Exercises for the gluteal muscles - how to pump up the gluteal muscles? Effective training of the gluteal muscles. Exercises for the buttocks at home and in the gym

The spring sun is shining brightly outside, which means it’s time to open the beach season soon. At this time, many women take up their heads and adjust their bodies to model parameters. In such a pursuit of beautiful standards, do not forget about the most attractive and appetizing component of your body, the buttocks.

Exercises gluteal muscles Not only will they help you achieve graceful shapes, but they will also serve as an excellent preventive measure against cellulite. Thin waist in combination with elastic and inflated buttocks will drive even the most experienced man crazy. Therefore, we turn on dynamic music and get to work to conquer this world by summer!

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle

Based on the name, we can already make the assumption that this is the largest gluteal muscle. It performs a very important function in the musculoskeletal system - it helps the pelvis keep the body in an upright position. Therefore, exercises to strengthen the gluteus maximus muscle are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

Almost all exercises for the growth of the gluteal muscles involve the large tissue, because... she makes the bulk of appetizing and beautiful shapes.

Best Exercise for Gluteus Maximus: Hyperextension

  • Hyperextension is one of the most effective exercises for the gluteal muscles.
  • IN this simulator The back muscles are also involved, which creates an even and beautiful posture.
  • Hyperextension also works on the back thigh muscles, which helps in the fight against cellulite.

If you don’t have hyperextension at home, don’t worry, this is a fairly primitive exercise machine, so it can be easily replaced. Even a bed or sofa will serve as an excellent analogue for an expensive exercise machine. The fact is that you can also take a vertical position; this will not in any way blur the effect of the training, but to be honest, it will complicate the process a little.

Hyperextension exercise:

  1. Fix the machine to your height and take a level position (if you are doing this without a machine, ask them to hold your legs).
  2. Take an even position and fold your arms crosswise, pressing them tightly to your chest (this position of your arms can lighten the load a little).
  3. Lower your upper body down.
  4. Rise in starting position, remembering to keep your back straight.

Start with 10 times for 3 sets, eventually increasing the load to 20-25 times.

Exercise for gluteus maximus muscles: lunges with dumbbells

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • Exercises for the gluteal muscles with dumbbells are very effective. Even a small weight can make your workout more fruitful.
  • The main thing in this exercise is posture; if you do not maintain a straight back, you will only create unnecessary stress on the lower back, ignoring the gluteal muscles.

This perfect exercise on the gluteal muscles for men. And it's not the weight of the dumbbells. During this exercise, the rectus femoris muscles, which are located on the front part, are also involved. For men, this workout will give you strong legs and beautiful view. But the effect of this exercise on the gluteal muscles for women will not be aesthetic at all.

Lunge exercise with dumbbells:

  1. Hold 5-10 kg dumbbells in both hands (for men)
  2. Lunge on one leg, as low as possible
  3. Stand up (try to absorb the lunges, do them as if skipping)
  4. Lunge onto your other leg

Do lunges 15 times on one leg for 2-3 approaches. If it’s hard for you, then reduce the number of squats, while increasing the number of approaches.

Stepping onto the platform

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • Besides the fact that it is great exercise for the gluteal muscles at home, it is also a very effective cardio exercise for weight loss.
  • To achieve maximum results and lose a few pounds, you can wear a warm sweatshirt. This way, your calories will be lost through sweat.
  • But don’t forget to top up your balance, because... During cardio exercise, you lose many times more water.

To make the exercise more effective, grab dumbbells. They should not be heavy, otherwise they will pull your shoulders down, which is completely inappropriate during the exercise, because it is fraught with curvature of posture or displacement shoulder joint. For women, the dumbbell should weigh approximately 0.5-2.5 kg.

Exercise stepping on a platform:

  1. Prepare for the exercise: make an even posture, pick up dumbbells, choose a platform
  2. Stand on the platform with your right foot
  3. Get up from the platform right leg
  4. Stand on the platform with your left foot
  5. Get up from the platform left leg
  6. Repeat

If you do this exercise every day, then 15-20 times of 3-4 approaches will be enough, but if you want to achieve a quick effect, then increase the number of times to 30-40, while the approach will be 2-3 times.

