Mill with a weight technique. The “mill” exercise, familiar to everyone from childhood

It is impossible to achieve the ideal physique without the right physical activities. At a minimum, you need to do morning exercises every day. A wide variety of physical exercises have been developed to develop each individual muscle group. One of these is “Melnitsa”, which is well known to everyone since childhood. Physical exercise with additional loads perfectly helps to tighten the body, get rid of excess fat on the sides and form a thin, beautiful waist.

Technique for performing the “Mill”

The main advantage of this physical exercise is the ease of its implementation. The classic version without additional loads is suitable for any category of people. It is often included in a complex of physical exercises for training.

Execution order:

  • you need to stand on your feet, straighten your back, your feet should be shoulder-width apart;
  • Next, you need to tilt 90 degrees forward, your right arm should be raised up, your left arm should be lowered, and you should also keep your back straight;
  • We begin to perform rotational movements with our hands in different sides(When left hand is located at the bottom, you need to reach it to the sock right leg, respectively, right to the toe of the left foot);
  • We begin to do it slowly, gradually accelerating the pace.

Important! You should not develop a high speed of rotation with your arms if you are doing the exercise for the first time. You should not make sudden movements, and if you suddenly feel dizzy, you need to take a break. It is recommended to first “hone” the correct execution of the physical element, and for a better understanding, watch the training video.

The effectiveness of video lessons

The ideal place for sports is, of course, a fitness club equipped with modern and safe sports equipment, and most importantly, under the guidance of a professional instructor. But not everyone can afford a visit sports complex for various reasons, for example, due to lack of time, limited budget.

Still, despite such reasons, we must not forget about the benefits of playing sports. You can independently figure out the rules for performing physical exercises, in particular, with the “Mill,” and perform them at home in your free time from work. The best assistant in this matter is a training video.

At first glance, “The Mill” is a very simple element of physical exercise, but still some nuances are inherent in it. When watching the video, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • correct placement of feet;
  • at what angle are rotations performed by the arms;
  • the position of the back (it should be straight), knees (they should not be bent);
  • movement of the back during training.

It is important to understand! To get rid of fat on the sides, exercise alone is not enough; at the same time, you need to ensure proper nutrition.

"Mill" with additional load

There are many options to complicate the exercise, but before increasing the load, especially on the back, it is recommended to carefully study and work on the classic method. Otherwise, you may not see results, while also harming your own health.

Mill with weight

A complicated version of the “Mill” exercise, which is intended for strength training. Develops the strength and flexibility of the athlete.

Execution rules:

This strength exercise do 5-7 approaches, for beginners three is enough.

Mill on one leg

The “Mill” exercise becomes much more difficult when performed on one leg. This option helps not only to form a spectacular waist, but also to strengthen muscle mass legs, develop endurance, learn to maintain balance.


“Mill” – simple, yet effective physical exercise which can be done at home, for example, on morning exercises. But at the same time you need to understand that's all sports exercises give the desired result in combination, subject to proper nutrition. Therefore, before you start playing sports on your own, it is recommended to consult with a professional sports coach, which will help you choose the optimal physical activity program for you. Only after this can you start working on your body!

The kettlebell mill is an excellent exercise that develops flexibility and strength in the torso and shoulders. This exercise involves large number muscle groups.

Exercise “mill” with a kettlebell: video

Rules for performing the exercise

Starting position:

  1. Before starting the exercise, the kettlebell stands in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Through a squat, lift the weight to your shoulder and press it above your head.
  3. Bend your free arm at the elbow and place it behind your back.
  4. The gaze is directed forward.

Position 1:

  1. Holding the kettlebell at arm's length, push your pelvis toward your working arm.
  2. Turn the foot you will be leaning towards 45 degrees. T
  3. Now bend your torso until it is parallel to the floor or as far as you can.
  4. The working hand remains in its original position. As you move, look at the weight.

End position:

  1. Slowly return the body to starting position, make sure that the weight always remains vertically upward.
  2. The gaze is directed forward. This is your starting position

Repeat the “mill” as many times as necessary. Watch the technique of performing the exercise. A variation could be a “mill” without weights.

Description of the exercise

“Mill” with a weight is a basic type of exercise, a kind of stretching of muscles under a weight load. In addition, this technique provides stabilization of the shoulder girdle joints. The equipment you will need to perform is a kettlebell. You choose the weight of the weight according to your own strength. Given exercise will do both women and men.

