Fasting on water 3. How to do therapeutic fasting on water

Fasting is the most effective method for deep cleansing of the body, but it has some contraindications and prohibitions. To avoid complications, you must follow the recommendations of experts. A scheme that involves fasting for 3 days is considered a gentle, safe method of cleansing the body of toxic, chemical deposits. In addition, there is a unique opportunity to improve your health and lose weight. The fact is that fasting stimulates mental and physical rejuvenation.

The effectiveness of a hunger strike

How to properly endure a three-day fast? It is important to note that fasting treatment has been used since ancient times, providing excellent results and positive reviews. Many people are familiar with one-day body cleanses, so the feeling of terrible hunger will be familiar.

A three-day fast follows the same pattern. In simple words, you need to give up any food not for one day, but for as many as 3. For some, fasting for three days will be real torture and hard labor. However, if you take advice from a specialist, the effect will be immediate.

How to fast properly? When using two-day and three-day fasting for the sake of losing weight, and not for cleansing, it is advisable to abandon such an irresponsible idea. Despite the fact that therapeutic fasting within a few days will help you lose extra pounds, then this is only a liquid. As for cellulite and fat deposits, they are not going anywhere.

Important! When breaking a three-day fast, a person cannot control himself, so he begins to eat a lot. The lost kilograms will return with interest. To prevent such a sad result, you need to make the right exit from a 3-day fast.

It should be noted that three-day dry fasting has many contraindications, so most people prefer the water regimen.

How to fast on water

So that the results of therapeutic, health-improving fasting have good results, it is important to do everything right. Some drink water not 3, but 4 whole days, but this is not necessary.
A 3-day water fast has the following properties:
deep, high-quality cleansing of the body from toxic and harmful substances, mucus, excess fluid and toxins;
if allowed to leave excess liquid, then the problem of swelling of the legs and cellulite will be solved;
reset overweight;
the stomach is reduced to a tiny size, so the desire to abuse large portions of food will disappear.

It is important to remember that the third day is the most important, as it is intended to prepare for breaking the fast. Many people are concerned about the question, how many kilograms can you lose weight with water? There is no definite answer, because it is the individual structure and characteristics of the organism that are important and fundamental. Some people can boast of three kilograms that have disappeared, while others will lose only one.

Basic rules of water fasting

Oddly enough, the moment of entry and exit is much more difficult than fasting itself. To deal with a stressful situation, you will need ideal conditions for the body. Nobody wants to lie in a hungry faint.

Proper preparation for a hunger strike:
1. Exactly one week in advance, remove sweets and fried foods, alcoholic drinks, and high-calorie foods from the diet. Unfortunately, it is necessary to give up milk, eggs and meat for a while.
2. In order for the stomach to shrink in size, it is necessary to consume food in small and balanced portions. The smaller the volume of this organ, the more flexible and resilient it is during fasting.

3. Drink plenty of fluids.
4. It is important to remove any provocative foods from sight: baked goods, cakes, favorite dishes.
5. The day before day X, it is forbidden to eat meat if you neglected the first proposed rule. Please note that such products help slow down the digestive process. Against this background, there is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, heaviness and even painful sensations in the epigastric region.
6. It is advisable to warn your household that you will not be cooking for three days. Prepare the food ahead of time or have them do it themselves.
7. Rest. It is harmful to work while fasting, so you can devote time to yourself and your favorite hobby.

It would be a good idea to cleanse your colon, but it is not necessary.

Negative effects of a three-day fast

Having decided on a radical method, it is important to prepare for unpleasant surprises. They can appear during all 3 days and even after this time.

Harm of fasting:
aggressiveness, irritability and nervous excitability;
lack of mood;
depressed mood;
attacks of nausea and frequent rumbling in the abdomen;
weakness, fatigue and drowsiness;
presence of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
yellow or gray plaque on tooth enamel.

