Start training at a fitness club. Fitness - an easy way to stay in shape

If you exercise without warming up, the risk of injury greatly increases and the effectiveness of the exercise decreases. In addition, this is how you form the wrong habits.

Warm-up is a mandatory element of training. You can easily get your muscles into working condition by following a simple procedure:

  1. Use a massage roller. Such rollers help to thoroughly warm up the muscles of the whole body. Here Lifehacker explained in detail what these tools are and how to use them.
  2. Do cardio for five minutes: briskly climb the mountain, exercise on elliptical trainer or an exercise bike. If you have overweight, don't run - take care of your knees.
  3. Be sure to do joint warm-up and dynamic stretching. you will find a video of a good warm-up.

After this, you will be warmed up enough to begin the lesson.

How to create a training program

When you come to the gym, you should already have a clear action plan: what exercises you will do, what muscle groups you will work.

There are a huge number of training programs, but beginners without a coach should not try complex options. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to sequentially working all muscles.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, thighs and abs. If you're going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, in the first workout, work your biceps, back, hips and abs, and in the second workout, work your triceps, chest, shoulders and buttocks.

Here are some exercises with simulators and free weights to different muscle groups.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Using this simulator, you can move the emphasis on different muscle groups by simply changing the position of your legs on the platform:

  1. Legs at the top of the platform - emphasis on gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
  2. Feet at the bottom of the platform - emphasis on quadriceps.
  3. Narrow foot placement - emphasis on outer part hips.
  4. Wide stance of the legs - emphasis on inner part hips.

Leg abduction in the simulator

This exercise works great on the buttocks. Walk your leg back until your shin is parallel to the floor, but do not extend your knees completely. To better work the muscles, lower your leg to its original position slowly.


This basic exercise with a huge number of variations: with broad setting legs or on one leg, with a barbell or dumbbells, from an elevation or with a jump. Lifehacker analyzes in detail the technique of performing squats, and there are several options for squats and other exercises for the hips.

Another exercise with a large number variations. Lunges can be done with your own weight, with a barbell or with dumbbells, moving around the room or on the spot.

As you lunge, make sure your knee is in front standing leg was located exactly above the heel. By slightly tilting your body forward, you will shift the emphasis to the buttocks.

This basic exercise works not only the muscles of the hips and buttocks, but also the extensor muscles of the back and trapezius. Start with classic deadlifts, but don't use too much weight.

Here is a video with the technique of performing the exercise:

To add variety to your workouts, explore other glute workouts as well.

Back exercises

This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles. It warms you up perfectly and prepares you for an important basic exercise - the deadlift.

If you want to pump up your back muscles, and not your legs, start doing the exercise from a position where your body is in a straight line with the machine. Then lift your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms back. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

The key point in this exercise: you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, fix your back and squeeze your shoulder blades. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

This exercise also helps to effectively pump up your back muscles. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

Chest exercises

Bench press

This basic exercise involves both pectoral muscles, and triceps, and deltoids. The emphasis can be shifted by changing the grip: bench press narrow grip puts more stress on the triceps, and on the chest. Also, the emphasis on the chest shifts if you take a barbell reverse grip, that is, with your palms facing you.

The video explains the technique of performing the exercise:

This machine allows you to perform exercises that only work the pectoral muscles. Do not straighten your arms completely at the extreme points, perform the exercise smoothly.

Dips with forward bend

If you can't do dips without help yet, use an expander or special simulator for support. To place the emphasis on your chest, tilt your body forward.

The technique of performing the exercise can be seen in the video:

In this you can find chest exercises in pictures.

Triceps Exercises

Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides. If shoulder mobility allows, lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

Extension of arms on a block

This exercise can be performed with a regular or rope handle. The back is straight, the elbows are located close to the body and do not move.

Exercises for biceps

Standing barbell curl

This is a basic exercise that helps to work your biceps well. Here is a video with the technique of performing the exercise:

Unlike the previous exercise, when lifting dumbbells, you must rotate your hands, as this ensures additional load on the biceps. At the bottom, the hands should look at each other, and during the rise, turn towards the body.

Shoulder Exercises

Standing chest press

Before this exercise, you should do a dynamic shoulder stretch: pick up a stick or expander and move your straight arms behind your back several times, and then forward again. Do not bend your elbows while stretching. The closer you place your hands, the more effective the stretch will be.

While pressing, move the barbell behind your head. If it stays forward, it will put a lot of stress on the lower back.

When performing the exercise, your elbows should be slightly bent. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders - this can cause impingement syndrome (inflammation of the rotator cuff).

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Hand movements are similar to the previous exercise.

