Severe weakness after exercise. Fatigue after training: preventing and getting rid of it

Are you familiar with the situation when, after training, the next day you have no strength or desire to continue training? What is the reason? The body has not recovered! We will tell you how to restore strength after training in a way that is as beneficial and harmless to the body as possible.

Ahead are the Moscow Marathon, the Sochi Marathon, the Autumn Grom, the Space Marathon in Korolev, the Night and Autumn Half Marathons in St. Petersburg and many more interesting races!

Why do you need to recover?

If a runner neglects recovery, doesn't rest, and overtrains, it can lead to exhaustion and loss of motivation to exercise. It is very important that it is during recovery that an increase occurs muscle mass.

Of particular importance are restorative procedures after long races - a marathon or half-marathon, and the regeneration program must be drawn up correctly. A serious and competent approach will ensure the athlete a smooth and painless transition into a normal running mode, helps relieve muscle pain and restore blood circulation.

Recovery at different distances

Runners may also wonder: is there a difference when recovering from a 5K, 21K, or 42K race? Without a doubt. Another academician I.P. Pavlov, exploringmechanisms of development and compensation of fatigue, came to the conclusion that the more intense work the body has to do, the longer the recovery process it needs.

The stronger and longer the load, the greater the lack of oxygen and the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Restoring muscle protein, glycogen in the liver, replenishing blood glucose is an incomplete list of compensation. Therefore, rest is necessary after any workout, but after a half marathon and especially a marathon, the runner’s body really needs help and care.

  1. Balanced diet

A lot of nutrients are lost during a race, so it's important to replace that. It is necessary to eat protein-rich foods: chicken breast, dairy products (especially cottage cheese), cereals, legumes and vegetables. You can add protein shake– but not much, no more than 2 servings per day.

Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to starve, as then recovery will not occur. Also, the diet must contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins, so you should not get carried away with useless but tasty food.

  1. Drink well

Before the race, you should drink 200-300 ml of water half an hour before the race in order to prevent dehydration. It is also advisable to drink fluids during the marathon, which will help avoid leg cramps.

Immediately after completing the distance, you can replenish the loss of vitamins with isotonic water. But you shouldn’t ignore plain water, which helps maintain muscle elasticity. It is especially recommended to regularly consume it within two hours after completing the race. There is no need to try to replenish fluid loss at once; it is better to drink little and often.

  1. Healthy sleep

One of the most important components of recovery is sleep. It is advisable not only to get enough sleep, devoting at least 6-8 hours to this process, but also to streamline your daily routine as a whole. You can take a short sleep break during the day, about an hour each. Lack of sleep will cause exhaustion and harm recovery.

  1. A clear training program (80/20 principle)

Use the Pareto principle: 20% of effort produces 80% of results. If you transfer this rule to training, you get the following: you need to do about 80% of your workouts at low intensity and 20% in the moderate-to-high intensity zone. You should rely on this technique when creating your program. And of course, the principle implies that you should not exhaust yourself, it is ineffective.

  1. Load intensity

Before the run, you should not warm up too intensely. It’s better to warm up slightly, swing your legs, and rotate your body. Start running easily and calmly, not too fast. Increase speed gradually.

After the race, training should not be too intense, you can change the type of activity - swimming, just walking, if it’s winter - skiing. Small recovery runs of 10-15 minutes are beneficial, as they have a good effect on blood flow.

  1. Water procedures

A hot bath can have a positive effect on aching muscles: heat causes blood vessels to dilate, and lactic acid is eliminated faster. A sauna or steam bath is less preferable, since more moisture is lost there, which is undesirable after a race. A shower will also not be as effective as a bath.

  1. Comfortable shoes

There are special compression garments - socks and knee socks for recovery. It improves blood circulation and promotes the healing of micro-tears. But in their absence, it is important to even just give your feet a rest - take off your running sneakers and put on your usual comfortable shoes, for example, wide, comfortable slides.

