How to lose weight at home with the baby diet. Baby diet - weekly menu with recipes for every day, products and weight loss results

Over the past few years, EFFECTIVE Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home by 10 kg and maintenance healthy image life. The well-known host of the Health program on Channel One ( offers a quick process for losing weight in the stomach and sides without harm to health.

The principle of this diet is to consume exclusively healthy foods that are required to keep the body healthy and energetic. This weight loss option has replaced all existing diets, receives many positive reviews every day, and therefore finding something equally effective will not be easy. Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing 10 kg, repeatedly voiced in the “Live Healthy” program, is not like standard diets, here you do not need to sit on a grueling hunger strike for 7 days, the essence of the diet is to develop a diet on a lifelong basis that will cleanse and strengthen your body without harming your health. According to Elena, by adhering to such a diet, you will not only lose weight, but also get rid of many diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The essence of losing weight using this method is that you need it for at least 4 months. The weight will leave you smoothly during the process, and after completing the kilogram you will not come back, the result will be fixed for a long time. This type of weight loss is suitable for those who do not like and cannot tolerate hunger, because according to such a system, the feeling of hunger will not overtake you. You will eat and lose weight.

The main points of the Malysheva diet:

  • Feeling hungry - go away! The feeling of the year is harmful to our health. To this sensation, the body turns on a protective reaction and burns fat reserves at a rapid pace. Because of this, after completing the diet, it is very easy to break down and gain all the pounds back. To avoid this effect, Elena suggests a system of fractional meals with certain intervals between food consumption. Allow approximately 2-3 hours between meals. Due to such a nutritional system, proper metabolism is established, which prevents the body from turning on energy saving mode. We wrote more about this in the article about.
  • Monitor your food intake! Each portion of food must be measured. Make sure the portion is no more than a glass. In order for the weight loss process to actively start, it is necessary to narrow the stomach, to approximately the size of a fist. This is the size of the portion that will completely fill your stomach and prevent hunger.
  • Personal calorie counting. Elena Malysheva's free diet for weight loss at home consists of low-calorie foods, but in order to lose overweight, you need to accurately count the calories you consume. A special one will help you with this online calculator calorie content. For each person there is a certain dose of calories per day, it is calculated according to weight, height and level physical fitness. To lose weight quickly, you need to stick to your daily routine. maximum quantity calories per day, count everything you consume during the day. The standard number of calories for women per day is 1200, according to Elena Malysheva. We also recommend that you read the article.

Before starting a diet, calculate your allowable caloric intake yourself and make sample menu recipes for the week. To help you create a menu, you will receive a list healthy products provided on the official website of Elena Malyshevoy’s diet, there is also a forum where people who are losing weight communicate. Also, an indispensable assistant in the process of losing weight will be a kitchen scale and a table describing the calorie content of foods. Throughout the diet, these two devices will be constantly used.

Elena Malysheva's diet rules

The main rule, as mentioned earlier, is the consumption of healthy, low-calorie foods. But besides this, there is an additional set of rules that will help significantly speed up weight loss:

  • Avoid feeling hungry. Do not deplete your body, this will only lead to a deterioration in your well-being and condition, and not to losing excess weight;
  • Accurately count all the calories you eat per day. The optimal number per day is 800-1200 calories, but this is all individual for each person; for a more accurate calculation, we recommend using. The new menu should be varied;
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly, without haste. This will allow the body to cope with digestion more easily, and will also facilitate the process of assimilation of food in the digestive tract. Each serving should be chewed at least 17 times;
  • Consume as much mineral still water as possible. Water helps cleanse the body, removing all toxins and waste from it. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day, and in the morning, half an hour before meals, don’t forget about a glass of water;
  • Be sure to play sports. Exercise accelerate the process of losing weight in the stomach and burning excess fat;
  • Give your body a rest. Follow - choose one day a week when you give up your usual diet and saturate your body with light food containing maximum vitamins.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

From the point of view of nutrition, Elena Malysheva’s diet is standard recommendations for following the rules of rational and healthy eating and does not contain any original idea. The fact that you need to “eat right for at least 4 months” was known long before Elena Malysheva. The fact that the diet “should not lead to a regular feeling of hunger” has also long been applied and implemented, as well as the principle of fractional nutrition and small amounts of food. Personal calorie counting is also present in many systems. Advice to drink more fluids, chew food and exercise also cannot be classified as very original. Those dishes that are recommended and not recommended are also known to everyone even without Elena Malysheva. Perhaps the only plus is the possibility of a wide appearance on screens every week, which is a fairly strong factor in adherence to the diet, as well as “ easy way» - purchase of special sets. Well, laziness is also an important motivator. The only thing that can be noted is that the diet calls for a complete abstinence from salt. This controversial point, it is quite possible to limit yourself to five grams of salt per day for all purposes.

Losing weight with Elena Malysheva at home

The daily weight loss diet according to Elena Malysheva should include the following products:

  • Lots of fruits and vegetables - fresh and in salads. We especially recommend paying attention to (aka “Broom”).
  • Lean meat and fish, best chicken breasts, turkey fillets and cod.
  • Definitely eggs.
  • Any seafood is very beneficial for the body;
  • Porridges – cereals and whole grains, we recommend reading the article.
  • All fermented milk products, but with a minimum percentage of fat content.
  • Baked goods, any flour products, get rid of bread and pasta.
  • The consumption of potatoes, beets and carrots should also be limited or completely eliminated.
  • Not recommended - white rice.
  • Cereals such as semolina and buckwheat.
  • Fat cottage cheese and yoghurts.