In this section you will find an analysis of the technique of performing other shoulder exercises.

Ab exercises

Elevated leg crunches

Abdominal exercise with legs elevated

By placing your feet on an elevation, you will eliminate unnecessary stress on the iliopsoas muscles and harm to the lower back. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, pick up a medicine ball.

The plank perfectly works all the core muscles. To complicate it, you can place your feet on an unstable support: in loops or on, as shown in the photo.

Hanging Leg Raise

In a simpler version, you need to pull only your knees to your chest.

If this is easy, try lifting your legs straight to the horizontal bar.

How to choose the appropriate weight and number of repetitions

Take such a weight that you can perform the exercise 5-8 times. The last repetitions should be performed with effort. If you can easily do all eight reps, then the selected weight is too light for you.

Perform three sets of 5–10 reps. Rest between sets should be 1–2 minutes, between exercises - 2–3 minutes.

If you are doing exercises without weights, you will need to do more repetitions to properly engage the muscles. For these exercises, perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

After training

After training, be sure to stretch: you need to relax the muscles that worked. You can find stretching exercises different groups muscles, and - exercises with expander bands.

From the very first training, you need to pay attention to your nutrition. From this you will learn what to eat before and after training to speed up your progress and not harm your body.

Don't be shy, listen to your body and have fun.

It's not easy to stay in good physical shape. It is especially difficult to start training when the need is ripe. You feel tired, shortness of breath appears from time to time, and your figure leaves much to be desired. However, it can be very difficult to overcome internal barriers and start training. In fact, taking the first step is much easier than it seems. And here's how.

How to start doing fitness at home

Don't be scared by lack of experience or painful fatigue after exercise. No need to exhaust yourself with long, challenging workouts. You can start with simple exercises, which are intended for beginners. In addition, perform them at home, in a comfortable environment. They don't require any equipment and are easy to modify to suit any skill level.

Keeping your body in good shape is fitness. Homes for beginners main principle- “do no harm”: do not force the load and stop training as soon as you feel tired. What is very important is not to stop studying and practice regularly. At the initial stage it is enough three training sessions 15 minutes per week. You can gradually increase the duration of classes to 45 minutes.

What time to study? Our body follows a certain cycle, which depends on our lifestyle. depends on the rhythm of life. Each person has their own individual rhythm. Considering the purpose of the classes, you need to choose the time. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to train in the morning, on an empty stomach, from 5:30 to 9:00. At this time, the body uses energy from fat depots.

For evening training, set aside time from 18:30 to 20:00. If for some reason you cannot stick to this time, you should not give up classes. The body can readjust and get used to the conditions suitable for it. That's why best time he will tell you himself. It is important to listen to him.

The benefits of training

Fitness for women is an opportunity not only to get rid of unwanted pounds, but also to always be in great shape. All the exercises listed below put stress on your body. By doing it regularly, you can quickly achieve excellent results:

  • improved posture;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • improved sleep;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • burning large quantity calories;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • improved coordination;
  • development of joint mobility.

Fitness at home. Lesson for beginners

You need to start small: perform the exercises at a slow pace, choose the most optimal option. The exercises are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abs. It is advisable for a beginner to do everything alternating them. This is necessary in order to choose the most comfortable and effective one.

3 tips for beginners:

  1. Regularity and a positive attitude are very important for training, they will bring you over time best results. Do not overload yourself and it is advisable to complete your classes with additional light cardio exercises.
  2. Creation of a lesson program. Set aside a certain amount of time for training. Diversify your activities different exercises, additionally include cardio exercises or yoga. That is, not giving too much load.
  3. Listen to your body. One of the key problems for beginners is excessive load. Make sure your body is ready for intense physical activity and only after that increase it. Focus on those muscles that require attention. And devote more time to the exercises that are necessary to work them out.

Exercise "Plank"

Aimed at strengthening hands and wrists. Increases balance and stability of the lower body. Light version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • bend your arms at the elbows;
  • knees pressed to the floor;
  • slowly lift your hips off the floor, resting your toes on the floor;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds.

Execution options: arms extended (as in a push-up).

Such gentle training is also called “ lazy fitness" At home, for beginners, this is an excellent opportunity to achieve the desired effect while preventing injuries and providing an even load on the muscles.

Exercise "Superman"

Targets the core muscles along the spine. Develops flexibility, improves coordination and posture. Light version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • hands in front of you;
  • lift off the floor at the same time right hand and left leg;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Then switch arms and legs.

Execution option: lift your arms, chest and legs off the floor at the same time.

