Facelift of Evgenia Baglyk. Facebook building: free video lessons with exercises for facial gymnastics

Alexey Tatarinov

Every woman over 50 is familiar with the search for methods to eliminate age-related changes on skin surfaces. It turns out that you don’t have to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon or use Botox injections. It is enough to introduce facial exercises at home – face building – into your daily routine, so that when done systematically, you can strengthen your muscles and reduce wrinkles.

The meaning and effectiveness of exercises

A set of training techniques that strengthen the neck muscles and have a positive effect on restoring facial tone was developed for people who have suffered a stroke for the purpose of rehabilitation. The exercises provided real help to patients with cerebral palsy.

Techniques that show good effectiveness over time have become popular in the beauty sector, becoming known as facial gymnastics - face building.

The essence of the technique is to consistently train specific muscles that require adjustment. If done correctly, you will notice an increase in skin elasticity within a month. A clearer facial contour gradually returns and wrinkles are reduced.

Face building is especially beneficial after the age of 50, when the skin begins to fade and urgent rejuvenation measures are needed.

The complex is carried out daily to obtain a positive predicted effect.

When performing exercises, different zones are consistently worked out, so time is set aside in the daily routine to complete the entire training without haste.

Evgenia Baglyk pays a lot of attention to this issue. Information sources contain video lessons on Facebook building that allow you to understand the algorithm of each movement. Watch the video below.

Methodology of Evgenia Baglyk

Studying the most popular face-building exercises with Evgenia Baglyk, they note their availability and the ability to perform at home.

  • They reduce wrinkles localized around the eyes, remove bags and at the same time draw “zigzags”. The head remains motionless, and the gaze follows from the bottom point on the right up, then to the bottom point on the left and up again. Perform 10 times.
  • Correct flabby cheeks by filling the mouth with air as much as possible. At the same time, the muscles are tensed, and the palms are placed on the outside of the face, pressing on the skin. The lips are not parted. Repeat 3 times.
  • When performing face-building for the cheekbones, use the tongue to make massaging movements from the inside in a circle. First, they work on one cheek, making movements clockwise for a minute, then counterclockwise for the same amount of time. The next step becomes a massage of the lip area. The procedure is completed by treating the second cheek. This exercise helps to gradually eliminate senile jowls.
  • One common problem is a double chin. Evgenia Baglyk suggests performing face-building for the chin in the form simple exercises. It is important to observe several conditions - the lips do not open or strain, so as not to get extra wrinkles. The tongue presses against the roof of the mouth, tensing only the chin muscle. Then the tongue is moved behind the lower jaw. Relax and repeat the cycle up to 6 times.
  • To make the neck more flexible and strengthen its muscles, perform smooth, measured turns left and right with your head down.

Facebuilding training includes many exercises, but the options listed above are the most popular. For clarity, watch the video.

To get good results, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with other types of training.

Facebuilding training

Forehead exercises

Expression wrinkles located on the forehead also appear in at a young age with a tendency to increased facial expressions. With age, deep horizontal furrows form. Age is revealed by vertical creases between the eyebrows and wrinkles appearing on the bridge of the nose.

Therefore, face building for the face after 50 years necessarily includes training to eliminate these problems. The usual number of repetitions is 10 times. If a larger number is required, this is indicated separately.

  1. To warm up, simultaneously open your eyes wide, without moving your eyebrows, as well as your mouth, lowering your lower lip. Then close and repeat.
  2. From the eyebrow folds, place the middle fingers tightly on the eyebrows. They press firmly and move them in a horizontal plane.
  3. The fingers are placed in the shape of a triangle, touching the inner ends of the eyebrows with the little fingers. At the same time, at the top of the hairline, the index fingers close. Eyebrows are lowered, excluding creases. The fingers offer barely noticeable resistance to this movement.
  4. Place the palms on the forehead in a house from the temples to the center at the hairline. Raise the middle part of the forehead with effort.
  5. To eliminate horizontal folds place your index fingers above the eyebrows parallel to the line. They raise their eyebrows without allowing them to move, offering resistance with their fingers.
  6. Place your palms on your forehead, fixing your little fingers horizontally above your eyebrows. They try to raise their eyebrows, stopping at the last repetition in this position for as long as possible.
  7. The fingers are closed into a lock and placed on the forehead, fixing the eyebrows. They lift and lower with force.

It is advisable to carry out the first training while standing in front of a mirror. This will make it possible to control the absence of unnecessary creases.

Eye complex

When practicing face building for the eyes, in addition to drawing “zigzags”, they also perform other exercises. Optimally do 15-30 repetitions.

  • To warm up, the eyes are opened wide and then closed.
  • Without changing the position of the head, they draw figure eights and circles in different directions in the air.
  • Place your index fingers firmly on the outer corners of your eyes. At the same time, the middle fingers are fixed on the inner corners. Lower the upper eyelids by pressing them on the lower ones. The muscle tension is clearly felt. The eyebrows don't move. There is no need to make a strong effort.
  • Fix the corners identically to the previous exercise. Raising your eyes upward, tighten the lower eyelid.
  • Looking ahead, the eyes bulge wide for 2 seconds.
  • When removing bags, press with your fingers on the area near the outer corners of the eyes, while looking up.

All eye training included in the face-building complex are easy to perform, but allow you to get good results.

Treatment of nasolabial folds

The most relevant is face-building of nasolabial folds, which begin to form early, making the face old and dull.

