Gymnastics for losing weight on your arms. The best exercises to combat excess weight on your arms

Problem areas are called that for a reason; in addition to external signs of imperfection, they are the last to be corrected. In this article we will look at how to deal with the problem area, and also provide a set of exercises for losing weight on your arms, which you can easily do at home.

Losing weight in a specific area. Myth or reality?

There is an opinion that with the help of special exercises you can lose weight in a specific area. If you still think so, we hasten to say that this is a real myth. To lose weight in a specific area, you must get rid of fat everywhere.

Poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle contribute to the appearance of problem areas. Your arms or any other area will never be fuller than your entire body if you watch your caloric intake and balance your diet, and lead an active lifestyle.

In other words, following a diet will help you quickly lose weight in the problem area (arms), and exercise will work on its appearance: so that your arms are toned and nothing is loose. For most women weak muscles triceps, as a result the lower part dangles like jelly.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms - what they should be

Many girls are afraid of exercise, thinking that it will make their arms muscular. Do not confuse exercise for losing weight and exercise for gaining muscle mass. Unlike the latter, exercises for losing weight are not so radical, but rather resemble a more thorough version of exercises or school warm-up. Their advantage is that they allow you to work precisely, focusing specifically on those problem areas that need correction.

Top 10 exercises for losing weight on your arms

Here are the simplest exercises that help you lose weight in your arms, which do not involve the use of special athletic equipment or exercise equipment, the only exception being dumbbells.

Exercises for arms without dumbbells

- most effective way overcome excess fat concentrated on the forearms and back, and at the same time improve the shape of the arms and chest. The beginning of classes should be gentle - no more than three approaches with 10-15 repetitions. In the beginning, it will be difficult for you to do push-ups, so use a sofa or chair that supports your legs. You can place your hands either shoulder-width apart or narrower (in this case, the load shifts more to the triceps, a problem area for most women).

– the best exercise for toning the arms, which strengthens weak triceps muscles, making the contours more toned. Sit on the edge of the sofa and place your hands behind you. Lower your buttocks down. Do push-ups until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, return to the starting position. Do several sets of 10-15 repetitions.

– are very effective both as a warm-up before more thorough exercises, and on their own for the purpose of losing weight. Make a series of swings in the horizontal and vertical planes. This exercise is also performed in approaches, each with up to 50 vigorous movements.

unique exercise, which tones several at once muscle groups. Take a horizontal position, stretch your body, leaning on your elbows/forearms and toes. The position should be such that you can mentally draw a straight line from head to toe. The stomach is pulled in. Slowly rise up, leaning on your palms, immediately return to the emphasis on your palms. Do 15 reps.

- another exercise for losing weight on your arms and improving the shape of your breasts is borrowed from yoga. Sitting in a cross-leg position (optional), raise your arms so that your elbows are bent at right angles and your palms are pressed together. Squeeze your palms forcefully for about 20-30 seconds. Relax your arms and repeat the exercise several times, changing their position.

Perhaps the most effective exercise for weight loss in CrossFit. It involves almost all muscle groups, maximally loading top part body (which is especially important for women with overweight in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms). This type of training increases metabolism, helping to burn maximum quantity fat

The exercise consists of sequential movements:

Take a squat position, place your palms in front of you;
Jumping your legs back, take a position as for push-ups;
do a push-up;
return to the squat position;
Jump up as much as possible, returning to the starting position.

Exercises for arms with dumbbells

– an exercise to strengthen the triceps muscles. Standing or sitting on a chair, holding a dumbbell with both hands, pull them up. Then, bending your elbows and placing them behind your head, hold them there for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Only the elbow joints work.

– in this exercise the upper shoulders are more involved. Standing, take dumbbells in your hands and lower them along your body, turning your hands slightly inward. Slowly spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, return to starting position. Complete the given number of times.

– another effective exercise for losing weight and strengthening arm muscles. Take dumbbells in your hands and take a standing position, with your body slightly tilted forward and your elbows bent at right angles. As you exhale, straighten your elbows, hold for a moment, and inhale as you return to the starting position. Make sure that your hands move smoothly, without jerking or swinging. Be sure to pause at the top.