Interesting! As you can see, you should not plan therapeutic fasts on the eve of important events, competitions and sessions, weddings or birthdays. Otherwise, you will be in a bad mood. This period is ideal for relaxation so that no one can disturb you.

Optimal plan of action

The only important condition for the cleansing process is to prepare psychologically, otherwise everything will not go according to plan. To do this, you need to free your brain from bad thoughts, read a book, visit a sauna or beauty salon.
alcoholic drinks;
harmful products nutrition;
horror and thriller films;
coffee and toxins;
computer games.

Step by step plan:

1. Thursday. Avoid heavy and unhealthy foods. For dinner, choose a dish with minimal fat content. Vegetables, fruits and salad are great. After which only water is allowed. Forget about any food until Sunday.
2. Friday. It is advisable that the day be a day off. It is forbidden to worry and be a passive smoker. If you work, then under no circumstances give in to temptations. Only clean water is allowed in unlimited quantities.
3. Saturday. There is a high-quality cleansing of the intestines, gall bladder, and liver. You can do yoga. It is advisable to take at least a liter of water, which has a laxative effect, or give an enema.

4. Sunday. In the morning, take a warm shower, bath or visit the sauna. Considering that the body warms up, toxic substances will be released with sweat. From 17.00 the first course is allowed: yogurt, vegetables or fruits. You can drink juices.
5. Monday. Light food is preferred, alcohol and coffee are prohibited. You can't smoke.
6. Tuesday and Wednesday. Make a smooth transition to your usual diet. After fasting, it is difficult to eat as before, so it is forbidden to overeat. It is advisable to take any food in small portions.

Against the backdrop of a prolonged hunger strike, many health problems arise. To avoid complications, you need to consult a specialist.

How to get out of fasting correctly

Three full days is a very long period, during which time it is quite possible to forget about the tastes of your favorite food. What can we say about the human body? This is especially stressful, so you will want to catch up. You cannot be led by your own instincts, as they can take precedence over common sense.

Useful and effective rules:
1. The first allowed food is juices, vegetables, fruits, light salads. A great solution is to make a smoothie. It is recommended to eat salads with carrots and apples, which are seasoned with olive oil, pre-grated.
2. Milk, meat, and eggs are still prohibited.
3. The hunger strike must end in the evening.
The hardest thing is to control yourself and not overeat. It is very difficult to cope with the wild; the stress to which the body has been subjected deserves special attention.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fasting

The benefits and harms of therapeutic fasting are quite obvious. That is why it is worth summarizing the above. All the pros and cons balance on a fine line. First of all, you need to understand whether you can resort to such a technique.
period of lactation and pregnancy;
therapy of pathologies;
presence of problems with cardiovascular system;
chronic diseases in the acute stage;
stomach ulcer and gastritis;
intestinal disorder;
the presence of stones in the gall bladder.

If there are no problems listed above, you can safely start fasting after consulting with your doctor. The benefits include weight loss, health improvement and rejuvenation, cleansing of the entire body, increased tone and energy.

Results of therapeutic fasting

There is healing and cleansing of the whole body. The guarantee of such a hunger strike is that the person becomes ten years younger than his current age. A unique, mischievous sparkle of youth and good health appears in the eyes. The visible network of blood vessels gradually disappears, which becomes more pronounced throughout the body and in the eyes with age.

Thanks to fasting, the sense of smell is normalized and significantly improved; it can be compared to the sense of smell that perfumers have. Night snoring stops, attacks of flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated. There is an opportunity to lose weight, cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

If you were previously concerned about dull and weakened hair, brittle nails, after proper fasting they will acquire new strength and beauty. The functioning of the kidneys and liver doubles. That is why it is impossible to overestimate the healing and rejuvenating function of fasting. With its help, you can return the original appearance and structure of the body systems that were laid down by nature.

Do you know how to break fast correctly? This is a very important moment. Many, after a long period of abstinence from food, can attack with unprecedented greed the food in which they were limited during the fast. This, of course, reduces all results to zero, and causes significant harm to the body. You need to come out of fasting correctly.

