How to become a fitness girl for everyone. How to turn from a housewife with cellulite into a fit woman in six months

We won’t be lying if we say that every girl dreams of a good figure and a beautiful body. But for some it remains a dream, because you don’t want to give up your favorite treats and other goodies (you only live once!). And someone, on the contrary, in pursuit of cherished forms is ready to make the most desperate sacrifices. A young woman from Petrozavodsk, who went from publics in the spirit of “40 kilograms” to a passion for healthy lifestyle and healthy training, told us frankly, but anonymously, about how the goal of becoming a “fit girl” appears, about starvation diets and long hours of training.

Until I was 20, I was in happy confidencethat everything is fine with my figure. She ate what she wanted and when she wanted. And the first, and the second, and the third, and compote, and pies at work, and ice cream, and fried potatoes at night. Now I look at my old photos and am horrified - that’s a cow! And then I thought I was very slim and fit. Moreover, I worked out honestly in the gym - I did 30 repetitions on all available machines. And, as women’s magazines advise, she pumped her abs 40 times, hooking her legs on the sofa.

The turning point came when my boyfriend and I went for the first time relax together. I remember it was Egypt. As usual, I didn’t deny myself anything, including ten types of desserts for dinner, and in between I actively posed against the backdrop of the sea in a swimsuit. When I returned, I looked through the photos and for the first time I was horrified: there were no slender curves or six-pack abs, although I was in the happy confidence that I had all this. But there were emerging “ears” on the sides.

At first I was perplexed: how is it possible - what about the press, and what about the gym? Then I began to think about what to do about it. I didn’t want to give up the goodies and buns. So for some time I continued to live as before, without much torment. And then, in the vastness of the Internet, I came across the LJ of “fitness guru” Lena Miro. And, using her terminology, I began to understand: if you eat, it means you’re a pig. But a normal girl cannot afford to be a pig. This means you can't eat.

I don’t remember exactly how it all happened, but gradually I turned into a maniac gym. I worked out every day for one and a half to two hours, if suddenly it happened that I missed a workout (and this almost never happened, because even a cold and fever are not a reason not to go to the gym), I immediately began to feel that I had “everything” there saggy." At the same time large scales I diligently avoided it (what if my arms became like a man’s) and worked my ass off with all sorts of body bars and small barbells. The same program, week after week. Moreover, I tried not to touch the “top” much, but I hammered the “bottom” for hours. And even on vacation I didn’t relax - every day I regularly studied for an hour and a half according to my own program.

In the end, I finally found the desired curves. But I continued to feel like I had too much extra. Therefore, in addition to training in the gym, I also added many hours of home exercises with weights and dumbbells. I organized a sports corner at home. Then it seemed to me that this was not enough, and I started running - almost an hour every day, first on the street, then on the track in the gym.

At the same time, I carefully limited myself in food., was guided by the principle “less is better.” For breakfast - yogurt, for lunch - a pack low-fat cottage cheese, for dinner - nothing. For every “extra” piece or random piece of chocolate, I then reproached myself for half a day. Immediately it began to seem that the forms were blurring before our eyes. All my thoughts revolved around food - what I ate today, what I didn’t eat, what I would like to eat. In stores, I could hang out for half an hour near the display cases with pastries and cakes - imagining what I would eat if it were possible.

When family and friends told me I was getting too thin, I didn’t believe them - I saw my shortcomings very well and knew how much “extra” I still had. Moreover, somewhere deep in the subconscious I understood that this was wrong and abnormal. And for the first time I was even a little scared when I saw 46 kilograms on the scales (and this is with a height of 175 centimeters). But then these 46 kilograms became the standard for me. Every morning, when I woke up, I ran to the scales, and was very upset when I saw at least two hundred grams more. It seemed that after 50 kg there was no more life.

I am still surprised how these experiments did not lead to serious health problems. But relationships with friends and family suffered - even for the sake of friendly gatherings, I could never miss a workout. And feasts with relatives have turned into real torture - it’s very difficult to control yourself when there are so many delicious things nearby, and everyone around you is slurping deliciously and persuading you to eat at least a spoonful of salad, because “there’s nothing for you, you’re so skinny.”