– the exercise perfectly tones the biceps muscles, tightens the contours without pumping the arms (with a large number of repetitions with light weight). Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them to an outstretched arm position. Try to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. Turn your palms so that they look at each other at the lowest point. Now start lifting one dumbbell until it reaches shoulder level (your wrist should turn outward during the lift). Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position, then lift the dumbbell with your other hand. Do 20 repetitions for each arm.

Arm stretching exercises

Always end your workout with stretching, which not only helps relieve tension, but also helps improve the contours of your arms, making them smoother and more graceful. Do the following set of exercises:

clasp your hands behind your back and stretch the muscles for 30 seconds;
bring one hand forward and pull it towards you with the other hand;
again grasp the lock with your hands and stretch upward;
bend one arm at the elbow and move it behind your head, pull it by the elbow with your other hand.

There are other similar exercises aimed at losing weight in your arms. positive aspects. For example, push-ups are very useful not only for getting rid of excess weight, but also to improve the shape of the breast. A nice bonus, agree!

Many women, even when playing sports, do not pay attention to strengthening their arm muscles. Therefore, with age, the skin on them becomes flabby and sagging. You can deal with this by doing special exercises. You can practice both at home and in gym. There is no need to be afraid to use additional weights. After all, training with dumbbells will help you quickly strengthen your arms and make them toned. The main thing is to practice regularly, and then the result will become noticeable within a couple of weeks.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

Principles of arm training for women

Arm training for women has its own distinctive features.It should be built on the following principles:

  1. 1. You can exercise with or without dumbbells. Push-ups and pull-ups are very effective exercises for losing weight and strengthening your arms. To perform them you will not need to use additional weights. But if you have a few small dumbbells at home or at the gym, you will have many more exercise options.
  2. 2. Gradual increase in load. Women don't need to be afraid of dumbbells. After all, pump up big muscles The girl will not succeed, since testosterone is produced in the female body in insufficient quantities for this. It’s worth starting to exercise with a little weight. But over time, the load on the muscles will become insufficient. Then you should take heavier dumbbells.
  3. 3. The number of repetitions should be chosen depending on your goals. Usually women just want to tighten their muscles. To do this, you should perform exercises of 12–15 repetitions in 3–4 approaches. If the goal is to get sculpted arms and shoulders, thereby balancing wide hips, must be taken more weight and do 8-10 reps in each set.
  4. 4. Before strength training It is necessary to carry out exercises, stretching your joints. The movements can be remembered from physical education or gymnastics lessons.

You should train from 1 to 3 times a week. The frequency of training will depend on its severity. The lesson should be postponed if the muscles still hurt. After all, they grow and strengthen during the recovery period. Therefore, there should be enough time for rest.

Core muscles of the arms

Effective exercises

Exercises for losing weight in your arms can be performed both at home and in the gym. For some movements, additional equipment will not be needed. For others you will have to use weights. If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can take bottles filled with water or sand.

Dumbbell Curl

Almost everyone knows where the biceps are and what exercise can pump it up. This is a dumbbell curl. It is believed that only men do it in the gym. But in fact, biceps curls help tighten the arms of fragile girls.


  • take dumbbells, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • as you exhale, bend your elbows;
  • at the end point, strain your biceps as much as possible;
  • then slowly straighten your arms.

When performing the exercise, the body and elbows must be fixed. The dumbbells should be lifted using the force of the biceps, and not by inertia.

You can bend your arms alternately or raise your arms at the same time.


A similar exercise for biceps is the hammer. It differs from the previous one only in the grip. Using this movement, you can better work your biceps and form its peak.

The technique will be the same as with standard curls. But dumbbells should be taken neutral grip. That is thumb must look at the ceiling.

Triceps extension

Many women note that as they age, their skin becomes back surface the arms begin to sag and lose elasticity. Triceps exercises will help you cope with this. One of them is dumbbell extension.


  • take a dumbbell and stand up straight;
  • raise your arms straight above your head;
  • while inhaling, bend your elbows, feeling the stretch in your triceps;
  • the elbows must be fixed, they cannot be spread to the sides and brought forward;
  • As you exhale, you should straighten your arms with a powerful movement.

You can also perform the exercise first with your right hand and then with your left.

The lower back should not bend, otherwise unnecessary stress will be placed on it.

Straightening your arm back with a dumbbell

Another exercise for triceps is straightening your arm with a dumbbell back.

