Deadly weight loss. How women die from fat burners

The famous domestic PR man Timofey Shevchenko, better known as Tim Brik, died of an overdose. According to plastic surgeon Hayk Babayan, the guy died because of diet pills. The program studio will have to find out whether this is really the case. Watch Let them talk 02/08/2016 - Diet pill (Tima Brik died).

As it became known, the famous metropolitan PR manager Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko) died in a plastic surgery clinic on February 4. The guy was there with Dom-2 participant Snezhana Kambur. According to the girl, he felt bad, Brick began to have convulsions and his lips turned blue. After the ambulance arrived, Tima felt better and Kambur soon went home. Only at home she learned about his death...

Hayk Babayan:

— As far as I know, Tim took diet pills every day. They had a detrimental effect on the heart, but he continued to use them. Moreover, Brick suffered from diabetes. On February 4, he came to my clinic and became very ill. An ambulance was called. They put him on a drip, gave him tea with sugar, and Tima felt a little better. However, after a while he began to have severe convulsions...

Dana Borisova:

— He had diabetes, and now I’m just in shock... Tim was a very talented producer and PR man. I tried for many artists to make them popular and earn good money.

Tim Brik produced next stars variety and show business: Prokhor Chaliapin, Victoria Lopyreva, Sergei Zverev, Masha Malinovskaya, Anastasia Stotskaya, Dana Borisova and others. Worked with Hollywood actor Steven Seagal. Participated with the Night Wolves bikers in the parade that took place in Sevastopol. A few days before his death, he gave his beloved girlfriend Yana Grivkovskaya an expensive Tiffany ring.

A professional PR manager has repeatedly represented his clients on air. Let them talk. This includes Prokhor Chaliapin, Sati Casanova, Masha Malinovskaya and Dana Borisova. And literally a few days before Tim’s death, Brik wrote on his social networks (VK, Instagram) about miracle diet pills. “I’ve been eating a lot of sweets lately. Maybe it’s worth buying some pills?” — the PR man wrote on his pages. Why the 29-year-old PR director died remains to be seen during the program. Today in the studio of the program: eyewitnesses who saw Tim before his death, and close friends - show business stars.

Diet pill. Tima Brik

Hayk Babayan, a surgeon at a plastic surgery clinic, came to the program to talk about last minutes Brick's life.

“That day he came to us with Snezhana and Katya, they are now sitting here next to me. Everyone at the clinic knew him, he always joked and was a cheerful guy. But this time he began to complain of feeling unwell. We helped him lie down on the couch. As a doctor, I realized that he had heart problems. He also had diabetes, and this time his sugar rose to 20.8, which is a lot! He had insulin with him. We also gave him a painkiller, Tima felt better for a while.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, friend of the deceased PR director:

— He did not hide the fact that he uses various pills: for weight loss, for sports, etc.

— I know what kind of tablets we are talking about: drugs with sibutramine, which is prohibited. Tim often offered them to me, claiming that they made him feel light and good. I took 5-6 tablets. He really wanted to throw extra pounds and often had plastic surgery.

Everyone who knew Tim Brik and worked with him expressed their condolences on social networks.

Diet pill. Anorexia

In January, the whole country was shocked by the story of Sergei Gaisin from the Bashkir Kumertau (issue). The 30-year-old guy weighs only 37 kg. On at the moment he is undergoing treatment in Moscow.

21-year-old Olga Tereshchenko from Crimea, after watching the broadcast with Sergei, could no longer remain silent and decided to talk about herself - she also has problems with lack of weight. The young Crimean woman weighs only 23.5 kg! Today she came to the program from Yalta:

- I'm glad you heard me! Thank you all! I really want to live!

Olya's mother, Tatyana:

“She’s been in this condition for three years now.” He eats everything that is on our table, but the food is not digested. Olya is very nervous about this.

Another heroine of the issue with a similar problem is Kristina Koryagina from Barnaul:

“I don’t know how I got to this point.” I started to experience this when I was 9 years old – I started losing weight.

