Intellectual sport. Intellectual sports (social and pedagogical aspects)

Those who are friends with sports know that different types of training have different effects on muscle groups. But few people know that sports exercises directly affect our brain, activating its various centers and helping us better cope with assigned tasks.

We decided to find out how, with the help of various sports, you can effectively improve your mental abilities and become not only stronger, but also much more successful. We are sure that now no one will speak disparagingly about the mental abilities of athletes!

1. Tennis
Did you know that tennis is called “chess in motion”? In addition to endurance, tennis players have excellent skills in predicting an opponent’s actions, and are also able to understand and evaluate the trajectory of the ball in a split second.

2. Team sports

All team sports contribute to the development of analytical thinking and reaction speed, and also improve teamwork skills.

And due to the fact that the game requires complex coordination of movements, concentration skills also increase.

3. Long distance running and golf

It seems that there is nothing in common between these two sports, but this is only at first glance. Both stayer running and “retirement” golf contribute to the active development of strategic thinking. Otherwise, how else can you endure a journey of several tens of kilometers or get into “that very” hole?

By the way, Bill Gates is an avid golfer.

4. Yoga

The main benefit of yoga, beloved by many, is the harmonization of thoughts and emotions, the ability to focus on the main thing and discard the unnecessary, which turns out to be an extremely useful skill in our turbulent world. And peace of mind is undoubtedly the key to success in any business.

5. Rock climbing

All exercises where you need to move and think at the same time perfectly train your working memory, which allows you to quickly use the information received.

6. Swimming, cycling and other cardio workouts

The obvious benefits of cycling, swimming and other similar activities physical exercise are endurance training and muscle development of almost the entire body.

In addition, during these sports, the speed of blood flow in the body increases, as a result of which blood rich in oxygen, hormones and nutrients flows faster to the brain.

Any aerobic exercise perfectly stimulates all areas of the brain and promotes memory development.

7. Strength training

Strength training is considered the prerogative of men, but this is a serious misconception.

Any strength training stimulates the work of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for complex thinking, the ability to multitask, the ability to find the right arguments and defend one’s position.

This is why deadlifts and others power loads Almost everyone should include it in their workouts now.

Natalya Pereslegina
Intellectual sports game “Sports Experts” Video

Intellectual and sports game« Sports connoisseurs»

Purpose of the game: To form preschoolers’ knowledge about the Olympic Games games, various types sports; motivate to engage in physical education and sports; stimulate the growth of children's cognitive activity.


Repeat and consolidate children's knowledge on the topic « Sports and athletes»

Expand children's horizons about species sports and sports equipment

Develop cognitive interest among preschoolers

Vaccinate interest in sports

To develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory of pupils.

Rules of the game "Own game» - Sports connoisseurs

They can play the game play with two people(teams) and more. Everyone has their own personal account. At the beginning of the game, each player has 0 points.

There are four rounds in the game:

1- warm-up


3rd captain competition

1 round "Warm-up".

A table with letters appears on the field. Players must find the name of the species from the letters within a minute sports.

At the end of the minute we check. A table with the answers is displayed on the screen.

For each word guessed, the team receives 10 points.

Round 2 "Command"

A playing field with 4 themes is displayed on the screen.

One of the players (usually he is on the left) selects a question on the game board. There are 4 topics on the board with 4 questions each - a total of 16 questions. Questions in each topic are worth 10, 20, 30, 40 points.

The selected question is heard, and after that, the players are given a minute to think and raise the sign on their gaming table. The one who raised the sign first has the right to respond.

For the correct answer to a question, the player receives as many points as the question was worth, as well as the right to choose the next question. In case of an incorrect answer, this amount is not protected.

If no one says the correct answer, the presenter does it himself. The question is chosen by the same player that was chosen by the previous one.

There are two types special issues. This "Pig in a poke" And "Question-Auction". Their number and location on the scoreboard is unknown in advance.

If a player opens a scoreboard square containing "Pig in a poke", then he is obliged to give this question to one of his opponents. The opponent gets a question. This sounds like a question only for this player. That is, only he can answer. If he does not answer, he will be credited with an incorrect answer. Regardless of the outcome, this player will choose the next question.

Question-Auction. This is bidding per issue. Each player can bet a certain amount (bet). The one who bets more will answer this question. The bet amount is a multiple of 10 points.

The first to bid is the one who opened the auction square. The bet cannot be less than the initial value of the issue indicated on the scoreboard - the face value. If his account amount is less than the face value, then his bet is still equal to the face value. In other cases, you can bet an amount not exceeding the amount in your account.

After it is determined playing, the presenter reads the question to him. playing I have to answer something. If the answer is correct, he earns an amount equal to his bet.