Step by step technique:

  • rest your right knee on a horizontal bench;
  • Straighten your left leg and move it back;
  • Place the palm of your right hand on the bench;
  • V left hand take a small dumbbell and bend it at the elbow at a right angle;
  • then fully straighten your arm back and hold at the end point for a couple of seconds;
  • then return to the starting position.

Do not do this movement abruptly, otherwise you may damage elbow joint. For the triceps to receive the load, the elbow must remain motionless and parallel to the floor.

Lifting dumbbells in front and to the sides

When training your arms, don’t forget about deltoid muscles Oh. They give the shoulders beautiful outlines and make them defined.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you is aimed at developing the anterior bundle of deltoid muscles. To work through medium bun, you need to do lateral raises. But women shouldn't take too much heavy weight in this exercise. After all, the growth of the middle deltas leads to an increase in the width of the shoulders.

Technique for performing lifts in front of you:

  • take dumbbells, straighten up, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • as you exhale, raise your arms, slightly bent at the elbows, in front of you until they are parallel to the floor;
  • fixate at the top point for a few seconds;
  • then lower your hands.

During the execution, you cannot swing the body, lifting the dumbbells due to inertia.

Instead of dumbbells, you can use a barbell disc weighing 2.5–5 kg.

Women with narrow, sloping shoulders and disproportionately wide hips are advised to gradually increase the weight of the weight by performing lateral raises.


Push-ups are performed with own weight. Therefore, you can do them both at home and in the gym. They use the muscles not only of the arms, but also of almost the entire body: legs, shoulders and abdomen.


The body should be kept absolutely straight throughout the exercise. For beginners, it will most likely be difficult to do push-ups correctly on the floor right away. Therefore, you can start with push-ups from the wall and doing exercises with dumbbells.

It is also worth considering that narrow setting arms, when the elbows go parallel to the body, promotes the development of triceps. A wide stance with the elbows spread to the sides, it is aimed at working the pectoral muscles.

Reverse triceps push-ups

Reverse push-ups specifically target the triceps. They are also performed with your own weight. You just need to find a stable object with a flat surface (chair, bench, cabinet, etc.). It shouldn't be too high.


  • rest your hands on the edge of the bench, placing your palms shoulder-width apart;
  • straighten your legs;
  • while inhaling, bend your elbows and slowly lower down;
  • when the shoulders become parallel to the floor and the angles at the elbows are straight, you need to rise using the force of the triceps.

The back should move almost close to the support. Elbows should not be spread to the sides. To make the exercise more difficult, you can place your feet on another bench. This option is considered masculine, as it requires enough developed muscles.


Another exercise for slender arms with your own weight - pull-ups. It is usually performed by men. It is more difficult for girls to learn how to do pull-ups. To engage the biceps, you need to use a reverse grip. It should be neither too narrow nor too wide.

To perform pull-ups at home or in the gym, a horizontal bar must be installed. If your legs touch the floor while hanging, they will need to be slightly bent at the knees.


  • go to the horizontal bar and grab it with the middle reverse grip(palms facing you);
  • hang with your elbows slightly bent so that your biceps immediately receive the required load;
  • as you exhale, you should pull yourself up so that your chin is above the horizontal bar;
  • at this point you should fixate for 1–2 seconds, feeling the tension in your biceps;
  • then lower to the starting position.

The elbows should be parallel to the body, they should not be placed to the sides.

To compose effective complex exercises, you need to choose 2-3 for biceps and triceps, as well as 1-2 for shoulders.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

A set of exercises for practicing at home

Get ready for the fact that there are two news on the issue of losing weight on your arms.

  • The first is that there is no such thing as losing weight in one specific part of the body: you will have to exercise one way or another, training the whole body and paying a little more attention to the muscles of the arms.
  • The second news: you can do it right at home, and some of the exercises can be done without additional accessories like dumbbells.

You can’t start training right away with exercises for losing weight in your arms; first you need to do a light warm-up.

Carry out the one you are used to or use ours:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, raise straight arms to the sides 90 degrees and make 30 rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise with your hands;
  • from the same position, make 15 circular rotations with your whole arm forward and backward;
  • move on to jumping: jump on both legs, holding your hands as if you were jumping rope;
  • from the position of legs together, arms along the body, vigorously do jumps with swings for 40-50 seconds: jump - legs to the sides, arms up, starting position.

After warming up, go directly to your workout.