Gluteus medius exercise

It is useful for women to know that diligent exercises on the lateral gluteal muscle will save you from such an unpleasant phenomenon as “pop ears”. The exercises that you can learn below are aimed at the problem of fat folds in the pelvic area. Also, this technique is able to evenly round the hips, so your waist will gracefully stand out against the background of natural curves.

Best Gluteus Medius Exercise: Side Lying Swings

Effect of exercise on the gluteal muscle:

  • First of all this exercise is aimed at getting rid of the fat fold on the pelvic or hip bone. This is very effective way forget about this unpleasant phenomenon as if it were a bad dream.

  • Swings while lying on your side also pump up your abs. To do this you need to learn to breathe correctly. When we raise our leg, we inhale through our nose, when we lower it, we exhale through our mouth. Lie straight and look forward.

You should not visually control the process of how your legs work. Incorrect position your head is already breaking your posture and the effect may be blurry. It is best to do this in front of a large mirror to make it more comfortable for you.

  • Another huge advantage of this exercise is that it works on stretching. This is very useful for the youth of your body. Remember, when stretching disappears, old age begins. Always work on your plasticity, especially since it is a very useful acquisition behind the closed doors of your bedroom.

Swing exercise while lying on your side:

  1. Lie on your side and straighten your back and legs so that you draw one straight line
  2. Raise your top leg to the level of your stretch.
  3. Lower slowly and repeat again
  4. Then change position to the other side and repeat
  5. Don't forget to breathe properly

This exercise should be done at least 15 times per leg for 2-3 approaches, if you feel that you can do more, then do it until you feel a slight burning sensation in the gluteus medius muscle.

Swings lying on your side (complicated version)

This is the same exercise as described above, but with some additions:

  • This complicated option will help you achieve the effect much faster.
  • In addition, the load increases not only on the lateral gluteal muscle, but also on the abs

We do everything the same, but add one exercise - forward leg swing and alternate it this way:

  1. Raise your leg while inhaling
  2. Lower as you exhale
  3. Swing your leg forward while inhaling
  4. Return to the starting position while exhaling

The number of times can be reduced to 10, 2 approaches for each leg.

Swing your legs forward, backward and to the side

This exercise, just like the previous two, can not only remove the ugly pouch on the sides, but is also aimed at stretching the internal and posterior muscles hips. When you swing back, you pump the gluteus maximus muscle, giving it round volume.

Start by swinging forward, then back, and then to the side. This will warm you up and benefit untrained muscles more.

  1. Find the handrail and grab it firmly (you can lean on a chair)
  2. Swing your leg forward
  3. Return your leg to the starting position
  4. Repeat

Do the same with swings back and to the side. Each exercise with swings should be performed at least 15-20 times for 2-3 approaches. Increase this number as soon as you feel you can do more.

Exercise for the gluteus minimus muscle

The gluteus minimus muscle is located under the tissue big muscle, so it is not noticeable and does not make much difference in terms of appearance. But it performs a very important function in the work hip joint. Therefore, if you are tormented by periodic or sharp pain in the area of ​​this joint, then it would be a good idea for you to work on your gluteus minimus muscles so that discomfort does not bother you in the future.

Best Exercise for the Gluteus Minimus: Side Leg Swings

It is quite difficult to effectively use, let alone pump up, the gluteus minimus muscle. The whole point is that middle muscle performs almost the same role, and the small one acts as an auxiliary one. But in this position you have the opportunity to successfully work on it.

A very nice advantage of this exercise is that it pumps up both the small and large muscles in combination. This great way improve your health and prepare your body for the beach season.

Exercise to swing your legs to the side in a position on all fours:

  1. Get on all fours
  2. Without straightening your knees, swing to the side
  3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat

The exercise is quite complex and requires concentration on the position of the leg, so start with small indicators: 10-15 times per leg, 2 sets. Work for quality, not quantity. As soon as you feel that you are starting to succeed, increase the number of approaches to 3-4 times.