Everything changed unexpectedly. The nomination “fitness bikini” suddenly began to come into fashion. And I suddenly thought: since I work out so much in the gym, why shouldn’t I take part? I started preparing - I changed the weights to “heavy” ones (an empty bar weighing 20 kilograms, yeah), and, as expected, I started “drying” - I read on the Internet that this was necessary, but, as it now turns out, I had no idea how it would be it should really be. The “drying” was that my already meager diet became even more meager. And from lunch until the morning I simply didn’t eat anything. But I’ve already been training for two and a half hours. And how soon did you have enough strength? I remember that already in the morning the thought that I had to go to the gym in the evening began to depress me.

It’s unlikely that I would have lasted long in this mode, but after a trip to the competition I suddenly experienced a break in the pattern. Looking at other girls, I realized that thinness is not the key to success. On the contrary. And being thin and lethargic is not beautiful. And that you definitely can’t get athletic, appetizing shape this way. But the bouquet of diseases and health problems is quite. And for the first time I wanted to be not thin, but “juicy”, with muscles and pleasant curves in the right places. The kind that is now called the fashionable word “fitonyashka”.

But the body, accustomed to many hours of exhausting training, simply did not want to give up and change.. The hardest thing was to reconsider and change my attitude towards food and training. And if, six months after the start of the “new life,” I was able to accustom myself to the idea of ​​training 3-4 times a week for 40 minutes, maximum for an hour, and not with a body bar, but with decent ones, which are constantly increasing (and at the same time do a few basic exercises, and not try to cram into the program all the types of lunges, deadlifts and squats I know), this is normal and no imaginary sides in between will grow from this and my butt will not sag, but on the contrary, everything was fine with food much more difficult.

I literally had to force myself to eat something with more calories. cucumber or low-fat cottage cheese. I convinced myself that this was necessary. And she put the scales away so as not to get upset again. But gradually my train of thought began to change, and buckwheat, brown rice, meat and even pasta (only whole grains and durum wheat, if that) returned to my diet. I still adhere to proper nutrition, I don’t eat pork, I give up mayonnaise salads, pies and tea cakes, but I never skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I always have snacks in between. I monitor the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in my diet - the muscles need something to grow from. I don't avoid sports nutrition. And once a week I do a so-called “cheat meal” - I allow myself everything my heart desires. It’s psychologically easier, and progress goes faster. And I still hardly weigh myself - all I need to do is look in the mirror to assess the situation.

And, most importantly, I train for my own pleasure. Earlier training It was like mandatory hard labor for me - I don’t want to, but I have to. And now I train with eagerness and excitement: this indescribable feeling of anticipation when you just start training, put your hands on the barbell and get ready to make your first approach. And through “I can’t” you finish the last one. And after - pleasant fatigue and a feeling of complete satisfaction.

True, even now not everyone around me shares my passion: as soon as I began to see the first results in the mirror, well-wishers immediately appeared who thought “this is too much” and “there’s no need to pump anymore.” Moreover, it happens that this is said by the same people for whom a year ago I was “too thin.” And now she’s already pumped up, you see. Although every “quality” kilogram I gain is still difficult for me, and I haven’t gained as much as I would like. But I try not to pay attention to such statements - for average people, especially for some reason for women who themselves have never held anything heavier than a carton of milk in their hands, any hint of muscles is already “too much”.

These days, almost every girl who wants to be trendy has at least a few photos from the gym. You won’t be surprised by complex formulas for calculating the energy value of a daily diet; she knows why they drink protein shakes, and understands exercise routines. Healthy image life now is a fashionable trend, symbolized by fitonyashes.

Abroad, girls who regularly go to gyms are called "fit chicks", or "fitness chicks" . These are not pumped-up bodybuilders, but they are not thin models either. Fitonyas should have a perfectly sculpted figure: toned buttocks, slender legs, narrow waist, well-developed arm muscles (although, judging by popular public pages, it is enough to be thin and in a tight workout suit). The ideal fitness girl is similar to Wonder icon-star-o Woman (Wonder Woman), a character from the popular MARVEL comic book series.

Many girls who have become fitness girls publish their success stories on various websites, blogs, and especially popularly in:

  • Most often, such stories begin with a description of life “before.” The description is accompanied by photographs;
  • then the emphasis is placed on the moment after which the girl decided to change her life. This could be a breakup with a young man who no longer likes perfect girl, or such a moment could be the example of a fit friend;
  • after the turning point comes a story about training, new habits, changes in appearance. Intermediate stages can also be illustrated;
  • finally, a resume is made and the fit girl demonstrates her current beautiful figure and the “after” result.