  1. Massage

This procedure helps relieve tension. Massage accelerates the blood, more oxygen enters the muscles, and they return to normal faster. You can do a light massage using tennis ball or use a roller. If possible, visit a professional massage therapist, but self-massage is also a good alternative.

  1. Hitch

A cool-down after a race is necessary in order to “cool down” and smoothly complete the load. This will make it possible to avoid heaviness in the legs and pressure changes that are possible with an abrupt end. It's worth making a series simple exercises for 5-7 minutes, walk around, jump from side to side with a soft landing.

The most important thing is that you definitely need to do recovery, the body needs rest after the race, and you need to find time for this so as not to harm yourself.

    CrossFit is one of the most intense and difficult sports. Load during execution training complex several times higher than in any other discipline, be it bodybuilding, powerlifting, or classical fitness. This is why beginners often complain of feeling unwell after training. Is this normal? How to avoid this and what to do if you feel sick the day after training?

    Types of training

    To answer the question why an athlete feels bad after training, you need to plunge into the training process itself. Not all workouts are created equal. Among them there are those that improve health, and there are those that improve your sports results. In the second case, health may suffer.

  1. Health training. As a rule, this is a set of light exercises that tone muscles and improve overall well-being. This could be light or moderate cardio. power loads, which do not become stress for the body. You won't feel sick after a workout if you exercise at a low intensity.
  2. Warm-up workout. This is training before the competition. Different high speed performing exercises with low intensity of the load itself. During such training, hypoxia often develops, and after.
  3. Workout training. This is a workout for sports equipment, which involves working with own weight. It can overload your body, especially if you don't keep a workout log and push yourself to do more than you can handle.
  4. Aerobic training. This is serious cardio. How well you will feel depends on the intensity and timing. Often aerobic training accompanied by dehydration and all the ensuing consequences.
  5. Strength anaerobic training. This is a tough workout with heavy weights in the gym. If the body is not prepared for such stress, a full complex awaits you. side effects, starting with and ending with loss of consciousness.
  6. Drying workout. It's relative easy workout, which happens both and . However, keep in mind that during the drying itself, your body is already in a stressful situation and, as a result, cannot fully recover.

So, some types of exercise will definitely make you feel bad, while others will only make you feel better. However, first of all, how you feel after training is determined not by the load, but by your readiness for this load.

General information

Why do athletes sometimes feel sick the day after training? There are three main reasons why this happens:

  1. Dietary errors.
  2. Insufficient recovery.


The most common cause of poor health. As a rule, it occurs not in beginners, but in professional athletes. In an attempt to complete the WOD complex in less time, take more weight or master a new movement, our body experiences stress for which it was not initially prepared.

Stress leads to the effect of overtraining. And if for beginners this process occurs almost painlessly, since their body is still adjusting to the loads and has time to adapt to them, then for experienced athletes, overtraining is much more severe.

It is because of this that most of the unpleasant side effects occur:

  • Nausea;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Heart pain;
  • Pain in the head;

In order not to suffer from overtraining, it is enough to train exclusively according to the plan. A trainer or a special diary with results will help you with this, which you need to focus on during each training session.


The second reason for feeling unwell after training may be lack of proper nutrition.

There are several cases when dietary errors affect your well-being:

  1. Poisoning or overload of the digestive system. In this case, the body does not have time to digest all the food before training, then, under the influence of physical activity, the food becomes toxic to the body and causes poisoning.
  2. Insufficient consumption of one or another. Thus, a lack of carbohydrates reduces blood sugar levels, which during the training process can lead to exhaustion and other consequences.
  3. Incorrect, unbalanced diet. For example, with hyper-consumption of proteins with a complex structure, all systems are loaded, including the kidneys and liver. In this case, training will become a trigger that will trigger organ failure and other unpleasant consequences.


The final reason is lack of recovery. The human body functions normally and grows in power plan only in case:

  • a full 8 hours of sleep;
  • absence of nervous stress;
  • proper balanced nutrition.