  • Before exercise, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes. Without warming up before exercise, you risk making your workout traumatic.
  • Have a good jump and warm up.
  • It will also be useful to stretch before and after training, because... physical activity Muscle fibers contract in certain areas. Plus, it will help you relieve pain after your first workout.

Perform the exercise consistently and correctly, without haste or fanaticism. And you will become the goddess of the 2017 beach season.

Video: Exercise for the gluteal muscles and thighs from Ekaterina Usmanova

Many girls complain that they are not very satisfied with their shape. But even if you can't brag about what you have ideal parameters, then you still don’t need to despair, because you can correct your body yourself. With some effort, even saggy, flabby and shapeless butts can be corrected and made attractive, sexy and appetizing.

And for this you don’t have to try the gym; you can achieve good results without leaving home. It is very important to activate the muscles correctly because some women have the correct muscle activation and some have the incorrect activation. Therefore, different women performing exactly the same exercises may have different results.

There are three layers of muscle in the human buttocks. Each layer must be trained separately, only in this case the result will really not take long to arrive. To make the gluteus maximus muscle stronger and more toned, you need to perform exercises that involve moving your legs back. When performing such exercises, the load is placed on the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles.

In women, the most problematic places are the buttocks and thighs, because it is on these parts of the body that fat is most often deposited. To make these parts of the body more slender, you need to regularly perform exercises.

For firm buttocks

How to pump up your butt?

A set of exercises for the butt

This complex includes not very complex exercises, thanks to which you can make your buttocks the way you want. From the very beginning, you need to do some stretching - stretch the Achilles tendons. Then you can start doing the exercises.

  • “Swing your legs back.” Performing this exercise very effectively tightens the lower part of the buttocks, that is, the large buttock muscle. To perform this exercise correctly, stand facing a chair and lean your hands on it. Try to keep your back as straight as possible.

    Slowly take your right leg back and pull your hip up. The body should not be engaged, it should remain level. Lower your leg back into place. When you perform this exercise, you should feel your butt muscles tightening. For this exercise to be effective, you should not raise your leg very high.

  • "Squats." By squatting, you put maximum stress on your buttocks. Place your feet wide, chest out, shoulders back, arms extended forward. Move your pelvis forward as much as possible. Try to keep your back as straight as possible. When squatting, you should ensure that your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes, and your butt does not fall below your knees. When squatting, your heels should not be lifted off the floor; all the weight should be concentrated on them. Do squats slowly, while squeezing your buttocks. About the benefits and correct technique squats are described in detail in.
  • "Lunges."
  1. Lunge forward. Focus your weight on your left leg, take one step forward, straighten your toes and open your chest. Do a squat and return to your previous position. You can pick up small dumbbells, but if you don’t have them, you can replace them with bottles of water. This exercise helps to effectively pump up your butt, while the lower part of your butt is most involved ( big muscles).
  2. Back lunge. Take a step back with your right foot, focusing your weight on your left leg. Squat down and return to the starting position.
  3. Place your feet wide and turn to the side. Place one foot back and the other forward. Sit down slowly, but the knee of the leg you left back should not touch the ground. The foot should be on the toe. You also need to pay attention to the leg that is pointed forward - its knee should not go beyond the toes.
  • "Swing your feet forward." By doing this exercise, in addition to training the butt muscles, the muscles around the knee are also trained. Place a chair in front of you, lean one leg on it, lift the other leg up and try to keep it straight.

  • "Bend forward on one leg." With this exercise you can develop your balance well. The weight should be concentrated on one leg (left), slowly lift your right leg, and at the same time lower your body, slowly lowering your arms down. Stop in this position for five to six seconds and return to the starting position. The body must remain parallel to the floor. To further enhance the effect, you can use small dumbbells in your hands.