So, what exercises without dumbbells can be used to lose weight on your arms?

  1. Push-ups- a classic of the genre. Place your hands on the floor, placing your palms directly under your shoulders, and lower your body parallel to the floor, bending your elbows. If it’s difficult, lower your knees and rest them on the floor, it will become easier. Do 2 sets of 10-15 push-ups.
  2. Elevated push-ups. Do push-ups with one hand on the seat of one chair and the other on the seat of the second. Toes rest on the floor, back is straight. Do two sets of 20-25 push-ups.
  3. Reverse push-ups. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands on the floor behind your back. Raise your pelvis and begin to push up, bending your elbows at right angles and straightening your arms again. Do 2 sets of 15-20 reps.

Here are a few exercises for losing weight on your arms using dumbbells

  1. Raising arms from a half squat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat deeply so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor. Bend your torso forward, lower your arms with dumbbells down. Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, exhale at the bottom point, inhale at the top. Do 25 reps.
  2. Pulling your arms back. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the sides. Straighten your arms with dumbbells, moving them back as far as possible, repeat 25 times.
  3. Retraction of hands behind the head. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells raised up. Gently bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells behind your head, then return your arms to the starting position. Repeat this 25 times.

Please note: We provide an average set of exercises, approaches and repetitions. You can add other exercises to this complex or reduce the load. The most important thing is to focus on your level of preparation. Just try to do more repetitions each time, at least once.

Remember that you can achieve maximum efficiency only with the right combination of physical activity and healthy eating. Therefore, immediately think about your diet. It should be balanced and complete - this means that it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, you drink enough water a day, eat fresh vegetables and fruits (especially seasonal ones), and eat 3-5 times a day.

Get more tips from Herbalife consultants on how to easily build a healthy, balanced diet.

24 July 2016, 16:17 2016-07-24

Many women dream of thin, graceful arms and shoulders. But not everyone has such fragile, beautiful hands. The thing is that it is on the hands that swelling is often observed. In addition, the shoulders and upper arms become precisely those areas where excess fat is deposited. How can this be? What exercises to choose for losing weight on your arms so that the result is obvious and doesn’t take long to arrive? Today we have to look at a fairly large set of exercises, the most effective and easy to perform. With such training, girls can lose weight on their arms and shoulders directly at home. You don't even have to visit gym.

Many trainers and nutritionists note that exercises for losing weight in the arms are now increasingly in high demand. After all, sometimes there is not even a need for general weight loss. A woman has a quite elegant, harmonious figure, a slender waist, but her arms become problematic due to swelling, sagging skin, and fat. In addition, everyone knows perfectly well that it is appearance hands, you can quite accurately determine that a woman is already aged. All that remains is to correct this area to look great!

Cause of problems

We will try to identify the main reason why the arms, as well as the shoulders, become problem areas of the body. It is observed that even slim women suffer from excessive fullness of the hands. Usually body fat accumulate in the area above the elbow. In some cases, you can see swelling in the area below the elbow. When a person begins to lose weight, he also faces the problem of fat arms. That is, with an active lifestyle, long walks, certain physical activity fat deposits are removed from the hips and waist, and from other areas. But her hands still reveal that the woman is not in very good shape. And in the end, such arms and shoulders spoil the impression of the entire figure as a whole!

When women approach older age and become elderly, the situation gets even worse. After all, from the age of thirty it begins to decrease muscle tissue in the hand area! Over time, the situation only gets worse. More and more fat deposits accumulate in the body. The hands simultaneously lose muscle elasticity and become a place for fat and fluid deposition. As a result, they look flabby, unkempt and visually add a lot of age to their owner.

It is also very important that over time a person’s metabolic process slows down. This means that calories are burned much slower, but fats are stored faster. Metabolic processes also gradually slow down. It is imperative to always monitor and total weight bodies.

How to cope with the fullness of your arms and shoulders?

  • Of course, you must be active, play more sports, and increase physical activity.
  • In addition, it is necessary to perform special exercises to lose weight on your arms. They give noticeable results after literally two to three weeks.
  • And also, you should support good shape in general, eat right and avoid so-called unhealthy foods in your diet.
  • Walking, cycling, and swimming are helpful.

Unfortunately, women really worry a lot about having full arms. They have to give up beautiful clothes with short arms and no sleeves at all. Of course, such restrictions do not benefit a wardrobe, which is already difficult to arrange competently so that it is harmonious, stylish, and original. The best way out is to take proper care of yourself so that later no problems arise at all.

