What should you combine chest training with? Which muscles should you train together? Main principles of combination

You, of course, stand out from the gray mass and use the split system. In other words, you train 2 or 3 main muscles in 1 workout. It's time to figure out which muscles need to be combined and why.

The following approach is very common: during training, 1 large muscle group and 1 small muscle group are trained. For example, the chest is combined with triceps, the back with biceps, and the shoulders with legs. The emphasis, of course, is on a large group. After all, if you kill the triceps first, then you won’t be able to shake heartily. Combine 2 or more large ones muscle groups e in training (if you are not a grated roll) is not advisable.

Is that all?

At this point we could end the article, if not for one thing. Restless jocks experimentally found out that it is possible to load the chest along with the back. Only the chest should be pumped first. Biceps and triceps do not care about the order of training. They don't lose their strength. Deltas cannot be combined with the chest, since these muscle groups demonstrate similar behavior.

Processing order

If you're looking for maximum anabolic hormone production, do lots of sets of 10-12 reps with moderate weights. You need to rest for about 1.5 minutes. When you train large muscle groups, testosterone synthesis is higher than when training small groups. Now attention! If you train first large muscle, and then small, then the effect of greater hormone synthesis extends to small muscles. And yes, this is indeed supported by research.

Fun fact. When you train one side of the body, the other is automatically stimulated. In other words, if you pump up your right biceps, then there will be a slight increase in mass in your left.

Let's hit the days

  • breast;
  • legs;
  • back.

Now you need to supplement this with secondary muscle groups:

  • when training the chest it is involved triceps. Therefore, finish off better triceps. This way the muscles have time to recover before the next workout;
  • It's simple here. First kill the legs, then kill the shoulders;
  • the back and biceps remain. The biceps is included as a flexor in back training, so everything is logical.

Alternative distribution:

  • pump your legs, then load the pillars of your back and lower back. If you feel that it’s not enough, then finish it off with your biceps;
  • pump up your chest, triceps, front delts and abs. When you pump your chest, the front delts are already working, all you have to do is finish them off. Leave the press until the very end.
  • Dedicate the entire workout to your back. Upper part the back cannot be pumped up without the participation of the biceps;
  • the shoulders engage the triceps. You can add abs, neck and trapezius.


  1. Monday - chest, shoulders, triceps. Finish off the press while riding;
  2. Wednesday - back, forearms, biceps brachii. Finish with the oblique abdominal muscles;
  3. Friday - thighs, buttocks, legs. Well lower press at the end.

People who regularly engage in sports often do not see the results of their labors due to a lack of understanding about the correct combination of loads within one workout. By combining training of disparate muscle groups, the athlete is unlikely to be able to transform his appearance own body, form sculpted muscles, and also increase overall endurance and strength.

Knowing which muscle groups to train in one day, you can significantly reduce the time spent achieving your goal. And, by avoiding working muscles that cannot be used in one day, the risk associated with injury during exercise is minimized.

What can be combined in one workout?

Before starting to draw up a training plan, the athlete should take into account that he will be able to achieve maximum performance from sports only if he has a warm-up and cool-down before and after training, respectively.

As for the direct loads on specific muscles, in this case it is advisable to follow the recommendations of professional fitness trainers, based on numerous studies in the field of human physiology and the effect of sports on his body. In their opinion, the most effective training would be a combination of exercises aimed at strengthening:

  • chest and triceps muscles (triceps);
  • back and biceps;
  • muscles of the legs and shoulders.

In each of training days it is necessary to include cardio before and after the main part, as well as abdominal exercises, which are usually performed after strength exercises before training the heart muscle.

This principle of load sharing is based on the structure muscle corset person, as well as his exposure to influence through physical activity. It is based on three main groups of large muscles: chest, back and legs. To the described training basis, smaller muscles are added, one way or another involved in training large ones.

Important! The only exception in this case is the combination of legs and shoulders, separately worked together on one day.

By drawing up a training program in this way, the athlete, while pumping the main muscle groups, will be able to warm up the secondary muscles as much as possible, using them as a side when performing basic exercises. After this kind of preparation, training small groups will be much more effective, due to which the time spent on achieving results will be significantly reduced.

