CSKA gymnastics coach. Sports complex gymnastics CSKA

The CSKA athletics and football complex is one of the largest multifunctional sports centers Moscow. The complex was built to hold sports competitions as part of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow and was opened on October 17, 1979. The total area of ​​the facility is 65,570.1 sq.m. (318 meters in length, 190 in width, 21 in height). The building plans are organized simply, organically and rationally, allowing the vast spaces of showrooms to be connected with groups of compact service rooms. The capacity of the sports complex per day is more than 500 people: 300 train in the track and field arena and more than 200 in the football arena.

In 2003, the building was completely restored. The room has become more spacious, well ventilated, with high windows and a feeling of large space above your head. For runners, there is a standard circuit with turns 200 meters long and five lanes. There is a separate path along the perimeter of the arena for have a nice run about 333 meters long. Three such circles make up a kilometer - it’s very convenient to “run up” volumes. Nearby there are eight straight tracks for training in sprint running, internal warm-up area, long and high jump pits, horizontal bars and wall bars. Next to the arena, in the same building of the complex, there is a football field with artificial turf.

KLFC CSKA also has ten different gyms - rhythmic gymnastics, mini-football, choreography, karate, gym, barbells, sports dances (4 halls), as well as a climbing wall.

Members of the Russian national teams train in the arena building athletics, rhythmic gymnastics, karate, hand-to-hand combat, armwrestling and mountain training, as well as pupils of CSKA sports schools.

In the winter season, indoor athletics competitions are held here, in particular the Russian Winter Championship, the “Cup of Hope” and the international tournament “Russian Winter”.

Ice skating rink at the CSKA Sports Palace

Schedule and prices:

from 22:00 to 01:00 at night - 450 rubles per session, 350 rubles per session for full-time students (upon presentation of a student card).

from 02:00 to 5:00 am - 350 rubles per session, 250 rubles for full-time students per session (upon presentation of a student card).

  • Rent of a safe deposit box – free of charge (deposit 100 rubles);
  • Wardrobe – free;
  • Sound congratulations – 100 rubles (light music works);
  • You can bring your own skates, or you can rent a pair for 150 rubles per hour;
  • Sharpening hockey and figure skates– 200 rub. per pair;
  • VIP zone with individual service – 3000 rub./session.

At your service there is a cloakroom, rental of skates for night skating at the skating rink, musical accompaniment, first aid station, buffet, wardrobe, convenient parking.

Sections in KLFC CSKA

Sports schools and sports sections operate on the basis of the complex. different types sports

Freestyle wrestling

The section is available for children from 5 years old. The school has four departments: freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, judo and taekwondo. From the age of 8, our students take part in competitions at various levels. The school conducts annual health monitoring, as well as certification for training belts and level testing physical fitness. For comfortable activities, there is a wonderful gym, shower rooms and spacious changing rooms, and in the summer additional sports camps in the camp.

Greco-Roman wrestling

For children from 5 years old.


For children from 5 years old.


For children from 5 years old.


At the CSKA fencing school, which has been successfully operating for more than thirty years, skillful mastery of three types of weapons is cultivated: saber, rapier and epee. The coaches trained excellent fencers who repeatedly became winners and prize-winners of major all-Russian and international competitions. They have won World and European Championship medals of all merits.


Sports school CSKA is one of the main suppliers of talent to the national team. Section for children from 10 years old.


For children from 10 years old.


For children from 6 years old. Today SDYUSHOR CSKA is considered one of the strongest among the many basketball schools in Russia. 80% of the Moscow national team are graduates of the CSKA Basketball Sports School. Also, the school's students also form the backbone of the Russian national team.

Artistic gymnastics

For children from 4 years old.

Rhythmic gymnastics

For children from 4 years old.


Classes are held at a time convenient for the children, in the warm season - at the CSKA stadium, in winter - in an arena, which has rubber treadmills, stands, boxes for long jumpers.

Figure skating

For children from 4 years old. Over the past three years, the school has been a prize-winner of a review-competition among SDYUSHOR in the category “Preparation sports reserve", which is carried out by the Federation figure skating Russia.


Classes are held in the building of the sports complex "Swimming", please check the conditions of admission and the schedule of classes by phone.


For children from 6 years old. Tennis school CSKA is the best in the country. This is the only training system preserved in our country, which has no analogues.


The CSKA hockey brand is known and respected all over the world. Graduates of the army hockey school forged their victories on Olympic Games and World Championships as part of the national team.