How to become a fitness girl?


Fit girls do not go on strict diets, because any unreasonable restriction in food prevents them from getting an ideal athletic figure. Thus, a sharp reduction in diet leads to the fact that the body begins to “stock up”, metabolism slows down and weight gain occurs even from low-calorie foods. The diet should be balanced; the option of “lettuce for breakfast, lunch and dinner” is completely unsuitable for a fit person.

Fitness experts count not only calories, but also the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed. Numerous tables and calculators of BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) help them with this.

The usual daily intake for a fitness lady is 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, 50 g of carbohydrates, 35 g of fat. Sweets and very high-calorie foods can be eaten little by little and only in the morning; in the evening it is better to prefer protein foods. You need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water per day. You should eat in small portions with a break between meals of about three hours.

Building perfect figure, many gymnasts use special sports nutrition. The most popular product is protein shake, which has a high protein content and a minimal content of fats and carbohydrates, which helps build muscle mass.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes are actively used. They regulate metabolism and help replenish the deficiency. important elements, if for some reason these elements do not enter the body with food.


Fitness girls train according to special programs that take into account the characteristics of the female body. Basically, these are various variations of high-repetition training that allow you to quickly build up muscle mass and shape the body relief. It is better not to use programs designed for men: women have different hormonal levels and special reactions to stress. Men can train day after day in the same mode, but women must take into account menstruation. Depending on this, the intensity of the load changes.

You shouldn’t rush headlong into feats and strive to become a fitness athlete in a month. A girl leading a sedentary lifestyle should start with short workouts: for the first time, twenty minutes three times a week is enough. Soon you can move on to more serious loads (two and a half hours of training per week).

Women cannot gain muscle mass as quickly as men. A gain of about 0.5 kilograms of muscle per month is considered normal, provided intensive training three times a week. Intense exercise includes running, exercise, and cycling. Training without “days off” between them will not help build muscle; on the contrary, mass will be lost.


I want to be beautiful, but life likes to present surprises. Today is my birthday, tomorrow I’m too lazy to go to the gym, the day after tomorrow my friend convinces me “love yourself as you are” . In order not to lose the will to win, many gymnasts and those who want to become one are members of various groups and “publics” in social networks. There you can show off your first results, ask for advice, and get new information.

If you want to know how to become a fitness model at home, then you must understand that fitness models look attractive not only because of the low percentage of fat mass in the body, but also because of well-developed muscles. This allows you to make your figure feminine, because slender legs, firm buttocks thin waist- exactly what men value so much in a woman.

It is very important not just to want to achieve this goal, but to understand how to become a fitness trainer at home. Very often girls believe the myths of the fitness industry and commit large number errors. It is they who do not allow them to get the desired result.

How to become a fit girl at home: basic mistakes

Inappropriate Use of Low-Carb Diet Programs

Any professional athlete, who does fitness between bulking cycles and cutting, uses a 2-week recovery cycle. This makes it possible for the body to readjust to a new way of life. If a girl who just a couple of days ago was eating incorrectly, and now suddenly decides to reduce her carbohydrate intake to 1 gram per kilogram of weight for cutting, is only doing harm to her health.

Such a step completely neutralizes all her achievements in the fight against fat. The situation is similar with low-calorie nutrition programs. To activate lipolysis processes, it is necessary to create an average energy deficit of 500 calories daily. For example, a girl uses a diet whose energy value is 1200 calories and believes that this will help get rid of excess fat.

However, such a nutritional program simply cannot provide the body with all the important nutrients needed to combat overweight. As a result, lipolysis processes simply slow down. You must always remember that the body's main source of energy is carbohydrates.

If you deliberately create a large energy deficit, you simply will not be able to carry out exercises with sufficient efficiency that can activate fat burning processes. However, this is not all you need to remember if you want to know how to become a fitness trainer at home.

When you sharply reduce the energy value of your diet, the thyroid gland reacts to this extremely sharply. At this point, this organ reduces the production of essential hormones, which are extremely important for regulating body temperature. In addition, the rate of leptin secretion also decreases.