The first round ends either when the allotted time has elapsed or all questions have been played.

Round 3 "Captains Competition"

The captains approach the leader and choose cards. The cards show the views sports and sports equipment. Captains must draw or show a picture so that their team guesses what is shown in the picture.

If the captain draws and the team guesses, they get 10 points.

If the captain shows and the team guesses, then the team receives 30 points.

After the third round, 2 teams having best result advance to the finals.

Round 4 "Final"

Teams on the field choose questions, each question has its own number of points. Questions are worth 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 points. The person with the highest result at the end of the final is declared the winner.

Publications on the topic:

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In accordance with the work plan of the education department for 2017, in order to improve the system of patriotic education and formation.

Almost all sports disciplines are associated with strong physical fitness And . However, the main component of sport is competition, which is inherent not only traditional types. In the 20th century, intellectual sports appeared, which require the same qualities that are valued in traditional sports: professionalism, dedication, initiative, discipline, determination, courage, endurance and the will to win.

We will give the top 5 most popular mind sports disciplines in terms of complexity and “puzzlingness”.


The game is considered the progenitor of chess and has been widespread for many centuries. Something similar to checkers was known back in Ancient Egypt.

Main competitions

In 1948, checkers had its own World Federation (WF). She brought chess tournaments to the level corresponding to sports competitions.

And the world championships in international checkers have been held since 1894. The USSR (and later Russia) succeeded here too: many of the champions are our compatriots, while until the end of the 1950s the championship was predominantly won by the French and Dutch.

  • The game of checkers was not prohibited by the church, while chess was considered “the game of the devil.”
  • During the Middle Ages, every knight had to be able to play checkers (then this game was called “ladies”).
  • Many modern checkers players do yoga to focus and relax before matches.


The first mention of poker dates back to 1526: at that time, an exciting card game was played in Italy and Spain, where you had to place bets and collect the strongest combination. It gained enormous popularity in America in the 19th century, where it almost acquired the status national game. The most popular variety is Texas Hold'em, which is the main tournament discipline for poker players from all over the world.

Main competitions

Although the Olympic Committee does not yet officially recognize poker as a sport, competitions in it are actively taking place all over the world. So, World Series Poker (World Series Of Poker, or WSOP for short) has been taking place since 1970 and is considered the unofficial world championship in poker. In addition, online poker tournaments are held on the Internet - World Championship Of Online Poker (WCOOP), the prizes in which are only slightly inferior to the prizes of “live” poker.

  • With the help of poker, the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, earned about $7,000 for his election campaign.
  • The most famous poker battle took place in 1949. Americans Johnny Moss and Nick Dandalos played for five months, interrupting only to sleep. As a result, Moss won $4 million.
  • The strongest and rarest poker combination, the royal flush, occurs only once in 500,000 times. However, in 1994, Alex Hemstry, playing in Las Vegas, collected two royal flushes in a row!


The father of modern bridge is the Russian card game Vint, known since the 19th century; the rules of modern bridge were formulated in 1925. In 1995, at the 104th session of the International Olympic Committee in Budapest, bridge was announced Olympic form sports

Currently, bridge is the only card game considered as a full-fledged sports discipline.

Main competitions

Bridge championships are held in many countries. Currently, the World Bridge Federation (founded in 1958) includes 125 countries. The World Team Bridge Championship is called the Bermuda Cup (as it was first held in 1950 in Bermuda). The issue of including bridge in the Winter Olympics program remains unresolved.

  • There is a legend that states that status in the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party is largely determined by success at the bridge table.
  • When Winston Churchill served as Foreign Secretary, he officially created the position of "bridge partner for Sir Winston Churchill" in his ministry.
  • The Emir of Afghanistan, Amanullah, while studying at Oxford, became an avid bridge player, for which he was ostracized upon returning to his homeland.

2. Go


This game, according to various estimates, is from 2 to 5 thousand years old. It originated in China, after which it came to Japan in the 7th century, and from there it spread throughout the world in the 20th century.

Main competitions

Professional sports organizations they are located in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - in countries where it is a traditional game. In 1988, professional world championships for this game began to be held: the Fujitsu World Championship and the Inga Cup.

  • Go is the most played board game in the world.
  • The power of a modern computer is not yet enough to beat the best Go players, since in this game the board consists of 361 squares, which creates a much more options for positions than in chess.
  • During the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the second game of the championship match was taking place in the city. Subsequently, this tournament was called the “Atomic Bomb Party.”


The game, which later transformed into chess, arose no later than the 6th century in India and by the 11th century chess appeared in Europe. In the 16th century, the game had already become a competition: at that time the first chess clubs appeared, often playing for money. The first international matches and tournaments took place in the 19th century.