Products that should be completely excluded:

  • Salt. This component retains excess fluid in our body, which causes swelling.
  • Sweets, confectionery, baked goods, chocolate.
  • Any one is definitely excluded!
  • Fatty foods (salmon, pork, butter, halibut, lamb, etc.).
  • Smoked meats and sausages.
  • Various canned foods and pates.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Menu for every day for weight loss from Elena Malysheva

This menu is designed for 10 days, there are options for seven days. But you should always stick to this free diet, then you will be healthy and slim. Based on this diet, you can create a sample menu for yourself for a month or more. No pills or drugs will help you achieve good results, remember this! They only help us stay slim, fit and, most importantly, healthy.

Day: Schedule: Menu:
1 day Morning Boiled buckwheat (200 gr.);
Hard-boiled egg (1 pc.);
100 gr. salad of carrots, apples and one spoon of olive or vegetable oil.
Snack A small handful of dried fruits;
Curd casserole (150 gr.);
Green tea without sugar.
Dinner A small piece of beef, steamed;
130 gr. souffle;
200 gr. boiled cauliflower;
Rosehip decoction.
Snack Grapefruit (1 pc.).
Dinner Stewed cabbage with zucchini, whole portion (200 g);
Apple baked in the oven with cinnamon;
1 glass of kefir – 1%.
Day 2 8:00 Oatmeal, water-based, no added sugar or salt.
11:00 Apple (2 pcs.), tangerine (2 pcs.). You can replace it with your favorite fruits, except bananas.
14:00 Boil yourself a chicken fillet or a few chicken eggs, your choice.
17:00 Low-fat cottage cheese.
20:00 Light vegetable salad from your favorite vegetables;
1 glass of kefir – 1%.
Day 3 For breakfast Make an omelette from two whites and one yolk. Add 1 tbsp. l. milk;
Make a light salad of apple and carrot (100 g) with a spoon of oil (olive).
Brunch Cottage cheese casserole without added sugar.
For Lunch Make yourself a vegetable soup, add carrots and mushrooms to it. Tomatoes and boiled breast. Choose products according to your taste;
For afternoon tea Any fruit (2-3 pcs.).
For dinner The evening meal on this day is minimal - 1 tbsp. kefir.
4 day In the morning Green peas (100 gr.);
Boiled beef (50 gr.);
Snack Make yourself a vinaigrette (150 gr.);
Whole grain bread (2 pcs.).
During the day Stew the cabbage with the addition of carrots (150 g);
Boil 100 grams of your favorite fish;
Rose hip tea.
Snack A handful of walnuts;
Green apple (1 pc.).
In the evening Make cottage cheese casserole with carrots (200 gr.);
1 glass of low-fat kefir.
5 day 8:00 Any favorite porridge, boiled in water, without sugar and salt;
A handful of your favorite berries.
11:00 Make your own zucchini puree.
14:00 Boil yourself a chicken breast or fillet of your favorite fish;
Any fresh vegetables as a side dish;
Rose hip tea.
17:00 Low-fat cottage cheese;
Fruit yogurt – 1% fat (1 cup).
20:00 Vegetable salad.
Day 6 Breakfast Oatmeal soaked in boiling water (no need to cook);
You can add any berries or fruits or a spoonful of honey.
Snack 2-3 apples.
Dinner Light meat or fish, sprinkle with herbs and lemon juice.
Snack 2 oranges or tangerines.
Dinner Salad of your favorite vegetables;
A glass of kefir – 1%.
Day 7 For breakfast Infuse the bran in kefir for about 15 minutes, eat with a piece of low-fat cheese and fruit, it is fashionable to use kiwi, orange or tangerine.
Brunch Fresh orange juice and grapefruit.
Dinner Make a vegetable stew (carrots, cabbage, tomato, onion, zucchini) – 200 gr.;
150 gr. boiled chicken breast.
Afternoon snack 1 cup yogurt (1%);
A small handful of fruit.
Dinner Cucumber and cabbage salad with herbs and egg. Drizzle with lemon juice or a spoonful of olive oil;
A glass of herbal tea.
Day 8 1st meal Canned peas;
Whole grain crispbread (2 pcs.);
Rose hip tea.
2nd meal Fruits, apple and pear (2 pcs.).
3rd meal Chicken fillet, boiled or steamed, or a couple of eggs.
4th meal Stewed cabbage (200 gr.).
5th meal Low-fat cottage cheese (200 gr.);
Low-fat kefir (1 glass).
Day 9 Morning Hard-boiled chicken egg (1 pc.);
Cheese – 30 gr.;
Green peas – 50 gr.
Snack Vinaigrette (150 gr.);
Whole grain bread (2 pcs.).
Day Stew the cabbage (200 gr.);
Green apple (1 pc.).
Snack Grapefruit (1 pc.).
Evening 150 grams of cottage cheese casserole without added sugar;
Kefir 1% (1 glass).
10 day Breakfast Egg white omelette (2 pcs.);
Green tea.
Brunch Favorite berries (strawberries, cherries, peach, pineapple or pear).
Dinner Make vegetable soup from your favorite vegetables;
Whole grain bread (2 pcs.).
Afternoon snack Orange (1 piece).
Dinner Salad of tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers, with the addition of herbs;
After half an hour - 1 glass of kefir - 1%.