Easy charging

First, let's look at a fairly simple set of exercises that will allow you to keep your arms in great shape. Such exercises, if carried out regularly, help you forget about sagging skin, restore tone and elasticity to your hands, and build muscle mass.

You don't even have to go to the gym. Every girl can do these exercises for losing weight in her arms at home.

However, it is worth noting here important point: This technique is mainly focused on working the upper arms, the area above the elbow. If you have problems with your lower regions, it is better to choose other exercises. But for most women, this complex is optimal, since most often it is the upper areas of the arms, above the elbows, that suffer from obesity and swelling.

A simple training algorithm.

  1. Stand up straight on a flat surface.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Then you need to raise your arms to shoulder level. Turn your palms with your fingers facing up.
  4. Then comes the turn of circular movements of the arms forward. This should take a minute.
  5. On next stage change the direction of movement. You need to do them backwards. The stage takes the same amount of time.
  6. After this, bend your elbows, leaving your fingers pointing upward.
  7. Move your elbows rhythmically back and forth at about the same pace. Continue the exercise for at least half a minute. During this period, you are doing a great job of tightening and working your biceps.
  8. At the next stage, the elbows should be brought together. Don't forget that we always point our fingers up.
  9. Then lift your elbows together and then carefully return them to the starting position. The exercise lasts for a minute.

If you train yourself to repeat this simple exercise constantly, every day, you will very quickly notice positive changes. Your arms will begin to become slender and acquire beautiful sculptural shapes. Flabbiness will disappear and begin to increase muscle mass, and the swelling will completely go away. Your arms will be toned and aesthetic.

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

Now we will present a set of effective exercises that are aimed at losing weight in the arms and shoulders. To perform them, virtually no equipment is required; you don’t have to go to the gym. If you do them regularly, you will get used to them very quickly. Each lesson will be easy, without any problems.

Reverse push-up

This exercise for losing weight on your arms is performed on one arm. It eliminates fat deposits on the triceps, on the back of the arm. It is this area that suffers most from the accumulation of edema and fat deposits. The great advantage of such exercises is the achievement of relief and fit. The sagging skin will completely disappear and it will become elastic. You can do exercises simply on the floor, using an additionally stable chair.

The algorithm is simple. Remember it, and then do everything exactly.

  1. You need to sit on the floor and bring your feet together.
  2. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Fingers should be pointing towards your hips. Place your feet in front of your hips.
  3. Bend your knees, but make sure your feet don't leave the floor.
  4. Raise your hips smoothly and straighten your arms. You will need to hold own weight in your arms.
  5. Bend your left elbow, and use your right hand to help yourself, lean on it. The hips can be lowered, but it is forbidden to touch the floor with them.
  6. All the same actions are then repeated, but with a different supporting hand.
    A good solution is to use a chair as a support. Then you will need to move your working hand back a little, fixing it on the seat.

Reverse push-up (with two supporting hands)

This is a surprisingly effective exercise that is actively used by professional athletes to accelerate drying of the body.

You can do it right at home without using special equipment. The arms become elastic, elastic and toned, the triceps are developed.

It is more convenient to perform the exercise if you take a chair with high back, strong table. When performing exercises, you will smoothly transfer almost the entire body weight to the triceps. It is the correct application of force that is of decisive importance here.

  1. The table or chair should be placed as stable as possible.
  2. Then stand in front of your support. The distance should be approximately three meters.
  3. Turn your back to the support point.
  4. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart.
  5. Rest your hands on the back of the chair.
  6. The body must be straightened and the legs carefully bent. You should sit on the floor with your legs extended forward, but at the same time lean on the seat and raise your hips and legs above the floor.
  7. Smoothly return to the starting position.
    It is especially useful to do three approaches, including 15-20 repetitions in each.

Walking in a plank (longitudinal)

Exceptional results can be achieved in a short time if you regularly perform the following exercise. You will walk carefully in a plank position, stepping with your feet and arms outstretched. We are learning how to make a fairly complex complex.