Key points to consider when breaking fast

The process of breaking out of fasting should be carried out according to the main rules:

  • Your meals should become fractional;

  • increase the quantity and concentration of products gradually;

  • the process of breaking out of fasting lasts as long as the fasting period;

  • in the very first days after fasting, it is necessary to consume plant and dairy foods; protein products, vegetable fats and salt should also be temporarily excluded for 4 days.

Breaking fast with juices

Juice is the most effective way to break fast. To begin with, you will have to dilute the juices with water, but after a few days you will be able to consume them in their pure form. Drink juices in small doses every two hours, gradually increasing the portions. After 6-7 days, the juices are supplemented with salads, fruits, and vegetable soups. Further, the diet is further expanded; whey, cereals and kefir are included in the diet. At the same time, you should try not to eat meat products for as long as possible; replace meat with nuts and seeds, with their help the body will continue the biosynthesis of proteins without experiencing a lack of vitamins. By eating in accordance with these standards, after breaking fast, the body will independently continue the weight loss process and burn fat itself, working at its usual rhythm. However, you should take into account the fact that recovery processes after a period of hunger occur in the human body within 2-3 months.

Breaking out of a fast that lasted 1-2 days

There will be no significant changes in the body in such a short period of time. But even such fasting must also be exited correctly.

Restore your strength with a vegetable salad of cabbage and carrots, after a few hours, eat stewed vegetables, drink unsweetened tea. It is advisable to go on a plant-based and dairy-based diet for two days, gradually returning to your previous eating habits.

Exit from fasting, lasting 3-4 days

With such fasting, the body is already rebuilt to internal nutrition, due to suppressed digestive processes. Here you will need all your willpower, a fair amount of endurance and attention, since breaking loose and starting to eat as before will have a very negative impact on the body’s reaction. Nausea and pain may even begin internal organs or upset stomach. Exit the fast in the same way as during a two-day fast, only consume dairy and plant foods for at least 4 days.

How to break a 7-day fast correctly

This is a special case, the exit is supposed to be long. During this period, the important thing is that you continue to lose weight. The standard way out of a seven-day fast is as follows:

1 day

Only juice throughout the day (about 0.6-1.2 liters), dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, you can increase the concentration of the juice by the end of the day. You are allowed to drink water between doses of diluted juice.

Day 2

Today before lunch - pure juice, undiluted, after lunch treat yourself to vegetables and fruits, preferably pureed, as they are hard to digest when solid.

Day 3

We continue to eat vegetables and fruits, gradually introducing porridge with water, bread, and dried fruits into our diet.

4 day

You can eat fruits; you can add sunflower oil to vegetarian soups and boiled vegetables.

5 day

The menu is replenished in small quantities butter plus fermented milk products.

Day 6

At this stage, include cottage cheese, sour cream, and salt in your food.

Day 7

Today we add eggs to our diet and continue to eat cottage cheese.

By following such a routine, you will not harm the body and allow it to fully recover. And he will gratefully continue to lose weight.

And finally.

Think about whether you can go through the difficult path of fasting with a decent way out of it, and if you are not sure, then it is better not to start the fasting process until you are completely prepared. Also choose a convenient period for fasting that does not coincide with any events or holidays, get serious and responsible - and go!

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A sufficient amount of fluid is one of the most important conditions in the fight against extra pounds. Add one water fasting day to your weekly schedule to activate your metabolism and kickstart your weight loss process.

Twenty-four hours on water alone, without food, can solve the problem of excess weight much faster and cheaper than “magic” pills of dubious quality and origin. By the way, research has proven that after a short period of fasting, the cells of the human body are renewed.

Therefore, everyone who deliberately limits themselves to food looks younger, slimmer and lives long. A cleansing program can do more harm to the body than good.