Exercises for a firm butt that can be done while lying down

  • "Half bridge." By performing this exercise, you can strengthen the large muscles of the buttocks and the ischial-popliteal muscles. Lie on your back and bend your legs, your feet should be on the floor. Your hands should be along your body or under your head (whichever is more convenient for you).

    Raise your pelvis until the front of your thigh and upper torso are in line (while keeping your lower back and back off the floor). The load should be concentrated on the shoulders and legs. When performing the exercise, you need to strain your butt muscles as much as possible.

  • "On your hands and knees." This exercise can be performed in various ways.
  1. Straighten your leg as much as possible and lift it in line with your torso. Raise it and lower it, do this exercise not very quickly.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee and move it to the side, then up. The height to which you need to raise your leg should be parallel to the floor surface. Her upper part should be perpendicular to the body.
  3. Bend one leg so that a right angle is formed between the shin and thigh. This leg needs to be raised to the level of the body and slowly lowered back. When lifting your leg, point your heel up towards the ceiling.

Girls most often take care of appearance your figure, rather than about the development of strength qualities. Women can perform a set of effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home. To achieve the desired result, you should train regularly, paying attention to the technique of performing each of the exercises presented.

Effective exercises for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Before you start pumping up your butt, do a good warm-up. Jump or run in place. Lean in different sides to stretch your joints. Spend at least 5 minutes warming up.

A set of exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle at home

Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 12
3 20
Climbing to higher ground 3 15
3 20
3 15


  1. Stand near a bench or sofa. Place one foot on a raised platform and the other foot forward. Keep your back straight, look ahead. Hands are lowered along the body.
  2. Inhale and lower yourself. Squat on one front leg. The second one maintains balance. Fix the knee of your front leg and do not move it forward.
  3. Exhale and rise to the starting position. Push through the heel of your front foot.

If the level allows physical training, use weights.


  1. Get on all fours. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Look only forward.
  2. Raise one leg bent at the knee. Reach your heel toward the ceiling.
  3. Then lower it. Change the leg you are training and repeat the movement you have already mastered.

Climbing to higher ground

The good thing about this exercise is that it eliminates unwanted stress on your back.

Climbing to higher ground


  1. Stand up straight. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Fix the body in this position.
  2. Place the foot of one of your legs on a small hill. Get up. Shift your weight to the exercised leg.
  3. Return to your original position. Do the same for the other leg.

A more complicated version of the basic exercise.


  1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Place one of your shins on the thigh of the other leg.
  2. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Stay in the achieved position for as long as possible.
  3. Lower your pelvis. Don't forget to work the other leg.

The best exercise for pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle. Lower it as low as possible in order to properly strain your buttocks and do full work. As additional weight, you can use dumbbells, bottles filled with water or sand.


  1. Stand up straight. The distance between your legs should be greater than the width of your shoulders. The toes of the feet are directed in different directions. Direct your gaze forward. You can use something as a weight to put maximum stress on your gluteus maximus muscle.
  2. Tighten your abs. Move your pelvis back. Get down as low as if you want to sit on a chair. Press into your heels. Watch your posture.
Bodyweight squats


Normalizing your diet directly affects the results of your workouts. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Drink plenty of water. Don't eat anything an hour before your workout to avoid dizziness and nausea. You shouldn't eat a lot before bed. It is better to prefer low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable salad. Avoid starchy and sweet foods. Eat foods that contain protein: chicken breast, seafood, beans.
Eliminate carbonated drinks and alcohol from consumption. Give up bad habits.

It is important to determine the purpose of your activities.
  • If you have overweight, you need to get rid of it. Every day, consume fewer calories than you burn. However, do not allow the feeling of hunger to be present: the body needs energy.
  • If your goal is a set muscle mass, then burn fewer calories than you consume. Eat often and a lot. The main component of the diet is complex carbohydrates, that is pasta, rice and buckwheat groats. And protein will help achieve the desired effect even faster. The butt will become much larger.

Number of approaches and repetitions

Each exercise should be performed at least 12 times in 3 sets. Progress the load gradually, increasing the number of repetitions. On static exercises spend at least a minute, perform in 4 approaches. Train three times a week. Take breaks between training days so that your muscles have time to recover.

