Relay competitions for dhows for the autumn holiday. Relay races for primary school children

1. Puddles.

Stage I: run from start to finish and from finish to start, jumping over puddles laid out along the road (drawn on cardboard).

Stage II: the first runs from start to finish and from finish to start, throwing snowflakes on the puddles as if the puddles were frozen. The second child runs and collects snowflakes, the third scatters them again, etc.

Stage III: run from start to finish and from finish to start, avoiding puddles. Who's faster?

Stage IV: putting on boots and taking an umbrella, run from start to finish and from finish to start through puddles. Who is faster and more accurate?

Stage V: on one leg, jump from puddle to puddle (boots on your feet) - and so jump to the finish line. At the finish line, change legs and jump from finish to start.

Stage VI: walk from start to finish with your eyes closed, avoiding puddles, run from finish to start and pass the baton to another player.

2. Leaves.

Stage I: at the start there is a model of a tree with leaves attached. Participants untie one leaf at a time and carry it to the finish line. Autumn has come, and leaves began to fall from the trees. Whichever team helps the tree shed its summer plumage faster will be the winner.

Stage II: run from start to finish, scattering red and yellow leaves along the way, run back and collect leaves. Who's faster?

Stage III: putting a headband with a picture of a leaf on your head, run from start to finish and from finish to start, pass the baton to someone else. Whoever can do it faster will win!

Stage IV: transfer red leaves to the basket from the finish, and yellow leaves from the finish to the start into the box. The challenge is to do it as quickly as possible without getting confused!

Stage V: run from start to finish and back in a light raincoat with autumn leaves. Who's faster?

Stage VI: the whole team, holding hands, run with headbands on which tree leaves are depicted. Who is faster and friendlier?

3. Autumn wardrobe.

Stage I: run from start to finish wearing a jacket, boots or boots, and a cap. At the finish line, take off your clothes and put all your things back on one by one. Then run back and pass the baton to another team member.

Stage II: move autumn wardrobe items one at a time from the finish to the start.

Stage III: go from start to finish and from finish to start, demonstrating a new model of the autumn wardrobe. Who will do it more elegantly?

Stage IV: put on a raincoat, boots (preferably rubber) and, taking an umbrella, run from start to finish, imitating people rushing to hide from the autumn rain.

Stage V: putting a cap on your head, a scarf on your neck, gloves on your hands, ride a skateboard from start to finish. Run back from the finish line, holding the skateboard in your hands.

Stage VI: walk from start to finish, wearing autumn wardrobe items, simulating warming up in cool autumn weather, and return back.

4. Any weather is good for us.

Stage I: run from start to finish, chasing the ball with your hand, walking back at a walk, throwing the ball into the air and catching it. You need to try to drop the ball as little as possible.

Stage II: jump from start to finish and from finish to start on a skipping rope. Whoever makes the least mistakes and jumps the fastest will win.

Stage III: ride from start to finish and from finish to start on a bicycle. Who's faster?

Stage IV: drive a small ball from start to finish and back with a golf club. Whoever turns out to be more dexterous, whoever slips the ball the least, will win!

Stage V: ride from start to finish and back, simulating a game of “classroom”, but at the same time holding an open umbrella over your head. Moms are not afraid of bad weather. We keep playing.

Stage VI: transfer one large cube to each person to the finish line and build a house from all the cubes.

5. To stay warm.

Stage I: jump from start to finish and back on two legs pressed tightly together. Use your hands to imitate movements, as if trying to warm up.

Stage II: walk from start to finish and from finish to start, patting yourself on the shoulders. You are cold and want to warm up a little. Who is faster and more artistic?

Stage III: run from start to finish and from finish to start, putting on a raincoat or jacket, raising your collar. You are a little cold and are in a hurry to get home.

Stage IV: walk from start to finish and from finish to start, hugging each other by the waist. The two of you are trying to stay warm.

Stage V: walk from start to finish and back, dancing, warming up from the cold.

Stage VI: walk as a team from start to finish and back, repeating in unison: “The cold-chill couldn’t freeze us!” Who is faster and friendlier?