This video offers an option for stretching the abs on the floor. Sit on the mat, bend your legs at an angle of 60 degrees, knees apart, heels together. Place your right hand on the floor behind your back, place your left hand behind your head. Begin to slowly lean into right side. After this, do the same to the left.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's take a look together at what muscle groups work when performing the “mill” with a kettlebell. main muscle group The one involved in the work is the press (straight, transverse and oblique).

Accessory muscles are also involved. Among them shoulder girdle, buttocks (small and middle), hips (posterior surface, adductors and infraspinatus).

The main focus is on the press. When lifting, the emphasis shifts to the lower torso (lower back, buttocks and thighs). During lowering, the shoulder girdle and triceps are involved in the work.

Benefits of exercise

  • The mill is one of best exercises to the oblique abdominal muscles
  • Many muscle groups are involved at the same time
  • The exercise is a pulling exercise, which allows you to perfectly stretch your back, legs and abs.

Basic mistakes

  1. Tipping the weight to the side. In this position, the load is transferred to the shoulders and arm muscles. The weight should be positioned strictly vertically upward.
  2. The gaze is directed to the leg to which the tilt is performed. This leads to uncoordination of movement. The head should always look at the weight during the exercise.

Lead-up exercises

The “mill” exercise with a kettlebell has intermediate level complexity. Let's look at the guides that will help you master the exercise quickly and with maximum comfort.

  • "Mill" without weights . In this exercise you will do the same thing, only without weights. In this case, you must focus on what your lower body is doing and also keep an eye on your arm, which is in a vertical position.

It should not fall over and should always be directed straight up. This exercise is performed in order to understand the technique and get used to it.

  • Next you can proceed to low mill - everything is the same, only a weight is included in the work. It is located in the hand, which is lowered down, and the hand above also remains simply extended. In this case, we add weights.

Once you have mastered the low mill, you can begin performing the kettlebell mill.

Alternative exercises

“Mill” with a weight without weights. In this exercise you do the same thing, only without weights. This exercise is performed in order to understand the technique of execution and get used to it, and then proceed to the “mill” with weights.

Turns with a disc from a barbell. The exercise is performed sitting on the floor, legs straight. Hold the plate with both hands at abdominal level, arms slightly bent. Cross your legs at the ankles and lift them, knees slightly bent. As you exhale, turn the plate to the left and touch it to the floor.

Russian crunches with weights

Weighted crunches. In this exercise, the load is concentrated on the abdominal muscles. Performed while lying on the floor. Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, hold the weight at chest level or with your arms extended above your torso. Start contracting your abdominal muscles. It is important to work with the abs, and not with other muscles.

Weighted crunches

Side bends with dumbbells. The exercise is aimed at developing the abdominal muscles. Stand up straight, take a dumbbell in one hand, and place the other on your belt. Bend at the waist, pause and return to the starting position. Switch hands. You can also perform this exercise with a kettlebell or barbell.

Side bends with dumbbells

Training complex

The mill exercise with a kettlebell can be used in various complexes, and the following video shows one of them.

Healthy lifestyle and beautiful figure- this is the dream of every woman. Extra pounds First of all, they are deposited on the stomach, and how would you like to have a slim body? To do this, you should perform a set of exercises daily, including the “Mill”. Exercises with deflections and leg lifts will help make your sides elastic and beautiful, due to which your waist will look much more attractive.

“Mill” is an exercise undoubtedly familiar to each of us since school, when in physical education lessons we did a warm-up or did aerobics. This exercise has several execution options, each of which trains a specific muscle group. This complex will help not only get rid of a few extra pounds, but also stretch and strengthen the muscular system.

The “Mill” exercise for the waist is simply irreplaceable. The main thing is to put in the effort and a little patience, and after a while the result will pleasantly please you. Exercising, of course, must be accompanied by a moderate, balanced diet for the effect to be truly noticeable.

Classic "Mill" - exercise. How to do it?

First you should do a good warm-up: jumping rope, squats. After the body has warmed up a little and the muscles are ready for intensive training, you can proceed to the most important thing. To take the starting position, you should stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your body forward at a right angle, and your chest and stomach should be parallel to the floor. “Mill” is an exercise that must be performed without additional load on your back, so you can spread your legs a little wider so that they are level.

You need to spread your arms to the sides, also parallel to the floor, inhale and, as you exhale, touch the toe of the opposite leg with your right hand, without lifting your heels or bending your knees. While the right hand goes down, the left goes up above the back. Thus, a kind of rotation of the body is obtained, and vice versa - the left hand goes to the right leg, and the right one rises up. You should feel that your back is straight and your arms are strong. Such movements will help contract the lateral muscles on the abdomen and waist.