Equestrian sport

For children from 12 years old. The Club has an excellent own sports base, where there is everything necessary for the educational and training process - indoor arena, an exit parade ground, a jumping and training field, a locker room and a training room.


For children from 6 years old. Classes are held at six sites, with two trainers working simultaneously. The mentors developed their own lesson plan - the first 10 minutes are a warm-up, special exercises on movements, simulation exercises with rackets, practicing strikes. At the end of the training, about 20 minutes are left for game practice.

Alpine skiing

Enrollment in the group starts from the age of 4; the main criterion for admission is the child’s health. Children and Youth Sports School students specialize only in technical sports.


For children from 6 years old. The CSKA volleyball school is the successor to the long-standing traditions of the famous CSKA volleyball team - the most titled team in Russia and the USSR.

Figure skating for adults

We invite everyone to join the figure skating group for adults, classes up to 7 times a week.

Rhythmic gymnastics- a sport in which various gymnastic and dance exercises are performed to music without objects or with objects.


Rhythmic gymnastics is a fairly young sport that owes its appearance to the ballet masters of the famous Mariinsky Theater. In the relatively short period of its existence, this sport has gained worldwide recognition and has numerous fans around the world.

In 1913 at the Leningrad Institute physical culture A higher school of the artistic movement was opened named after P. F. Lesgaft. Her first teachers were Rosa Varshavskaya, Elena Gorlova, Anastasia Nevinskaya, Alexandra Semenova-Naipak. All of these teachers, before joining the VSHKhG, had their own experience in teaching: “aesthetic gymnastics” - Francois Delsarte, “rhythmic gymnastics” - Emile Jacques del Croz, “dance gymnastics” - Georges Demini and “free dance” - Isadora Duncan. The merging of all these areas of gymnastics contributed to the emergence of this elegant sport.

In April 1941, the first Leningrad rhythmic gymnastics championship was organized and held by graduates and teachers of the school. In the 40s, rhythmic gymnastics developed, as well as everything Soviet sports practically stopped due to the Great Patriotic War.

In 1948, the first USSR rhythmic gymnastics championship was held. In 1945, the All-Union Section of Rhythmic Gymnastics was created, transformed in 1963 into the USSR Federation. In the late 1940s, a classification program and competition rules were developed. And then the development of this sport proceeded with extraordinary speed, covering an increasing number of young participants.

Features of rhythmic gymnastics classes

It is advisable to begin the first steps in rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 3-5, since the child’s body at this age is much more susceptible to the development of flexibility, coordination and speed of movement. The main qualities of a gymnast are willpower, endurance and plasticity. As a rule, already at the age of 14-16, many athletes have to part with gymnastics or switch to sports ballet. Only a few gymnasts continue sports career up to 20-22 years old.

If we compare rhythmic gymnastics with artistic gymnastics, then rhythmic gymnastics is a safer and more accessible sport. However, there are quite high requirements for appearance athletes. More recently, rhythmic gymnastics began to transform into aerobics and fitness, so many athletes can continue their lives in sports. In sports aerobics, the majority of participants are former gymnasts. Rhythmic gymnastics develops flexibility, endurance, agility, disciplines a person, improving his body, teaches him to control it beautifully and gracefully, and strengthens a sense of self-confidence, which is very important in today’s world.

Grading system and judging

The International Gymnastics Federation changed the scoring system in 2001, 2003 and 2005 in order to emphasize technical elements and reduce subjectivity in scoring. Until 2001, the rating was given on a 10-point scale; in 2003 it was changed to a 30-point scale and to a 20-point scale in 2005.

It should be noted that assessing the results of performances in this sport is an extremely subjective thing. Serious scandals and even disqualifications of judges have arisen more than once due to unequal treatment of athletes.

One of the most notorious incidents occurred at the European Championships in Zaragoza in 2000 with Elena Vitrichenko. Because of this, questions have been repeatedly raised about changing the judging procedure or removing this sport from the Olympic program.

Rhythmic gymnastics has not escaped the problem of doping drugs. They are not taken to improve endurance or increase muscle mass. The main problem of gymnasts is overweight. Therefore, the main drugs used are diuretics, which, in turn, are prohibited by the Anti-Doping Committee.

Sports gymnastics is a sport that includes competitions on gymnastic apparatus, floor exercises and vaults.


The term "Gymnastics" around the 5th century BC. V Ancient Greece meant a set of exercises for education, military art and health. The ancient Greeks believed that gymnastics gives the body agility, strength, speed, grace, beauty, and also develops a person’s feelings of courage and nobility. The Greeks used gymnastic exercises not only for physical development, but also for military training.