Main competitions

The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has existed since 1924. It holds matches for the world title, championships and various tournaments.

  1. In 2003, Dutch artist Ipe Rubingstal created new look sport - chessbox: it takes place 11 rounds, where the odd ones are given to chess, and the even ones - to boxing. The winner is the one who either checkmates his opponent or knocks him out.
  2. In 1962, the Strugatsky brothers published the story “Noon. XXI century”, which mentions the “Kasparo-Karpov system”, thanks to which it is possible to build mathematical models of the brain. At that time, Anatoly Karpov was 11 years old and had just passed the Master of Sports standard, and Garry Kasparov was born the following year.
  3. Thomas Paine's wife saved her husband, who was sentenced to the guillotine, by playing chess with Robespierre for his life.

Instead of a conclusion

Even if you prefer intellectual disciplines to traditional ones, keep in mind that you will not be able to achieve success so easily. Any sport involves hard work on yourself and a daily struggle against laziness, so you will need to maintain and adhere to your training regimen. Also remember that for mental clarity and maintenance nervous system you need to eat right.

Remember: sport is the choice of the strong, so try to strengthen both your body and your intellect!

Mind Sports) is an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international sports federations with a hierarchical management structure. As a result of such transformations of intellectual games, international sports federations chess (FIDE, 1924), checkers (FMJD, 1947), bridge (WBF, 1958), go (IGF, 1982), shogi (FESA, 1985), renju (RIF, 1989) and xiangqi (WXF, 1993).

Intelligent Species Sports are often called “mind sports”, they have a developed infrastructure and enjoy wide approval in society, since they are considered not only an alternative to gambling, but also a good simulator for the mind. Recently, there has been a tendency towards a specific expansion of intellectual sports, due to the sportization of other board (logical) games, including backgammon, poker and various ethnocultural types that have a local distribution (Russian checkers).

Sportization of intellectual games

The sportization of intellectual games is a process of reinstitutionalization of logic games within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon sports model with the formation of a hierarchy of public organizations (local, national, continental, international), as well as the introduction of a system of competitions and the institutions of judging, equipment, specific preparation in the form of training, which provide it. calculating results in the form of ratings of players and teams. The sportization of intellectual games as a sociocultural phenomenon arose in the modern era and is due to the global spread of Western civilization.

Mind games

The term “intellectual games” has now come to be used as a general name to refer to all types of logical, board, computer and gambling games. This happened largely due to the widespread use of the terms “mind sports” and “mind sports”.

The highest form of organization of mind games has become the World Mind Games, held by the International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) with the aim of giving them Olympic status in the foreseeable future - Intellympic / Mindlympic Games, which they already have

Skarzhinskaya Elena Nikolaevna

K. ped. Sc., Head of the Master's Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Academy physical culture.

Working address: Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Malakhovka village, st. Shosseynaya, 33 Contacts: [email protected]

Skarzhinskaya Elena N.

Ph. D., Head of Master Department of Moscow State Academy of Physical Education.

Work address: Moscow Region, Lyubertsy district, settlement Malakhovka Shosseinaya Street, 33 Contact: [email protected]

Key words: sports, intellectual development, social health.

Keywords: sport, intellectual development, social health.

Annotation. The article “Intellectual Sports (Social and Pedagogical Aspects)” reveals the historical features of the development of intellectual sports and the prospects for their introduction into the education system. The presented materials are the result of scientific research and the implementation of complex educational activities within the framework of the author's project activities.

The purpose of the study is to identify both priority ways for the development of intellectual sports and to identify limiting factors in revealing the value potential of intellectual sports in the aspect of social health of the population.

The events held (scientific discussions and pedagogical experiments) showed a social demand for high-tech support for the process of sports training and competitive activity in intellectual sports. A contradiction has also been identified between the needs of the population and the range of social services based on intellectual sports. The results of the study emphasize the responsibility of the state both in terms of regulatory support for the activities of public organizations developing intellectual sports, and in terms of promoting and popularizing the social health of the population through the mass involvement of citizens of our country in sports-based intellectual activities on a regular basis.

Annotation. The article “INTELLECTUAL SPORT (social and pedagogical aspects)” shows the historical peculiarities of intellectual sport development and prospects of their introduction into educational system. The materials presented are the result of scientific research and implementation of complex educational arrangements within the bounds of the author’s project activity.