The third heroine of the “Slimming Pill” issue: Christina’s fellow countrywoman, 29-year-old Anastasia Boeva ​​from Barnaul:

— My weight is 33.5 kg. I started losing weight when I started studying at university. I had a lot of stress due to loneliness and a great desire to give up everything and go to my grandmother... but not to my mother. For my grandmother, I am the most beloved granddaughter. And so, as I have now analyzed, she fed me, after which I put my fingers in my mouth to induce vomiting. Now we live together: me, my mother and my grandmother. Now I eat well, but, again, I have problems, because I see that my mother and grandmother are constantly fighting!

VIDEO: Tim Brik died from diet pills

29-year-old PR director of Russian show business stars Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko) was ruined by diet pills. The friends and acquaintances of Tima Brik are sure of this, and he boasted to them of his “miracle pills” and the effect they produce. Friends of the famous PR manager spoke about this in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.”

Tragic, shocked many. Both the stars with whom the famous PR man worked, and those who heard about him for the first time.

In Andrei Malakhov’s studio, guests of the “Let Them Talk” program tried to figure out what ruined the young man?

Among the guests was Hayk Babayan- plastic surgeon, friend and at the same time ward of Tima Brik. Brik has been involved in PR for Babayan and his clinic lately; he went to him before his death when he felt unwell.

At the moments of Timofey Shevchenko’s death, it was Babayan who was nearby. He told what happened.

According to the doctor, they worked together and often met, discussing various patients whom Tim Brik attracted to the clinic. On February 3, they agreed on a new meeting at Babayan’s clinic - Brik was supposed to bring two patients.

Tim was brought to Babayana Snezhana Kambur And Katya Kolisnichenko(famous participants in the scandalous show "Dom-2"). The girls also came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about what happened.

Snezhana Kambur, Katya Kolisnichenko and Hayk Babayan

Tim Brik was in good mood, joked, gave out compliments, and suddenly the administrator came running to Babayan with a message that the PR man felt bad. Moreover, before this he had already contacted the nurse with complaints of chest pain in the area of ​​the heart.

Brick was sent to the ward, he began to come to his senses, but still complained of chest pain. He had a cold sweat.

“This suggests that something really serious is happening to the heart,” Babayan said.

Tima Brik was given painkilling injections. He felt better.

Knowing that Tima had diabetes, the doctor suggested checking her sugar, especially since Brik always carried the device with him. They checked his sugar level, it turned out to be 20.8, according to the doctor - 3-4 times more than normal. Then the PR man gave himself an insulin injection.

After an insulin injection, the young man also improved. But, as we now know, not for long - irreversible processes have already begun in the body...

At the same time, before his death, Tim Brik wrote on social networks that he eats “a lot of sweets and chocolate,” he wonders if he should buy some pills, otherwise they say that “there is not enough zinc in the body.”

As Hayk Babayan clarified, the day before his death he told him about these pills. “He came and said: I took six tablets,” said the doctor. “It gives me such energy.”

According to the doctor, he warned the showman about the dangers of these pills: “Tima, you feel good, but it destroys the body. Stop,” Babayan told him.

According to the girls - Kambur and Kolisnichenko - Tim told them about his “miracle pills”.

The photographs of Tima Brik before and after losing weight clearly show what radical changes have occurred in his appearance. However, such drastic and quick adjustments to the body with the help of “miracle pills” simply could not help but affect the functioning of all body systems.

Tima Brik BEFORE weight loss

Tima Brik AFTER weight loss

The pills that the young showman took were indeed effective in terms of weight loss. Another thing is that in addition to the effect of losing weight, they also had another effect - causing serious damage to health. And, as we now know, so serious that it led to the death of a star PR man.

Diet pill. Let them talk (02/08/2016)

Why are there health hazards on the market? medicines? What can be the result of a desire to lose weight? Participants in the “Let Them Talk” program tried to understand these issues.

You often have to pay for “magical” weight loss with your health. Are you ready to exchange healthy body for worse? Think carefully before choosing one of the following methods on the path to slimness. Do your own research and make sure you fully understand the risks you are taking.