"Let's collect mushrooms"

Children collect mushrooms and put them in a basket for the teacher. When playing tambourine, they run under an umbrella to hide from the rain. At this time, another adult quietly scatters mushrooms, and the teacher invites the children back into the forest to pick mushrooms: “the rain has stopped.” This is repeated twice. When the children go into the forest for mushrooms for the third time, they will find a large mushroom with sweets hidden in its stem.

"Game with leaves"

After a round dance or dance with leaves, children remain standing in a circle. Autumn suggests putting the leaves on the floor and dancing, and when the music ends, quickly take the leaf and hide it behind your back so that autumn cannot take it away. After the game, Autumn blows on the “leaves” (children), they fly away to their places.

game “Crying Clouds” (O. Sivukhina)

Children line up in two circles - boys and girls. A mother is invited to each circle, she plays the role of Mother Cloud, the children play the role of droplets.
Educator. That's what Tuchka's mothers are like, and you are restless children!
Clouds walked across the sky
We caught the red sun. (move in a circle in steps)
And we will catch up with the sun,
And we will catch the red one! (switches to a stomping step)
The sun was hidden
And they themselves began to cry: drip-drip-drip! (squat, tap fingers on the floor)
Droplets scattered, raindrops,
They run along the paths, on the roofs, on the blades of grass...
(scatter in all directions)
And now: one, two, three!
Find the mother cloud! (children must find their Mother Cloud and form a circle)

game with mothers “Two Umbrellas”

Mothers with umbrellas of different colors move with their children in all directions. When the music ends, mothers stop, girls and boys gather in circles under different umbrellas: girls under pink, boys under blue.

One, two, three!
Find your umbrella mom!

Game "Breeze and the Janitor"

Music sounds, (wind noise) all the children scatter around the hall. The janitor's music sounds. The Janitor comes out with a broom and says the words:

Street cleaner: Oh, there's a lot of work:

How many leaves have fallen!

I'm in a hurry to sweep,

I'm putting things in order! (sweeps)

I will sweep, sweep, sweep, I will collect the leaves in a heap.

It sweeps to the music, children - leaves flock into a heap.

Street cleaner: I swept all the paths.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.


The sound of the wind. The wind runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they run away and sit down again.

Street cleaner: It's a mess, really.

All the leaves scattered.

I'll take the broom

I'll collect the leaves again.

I sweep, sweep, sweep,

I'll collect the leaves in a pile.

Music Janitor (with a broom in the middle of the hall) Children - leaves flock into a heap.

Street cleaner: I swept all the paths.

Oh, I'm tired, I went to bed.

The janitor leaves. The breeze runs out (child)

Wind: I am a cheerful breeze, my path is neither close nor far.

I fly around the world, blowing up all the leaves.

The sound of the wind. The wind runs up to the leaf children and blows on them, they scatter and sit down again. Included

Street cleaner.

Street cleaner: Oh, you are mischievous, bright and painted leaves!

So that you don’t dare fly away, I must catch you all!

Janitor's music. The janitor catches up with the children, they run to their places and hide the leaves under the chairs.

Street cleaner: I ran around, I was tired, but I couldn’t catch up with the leaves.
There are only puddles on the paths; a wiper is no longer needed here.

Presenter: You're right, Janitor.

It rains every day and doesn’t allow us to go out.

We are not afraid of the rain, we will have fun together! (song about rain)

Game - attraction "Collect leaves"

Leaves of yellow, red and green colors are scattered on the floor. 3 children are invited. Everyone must collect leaves of a certain color. At the signal: “1,2,3, collect!” children collect leaves. The one who collected first is the winner.

Game – attraction “Harvest”

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the spectators, vegetables are scattered in hoops - “beds”. Two players, when given a signal, pull trucks by a rope to the beds and collect vegetables in the back. Having collected the vegetables, they take the harvest to old place. The one who collected and brought it first wins.

senior preschool age

Game – attraction “Three Legs”

Two to four players stand near the central wall. The middle legs are tied with a cord. As a result, there are three legs for two. The players' task is to run to the chip, run around it and return to their original place.

