“I have a wide bone”: what scientists say about the density and weight of bones. Wide bone: is there an excuse for a lot of weight from the skeleton? How to determine narrow bone

Many people today suffering from excess weight, grew up in families where obesity was considered hereditary. Although in the process of communicating with nutritionists, it turned out that the reason for everything was the wrong lifestyle to which all family members were accustomed.

Yes, rich borscht with spoons standing in it, fatty cutlets, as well as joint evenings watching TV while watching “something tasty” are most often to blame.

Often what we think is an irresistible genetic trait turns out to be just the result of overeating. Is this bad? Of course not, that means we can fix everything!

Myth or reality: does it happen?

The photo shows two twin sisters. Those. parents, heredity and predisposition they have in common! They really like to confuse genetics and incorrect eating habits instilled in the family! “Everyone in my family is fat” is correct: everyone eats dumplings with mayonnaise together at night.

IMPORTANT POINT: Yes, differences in skeletal structures really exist, it’s stupid to deny it. There are girls with wide hips, even with a low percentage of body fat, and there are girls with a boyish figure and an almost complete absence of curves.

People with narrower bones tend to have smaller hands and feet, thin fingers, if a woman, then narrow shoulders, narrow chest. Those who have wider bones in their structure, respectively, have wider feet and wrists, and, most importantly for the purposes of this article, more muscle mass.

The wider the bone, the more muscle, which are attached to it. But if you believe that muscles are much heavier than fat, then we advise you to watch this video. It perfectly shows that the weight of animal fat and muscle is approximately the same!

There is also other data on this topic. Muscle tissue weighs more than fat, but not by several times, due to different densities:

    muscle density – 1.3 g. on cm;

    fat density is about 0.9 g. on cm

This means that fat weighs about one and a half times less than muscle. There is a difference, but not as significant as many people think.

Therefore, with all the parameters taken into account, complaints about that very “wide bone”, which adds from 5 to 15 kg. to a person's overall body weight, to "fat power" and a genetic predisposition to increased weight gain are, in fact, not entirely comparable to real situation things.

And the amount of fat has absolutely nothing to do with wide bones. Let your hips be a little wider than others, but these will be two big differences: whether they will be with 10 kg of fat on them or with 2. Yes, a wide bone can give external massiveness (although you must agree, this is more than attractive), but not an additional 50 kg of fat.


Look, in the left picture it seems that the girl has a very broad shoulders, however, after losing weight it becomes clear that it is not bones, but fat that makes her so square
The hips have narrowed :)

How to determine?

How to understand whether a bone is wide or not? Feel yourself 🙂 If you feel fat through the skin, then, alas, you won’t be able to blame it on the bones. But if under the skin you feel a hard surface with a slight layer of fat, then you are the happy owner of chic, wide hips, which the vast majority of men consider sexy!

What does it mean?

Looking for a wide bone means one thing: you obviously need to lose weight! Many people believe in the big bone more than the big bang theory. With the exception of the inner part where the brain is located, bones are solid structures made of calcium.

Once you have stopped growing, the size of your bones cannot be changed without causing serious harm to your health. However, you can change the size of your body fat. This is what will help you change your appearance. Therefore, read to the end of this article and find out how to solve the problem.

So what if you don’t see a waist like young Gurchenko’s? But they didn’t come close to Krachkovskaya. So love yourself and take care of yourself without any complexes!

How to lose weight?

What is body positivity in simple words?

Unfortunately, the true meaning of body positivity is now lost behind the showdowns between overweight ladies and clothing companies (as well as, by the way). The message is that a person (yes, not only women, but also men) does not have to be “attractive” to anyone according to some glossy standards.

If a person is satisfied with his own beauty, he is not obliged to chase utopian newfangled trends. We are absolutely not against fat people and support such body positivity: you don’t need to be like someone else, you need to be better than yourself yesterday. Let a person decide for himself what kind of life to live.

Love yourself for who you are. But do not harm other people by doing this, do not force them to love you - your freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins!

