Cheerleading club. Shooting sport

Evgenia Fedoseeva-Klanshchakova
Master class “Cheerleading in kindergarten”

Target: introduce children to the concept « Cheerleading» - a spectacular sport, teach the children the elements of dancing with pom-poms.


Strengthen the physical and mental health of children;

Create a need for motor activity and physical improvement;

Accumulate and enrich children’s motor experience (mastery of elements of basic movements cheerleading) develop children's communicative culture;

Develop physical qualities personalities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination);

Foster team spirit and the habit of healthy image life;

Develop children's speech (in the process of learning chants);

Develop interest in sports, popularize cheerleading among preschoolers.

Opening remarks: Dear members of the jury! Within master class-"Creativity begins with childhood» , I propose to learn the elements of sports dance with pompoms. And combine these elements into an original composition under musical accompaniment.

The purpose of creative the workshop is, introduce children to « Cheerleading» as a sport, show the features of working with children 6-7 years old when choosing dance elements with pom-poms. Learn to reveal the beauty of dance through your own performance.

Part 1:

In part 1 I develop children’s interest in cheerleading as a sport. I introduce you to the technique of performing sports dance elements with pompoms. I introduce new words and expressions into the children’s active vocabulary. These problems are solved using the following techniques: explanation, showing, viewing slides.

Instructor: Cheerleading is a complex coordination sport that includes elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, and choreography. The combination, by its very nature, bright views sports into a single whole makes cheerleading incredibly exciting and attractive for both athletes and spectators.

Cheerleading originated in the USA in the 1870s and became most widespread by the middle of the 20th century. In the 1860s, it became fashionable among students in Great Britain to cheer on athletes during competitions. Thus, in the USA arose cheerleading.

It's hard to believe, but at first this sport was more popular among the stronger half.

Cheerleaders performed at football and basketball games, and support groups began to appear at school sports competitions. November 2, 1898 into practice cheerleading introduced a fundamental innovation: student John Campbell spontaneously jumped up during a match in front of the fans - after which cheerleaders began to support their teams not only with words, but also with movement. In 1920 drums and other devices are used to help create the necessary background noise, and a little later - special paper pompoms (since the mid-1960s, instead of paper, synthetic materials have been used, which very soon became an integral decorative element of performances cheerleaders.

Cheerleading appeared in Russia in 1996, immediately after the team American football from Moscow visited friendly match in the USA.

Cheerleading may have several directions:

“CHIR” – a team can consist only of females. Participants perform complex acrobatic and gymnastic elements, and also build intricate figures and pyramids;

“CHIR-MIX” is the same as “CHIR”, but the team can include guys;

“CHIR-DANCE” is a dance style in which there are no complex acrobatic and gymnastic tricks;

“CHIR-STANT” – based on the collective construction of pyramids;

“Individual Cheerleader” is a solo performance by the main team member.

The main task of this sport is to support sports teams participating in the match.

In preschool educational organization classes cheerleading contribute to the formation of stress resistance and increased motor activity of children, the development of speed, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, as well as the harmonious development of personality. Children need to be taught conscious motor actions and memorized the right types movements, as well as to form in children the need for physical activity, the development of creative abilities and leadership qualities. When working with children I use “CHIR-DANCE” - a dance style in cheerleading with pompoms, which lacks complex acrobatic and gymnastic stunts.

Part 2 – productive.

In the second productive part, I give children the opportunity, even without special dance skills, to perform elements cheerleading as shown by the instructor. Forming the basic movements. I develop a sense of rhythm and musicality. I maintain interest in dance. I develop the ability to work in a team. I solve these problems as follows techniques: display, heuristic (development of resourcefulness and activity, information and communication technologies.

Instructor: Dance pom-poms are made of synthetic materials. This allows you to use them for dancing with children. Children who do not have much dance skills, in this type of activity they can calmly perform elementary elements.

On our master-in the classroom we will use professional pom-poms for cheerleading and the screen.