Violation of any of these factors leads to a deterioration in the body's regenerative ability. As a result, an insufficiently rested body receives irreparable stress that it is unable to cope with.

System overload and symptoms

First of all, do not forget that feeling unwell is just a symptom, which means an overload of certain systems in the body. Such overload can easily be treated symptomatically, but does not eliminate the root cause of the condition. For an athlete, this is a clear sign: it is necessary to change the training process, nutrition, or give the body more time to rest.

System Symptom Cupping
Overload of the cardiovascular systemChest pain, headaches, nausea, weakness, drop in blood pressure.Reduce caffeine consumption. Reducing the intensity of the training process. Use of sedatives.
Overload of the gastrointestinal systemNausea, vomiting, indigestion, or diarrhea. Immunity to certain nutrients.Taking digestive enzymes. Rest until complete recovery. Chamomile tea.
Overload of the central nervous systemInsomnia, nervousness, mood swings, headache, muscle tremors.Sedatives and vitamins based on magnesium and vitamin B6.
Hormonal overloadWeakness, poor health, fever, sudden drop in mood.Complete rest from stress, it is possible to take testosterone stimulants such as tribulus or zinc.
Traumatic overloadPain in muscles, ligaments, joints.Complete rest, restorative warm-up.

Cardio and health

People often complain that they feel sick after a running workout. What is this connected with? First of all, because the body was not adapted to such a load. Even if you have well-developed legs, do not forget that cardio exercise primarily overloads cardiovascular system which cannot return to normal and continues to work intensively after running.

In addition, there is a whole range of symptoms that cause poor health after cardio training, even in experienced athletes:

  1. Dehydration. When you run, you lose a lot of minerals and fluids. Since you don't drink enough fluid while running, the natural result is dehydration. This is a common reason for feeling unwell after a cardio workout.
  2. Toxic breakdown of adipose tissue. Since cardio is often performed in the fat-burning zone, it is important to remember that the completed forms of the triglyceride molecule break down, releasing alkaloids that poison the liver and body. If the body is not sufficiently prepared for such stress, cardio simply causes fat poisoning, which goes away on its own within a few hours after the end of the workout.
  3. Drop in blood sugar levels. During the load process, the body first uses all easily broken down energy - primarily glucose, which circulates throughout the body. If the intensity of cardio training does not allow the breakdown of new blood in time or it runs out, this leads to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels with consequences in the form of hypoglycemia.
  4. Hypoxia of all tissues. A characteristic feature of high-intensity cardio training is precisely the lack of oxygen. They are trying to stop this problem with hypoxic masks and other tricks, but the fact remains a fact. While running, the body simply does not have enough oxygen to function normally.

How to get rid of it?

Alas, if you feel sick after training, there is no universal treatment. All that can be done is to stop the symptoms that arise. If you are dehydrated, drink plenty of water. If you feel nauseated, stop exercising immediately. In any case, it is easier to avoid feeling unwell than to treat the consequences later. And for this you need to correctly compose training plan and count your strength.

IMPORTANT: CrossFit is considered one of the most unpleasant sports not only because training loads are often beyond the power of beginners, but also due to the grouping of trainees. In one group there may be people with different fitness levels, and if within the framework of one training a person simply gets overtrained, then in the long run he may well earn money. Therefore, when doing CrossFit, at first use individual training with an instructor or home complexes that will prepare you for the upcoming loads.


Feeling unwell is just a symptom that indicates an error in training process. If you are not a competitive athlete, then it is quite possible that the loads you receive during training are too much for you. Apart from muscle pain after training, you should not feel any unpleasant symptoms. Everything else means that your body has broken down” and tries to “repair” itself using optimization rather than adaptation processes.

Whatever sport you play, always remember the rule of the magic triangle:

  1. Training planning.
  2. Smart nutrition.
  3. Full recovery.

In this case, you will not only get rid of bad health the next day after training, but you will also progress faster as an athlete.