Body positivity is about the diversity of beauty. About the ability to see it everywhere - in others, in yourself. Around. About your right to have a nose, not like the models in the magazine, and a couple of extra kilos. About the ability to enjoy the capabilities of your body - from running jumps into the water to sex.

Love yourself, but don't indulge yourself! Today they talk a lot about love, especially that you need to love yourself first. But no one talks about what kind of love this should be. No one says that love can be painful: overly protective, destructive, pulling back, interfering with progress.

No one says that love is not the satisfaction of all one’s desires, it is not self-pity, it is not “wrapping oneself in cotton wool” and deliberately avoiding difficulties. True love is not about giving in to your destructive habits, but about becoming a better person, moving forward: taking care of your health and well-being.

Loving yourself should make you a better person. If this is not the case, then it is a surrogate. Chocolate, cigarette, Bloody Mary - these are not manifestations of your love for yourself, but only an ersatz palmed by your subconscious.

For example, you decide to go on a diet, but at the same time you perceive it as a cruel restriction, as a mockery. You suffer by giving up high-calorie, fatty, sweet foods. And in the depths of your subconscious the conclusion is born that you do not love yourself, since you voluntarily condemn yourself to such sacrifices.

Your subconscious mind reasons within the framework that you yourself have given it. Everything in your life is mixed up - it seems to you that self-love, true pleasure lies in following your emotions and the thoughts that you associate with them, and the slightest deviation from the given trajectory means stress and pain.

Remember, everything is in your head and everything is in your hands. Our article can help you deal with such problems.

Funny video

Don’t be upset about your weight, but rather listen to the cool song “Oh, you’re a wide bone”:

You've probably heard overweight people say, "It's just heavy bones!” But you can put an end to this myth once and for all. Finally find out if heavy bones really exist.

How heavy are our bones?

Is excess weight caused by heavy bones? This is a myth and a lazy excuse for fat people. This has been confirmed by the Federal Ministry of Education and scientific research. Bones form the structure of the skeleton, which supports the body and allows the body to stand upright.

In the average person, bones make up approximately 8 to 9% of the total body weight. It would be only 7.2 kg at 80 kilograms. Not a reason at all overweight.

The weight of a bone is derived from its size and density. Thus, individual bones have different weights. Generally, women have slightly lighter and more thin bones than men. Moreover, due to high mobility, healed injuries, and genetic predisposition, bone density may vary. However, these fluctuations amount to at most 10% within the bone mass and this is no more than one kilogram for one person.

What then makes people heavy?

What really leads to excess weight is the accumulated fat in our body. Which is a consequence too large quantity food or unbalanced diet, which is put aside as a reserve for a rainy day. Of course, there is another reason why some non-fat people are heavier than others. Muscle is very heavy compared to fat. So a muscular man weighs more than a thin and unathletic man.

Heavier people are somewhat denser and therefore their bones become heavier over time. Because their body needs more support, and it doesn't matter whether it's too much fat or big muscle mass. These slightly heavier bones do not cause excess weight

Is it possible to improve bone density?

Poor nutrition or diseases such as osteoporosis lead to decreased bone density. The result is skeletal damage and serious health consequences. Yet, you can influence your bone density yourself. Through a diet rich in calcium, bones become stronger. Moreover, frequent and regular exercise also helps develop dense and stable bones.

Researchers' opinion

Canadian scientists have found that the higher the load, the wider and heavier the bone. Before reaching this conclusion, they observed the physical activity of adolescents. Researchers claim that sport helps you not literally break down. Not only the muscles, but also the skeleton become stronger. It is known that humans have exactly 206 bones. They all form a vertical column. Thanks to him, the body can afford to walk on two legs. The human hand is considered the most bony - it consists of more than 54 elements.

Tubular, short, flat and mixed - each bone has its own purpose, but the function is the same: to serve as a strong frame for the body. The worst thing that a skeleton can get is “osteogenesis imperfecta” (crystal disease).

What helps strengthen bone tissue?