Doctors are sounding the alarm. "For last year We seized 12 tons of weight loss drugs with deadly fillings throughout Russia. They contain not only mazindol, but also fenfluramine, sibutramine and pseudoephedrine." They really allow you to lose weight quickly. overweight, while rapidly destroying vital organs. Separate topic - Thai pills. Their sale is generally prohibited in Russia! However, they continue to be sold online by private individuals. People die because of taking dietary supplements with psychotropic substances: we know of about a dozen deaths - and this is just recently...

Dangerous diet pills

Let us recall that initially diet pills were intended to treat people with severe metabolic disorders and for patients with diabetes. You can’t take pills simply because a friend advised you or because you don’t have enough time to go to the gym. Most diet pills are extremely harmful to the liver and kidneys.

The bulk of drugs act at the cellular level, causing a feeling of false satiety and causing the body to take nutrients from cells. As a result, the cells seem to dry out. Imagine you were not allowed to drink for several days, and then a jug of water was placed in front of your eyes. You will drink this water greedily! The same thing will happen to “dried out” cells after stopping taking the miracle drug: they will quickly catch up. And having reached the previous volumes, they will put something aside for a “rainy day.” The result is a few kilograms of weight gained. But more dangerous, according to doctors, are: side effects such funds.

Most diet pills contain appetite suppressants. The most well-known of them are amphetamine, fenfluramine and its derivative dexfenfluramine, as well as phentermine. Sibutramine, also found in some diet pills, affects certain centers of the brain, suppressing appetite, which threatens insomnia, increased blood pressure. Skin redness, nausea, changes in taste, etc. may occur. Phenylpropanolamine can cause increased blood pressure and liver disease.

A few years ago we received LiDa capsules, followed by the appearance in 2009 of weight loss capsules called “Defatting with wild plants.” Herbal tablets turned out to be deadly - they contain the same sibutramine. The victims of these pills were treated for a long time in a drug treatment clinic. This is how one of them, Evgenia, describes her condition: “My friend and I ordered capsules through the official LiDa website. I lasted 5 days, lost 5 kg, but it’s not worth it! 10 minutes after taking it, it hits you: rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, apathy, lack of appetite to the point of disgust, a state like in a dream. On the fifth day, I fainted from exhaustion in the city center, after which I stopped taking the drug. Now I have problems with my heart and blood pressure! A friend took it for 10 days and started developing arthritis at the age of 21!

Laxatives are dangerous!

One of the most popular home remedies for weight loss, which is used to cleanse the intestines. Regular use and abuse of laxatives is fraught with a decrease in potassium levels in the body, the development of arrhythmia and pancreatitis.

Dangerous artificial sweeteners

Aspartame is the most common artificial sweetener and has been involved in numerous lawsuits. Plaintiffs claim it causes blindness, apoplexy or seizures and brain damage.

Smoking is not a way to get slim!

Are you afraid that if you quit smoking, you will gain back the weight you lost? According to the National Institute of Diabetes, to offset the health damage caused by smoking, you need to gain 45-60 kg. We advise you to develop a strategy instead healthy weight loss, which will help you cope with your appetite and reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.

Stimulated bowel cleansing

Like taking laxatives, cleansing the intestines by inducing vomiting or using emetics can have a very detrimental effect on your health. Possible side effects: depletion of nutrients (potassium and vitamins), irritation of the esophagus by stomach acids and even rupture of the esophagus.

This is also a direct path to the emergence of life-threatening eating disorders - anorexia and bulimia.

Term "anorexia" means lack of appetite in the presence of a physiological need for nutrition.

Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by alternating periods of overeating, caused by a sharply increasing feeling of hunger, and attacks of self-induced vomiting.

Diuretics are dangerous!

Taking diuretics helps the body remove fluid, and with it vital electrolytes. Depletion of electrolytes can lead to dehydration, which in turn causes the body to retain water.

A vicious circle is formed. Repeated or long-term use of diuretics can lead to kidney dysfunction and electrolyte imbalance, and this is fraught with heart or kidney failure.

Herbal remedies and teas for weight loss are dangerous!