Therefore, if you are “unloading” for the first time, be sure to visit specialists to rule out diseases in which refusing to eat even for one meal is impossible and dangerous.

This is diabetes mellitus, any stomach problems, it doesn’t matter gastritis or ulcers.

Unloading rules

To decide whether you need unloading, answer yourself just one question honestly. Do you have excess weight that you need to get rid of? If your answer is yes, then this day will not interfere with you.

So, the basic rules for unloading:

How to spend a fasting day on the water

  1. It is better to start fasting in the evening, so dinner should be light, and after that you should abstain from food for 24 hours and drink clean, still water;
  2. If you really want to lose weight, you need to drink one glass of clean water every 2 hours;
  3. If you feel that weakness does not go away, just add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water. This is completely acceptable;

Various options for fasting days on the water

The main drink for any option is purified water. Calculate the amount of liquid required based on what you have in your at the moment weight. On average, you need to drink at least 40 ml per kilogram of your weight. Drink liquid in small doses throughout the day.

What to consider on a fasting day on the water

Drink water throughout the day. A sufficient amount of it is the most important condition for natural cleansing of the body. But not all water is suitable for a fasting day. To cleanse the body, you need to drink only healthy and proper water.

The one that flows from the tap is out of the question. A bottled product, as a rule, is purified not only of bacteria, but also of important compounds - such liquid only washes away beneficial microelements from the body. Water passed through a stationary carbon filter is best suited.

What to consider on a fasting day on mineral water

There are no bad substances in mineral water, you just need to use table water on a fasting day, and not medicinal water, which contains salts that are ultimately beneficial to health, but not on this day.

Therefore, buying mineral water, study the mineralization level on the label. If the indicator is less than one gram, then the water is from the table category, and you can drink it during unloading.

What to consider on a fasting day on water with honey

What to consider on a fasting day with water and lemon juice

The most common option is mixing water with juice squeezed from lemon.

But before you start drinking this water, consult your doctor: gastritis and stomach ulcers are strict contraindications.

Start drinking water by adding 1 lemon per 1 liter of liquid. Or simply add a lemon wedge or a few drops of juice to a glass of warm water. Drink in small sips. This drink flushes out toxins and waste from gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism.

What you need to consider on a fasting day with water and green tea

Green tea contains minerals and complex organic compounds that are necessary for the human body. When losing weight, this product is almost indispensable. Experts recommend drinking a glass of freshly brewed tea every 2 hours plus two liters of clean water throughout the day.

How often can you have fasting days on the water?

“Unload” for your health, but not more than once or twice a week. If you abuse it, you will easily end up with the same problems that arise with strict food restrictions.

It’s very good to “unload” after your weekend by choosing the first day of the week for this. During this period, give up food and focus on regular still water, which you can drink up to three liters.


It is not advisable for patients diagnosed with diabetes to spend fasting days, and it is also not recommended to refuse food after serious illnesses or for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fasting day on water for weight loss: how much can you lose?

We are all afraid of the phrase “hungry day”, but we are not afraid of numerous strict diets. But unloading with clean water once a week is the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds and start the weight loss process.

So, depending on your initial weight, you can easily “lose” 1 kilogram. But know that you won’t be able to lose weight if you go on a fasting day on Mondays and don’t deny yourself anything on the rest of the week. A fasting day will help if you change your entire nutrition system.

Gone are the days when there were heated debates about the benefits of fasting. Now the passions have subsided. The calm was facilitated not only by the conclusions of scientists, but also by the reviews of many, many people who experienced the influence of dosed hunger.

The basis of the system is one-day fasting, a more advanced level is 3 days. And if the first type rarely causes difficulties, then beginners have difficulties with the second.

Let's look at the three-day " starvation diet”, answering pressing questions so that any beginner can carry out the first procedure painlessly.

First, the rule: the first three-day fast is preceded by 2 - 3 months of weekly one-day fasting. This way the body will prepare for the upcoming break in nutrition, and the reactions of the fasting person will be more adequate.