If you consume few carbohydrates, the body synthesizes ketones, which are an intermediate stage in fat metabolism. This in turn leads to a sharp increase in the risk of developing ketoacidosis, among side effects which should be noted is deterioration in breathing and disruption of the heart muscle.

The consumption of protein compounds must also be approached responsibly. A deficiency of this nutrient will lead to the destruction of muscle tissue, and an excess will cause the appearance of kidney stones. We remind you once again to follow a balanced nutrition program. Your diet must include not only chicken breasts, but also carbohydrates and fats.

Limiting the consumption of certain foods

If you have eliminated sugar and other simple carbohydrates, then you did the right thing. This step will allow you to keep your appetite under complete control, normalize sugar concentrations and speed up the utilization of fat cellular structures.

However, if girls, having read articles on how to become fit at home, are excluded from the nutrition program healthy products, for example, eggs or red meat, then they are making a grave mistake. Vegetables contain many micronutrients and plant fibers necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

Eggs and red meat are excellent sources of B vitamins and minerals that are involved in hormone production. You must remember that, contrary to popular belief, red meat is necessary for the female body to a greater extent compared to men. This is due to the girl’s body’s higher need for iron, and meat is best source this microelement.

Wrong workouts

To lose weight, you need to exercise any kind of activity, but only a certain amount is suitable for strengthening muscles. If you work in a high-repetition mode during training, then this is not bad, but you will not be able to create an athletic physique. You may spend a lot of time on the stepper or doing Pilates, but to build muscles you only need strength training. If you decide to learn how to become a fitness trainer at home, then first decide on your goals. However, in any case, you need to use the principle of periodization in your training program.

Incorrectly planned time

Often, girls are sure that to fight excess weight, it is enough to go to the fitness center a couple of times and jump in the gym or do several sets of squats. But it is necessary to remember the importance of activity in everyday life, because it also has a positive effect on lipolysis processes. It is its absence or insufficient quantity that is the main reason for many girls’ complaints about the lack of progress with proper nutrition and exercise.

Belief in myths about phytonies

The main mistake of most girls is the belief that fit girls have an extremely simple life. Remember, not a single fitness model manages to look the same as on stage throughout the year. Some of them try to maintain a relatively dry form all the time, but this requires a lot of effort. This is easier for some, but more difficult for others, because no one has abolished genetics. Don't trust photos posted online. Anyone will share only their best photos.

How to become a fit girl at home: where to start?


Without a properly organized balanced diet, you will not be able to achieve your goals. Moreover, it is your nutrition program that should be of paramount importance, not training. If you have the opportunity, we recommend that you seek help from a nutritionist. With its help, you will create a nutrition program that best suits your goals and body characteristics.

You should not use programs that are online. They can only become an example and a starting point for you. Based on them, you must create your own, because your body has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. If a certain diet helps one person fight fat and maintain a healthy body in great shape, then it can cause harm to the second one.

At the same time, there are several general rules that you should follow. However, we remind you that the nutrition program must be individual. Let's get to know general rules on creating the right diet:

  • You can eat food a maximum of three hours before bedtime. However, a glass of kefir before bed won't hurt.
  • Avoid fast food products.
  • Eliminate all fast carbohydrates from your diet.
  • Maintain the correct ratio of essential nutrients.
  • Introduce limits on the amount of fried and fatty foods.
  • Eat less flour products.
  • Sweets are allowed to be consumed only in the morning during the first meal.
  • You should drink at least one and a half liters of water throughout the day.
There are many recipes for dishes that have a low energy value and at the same time have excellent taste.


Just like with nutrition, your training program should be designed specifically for you. If possible, seek help from an experienced fitness trainer. You cannot use ready-made training programs found on the Internet, as they cannot take into account your individual qualities and level. initial training. It is very important to learn to understand the language of your body, which will always tell you how and what is best to do to achieve your goal.

The basis of your training program should form the basic strength exercises and cardio sessions. Let us remind you once again about working with a professional trainer, at least for several weeks. He will not only help you create a training program, but also teach you the correct technique for performing all the exercises.

Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity, but this is not a reason to panic. You can also achieve it at home excellent results. In this situation, you have to study the technique yourself, and for this, use video lessons. It is very important to choose the right load at the initial stage of training so as not to overload the body.

Today's article can be the foundation for your future success. Only if desired and hard work you can change your body. Fitness experts are confident that there are no figure defects that cannot be eliminated.