As a fitness instructor and amateur athlete who prepares for competitions on his own, I regularly attend seminars on training techniques and sports medicine. At them, experts pay a lot of attention to overtraining and how to prevent it in yourself and those you train.

In a zealous desire to immediately deal with extra pounds newly minted fitness athletes often exhaust themselves with excessive exercise and restrictive diets, without even thinking that they are literally destroying their body.

In medicine there is a term “sports disease”. Its reason is that the number, duration and intensity of exercise exceed the body's regenerative abilities. By the way, the latter also depend on the circumstances. Let’s say that on vacation we are able to do much more training than during an office rush.

So, when the load-recovery balance is disrupted, overtraining occurs. Its symptoms appear gradually: at first, the effectiveness of training decreases, it takes more and more time to recover, and the general condition and finally, serious health problems begin.

By what signs is sports disease diagnosed?

10 Signs of Overtraining: Check Yourself

1. Workouts are no longer fun . Reluctance to go to training is the first sign that you may have overdone it. True, this is a very subjective criterion, so ask yourself honestly: is your body really resisting the load or is it just plain laziness?

2. Loss of strength . This means that you are really so tired that you are unable to complete the exercise. First of all, this affects your strength and speed: the usual weight of dumbbells suddenly became suspiciously heavy, the last repetition in the approach is not possible, the speed on the treadmill or exercise bike has decreased significantly.

3. Irritability and depression . Here, too, it is important to correctly determine the cause. If the problem is problems at work, quarrels in the family, etc., then during and after training the mood usually improves, irritation is replaced by calm. And if depression and anger intensified after fitness classes, then most likely this is a symptom of a sports disease.

4. Sleep disturbance . Getting up in the morning, whether for a run or for work, turns into torture for you. You are overcome by insomnia or, conversely, you sleep soundly for 10-12 hours and at the same time feel tired and exhausted all day.

5. Regression or lack of progress in fitness. The easiest way to notice this is if you keep a diary and regularly take control measurements. Certainly, training plateau is not necessarily a sign of a sports disease - perhaps it's all due to an unsuccessful training program. However, if this symptom complements those already mentioned, then it’s really time for you to rest.

6. Headache . Regular attacks begin in the morning for no apparent reason or occur in the late afternoon. Again, analyze if, in addition to a headache, you find the above symptoms, there is a high probability that this is overtraining. In any case, consult a doctor, as persistent or frequent headaches can be a sign of a variety of diseases.

7. Loss of appetite and interest in sex . Don’t think that lack of appetite will help you lose weight, but that a slumbering libido indicates your spiritual elevation. Food and sex are basic biological needs that we cannot ignore, no matter how civilized we become. The body’s asceticism in these matters signals: something has gone wrong!

8. Tachycardia . Increased heart rate - the next, more objective stage of overtraining. The morning pulse quickens, and during a seemingly habitual exercise, you are surprised to discover that your heart rate is 5-10 beats higher than normal. At the same time, you have not become faster or more resilient.

9. Muscle pain, haunting you constantly . This is not the same burning sensation and fatigue that occurs after an impact workout or the day after it. This refers to aching sensations, aches that do not allow you to relax, for example, forcing you to turn around in bed in search of comfortable posture for sleep. Sometimes it’s not even clear whether muscles or joints are aching.

10. Decreased immunity . The body needs amino acids to recover after exercise, but they are also required for the synthesis of immune cells. An organism exhausted by fitness can easily transfer amino acids to the “sports front”. ARVI gives way to herpes, which turns into a lingering runny nose, and then the flu - a very typical picture for an avid fitness fan.

To more objectively assess your condition, you need to learn how to count your pulse or get a heart rate monitor.

Signs of Overtraining: Testing

Test 1: resting heart rate measurement . Measure your pulse in the morning immediately after sleep, preferably before you get up. Its increase by 5-10 beats compared to normal indicates overtraining. For accuracy, repeat measurements 2-3 days.