The structure of a person's bones changes throughout his life. After birth it increases, reaching a peak at 25-30 years. From 30 to 45 years, bone density remains virtually unchanged, and after 45 years, regardless of whether a person is sick or healthy, the natural physiological process of rarefaction of the bone structure begins.

To prevent bone density from decreasing, you should not only exercise, but also include foods high in calcium in your diet. The daily calcium intake for an adult is 1200 milligrams. Most of it is found in cottage cheese, cheese, whole milk, and fermented milk products. If there is not enough calcium supplied, the body begins to take it from the bones.

Some numbers

It’s hard to say where the excuse “I have a big bone” came from. But you can publish a text about how much the skeleton weighs and how much its weight can vary from person to person. different people.

The dry, fat-free and dehydrated human skeleton (that is, what remains of you and me in this world) weighs on average only about 4 kg for men and about 2.8 kg for women. In percentage terms, the skeleton occupies approximately 6-7% of the body weight of an adult.

Bone density makes adjustments

We all know from the school curriculum what density is - and so, with the same volumes, the skeletons of different people can have slightly different weights, i.e. Some people will have denser bones, some less dense ones. How big a difference can there be and what does it depend on?

Bone mineral density can change with age (including due to osteoporosis), with concomitant diseases, nutrition (decreases with poor nutrition, and, conversely, with adequate nutrition). Also, bone density depends on losing or gaining weight: scientists have calculated that with the loss of every 1 kg of fat in the body, an average of about 16.5 g of minerals in the bones is lost; in fact, with the gain of the same 1 kg of fat, approximately the same amount is restored per background of the existing training volume.

Here are the average normal values ​​for bone density, including data for athletes and athletes who are developing adaptation of bone tissue to impact loads, and an approximate calculation of the difference in grams between these values, so that you can clearly understand what the overall value for the total bone/skeletal weight is, has bone mass density.

Average values ​​for bone mass density in adults are in the region of 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm2. Roughly speaking, this can be translated as +/-10% for different people depending on the factor. These values ​​vary depending on age, gender, race, level and type physical activity, nutritional status, body condition, presence of diseases, etc.

By the way, even growth hormone does not make significant adjustments to bone density. Scientists conducted a controlled 15-year study in which growth hormone injections were given to more than 100 people. Bottom line: over 15 years, the average increase in bone mass was only 14 grams.

Wide but light

Ultimately, what we have is that the total mass of human bones, excluding fat and liquid content, is something like 4-5 kg ​​in adult men and 2-3 kg in adult women.

Within these same boundaries, the mass may fluctuate, depending on the bone mass density, but again this difference will not be so significant, in any case - up to 1 kg, depending on the bone mass density. By and large, talk about “broad bones”, “powerful frames”, which radically affect the overall weight of a person’s body, “fat power” and genetic predisposition to increased weight gain, in fact, are not entirely comparable with the real state of affairs.

Yes, the difference in height and build certainly gives its own shifts in various indicators of bone mass from person to person, but these indicators do not differ by 5-10 kilograms, but average no more than 2-3 kg from person to person.

Netizens' responses


This means that the bones are denser than those of other dead-boned people, but a heavy bone has one or even two disadvantages, firstly, a heavy bone makes a person fat, and secondly, and for a girl in particular this is important, with a heavy bone a person walks with a limp, barely moving legs, and is not plastic.


What nonsense, a heavy bone does not mean at all that a person is overweight, he can also be thin, it’s just that the skeletal structure is not athletic and not flexible, a person cannot “raise his leg”, he is a weakling, it is hard for him, and he walks with a heavy gait.


It’s the 21st century, and people still don’t know such elementary things! Bones weigh the same for everyone: 7 kg for women, 10 kg for men. If the bones, as they say, were “heavy” not in words, a person simply would not be able to fully move, the joints would not be able to absorb all movements. The expression itself refers to people of heavy build. By the way, there were no full people in Buchenwald.


“The human skeleton consists of approximately 206 bones, which in a healthy person constitute about 17.5% of body weight. Muscles account for 43%, internal organs ≈ 19%, skin and subcutaneous fat≈ 17.8%, brain ≈ 2.2%. These data are averaged and vary among different individuals.”