More details on how to pump up your buttocks at home:

Before her marriage, Olga Suvorova was never fat, not even overweight. After the first birth, by the way, through cesarean section, I lost the excess by itself. But then she started working at night and eating erratically. When I got back from maternity leave, I couldn’t fit into my old clothes anymore... But that wasn’t the worst thing. Olga was hard and hot, she didn’t have enough strength. She felt sluggish and clumsy. The scales showed 67 kg instead of the usual 58. Not so scary, many would say. But I didn’t want to become an “aunt” at 30 years old.

Workouts at home

I immediately realized that I wouldn’t be able to attend the gym, so I started looking for workouts for home. Since I, in principle, always loved sports, I had my own requirements. In addition to the minimum time investment, the training had to be effective and not boring. I immediately rejected any kind of video with group jumping. While searching, I came across Zuzka Light - and everything went like clockwork. Zuzka's charm is irresistible. Classes with her are quite exhausting and moderately strong. In addition to the desire to lose weight, I was interested in testing myself.

After the first pregnancy

After seven or eight months I already weighed 57 kg, and a year later 55. The result of such training was very worthy: a toned, athletic body without much relief, an almost complete absence of cellulite. My abs pleased me most of all - a completely flat stomach. Many people like such figures - without particularly pronounced relief.

All this, of course, in conjunction with proper nutrition. In this regard, I was lucky; there were no major mistakes. I just immediately decided to eat according to the PP principle and used the “rule of palms”. I didn’t count calories; I ate food every three to four hours. I made sure there was plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Pregnant again

It was during this period that I found out that I was pregnant again. There was a slight panic: both before the birth and before the work that had to be done again. I didn't want to lose the result. I was patient and tried to stick to the PP. As a result, I gained the same 20 kg as during my first pregnancy. I arrived from the maternity hospital weighing 65 kg (CS again). I started training after I had recovered and with the doctor’s permission, weighing 67 kg. The nutrition rules are the same. I am still breastfeeding – my baby is one year and seven months old.

Quite quickly I began to weigh 57 kg. But this time it wasn’t enough for me to just lose weight. Therefore, after 10 months of home training, I went to the gym to get a barbell and study.


During the weight loss stage, both times I worked out 4-5 times a week. HIIT workouts are very short, so you could do them during nap, For example. When it’s warm, going outside is a great pleasure. I took all the training from THIS groups. We lead it with the same like-minded people. Then I began to create workouts myself to suit my needs. Now I train three times a week in the gym for muscle groups and once at home HIIT as a cardio exercise. I create workouts myself, read a lot, watch, pay great attention to technique, experiment with nutrition and exercises. In my case, I give the main credit for progress to home HIIT workouts, which I have been doing for a total of three years and recommend to everyone.


My diet is quite varied. I eat everything except semi-finished products and control sweets and starchy foods. Of course, sometimes I allow cheat meals. I eat very simply: meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, cereals and vegetables. Simple dishes - I don’t really like standing at the stove.

Now my weight is 60 kg with a height of 158 kg. I still want to change something about myself. Now I’m working on increasing the volume of my buttocks. I hope I will also be able to conquer my stomach: I have diastasis after the second CS and this spoils my mood a little)

Advice for beginners

To everyone who is starting their journey to improve themselves, I want to say: don’t look for excuses. No time? – choose appropriate training, nutrition? – can you cook and eat properly with the whole family, no equipment? – there are great bodyweight workouts, the first time I didn’t have any equipment. There is nothing impossible. And most importantly, think with your own head and do not copy other people’s experience. Especially in matters of nutrition. Girls write to me who have driven themselves into a metabolic trap with strict diets, low-carbohydrate nutrition and hunger strikes. We are all individual. Proper nutrition is, first of all, good nutrition.

Good luck everyone!

My Instagram @kolpany

Even more impressive transformations can be found here.

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More recently, Natalya Kuzmich was an ordinary new mother and wife with all the typical set of difficulties: time is completely divided between household chores and child care, and not a minute left for herself. Having pulled herself together, in 6 months of home, independent (without the help of a professional trainer!) exercises, she did what many consider impossible: she got rid of the “lugs” on her hips without the help of liposuction and became the owner of the figure of her dreams. Moreover, having received a coaching education, I began to train other girls who want to change.