Game – attraction “Pull the turnip”

Near the spectators long distance 2 turnips lie apart from each other on the floor (children sitting on chairs can also be turnips, with a turnip cap on their head). At the central wall there are two players standing in two columns: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. At the signal, the grandfathers run to the turnip first and, having run around it, each return to their column. They take the grandmother by the hand, run around the turnip, and return. Grandmothers take their granddaughters by the hand, etc. When all the characters run around their turnip. They pull it out. Whose link will pull out the turnip first?

"Don't get your feet wet"

Option 1: children cross the “swamp” by moving three boards.

Option 2: jump over “puddles” - sheets of cut cardboard on the floor.

Playing with leaves for attention

- One-two-three! Take this sheet!

One-two-three! Take the red leaf!

One-two-three! Maple leaf!

One-two-three! Take two sheets!

One-two-three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One-two-three! Don't take anything!

Game "Autumn treats"

Vegetables and fruits are placed together on a common tray. Children need to quickly sort them so that one can cook soup and the other compote.

"Running in Galoshes"

Lead or hero: Who lost his galoshes, children? (shows) Someone was dancing now and got lost. (Plays around, trying to try it on for someone).

Well, let's see... Well, look at this, another one. And also, it seems, on the right foot...

I don't have a couple, so what?

I'll run in one galosh. (Tries to run in one galosh)

Well, who, answer, brothers,

Does he also want to go for a run?


Children are divided equally into trees and mushrooms, and choose a mushroom picker. The trees stand in a circle. Mushrooms are “hiding” behind them. A mushroom picker walks around the center and reads:

Mushroomer: I went to the forest to pick mushrooms,

But I didn’t find any mushrooms there.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under the stumps?

Mushrooms: Here we are!

Just gather us together!

1,2,3! Run!

The mushrooms are running away. The mushroom picker catches them.

“Move the potatoes in a spoon”

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: transfer one potato in a spoon from the hoop (bed-hole) into a bucket. Whose team will harvest the crop faster?

“Who will get into the bucket more accurately?”

relay game

Children are divided into 2 teams. Task: get potatoes into a bucket. Whose team will harvest the crop faster and more accurately?

Auction: “Name the potato dishes”

Game "Collect a wreath"

Option 1: Leaves from the basket are poured onto the floor. Children take one leaf from the pile and lay out wreaths on the floor: birch, maple, oak.

Option 2: Then the presenter suggests laying out wreaths from the leaves that the children have in their pockets on the chairs. To the music of the waltz, children move around the hall and dance. At the end of the music, they stand in circles, each with its own piece of paper.

“Test the Vegetable”

With their eyes closed, children taste the vegetable and name it.

“Autumn Leaves” – forfeits

Presenter: We will now take autumn leaves and play with them. (The presenter distributes autumn leaves to the children).

Presenter: Ta-ra-ra!

The game begins! (everyone speaks in unison).

Presenter: Use an aspen leaf to make three headdresses from a scarf. (Children come out holding aspen leaves in their hands and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a maple leaf?

That artist is a tightrope walker.

Maybe perform in the circus,

Hold a stick on your hand.

(Children come out with maple leaves, perform tasks - walk along a cord stretched on the floor, holding a stick in their hand - to the music).

Presenter: An oak leaf will tell a rhyme

Or autumn will tell signs,

Or he will show us objects without words...

(Children with oak leaves come out and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a birch leaf?

That mimic artist -

Says nothing

He will depict everything with a gesture... (sour lemon, thorn, fluff, etc.) (Children come out with birch leaves and complete the task).

Presenter: Who has a rowan leaf -

Speak without hesitation:

Karl and Clara

Stole corals.

(Children with rowan leaves go out and complete the task).

Games with apples

1) Relay game. 2 teams are participating. It is necessary to quickly transfer apples from one basket to another.

2) There is 1 apple in a cup of water. The participant needs to reach it without using his hands.

3) In the center of the hall, 2 flat trees are placed, apples hang on them, children need to quickly, blindfolded, collect the apples into their basket.

Breathing exercise “Autumn leaves”

A playful breeze flew into the forest:

Quietly, quietly, he sang a song to the branches:

A strong wind also flew into our little forest:

He sang a song loudly to the branches:

The winds sang songs to the leaves in turn:

Then quiet: Shhh!

Then loud: Shhh!

Then quiet: Shhh!

Then loud: Shhh!

And then they flew away!