The purpose of the research is to reveal priority ways of development as well as emphasize restrictive factors of exposing of intellectual sport value potential in the aspect of people’s social health. The actions held (scientific discussions and pedagogical experiments) have shown a social demand for high technological support of the sport training process and competitive activity in intellectual sport. The contradiction between people’s needs and the range of social services on the base of intellectual sport has been also exposed. The research results accentuate the responsibility of the state as to the regulatory and legal provision of non-government organizations that develop intellectual sport and to the regular promotion and popularization of people’s social health by involvement of Russian citizens into sport intellectual activity on a mass scale.

Relevance. Signing V.V. Putin on February 7, 2008, “Strategies for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation” outlined the choice of the country’s political elite: the concept of post-industrial society as the main vector of social reforms. An analysis of the main provisions of the theoretical developments of the information society shows the expansion of filling the category “health” with indicators of the quality of social activity and puts forward the conceptual block “social health” along with the developed conceptual block “physical health” in the priority row of scientific discussion. It should be noted that in the information society, most of the population is employed in the information sector of the economy, where the main product and commodity is information.

The dominant personal property of information processing when making decisions is intelligence. Therefore, intellectual development is an important component of “social health” and a strategic resource for social development, including through sports activities.

The history of the development of sports-based intellectual games dates back thousands of years. However, some of them became sports (with all the components of sports socialization - public organizations, a system of regular championships, an organized process of sports training, etc.) at the end of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. . Nonlinear development of intellectual games throughout the twentieth century. allowed only four sportsized intellectual games to receive the status of a sport within the international sports movement.

The theoretical foundations for identifying the conceptual block “intellectual sports” in sports pedagogy are laid in the classification of sports according to the characteristics of the subject of competition and the nature of motor activity of L.P. Matveev (1977). In the classification he presented, the fifth group includes sports whose main content is determined by the nature of the abstract-logical beating of an opponent. We call intellectual sports those types where the result sports activities is determined by the solution of a given task (the rules of this sport) with the predominant use of intelligence and is carried out through “action in the mind” (or in the “internal plan of action”) with the dominant role of the conscious over the unconscious. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in this case we consider “intellectual sports” as part of “sport” in general and thereby recognize that the manifestation of intelligence as a personality structure is inherent in various types of sports activities, but it is not always decisive for achieving achieved sports result. The main criterion for distinguishing these sports is the possibility of holding competitions remotely. Today, the processes of sportization and digitalization of intellectual games continue and are often controversial, including on international level. For example, the sportization of seedlings, backgammon, poker, mahjong, etc. Currently, after the “Intellectual Sports Forum” held in Russia in 2007, in addition to intraspecific official competitions, the World Intellectual Games are held annually.

In our country, those intellectual sports that are included in the program of the World Intellectual Games have state recognition and inclusion in the All-Russian Register of Sports. It should be noted that the content is varied sports disciplines intellectual sports in our country:

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of each discipline in the case of choosing pre-professional training programs and the real opportunity for those involved to become a high-class athlete directly in the chosen discipline of intellectual sports. Official summary data on the development of intellectual species in our country is presented below.

An in-depth analysis of the functioning of various social institutions of these sports showed that the aspects of professional training of coaches and the mechanisms of public-private partnership in terms of promoting club sports are the most poorly developed. Also, in addition to state-recognized sports, other types of intellectual competition are actively developing within the framework of the activities of numerous public organizations: Russian chess (tavrel), backgammon, shogi, seedlings, the sports version of “What? Where? When?" etc.

Conducted scientific events at various levels indicated the need to develop and implement projects for the dissemination of intellectual sports, including the use of information and communication technologies.

Stages of implementation of project activities:

  • preparatory (2003-2012): theoretical and discussion period (scientific events at various levels were held - conferences (including All-Russian and international round tables, panel discussions, etc.) dedicated to the development of sports in the information society, the integral method of unification intellectual sports, as well as computer sports);
  • regional pedagogical experiment "Moscow Intellectual Games" (2013 - present): educational festivals "Intelliada", School Sports League for Intellectual Sports, international tournament with distance participation "Let's Play Together", competition for teachers additional education“Teaching to think while playing”, competition “ITvolunteer” with the support of the Moscow Department of Education;
  • replication of developed technologies (2014 - present): conducting advanced training courses, participation in the International International Sports Education and Science, holding the All-Russian Conference “Intellectual Sports in the Education System” for representatives of 53 regions of the country, direct work with the regions with the support of the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support physical education Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The project is based on the author’s technology for holding educational festivals “Intelliada”. As part of these events, innovative pedagogical technology was implemented, in which the emphasis was shifted from the competitive form of conducting in favor of educational. Representation of high-class athletes (Honored Master of Sports of Russia, 12th world chess champion Alexandra Kostenyuk; Honored Master of Sports of Russia, multiple champion world in three types of checkers (international, Russian and Brazilian) Alexander Shvartsman; Honored Master of Sports of Russia, European Go champion Natalya Kovaleva; international master of sports, two-time champion world champion in sports bridge Tatyana Ponomareva) increased interest and motivation to engage in intellectual sports among both students and the parent and teaching audience.

