Will tomato juice help you lose weight? Losing weight is easy: tomato diet.

Tired of traditional diets based on oatmeal, kefir and chicken breast? Do you want to try something new - something that’s tasty, healthy, and effective? Then the tomato juice diet is just what the doctor ordered! Especially if you love tomatoes and all their derivatives. In this article we will tell you whether tomato juice is good for weight loss, and also share diet options based on this product.

Tomato juice is a real storehouse of substances beneficial for your body. It contains a lot of vitamins A and C, carotene, and most importantly, lycopene, which prevents the occurrence of cancer. Tomato juice is also beneficial for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. In addition, it helps fight fatigue and stress because it stimulates the production of serotonin, the “happy hormone.”

Is it possible to lose weight with tomato juice? Yes, this product is rightfully considered dietary. It speeds up metabolism, which also helps get rid of extra centimeters. To unequivocally answer the question of whether tomato juice can be used for weight loss, nutritionists once conducted an interesting experiment. One group of subjects ate low-calorie foods - meat and fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and milk, and the other also ate tomato juice. After two months, it was found that the second group of test subjects lost an average of one and a half kilograms more excess weight. So stop wondering whether you can lose weight with tomato juice - start and see the natural results for yourself!

Which one to choose – store-bought or homemade?

The benefits of tomato juice for weight loss are obvious, but only if you prepare it yourself. Of course, the drink that can be found on store shelves is probably tastier, but not nearly as healthy as a freshly squeezed one.

But we know how to improve the taste of homemade juice without sacrificing its beneficial qualities. We bring to your attention recipes that you can use to prepare delicious tomato juice for weight loss:

  • Three tomatoes, half a large cucumber and a couple of stalks of celery. All ingredients go through a juicer.
  • 200 grams of tomatoes and the same amount of carrots, if desired - a little ground black pepper, literally on the tip of a knife. Grind everything thoroughly in a blender.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. Squeeze juice from each vegetable and mix in any proportions.
  • 500 grams of tomatoes and 10 grams of garlic. Process the tomatoes into juice, chop the garlic. Combine the ingredients, leave for five to ten minutes and strain.

To prepare fresh tomato, you need to make small cuts in the skin, put the vegetables in a colander and pour over boiling water. After a couple of minutes, remove the stalk and remove the skin, and grind the pulp thoroughly in a blender. You can add herbs and spices to the finished drink - any except salt.

Tomato juice diets: choose to your liking

Is it possible to drink tomato juice while losing weight, we have already figured it out. Now let's talk about how exactly to drink it and what foods to combine with it. We offer several to choose from effective diets, the main character of which is tomato juice. Choose any one - and get to work!

Fasting day on tomatoes

Suitable for those who want to prepare for a long diet or just get themselves in order after overeating. Your diet for this day is one and a half liters of fresh tomato juice. Use throughout the day in several doses.

Three-day diet: rice and tomato juice

The rice diet with tomato juice is deservedly considered one of the most popular. And no wonder: it is quite tasty, although monotonous. But don’t worry - you won’t have time to get tired of these products, since you only need to live in this mode for three days.

The tomato juice and rice diet looks like this:

  • On the first day, you need to cook a glass of rice without adding salt, oil or any spices. Divide the resulting porridge into 4 equal portions and eat, sometimes mixing with freshly squeezed tomato juice (one and a half to two liters is enough), throughout the day. Fresh juice and rice are recommended to be consumed separately from each other.
  • The second day of the rice and tomato juice diet is a little hungrier than the previous one. The nutrition system is the same, only instead of a glass of rice - three tablespoons. Boil and divide into three meals. Fresh juice is still one and a half liters.
  • The third day of the “Rice/Tomato Juice” diet is the most difficult of all. The fact is that it does not contain cereals, only fresh tomatoes. But in unlimited quantities!