  1. First you need to take the starting position. This position is called the longitudinal bar. Hands should be kept shoulder-width apart, but the stomach should be pulled in and tucked in well. Remember that your arms should be extended. We also lean on our toes.
  2. Press your feet and legs tightly together along their entire length.
  3. Point your fingers forward, straighten your body, place it in one line.
  4. Now carefully move your left leg to the left. The movement is performed together with the left hand. You should fix the position for a couple of seconds and take a break. Hands are crossed - that’s how it should be, everything is right.
  5. Now the same element has to be repeated, but with right foot, left hand.
  6. Smoothly return to the starting position when you have already had time to rest a little.
  7. Remember that your stomach should always be well tucked.
  8. At the next stage, you will have to change position again and take a step to the side. Complete the elements one by one.
    A good solution is to do the exercise in three sets, with at least 10 repetitions. It's a little complicated, but very effective. You will see this very quickly.

Push-ups (standard)

Standard push-ups bring excellent results. We have all long been accustomed to this exercise, but it turned out to be surprisingly effective. Applicable professional athletes when quick drying of the body is necessary. Helps make arms and shoulders thin and beautiful, toned. In the process of performing the element, the pectoral and triceps muscle groups are developed.

It will be very convenient to practice right at home, since no additional equipment is needed. You will see how quickly fat deposits disappear due to the involvement of almost the entire body weight in exercise. Your hands will quickly begin to please you with their slimness and fit.

It's time to consider a simple algorithm for performing the exercise.

  1. First of all, take a lying position on a flat floor.
  2. Then you can get into the starting push-up position. In this case, the legs should be brought together. Keep your elbows straight and keep your arms shoulder-width apart.
  3. Bend your elbows smoothly. You need to lower yourself to the floor gradually, but you cannot touch the floor with your stomach. And try to pull him in. Please note: doing push-ups is not so easy, especially if you have no experience. To get used to it, you can do exercises from your knees for the first few days. You will transfer some of your body weight to your legs, which will make the element much easier to perform. Experts recommend performing the exercise ten times in a row, at least two approaches. It's even better if you manage to do three sets with short breaks. If you don’t have enough experience yet, increase the load gradually. You can choose which push-ups are more convenient for you to do: in a position with your hands shoulder-width apart, push-ups are called open, but if you bring your hands close, the push-up will turn into a closed one.

Push-ups (lateral classic)

When girls need to do exercises to lose weight in their arms at home, classic lateral push-ups are perfect for them. Of course, this sports element can hardly be called easy, so you need to start it when you are already quite familiar with ordinary straight push-ups and can do them without much difficulty.

It's time to look at the detailed algorithm.

  1. To begin, lie down with your stomach down.
  2. Take a position that has already become familiar to you for push-ups. You need to press your legs together. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. At the same time, make sure that your palms are directed with your palms forward, and not in different sides. The effectiveness of the exercise largely depends on the correct stance.
  3. Key stage: you bend your left elbow joint, and smoothly move your entire body to the left.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Gently return your body to its original position.
  6. Now repeat the element, but with the other supporting hand. You will have to bend your elbow slowly right hand, and smoothly move the whole body to the right.
    If you understand that you cannot perform the exercise well yet, start with its lighter version. At first, it is allowed to do push-ups from your knees. But then, be sure to switch to the classic execution, because the effect from it is significantly higher.

Table push-ups

This exercise is very similar classic push-up when it is performed on the floor. You just need to do push-ups with emphasis on a table or counter. The algorithm here is quite simple.

  1. You need to stand up straight.
  2. Rest your hands on the platform (on a stable table).
  3. The legs should be brought together, but the arms can be placed shoulder-width apart.
  4. Make sure not to arch your back; your shoulders should remain straight. This is what helps to maximize the use of the arm muscles.
  5. Lean your body forward, smoothly bending your arms at the elbow joints.
  6. Then slowly return to the starting position.

The element gives excellent results when you need to make your hands sculpted, eliminate swelling and fat deposits from them. When you get used to performing the element, it will begin to be easy for you; you need to do it in three steps, 20 approaches each. The result is guaranteed.

Arm extensions (performed in a sitting position)

This is an effective exercise for losing weight on your arms. They will be fit, gain strength, and good definition.

  1. Take a weight in your hands. A 2.5 liter water bottle will do just fine.
  2. Sit down on a chair. Keep your back straight.
  3. Raise your hands with weights up.
  4. Keep your arms straight.
  5. Then move your hands and weights smoothly behind your back. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows.
  6. Lower the weight as low as possible.
  7. Then smoothly raise your arms to the original position. Movements should not be sudden.