IN ancient Rome, preparing legionnaires for battle, special horses were used and they were trained with the help of special beams. Gymnastics played in gladiator schools irreplaceable role in improving the speed of movement and in increasing the endurance of the gladiator.

In action physical education and the comprehensive development of youth, humanists in the Renaissance attached great importance to gymnastics. In the 16th century, an outstanding specialist in the field of gymnastics, I. Mercurialis, published his work “On the Art of Gymnastics.”

The founders of the practical and theoretical foundations in the development of gymnastics are the German teacher Fit (1763-1836) and F. Guts-Muts (1759-1839). They gave ideas about the biomechanics of gymnastic movements, developed and prepared a methodology for gymnastic movements with objects.

In the USSR, the development of artistic gymnastics in the 20s is associated with the implementation of Vsevobuch, the 1st USSR championship in gymnastic all-around took place in 1928 (all-union sports day in Moscow), the 2nd, with the participation of women, in 1932. Since that time, championships have been held regularly, since 1939 and in certain types of all-around, since 1936 - all-Union competitions for schoolchildren, since 1955 - for the USSR Cup in all-around.

In 1937, Soviet gymnasts first participated in international competitions(3rd Work Olympiad in Antwerp). In 1949, the USSR Artistic Gymnastics Federation (founded in the early 30s as an all-Union section) became a member of the international federation; Since 1952, Soviet gymnasts have participated in the Olympic Games, since 1954 in the World Championships and since 1955 in the European Championships (European championships for women have been held since 1957).

The Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation was founded in 1991. National, regional, all-Russian and national championships are regularly held in Russia. international tournaments and other events. The Federation is part of the FIG and UEJ.

Rules and description.


Women: beam exercises; floor exercise; individual all-around championship; exercises on uneven bars; team championship; vault.

Men: floor exercise; exercises on the horizontal bar; individual all-around championship; exercises on parallel bars; exercises on horseback; exercises on rings; team championship; vault.

Floor exercises - gymnasts perform on a special shock-absorbing flooring covered with a woolen or synthetic carpet. They contain combinations of various movements, dance elements, circles with arms and legs, swings, static positions, somersaults and inversions, combined into a complete combination that meets certain requirements. Duration of floor exercises for men is 50-70 seconds, for women 70-90 seconds. Women perform exercises to music (phonogram without singing).

Vault (men and women). Performed from a running start using additional support (hence the name of the exercise). The length of the projectile is 1.6 m, the width is 0.35 m. The athlete runs up along a special track 25 m long and 1 m wide, pushes off with his feet from the bridge - a shock-absorbing device 20 cm high, inclined to the run-up line - and then makes an additional push hands (for men a push with one hand is allowed) from the projectile. The jumps performed can be straight, somersault, inverted, etc. For men, the apparatus is installed at a height of 1.35 m parallel to the runway, for women - at a height of 1.25 m perpendicular to the track. Another significant difference is related to the competition formula: men are given only one attempt, women - two, based on the results of which the average score for completing the exercise is calculated. The height and distance of the jump, its complexity (number of revolutions around the longitudinal and transverse axis, etc.), cleanliness of execution and precision of landing are assessed.

Exercises on a horse contain various swings and circles with one or two legs, movements in support across or longitudinally with support on the horse, on one hand and horse, on one or both handles, performed only with a swing and together.

Ring exercises contain various lifts, rotations, twists, performed with swing and force, static positions- handstands, horizontal hangs and supports, crosses. Exercises on rings (lifts, rotations and twists) demonstrate not only flexibility, but also physical strength athlete.

Exercises for men on uneven bars contain various lifts, turns, transitions, swings, circles with one and two legs, somersaults over and under the poles, large rotations, as well as, to a limited extent, static positions - handstands, horizontal supports.

Exercises on the crossbar (men) - a bar made of polished steel with a diameter of 27-28 mm and a length of 2.5 m, fixed on two racks with the help of stretch marks at a height of 2.55 m. According to the rules, performing rotations (in different directions) around the crossbar , the athlete has no right to touch her with his body. During the performance, he must demonstrate various types of grips and the ability to move cleanly and clearly from one type to another.

Judging is carried out by two groups of judges. One group, consisting of 2 judges, evaluates the difficulty of the execution (using a 10-point system), the other group evaluates the technical execution and consists of 6 judges.
Gymnasts lose 0.1 points for a small mistake, from 0.2 to 0.3 for an average mistake and 0.4 points for a rough one. If you fall on or from a projectile, 0.5 points are deducted.