If you feel tired in your arms, legs or back, take the starting position and repeat again after a while. “Mill” is an exercise that should be performed no more than twice a day with sets of 10 turns in each direction.

If you work this exercise well, you can begin to complicate it: bend lower, reach with your hands not to your toes, but to your feet, you can pick up dumbbells or some other weight.

When the muscles of your sides and abdomen begin to become more elastic, you will notice good result: the body will become slimmer and the waist will acquire an attractive shape. The main thing is not to stop there!

Without physical activity and with the right exercises it is impossible to achieve an ideal body.

There are a wide variety of exercises that involve certain muscle groups.

One of effective exercises For toned body called "Mill". It is familiar to everyone since childhood.

It should not be underestimated, as it allows you to create a toned waist and get rid of fat deposits on the sides.

So, in this article we will look at this exercise in detail, the technique of execution and common mistakes.

What muscles are involved?

Depending on the option chosen for execution, various groups muscles. In any case, if the technique is followed, the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles work. Works well lower press.

In some options, a significant load is placed on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the muscles back surface hips. When performing the mill with dumbbells, the arm muscles are significantly strengthened.

Options and technique for performing the exercise

Many variations of the “Mill” exercise have been developed. The choice should be based on what result you would like to achieve. In addition, when choosing an option, initial physical training is important.

Classic "Mill"

This option is called classic because it is known to everyone, and underlies many other variations.

This exact exercise was done an infinite number of times in school physical education lessons.

It is performed simply: you need to bend parallel to the floor and spread your arms to the sides, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Using the strength of the abs and lateral muscles, it is necessary to rotate the body, touching the toes of the opposite foot with your fingers. It is important to follow the technique and breathe correctly.

The body must be completely tense, because if this is not done, the legs and buttocks will not be involved in the process. For greater effectiveness, it is worth working out the exercise not only with the abs, but also with the leg muscles.

Mill with weight

This is a significantly more complicated option that is suitable for strength training. It develops flexibility and strength. For correct execution exercises should be done like this:

  1. Place the weight on your shoulder and push it up.
  2. Position the thigh that corresponds to the hand in which the kettlebell is located. For example, if the kettlebell is in the left hand, then the left thigh should be pointed to the left.
  3. Inhale, and on the way out, bend down along the leg, which is on the opposite side of the weight. Your free hand should touch the toe, sliding down that leg.

This exercise must be performed 5-7 times. You can start performing the number of approaches from 3.

"Mill" on one leg

This option wonderfully develops the vestibular apparatus. In addition, the load falls on the muscles of the abs, legs and buttocks. At first, the presented option may seem impossible, but this is only at the first stage, since, once you get used to it, you can appreciate all the advantages.

This exercise is suitable for people with sufficient physical fitness, but for beginners it is better to start with the classic version and gradually develop the technique.

Other complications

You can perform the “Mill” in the classic version, but if stretching allows, reach with your hands not to your toes, but to the floor with your full palm. However, we must not forget about straight legs, back and toned muscles.

To add weight to the classic “Mill,” you can pick up dumbbells. However, the rhythm when performing such an exercise should be moderate and calm. This is required to protect the shoulder girdle from injury.

Everyone chooses the weight of dumbbells independently. At the first stage, you need to take the smallest weight, for example, 0.5 kg. Then the load can be gradually increased.

Execution Rules

The most important thing in performing any exercise is technique. Only with proper execution can you achieve the desired result.

So, how to correctly perform the “Mill” exercise. The optimal procedure looks like this:

  1. Stand on your full foot, without shifting your center of gravity.
  2. Place your feet at a width equal to shoulder width.
  3. Lean forward so that your body is parallel to the floor.
  4. Extend your arms straight out in opposite directions.
  5. Inhale, then exhale, touch right hand toe of the left foot.
  6. Inhale again, and while exhaling, change position - left hand to the toe of the right foot. In this case, the free hand should always make a straight line with the other and point upward.

The pace and rhythm are set by each individual. It depends on physical training, capabilities and individual characteristics.

However, during the execution process it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • Be sure to keep your back straight. This is the only way to create correct load on muscles;
  • breathe evenly and constantly. You should not stop breathing, as the correct supply of oxygen guarantees optimal fat burning;
  • legs cannot be bent;
  • perform movements using lateral and abdominal muscles, and not by waving your arms;
  • Tighten your stomach and tighten your buttocks as well as your legs. This will enable additional groups muscles.

To perform any exercise or complex you need the right approach. However, mistakes are often made precisely in the technique of the exercise, which greatly reduces its effectiveness.