Following this diet, you will consistently lose up to 500-800 grams per day. Along with the kilograms, harmful substances will also leave your body. You will not be tormented by hunger, thanks to the balanced area, you will be sufficiently satisfied. The diet has only positive reviews on blogs and social networks, because Helps you lose weight and get healthy at the same time. The weight loss course from Elena Malysheva has no contraindications and is suitable for absolutely everyone. This is due to the fact that the whole essence of the diet is healthy and proper nutrition without harm to health. But if you are allergic to a particular product, then you can always replace it with a similar one.

Meal sets from Elena Malysheva for weight loss

Ready-made meal kits for weight loss from Elena Malysheva have recently gained particular popularity. This effective remedy, designed for 4 weeks.

There are several menu options for men and women, which contain different products and daily calorie intake, prices are presented below.

  • Official website of Elena Malyshevoy’s diet:

The diet will give good results if you follow the diet correctly, count daily norm calories, monitor their number. At the same time, do not forget about physical activity, 2 liters of water per day and fasting days! Weight does not return after this diet, the result is permanent. If you like the technique, then you can make it your regular diet or repeat it as needed. Achieve good results It’s simple, you just have to put in a little effort and you’ll succeed!

Elena Malysheva's diet is the right course on the way to ideal figure. And finally - infographics on the topic of the article, we recommend downloading it to your computer.

Composition and basic rules of the diet

Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home is based on 3 principles:

  • To lose weight, you can’t starve;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of unboiled water per day;
  • A single meal should not exceed a serving size of 250 grams. Or 1 full glass.

When creating a menu for Malysheva’s diet for the week, you must also take into account the following requirements:

  • Strict refusal of alcohol and minimizing salt intake. Liquid makes up an impressive part of our body weight. And these products retain fluid in the body and prevent its elimination.
  • It is also necessary to consume sufficient calories for weight loss with a sedentary lifestyle: for men – 1400, for women – 1200. The diet set provides 800 and 1100 calories for men and women, respectively. The rest comes on its own.
  • Minimizing the consumption of animal fat. For example, instead of frying, it is better to boil foods, replace fattier meat (pork) with poultry, etc.

An effective diet is 24 days, consisting of 5 meals a day, as well as 4 fasting days, which consist entirely of cereals: buckwheat and rice.

To follow a diet, you can follow two paths:

  1. You buy diet kits for the entire diet cycle: 2 boxes that are sent to you every 2 weeks.
  2. You buy all the products yourself.

The diet set from Elena Malysheva includes:

  • First breakfast: cereal or muesli;
  • Second breakfast: fresh fruit of your choice;
  • Dinner: low calorie dish frozen for heating in the microwave. Complemented with green salad;
  • Dessert: a bar of muesli, fruits and nuts, or dried fruits;
  • Dinner: a slightly higher calorie frozen dish. Also complemented with green salad.

You can supplement the missing amount of calories in the set with vegetables: mushrooms, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, garlic, etc. You can drink green tea without sugar without restrictions, mineral water, vegetable broths.

Daily routine

According to the diet, the minimum required number of meals is 5. As mentioned above, the main rule is not to starve. You can reduce portions and increase the number of meals if your body requires it.

Diet mode:

Elena Malysheva's diet menu for the week

People who want to use this diet can order 2 weekly sets at the Perekrestok, Azbuka Vkusa, and Behetle stores.

But if you have a negative attitude towards semi-finished products and do not want to overpay, you can prepare dietary food for yourself. It will be a little harder for you to follow Elena Malysheva’s diet at home, because... you will spend more time shopping, selecting food and preparing it. Also, not all family members will be delighted with fresh, unsalted food. You may have to cook for yourself separately. At first, you can replace salt with unsalted spices - herbs de Provence, dried dill, parsley.

Elena Malysheva's diet menu:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayA glass of buckwheat porridge, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad with olive oil, one apple. Apple and prunes (or 1 banana). Boiled beef or chicken breast 150 g, fresh cabbage or broccoli salad, tea. A portion of dried fruits with tea, or an apple. Stewed vegetables, steamed beef cutlet, a glass of kefir.
TuesdayOatmeal porridge 200 g, traditional with water or skim milk, berries. Favorite fruit or beet salad with bread. Steamed fish - 100 g. Salad of tomatoes, fresh cabbage and herbs. Apple or low-fat cottage cheese. Buckwheat or rice - 100 g. Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g.
Wednesday (fasting day) Boiled rice without salt - 200 g. Apple.Boiled buckwheat without salt - 200 g. Apple or banana. Boiled rice without salt - 200 g.
ThursdayOmelette of 2 eggs with onions and herbs. Carrot salad with olive oil. Apple or grapefruit. Potato soup with zucchini. A muesli bar or a portion of dried fruit with tea. Low-fat cottage cheese or pilaf with champignons. Green salad.
FridayMuesli with skim milk or oatmeal 1 cup. Favorite fruit.Low-fat pea soup, 1 stuffed pepper or chicken breast of your choice, 2 diet bread. Stewed cabbage with vegetables. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g. Kefir.
SaturdayBoiled eggs 2 pcs, stewed carrots with apple. Fresh fruit.Boiled beef - 200 g. Mushroom cream soup. Vegetable salad or a handful of dried fruits with tea. Stewed white cabbage, cottage cheese or kefir.
SundayPearl barley porridge 1 cup. A handful of nuts or dried fruits. Fresh fruit.Turkey or chicken breast, baked in the oven - 200 g. Vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad. Low-fat cottage cheese. Boiled or steamed fish. 1 glass of kefir.