Game-attraction “Cross the swamp”

Children take part in the competition in twos. There are 12 “bumps” placed around the hall - mock-ups made of cardboard, uneven in shape and painted gray-brown. For each participant, six hummocks are prepared at a short distance from each other: you can only walk forward along the “bumps” and go back in the same way. The one who does it faster wins.

Game "Harvest"

Children are divided into two teams - “Breeze” and “Droplet”. To play you need 6 hoops, 2 children's watering cans, 2 buckets, 8 potatoes. At the signal, the “tractor drivers” come out first, move like a snake, place the hoops and run to the starting position.

Girls go with buckets and put 1 potato in each hoop. Then the “irrigators” run, running around each hoop. The latter run with buckets and collect the harvest.

game “Cobs-leaves-cobs”

Several parents choose - they are the “stems”, the children are the “leaves”. The driver takes turns saying the words “cobs”, “heads of cabbage”. Either parents or children begin to move to the music. As soon as the driver says: “Cobs,” the children should quickly run up to any “stalks” in a circle, as tightly as possible.

Participants: children of senior and preparatory groups.

  • To form in children a desire to participate in sports games; cultivate team spirit.
  • Develop motor skills and interest in sports activities.
  • Involve children in the process of preparing entertainment.
  • Cultivate curiosity, interest, create a joyful and friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Equipment, inventory: 2 flags, 4 skittles, 2 baskets, wheelbarrows, vegetables and fruits - one for each child; construction Lego, 2 ropes, emblems for teams (Leaves and droplets);

Musical accompaniment:“March of the Athlete”, “Centipede”, “Rain”, “Relay Music”

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall to the “March of the Sportsman”. Teams are being built.

Instructor: Hello guys! Today is our gym turned into an autumn stadium.

Today we have gathered here to once again see how strong, healthy, strong, dexterous and smart you have grown over the summer.

And we will have two teams competing - the Leaflets team and the Mushrooms team.

So, attention, let's start our competition!

The instructor randomly distributes cards with pictures of leaves and mushrooms to all children.

Now we will check how good your reaction is and how organized you guys are, and at the same time we will warm up before the competition.

1. Relay race “Whose team will line up faster.”

Music is playing, all the children are running around the hall. As soon as the music stops, the teams must line up in their places.

Instructor: Guys, autumn is the rainy season. It's been raining all day today. But as they say, nature has no bad weather. And you and I are not at all afraid to walk in the rain. Really, really? (Children's answers.)

2. Relay race “We are not afraid of rain.”

At the starting line in front of the teams there is an umbrella and one galosh. On the command to march, each participant in turn puts on galoshes, takes an umbrella and runs in a straight line to a landmark, runs around it and returns to the team.

Instructor: Well, guys, the rain is over. But now after the rain there are puddles and mud all around, but this is not a hindrance to us.

3. Relay race “After the rain”.

On the command to march, the first participant runs a snake around the pins, crawls under an arc, runs around a landmark and returns in a straight line to the team, passing the baton to the next participant.

4. Relay race “Don’t get your feet wet.”

On the command to march, each team member alternately, using two circles, moves to the landmark, takes the circles in his hands, runs around the landmark and returns in a straight line to the team.

Instructor: Autumn is the time to harvest. In the next relay race we will be harvesting apples.

5. Relay race “Gathering the Harvest.”

At the starting line, each team has one spoon and a basket, and on the opposite side of the hall at the landmark there is a basket of apples. On the march command, the first team member with a spoon in his hands runs to the basket, takes one apple, puts it on the spoon and returns to his team, puts the apple in the basket and passes the spoon to the next participant.

Instructor: And also, guys, autumn is the time of leaf fall and cold winds. Look how many leaves attacked our stadium. Our task is to remove them.

6. Relay race “Falling Leaves”.

An equal number of yellow and red leaves are scattered around the hall. On the command to march, each team member runs in turn and picks up one piece of paper of his color and returns to his team. The second participant runs and so on until all the leaves are collected. The team that collects all the leaves the fastest wins.

Instructor: Well, our fun autumn holiday has come to an end! Dear guys, always remain as friendly, strong, fast and dexterous! See you again! (All children are given apples.)

Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

State special (correctional) educational institution

for students and pupils with developmental disabilities

“Special (correctional) general education boarding school

8" p. Koslan

Methodological development

extracurricular activity

"Autumn Relay Races"

subject: “Physical education”

Completed by: Loginova Olga Valerievna,

teacher physical culture


Sports festival for children and their parents "Autumn Relay Races"

Competitions are held withpurpose:

    strengthening children's health, improving physical development, formation healthy image life of preschool children;

    popularization of physical education and sports;

    improving motor skills and abilities in children preschool age;

    search for real and effective ways involving adults and children in physical education and sports;

    attract children to actively participate in sports competitions.

    improve motor skills and abilities, achievement physical beauty, strength, agility, endurance.

    promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.

Organizational conditions.

    Venue: gym.

    The duration of the holiday is 50 minutes.

    Number of participants: 15 children, 15 adults.


    Gymnastic bench 3pcs.

    Baskets 3 pcs.

    Skittles 30 pcs.

    Buckets 3 pcs.

    Volleyballs 15 pcs.

    Large hoops 6 pcs.

    Flags 3 pcs.

    Basketballs 15 pcs.

    Bags 3 pcs.

    Small balls 15 pcs.

    Mugs Ø=30 cm 15 pcs.

    Umbrellas 3 pcs.


The progress of the holiday

A merry march sounds.

Children and parents enter the hall at sports uniform. They stand in a column one at a time.

Leading . Sport is the key good mood and excellent health.

Exercising is beneficial fun exercise doubly. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and every minute of fun physical exercise extends a person’s life by two hours and even minutes.

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself! So, good luck!

Formation into a column of three.

Warm-up to the song "Radiant Sun".

Leading . The sports festival today is dedicated to autumn. Three teams participate in the Autumn Relays. We are pleased to welcome friendly teams“Arrow”, “Jumpers” and “Lucky”.

1. Relay race “Falling Leaves”.

Each participant carries a leaf of a tree on his palm at arm's length, runs around the chip and passes the leaf to the next one. You cannot squeeze or hold the leaf with your fingers.

2. Relay race “For mushrooms”.

Each participant with a basket in his hands runs and collects one “mushroom” (pin) into the basket, runs around the chip and passes the basket to the next participant.

3. “Watermelon” relay race. Autumn is the time to harvest.

In this relay race we will collect “watermelons”. Each participant with a bag in his hands runs to the hoops on which “watermelons” (balls according to the number of participants) lie, puts one watermelon (ball) into the bag and returns to the team and passes the bag to the next participant.

4. “Pumpkin” relay race. Imagine that in my hands I do not have a ball, but a pumpkin, which we will pass to each other. The first participant runs with the pumpkin (ball), runs around the chip, returns to the team and becomes the last person in the column with the ball. He passes the ball under the feet of the person in front, who then passes it to the next one. The one who stands first in the column takes the ball, runs around the chip and returns to the team, becomes the last person in the column and passes the ball. The winner is the team in which all participants run with the ball the fastest.

5. Relay race “Reserves”. In the fall, all animals make provisions for the winter. So in this relay race we will portray animals storing up supplies for the winter. Each participant runs touching the floor with their hands and feet, belly up, carries the ball on their stomach, and reaches the chip. Returns to the team with a jump, the ball between his legs.

6. Relay “It seems like it’s starting to rain.” Remember, in the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh” Piglet said: “It seems like it’s starting to rain.” So in this relay race, each participant runs to the bench, takes an umbrella from the floor, stands on the bench with an umbrella and says: “It seems like it’s starting to rain,” leaves umbrella on the floor and returns to the team.

7. Relay race “Crossing”. In the fall we collect cranberries that grow in the swamp. In order not to drown in the swamp, hoops will help us. Each participant, with the help of two hoops, crosses the swamp to the chip and returns back running with hoops in their hands.

8. Relay race “Planting and harvesting potatoes.” Each participant with a bucket in his hands runs to the hole (half rubber ball– 5 pcs.), throws a “potato” at him ( small ball– 5 pcs.), runs around the chip and passes the bucket to the next one. The next participant collects the “potatoes” in a bucket and overeats the next one.