We are inclined to equate herbal and harmless remedies, however, according to nutritionists, this is not always true.

Do not forget that many medicines are herbal based, however, due to the lack of established standards, the dosage and active ingredients of such products can be completely different depending on the manufacturer. Below is a list of some of the most common ingredients in herbal weight loss remedies, along with warnings about their possible side effects in some conditions.

Ephedra(ephedra) (this group includes ma huang, ephedrine, ephedra extract, epitonin, ephdra sinica and sida cordifolia) is contraindicated in people with heart disease, kidney or thyroid disease, or those with hypertension. The herb has a powerful appetite suppressant effect, but its use has led to the death of more than 70 people.

Buckthorn(cascara) and Alexandria leaf (senna) are contraindicated for people taking diuretics (these components are often found in herbal teas for weight loss).

Selenium and capsaicin Contraindicated for people with digestive disorders.

Kava(kava) is contraindicated for people with affective disorders, taking psychotropic medications and tranquilizers, as well as patients with parkinsonism.

Gingo biloba(Gingko biloba), licorice root and dong quay are contraindicated in people taking anticoagulants.

Stomach reduction

The next invention of surgeons is stomach reduction(gastric anastomosis). For those who do not believe in their strength at all, it is suggested to reduce their stomach and thus eat less.
The fact that any intervention is dangerous, as well as the possibility of leakage in the circumcised stomach and subsequent infection of the body, is usually kept silent.

But the invention of one doctor does not require incisions on the body; he simply infected the patient with the embryo of a bovine tapeworm, which happily absorbed the contents of her intestines.

A little different from such unappetizing methods freezing the stomach, supposedly practiced by ballerinas for weight loss.

Before absorbing another clearly excessive portion of fatty and sweet foods, it is advised to simply drink one glass of ice water, and put the second one in the stomach immediately after eating. Perhaps this method helps ballet dancers, with their exhausting training, offset the calories from the forbidden cake they eat every six months.

But for those who like to eat and sleep, this promises inevitable sore throats, coupled with sinusitis and the rapid development of pancreatitis, so you can’t even dream of losing weight.

Fasting is dangerous to your health!

Fasting without medical supervision is dangerous to your health! During fasting, it is initially lost completely not fat, but muscle mass . Fasting for a long time weakens immune system the body and causes harm - often irreparable - to the functioning of vital organs.

Only knowledgeable and experienced people can fast under their own supervision - fasting leaders, doctors, physiologists who thoroughly understand all the processes and subtleties. Even if you have no health problems and can tolerate hunger normally, it is better to replace fasting one-day fasting days.

Plasters are unsafe and ineffective!

Weight loss patches allegedly containing appetite suppressants have been rejected neither safe nor effective. Every year, thousands of patches of dubious origin and without quality certificates are confiscated from promoters and are again released onto the market in the same volumes.

Muscle electrical and myostimulators

Electrical stimulators are devices capable of performing, in addition to the “myostimulation” procedure itself, other medical procedures, influencing a person with impulses electric current in order to obtain a certain effect.

These devices, although quite justifiably used by doctors in physiotherapy, absolutely useless for weight loss. They maintain muscle strength, improve blood circulation, and prevent congestion in the body, but don't burn fat.

Don't even compare muscle work gym with this weak twitching. We also must not forget about contraindications to myostimulation and complications from this procedure. If used improperly, electrical stimulators can cause electric shock or severe burns.

Slimming clothes with greenhouse effect

The effect of a sauna on a single part of the body is far from safe. Instead of putting on weight loss pants and sweating again, sign up for a fitness club that has a sauna. There will be much less harm to the body!

So far, there is only one proven way to be slim and healthy: lead an active lifestyle and eat no more than you burn calories!

Without a doubt, losing weight is a good goal, however, maintaining health is extremely important. Be sure to make sure that the weight loss method you choose will not lead to serious health problems. How many of you have tested scary weight loss methods on yourself?

Modern medicine offers remedies to treat almost all diseases and strengthen the body as a whole. But many have heard that medicines cure one thing and cripple another. Sometimes this expression, which has long become popular, is applied to human life.