Uninvited Guest

It's like mine. With a height of 49 kg, I look large. Not full, but somewhat wide. Even when she weighed 47, she was still far from skinny in appearance. For all my attempts to achieve elegance, I get zero results, because even with a small weight there is no trace of elegance. In general, a disgusting physique, especially with short stature.

This is true. it all depends on the number of partitions in the spongy bones, the thickness of the bone wall, the content of calcium and other trace elements. Men have heavier bones than women.


Heavy bones simply have more weight. And when the bones are heavy, this is very good, because fractures and all sorts of cracks occur several times less often than in people with light bones. By the way, not only men, but also women can have heavy bones.


In everyday life, this more often means the constitution of the skeleton, bone tissue itself is porous and calcium and other minerals should normally accumulate in these pores, and due to multiple pregnancies, long periods, when taking medicines(diuretics, antihistamines, etc.), due to age-related changes, calcium is washed out, the so-called osteoporosis

All the answers are generally correct, I’ll just add that in women, the thickness of the bones can be determined by measuring the wrist, of course, if you do not suffer from severe obesity. Less than 16-17 means the bones are light, more are heavy.

Bones cannot be heavy or light. Most likely, this refers to body type. There are only three of them - mesomorphic - the so-called average build, people of this type are usually of average height, they have moderately developed muscles, etc.; The brachymorphic type assumes a wide skeleton, that is, the bones of this type are not heavier, but wider than those of other types. People of this type usually have wide hands, large feet, and broad shoulders. And the last type is dolichomorphic. These are the "elf" people. They have a fragile build, usually long thin fingers, narrow chest. It's easy to determine your body type - just measure your wrist. If the figure is less than 15 cm for a woman, then you have a narrow bone, if from 15 to 17 cm, you have an average build, if the value is more than 17 cm, then you have wide bones.


a heavy bone is a heavy bone. broad bone may be light, narrow bone may be heavy. Mine is wide and heavy. As a child, when I was skinny as a bicycle, I always weighed more than my peers of similar height and build. That’s where I know that my bones are heavy :)

Until the age of 25, I was firmly convinced that I would never have to limit myself in food. Now I understand that if I had been a little less lucky with my metabolism, then with such eating habits I simply would not have gotten through the door. And a few years ago, I was sincerely perplexed as to why someone couldn’t eat half a cake at night or denied themselves fresh baked goods. I remember the anxious looks of the photo editor at one of my previous jobs, when I devoured pies one after another, sitting at the monitor. “Eh, you’ll ruin your figure!” - he sighed, and I just laughed.

But, despite the fact that I was thin since childhood, beautiful abs I could never brag. “You have such a structure: your stomach is set close,” my family told me, and I took it for granted. Well, what can you do - such heredity! I think that I would have spent my whole life with this naive confidence if one day I had not come to the gym. I came, as usually happens, with the intention of “toning up my muscles a little.” Months of “amateur” and useless exercises - and then the truth suddenly revealed: you can radically change your body if you just want to. True, this requires not only training, but also thoughtful nutrition. And “close-set stomach” is just as stupid as “wide bone.” We eliminate buns and cakes - we get the coveted stripe on the stomach.

Plenty of other examples from life lead me to believe that what we consider an irresistible genetic trait is very often nothing more than the result of our ignorance, laziness and inaction.

Almost all participants in the “Lose Weight with Lady” project who suffer from excess weight grew up in families where obesity was considered hereditary. Although in the process of communicating with nutritionists, it turned out that the reason for everything was the wrong lifestyle to which all family members were accustomed. Yes, most often the culprit is the recipes for rich borscht and pork chops, passed down from generation to generation, and joint evenings watching TV, and not the “big bone”.

X-ray of a person weighing more than 200 kg. As you can see, the width of the bone is quite standard

I look with admiration at one of my colleagues: athletic, slender, energetic Ksyusha. Five days a week she can be seen in the mornings at the corporate office. gym, and exactly at 13.00 she has lunch in the kitchen: salad, vegetables, fish. She counts calories and doesn’t look exhausted at all: on the contrary, she’s full of energy. A few years ago, Ksyusha was able to lose 20 kg and now maintains herself in great shape. “When I now come to visit my relatives, they say that they are ashamed of me. That when they look at me, they understand that this is not a “big bone,” but banal laziness.”