For weight loss, rice and tomato juice are what you need: in three days of such a diet you are guaranteed to lose a few extra pounds. But stick to it more It’s not worth it for days - you can seriously harm your health.

Buckwheat diet with tomato juice it looks about the same as rice, with one difference - the amount of cereal does not need to be reduced from day to day. Brew the prescribed glass, divide into equal portions, eat at regular intervals and do not forget to take one and a half liters of fresh tomato juice daily. Three days of such a diet will help you get rid of a few extra fat folds without much difficulty.

Diet on tomato juice and kefir

This is a two-day express diet that will help you quickly expel a couple of kilograms of excess fat from your body. Your daily diet for weight loss is kefir, tomato juice and rye bread.

Bread and a glass of fresh juice should be eaten for breakfast, kefir - one liter - should be drunk throughout the rest of the day. In addition, you can drink water, coffee and any tea without sugar or other additives without restrictions. The second day's menu is absolutely the same.

Weight loss soup made from tomato juice and milk

This delicious and incredibly healthy soup is prepared as follows. A kilogram of ripe tomatoes needs to be peeled (as described above) and chopped in a blender. Transfer the resulting slurry to a saucepan, add a glass of milk and half a liter of water. When the resulting mixture begins to boil, you need to add 150 grams of any grated cheese (of course, preferably low-fat cheese) and then cook for another 20 minutes.

You need to eat this soup for a week. But only for breakfast! It is recommended to eat for lunch low-fat cottage cheese, no more than two hundred grams, for dinner - a glass of fresh tomato juice or low-fat milk. By the way, milk or freshly squeezed tomato juice is allowed to be consumed in the morning as an addition to soup. This diet with tomato juice is ideal for weight loss: just 7 days – and a few extra pounds are gone!

Now you know whether you can drink tomato juice while losing weight, and most importantly, how to use it correctly so that the effect is quick and lasting. Try it and share your victories in the comments!

Tomato is a frequent guest in our kitchen; it has many benefits for the body and is ideal for weight loss.

It contains vitamins (A), group B, PP, K, and vitamin C contains up to forty percent of total mass. Tomato juice also contains minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, as well as beta-carotene, lycopene and bioflavonoids.

One glass of juice can cover a quarter of the daily value of vitamin (A) and almost ¾ of the daily value of vitamin (C). The most important mineral in juice is iron and potassium, of which 100 grams of tomato contains 293 mg. It has no fats or cholesterol, contains very little carbohydrates, only 5 grams per 100 g of product.

Useful properties of tomato juice

  • Due to the folic acid it contains, a tomato drink can be used to prevent gallstone disease, and if it is already present, it can help dissolve stones formed in the gallstones.
  • Helps improve the condition of bone tissue, hair and teeth.
  • Gives a calming effect on nervous system, is used as a remedy for hypertension.
  • Eliminates constipation and diarrhea due to the available fiber.
  • The vitamin (K) included in the composition helps improve blood clotting.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Useful for type 2 diabetes.
  • Prevents the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, as it lowers the level of bad cholesterol.
  • The presence of magnesium and iron in tomato juice helps increase hemoglobin in anemia.
  • Reduces the risk of bladder and urinary system cancer.
  • Thanks to the beta-carotene content, vision improves in case of night blindness, and the process of degeneration of the corpus luteum slows down (if such a problem exists).
  • Lycopene contained in the drink prevents heart disease.
  • And vitamin (C) helps in the treatment of cancer (in particular prostate cancer). Just 200 g of tomato juice per day reduces the risk of this disease by 4%.
  • Stimulates the process of cell renewal, which prevents the aging of the body.
  • Tomato juice is a healthy food because it contains no saturated fat or sodium.
  • An excellent antioxidant.
  • It has a beneficial effect on joints with arthritis because it removes salts.

With regular consumption of tomato juice, you can avoid diseases such as thrombosis. This disease primarily affects those who spend most of their time in sitting position. Cashiers, drivers and those who sit at the computer for a long time especially need a tomato drink.