Violation of the rules for taking medications or increased sensitivity of the body to chemical compounds can provoke intoxication at best, and death at worst. So, what common medications should you be wary of? An overdose of which pills leads to death?

Rules for taking medications

Before using any medications, you should consult your doctor. This is rule No. 1 when treating diseases. But there is a small problem: not all doctors have sufficient knowledge and experience. Therefore, to resolve the issue, it is better to choose a proven specialist, especially in the case of serious illnesses.

Secondly, not every person turns to a doctor for help, preferring to self-medicate. If you have a headache, a slightly elevated temperature or a superficial scratch, it’s even embarrassing to go to the hospital. And the person uses the medications on his own, often following the recommendations of very dubious advisers, completely forgetting to read the instructions.

The result is often the swallowing of an excessive amount of tablets, which, instead of healing, leads to a serious complication. Therefore, under any circumstances, you must read the instructions. The manufacturing company always indicates the therapeutic dose of the drug, pharmacological group, possible side effects and compatibility with other medications.

What pills cause death from an overdose? From the most diverse. Popular today and familiar from childhood. Let's take a closer look at the types of drugs that you need to be careful with.

Types of dangerous drugs

This applies to elderly people who are fighting for their lives by all means, this also applies to chronically ill people of any age. And often such patients violate medical recommendations, expecting to receive best effect from a higher dose. Old people sometimes simply forget that just recently they were already taking medication.

An overdose of which pills can cause death? Doctors name several types of especially dangerous medications:

  1. Sleeping pills.
  2. Cardiological.
  3. Neurotropic.
  4. Painkillers.

Sleeping pills

Derivatives of barbituric acid (Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital, etc.) were widely used as sedatives and hypnotics. Over time, their unsafety was proven, and their therapeutic use was significantly narrowed.

In addition, doctors prescribe non-barbituric drugs (Lorazepam, Noctek, etc.) with caution, because they also provoke pronounced side effects:

  • breathing disorder;
  • impaired muscle motility (ataxia);
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • paralysis of the eye muscles;
  • confusion.

If a person takes 2-3 times more of these tablets than the recommended amount, then intoxication is guaranteed. And in the case of a 10-fold excess of the therapeutic dosage, death occurs.


Improving performance cardiovascular system worries many older people. It is after 50-60 years that problems with blood pressure, vascular tone and heart function most often begin.

As aids, doctors recommend drugs based on glycosides - compounds of natural origin. If the therapeutic dosage is observed, they significantly prolong the life of elderly patients.

But if you exceed the number of tablets by at least 10 times, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting);
  • nervous disorders (delusions, hallucinations, agitation);
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

Not every person's heart can withstand such a load. And in case of prolonged illness and weakness main muscle the body has every chance of developing a myocardial infarction.

In addition, potassium intoxication poses a considerable danger, the ions of which are involved in the metabolic processes of the cell, the regulation of heart contractions, the maintenance of water-salt homeostasis and the transmission of nerve impulses through neurons.

Accidental overdose of this chemical element provokes arrhythmia, disorientation and decreased blood pressure. And if you introduce 14 g of pure potassium into the body, the heart will stop. By the way, this feature has been adopted by the US authorities: in recent decades, execution has been carried out by lethal injection of potassium.


In psychiatric practice, they usually resort to drug treatment, which consists of the use of tranquilizers, antipsychotics and antidepressants. Doctors have different views on this therapy. Some consider it advisable to use such means, others prefer more humane ways of helping the patient.

Medicines in this group act on the central nervous system either depressingly or stimulatingly. It all depends on the purpose of treatment. For example, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) increase the concentration of compounds such as serotonin, dopamine and several others.

These substances directly affect the formation of a person’s mood. However, exceeding the dosage causes such strong excitement that the risk of clinical death (coma) increases significantly.

Intoxication sometimes becomes noticeable only a day after the drug is abused, and if help is not provided to the patient, death is quite possible.