1 slide (child shows pompoms for cheerleading) . Explanation instructor: Here are professional pom-poms for cheerleading. Take them by the special handles.

2 slide (shown on screen). Explanation instructor: the first movement is called

Hight V (high wee)


arms are positioned straight "sideways-up"

What should the viewer see?:

3 slide (shown on screen) Explanation instructor: The second element is called Low V (low vee)


arms are positioned straight "sideways-down" at an angle of approximately 30° to the vertical. The backs of the palms are directed upward. The brushes do not bend up/down.

What should the viewer see?:

fists from the side thumb.

4 slide (shown on screen) Explanation instructor: The third element is called Punch (Punch)


Combined position: one hand is in position "top touchdown", other hand in "hands on hips".

What should the viewer see?:

The upper hand is a fist from the little finger side, the hand on the pelvic bone is the back

5 slide (shown on screen) Explanation instructor: The fourth element is called Diagonal (diagonal)


Combined movement: one hand is in position "low vee", other hand in position "high vee", the body is directed straight forward.

What should the viewer see?:

Fists on the thumb side of the lower and upper hands.

6 slide (shown on screen) Explanation instructor: The fifth element is called


The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90° and placed at shoulder level above each other friend: elbow over hand, hand over elbow (lie one on top of the other). The backs of the hands are directed upward.

What should the viewer see?:

Fists from the little finger side.

Instructor: I propose to combine these elements with musical accompaniment.

(To the accompaniment of music, a musical composition with elements is performed cheerleading.)



Classes cheerleading can only be carried out under the guidance of a trainer with appropriate knowledge.

Trainers should always be present during any type of activity. cheerleading.

With the help of properly structured training cheerleaders must reach the required level before attempting elements cheerleading(acrobatic elements, stunts, pyramids, jumps, etc.)

Classes cheerleading must be carried out in a safe place. It is necessary to constantly be aware of the different parts of the environment that can affect your training. Such as space, flooring/covering, equipment (mats, etc., noise, obstacles, temperature, lighting, weather, etc.

Each element cheerleading must be practiced in the correct progression.

Cheerleaders should not wear anything that could cause injury, such as jewelry (earrings, watches, rings, hair accessories, etc.). Workout clothing should fit properly, while allowing reasonable freedom of movement and not being slippery. Choose suitable shoes with stable soles and the size you need.

Coaches must know each person's ability level cheerleader and must accept the right decision relative to the level of performance.

Instructor: What elements you remember cheerleading? What emotions do classes evoke in you? cheerleading?

Participants' responses master class.

Instructor: Our dance with elements cheerleading turned out to be original. I hope that master class conducted by me was useful for teachers. IN kindergarten cheerleading, can be used as an additional form of conducting classes on physical culture in order to create and unite a team based on the interests of preschoolers cheerleading, strengthen motor skills and abilities cheerleading and accompany sports teams at various competitions.

Cheerleading as a means of developing physical qualities

in older children to school age.

Storozhenkova Tatyana Sergeevna

Physical education instructor

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 378" g.o. Samara

Cheerleading is a trendy mix of sports and entertainment. Incendiary dance, breathtaking acrobatic stunts, provocative chants adorn the various entertainment activities, all kinds of holidays and sporting competitions.

Cheerleading is a sport for children with different levels physical training, accessible to all age categories. There are few mass, accessible areas for girls in sports. Cheerleading is aesthetics great fitness, lifestyle and leadership development.

Cheerleading originates from America, a country where for more than a hundred years not a single competition is complete without performances by dancers, gymnasts, acrobats, and ringleaders.

IN English the word “cheerleading” is made up of two halves: cheer – a greeting (you can even scream) and leader – someone who is able to lead (in a word, leader). That's how it is. Who controls the mood of the fans, surprising them with truly circus tricks? Cheerleaders! Who inspires competition participants to perform sporting feats with their chants? Cheerleaders! Who is always in a cheerful mood and in good physical shape? Here they are again! But our grandparents in the middle of the last century also built intricate gymnastic pyramids and performed daring acrobatic jumps against their background. Only this tradition has not taken root. Unfortunately. But fortunately, in our century there is a worthy replacement for it.