It’s a good idea to keep in mind the benefits of three days of fasting:

  • removal of metabolic products from the body (so-called “slags”);
  • disappearance or reduction of edema;
  • weight loss;
  • health improvement, care or alleviation of illnesses;
  • increasing vitality and gaining energy.

Fasting 3 days: how to enter

1) The procedure is more similar than different from the daily procedure. Therefore, no special “entrance” is needed. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to greatly “scare” your body with the toxins being rejected, because the preparatory months have yielded their results.

It’s another matter if the breaks between hunger were devoted to “food debauchery.” For such people it is necessary fix it first proper nutrition and again go through weekly unloading , and only then start a three-day hunger strike.

2) There is an opinion that the procedure should be preceded by an enema or laxative.

At the same time, enemas are contraindicated for some, while others refuse from an aesthetic point of view.

The use of a laxative is also not always advisable, especially if for several months a person has been eating properly and in moderation, regularly going on fasting days.

The decision about the need for enemas and laxatives is made independently and taking into account your own opinion, and then experience. Moreover, our body is a self-regulating and self-tuning system that can take care of its own cleansing.

3) Before directly entering therapeutic fasting It is enough to eat plant foods and/or low-fat fermented milk products during the day.

4) Eat last time possible at any time of the day. If you plan to fast for exactly 3 days, it is better to have your last meal in the evening. The way out of fasting will be closely related to this.

Where to spend

For those who have some experience and do not notice discomfort, it is best to do it at work, study, that is, without interrupting their usual activities.

How to conduct

1) The first procedures are only on the water. As you gain experience, you can devote part of your time to dry fasting.

Sample diagrams:

  • the first and third days - on the water (W), the second - dry (SG);
  • the first - GV, the second and third - SG;
  • the first and second are SG, the third are GV.

2) Mandatory physical activity , which “kills” several birds with one stone:

  • the body is given to understand that muscles cannot be “eat”;
  • Accordingly, fat and diseased tissues will be “eaten up” with the simultaneous removal of “seized” metabolic products;
  • “entry” into famine will occur faster.

Therefore, engage in a lighter version of your usual physical education, loading, if possible, more muscles.

Not everything will go smoothly. Out of habit, on the second, and even more so on the third, days, it is difficult to force yourself to move, but over time this difficulty will disappear.

Breaking a three-day fast

1) The first meal occurs at any time of the day.

After eating for the first time in the morning and going to work, there is a high probability of uncomfortable moments:

  • it is possible that the body will react with an upset stomach what can happen on the way to the office;
  • It’s not easy to cope with the desire to “fill” your belly , therefore, sleep is one of the effective ways to avoid being “eye to eye” with a glutton;
  • difficult to work productively when all your thoughts are about food.

2) The first day after the 3rd day of fasting Raw vegetables and fruits are recommended. The next day, porridge (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat), boiled vegetables, and nuts are added to the diet. And on the third - the transition to normal nutrition. By “regular” we mean proper nutrition.

This is a sample food list. You can include fermented milk products (starting from the first day) and cottage cheese (from the second). It all depends on personal preferences and body characteristics, which with practice you will learn to feel.

Parting remarks

  1. Don't start fasting days without proper . By leaving the race, you will harm not only your body, but also your personal psychology. And breakdowns are fraught with subsequent intemperance in eating.
  2. Maintain a positive attitude and good mood . Physical condition to a large extent determined by the internal mood.
  3. Don't feel sorry for yourself , even when you feel worse than ever. In most cases, poor health during the few fasting days is the fruit of self-hypnosis.

You will succeed!

Breaking from fasting is a long process that requires preparation and certain knowledge, because the healing effect of fasting depends entirely on the right way out from it.

The effect of fasting depends entirely on the correct exit from it

Let's consider the main stages of restoring all body functions.