Just 100 years ago, cocaine was considered a safe stimulant. nervous system and sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Today it is rarely used in medical practice. There are so many cases of deaths from cocaine overdose that the UN added the compound to the prohibited list in 1963.

And yet this does not prevent the “former medicine” from remaining the most popular drug in the world. It is known that long-term use of cocaine provokes the development of psychosis and hallucinations. If you take more than 1.2 g of white powder at one time, your heart will not be able to cope with the load and will stop.

A similar danger comes from tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Stelazine, etc.). These drugs are considered reliable means for suppressing anxiety, but almost every representative of this group causes the following symptoms in case of overdose:

  • weakness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • hallucinations;
  • anxious delirium (madness, delirium);
  • fever.

Death in most cases occurs due to heart rhythm disturbances. And if a toxic dose of Amitriptyline is considered to be 500 mg, then a lethal dose is 1200 mg.


Although this group belongs large number medications, narcotic analgesics deserve special attention: morphine, heroin, codeine, methadone and the like. In medical practice, these drugs are used to relieve severe pain.

There are many reasons for such serious treatment, but in each case the medicine is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

And if the dosage is exceeded, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • constricted pupils;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • breathing disorder;
  • clouding of consciousness up to hallucinations;
  • convulsions.

As a result of intoxication with narcotic analgesics, a person often falls into a coma. If the maximum dosage is exceeded, the matter is not limited to clinical death - death occurs.

Some people see a kind of high in the symptoms of side effects. They are called drug addicts. They become addicted to such drugs after only 2-3 uses, and sometimes it is impossible to get off the needle.

The lethal dose of heroin for an adult when administered intravenously is 75 mg, morphine - 200 mg. However, for experienced drug addicts, this amount will only bring pleasure. By the way, long-term use of these drugs significantly reduces the body’s sensitivity to chemical compounds.

And when a disease occurs, doctors simply throw up their hands out of helplessness: they do not act on the patient necessary funds due to existing drug addiction.

Popular drugs

There are many over-the-counter drugs on the pharmaceutical market that do not require a doctor's prescription. And patients do not always go to the hospital for consultation. Everyone already knows: if you have a headache, Aspirin or Analgin will help, and if you have a fever, Paracetamol will help.

But such popular medications are fraught with danger, which neither doctors nor pharmacy workers warn about. An overdose of which pills can cause rapid death? Let's look at the most popular drugs.

Paracetamol Currently, Paracetamol is produced by almost 30 companies. The medicine is supplied under various brand names, but the active compound is the same everywhere. Preparations based on it are used to reduce body temperature. Some patients believe that if you consistently take 2-3 types of medicinal tea (Coldrex, Fervex, etc.), and also take a tablet with the same substance, the effect will be more pronounced.

Of course, the temperature will drop. And at the same time, intoxication will occur, as a result of which the liver will first suffer. But there is also a risk of destruction of brain cells. The maximum daily dose of Paracetamol is 4 g. Consumption of at least 15 g per day provokes intoxication, and over 20 g - death. Statistics show that in the USA and European countries Paracetamol leads in the number of poisonings, incl. and with fatal outcome.

Aspirin is on the list of essential medications. This chemical compound has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, which is why it is very popular. Back in 1982, the authors of the discovery were awarded the Nobel Prize for giving the world such a miraculous medicine!

A few years later, doctors began to notice the development of Reye's syndrome in children taking Aspirin, even in prescribed doses. This disease is characterized by the destruction of liver cells, and although it occurs very rarely, it is sometimes impossible to save the patient. In addition, the drug thins the blood, which doctors call stomach bleeding.

In light of the popularity of Aspirin, pharmacists forget to warn people: exceeding the therapeutic dose by 10 times leads to intoxication, and consumption of 30-40 g leads to death.

Analgin As a safe pain reliever, domestic doctors often recommend Analgin - metamizole sodium. The medicine acts relatively quickly: in just half an hour the patient will feel relief.

However, in a number of countries (USA, Japan, Sweden, etc.), metamizole sodium is banned due to its ability to cause agranulocytosis, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood and, as a result, an increase in susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections.