In drawing up an individual training plan, a person who selects effective combinations of loads will be able to take the following training examples as a basis.

1 complex:

  • lying dumbbell fly horizontal bench– 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • arm extensions with a dumbbell behind (triceps) – 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • “Butterfly” – 4 sets of 12 repetitions;
  • reverse push-ups – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • jumping rope – 10 minutes;
  • cool down with elements of breathing exercises.
  • 2 complex:

    • Cardio exercise on a treadmill – 20 minutes;
    • hyperextension – 3 sets of 20 times;
    • Pull-ups on parallel bars – 3 sets of 15 reps;
    • Bench press – 4 sets of 15 reps;
    • standing dumbbell curls – 3 sets of 20 reps;
    • classic crunches – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • cool down, including recovery exercises heart rate and breathing.

    3 complex:

  • shrugs – 4 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • lifting dumbbells through the sides - 3 sets of 15 times;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 3 sets of 20 times;
  • lunges with dumbbells in hands – 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • straight arm plank – 5 minutes;
  • lifting legs from a supine position – 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • running in place – 5 minutes;
  • cool down with mandatory stretching of worked muscle groups.
  • Be sure to check out:

    Warm-up before training: a set of exercises before strength training to warm up all muscles

    What exercises can you do together in one day?

    In addition to the existence of combinations of muscle groups, the simultaneous pumping of which significantly increases the effectiveness of the workout itself, specialists in the fitness industry can offer their clients other options. Fitness trainers include the following options for muscles that can be worked together in one session:

    • working out the chest and back;
    • combination of biceps and triceps;
    • pumping the legs (in particular, quadriceps, biceps) and shoulders.

    Such a scheme for strengthening the muscle corset involves using antagonist muscles located on opposite sides of the body parallel to each other within one day. Considering the absence of side work of these muscle groups during individual pumping, the athlete is given the opportunity to work more intensively with each of them. For example, depending on the focus of the training and the characteristics of the human body, you can increase the number of approaches of each exercise or increase the working weight.

    Important! Despite the apparent simplicity of such exercises at first glance, the athlete no less clearly feels the load on his own body during them, so it is necessary to increase the weight gradually. This will avoid overtraining and injury during exercise.

    In the absence of significant health contraindications, an athlete can use the following complexes as a combined training program aimed at strengthening antagonist muscles.

    1 complex:

  • “Butterfly” – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • Incline dumbbell press – 3 sets of 15 reps;
  • Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench – 4 sets of 20 times;
  • hyperextension – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • deadlift– 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • deep squat jumps – 3 minutes;
  • breathing exercises.
  • 2 complex:

    • running in place with high hip raises – 10 minutes;
    • bench press from a lying position on a horizontal bench – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • curls with dumbbells from a standing position - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
    • arm extension back with support on a bench – 3 sets of 20 times;
    • classic push-ups – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • reverse push-ups – 3 sets of 10 times;
    • Dips – 3 sets of 10 reps;
    • twisting – 1 approach per maximum quantity repetitions;
    • cardio on a treadmill – 20 minutes;
    • hitch.

    3 complex:

    • cardio on a stepper – 10 minutes;
    • squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • lunges with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg;
    • raising your toes with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands – 4 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • shrugs – 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
    • raising dumbbells from the sides - 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
    • leg curls in the simulator - 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
    • hanging leg raises – 3 sets of 20 reps;
    • jumping rope – 5 minutes;
    • cool-down with elements of stretching worked muscles.

    Any man who wants to be respected in society not only for his intelligence often thinks about his physical characteristics. However, it is one thing to think about it, and another thing to start.

    This article will tell you directly how exactly you need to act so that your progress in fitness will amaze others.

    Where to study - at home or in the gym?

    Often people who are far from sports have a question: where is it better to train, in the gym or at home? The answer depends on your goals. If the goal is to acquire voluminous, harmonious muscles, then there is only one way - a fitness center or gym.

    And if you just want to change your physique a little, then home workouts are also suitable, but without additional weight, progress will quickly stop, and buying dumbbells and barbells for home will hardly cost less than a gym membership.

    Therefore, after studying at home, in order to continue to grow and develop, in any case, you need to go to sports club. Is there any point in wasting time at home when you can study in a specially equipped center with much greater comfort and progress?