“My story began three years ago, when I gave birth to my daughter Ksyusha. Together with her I got seven extra pounds and “ears” on the butt. It doesn't sound too terrible, but I'm a fragile girl with thin bones(wrist 13.5 cm in girth) and was always thin: about 48 kg with a height of 162 cm. Therefore, excess weight had a monstrous effect on my body - I became a flabby, disproportionate “pear” with riding breeches and cellulite on the hips, with a belly hanging down over a cesarean scar, weak arms and a significantly reduced quality of life.

I was only 28 years old, and I turned into an aunt. Mom consoled me, saying that there was nothing wrong, you just became a woman, a mother. But I didn't want to put up with it.

Where can you find motivation and strength to take the first step?!

Tired, overwhelmed by everyday life, at first I didn’t even have time to understand how bad everything was, and I almost resigned myself to the fact that I didn’t like myself. But one day, looking closely at the girl in the mirror, I suddenly understood clearly: either I will be forever dissatisfied with myself, or I will now change my life. Then I was able to intuitively find the motivation that today I convey to my students: energy is given to us all. If you feel like you have no strength, in reality you simply don’t have the right goal.

Think bigger

My goal was not just to “lose seven kilos.” I wanted to never be sad or upset again when looking at my reflection in the mirror! I wanted my daughter to be proud of the best, most beautiful and disciplined mother, I wanted to see the excitement and admiration in my husband’s eyes. And I was so inspired by this idea that the technical stages of its implementation, such as restructuring the diet, seemed uncomplicated to me.

Divide a long journey into small sections

To begin with, I advise you to do the following exercise: on one side of a sheet of paper, write down the daily habits of an ordinary woman, and on the other, the habits of a slender, fit beauty. Most often, it turns out that the first one almost always doesn’t get enough sleep, snacks on buns and “doesn’t have time” to exercise, while the second one knows how to set priorities correctly, manages time rationally and eats a lot of vegetables. Here he is ready plan action: gradually replacing bad habits with beauty rituals.

Raise the bar (level of expectations)

Indecision is a consequence of our low standards. As long as it’s “fine as is” for us, we won’t leave our notorious comfort zone. Is this the most “normal” thing we claim to be? Don't we deserve the good, the beautiful, the best? Health, well-being and beautiful body? After all, only development and awareness of one’s own progress gives a person a feeling of true happiness!

Proper nutrition vs. "magic" diets

Of course, the first association with the word “weight loss” is “diet”. But tough short programs losing weight gives a short-term effect, while proper nutrition- this is a fundamentally different approach to food, which should become your good habit forever and at the same time improve the quality of life, and not deprive you of pleasure.

We often think in stereotypes: healthy food is bland, tasteless, my husband and children, of course, will refuse to participate in this, and I’m not ready to cook for myself separately. Having probably tried hundreds healthy recipes, I can say: cooking so that something healthy is tasty for everyone is real! This is what my daily menu looks like:

- breakfast(porridge with berries/dried fruits/nuts, you can treat yourself to a slice of dark chocolate);
- snack(bread, fresh vegetables, egg);
- dinner(complex carbohydrates - cereals, whole grain pasta, protein (fish, poultry, lean meat), vegetable salad;
- snack(cottage cheese with berries);
- dinner(protein again, but without carbohydrates, just with vegetables).

Such a diet leaves no chance for hunger or excess weight. The nutritionist on my team fully endorses this approach.

Dozens of combinations of meat/poultry/fish, cereals, whole grain pasta, dairy products, and vegetables provide significant scope for creativity. The trick is that you replace harmful things with useful analogues. For example, do not fry, but bake food in the oven, snack on protein bars rather than chocolate ones...

The most terrible myth: “you can’t eat sweets.” Can! Just instead of fatty, sugary cakes, switch to delicious PP desserts - oatmeal pancakes with sweetener, cooked in a non-stick frying pan without a huge amount of oil. By the way, my family loves these breakfasts!

Working out at home (without a trainer or exercise equipment) and losing weight is possible!

Physical activity They work on two fronts at once: they help you lose weight and “build” a pumped-up figure. For the first task the most in an efficient way Cardio exercise will be the solution. And beautiful relief is, in fact, strength training. When excess fat is burned, the muscles form smooth, elastic curves.