Here are a few useful tips How to get out of fasting correctly:

  • eat in small portions;
  • increase the amount of foods you consume little by little;
  • the recovery process after fasting takes the same amount of time as the cleansing process took;
  • immediately after breaking fast, you should give up protein foods, salt and all types of oils;
  • you need to start eating with juices diluted with water;
  • in the first weeks do not eat heavy foods;
  • The way out of fasting on water is different in that you need to start the first day by drinking water. Drink 200-300 ml of boiled water, warmed to room temperature, 5-6 times a day. And from the second day, do everything as if you were coming out of a 3-day fast.
  • restoration of the digestive process, cessation of nausea, increased gas formation;
  • cleansing mucous membranes;
  • reduction of allergic reactions;
  • cessation of headaches and dizziness associated with poor nutrition;
  • stabilization of blood pressure and blood sugar levels;
  • reduction of pain in joints and spine;
  • improved sleep;
  • increase in physical activity.

The famous American nutritionist Paul Breg believes that the main goal of the recovery process after fasting is to improve the quality of life in general, subject to the transition to a more balanced and healthy diet.

If you perceive this process only as a temporary hunger strike, it will not bring the desired result.

What does the body's recovery depend on?

In order to switch to internal nutrition, a person needs at least 4 days. This process lasts up to 7 days. The initial recovery phase after cleansing takes three to six days.

The process of switching to internal nutrition lasts up to 7 days

After a long cleanse, recovery takes two to four weeks. The recovery process takes at least half of the period of cleansing the body or equal to it.

Let's look at how to get out of fasting correctly:

  • Eat in small portions, at least five times. Drink boiled water heated to room temperature. Do not add salt to food, do not eat oil. The menu includes only finely chopped carrots and cabbage. For lunch you can eat baked potatoes and salad, after lunch - vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat liquid porridge without adding oil, and also drink freshly squeezed juices, vegetables, and fruits.
  • You can afford a teaspoon of olive oil, dried bread, honey, walnuts. The consumption of dairy products is also allowed. During this period, you can switch to a normal diet.

How to cleanse your body of alcohol at home

Wellness treatments

  • Be sure to take a walk and breathe fresh air.
  • Cleansing the mouth with soda solution in the first three days.
  • Enema, if emptying does not occur naturally on the 2nd day after breaking fast.

How long does it take to switch to a new regime?

How to get out of fasting? It depends on the number of days that were spent cleansing the body.

  1. Diet after fasting for 3 to 5 days:
  2. Nutrition after fasting for 5 days:
    • On day 1 – drink vegetable juice.
    • On days 2-3 – eat ripe fruits and drink juice.
    • At 4 – we return to the normal diet.
  3. 1st option after 7 days of cleansing:
    • Day 1 – drink freshly prepared juice (5 times 200 ml), do not forget to dilute it with water.
    • Day 2 – drink undiluted juice 2 times in the morning. During the day, eat grated fruits and vegetables.
    • Day 3 – you need to eat liquid porridge without oil, dried fruits, chopped fresh vegetables.
    • Day 4 – steamed vegetables, vegetable soups, ripe fruits.
    • Day 5 – use your choice of kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, and a little butter.
    • Day 6 – you are allowed to add salt and eat hard cheese.
    • Day 7 – You can eat soft-boiled eggs.
  4. 2nd option for breaking a 7-day fast:
    • Day 1 – you need to start with oatmeal jelly, it is consumed in the morning and afternoon. You can also add fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water for lunch, and juice again for dinner.
    • Day 2 – drink juices, only more concentrated ones, alternating with oatmeal jelly.
    • Day 3 – take ripe fruits and dried fruits steamed with boiling water. During the day we eat fruits and diluted juice, in the evening we eat a vegetable salad.
    • Day 4 – drink kefir or yogurt with the addition of bifidobacteria. For lunch - salad, some potatoes with a teaspoon of olive oil, in the evening - salad or fruit.
    • On the 5th day you need to include a small portion of cottage cheese in the menu, for lunch - buckwheat porridge without butter, for dinner - vegetable salad, grated cheese.
    • On day 6, add a soft-boiled egg with herbs to the diet. During the day we eat fruits, stewed vegetables, vegetable soup, and in the evening we eat fish baked with vegetables.
    • On the 7th day you need to eat yogurt or kefir. For lunch - salad, 100 g of boiled chicken, for dinner - vegetables and fruits.