Another example: I once met a girl who teaches strip plastic. I was amazed by her flexibility and grace, and how easily she did the splits. I was amazed when I found out that by nature her body was literally “wooden”, and stretching was always incredibly difficult for her. But Katya wanted to dance so much that she constantly overcame herself. Over the years she had to learn what others found easy. Can you imagine how frustrating it is: a beginner, as soon as he comes to class, easily does what you only managed to do a couple of years later? But that didn’t stop her: “I compared myself not with others, but with who I was in the past, and I realized that I was moving forward.”

So does the notorious heredity exist, and how important is it in improving the body?

Yes, indeed, the metabolic rate of different people can vary, although this factor is not always due to heredity. And there are lucky people who are able to eat almost as much as they want and not gain weight, but most often this is only until a certain time. So, disordered eating had virtually no effect on my figure until I was 25. But at some point I still realized that I was starting to look different from what I would like. After all, in addition to the quantity of the body, there is also quality - it can be elastic or loose, fit or flabby, young or old. Sports and healthy eating Everyone needs them, regardless of weight and size. But for those who are naturally lucky, it is often difficult to take charge of themselves. And when the reflection in the mirror begins to upset you, it is often too late to change something radically. So luck is questionable!

There are those who know for sure: they only need to eat a couple of pieces of cake in the evening to see +1.5 kilograms on the scales in the morning! These women, as a rule, realize earlier that beautiful body means hard work. And when, after 30 years, their girlfriends, lucky thin women who have never denied themselves anything all their lives, turn into “skinny fat”, they, who always kept themselves in control, will remain slim and young. If you are one of those who are unlucky by nature, remember: “bad” heredity in this case can turn into your trump card!

In a word, have no doubt: in matters of harmony, genetics is far from the determining thing. The only things that really matter are lifestyle, nutrition and how strong your desire to change. And if, after reading this column, you still want to be indignant: “It’s easy for you to say, but I really have a wide bone,” just open the refrigerator now. Look closely at sausages and frankfurters, drinking yogurt, which contains more sugar than milk. Count how many times a day you drink tea with “something tasty.” And then repeat this phrase again.

Asthenic body type . Women of this constitution are characterized by general thinness, long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, long face and thin nose. Height is often above average. The muscles of such women are poorly developed. Therefore, they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, and have little weight. One of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique is the minimal tendency to be overweight. When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, and dancing. To correctly classify your body type as thin-boned, measure the circumference of your wrist. In the group under consideration, it should be less than 16 cm.

Normosthenic body type . In women of this constitution, the main body dimensions are proportional. Such ladies often have slender legs, thin waist and, in general, a harmonious figure. Height is usually average. Such people are naturally well-coordinated, sharp and fast. Among sports disciplines, they are best suited game types(volleyball, basketball, etc.), as well as tennis, water aerobics. The wrist circumference should be between 16 and 18.5 cm.

Hypersthenic body type . Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Height is often below average. By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, recommended sports disciplines the following: yoga, callanetics, martial arts etc. In addition, the disadvantages of a hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which implies an increased tendency to be overweight. The circumference of the wrist for a large-boned physique is more than 18.5 cm.

Normal height and leg length

You can also determine your body type based on your height and leg length. For a normal and broad-boned body type, normal height is considered to be between 166 and 170 cm, while for an asthenic type it is within 168 - 172 cm. There are certain proportions between the height and length of a person’s legs. Legs are considered short if their length is less than half the height.

The length of the legs is measured from the tubercle of the femur located opposite hip joint, to the floor.

The ideal leg length should be within the following limits:

  • asthenic type: legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height
  • normosthenic type: legs are 4-6 cm longer than half the height
  • hypersthenic type: legs are 6-9 cm longer than half the height

Don't be discouraged if your performance doesn't match the ideal. Create visibility required length feet can be done using heels. By the way, this is one of the ways to choose the ideal heel height. Just count how many cm you fall short of the standards and wear heels of exactly that height.