Benefits for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you need to control more than just what you eat. And what you consume in the form of drinks. Since many of them have a high calorie content and a high sugar content, and these are extra calories that lead to weight gain. Tomato juice is not only ideal for dietary nutrition (it contains only 3.6 g of sugar per 100 g), but can also become an excellent ally in the fight for an impeccable figure.
Why? Judge for yourself:

  • Contains a lot of water and few calories (100 g contains only 22 calories).
  • It has no fat and contains only 5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of juice.
  • Has a low glycemic index (15).
  • It is a good diuretic, removing from the body excess liquid and salt, and this promotes weight loss.
  • It contains a lot of plant fiber, which improves metabolism and prevents the absorption of fats after eating, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste. All this has a positive effect on weight loss.
  • It acts as a stimulator for the production of gastric juice, which improves digestion and metabolism.
  • Tomato juice has enzymes and amino acids that help break down fats, and vitamin (B) speeds up metabolic processes.
  • The plant fibers found in tomato juice help to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger.

Tomato juice is a natural antidepressant. By improving the production of serotonin in the body, it relieves nervous tension, thereby reducing the effects of stress. It is especially good for people who experience false hunger during stress.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

How to drink tomato juice

Before swallowing the juice, try chewing it. This promotes good absorption and digestion of the drink. Drink it slowly, twenty minutes before meals, one glass. This will help significantly reduce hunger.

No need to add table salt to the drink! It greatly reduces the properties of beneficial elements in the juice. Moreover, tomatoes have a diuretic property, and salt inhibits the removal of fluid from the body.

But for better digestibility of the drink, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to it. Or eat it with fat-containing foods, such as cheese or nuts.

Do not drink tomato juice with protein or starch-containing foods. These include cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, potatoes, bread, etc. The combination of these products provokes the formation of kidney stones.

It is also not recommended to heat tomato juice. When frying or boiling, the beneficial acids of tomatoes are converted into inorganic (harmful) ones. Therefore, in the summer season, eat more salads from fresh tomatoes than prepare tasty and “healthy” boiled and stewed dishes from them.

You should drink the juice immediately after preparation. After an hour, not a trace of beneficial vitamins will remain in the prepared drink.

When to drink tomato drink

Important! It is generally recommended to drink tomato juice for weight loss about twenty minutes before meals. But this type of drink is only suitable for people with low acidity. If the stomach acidity is high, it is catastrophically impossible to drink it on an empty stomach. Only an hour after eating.

It is also not advisable to drink juice during meals, since it, when mixed with food, can cause fermentation. As a result, we get bloating and flatulence.

Tomato juice at night helps get rid of insomnia, as it relieves stress and nervous tension.


  • Cholecystitis and pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcer during exacerbation or gastritis
  • Also, forget about the tomato drink if you are poisoned.

Recipes for weight loss drinks with tomato juice

Recipe No. 1

Tomato juice - 1 glass
Juice of half a lemon
Basil leaf - 4 pcs.
Cold purified water – 125 g
Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients and blend in a blender.

Recipe No. 2

Tomato juice - 1 glass
Juice of one lemon
Cayenne pepper - pinch
Pepper sauce - 4 drops

Mixing juices with peppers contains thermogenic ingredients. Thanks to pepper, body temperature rises slightly and this will speed up fat burning.

Recipe No. 3

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. lie
Garlic - 1 clove
Tabasco sauce - 4 drops
Celery - 1 sprig

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well.
Tomato juice speeds up metabolism as it has beneficial acids, garlic has allicin, which affects fat metabolism, lemon helps break down fats, Tabasco sauce improves calorie burning, and celery removes toxins. The result is an excellent fat-burning drink.

Recipe No. 4

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Pulp of ½ avocado

Place the avocado pulp in a blender, add juice and mix well.
By drinking a tomato drink with avocado, we will help the body better absorb lycopene, which helps burn fat.