The maximum daily dosage of Analgin is 3 g, and exceeding it leads to the following side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • respiratory muscle paralysis;
  • disturbance of consciousness, delirium;
  • convulsions;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome.

As you can see from this list, there are plenty of reasons for concern. If the patient’s body is weak initially, then overcoming the symptoms of an overdose without medical help will be problematic. And if you consume more than 20 grams of Analgin, death cannot be avoided.

Iodine After the Chernobyl disaster, authorities disseminated information that iodine reduces the effects of radiation exposure. Yes, that's true. There is even scientific evidence. However, some people sometimes treat iodine irresponsibly, either not knowing or forgetting about the dangers this chemical element poses.

If you consume more than 500 mg of the drug per day, a person will develop characteristic symptoms:

  • increase in goiter;
  • protrusion of the eyes;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • indigestion.

These symptoms will seem insignificant if the dosage is increased to 2 g. Iodine will simply provoke protein denaturation, which will naturally lead to cell death. But before this, the person will feel severe pain due to burns of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx, stomach and intestines.

This chemical element will be absorbed into the blood, the central nervous system will malfunction, and the heartbeat will sharply slow down. Death from an iodine overdose will be painful.

Vitamins Various vitamin preparations are taken to strengthen the immune system and improve the health of the body; they are generally considered useful and do not cause any harm. However, an excess of vitamins can lead to dire consequences.

Vitamin D is necessary for the body to grow bone tissue. Its deficiency leads to rickets in early age. To prevent the development of this disease, caring mothers regularly feed their children double and triple doses of vitamin D. The result is often the death of the child due to excessive mineralization and ossification of the skull.

Vitamin C activates immune defense, so it is rightfully considered one of the most important compounds. The daily dose of pure substance for an adult is 90 mg. But if you consume more than 500 mg of vitamin C daily, the human DNA will begin to mutate - instead of normal cells, cancer cells will appear.

In addition, anemia often develops, which in itself is dangerous due to the risk of premature tissue death. And yet this does not prevent some pharmaceutical companies from producing complexes containing ascorbic acid 2-5 times higher than normal.

Vitamin A is required for good vision, growth and development of the body. It is part of the structure of cell membranes and provides antioxidant protection. The permissible daily dose of vitamin A for an adult is 10,000 IU or 3 mg. However, a single consumption of more than 25,000 IU per 1 kg of weight provokes acute poisoning, which is characterized by convulsions and paralysis. If medical assistance is not provided, death is possible.

In turn, daily intake of 4000 IU of vitamin A for 6-15 months causes a chronic overdose. In this case, a person’s vision is impaired, the liver becomes enlarged, and the pressure inside the skull increases with all the ensuing consequences. In addition, with a constant excess of this compound, there are frequent cases of bone fractures without significant load.

First aid for drug overdose

What first aid should be given to a person who has been poisoned by drugs?

A person who has been poisoned by medications requires urgent hospitalization. Only doctors will provide qualified assistance, if, of course, they have time. And for the situation to be clear from the beginning, doctors need to know the name of the tablets.

Anyone who finds a victim should immediately call an ambulance and carefully look for empty drug packs. Perhaps they were the cause of intoxication.

What to do first in case of drug poisoning?

And while the medical team is on the way, it is recommended to rinse the patient’s stomach with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water). After drinking 5-6 glasses of this solution, you need to induce vomiting. To be extra safe, the victim should be given 4-5 tablets of activated carbon.

Specialty: general practitioner

Biological fact: women's bodies slowly and extremely reluctantly part with subcutaneous fat, even during active activities sports. To speed up the process, many begin to take fat burners, the chemical composition of which provokes a strong attack of toxins on the body.

There is no woman who would not dream of slim figure. True, the approaches to achieving “standard” waist parameters among representatives of the fair sex are noticeably different. Some people lock themselves in the gym, others sit on strict diet. Particularly desperate people begin to look for the most effective fat-burning drugs that will help combine the effect of going to the gym and dieting.