Everyone can do cheerleading: thin, plump, healthy and weak, lively and shy. Physical development, communication with peers, a friendly approach help to identify creative inclinations, leadership qualities, overcome complexes and strive for success!

Cheerleading promotes:

Development of leadership qualities

Harmonious development

Formation of team spirit

Mutual understanding

Cheerleaders learn to do lane changes, cartwheels, splits, jumps, learn to write slogans and chants, and learn acting and speech production.

Classes include elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, dance movements, general developmental, drill, applied exercises, jumping; exercises for coordination of movements with music, dance movements, elements rhythmic gymnastics, choreography, various jumps.

The main goal of cheerleading in the program of educational institutions within additional education, in children's sections at fitness clubs - this is the introduction of children, adolescents, boys and girls to examples of physical, spiritual and moral perfection.

Cheerleading is a team sport. You can only talk about a good team when there is a permanent squad. “I accidentally looked into the hall and wanted to join training process- it won’t work that way. Here it is important to create a team, unite the guys, achieve mutual understanding in work, synchronicity in performing movements. In addition to the fact that cheerleading acts as an independent sport, cheerleading teams are created on the basis of kindergartens, schools, colleges, and universities.

For initial cheerleading lessons, no special physical data is required, so teams can be formed according to the following age categories:

Children: 5-6 years old

Children: 7-11 years old

Juniors: 12-16 years old

Adults: 16+

The benefits of cheerleading.

Firstly, cheerleading promotes quite fast weight loss and the formation of a harmonious figure (and, unlike fitness, does not lead to the appearance of hypertrophied muscles).

Secondly, it is an excellent disease prevention cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system (for example, by doing this sport you can get rid of scoliosis at the initial stage), helps improve memory.

Thirdly, it disciplines, expands your social circle, helps to recover from depression, etc.

With the help of cheerleading, you can organize leisure time for children, as well as organize sporting events and holidays in an interesting way.

Features of organizing classes with children of senior preschool age.

The organization of classes, the choice of forms, means and methods of training, the dosage of the load are determined by the peculiarities of the development of the body of young cheerleaders. Athletes are trained strictly in accordance with their age, which includes anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics.

For children 5-6 years old (boys and girls), classes are aimed not only at developing children’s motivation for physical activity and improving physical indicators, but also on the development of personality qualities necessary for communication in a group: sociability, emotional stability, independence, courage, self-confidence, self-control, adequate self-esteem, as well as the formation of positive norms of behavior and the foundations of a communicative culture.


· improving children's health,

· prevention of poor posture, flat feet, infectious diseases

· development of physical data: strength, endurance.

Cheerleading at this age contributes to the formation of stress resistance and increased motor activity of children, the development of speed, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, as well as the harmonious development of personality. Regular execution physical exercise gives a boost of energy and improves mood, which helps to increase the child’s performance and help him learn to move correctly and beautifully.

Children need to be taught conscious motor actions and to memorize the correct types of movements, as well as to form in children the need for physical activity, the development of creative abilities and leadership qualities.

Introducing beginner athletes to basic elements in cheerleading, it must be carried out in several stages, which contributes to the formation of a strong interest in those involved in cheerleading.

To perceive the staging principles (changes, formations) of the program during training, it is necessary to widely use outdoor games aimed at developing speed and clarity of movements, orientation on the court, and the ability to interact with partners.

Considering that a motor skill is more successfully formed on the basis of sufficient physical fitness, in classes with children 5-6 years old, up to 50% of the time should be devoted to physical training. Available tools from the program material are used for general and special training with a primary focus on developing speed, agility, flexibility, and endurance.

Developing agility and flexibility creates the basis for successfully mastering complex elements, including acrobatic elements.