During the period 2012-015. 22 Intelliad festivals were held. In total, 22,972 educational services were provided within the framework of the district educational festivals “Intelliada”. Large sporting events, carried out as part of the implementation of project activities, made it possible to implement an interactive format of educational festivals and create a precedent for holding inclusive events in intellectual sports and games and remote school sports league in intellectual sports.

Comprehensive sociological research (distribution survey, content analysis, interviewing and expert assessment) revealed a superficial understanding of intellectual sports: the vast majority of respondents (91%), knowing the rules of the game of checkers (64-square or Russian checkers), could not name the athletes (with the exception of Petrov - 16 mentions), types of checkers, the place of Russian checkers in the international sports movement. 38% of survey participants mastered chess. Children and youth audiences know the following names of chess players: 1. Karpov -287 answers, 2. Kasparov -231 variants, 3. Kramnik -163 mentions, 4. Ilyumzhinov (FIDE President) -85 times. However, modern chess competitions fall out of the field of spectator interest. Go as a sport is developing rapidly. An analysis of primary information showed that Russians are partially aware of this sport, but they were unable to name outstanding athletes or highlight the history of the sport. Survey participants had mixed reactions regarding sports bridge. The very fact that a card game is an official sport was surprising. The general public has almost never heard of this sport, so the survey participants could not indicate the rules of the competition, the status of the sport, or the athletes. In general, young people evaluate intellectual sports as an interesting and useful pastime and perceive them as an element high quality life.

Currently, scientific and project activities development of intellectual sports continues in the following main areas:

  • participation in the development of program documents of public organizations developing intellectual sports (including federal standards for sports training);
  • dissemination of experience in creating inclusive environments in intellectual sports for people with disabilities physical health;
  • creation of software and methodological support for remote support for those involved in intellectual sports in rural areas;
  • replication and implementation of developed pedagogical technologies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries;
  • preparation, advanced training and retraining of coaches and additional education teachers in intellectual sports.


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  2. Kondratyev V.M., Skarzhinskaya E.N. The role of intellectual games in modern education// Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society. No. 1 (61). - Moscow, RAS. 2012 - With. 27-29.
  3. Kylasov A.V.; Garal Y.A. Sportization of intellectual games: concepts and technologies. - M.: Soviet sport, 2013.
  4. Skarzhinskaya E.N., Organizational and pedagogical aspects of the development of creative abilities through intellectual sports // Abstract of thesis. for Candidate of Science. ped. Sci. 13.00.04. Malakhovka, 2005, p.24.
  5. Sokolov A.B. Social health of the population in the context of transformation processes in modern Russian society//// Abstract of thesis. for Candidate of Science. philosophical. Sci. 09.00.11. Krasnodar, 2010, p.26.
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  2. Kondratiev V.M., Skarzhinskaya E.N. Rol’ intellektual’nikh igr v sovremennom obrazovanii // Vestnik Rossiyskogo fi losofskogo obshchestva No. 1 (61). - Moscow, RAN, 2012. - s. 27 - 29.
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  4. Skarzhinskaya E.N. Organizatsionnopedagogicheskiye aspekty razvitiya tvorcheskikh sposobnostei intellektual’nymi vidami sporta // Avtoreferat diss. na soiskaniye... kand. ped. nauk. 13.00.04. Malakhovka, 2005, s.24.
  5. Sokolov A.B. Sotsial’noye zdorovie naseleniya v kontekste transformatsionnykh protsessov v sovremennom rossiyskom obshchestve // ​​Avtoreferat diss. na soiskaniye... kand. fi losofskikh. nauk. 09.00.11. Krasnodar, 2010, s.26.
  6. Fomin Yu. A., Skarzhinskaya E.N. Sport v usloviyakh global’noi informatizatsii // Teoriya I praktika fi zicheskoi kul’tury. No. 2, 2007. S. 18-19 7. Webster Ph. Teorii informatsionnogo obshchestva //Per. s engl. - M.: Aspect Press, 2004. - 400 s.
  7. Kholodnaya M.A., Ushakova D.V. Razvitiye intellekta kak strategicheskogo resursa obshchestva // Doklad. Zasedaniye Buro Prezidiuma RAO December 1, 2010
  8. Statisticheskiye dannyye o razvitii vidov sporta. 1 - FK svod (from April 14, 2015)