9. “Tunnel” relay race. The first participant runs to the line and stands on his hands and feet, stomach down. The next participant climbs over the first participant and stands next to him in the same position, etc. When the last participant climbs over all the participants, everyone gets up and, holding hands, runs around the chip and returns to their place.

Summing up.

Teams are awarded certificates and sweet prizes.

Leading. Our holiday is over, dedicated to autumn. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! See you again!

Sports entertainment

"Autumn starts"

Brief description

create a joyful atmosphere, a cheerful mood, a desire to play. Strengthen skills and abilities in basic types of movements: running, jumping, balance, walking on all fours. Cultivate moral and volitional qualities: endurance, perseverance in achieving positive results, organization, independence, teach empathy for your teammates.


Improve motor skills and abilities;

Develop physical qualities, eye, coordination of movements;

Cultivate endurance, perseverance, the desire to bring what has been started to completion, the desire to win, the ability to control one’s behavior, and friendships;

help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and form correct posture.
to form motor skills;
to form children’s ideas about the health benefits
physical exercises on the body;
teach team play.
develop speed, strength, agility, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
develop the ability to throw rings on “elephants” from a distance;
instill in children the need for daily physical exercise;

develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and interest in physical culture.

Equipment : plumes, 2 racks, 2 balls, 4 hoops, jumping boards, 2 large and small balls, vegetables.

Form: relay races

Participants : children of middle preschool age

Celebration progress:

(The soundtrack of a cheerful melody on a sports theme sounds).
Children to the music of marching children in tracksuits enter the hall (in one column, one after another). They walk in a circle, divide into two lines and stop opposite each other.

Presenter :- Autumn has come, the wind blew and leaves fell from the trees, the leaves began to fall!

Autumn Appears

Autumn:- Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn friends!

Are you excited to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit?

Autumn gardens and parks?

Are my gifts good?

Hey guys don't yawn

Get up in a friendly round dance! Let's warm up!


Look, all our teams are just great!

The teachers perked up

And they pulled on the suits,

And they want to compete

Joking and laughing

Show strength and agility

And prove your skill.

I would like to introduce our teams:

Team: "Gardeners" (they say the name )

Team: "Gardeners" (they say the name )

Let's welcome our athletes.

We wish you success in your sporting competitions.

Leading:Team captains step forward. Get ready for greeting (team name, motto ).

Leading:The jury will evaluate our results. Let's welcome the jury members. (List the jury members ) Competitions and relay races will be judged on a 2-point system, that is, if a team wins, it receives 2 points, and if a team loses, it receives 1 point.

We wish success to all participants in the competition.

1 relay “Unload the car.”
Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.
The jury sums up the results of the 1st competition.
and here is the second task for you: pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, both large and small, have ripened in the garden. How many round vegetables can you carry at once?
Relay 2: “Running with three balls.”

At the starting line, the child takes 3 balls of different sizes. At the signal, he runs with them to the hoop, which is located several meters away from the start, and the balls are placed in it. Then he comes back and passes the baton to the next one. The next participant runs to the balls, takes them and returns with them to the starting line, placing them on the floor. The relay starts again.

3 relay Move the harvest." The first participants of each team are given two wooden spoons. At the start, they scoop cereal (grain) from the pans, run along the gymnastics bench, pour the cereal into an empty pan, return the same way and pass the spoons to the next participant.

4 relay “Salad “Gifts of Autumn”. On gymnastic wall boiled vegetables are hung. Participants - children run one at a time, climb onto the wall, take a vegetable and return. Adult participants prepare a salad.

5th relay race “Remove the pumpkin from the field” : the first participant runs to the arc, crawls under the arc, then, running around the turntable, runs back to their teams, passes the baton to the next participant, etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Autumn: In the meantime, our participants are resting, the jury is talking about the results.

Autumn:Well done guys, we played and had fun today. And I also have a gift for you. (Autumn hands the children apples).


    A.I. Fomina " Physical education classes And sports games V kindergarten» Moscow “Enlightenment” 1984

    M.F. Litvinova “Russian folk outdoor games” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1986

    Natalya Ivanova “Riddles for children 5 years old. About everything in the world" Publishing house: Siberian University Publishing House, 2008.

    M.Yu. Kartushina “Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old” Publ.: Sfera 2007