The main problem of such women is that they begin to take fat-burning pills without changing their diet and without increasing physical activity- the main reasons why a person may start to gain weight.

Fat burners don't work on their own

You need to prepare for taking medications. First - transition to the correct one fractional meals, then - increasing physical activity

Nutritionists note that it is also necessary to almost completely give up alcohol, one of the most high-calorie foods that is consumed along with regular meals. It’s worth remembering something else: fat-burning pills do not provide a quick effect, and “losing weight quickly in a week” will definitely not work with their help.

There are no harmless ones

One of the most popular drugs for burning excess fat are thermogenics (or thermogenics). Their action is based on accelerating metabolism by increasing body temperature. After taking such drugs, the body begins to intensively burn stored fat reserves, and excess liquid comes out much faster. True, thermogenics have so many side effects that only healthy people can take the drug.

For example, thermogenics should absolutely not be taken by people with elevated blood pressure, since the normal level (pressure) rises from this by 10–20 units. Other side effects include tachycardia and arrhythmia. In addition, from taking thermogenics, women begin to literally become dumb: long-term use of drugs provokes exhaustion of the nervous system, disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system and a decrease in mental abilities.

Each manufacturer claims that the tablets are harmless. However, this is not the case

There are no harmless fat burning drugs. Each of them “inhibits” certain organs in the body

Free access

Fat burners do not fall into the category of drugs, and you do not need a prescription from a doctor to purchase them. It is for this reason that many women begin to take such drugs quickly and most often uncontrollably. The price does not stop the fair half of humanity: decent drugs with proven effects cost under 3 thousand rubles per pack. For this money, psychostimulants are usually sold that increase endurance, sweating and the removal of fluid from the body, but already while taking such drugs, serious changes begin in the body.

When appetite is suppressed (and psychostimulants work this way), the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted. Primarily the stomach, intestines and liver, so going to see a gastroenterologist after trying to lose weight before the beach season is a common thing. At the same time, most drugs have nothing to do with burning fat. Nutritionist Olga Stolyarova, in an interview with Life, noted that none of the drugs is directly capable of burning subcutaneous fat reserves.

We can say that some drugs dull the feeling of hunger, others interfere with the absorption of fats or remove fluid from the body. None of these drugs directly affects subcutaneous fat

Olga Stolyarova

Despite the fact that drugs for accelerated weight loss have been around for several decades, their effect on the body has not yet been fully studied. Most manufacturers insure against lawsuits and criminal charges for selling such pills with warnings on the packaging. “Strictly limited” or “take as prescribed by a doctor” - such wording can often be found on cans and boxes. True, for a woman whose brain is already tuned to fast weight loss by summer, such warnings are no longer in effect.

What manufacturers will never say is that some “appetite blockers” and other “stuff” for weight loss prevent the body from properly eliminating toxins. As a result of accelerating metabolism, an overdose of fat burners can cause a malfunction of the liver and kidneys, and, instead of getting rid of the accumulated poison, the body will “store” all the garbage inside. At this rate, as doctors note, it’s not even close to oncology.

At your own risk

Drugs approved and certified for sale in Russia are under strict state control. True, women who are determined to lose weight at any cost often use dubious foreign-made drugs, from which they often die. Chinese, Thai, and indeed any other diet pills, which are most often purchased via the Internet, have not been studied by Russian experts.

Chills, fever, convulsions, heart failure, pneumonia - these consequences have more than once caused the death of young girls not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the former CIS. There are other side effects. For example, in the period from 2011 to 2015, several cases were recorded in Russia when completely healthy women, leading an active lifestyle, ovarian cysts, cervical cancer and other unpleasant diseases were discovered, and the most “simple” consequences from taking such drugs were hormonal imbalance and cycle disruption.

Many of the Asian drugs still contain sibutramine, a banned drug that was previously used to treat obesity. It causes a feeling of fullness, but acts on the body in almost the same way as hard drugs: it depletes the body, kills microflora and “dries out” internal organs. In addition, most Asian pills contain other stimulants that significantly increase not only tone, but also blood pressure, thereby causing rupture of blood vessels in the brain.