Pay attention to technique and accuracy of execution. It is during extension and flexion that the arm muscles are best developed. It is recommended to perform three sets in a row, 15-20 repetitions.


This element fits optimally into the cardio training system. It is effective and provides good results quite quickly. At the same time, the muscles in the arms are optimally tightened not only with outside, but from the inside.

Everything is done quite simply.

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level. Keep them parallel to the floor.
  3. First, spread your arms in different directions, and then bring them together. Place your hands together to form a scissor shape.
  4. Then all that remains is to return to the original position.

Be careful. Train more, don’t waste time on doing a set of exercises. Purposefulness and regularity of classes are very important here. The result becomes noticeable quite quickly. Don't worry about your arms becoming overly inflated. They will be graceful and fit.

To make your arms look graceful and touch them as soon as possible, you should use effective exercises for losing weight on your arms. The arms, especially their lower part, quickly become flabby if the problem area is not trained.

If you want a quick answer. Best exercises for losing weight on shoulders and arms at home these are: simple push-ups, reverse push-ups, push-ups from an object, rotation of the wrists with a load.

There are many methods for losing weight on your arms and shoulders at home. To do this, you need to know three basic rules with the help of which the body of any woman will always be slim and in good shape.

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Regular.
  3. Use of aids.

It is quite possible to give your arms elasticity and grace to your shoulders without going to the gym or training with special equipment. It is enough to develop a personal course of exercises that will focus on the basic problem areas.

IMPORTANT! Training should be cyclical. Exercising a couple of times a week and not denying yourself fatty foods will make it difficult to achieve the effect.

Main problems and their causes

To choose a successful training set, you should first identify the main problems and their solutions. Not only people who are overweight are prone to fatty arms, but also those who move little. A popular problem is when a person has an excellent metabolism and generally does not gain weight, his hands do not look their best. To change your position, you need a set of workouts that will help tighten muscles, burn off excess fat and give your arms and forearms an elegant shape.

If a person is quite active, but still experiences problems in his arms, he should first reconsider his diet. Fat deposits can appear due to eating junk food. Daily activity burns excess fat throughout the entire body, but when the hands are little involved in this process, the impact falls mainly on them.

Do not forget that you need to not only cope with the problem, but also prevent its recurrence. Continuing training will help with this, even after receiving the result and securing it with additional means in the form of scrubs.

Let's determine the main reasons and their solutions:

  1. Poor nutrition – balanced diet.
  2. Reduced activity - regular exercise and a set of exercises.
  3. Excipients are the finishing touch.

One-arm reverse push-ups

This exercise requires support in the form of a table or chair.

Execution Process

The object on which the support is placed should be as stable as possible. Take a position opposite the object, at a distance of at least two meters. Turn your back to the object and place your hands on it. at shoulder width. Bend towards the object by bending your elbows. There will immediately be a feeling of tension in the entire body, but the main load will be taken on by the muscles of the arms. Start with 5 inclines, gradually increasing the number of inclines.

A few videos on the topic:


Due to the weight of your own body, there is a large load on the triceps and forearm. This allows you to use the core muscles of your arms, burn fat deposits and give definition to your lines. In a week, increase the number of inclinations to 20-25, and after 10 days the result will be noticeable.

Simple push-ups

This exercise does not require additional equipment, just a flat floor surface and a charge of energy.

Execution Process

Take a lying position. Feet together, hands shoulder-width apart, and back straight. Start with 5 push-ups at a time. The exercise must be performed slowly. First, lift your own body weight with your arms, then lower it. The body should not touch the surface, but should always be suspended. It is important to monitor your breathing and perform the exercise as correctly as possible.


The main impact is received pectoral muscle and shoulder area. Fat burning occurs due to tension of the whole body. The arms and back will acquire elegance in shape. Perform two sets a day, 10 times.

Lateral push-ups

This exercise does not require additional equipment, just a flat floor surface and a charge of energy. To make the process more comfortable, you can use musical accompaniment.

Execution Process

You need to lie on your stomach. Palms to the floor. Feet together, hands shoulder-width apart, and back straight. Start with 5 push-ups at a time, increasing the load with each session. The exercise must be performed slowly. Then comes bending the left elbow and tilting the body to the left. After the body has returned to the starting position, repeat the technique with the right elbow.