    How to start training?

    To start training, you should definitely set yourself a goal, because the right motivation is already half the victory.

    Most readers do not need additional motivation, because the main motivation is the reflection in the mirror. And if someone tells you that he would not like to gain a few kilograms of high-quality muscle mass, then, believe me, he is at least disingenuous.

    Classes should begin with an examination by a doctor, if you have not done this before. After all, perhaps some exercises should be excluded from the training program (we will talk about creating a program below).

    This sometimes happens, for example, with back or neck injuries, but even if you have such problems, do not be upset, there are now a huge number of exercises and there are different ways work on specific muscles that can be used even with injuries.

    When the first stage is completed, it’s time to move on to purchasing a subscription. There will not be perfect advice here, but it is still better to visit a gym that is located near home, work or study, because rest after training is very important.

    On at the moment There are now such an abundance of fitness centers that any reader will find a gym to his liking. The only one practical advice, which can be given: do not skimp on your health. Indeed, with rare exceptions, the price is directly proportional to the quality of the services provided.

    Agree, swimming in a warm pool and visiting after a workout is not only very pleasant, but also useful.


    Whatever sport you engage in, you should remember one very important thing, without which training will not only not bring results, but can also harm your health. It's about warming up.

    After all, heavy weights, without which training to gain muscle mass is unthinkable, will have a destructive effect on unheated muscles and joints.

    Agree, it would be a shame to get seriously injured because you wanted to save 5-10 minutes on simple warm-up exercises.

    Everyone still knows exactly how to warm up. school lessons physical education: simple movements starting from the upper body.

    Also, before each exercise, you should do several approaches with small weights, gradually increasing the weight to the working weight. This will perfectly warm up your muscles and joints and protect against injury.

    Training program on how to properly build muscles

    So you bought a subscription and started training. The main mistake beginners make at this point is a completely ill-conceived training program. At the moment, there are many programs on how to properly pump up the muscles of the body and each of them has its own advantages.

    At the initial stage, the following scheme is most suitable: 1st workout: legs, shoulders, 2nd: chest, tricps, 3rd back, biceps.

    Today in bodybuilding the prevailing opinion is that during training you can load no more than 2 muscle groups, moreover, one large group, one small. For example: today you train your chest and along with it you train either triceps or biceps. Moreover, in combination, large + small group, the large group is always trained first, and the small group is left for the second half of the training, since it is believed that if the small group is trained first, its fatigue will negatively affect the training of the large muscle group. Moreover, it is not customary to combine two large groups.

    Which muscle groups work best together? Where is the truth?

    But the truth, as they say, is somewhere nearby. The point is that greatest number Anabolic hormones (testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1) are released during moderate weight lifting and multiple sets of 8-12 repetitions. Moreover, a more significant synthesis of these hormones occurs during training of large muscle groups. And when training large + small muscle groups, the effect will extend to the latter. This has been confirmed by numerous studies. For example, two groups of previously untrained men performed exercises: the first worked with biceps, the second - after training their legs with the same biceps. So, in the second group, a much greater release of anabolic hormones was detected.

    A common principle among bodybuilders is the “pull-press” training principle, in which the triceps are trained on the same day after the back muscles, and the biceps after the pectoral muscles.

    In any case, you need to train large muscle groups first, and there are two reasons:

    • Large muscle groups require large amounts of energy
    • As was said, when training a large muscle group, the synthesis of hormones is more significant and it will have a positive effect on the small group.

    We break down the main muscle groups by day:

    - breast;

    - legs;

    On the first day perform basic exercises for pectoral muscles, while triceps are involved in their training. Therefore, after loading the chest, we “finish off” the triceps. In this order, the small group will receive excellent workload and time for recovery, since on other days neither the chest nor the triceps will participate and will undergo full recovery, which is very important when gaining muscle mass.

    Second day– legs and together with them we train our shoulders.

    Third day– training the back muscles and, as an additional group, we take the biceps. It, as a flexor, helps in training the back and back when we do biceps training.

    Another distribution scheme:

    Workout 1.

    First we pump our legs, additionally loading the pillars of the back and lower back. Afterwards, if you have any strength left, pump up your biceps.