Diet results

Elena Malysheva's diet is a balanced way to lose weight. It won’t bring you instant results and tens of kilograms lost, but that’s its beauty. The diet does not harm the body and does not lead to stress, and this is the most important thing for your health! Everything requires a meaningful and reasonable approach. You can’t accumulate excess weight for years and then get rid of it in 2 days. Be consistent in your actions and you will achieve your goals without harm to your body!

Excess weight, as Elena Malysheva noted, is an indicator of a malfunction of the body, and only then a visual defect of your body. Today we have collected not only valuable advice from a doctor of medical sciences regarding losing weight at home, but also some dishes that are perfect for Elena Vasilyeva’s diet.

Secrets of successful weight loss from Elena Malysheva

Successful weight loss lies not only in the rapid disappearance of accumulated fat, but also in maintaining the achieved proportions. To ensure that the weight loss process does not require great sacrifices and does not cause inconvenience, follow the advice below from Elena Malysheva.

It would seem that to achieve results you just have to give up food. Yes, then the kilograms will definitely go away, but the result will not please you at all. Why? Yes, it’s all about exhaustion of the body, when life is not sweet and in general all goals and dreams dissolve. In addition, the body will switch to maximum food storage mode, which is fraught with metabolic disorders.

The advice is very simple: eat light home-cooked food in the right quantities, and leave the high-calorie and unhealthy dishes to someone else.

Fractional meals prevents spikes in blood glucose levels, so you don't feel terribly hungry. Constipation and digestive problems are also excluded.

Eat more often, but less, so that your body does not become stagnant. This will also prevent possible overeating. The time interval between meals should be 2-3 hours.

Estimating by eye the number of calories consumed is not at all the same. If you don't control the calorie content of your food, it's easy to overdo the dosage. Elena Malysheva found that the norm for a woman losing weight is 1200 kcal per day.

People simply underestimate the importance of water in the chemical processes occurring in the body. But it is pure water that can speed up metabolism, remove toxins and, importantly, fat broken down during weight loss. The level of water in the body also determines well-being: if there is little fluid, a person becomes less able to work and active.

Probably everyone knows the daily water intake.

During chewing, food is evenly moistened with saliva, which determines successful digestion. Malysheva advises chewing each piece of food 12 times. This way you will fully experience the taste of the food, and also leave the kitchen more satiated. Scientists have proven that eating in a calm environment saturates the body much better than a quick meal.

Tip #6: Do a fasting day at least once a week

During the week, quite a lot of breakdown products of heavy food accumulate in the body, their concentration ultimately affects your health. Take a break once a week gastrointestinal tract. There are a lot of methods, some of them are presented on our website.

Most often, fasting days are spent on porridge (or buckwheat), or on fruit (for example, apples).

To quickly acquire the desired shape, it is best to completely give up sweets, baked goods and other similar products that contain fast carbohydrates. There are many recipes for dietary sweets, or find substitutes for your favorite treats.

Losing weight and fatty foods are a priori incompatible things on a diet. A lot of fat is found in fried foods, processed meats, etc. Malysheva advises giving preference to beef, chicken or veal. Also refuse butter.

Important: completely giving up fat is harmful, since it will disrupt metabolic processes in the body.

Most diets restrict everything and everyone, including protein. Malysheva, on the contrary, advocates increased protein consumption. This will save beautiful body at the end of the diet, since the body will not “absorb” muscle tissue for food.

Whatever one may say, without sports any diet will not be 100% effective. Options physical activity sea: regular exercise one hour a day, swimming in the pool, jogging, etc. When exercising, it is important to observe regular activities to improve your figure.

Malysheva's diet menu for every day

For fast weight loss follow this schedule:

  • 7:00 - get up, drink a glass of plain water or water with lemon;
  • 8:00 - breakfast;
  • 9:00 - glass of water;
  • 10:00 - glass of water, fruit;
  • 11:00 - glass of water;
  • 12:00 - lunch;
  • 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 - a glass of water;
  • 16:00 - afternoon snack;
  • 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 - a glass of water;
  • 20:00 - dinner;
  • 21:00 - glass of water;
  • 22:00 - lights out.

A special feature of the standard diet is complete freedom of diet. You can eat any low-calorie dishes by preparing them at home, under one condition: their total calorie content should not exceed 1200 kcal per day.

Breakfast options

Muesli, oatmeal, yogurt, and cottage cheese are perfect for breakfast. The very first meal should be hearty, since it will set the mood for the whole day of Malysheva’s diet. Below are some breakfast options.

No. 1. Curd mass with Parmesan cheese and bread (309 kcal)

  • spread 5 g of butter on 50 g of whole grain bread and add 30 g of Parmesan;
  • 100 g of curd mass with minimal fat content;
  • coffee without sugar.

No. 2. Oatmeal with raisins (116 kcal)

  • oatmeal - 100 g (with water, without sugar);
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • orange juice - a glass.

No. 3. Curd mass with apple and bread (239 kcal)

  • 100 grams of low-fat curd mass;
  • one apple;
  • 50 g whole grain bread;
  • 5 g butter.