Whiteles and the Pinier index

Whiteles(from the English vitels vital organs) - dimensions female figure- height, leg length, chest, waist, hips

Normal “whites” indicators for young women:

Body typeAsthenicNormosthenicHypersthenicCircle chest 84 - 86 cm1/2 height + 2-5 cm1/2 height + 8-10 cmBust volumeChest circumference + 4-6 cmChest circumference + 8-10 cmWaist circumference60 - 64 cmHeight - 105 cm70 - 76 cmHip circumferenceWaist circumference + 30 cmWaist circumference + 30 cmWaist circumference + 28 cm

For a more objective assessment, you can also use the Pinier index indicators.

Pinier index = standing height (cm) – (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm))

With indicators less than 10 – strong (dense) physique; 10-25 – normal; 26-35 – weak; more than 35 – very weak.

Weight norm

Of course, excess weight does not decorate any woman. Beauty is health, slimness, fitness. It is these external data that men consider ideal on a subconscious level. In addition, obesity leads to premature aging of the entire body. That is why it is very important to know the boundaries of your normal weight. But what do they depend on? Is it just a matter of height and age? Not only that. To correctly determine your weight norm, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body: general body structure (type of constitution), shoulder width, chest features, etc.

However, we must not forget that excess weight is not always a sign of excess fat in the body. Adipose tissue is an integral part of any living organism. And he needs it vitally. Under normal conditions, the amount of fat in men is 1/20, and in women 1/16 of body weight. And about 75% of all fat is located directly under the skin. A small amount of fat under the skin protects against bruises and hypothermia. A certain minimum of fat in internal organs keeps them in the right place, protects them from excessive mobility, injuries and concussions. In addition, fat is energy that can be used when needed.

Our website presents several methods for calculating weight norms based on the characteristics of your body type.

Using the formula below you can find out your weight per 1 centimeter of height:

Weight per 1 cm of height = body weight (grams) / height (centimeters)

Knowing your body type, multiply the coefficient by your height and you will get your normal weight.

The maximum permissible weight for women at a certain age can be calculated from the table below:

Well, ladies, let's take out a centimeter and measure your wrist from bone to bone... I'm exactly 18, how much is yours?

“It’s not me who’s fat, it’s the big bone,” overweight people continue to say. This is how they explain to themselves and others their unsuccessful attempts to lose weight and the pointlessness of physical and dietary “violence” over the body.

And indeed: a large body weighing 100 kg cannot be supported by the same skeleton as that of a fragile girl with her 45 kg!

How much do bones weigh?

The human skeleton consists of 206 bones. It seems like a lot. It is not surprising that those who are overweight nod at their size and authoritatively claim that the reason for their large dimensions is the giant skeleton hidden under thin skin. That is, it is assumed that a person's weight largely depends on the weight of his bones. Is this true?

In 2014, American fitness expert Matt Marshall tested this claim. He turned to scientists at Michigan State University, where he was examined using a densitometry method, which is designed to measure bone mineral density, but also allows you to calculate its weight. It turned out that the weight of Marshall's bones, which at that time was in good physical fitness and weighed 80 kg, amounted to only 3.6 kg (the athlete’s body fat accumulated 6.3 kg).

For comparison, Marshall took the densitometry data of another person, whose weight was 118 kg. Of these, 46 kg were fat and only 4.2 kg were bone tissue. Data obtained from an obese woman weighing 96 kg were compared in the same way. Her skeleton weight was 3.2 kg. Similar ratios were obtained for 50 other obese adults.

According to doctors, the skeleton of a normal adult healthy average man weighing 90 kg accounts for approximately 15% of total mass bodies. And this takes into account water (half the weight of the skeleton) and organic matter (another 28% of the total mass). So, if we talk about bones freed from moisture and fat, then they will account for only 6-7% of a person’s total weight.