    Workout 2.

    Training the pectoral muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids, and abs. When training your chest, your triceps will also be involved. After pumping the front deltas, all that remains is to finish off the triceps.

    Workout 3.

    The back swings completely, which cannot be trained without using the biceps.

    Workout 4.

    Shoulders. You also need to remember about the abs and trapezius.

    Split example

    The training begins with pumping up the abs.

    Monday: upper muscles abs, chest + shoulders + triceps brachii;

    Wednesday– oblique muscles of the abdomen, back + biceps brachii + forearm;

    Friday– lower abs, thighs + buttocks + calf muscles.


    There is simply no single correct system. Much depends on the specific person, his characteristics and the time during which recovery occurs.

    There are two reasons for a competent combination of muscle groups, 3-4 days to implement such training, and there is only one condition - visiting the training room at least 2-3 times a week, which will guarantee effective and competent training of all muscle groups.

    The training program depends on the level of the student, his goals, and the characteristics of the muscle structure.

    We build a program based on experience

    Beginners should focus on improving overall physical indicators. Strength, endurance, joint mobility and flexibility are more important for their growth than focusing on “lagging deltoids.” The old school of bodybuilding assumes that a physically weak athlete with insufficiently developed motor skills will not be able to build muscle with natural training.

    The stages of training a beginner can be represented as:

    • Technique development;
    • Gaining muscle mass;
    • Burning excess fat.

    In a fancy fitness center, the trainer will convince the client that he is doing exactly what he came for. He will tell the girl that she will lose weight by doing box squats and deadlifts with light weights, skinny guy– what he will gain from paused push-ups and pull-ups. But the truth is that until the primary motor skill is acquired, the whole body will have to be developed in every training session.

    When can you consider yourself “experienced”? The answer to this question varies from person to person. For the purposes of building a split, it’s worth switching to training separate groups muscles in different days When the technique of basic exercises is formed, a person will begin to move without thinking. There is also a subjective criterion - 3 months pass from the start of classes.

    In practice coaching activities The reference point is precisely the 3-4 month cycle. If the client attends classes without skipping, by this time his muscles, ligaments and central nervous system are ready to undergo a classic split.

    Training frequency and planning

    Many people can only visit the gym twice a week. In this case, it is first recommended to do 2 workouts for the whole body, with a different set of exercises:

    The first is knee-dominant (squat, leg press, lunges) leg exercises, upper body presses, and core training.

    Second - pelvic - dominant exercises for feet(rows and bent-overs with a barbell), rows for the back (in a bent-over position, and if possible, a classic deadlift), and biceps exercises.

    After 2-3 months have passed, and the weight limit has been reached, you can switch to a split based on the “top-bottom” principle. What you don't need to do is give up working your leg muscles. Some people stop lifting their legs so they can spend more time on their chest and back, but this is wrong. The legs are a powerful support in the press, and the most important lever for lifting the weight. Their insufficient development can cause injury both at home and in the gym. There is also a theory that it is difficult to create an anabolic background in the body if you do not do basic exercises.

    When visiting the gym for three days, they usually alternate workouts 1 and 2 in the fullbody version, without reference to the week. As time passes, they switch to one of the classic splits:

    • Chest-triceps, back-biceps, legs-deltoids, abs in every workout;
    • Chest-biceps, back-triceps, legs-deltoids, abs.

    In bodybuilding, it is customary to consider those muscle groups that do not grow well as weaknesses. And in power types sports – deficiencies in the motor pattern (habits) and structural features of the body that do not allow for adequate technique.

    Example: an athlete long legs, hips, narrow pelvis, and long arms. Her goal is to tone up her butt while maintaining a low body fat percentage. From the point of view strength work, it will be more difficult for her to set up the squatting technique so that the full amplitude of the work is achieved. From a bodybuilding point of view, her buttocks can either lag behind or respond normally, because there are many other exercises besides the squat.

    When creating a split for a beginner, it is assumed that he has weak motor skills, and not “lagging muscles.” Therefore, in some cases, there may be 3 squats per week, with 1 deadlift, and pumping the back every day.