Recipe No. 5

Tomato juice – 250 ml
Juice of one cucumber
Juice of one celery stalk
Pinch of ground black pepper

Mix everything well. The result is a low-calorie vitamin cocktail for weight loss.

To lose weight faster, you need to add a low-calorie diet to tomato juice. And then you can easily cope with excess weight.

Losing weight for health benefits is the dream of many women and girls, but for some reason it is generally accepted that diets cannot be healthy, and any restriction negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole. But the main thing is not just to stop eating, but to choose a nutritious diet in which you will not suffer from deficiencies of nutrients and vitamins. For example, if you use tomato, you can reset extra pounds without harm to the body.

Thus, a diet in which you need to drink a glass of multivitamin tomato juice several times a day is rich in vitamins and minerals. This drink contains microelements such as potassium, copper, calcium, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, vitamins A, E, C, B and PP. It is quite nutritious, but low in calories. In addition, it also contains serotonin, which is called This is why people who use tomato juice for weight loss do not worsen their mood during a diet, they do not become hungry and angry.

Of course, when losing weight using tomatoes, you must also consume other foods; you should drink juice only before meals and in between meals. Thus, it has already been established experimentally that drinking this drink at the same dietary nutrition contributes more rapid loss weight.

With tomatoes it is possible to quickly effective weight loss in a week. Not only will you become about 5 kg lighter after such a diet, but you will also improve your appearance and well-being. So, a weekly diet involves drinking 1 liter of juice daily. In addition, during the day you can drink no more than 300 g of tea or coffee without sugar, and also eat in small quantities. For example, on a day you can eat some product indicated in one of the points:

150 g boiled potatoes;

0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;

1 kg of any fruit (only grapes and bananas are excluded);

500 g of lean chicken meat (you can even fry it);

700 g of various dried fruits without sugar;

500 g boiled fish.

It is better if every day you move according to the presented list, eating potatoes on the first day, cottage cheese on the second, and so on. On the 6th day of the diet, you need to eat cottage cheese again, leaving the fish for the 7th and last day.

Tomato juice for weight loss in combination with these products allows you not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body and improve metabolism. And adjusting your metabolism is the best guarantee that the lost kilograms will never return.

In order to effectively lose weight, it is better to use natural freshly squeezed tomato juice. Of course, what manufacturers offer in packages can also be drunk, but it is better to spend time preparing this drink at home. During heat treatment, a tomato passed through a juicer releases lycopene, a substance that improves metabolism, nervous and cardiovascular system, and even preventing cancer. It’s a good idea to add celery, lemon, carrots or beets to tomato juice for weight loss.

We all know about the benefits of vegetables, but the benefits of natural vegetable juices are often forgotten. When used correctly, tomato juice gives simply amazing results for weight loss, figure, and health.

What are the benefits of tomato juice?

If we consider the benefits and harms of tomato juice, it turns out that its natural version is useful, but the store-bought version can be harmful. It’s a pity, the vast majority of store-bought tomato juices are tomato paste diluted with water. You can verify this if you simply dilute two tablespoons tomato paste in a glass of water and add a little salt and pepper. This homemade tomato juice will almost completely match the taste of the usual store-bought juice.

But natural tomato juice is incredibly beneficial for the human body. Its properties can be listed for quite a long time:

  • it contains vitamins A and C, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and immunity;
  • the juice contains lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer;
  • The juice is very useful for those who are expecting a baby, as well as for nursing mothers;
  • if you drink tomato juice regularly, you are not afraid of depression: the juice contains substances that stimulate the body to create the “hormone of joy” - serotonin;
  • people who regularly drink this juice speed up their metabolism, due to which their rate of weight loss is much higher than that of those people who do not drink it.

Tomato juice for weight loss will help your body quickly overcome overweight and return to a healthy, slender state.