Lateral leg raises

What's good about fitness? At home, for beginners, you can choose a lightweight version of many exercises. This exercise very effective for the waist and hips. Light version:

  • lying on your right side, bend your arm at the elbow;
  • Raise your left leg up. Do not bend your leg at the knee;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat on each side 5 times.

Execution options: lean on your outstretched arm, do the rest in the same way.


For a beginner, this is a lighter version of traditional squats. Fitness at home for beginners is a great opportunity to strengthen your abs. The exercise targets the muscles of the lower body. An effective exercise for strengthening knee ligaments. To perform this you will need a chair or bench. Light version:

  • stand up straight;
  • hands folded on chest;
  • feet - shoulder width apart;
  • squat on a chair, keep your back straight;
  • rise without using hands;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: hands in front of you, otherwise perform the same.


A good workout for the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders and back. Light version:

  • take a lying position;
  • hands slightly wider than shoulders;
  • raise your body, straightening your arms;
  • knees pressed to the floor;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: if it is difficult to do push-ups from the floor, then lean on the bench.

  • Take your training seriously: don’t skip classes. Regular and full-fledged exercise is fitness. For women who want to lose weight, this is especially important.
  • Plan your training time in advance. Free fitness is not a reason to work out and skip classes due to a bad mood.
  • Avoid unnecessary overload. Overtraining can lead to decreased productivity.
  • Observe drinking regime. The body needs to restore fluid costs.
  • Remember that without following a diet for those who want to lose weight, exercise will take much longer.
  • Write down the date and time of classes; and exercises. You can simultaneously record your diet and body weight in it. This will allow you to analyze the results.
  • For effective weight loss a balanced diet is necessary. Eliminate high-calorie foods from your diet. To remove the sides and belly, you can additionally adhere to a protein diet. Fast weight loss contributes to frequent and small meals.
  • Perform exercises regularly, gradually increasing the load and time of exercise. Start your workout by warming up for 10 minutes. Include warm-up exercises for joints. Perform movements at a slow pace. Warming up increases blood flow, which significantly increases the effectiveness of your workout. Cardio exercises will speed up the process of losing weight, include them in your workout.

The body quickly adapts to training. The main thing is to take the first step. And then you will easily achieve the desired result. You will get rid of problem areas, heavy gait and ugly posture. Practice at home at any time free time. The main thing is that the classes bring you pleasure. If possible, walk more, take the stairs up to the floor. This will save time on training and serve as a good “seasoning” for training. Very good results This is a great opportunity for beginners to get in shape.

If you are determined to get into fitness, but don’t know where to start, then this article is definitely for you. I quite often receive questions asking for advice, where to start exercising at home, which workouts on YouTube are best to start your “fitness journey” with? To answer this question, I need to find out a lot of information about the person: what is his weight, age, physical layer preparation, whether there are any diseases and some others. In the absence of at least this basic information, I cannot take responsibility and advise any training, because if a person has health contraindications, and I do not know about them, then negative consequences training that is not “his” can be quite serious. Therefore, in this article I want to give only ADVICE for people of certain fitness levels who want to engage in fitness, but do not know how to start exercising at home. And we will discuss this topic in specific training sessions on the Fitnessomaniya channel.


Analyzing the intermediate and advanced levels of training, I assume that people do not have any contraindications or health restrictions!

Workouts for entry-level training. What are they?

If you are completely new to the world of fitness, by “newbie” I mean someone who has a sports/fitness background last time were present for a very long time, for example, at school or college, or the break was more than 3 years, then you definitely need to start doing fitness very carefully and gradually, but “carefully and gradually” you can start doing my workouts, which are intended for an average level of training, but with one small nuance: you will need to simplify these workouts yourself. How to do this?

Firstly, you need to pay attention to strength training, of which I have a sufficient amount on my channel, this quantity and variety will last you for a long time.


All strength training is divided into groups:

workouts for buttocks and legs

workouts for arms, chest and back open workout playlist

abdominal workouts open workout playlist

workouts for all muscle groups open workout playlist

From these playlists, you can choose any workout and practice, simplifying it.

There can be several ways to simplify:

- use lighter weight dumbbells than in my video;

- do fewer repetitions;

- give yourself short rest breaks of 10-15 seconds in order to take a breath and continue. This applies to those workouts that take place non-stop, that is, with a large number of repetitions without rest.

- do fewer laps. If I advise you to repeat this complex for 3 more laps at the end of the workout, then you do it according to your strength, it can be 1 or 2 laps.

These are all ways you can use to make strength training easier.

Why don't I film workouts for beginners at a snail's pace? It’s all very simple: my experience as an instructor of group programs showed me that a person with very weak physical training It improves much faster by studying in strong groups.