Ideal for second breakfast:

  • apple + natural yogurt (approximately 120 kcal);
  • strawberries + milk (combine 150 g of chopped berries with 100 g of milk, 80 kcal);
  • 2 slices rice bread + teaspoon peanut butter (150 kcal).

Lunch options

For lunch, the TV presenter advises eating protein foods. You can boil the meat or bake it. The main thing is that it is not greasy. The food options are as follows.

No. 1. Fish with salad, kefir and bread (340 kcal)

  • salmon - 100 g;
  • vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil - 150 g;
  • bread + kefir.

No. 3. Mackerel with celery (350 kcal)

  • boiled fish - 100 g;
  • onion - 20 g;
  • celery - 20 g;
  • mayonnaise - 10 g;
  • a slice of whole grain bread.

No. 2. Chicken breast sandwich (310 kcal)

  • Spread a little mustard on toast, add chicken (100 g), 50 g of cheese and a slice of tomato.

Afternoon snack

You can have an afternoon snack:

  • yogurt without fat (130 g) with strawberries (120 g) - 110 kcal;
  • apple cooked in the oven: simply place the cored fruit in the oven for ten minutes, and sprinkle with cinnamon before eating (100 kcal);
  • corn dietary cookies with milk (the number of calories depends on the cookie).

Homemade dishes for dinner

On Elena Malysheva’s diet, you can prepare the following for dinner.

No. 1. Beef meat with light salad (270 kcal)

  • boiled beef - 100 g;
  • vegetable salad - 150 g.

No. 3. Turkey meat with spinach (150 kcal)

  • bake one hundred grams of meat in the oven;
  • Steam two hundred grams of spinach.

No. 2. Chicken breast with potatoes and salad

  • 100 g potatoes;
  • 100 g boiled chicken meat;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 200 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

Elena Malysheva is a doctor, doctor of medical sciences and a well-known TV presenter; she has been telling people about health from blue screens for many years. She also presented to the public several weight loss techniques that have already helped many people.

Diet principles of Elena Malysheva

The technique presented by the famous TV presenter is to reduce the consumption of fat and salt. Simple carbohydrates, which are found in baked goods, sweets, sweet vegetables and fruits, are also harmful to your figure. Malysheva, whose weight loss diet is approved by nutritionists, claims that results can be achieved by following the basic principles of nutrition.

  1. Hunger strike is prohibited. When the body does not receive the required amount of food, it begins to store it in reserve at any opportunity. If this rule is not taken into account, then the kilograms lost during the fasting period will come back.
  2. Fractional meals. Elena Malysheva's diet involves eating at least five times a day.
  3. Calorie counting. To start weight loss processes, the daily amount of calories consumed should be 1200.
  4. Make diet a way of life. The nutrition offered by Malysheva is balanced and healthy, so it can be used for an unlimited amount of time.

What foods are included in Elena Malysheva’s diet?

To get rid of excess weight, you need to change your diet by removing unhealthy foods and adding healthy ones. There is a certain list of products proposed by Elena Malysheva. She divided the special sets into groups: breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts. The proposed dishes are prepared from available products, so this should not be a problem. A few examples of what is included in Elena Malysheva’s diet.

  1. Morning appointments: oatmeal, muesli with healthy additives, millet porridge and omelet.
  2. Dinners: potatoes with mushrooms with milk sauce, poultry fillet with potatoes or rice, spaghetti with meatballs or meatballs.
  3. Evening receptions: creamy soup of mushrooms, pumpkin, broccoli, vegetable pilaf and chicken julienne.
  4. Desserts: nuts, candied fruits, soufflé with berry juice, grain kozinaki and fruit bars.

Malysheva’s diet – menu for the week

The doctor does not recommend unquestioningly following the proposed diets, since they do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the preferences of a person. It is best to use them as an example and with existing rules in mind. Malysheva’s diet, the menu of which should include five meals, is balanced. Please note that the serving weight should not exceed 250 g. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to maintain metabolism, improve digestion and ensure proper bowel cleansing. Another rule is to eat carbohydrates separately from proteins.

Malysheva diet recipes for weight loss

Focusing on prohibited and permitted foods, Elena offered a wide range of dishes intended for different meals. She didn’t forget about those with a sweet tooth, offering several dessert options. Elena Malysheva’s diet recipes are simple and there are no unique culinary secrets in preparation; the main thing is to take into account existing prohibitions and use gentle heat treatment options.

Salad “Brush” - recipe from Elena Malysheva

Vegetable salads are considered one of the healthiest dishes for weight loss and health improvement. This is due to the fact that vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, from which the name “panicle” originated. The “Brush” diet from Elena Malysheva involves cleansing the body of waste and toxins, which are swept away as if with a broom. Unlike the classic salad recipe, the doctor's version does not include olive oil.


  • cabbage – 250 g;
  • carrots – 250 g;
  • beets – 250 g;
  • lemon juice – 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Peel the beets and carrots, then finely chop all the vegetables. You can use a grater for Korean salads.
  2. Mix vegetables and add lemon juice. Stir and squeeze the salad with your hands to add juiciness and softness.

Paneer cheese according to Malysheva’s recipe

Many varieties of cheeses presented in stores contain harmful substances, so if possible, it is better to prepare them at home. Paneer cheese is a great breakfast option to speed up your metabolism. The product is non-caloric and natural, so it is easily digestible. If desired, you can add greens to the recipe.