The exercise is difficult, but gives good result for a short period. The muscles of the back, arms and shoulders are involved. If the exercise immediately seems difficult, you can do the first workouts while standing on your knees. In a couple of weeks, your hands and forearms will return to normal.


Effective exercises for weight loss, arms can be organized using a support. This exercise requires additional equipment in the form of a chair or table. These push-ups are similar to regular floor exercises. The only difference is that it is performed from a standing position.

Execution Process

The distance to the object must be at least one meter. Focus on the object from a standing position. Feet together, hands shoulder-width apart, and back straight. Start with 5 push-ups at a time, increasing the load with each session. Do the bends as deeply as possible, then return to the starting position. If there are no difficulties in performing the exercise, then you should do several approaches at a time. Some people bend their knees during this activity - this is not correct!


Due to the fact that the back and shoulders do not change their position and remain straight, there is a lot of emphasis on the arm muscles. Their contractions allow you to burn excess fat as much as possible and tighten the skin.

We work with our wrists

Exercises that involve your wrists as much as possible will allow your arms to lose weight in a short period of time. For the exercise to be effective, you should use aids in the form of small dumbbells or 250 ml bottles.

Execution Process

Buy dumbbells weighing no more than 500 grams or take two bottles filled with water. Take a straight stance and take auxiliary objects in your hands. Stretch your arms with dumbbells or bottles to the sides. Start rotating your wrists first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. The duration of one rotation is at least a minute. If the exercises do not cause any particular difficulties, then you can do several approaches.


Thanks to this, weight loss occurs in the arms and shoulders at the same time. The structure of the skin is strengthened and the entire body is toned.

Cardio loads

We lose weight with light exercises. Cardio exercise, despite the fact that it is considered light exercise and do not require a lot of energy, are very effective and can get your arms and shoulders in shape in a short time. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, using only your hands. This exercise can be performed in several ways.

Method No. 1

Wave your arms alternately: first up, then down. If one hand is directed upward, then the other falls into them.

Method No. 2

First, swings are made around chest, then arms are spread to the sides. The exercise is cyclical.

Method No. 3

Circular rotations hands. The activity uses both hands at once. Circular movements must be simultaneous, simulating a helicopter rotor.


Each of these exercises requires several approaches. Watch your breathing. Don't let your hand movements become chaotic. In this case, the deltoid muscles, shoulders and chest will take part in the process.

Proper nutrition

To get effective weight loss Gymnastics combined with a balanced diet can help in a short period of time. To achieve harmony, you need not only intensive training, but also diet. Follow a few basic rules and you will never be overweight.

  1. Drink more pure water. Always drink a glass of water at room temperature after waking up.
  2. Avoid products that contain large number Sahara.
  3. Eliminate baked goods and pastries. Replace them with Armenian lavash and diet bread.
  4. Cut down on the amount of sweets you eat.
  5. Eat more vegetables too.
  6. Introduce Siberian and fermented milk products into your diet.
  7. Don't eat fast food or store-bought foods that say "0% calories."
  8. Lead an active lifestyle and go for walks more often fresh air.
  9. When training in sports, do not overload and watch.
  10. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum.


Sports training and a balanced diet will help keep the body in constant tone and proud slim body, but you can help yourself achieve perfection in other ways.

  1. Contrast shower. Take it in the morning and after active activities.
  2. Saunas and baths. Heating the body promotes rapid fat burning and the removal of harmful substances from the body.
  3. Warming scrubs, creams and masks. They are actively used during training. They allow you to burn fat much more efficiently.
  4. Warming drinks. They can be made using ginger root, cinnamon, red pepper and lemon. One glass of this decoction before training will increase the number of calories burned during exercise.
  5. Wraps. There are many variations of them. This product helps in the fight against excess weight. It can be used daily. Use only natural substances and cling film.
  6. Besides sports training, you can get carried away with cycling or other sports.
  7. fall in love active recreation.
  8. . Even regular massage movements in the shower with a hard sponge help you lose weight and transform your skin.
  9. Take more vitamins. There are many of them in healthy foods, but you can also use pharmaceutical preparations.
  10. Healthy sleep has always been a positive factor in the fight against excess weight. Don't cut your sleep hours. Rest at least 7-8 hours a day.

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