravity approaches the area of ​​support (Fig. 129).

To practice individual

during the jump phases, when learning to use support with your hands at the gymnastic wall.

The program for schools includes the most simple types jumping: jumping on one leg from a step, the other back or forward, in place with changing the position of the legs, jumping from one leg to the other in place and moving forward, jumping in steps, jumping in place, bending the legs, etc.

Let's look at some of the initial training jumps.

Push jump with changing leg position performed from a toe stand. Squatting slightly, jump up, straightening your legs and pulling your toes. When jumping, change the position of your legs and land on tense, slightly bent legs.

Double push jump with legs spread. The technique of jumping and landing is similar to the previous jump, but in flight, spread your legs wide, one forward. The same jump can be done by changing the position of the legs at the time of landing.

Jump from both feet to one performed like the previous ones, but with landing on one leg (from the toe to the entire foot), as well as moving forward.

Jump step(from one leg to the other). Take a step with your left and swing your right forward - jump on it, squatting slightly, left back. The same jump is performed in balance. To do this, you need to land on a leg bent more than usual, bend forward and, straightening it, take the other one as far back as possible.

Jump with a change in the position of the legs in front. After taking a step with your left, swing your right forward and jump higher, changing the position of your straight legs in the air. Land on the right, left forward. The same jump can be done with alternating bent legs.

Jump from right to left, placing emphasis on the right from behind, with a push (beat) of two jumps from both legs to the left. First you need to master jumping in steps and from both legs to one, and then combine them into this combination.

Equilibria can be performed slowly (from a standstill), by jumping and turning. They are divided into horizontal and vertical, depending on the position of the body in space.

The ability to perform many of them is related to the level

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The development of flexibility and mobility in the joints depends on the strength of the muscles of the torso and legs. The technique for performing them on a balance beam is not fundamentally different from the usual one (on the floor), not counting the placement of the foot in some cases.

The simplest variants of balance include balance on one leg with different positions of the arms, in half-split, in support and in a kneeling position, lying on the chest (Fig. 130), in an angled sit, arms to the sides, etc.

More difficult will be weights on the shoulder blades and chest, on the shoulder, balance on one leg with a grip on the knee or toe, a ring (Fig. 131), etc.

Somersaults on a balance beam represent the first step to learning complex acrobatic elements. The easiest of them can be considered a forward somersault from a lunge position and a back somersault from a squat position.

Lunge Forward Roll should first be studied on the floor. Squatting deeply in a lunge, place your hands with your thumbs closed further forward and, raising your pelvis forward and upward, lower your head with the back of your head onto the mat. Connecting your straight legs, gently roll into a sitting position with your legs apart. Learn to do the same in gymnastics

sky bench. Separately, on the log, master intercepting with your hands from top to bottom with a sliding movement at the moment your head touches the projectile.

The somersault can be completed in different positions: in a sitting position with legs apart or on the hip, in a squat on one or two legs, in a kneeling position.

You need to belay when grabbing the log from below with two hands from the side by the lower back and hips, and without interception - with one hand by the shoulder, the other under the thigh (Fig. 132).

Dismounts during the period of initial training serve to develop students' orientation in space, the ability to control the movements of body parts, and improve landing skills. The sequence of learning dismounts is approximately the following.

Dismounts from the seat on the thigh with hand support in front, behind, with turns in a circle; dismounts from a stand with legs apart one leg with a leg swing forward or backward; Same from support legs apart across to the side (swing back or forward); dismount from knee support swing the other leg back; Same from emphasis crouching on one- bending over; dismount fromsitting at an angle support with one leg (Fig. 133). Leg swing dismount(bending) is performed from a step or a run, from the end of the log or from the middle - to the side; dismount bending with a push of the legs from the rack across (from the end of the log or to the sides) and from the rack longitudinally; the same with turns, legs apart, grouping, bending, bending legs back.

Further, the difficulty of dismounts increases: flip dismountsside, Same after turning in handstand(at the end of the log); forward flip dismount(slow and at pace); inversion dismountto the side from the end of the log (performed by connecting the legs in a position on the hands. Continuing to move the legs and transferring the weight to the second hand, push off with it at the moment of loss of balance and, maintaining an elongated body position in flight, land softly. The same dismount can also be performed in the middle of the log. Belay while supporting the gymnast by the shoulder and lower back (Fig. 134).