There is even such a thing as “estimated bone mass” - this is actually bones in their pure form without fat and water. Tanita conducted a study and concluded that for women aged 20 to 40 years, the average estimated bone mass is:

  • with a weight of less than 50 kg - approximately 2 kg;
  • with a weight from 50 to 75 kg - 3.5 kg;
  • if you weigh more than 75 kg - 3 kg.

For men of the same age, the following data were obtained:

  • if you weigh less than 65 kg - approximately 2 kg;
  • with a weight from 65 to 95 kg - 2.5 kg;
  • if you weigh more than 95 kg - 3 kg.

Thin bones and wide bones

No one argues that the weight of skeletons will vary from person to person. For example, the bones of a tall person weigh more than the bones of a short person the same age. And even the very concept of “broad bone” deserves the right to exist. It is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist or ankles with a centimeter - in these places a person has little fat and muscle, mainly skin and bones - to be convinced: there are people with both “thin” and “wide” bones.

Women 157-158 cm tall:

  • “thin bone” - wrist circumference less than 14 cm;
  • “normal bone” - from 14 to 14.6 cm;
  • “wide bone” - wrist circumference more than 14.6 cm.

Women 159-166 cm tall:

  • “thin bone” - wrist circumference less than 15.2 cm;
  • “normal bone” - from 15.3 to 15.9 cm;
  • “broad bone” - 16 cm or more.

Women 167 cm tall and above:

  • “thin bone” - wrist circumference less than 16 cm;
  • “normal bone” - from 16 to 16.5 cm;
  • “broad bone” - 16.6 cm or more.

Men 167 cm tall and above:

  • “thin bone” - wrist circumference from 14 cm to 16.5 cm;
  • “normal bone” - from 16.6 to 19 cm;
  • “broad bone” - 19.1 cm or more.

In 2011, experts from North Carolina State University confirmed that the femoral neck of obese people is wider than that of people of normal weight. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, large people move in a special way, and secondly, the body gradually adapts to heavy weight, which leads to thickening of the femoral neck - one of the most vulnerabilities human body in relation to fractures.

But even with the above data, research shows that only 15% of people have a slightly larger skeleton than the majority of the population. The difference in the weight of the skeleton will still not be so great that one can say that it is the “heavy bone” that puts pressure on the scales: a 1-1.5 kg difference in bone mass does not justify the extra 30-40 or more kg.

And one more important point: Bone density does not affect bone size. Osteoporosis can make your bones a little lighter, but it does not make them shorter or thinner. In this disease, calcium is washed out of the bones, but their structure itself, the frame, remains unchanged.

Bones, fats and health

It has been proven that excess fat even harms bones. Previously, it was believed that the bone marrow contained an “emergency reserve” of fat. And it is not used to generate energy like the others body fat. Moreover, until recently, the function of fat in the bone marrow of mammals, which is also a culinary delicacy, remained a mystery to scientists. It was impossible to even say for sure whether it brings benefit or harm to the body.

But this year, scientists from the University of North Carolina reported that "fat" bone marrow increases the risk of fractures. It turned out that the higher the fat content in the bone marrow, the lower the mineral density of bone tissue, that is, the bones become more fragile. According to scientists, with obesity, fat reserves in the bones increase in the same way as fat in the abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the body - and in the same way negatively affects human health.

You can correct the situation with the help of banal physical exercise. Experiments on mice demonstrated how fat content in the bone marrow changes as the animals lose weight through intensive exercise. physical activity. The overall size of adipocyte fat cells decreased, while bone thickness and density increased. The researchers remind us that both fat cells and bone cells come from the same mesenchymal stem cells. Therefore, there is an assumption that during training, fat is burned in the bones, and the resulting energy goes to the production of bone tissue and its strengthening.

The difference in the weight of the skeleton, as well as in the thickness of its individual sections, is so insignificant that it cannot significantly affect the weight of the human body.

Obesity is a threat to the health of all, without exception, organs of the body, including the skeleton.

Physical activity and a healthy diet will save the world - both from obesity and from bone tissue pathologies.