Harm of tomato juice

Tomato juice can only harm those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. In addition, the presence of individual intolerance is a contraindication.

How to make tomato juice?

We have already discussed the simplest way to prepare such juice above. However, if you want to get a natural product, you will have to work a little.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, piercing the skin in several places. After three minutes, you can easily remove the skin and remove the hard part. Grind the pulp in a blender - and the juice is ready! You can also add dill, parsley or celery, or grated roots of the last two products. For spiciness, you can add black and red pepper, ginger or squeeze garlic to the juice. Let this drink sit for 3-5 minutes - and it will be extraordinary!

Tomato juice without salt does not have the best taste, but it can be adjusted by adding carrots, beets or lemon.

The resulting tomato juice will have a fairly low calorie content, about 30 calories per 100 grams.

Tomato juice diet

You can lose weight with tomato juice in different ways. Let's look at the simplest and most effective ones.

Fasting day on tomato juice. After the holidays or regularly twice a week, you can do a fasting day. You can’t eat during it, but you can freely drink up to 1.5 liters of tomato juice, a glass every time you feel hungry. In addition, do not forget about water - you should drink at least 4 glasses of it.

Tomato juice in the healthy nutrition menu. Add to proper nutrition tomato juice and Lose weight for as long as you like without harm to your health. Daily diet:

  1. Breakfast. Scrambled eggs from 1-2 eggs, a piece of bread.
  2. Lunch: A glass of tomato juice.
  3. Dinner: a portion of any soup and a slice of bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit or salad of vegetables or fruits.
  5. Dinner: meat/poultry/fish and vegetable side dish without potatoes.
  6. Before bed– if you’re hungry, you can drink a little tomato juice – half a glass.

Whichever method of losing weight using this juice you choose, the results will not keep you waiting, especially if you add a couple of hours of exercise a week to your schedule.

It is known that tomatoes contain many vitamins that help speed up metabolic processes and fast weight loss. Incredibly, the juice from these products contains much more beneficial substances for the human body.

Tomato juice is great as a diet for weight loss and can be combined with almost all foods. For example, this drink is recommended for those who adhere to the Dash diet.

Studies have shown that people who consume products in combination with this fresh juice lose more kilograms than those who do not drink it at all. How healthy a tomato drink is and what its main properties are, we will consider in this article.

Useful properties of tomato juice

Tomato juice brings many benefits to the human body. First of all, this delicious, filling drink, enriched with vitamins, promotes rapid weight loss. Let's take a closer look properties of tomato juice for weight loss:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • relieves tension;
  • cleanses the body of germs;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • improves memory;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • lowers intraocular pressure.

Is tomato juice good for weight loss? The main property of a tomato drink is to reduce weight without compromising your health. In order to properly lose weight, you need to drink half a glass before breakfast and after dinner.

Tomato juice - benefits and harms for weight loss:

  • increases pain;
  • contraindicated for ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • not recommended for use in cases of poisoning;
  • the combination of this drink with bread, meat, potatoes, eggs, fish and cottage cheese promotes the formation of kidney stones;
  • combination with vegetable fats increases its digestibility in the body;
  • digestibility is also increased due to its combination with nuts and cheese;
  • the benefits of the drink increase when mixed with apple, pumpkin and lemon juices and herbs;
  • 100 grams of tomato juice contains 21 kcal.

How to drink correctly?

Two glasses of the above drink per day replace a person daily norm vitamins A, C and B. Let's look at how to drink tomato juice correctly when dieting for weight loss.

First of all, you need to remember that fresh tomato juice should be drunk only in its pure form, without adding any flavoring spices to it. It is also not recommended to prepare this drink in any way, since in this case all its beneficial properties and vitamins are lost.

A tomato drink is consumed at night to reduce fat in the body. This is an excellent alternative to dinner, as the drink is light and easily digestible. For maximum effectiveness, tomato juice for weight loss is best mixed with celery juice.