  • Regulate your breathing. Make any effort while exhaling. Inhaling, the muscles need to relax.
  • If you're just starting to train, don't lift heavy weights. Spend as much time as possible on the technique of doing the exercises.
  • Don't forget about cardio exercises. They help reduce the amount of fat.
  • At the end of your workout, do a cool-down. Stretch. Go to the bathroom to relax your muscles.
  • Travel on foot whenever possible. Go for a walk every day. This way you can tighten your butt and improve your endurance.
  • Start every morning with gymnastics.
  • Prefer shoes with heels. This will provide stress on the buttocks.
  • Stop using the elevator. Take the stairs whenever possible.

Muscles trained

Gluteus maximus muscle occupies the main part of the buttocks. Located above the rest. It is this muscle that is responsible for flexion and extension of the hip and is responsible for stabilizing the pelvis. Thanks to the gluteus maximus muscle, unnatural pelvic tilts are excluded during gait.

Training the gluteus maximus muscle is relevant for most athletes. Athletes, figure skaters, martial arts lovers include in their training complex pumping up the gluteus maximus muscle. If you pump up this muscle, the frequency of steps will increase and the dynamics during hip extension will improve.


Have patience and decent motivation. Concentrate on the process of training the gluteus maximus muscle.

During the first classes you will get used to the loads. When you get into the rhythm of training, then the development of the target muscle group will begin. Remember about rest: it is necessary for the muscles to recover. After a week of training, your butt will become toned.

A visually noticeable effect will appear after three weeks of implementation. effective exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle. It is possible to tighten your butt in a month. To pump up your buttocks well, you will need several months of hard work. Exercise regularly.

What determines the volume of the buttocks?

The muscles of the buttocks support the spine. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest human muscle. It is she who forms the shape of the pelvis, which depends on several points:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle needs to be properly trained. This helps to tighten the buttocks. Gives them elasticity.
  2. Excess fat in the buttocks area only hinders the vision of the result. You need to get rid of it: limit yourself to consuming certain foods, perform cardio exercises in combination with strength training.
  3. Women are genetically predisposed to fullness in the hip area. The shape of the buttocks also depends on genetics: heart-shaped, pear-shaped, oval, flat. Training will help girls change the ratio of subcutaneous fat to muscles. The size of the buttocks can also change. However, the shape of the butt itself directly depends on genetics. It should also be remembered that the athlete needs to experiment with sets of exercises in order to be able to determine the most effective ones specifically for himself and his body.

Do you want to tighten your buttocks, get rid of cellulite, round your butt, but you don’t have the opportunity to go to gym? We offer you a unique selection the most varied and effective exercises for the buttocks at home for girls who will help you do quality work on your butt without leaving home.

Tips for training the buttocks at home for girls

First of all, let's figure out how to properly perform exercises for the buttocks and what you need to pay attention to when training the buttocks at home.

1. Exercises for the buttocks at home without equipment or with light weight will help you tone your muscles, get rid of sagging and cellulite, slightly round and tighten your butt. However, such exercises will not help you enlarge your gluteal muscles or significantly change the volume of your buttocks, but will only visually improve their shape.

2. If you want to enlarge your buttocks or significantly change their shape, then you need to do strength exercises for buttocks with heavy weight dumbbells or barbells(from 10 kg and above in increasing order). Without large scales It is not possible to enlarge your buttocks at home. Heavy weight means that you perform a small number of repetitions (10-12), with the last repetitions performed at maximum effort.

3. You need to do exercises for the buttocks 1-2 times a week for 30-45 minutes (if you work with light weights or without equipment) or 1 time a week for 45-60 minutes (if you work with heavy weights).

4. When performing strength exercises for the buttocks with heavy weights, do 10-12 reps in 3-4 sets. When performing exercises for the buttocks with small dumbbells or without equipment, do 15-20 repetitions in several approaches. If the specified number of repetitions does not give you the required load, then, if possible, move in the direction of increasing the dumbbells, and not in the direction of increasing the number of repetitions.