Paneer - recipe from Malysheva


  • milk – 3 l;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.


  1. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour in the juice squeezed from citrus fruits. Stir the liquid constantly.
  2. Almost immediately the milk will begin to curdle. After a few minutes, the separation process will occur.
  3. Take a sieve and line it with gauze, and then pour the contents of the pan into it and wait until the whey drains. Be sure to squeeze out the cheese mass.
  4. All that remains is to put the cheese under the press for several hours, using a plate and a jar of water. You can eat it immediately after this.

Express diet Malysheva

When you need to lose a few kilograms in a short period of time, then express methods can come to the rescue. An option proposed by a famous TV presenter allows you to lose up to five in 10 days. extra pounds. Elena Malysheva’s express diet involves alternating carbohydrate and protein days. The menu proposed by the doctor must be followed without changes.

Protein day:

  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach, a hard-boiled egg and a green salad.
  2. Dinner: 300 g fillet, boiled in two waters without adding salt.
  3. Snack: 200 g boiled fillet with herbs;
  4. Dinner: 300 g of boiled fillet with green vegetable salad. Throughout the day you need to drink 2 liters of water.

For carbohydrate day you need to eat the “Pastel” salad, the recipe for which we reviewed earlier and uses 0.5 kg of each vegetable. The resulting volume is divided into 7-8 servings, which are distributed throughout the day. In addition, it is important not to forget about maintaining water balance. This diet by Elena Malysheva requires five carbohydrate and protein days, which follow each other.

Malysheva’s diet – fasting day

To improve the results of weight loss and the functioning of the digestive system, the doctor recommends unloading. With its help, metabolic processes are normalized, decomposition products are removed and excess liquid, the water-salt balance is restored. The diet is presented in several versions.

  1. Protein. You are allowed to eat 5-6 servings of boiled fillet per day, and you also need to drink 2 liters of water. It is forbidden to use salt, and add lemon juice when cooking. With this unloading you can lose about 800 g per day.
  2. Vegetable. A salad is prepared from celery, carrots and beets. You need to eat 6-7 small servings per day. The volume of liquid is maintained. With this option you can lose up to a kilogram in a day.
  3. Grapefruit. Such fasting diet Elena Malysheva allows you to get rid of one kilogram. Eat 5 citrus fruits and drink 10 cups of green tea per day. The volume of liquid is the same.
  4. Rice. Using rice cereal you can cleanse the body. The daily amount of ready-made porridge is 1 kg and this amount is divided into 5-6 servings. Don't forget about liquid.

Elena Malysheva's diet - contraindications

Due to the fact that the presented weight loss method was developed by a doctor, the possible harm is minimal. The disadvantages include a small amount of permitted salt, but Malysheva assures that the required amount is found in vegetables and fruits. Contraindications to the Malysheva diet are as follows: gastritis, cholecystitis, ulcers, hepatitis, frequent constipation and urolithiasis. It is not recommended to adhere to this method of losing weight if you have kidney and heart diseases, or if you have frequent constipation.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Fat deposits favorable conditions for various diseases are formed on the body, since metabolic processes are disrupted due to them. An obese person falls into vicious circle: Low metabolism causes weight gain even when eating small amounts of food. Malysheva’s diet - the menu for the week suggests that excess weight will go away even with adequate nutrition, while losing weight will be slow and safe for health.

What is Elena Malysheva’s diet

Malysheva’s program involves eating dishes from a certain set of products, from which it is prohibited to deviate. The nutrition system is designed for 24 days, during which a person will not need to torment himself with hunger. The “losing weight with Elena Malysheva” diet is based on nutritious nutrition, and it is extremely important to strictly follow the regimen and adhere to the menu. Regardless of minor flaws, the “losing weight together” program is classified as safe and effective.

Rules for losing weight

The author recommends reducing your diet by removing harmful and incompatible foods from it. The proposed menu of the system for weight loss has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, provides a sufficient amount for the body complex carbohydrates, healthy proteins, vitamins (mainly from vegetables and fruits). The author of the method recommends periodically holding fasting days, which will help you lose excess weight more effectively. Key nutrition rules:

  • excluding alcoholic beverages from the menu, minimizing salt in the diet, since these products retain moisture in the body;
  • with a passive lifestyle, a sufficient daily amount of calories is considered to be 1200 for women, 1400 for men, and Malysheva’s weight loss set provides 1100 and 800 kcal (the rest of the calories, if necessary, can be added to the menu independently);
  • the consumption of animal fats is reduced to a minimum, food is processed in a healthier way - boiled, steamed/grilled, baked;
  • to avoid strong feelings of hunger during a diet, it is recommended to eat frequently (up to 6 times a day);
  • You can eat up to 0.25 kg of food at a time - this will prevent stretching of the stomach;
  • cereals and bread can only be eaten separately from meat, but they can be combined with vegetables;
  • To speed up metabolic processes, you need to drink a lot of clean water while losing weight (it also removes toxins faster and distributes beneficial substances throughout the body).