The most common are:

  • bending the legs, lack of tension in them;
  • back bending. It must be straight;
  • the rhythm is too fast. The exercise must be worked through, and this requires a moderate rhythm;
  • rotation due to the swing of the arms. This error completely destroys all positive effect from doing the exercise.

Thus, it is very important to observe the correct execution of the “Mill”, otherwise there will be no sense in it, and all the conditions will come to naught.

The ideal female body cannot be imagined without a chiseled, thin waist. Therefore, no matter how much you pump up your abs, without hard work on the internal oblique abdominal muscles, you will not have an ideal waist. There are several varieties special exercises to work the lateral abdominal muscles: backbends, various twists, lateral leg raises, mill, etc. Today we will look at the “Mill” exercise. It should be noted that this type load differs in several implementation options, each of which will work out separate group muscles.

Exercise mill for the sides: options for execution

1. Classic mill. The most common option. It is familiar to literally everyone, because this is exactly the exercise we did in our childhood physical training classes. If someone has forgotten, then you can remind them. From a standing position, you need to bend over so that your tummy and chest are parallel to the floor. Note that the angle between the stomach and legs should be clearly 90 degrees. This is extremely important, because only in this case the back will not experience additional stress, especially when the exercise is weighted with weights. Your feet should be spaced slightly wider than shoulder width apart. If you can’t keep your legs straight all the time, then spread them even further.

Spread your arms in different directions, press your fingers together. Inhale, and as you exhale, touch your left leg with your right hand, inhale back again, and exhale, your left hand should touch your right leg. Each time the free hand should look up.

The exercise should be performed calmly, without rushing. The most important thing is to make sure that your legs are not bent, that your arms are strong and straight, and that your back remains level. Please note that all movements should be carried out only by contracting the lateral muscles of your peritoneum.

The buttocks, legs and arms will only be effectively stretched and worked if you remember to tense them. This only means that your body should be stretched out like a string. Only then will such an exercise be useful and effective in all directions. As soon as you feel tired, immediately return to the original position. After resting a little, move on to another approach. There shouldn’t be many of them, two are enough. However, each set should contain 8-12 repetitions in each direction.

2. Complication options. If your stretch allows you, then you can bend lower and touch your feet while doing it. If you can perform a simple mill with ease and do not feel a stretch in your muscles, then as you twist, touch your hands to an area of ​​the floor that is slightly to the side and in front of your feet. In this case, the shoulder of the involved hand will come from the side so that you will additionally stretch lateral muscles legs and abdomen.

In addition, you can take a dumbbell in each hand. Let it be a small weight at the very beginning - 0.5 kg dumbbells will be enough. When the muscles get used to it a little, you can gradually increase the weight up to 2-3 kilograms.

Remember, in order for the exercise to be safe for the back, it must be performed at a calm rhythm, especially if you additionally use weights.

We offer you a list effective ways who will help you.

Examples of CrossFit workouts for weight loss. You will find what CrossFit is in practice.

3. Mill for the rectus abdominis muscles. The mill can also be used to work the rectus abdominis muscles. This option is very popular among bodybuilders, as it perfectly works the back, arms, and shoulders.

The technique for performing it is as follows: stand straight, arms below, feet shoulder-width apart. This mill must be done with weights. So, as you exhale, one hand should slide straight down to the distance that your personal stretch will allow, for example, to the knee. In this case, the second arm is simply lowered down (if you need to work the muscles in your arms, you should bend it at the elbow, as if pressing it to your waist). It turns out that you don’t need to stop in the middle position even for a second.

When the muscles are warm enough, from a standing position you need to try to reach the feet of the same leg with your hand. In this case, the body needs to be tilted forward slightly. The second hand should be raised up.

You can do the mill while standing on one leg. This option may seem difficult only at the very beginning. However, over time, your technique will improve and you will be able to perform it without problems. In this case, the anterior rectus abdominis muscles will be worked, as well as the oblique muscles. Besides, good load get the lower abs, buttocks and legs. Other than that, it's a great workout. vestibular apparatus. So, when performing it, one leg should rise and press the knee to the chest line. After this, the movement must be repeated with your hands in the same way as discussed in the first exercise. Next we change the leg. Remember that the main thing is not to rush. It is necessary to carefully control the quality of movement of both arms and the balance of the body. Do not forget that it is the abdominal muscles that should work, since it is this group of muscles that should set the body in motion.

This is how it is, effective, accessible and simple - the “mill” exercise. Do it at least 3-4 times a week and within a few months you will begin to notice the long-awaited results.