    After a seven day fast digestive system it takes longer to recover than with fewer days of fasting. You need to eat small portions at least five times a day.

  5. After breaking a 10-day fast, according to Paul Bragg’s method, the main thing is not to eat more than you want:
    • Ten days of fasting is not much different from seven days. After completion, on the 1st day, eat 4-5 pieces of steamed tomatoes.
    • Start the 2nd day with grated carrots and chopped cabbage, with a few drops of orange. Add a portion of stewed greens, peeled tomatoes, and a slice of bread. In the afternoon - grated carrots with herbs and a few drops of orange juice, vegetable salad.
    • On the 3rd day, eat ripe fruits, sprouted wheat grains, one tablespoon of honey, vegetable salad, and a slice of dried bread.
    • Do not forget that in 10 days you have become weaned from food and therefore do not feel particularly hungry.

    You should not be afraid of even a long cleansing process. It protects health and allows the body to rest and enable the self-healing process. The most important thing is to choose the right products and consume them in moderation.

    For the self-healing process, the most important thing is to choose the right products

  6. G. Sheldon recommends leaving after twenty days of cleansing like this:
    • On the first day, drink 200 ml of juice every hour.
    • During the second day you need to drink a whole glass of juice every 2 hours. If this portion is too much, you can skip 2 doses.
    • On the third day in the morning you need to eat an orange or tomato. One piece in the morning, two pieces in the afternoon, three pieces in the evening.
    • On the fourth day, eat some fruit, a vegetable salad without oil and salt, one steamed vegetable, then fruit again.
    • On the fifth day, it is advisable to eat citrus fruits at the first meal, and salads, baked potatoes, and boiled vegetables at the second meal. In the third - fruit or curdled milk.
    • On the sixth day you can eat the same dishes, you just need to increase their quantity.
    • On the seventh day, you need to eat your usual amount of food. Whatever products you can use, the most important thing is to start with a small amount of them, then gradually increase the amount of food consumed.
  7. Nikolaev developed the following system of eating food after 21 days of cleansing:
    • On the first day, the main course is diluted juices.
    • On the second day, juices are consumed without water.
    • On the fourth and fifth days you need to eat fruits and chopped carrots.
    • On the sixth and seventh days, eat porridge without oil.
    • From the tenth to the thirtieth day you need to drink kefir, yogurt, then eat low-fat cottage cheese.
    • Due to the fact that the body rested for 21 days, recovery will take at least three or four weeks.
  8. What should you not eat after fasting?

    After fasting, during the period of bringing all systems (primarily the digestive) into normal mode, it is strictly forbidden to do things that can harm health and sometimes endanger life.

  • overeating is unacceptable - leads to nausea, vomiting, intestinal dysfunction;
  • introducing salty foods into the diet - retains water in the body, leading to swelling of the extremities, the appearance of bags under the eyes, and headaches;
  • eating protein foods can lead to a state of intoxication;
  • Eating white bread and other carbohydrate foods cause capillary spasms, weakness, and heartburn. Eating such food may make you feel dizzy;
  • drinking alcohol causes intoxication, severe stomach pain and can lead to inflammation of the pancreas;
  • eat heavy food in large quantities– leads to speed dial weight (about one kilogram per week), which is undesirable for those who are prone to obesity.

Despite the fact that the body began to work better during fasting, one should not neglect a healthy approach to nutrition and reduce the ability of all systems to heal themselves.