Nutrition principle

A menu for a week or longer suggests consuming no more than 1200 kcal per day. Since the average daily caloric intake of a woman is 1400-1800 kcal, body weight loss occurs due to a calorie deficit. Key principles of losing weight:

  1. You can't lose weight quickly. Healthy weight loss involves processing exclusively fat tissue. This process occurs relatively slowly: no more than 150 g of fat is burned per day, so the result of a week of dieting will be modest - about 0.5 kg. Despite the low rate of weight loss using the Malysheva system, it gives a more sustainable and healthier result. The minimum period during which you need to follow this diet is 3 months.
  2. Accounting normal weight. Before you start, you need to soberly assess the condition own body. Many women whose weight is within the normal range begin to lose weight, although they do not need to.
  3. Taking into account individual characteristics. Before going on a diet - a menu for a week or longer, you need to find out the nature of excess weight and determine how much body weight exceeds the norm. In some cases, giving up junk food does not help you lose weight, since the cause of obesity lies in diseases - diabetes, metabolic disorders, endocrine system disorders, etc.
  4. Menu correction. Fatty, fried, salty foods are reduced or completely eliminated from the diet. Vegetable fats can be consumed in minimal quantities.
  5. Establishing eating habits. A diet for a week or longer assumes that a person will get used to a balanced, healthy menu and stick to it after completing the course. This is important for maintaining and improving your weight loss results.

Ready food

The author's weight loss system consists of ready-made dinners, lunches and breakfasts that just need to be heated before consumption, which is convenient for busy people. Let's take a closer look at a set of ready-made food from Elena Malysheva. The menu includes:

  • early breakfast - muesli or cereal;
  • second breakfast - any fruit;
  • lunch – a low-calorie frozen dish (needs to be heated in the microwave), complemented with fresh salad;
  • afternoon snack – cereal bar or dried fruits;
  • dinner is a relatively high-calorie frozen dish, which is also complemented by a vegetable salad.

What's included

The calorie content of the products in the system is precisely calculated: each serving corresponds to 1 meal and is placed in a separate package. Each tray shows how to prepare the food, and the daily rations are packaged in different colors to make it easier to find the food you need. The composition of Elena Malysheva’s diet by day is collected in four packages of different colors:

  • green is breakfast;
  • yellow is lunch;
  • blue is an afternoon snack;
  • red is dinner.

Some food has a dry appearance and must be steamed before use. hot water(approximately 90 degrees). Other food from Malysheva’s system is frozen, so it first needs to be defrosted and then heated in a microwave oven. The weekly menu includes:

  1. Breakfasts, the calorie content of which is approximately 300 kcal. The following options are offered: muesli with 4 grains, oatmeal with berries, muesli with seeds/candied fruits, fruit-cereal bar with cranberries and cherries, buckwheat/rice/wheat porridge with raisins, other additives, steamed omelette with cauliflower or broccoli, etc.
  2. Lunches up to 150 kcal. Presented with champignons with potatoes in sauce, turkey with cauliflower/broccoli, saury fillet with mashed potatoes, chum salmon and steamed rice, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions, meat zrazy, meatballs with mushroom sauce, chicken breast with boiled rice, etc.
  3. Desserts are approximately 300 kcal. The menu for the week includes the following options for afternoon snacks: a fruit and nut bar, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, blueberry/lingonberry soufflé, kozinaki with dried apricots and sesame seeds.
  4. Dinners, the calorie content of which is about 100 kcal. Proper nutrition According to Malysheva, it includes boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge, noodle soup with low-fat chicken, green/pumpkin cream soup with breadcrumbs, fish bits with rice, bell peppers stuffed with vegetables, cabbage stewed with mushrooms, and vegetable pilaf.


The standard set of products from Elena Malysheva’s system is designed for 28 days and does not require long cooking. At the same time, you can even make a purchase online by ordering the product on the website with delivery to St. Petersburg or Moscow. Buying a kit by mail and having it delivered to your home is a great option for buyers who are short on time or unable to leave the house due to being overweight.

The price of a weight loss kit may vary, depending on the chosen system: there are several program options on sale, designed for men, women, people with chronic diseases, etc. The average cost of food is 12,000 rubles. The proposed diet is designed for 4 weeks, with 4 sets of food intended for fasting days(minimum amount of light food).

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

The food system includes ordinary foods that can be prepared at home using ordinary, readily available products. In fact, Malysheva’s diet for a week is not a classic version of the weight loss system, but a set of products that provide people with overweight all necessary substances with a moderate calorie diet. An important rule When losing weight, it is important to follow a diet. If necessary, you can add vegetables, mushrooms, spices, vegetable broths, low-fat kefir, etc. to the menu.

Menu for every day

A healthy diet according to Elena Malysheva for every day of the week includes cereals, fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Dinner is light, and lunch and breakfast are of average satiety. The last meal should be completed long before bedtime, and immediately before rest you are allowed to drink 250 grams of low-fat kefir. The weekly menu includes consuming no more than 1200 kcal per day. An example of a diet is presented in the table: you can choose dishes that are similar in calorie content and composition, but you cannot change your diet.

Time of day

Portion size

  • boiled buckwheat;
  • hard-boiled egg;
  • salad with carrots and herbs (seasoned with oil);
  • apple.


  • sour cream 10%.
  • steamed beef;
  • boiled cauliflower;
  • rosehip/herbal decoction.
  • stewed cabbage with zucchini;
  • grapefruit/other citrus;
  • baked apple with cinnamon.
  • low fat kefir.
  • steamed oatmeal;
  • berries;
  • low-fat milk.