Test 2: orthostatic heart rate test . It is also better to do it in the morning, before you are tired.

1. Rest for 10 minutes (timed by the clock) in a comfortable position, preferably lying down.

2. Lying down, take your pulse.

3. Get up and stand for 15 seconds (count or time it on the clock).

4. Measure your pulse again.

5. While standing, count your pulse 90 seconds after the previous measurement and then after another 120 seconds.

Normally, when standing, your heart rate will increase after 15 seconds and then decrease. At the last measurement, the heart rate should not exceed the first digit by more than 10 beats per minute. For accurate results, repeat the test within 2-3 days. To avoid being distracted by counting seconds (nervous tension can increase your heart rate), ask a family member to help you.

Fortunately, sports disease is quite easy to treat. You don't have to give up on fitness. First of all, let your body recover: cancel your usual workouts for 2-3 weeks, replace them with walks, yoga, and stretching. “Research on overtraining syndrome shows that there is nothing more important than proper rest,” I am sure Rene McGregor, biochemist, sports nutritionist and bestselling author Sports nutrition". - Recovery can take up to several weeks; it involves reducing stress and proper nutrition, including complex carbohydrates, lean sources of protein, fruits and vegetables, and adequate fluid intake.”

Review your diet: bring your caloric intake to normal, eat more protein, fruits and vegetables, take complex vitamins and minerals. Listen to your body and correctly read the signals it sends you: perhaps your reluctance to run an extra kilometer or do an extra bench press does not indicate your laziness, but extreme fatigue. Everything is good in moderation!

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Anything can happen. Someone follows a diet that half of the professionals have never dreamed of. Some people combine work, study, and training with a bunch of different things. public duties. But it’s completely normal to feel like you have no strength at all. And moreover, this is not always a sign of some terrible changes or overtraining. “It” can be a sign that you are mired in a routine or simply not in the mood for an activity. However, unless you are overtrained, chronically stressed or have any health problems, simple solutions may be a good idea.

Just go and train

You know what? I am very confused by the fact that the majority of half of humanity considers a fun and enjoyable, in general, physical education activity to be an analogue of a personal torture chamber. It just shouldn't be like that.

Well, I don’t believe it when professionals, flirting, start saying something like “I don’t like training so much, so I’d rather do a killer 20-minute MRI cycle without stopping than swing dumbbells for an hour.” Here the motive is clear - to emphasize one’s own athletic advancement in relation to the rest of humanity.

But when an amateur who works out for the sake of health and beauty, in general, does not want to train day after day, then, excuse me, there is something very “wrong”.

If the words in the title cause internal rejection, we strongly recommend that you don’t give a damn about all the recommendations for choosing types of fitness, and continue to look for something of your own. You definitely won’t become healthier or happier if you force yourself to workout, excuse me, by force.

But... if, say, “not hunting” attacks a couple of times a week, this is completely normal. Go and train. After warming up, you will feel that you can.

There should be rest days

Tell me, why do you think that you can do without rest days? Did some blogger tell you? Well, you don’t know what this same blogger means by training. Maybe he squats half his body weight for 10 reps and swings his legs on a block. Moreover, you should not be guided by advice from weight loss gurus that “you should exercise every day.”

Instead of “training” there should be the words “ physical activity" If you are engaged in real strength training, and not their imitation, there should be at least 2 days of rest, and preferably 3. One of them, so be it, can be taken up with some kind of bike ride around the surrounding area. But the other two are a maximum of light warming up, stretching, and massage, even with a foam roller.

Can't just sit in front of your computer? Take a walk, go somewhere, do physical work around the house, finally. But don't exercise. This is really important for feeling fresh and strong when working out is finally on your schedule.

Are you afraid of gaining weight? Calm down and work with your diet. On the contrary, the moment of sudden gain occurs more often when we “work” as hard as we can both during training and on rest days, and we simply begin to slowly overeat, often without noticing it ourselves.