For the greatest benefit, tomato juice should be consumed half an hour before meals.

Tomato juice with sour cream for weight loss

Sour cream and tomatoes are a great variation useful properties for cleansing the body and diet for weight loss. In case of hunger, it is allowed to eat rice with sour cream and tomato sauce. Of course, sour cream must be low-calorie or completely low-fat, otherwise there will be no weight loss effect.

The benefit of this fermented milk product is that it is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. These substances strengthen bones, restore strength and contribute to the body's resistance to stress.

Menu for the day To lose weight with this diet it should look like this:

  • Breakfast: a tablespoon of sour cream, washed down with 200 ml of fresh tomato juice;
  • Lunch: two spoons of sour cream and 400 ml of fresh tomato juice;
  • Dinner: half a tablespoon of sour cream and 100 ml of fresh tomato juice.

Buckwheat with tomato juice

Buckwheat with tomato juice is one of the most effective combinations for weight loss. Buckwheat porridge contains a lot of proteins, iron, magnesium and calcium. It saturates the body with fiber, thereby eliminating extra pounds, if consumed only in its pure form, without salt and various flavoring additives.

The buckwheat-tomato diet for weight loss is designed for two weeks and its main essence is to drink the drink half an hour before buckwheat porridge. In the diet of such a restrictive diet, mushrooms, potatoes in moderation, lean chicken meat, cottage cheese, cucumbers, and tomatoes are allowed.

Menu for the day This diet looks like this:

  • Breakfast: 200 ml of tomato drink and 100 g of cottage cheese with diet bread;
  • Lunch: 150 g of buckwheat porridge, tomato and cucumber salad, dressed with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken and 150 g of buckwheat.

Please note that buckwheat should not be boiled, but rather steamed, so that the beneficial substances do not leave it during cooking.

Tomatoes and kefir

Kefir enriches the body with beneficial bifidobacteria. Tomato juice with kefir for weight loss - provides a double portion of nutrients and cleanses the intestines of harmful waste and toxins.

The main rule the above diet for weight loss: consume fresh tomatoes in the first half of the day, kefir in the second. Kefir should be low in fat or completely low-fat. This diet allows for a few slices of wholemeal bread.

The duration of the diet should not exceed two days.

  • pregnancy;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

A diet for weight loss based on kefir and tomatoes can lead to the following ailments:

  • lack of sleep;
  • weakness;
  • apathy.

Useful menu for the day looks like this:

  • Breakfast: 200 ml fresh tomato;
  • Lunch: two slices of bread;
  • Dinner: 250 ml kefir.

Fasting days

Dietary restrictions in themselves do not imply the use of only this product. In addition to the tomato drink, the following are allowed:

  • cottage cheese;
  • bread;
  • apple;
  • chicken;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes.

Menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: 200 ml of tomato drink and a few slices of wholemeal bread;
  • Lunch: 350 ml fresh tomato juice and 150 g boiled rice;
  • Dinner: 250 ml of freshly squeezed tomatoes and 100 g of boiled chicken.

Fasting days on fresh tomato contraindicated for:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • liver and kidney diseases.


Due to the mass of beneficial properties, the most popular weight loss diet with tomato juice is. This dietary restriction is designed for three days and his diet, in addition to fresh tomato, may include boiled rice.

Let's consider menu for a diet with tomato juice:

  • In the first fasting day You need to boil 200 g of rice and, dividing it into 4 equal portions, consume it throughout the day. Each serving of rice should be washed down with 100 ml of freshly squeezed tomatoes.
  • On the second day, the menu becomes stricter and is reduced to three meals. At each meal, you should consume one tablespoon of rice and wash down with 150 ml of tomato juice.
  • The diet of the final third day contains 2 liters of fresh tomato juice and an unlimited amount of fresh water without gas.

Like any diet, dietary restrictions on tomato juice have their own