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    INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS Study Guide ( edition 7th, recycled And augmented) STAVROPOL 2007 Reviewers: doctor... border, about changes, corrections and additions in the civil registry, on the restoration...

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    Textbook for higher educational institutions. Edition 2nd, recycled And augmented. M.: Logos Publishing Corporation, ... accessibility of presentation and figurative language. Is recycled And supplementedpublication books "Political Science" (M.: Soros - ...

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  • Movement along a narrow support is used when overcoming obstacles and various obstacles on boards, poles, logs, beams and rails.

    Movement while sitting on horseback. Sit astride a log (beam, rail). Leaning forward, place your hands 30-40 cm in front of you. Transferring the weight of the body to your hands and slightly rising on them, swing your legs and move forward to your hands. Continue moving in the same way further. Weapon behind the back (Fig. 26).

    Rice. 26.

    Movement by walking and running. Stand on a log, bend your knees slightly and start moving forward with small with quick steps. Place your feet straight along the log. Look ahead (Fig. 27). When moving in a group, one after another, walk out of step to reduce the sway of the support. When moving along a narrow support at a high altitude or with a load, hold on to the rope stretched on the side of the support at waist height.

    Rice. 27.

    Overcoming a wire net on a board. Run up to the wire net and throw a board on it, closer to the stakes. Leaning your hand on the stake and stepping on the middle thread of the wire near the stake with your foot, stand on the board and walk or run along it without sudden jolts. Jump off smoothly, holding the stake with your hand (Fig. 28). Hold the weapon horizontally in one hand.

    Rice. 28. Overcoming the wire fence

    Movement along vertical and inclined stairs is carried out in the form of ascents and descents in various ways.

    Climbing a vertical ladder. take hold right hand behind the step at the height of your arm extended upward, and with your left hand at chest height, at the same time placing your left foot on the lower step (move your knee slightly to the side). Straightening your left leg, grab the step above your right hand with your left hand, while simultaneously placing your right leg on the next step (also move your knee slightly to the side). Alternately changing the position of the arms and legs, lift. When climbing stairs with restrictive arches and a small diameter, it is advisable to turn not only your knees, but also your feet to the sides.

    Climbing an inclined staircase is done by alternately intercepting your hands and placing your feet on the steps.

    When going down the stairs, the work of the arms and legs is done in the reverse order.

    Climbing the assault ladder for fire departments (Fig. 29, a, b, c, d, e, f).

    Rice. 29

    Rice. 29 , d, f. Climbing the assault ladder

    Moving along a horizontal rope (rope) is performed in several ways:

    1) stand with your back to the direction of movement and grab the rope with your hands. With a push with one foot on the ground, pulling yourself up on your hands, with a swing of the other leg, catch the rope with your shin from above. Raise your pushing leg and place it on the shin of your swing leg. Alternately grabbing hands, move forward; the legs slide freely along the rope. Weapon - behind the back (Fig. 30);

    Rice. 30.

    2) stand with your back in the direction of movement and grab the rope with your hands. Push your right foot onto the ground, pull yourself up on your arms, and swing your left leg to catch the rope with your shin from above. Raise your pushing leg and place it on the shin of your swing leg. Bending at the waist and hip joints, pull your legs as close to your hands as possible. Alternately grabbing the rope with your hands and straightening up, move forward. The cycle of these movements is repeated until the end of the rope, the weapon is behind the back.

    Moving along a rope thrown over a ravine is done while standing sideways, with side steps, holding onto the safety rope with your hands.

    Moving along a vertical rope (pole, rope). Grab the rope with your hands as high as possible. Bend your knees, pulling them to your chest, and grab the rope with your feet, with one foot (instep) from below, with the other foot, its sole, step on top of it, passing the rope between your knees. Straightening your legs at the knees, you should stand up to your full height, leaning on the rope held by your feet. Grasp the rope with your hands up to failure, secure yourself. Then do the same action again with your feet, etc. (Fig. 31).

    Rice. 31. Walking on a vertical rope