To develop flexibility, exercises without objects and with light objects are used, performed with a large amplitude, in combination with exercises that strengthen joints and ligaments.

Cheerleading is a sport and a real show rolled into one.

Cheerleading proves that any child can achieve extraordinary results. It has gained wide popularity among children and teenagers. Parents are happy to send their children of preschool and primary school age to cheerleading sections, because highly appreciate the potential of this sport in developing motor skills, improving coordination, and strengthening the general physical condition of the child.

Cheerleading (also called "cheerleading") is a sport that combines dancing, gymnastics, and acrobatics. Cheerleading dates back to 1870, when players' wives came on stage during competitions and began cheering on the players. Cheerleading was officially recognized in Russia in 2007. Today, numerous cheerleading clubs have been opened where anyone can practice.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the section Cheerleading, support group for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all cheerleading sections, cheerleading clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place for cheerleading in Moscow can be done directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

The portal contains information about cheerleading in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of schools, prices for one-time classes and full-fledged subscriptions, student reviews various studios. Thus, each visitor will be able to choose the ideal option to suit all their wishes! For greater convenience, a search by metro stations and city districts is provided.

What is cheerleading and who is it suitable for?

Cheerleading is spectacular view sport with show elements. Initially, cheerleaders acted as a support group for basketball players, football players and other sports teams, but over time, cheerleading became an independent sports direction. In Moscow, many studios recruit cheerleading groups for people with different levels of physical fitness.

Features of cheerleading

The historical birthplace of cheerleading is the state of Minnesota, USA. On one of football matches the players from the substitute bench decided to support the athletes on the field, shouting words of encouragement and performing light acrobatic tricks. Over time, representatives of the fair sex showed interest in cheerleading, and for a long period, support groups consisted exclusively of girls. Today, cheerleading is chosen by both men and women, and complex stunts have been added to the rhyming chants and dance moves. There are two directions:

  • Cheer (for girls) and Cheer Mixed (mixed teams) are based on acrobatic elements, tricks from artistic gymnastics. A characteristic feature of this type of cheerleading is the construction of pyramids, changing lines to the rhythm of music and chants.
  • Cheer Dance Freestyle is a technically complex form of cheerleading. Athletes perform rotations, lifts, difficult jumps and acrobatics in the air.

Cheerleaders continue to perform at sporting events, Moscow’s entertainment events are not complete without the participation of acrobats. In addition, athletes participate in competitions at the city, all-Russian and world levels.

How are cheerleading classes conducted?

In Moscow cheerleading schools, classes are held in closed groups, which are formed depending on the age and level of physical fitness of the athletes. As a rule, several mentors are involved in lessons:

  • choreographer;
  • stretching trainer;
  • acrobatics trainer.

Each lesson in the studio begins with a warm-up complex: running or jumping, working out muscles and joints. Once the body is warmed up, the main part of the workout begins. In cheerleading lessons for beginners, the emphasis is on performing the circuit. general physical fitness exercises and learning dance moves, more experienced athletes practice tricks and performances. The classes end with stretching and exercises for specific muscle groups.

No special uniform is required for training, the main thing is that the clothes are comfortable and do not restrict movement. In preparation for performances, costumes are sewn for all athletes in the studio, and during the final run-throughs the show program is worked out in a stage image.

Which cheerleading studio should you sign up for?

When choosing which cheerleading school to enroll in, you should start from your own goals. If the desire to play sports is professional in nature, you want to participate in competitions and develop, then you should choose a school where an experienced and titled cheerleader, participant teaches sports competitions world level. And for those who just want to tone up their body, periodically act as a support group at football and basketball matches, classes in sections and courses open at cheerleading clubs are suitable.

When choosing a studio for training, you should pay attention to technical aspects: the training room should be large and bright, all sports equipment and exercise equipment should be in good condition. Cheerleading teachers are required to provide the appropriate certificates; reviews of the coaches’ work will help you decide.