To me at power pilates where the load level was quite high, older women also walked and performed all the exercises at the same level as young girls. Moreover, their level was not so high right away. Initially, they came to the group physically very weak, but just a few months of regular training at the same level as the younger generation turned them into simply the strongest and most resilient women. So since then my position has remained unchanged: if you want to achieve visible results, then you don’t need to sign yourself up as a beginner and chill out in training sessions that involve “two stomps, three slams.” As they say “It is better to be the worst among the best than the best among the worst.”

So we figured out strength training, but besides strength training you will need to do cardio as well.


On my channel there are three cardio workouts for beginners, two of them are purely cardio workouts: Cardio without jumping, as well as cardio, which is called Cardio workout to burn fat| FOR BEGINNERS!, and there is still Interval training for beginners, it is cardio-strength, so it can even be separate training perform, and not after strength training.

Now let's talk about training frequency.

For beginners, I recommend startingwith 2 strength training sessions per week and 2 cardio sessions.

After 2 weeks, you can add one more strength and cardio workout, and that will come out per week: 3 strength training and 3 cardio workouts, which are best done immediately after strength training (about 10-15 minutes), but if this does not work out, then you can choose one type of training - either strength training or cardio - the main thing is that your workout lasts about one hour.

As for which workouts to choose according to muscle groups, I recommend watching the video “ Instructions for my workouts" There I explain how to do this depending on your problem areas and goals.

Workouts for intermediate levels. What are they?


Where to start exercising at home not a beginner, but also not yet an advanced athlete? Ooo! Here you can have a good walk. I have a lot of workouts for intermediate levels on my channel, ranging from strength training, which I mentioned earlier, to Tabata workouts. But since the article is still called “where to start” your exercises, you definitely need to start with regular strength training, but without any simplifications, as was the case for beginners. This is how I show the exercises in the video, this is how they should be performed, you should not feel sorry for yourself, since your level of training will definitely not forgive this!

You can safely start with 3 strength training sessions per week and 2 cardio sessions which should be performed immediately after strength training if your goal is weight loss.

After 2 weeks of adaptation period for your body, you can add another strength training, you can add cardio, you can not, as you wish.

But after a month, you can safely train 3-4 times a week, doing cardio after all your strength training for 15-20 minutes.


Cardio workouts for intermediate levels can be found in the section " Fat burning cardio workouts » ( open playlist with workouts)

Of course, at an advanced level, you can start with any workouts; the question here, most likely, is not what workouts to choose so as not to be too difficult, but how not to get lost in the numerous workouts that I have on the channel?

You can again find the answer to this question in the video instructions for my training, where I already answered this question.

As for What kind of training should advanced people start with?, then here you can choose absolutely any workout that you like. If you like strength ones more, start with strength ones, and if it’s closer to you intensive training, then you can engage in Tabata training at both intermediate and advanced levels. In fact intermediate level not easy either, it’s just that we use our whole body, everything muscle groups, and in advanced Tabata training there are only one or two muscle groups, which, in principle, determines the complexity of this level. But believe me, the average level is also worth your attention, and if you still find the load insufficient, you can simply do two tabatas in a row, that is, in total it will take you 13 minutes to train, not 26.

Well, I hope that this article has helped you at least a little and shed some light on which workouts should you start with?, if you just recently got acquainted with me and my channel.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in building your own training process no, you just need to START, and then you yourself will understand which workouts are for you and which are not.

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

Fitness for beginners is a separate big science. If you are new to fitness, you probably have a lot of questions like:

Where to start training? What exercises should I do? Where can I get a set of exercises? How to change your diet? What should I wear? What kind of fitness should I do? Which equipment to choose?

These and many other questions arise before a person who begins to engage in fitness in order to dramatically change his body, improve his health, become more self-confident, look and feel his best.

Here is a list of the main points that you should definitely pay attention to if you are just starting your classes and have never been involved in fitness before.

Fitness for beginners. Where to start?

1. Mandatory medical examination by a doctor (treatment of various diseases before starting classes, if necessary)

2. Fitness testing (on your own or with the help of a trainer)

3. Based on testing: balancing of body muscles in terms of strength, volume and flexibility (achieved by the correct initial program)

4. Cardio training (in parallel with the muscles, it is necessary to develop the heart, blood vessels and lungs)

5. Correction of nutrition and daily routine (radical changes are not needed, but at least minor changes must be made)

Remove frankly harmful products, try to get proper sleep and rest, study methods to increase the efficiency of your work (do more, work less), get rid of bad habits, etc.