Learn to tune in to your workout

This does not mean that you need to “pump up” yourself emotionally for half an hour, sitting in a dark room in the lotus position. Each person has a state of psyche and mind in which he trains most effectively.

It is important to catch your own - some people work better by completely disconnecting from external stimuli and immersing themselves in themselves. You've probably seen people like this - wearing headphones, with an absolutely expressionless face. Someone, on the contrary, should actively use the support of a coach or partner, talk, banally, between approaches.

Why, some people have...lucky shorts and a T-shirt, and these people are quite famous and even champions. Look for what will tune you personally - the form, the music, the people in the room or the lack thereof. Try to remember what makes you move forward and use it.

Don't plan for weight progression

Let me make a reservation right away, I’m talking about fitness, not sports disciplines. It’s there that your coach usually doesn’t care much whether you want to lift or not. Eventually you will be forced and you will rise.

But in fitness, the notebook itself with the numbers written in it drives some people into panic. That’s why, by the way, trainers don’t tell everyone about progression in the first lesson, and simply add weight when they see that the client is ready and won’t panic.

A typical case is a girl who is afraid of the terrible pumping of at least something. It is enough to add 2 pancakes of 5 kg each to such a heroine, and you will already hear a lot of questions, doubts, worries and worries. So, if you know for yourself that you will worry about progression, increase the weights gradually, a little slower than you would like and could, and, in general, according to how you feel.

With an adequate diet, this will not have a negative effect on appearance. But self-confidence will definitely work as a plus both in terms of technology and in terms of long-term progress.

Refresh your exercise list

Dedicated to base lovers... In general, no matter how useful and good the movements you perform are, it is simply useful to shake yourself up from time to time. The most simple ways“shake-ups” have long been known - try “one-armed” and “one-legged” versions of basic presses and rows, take dumbbells instead of a barbell, and kettlebells instead of dumbbells, and even, horror of horrors, use the “supplement” condemned by all modern “fitness lifters” in exercise machines .

In the case when the exercises seem to be being done, but the emotional background of their implementation is rather not “hurray, squat!”, but “oh, nightmare, again, and the girls are pulling their socks up,” you need to ruthlessly arrange for yourself fasting week. Take a group fitness class, I guarantee you will remember why you love the heavy squat in particular, and gym generally. Or you will find something new that will interest you besides the gym.

The big advantage of being a fitness professional for health is that he can really change everything and try something new, so take advantage of your position.

Elena Selivanova

Feeling sluggish during even the easiest workouts may have nothing to do with your athletic ability. Consider the factors below that affect your performance and change your lifestyle!

Are you tired? We know why.

You started your workout in a great mood, but after a few minutes you are gasping for air and feel like your strength has left you. This happens.

But why? We spoke with Janet Hamilton, C.S.C.S., psychologist physical exercise at the consulting firm Running Strong in Atlanta, asking her to describe the sources of your problems. Check out these nine possible culprits and get ready to finish next workout in good shape.

are as inseparable as tight sweatpants and a bulging labia—both of which can get in the way of your workout.

“When someone is struggling during a workout, the first thing to do is understand what their life has been like in recent weeks,” says Hamilton. Do you get good sleep and do you regularly get free time?

It is important to remember that training itself is stressful for the body, and all stress accumulates. Therefore, if you work, do not get enough sleep, and relationships with other people require effort from you, then your workouts will make your body cry out for help.

Hamilton recommends adding a column to your training log entries. It should note how you feel during the day, what your stress level is, and how much time you slept the previous night. If you regularly lack sleep, experience a lot of stress, and are exhausted during training, then everything is understandable.

Cyclist's allergy

(caused by physical activity or other reasons) may require effort to obtain air. But, Hamilton says, your body won't squat without oxygen.

Every cell in the body, every organ, every muscle requires oxygen to survive and perform its functions. If you experience coughing, wheezing, chest pressure, or shortness of breath at the end of a workout or immediately after it, then you definitely need to see a doctor.