  • whole grain bread;
  • salad with beets and prunes (dressing – oil)
  • salad with tomato, cucumber, dressed with oil;
  • pilaf with chicken fillet, vegetables;
  • unsweetened green tea.
  • yogurt;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.
  • boiled beans;
  • egg white and boiled cod soufflé.
  • steamed omelette;
  • carrot-apple salad with butter.


  • apple.
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • vegetable soup;
  • boiled beans.
  • stewed cabbage with apple, carrot.
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • kefir 1%.
  • boiled green peas;
  • low-fat beef fillet;
  • cereal breads.


  • bread;
  • vinaigrette
  • lean boiled fish;
  • freshly squeezed juice;
  • stewed vegetables.
  • nuts;
  • apple.
  • cottage cheese casserole without sugar;
  • sour cream 10%.
  • dried fruits;
  • “Hercules” porridge with milk.


  • eggplant caviar;
  • breads.
  • stewed vegetables;
  • steamed fish.
  • vegetable pilaf
  • low-fat cottage cheese.
  • hard cheese;
  • green peas;
  • hard-boiled egg.


  • sauerkraut;
  • baked potato.
  • boiled chicken;
  • pea soup;
  • bread;
  • stewed vegetables.
  • vegetable salad without garnish.
  • stewed cauliflower;
  • kefir 1%


  • orange.
  • stewed cabbage;
  • boiled beef;
  • half an apple.
  • salad with greens;
  • cottage cheese.
  • boiled beans;
  • fish soufflé;
  • kefir 1%

How to lose weight in 10 days

At the core ten day diet There is a separate diet, with a change in protein and carbohydrate foods according to the days of the week. This weight loss system is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases. The protein diet menu requires a varied, nutritious diet, and the regimen looks like this:

  • take a glass of warm water on an empty stomach;
  • For breakfast they eat green vegetables and a boiled egg;
  • During the day, meals are taken 4-5 more times, and dinner ends before 19 o'clock (during the day, only boiled chicken cooked in two waters is allowed - the first is drained).

A carbohydrate day is easier to tolerate, since you are allowed to eat any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. Recipes may include stewed, boiled, grilled/steamed fruits. The recommended number of meals for weight loss is from 6 to 8. An ideal option for a menu for a week or 10 days is a salad of beets, carrots and herbs, dressed with oil and lemon juice. This dish perfectly cleanses the intestines. During the diet, you should consume at least two liters of water per day.

Pros and cons

This weight loss system has earned the love of many Russians. The pros and cons of Malysheva’s diet for a week or a month are not equal. The advantage of the author's nutritional system is its benefits for the body. This eating regimen and balanced diet do not put a strain on digestive system and other human organs. Another advantage of the diet is that there is no need to count calories: the daily menu is clearly laid out.

A negative factor of this method of losing weight is the relative monotony of the diet, but this set of products was not chosen by chance - all food has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines. Another disadvantage of the diet is that excess weight comes off slowly, unlike other more strict nutrition systems. However, having managed to lose a few kilograms using Malysheva’s system, you probably won’t see them on your body again if you stick to the basics of a healthy diet.

Weight loss recipes

You can follow the diet for a week or as long as you want, but it is better to make such a diet a habit and follow it constantly. Using Elena Malysheva’s technique, you will be able to lose weight forever and without harm to your health. Since each body is individual, the time to achieve results varies, however, by adhering to the rules of nutrition, you will definitely get the expected results. Recipes for weight loss are simple and do not require significant time investment.

Chicken cutlets with herbs

  1. Prepare 0.7 kg of fresh fillet, 1 egg, spices, 0.3 cauliflower, dill.
  2. Grind the meat and boiled cabbage in a blender until smooth.
  3. Combine the mixture with the egg, finely chopped herbs, and spices.
  4. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, form it into cutlets and steam them.
  1. You will need 1 onion, 6 ripe tomatoes, chicken broth (1 l), bell pepper, spices, sour cream, buckwheat (150 g) and herbs.
  2. The chopped onion must be simmered in olive oil, the tomatoes must be baked in the oven for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the skins from the tomatoes, grind them together with the onions in a blender, and dilute the mixture with chicken broth.
  4. Into the resulting mass you need to add separately boiled buckwheat and pieces of stewed pepper.
  5. It is better to serve the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and fresh herbs.

Buckwheat soup with chicken:

  1. Prepare in advance an onion, 3 tomatoes, a chicken breast, 100 g of buckwheat, herbs, and sweet peppers.
  2. Sauté the diced onion for a couple of minutes.
  3. Peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them, then mash the pulp with a fork and transfer the mixture to the onions in a frying pan. Simmer the ingredients for 7 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Boil the meat in a liter of water. Add another glass of water to the resulting broth and boil the buckwheat in this liquid.
  5. Cut the chicken and add it to the soup along with the roast.
  6. Lastly, add finely chopped pepper and herbs to the dish according to Elena Malysheva’s recipe.

Chicken with pineapples:

  1. Take 2 chicken breasts, a can of pineapple, soy sauce, spices.
  2. Boil the meat, do not drain the broth - you will need it.
  3. Cut the pineapples into cubes.
  4. Mix chicken with 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and pepper.
  5. Place the marinated fillet in a mold, pour in the broth and cook in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  6. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. broth and pineapple juice from a jar. Boil the liquid, then add 1 tbsp. l. starch and mix thoroughly. Finally add the pineapple pieces.
  7. Eat chicken with pineapple sauce 1-2 times a week during Elena Malysheva’s diet.