    Advanced athletes should work on lagging muscle groups first. Do “specialization”, that is, put in training plan pumping some groups 2 times a week makes sense with an adequate daily routine, good recovery, and developed motor skills.

    Ideally, training should occur at the peak of supercompensation. It occurs 36-72 hours after the main strength work. It is advisable for a beginner to train the whole body every other day because he does not use high weights in his exercises, which can significantly affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system. In this training, each major muscle group is pumped with two, maximum three exercises. The volume does not exceed 6-12 working approaches per group.

    More advanced clients may train a muscle group once a week as they perform a larger volume of work. They usually perform up to 5 exercises, some more.

    Types of combination

    Exercises in training program can be combined:

    • Fullbody – working out the whole body;
    • Split – muscle group on a training day;
    • Skill development - training is built around an exercise and the auxiliary movements necessary for adequate strength in it.

    Important: the latter approach is justified from the point of view of biomechanics more than bodybuilding splits; Western training organizations (NASM, ISSA) proceed from the fact that the trainer will work on skills with the fitness client.

    There is nothing wrong with splits either, they are great for helping you gain muscle mass and build an athletic body. To unlock your potential, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of recovery.


    There are several options for working out the whole body:

    • Learning basic exercises. Take a squat or deadlift, and add a bench or standing press, a simple or Australian pull-up, and some light shoulder swings and biceps curls. Exercises alternate by day, an adequate breakdown was discussed above;
    • Strengthening the muscles and ligaments of a person with “motor problems”. At each training session, a person performs the same set of exercises in the machines. Typically these are leg presses, hyperextensions, chest and shoulder presses, cable pull-downs or gravitron pull-ups, seated rows, and abdominal exercises;
    • Fullbody with an “emphasis” on future CrossFit or functional all-around training. Developmental training is added to the study of the squat and deadlift. cardiovascular system consisting of high-repetition squats, running short distances etc.

    Fullbody training alternates between a training day and a rest day.

    Top-bottom split

    “Top one day, bottom one day” style training is typical of American bodybuilding and powerlifting. Entire methodological systems have grown up around them, for example, Brandon Lilly’s “Cube”.

    Brandon Lilly – creator of the “Cube” system

    Their advantages:

    • They work well if you need mass and strength;
    • Allows you to develop the necessary skills for any sport;
    • Don't give too much high load on joints and ligaments;
    • Suitable for men and women.

    For a natural athlete, this option has almost no downsides. But in professional bodybuilding he often does not give desired result, since there is simply no time to develop individual small muscle groups.

    3-Day Leg Press-Draw Split

    A leg press-pull split usually looks like this:

    Day 1– bench press, exercises for triceps, anterior deltoid, and middle deltoid;

    Day 2– deadlift, or bent-over row, working the back, biceps, rear deltas;

    Day 3– squatting and leg training

    You can do shoulder exercises on leg day if you don’t have the strength to add them to your plan in other workouts, or they fall behind. This option is convenient for most exercisers, as it involves visiting the gym 3 times a week.

    Four day split

    This scheme is for those who want to pump their arms on a separate day, and see the meaning in this. Typically the breakdown is like this:

    Day 1– chest and middle delta;

    Day 2– back and rear delta;

    Day 3– legs and front delta;

    Day 4– biceps and triceps (they are antagonists, this is what gave the split its name)

    A suitable option for more advanced athletes who feel that their arms are lagging behind.

    Five day split

    A five-day split is for advanced athletes whose level is close to professional. People who are losing weight often train in this style, simply because it motivates them to go to the gym every day and spend more calories.

    Day 1– legs, front surface of the thighs;

    Day 2– chest and triceps;

    Day 3– back and biceps;

    Day 4- legs, back surface hips;

    Day 5– deltas.

    Other options for a five-day split are possible, depending on the lagging muscle groups.


    The criteria for constructing a training program are the preparation of a person, his muscle development, goals, and recovery rate. Frequent workouts are inappropriate if a person cannot maintain a daily routine and eat right. Most people with regular jobs and responsibilities are fine with a three-day split. But there may be exceptions. There are professional athletes who train only full body, and beginners with a five-day split. Those who have doubts about planning can use the services of a trainer, or begin to carefully monitor their condition and implement their characteristics in the program themselves.

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