5. If you want to complicate the exercises for the buttocks (especially for leg raises, swings, lunges), then you can use leg weights that are worn on the ankles.

6. To increase the load, you can also use a very compact and lightweight equipment that is always convenient to take with you - a fitness elastic band. It fits over your legs (hips or ankles) and provides additional resistance to your gluteal muscles.

7. While performing the exercises, you must control the process of execution and feel the load in target muscles. Do the exercises as much as possible concentrated on the gluteal muscles, try to transfer most of your weight and load onto them. During exercise, it is very important to understand which muscles you are training and direct all your efforts to them.

8. To reduce the load on knee joints When training your buttocks at home, you can wear knee braces to support the joint (bandage). If you still feel pain in your joints during or after training, it is better to replace exercises such as lunges and squats for exercises on the floor .

9. If you have problems with the spine, then it is better not to perform squats, lunges, or deadlifts with heavy dumbbell weights. With the slightest violation of the exercise technique, there is a high risk of exacerbating back problems.

10. If you want to lose weight and at the same time tighten your buttocks at home, then try alternating exercises for the buttocks and cardio exercises. For example, 10-15 minutes of exercise for the buttocks, then 5-10 minutes of cardio exercise.

Exercises for the buttocks at home for girls

We offer you a unique selection of exercises for the buttocks at home, which will be useful to anyone who wants to tighten their butt and get rid of cellulite without leaving home. Exercises are divided into groups: with dumbbells, without equipment and on the floor . You can combine them at your discretion or use ready-made exercise plans for the buttocks at home, which are described below.

Exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells

5. Lunges in place

12. Bridge with a dumbbell

13. Bridge with a dumbbell supported on a bench (sofa)

14. Bridge with a dumbbell on one leg

15. Leg raise with dumbbell

Exercises for the buttocks without equipment

7. Leading the leg forward

Exercises for the buttocks on the floor (safe for the knees)

12. Raising the leg up on the forearms

Thanks to YouTube channels for the gifs: Live Fit Girl, Nicole Perry, nourishmovelove, Jessica Valant Pilates, Jen Brett, Action Jacquelyn, Linda Wooldridge, amynicolaox, Noel Arevalo, FitnessType, Selena Lim, Puzzle Fit LLC, Christina Carlyle.

We offer you several ready-made plans At-home butt exercises that will help you get your butt in great shape. You can always change the plan by removing exercises that don't suit you or adding exercises for extra challenge and variety. In addition to dumbbells, use leg weights or elastic band, if you want to increase the load.

A plan for those who want to enlarge their buttocks

This butt exercise plan is suitable for those who want to increase muscle size and reshape their butt. We perform each exercise for the specified number of repetitions and approaches. Rest 45-60 seconds between sets, rest 1.5-2 minutes between exercises. Perform the suggested butt workout at home once a week. All exercises are performed with dumbbells (you can use a barbell instead of dumbbells).

If you are working on muscle growth, then the weight of dumbbells when performing exercises for the buttocks should be taken based on the fact that the last repetitions in the approach are performed at maximum effort. It’s better to start with 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells and gradually increase the weight. To do this, it is better to purchase collapsible dumbbells.

Exercise plan:

    10-12 reps 4 sets 10-12 reps 4 sets
  • 10-12 reps per leg 3-4 sets
  • Deadlift (or deadlift on one leg): 10-12 reps 4 sets
  • 10-12 repetitions, 3 sets per leg
  • Bridge with a dumbbell (regular or supported on a bench): 10-12 reps 4 sets

For those who want to tighten their buttocks

This butt exercise plan is suitable for anyone who wants to work on their buttocks at home, improve their shape, tighten and round them. We perform each exercise for the specified number of repetitions. We repeat the first round in 2 circles, the second and third round in 1 circle. Rest 15-30 seconds between exercises, rest 1 minute between rounds. You can perform the exercises with or without dumbbells - at your discretion. Select the weight of dumbbells individually according to your capabilities; you can start with 1-2 kg. Perform the suggested butt workout at home 1-2 times a week.