It is important to remember that both of these processes are associated with the body's hormonal response to stress, and this does not work instantly. We'll have to work! Ideally yours daily workout should consist of 30-40 minutes of cardio and 1 hour of strength training. Plus, don’t forget to warm up first and stretch at the end. This is the only way your body will react in the right way, activate all metabolic processes and start burning fat deposits.

For home workouts, you will need a soft sports mat and a pair of collapsible dumbbells from your equipment. And you definitely need to wear comfortable sneakers! I had two 7.5 kg dumbbells, assembled from separate “pancakes” so that I could regulate the working weight. I also immediately acquired a barbell (beginners can do without it in the early stages) and an ellipse - a great thing, but not everyone has the opportunity to install it at home. Therefore, cardio may have to be “running” around the house or in the park.

When choosing exercises for strength training, follow the golden rule: 70% - on basic exercises, 30% - for insulating ones. Basic ones are those that involve several muscle groups at once and provide the main load. Without them, training will not be effective. This includes squats, lunges, pull-ups and push-ups, various deadlifts (deadlifts and others). Isolating, as the name implies, affects one muscle group and is needed for “detailing” to work out the relief. For example, almost all exercises for biceps or shoulders, leg lifts with weights are isolating.

Success strength training provide two things: proper technique and weight progression. Don’t immediately grab weights; first try to do each exercise lightly in front of a mirror. The body must remember correct position. Then you definitely won’t get injured when working with weights. After training, muscles may ache, but not joints. All discomfort disappear on the third day after class. But they are the ones you will focus on when you need to increase your working weight.

If you have been working out with one weight for several weeks, and your muscles no longer ache after training, it means that they have adapted to the load, it’s time to take on heavier dumbbells. This kind of work will make training effective for building beautiful relief.

If your goal is to lose weight and burn excess weight, then cardio training (running, jumping, cycling) should last at least 40 minutes. During this time, you will speed up your metabolism, strengthen your heart and melt fat. But when you don’t need to lose weight, cardio can be used as a warm-up and cool-down (before and after training) for 10-15 minutes.

Pay special attention to proportions - the body should be pumped evenly and look harmonious

For many girls, the problem is not just the accumulation of fat, but its uneven deposition in one or two places. Guided by deceptively logical thoughts, girls rush to do exercises on the problem area, completely ignoring the rest of the body. Although main principle fat burning - lose weight evenly and simultaneously (that is, everywhere!). Somewhere there is more fat stored, so these places are the last to lose weight. For figures of the “pear” type, which includes mine, such a place is the same “ears” on the butt, which finally disappeared only after six months of training and PP.

Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a situation where your butt is pumped up and everything else is just hanging out, pay attention to your whole body. In addition to the general tone and impression toned body, this principle is useful in achieving ideal visual proportions: sculpted shoulders visually balance heavy hips, and in contrast with developed latissimus muscle the back waist seems thinner.

You can even get rid of “orange peel” at home

With regular training and healthy eating we lose weight correctly: we lose fat and tone our muscles. The paradox is that cellulite seems to become even more noticeable. The number of adipose tissue cells does not change, but their lipid “filling” is gradually broken down. From dense, filled “bubbles,” fat cells turn into empty “candy wrappers.” Adipose tissue becomes heterogeneous, loose. But this is a good sign that you are losing weight!

Our task is to speed up this process. And at this moment self-massage would be ideal. Well, of course, if you have a professional massage therapist and the time to go to him on a regular basis several times a week, that’s very cool. But subject to correct technique massage you can do everything yourself.

For example, using special jars, a stiff brush, even an ordinary kitchen rolling pin (my favorite method!) can be massaged effectively problem areas. The principles are almost the same: we work for 15-25 minutes, moving from bottom to top, along the lymph flow, without touching inner surface thighs, where important lymph nodes are located, until persistent redness and noticeable heating of the skin. After a couple of months, you will realize that you can star in underwear commercials.

I went from despair and total lack of time to the formation of a beautiful, healthy body and my favorite job. Today I am no longer just a housewife, but a trainer who has assembled a full-fledged team of professionals who have developed a course of home workouts that will help you lose weight and bring more beauty and health into your life. I hope my “memoirs” will inspire you to change yourself and your life for the better!”

We thank Natalya Kuzmich for her help in preparing the material.