Round 1 (dumbbells):

    15-20 reps
  • Forward lunges (or standing lunges):
  • 15-20 reps
  • Diagonal lunges (or backward lunge): 15 reps per leg
  • 15-20 reps 15 reps per leg
  • Bridge with a dumbbell (can be supported on a bench): 15-20 repetitions

Repeat the exercises in 2 circles.

Round 2 (no dumbbells):

  • Lunge in a circle: 12 reps per leg
  • 15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg12 reps per leg15 steps per leg15 reps per leg12 reps per leg

Round 3 (on floor):

    15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg 15 reps 15 reps per leg20 reps per leg20 reps per leg 15 reps

Butt training plan for beginners

If you are a beginner, then try this glute workout plan for beginners. We perform each exercise for the buttocks for the specified number of repetitions. Each round is performed in 1 circle. Rest 30 seconds between exercises, rest 2 minutes between rounds. Reduce the number of repetitions if you feel that you are not yet ready to do the program completely. Perform the suggested butt workout at home 1-2 times a week.

Round 1 (standing):

    10 reps on each leg 15 reps 15 reps
  • Taking the leg forward: 10 reps on each leg
  • 10 reps on each leg10 reps on each leg

Round 2 (on floor):

    15 reps 10 reps on each leg 15 reps 10 reps on each leg10 reps on each leg
  • Leg Raise: 10 reps on each leg
  • 10 reps on each leg 10 reps

Butt workout plan without lunges and squats

If putting stress on your knee joints is contraindicated for you, we offer you an exercise plan without lunges and squats. We perform each exercise for the buttocks for the specified number of repetitions. Rest 15-30 seconds between exercises, rest 1 minute between rounds. When performing glute exercises on all fours, be sure to place a towel or pillow under your kneecap.

Round 1 (standing):

  • Taking the leg forward: 15 reps per leg
  • 15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg

For additional load, you can add a pulsating version of each exercise (also 15 repetitions).

Round 2 (on floor):

    20 reps 15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg15 reps per leg20 reps per leg20 reps per leg20 reps per leg20 reps per leg20 reps per leg 15 reps

Video sets of exercises for the buttocks at home for girls

If you prefer to train using ready-made video for buttocks at home , then we offer you a selection of programs that will help you tighten your butt. These workouts can be done at home, you will need the most minimal equipment.

1. Effective workout for legs and buttocks

2. Raising the buttocks: pumping up the butt at home without equipment

3.FitnessoManiya: Perfect buttocks no squats or lunges

4. A set of exercises for the buttocks

There is a way out - pump up your buttocks at home! When structured correctly, training at home is no less effective than in the gym.

Let's pump up our buttocks at home - let's go!

We offer you five exercises for working the gluteal muscles, by performing which you can bring your figure to the desired shape in the shortest possible time. You can vary this training Depending on your fitness level, you can use additional weight and change the recommended number of repetitions.

Hot five exercises for the buttocks

The workout below contains the most effective exercises for the buttocks. They are perfect for both women and men who want to make their body ideal.

It is very important to warm up well before class. Spend 5 minutes actively running in place, jumping, twisting your body, and swinging your arms. These simple movements will not only warm up the muscles, but also prepare the body for the upcoming load.

After this, you can start doing exercises for your buttocks at home.

1. Squats, feet turned diagonally

To begin, perform a series of squats. These are the simplest, but at the same time extremely intense movements. Especially if you perform this exercise using additional load. This version of squats, in which the feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the toes are turned out to the sides at 45 degrees, perfectly strengthens the glutes, spinal stabilizers, and back.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, point your toes out to the sides, and cross your arms over your chest or extend them forward.
  2. As you exhale, squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you inhale, rise up.
  3. Try to keep your back as straight as possible throughout the exercise.
  4. Do 30 squats.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks are, of course, squats.

2. Standing on your elbows and knees - heel to the ceiling

The second exercise is performed on the floor. Lay out a mat and kneel down, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

  1. Lower your elbows to the floor and tuck your stomach. In this position, the pelvis is slightly higher than the shoulders.
  2. Exhale and lift your right leg up as high as you can, reaching your heel towards the ceiling. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Make sure that your lower back does not bend down. The body must remain perfectly level.
  3. Perform 30 repetitions with your right leg. Take a break and repeat the exercise with your left leg.

Raise your leg as high as possible, as if you want to push through the ceiling with your heel. After practicing a couple of times, you will understand that doing exercises for the buttocks at home is no more difficult than in the gym. The most important thing is to follow the technique and not be lazy.

3. Hip abduction while lying down

The next movement is a classic swing that allows you to work on the external lateral surface hips This is the most effective exercise for tightening the buttocks in this area. But in order for it to give good result, you must carefully monitor the technique of its implementation.

  1. Lie on your right side. Lift the body slightly off the floor by bending right hand in the elbow and fixing the head on it.
  2. As you exhale, lift your left leg up. As you inhale, lower it down, but do not touch the other leg. Continue doing the exercise until a strong burning sensation appears in the muscles. Try to do 25 repetitions.
  3. Turn onto your other side and repeat the movement with your right leg.

We swing with a straight leg until a burning sensation occurs in the muscles.

4. Skater Lunges

Another exercise on the list of the most effective glute exercises that you can do without special equipment is the skater's lunge. This unusual variation of lunges trains the buttocks and also perfectly tones the core muscles.

  1. Starting position: stand straight, legs together, bent arms fixed at the waist.
  2. As you exhale, lunge back with your right leg. Unlike a classic lunge, when the leg moves strictly along a straight path, in a skater's lunge the leg moves back diagonally.
  3. Inhale and place your right leg back towards your left. Lift using only the force of your front leg.
  4. Repeat the movement with your left leg.
  5. Perform 20 repetitions with each leg.

The skater's lunges are performed backwards and obliquely. Due to this, the gluteal muscle is stretched more, which allows it to be worked out better.

5. Deadlift

The last exercise is the deadlift. To perform it, you will need dumbbells, which you can replace with a barbell or any other weight, even bottles of water. No need to take too much heavy weight. For starters, 5 kilograms is enough. This movement is universal and fits perfectly into any strength complex.

  1. Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Take the weight in your hands.
  2. Inhale and, keeping your back straight, lean forward. The angle of the knees does not change throughout the entire exercise. As you exhale, lift yourself up by squeezing your buttocks. When rising, be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together. This relieves excess muscle tension.
  3. Do 25 reps.

Deadlift - classic exercise for working out the buttocks. You can use dumbbells, a barbell, or any other weight.

Secrets of successful training

So, you understand how to pump up your buttocks at home. Now I’ll give you a few secrets that will make your training as effective as possible. To quickly notice positive changes in your appearance, be sure to use these recommendations.

  1. Exercise regularly. Work out your buttocks at home at least 3 times a week. Less frequent activities will make the results more blurred. However, one should not resort to the other extreme: too frequent loading on one muscle group will not allow muscle fibers fully recover. It is optimal to take a 1 or 2 day break between workouts.
  2. Breathe correctly. Remember that an effort (for example, lifting a leg) is always performed while exhaling. And muscle relaxation and rest should begin with inhalation. Failure to do this will make even the most effective hip exercises useless.
  3. Increase the load gradually. Start by performing basic versions of each movement. When you have completed the required number of repetitions, complicate them. To do this, add another approach or use weights.
  4. Don't forget about cardio. If you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite and lose weight, be sure to combine butt exercises at home with cardio. You can run, jump rope, or do aerobics. The secret to great shape is 3-4 hours of such exercise per week.

Now you know how to pump up your buttocks at home. By combining cardio and specific strength exercises that were described in this article, you will achieve amazing results. Your gluteal muscles will tighten and become more prominent, and your skin will become firmer. You can forever forget about problems such as unattractive buttocks and cellulite.