  • They open their mouth, making sure that the chin dropped down and the lower lip moving behind it are free and hanging without tension. Fold into an even oval. It feels like the skin is slightly stretched in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and in the upper area of ​​the cheeks. Maintain the position for 10 seconds. Perform 6 repetitions. If desired, repeat the exercise several times throughout the day.
  • The index fingers, with the lips folded into an oval, are placed (exactly repeating the direction) on the nasolabial grooves. Move vertically 40 times.

Cheek training

Facebuilding for the cheeks is more difficult to master, since it requires attention and precise implementation of all recommendations. Optimal quantity repetitions is 20.

  • The lips are folded into an oval. Clenching your fists, straighten your middle and index fingers. Place in the mouth towards the corners, directing towards the lower jaw. The lower part of the face is relaxed. The cheeks are pulled in without changing the oval position. The middle fingers should feel the tension of the masticatory muscle.
  • With the lips folded into an oval, the inner walls of the cheeks are lightly pressed with the index fingers, while at the same time exerting steady resistance with the tense muscles.
  • Starting the next training, the corners of the mouth are fixed with the index fingers. They stretch their lips, imitating a smile. At the same time, the muscles of the cheeks are tensed, which is facilitated by the resistance produced by the fingers.
  • Having fixed the oval, securely fix the area of ​​the upper lip and the nasolabial area with your fingers. They make attempts to squint their eyes or wink, always working with the muscles of the cheekbones. The clamped areas should not move.

Gymnastics for the neck

Of particular interest to ladies of all ages are face-building exercises aimed at getting rid of an unaesthetic double chin.

  • Keep your head straight, shoulders down. The thumbs support the chin. Extend the tongue as much as possible. At the same time, the neck muscles are sensitively tensed, counting to six. Do 5-6 repetitions.
  • Sit down at the table with your elbows on the surface. The chin rests on clenched fists. Move your head downwards 6 times, significantly tensing the muscles under the chin.
  • In a similar exercise to the previous one starting position open their mouth up to 20 times.
  • With the mouth open, the lower lip is placed on the lower teeth. Press on the center of the chin with your finger. The lips are stretched up to 15 times, creating an imitation of a smile. It is necessary to prevent this movement with your finger.
  • Accept sitting position. The head is straight. A smile is depicted with closed lips and a raised chin. Perform 20 times.

When practicing face-building for the neck, when performed independently, they include simple but effective exercises. For example, the lower lip can be lowered freely up to 20 times. When performed correctly, only the lower row of teeth is exposed. A noticeable tension in the neck muscles is immediately felt.

Nose correction

The arsenal of corrective techniques even includes face building for the nose, which allows you to improve your shape.

  • If the tip of the nose has changed shape - it has widened and drooped, fix the index finger on it with light pressure. By pulling back the lower lip they try to force the nose to move down. Hold the position for up to 6 seconds and relax. 10 repetitions are required.
  • Place the fingers (middle and index) folded together along the nose on both sides in a line from the edges of the lips to the corners of the eyes. In this position, the nostrils flare and the nose wrinkles at the same time.

Working with lips

Age-related changes quickly make the skin around the mouth slack, so face-building for lips is becoming a popular way to restore its former beauty. The optimal number of repetitions is 30.

  • Raising your palms with closed fingers vertically, position them so that the lower part partially covers the lips, and the little fingers touch the wings of the nose. When pressed with your palms on the skin, the sponges are pulled out. Make sure that during this movement no folds appear near the mouth. If necessary, increase the pressure of the palms.
  • Place your ring fingers in the corners of your lips, and place your index fingers near the wings of your nose. With gentle pressure, make a smile with your lips, not stretching, but lifting the corners up.
  • Place the fingertips along an arched line next to the lower lip, protruding its central part so that the teeth are exposed.
  • Open your mouth slightly, forming an oval. The corners are pressed for fixation with two fingers - the index and middle. You need to wrap your lips around your teeth. Such movements tighten the oral muscles, reducing wrinkles around the lips.
  • A long exhalation through a loosely closed mouth will help relieve tension from the muscles of the mouth.

If facial exercises - face building, aimed at improving the contour of the lips, are performed daily, then after almost half a month they are visually determined positive changes.

Face oval training

Daily activities face-building with the inclusion of exercises that help correct the sagging oval of the face and help return a clearer contour. Perform 25 times.

  • Fingers with lips folded into an oval are placed near the nose. Lightly pull the skin down. You need to feel how the upper area of ​​the cheekbones tenses. The muscles located under the eyes are involved. To do this, make movements in the form of a wink.
  • Allows you to gradually correct the oval - pronunciation of the letter “Y” with tension in all the muscles of the neck and the chin, which has lost its former elasticity. In this case, the area under the lower lip is fixed with a finger. They control the corners of the lips, which should not fall down when pronouncing the letter, which is facilitated by fixed fingers.

Be healthy!

Exercises or fitness for the face is a special set of exercises aimed at tightening, rejuvenating and improving the appearance of the face and neck. Women at all times strive to prolong youth and preserve beauty. Our contemporary woman has a huge number of different helpers in caring for her face. Let's look at the basics of facial exercises from leading fitness trainers.

Evgenia Baglyk “Facial Fitness” is the name of the author’s course, which is very popular among the fair sex and gives an amazing rejuvenating effect. Manufacturers of cosmetics offer various care products that have a beneficial effect on moisturizing and cleansing the skin, but specially designed gymnastics for the face and neck or fitness will help to cope with more complex problems associated with age-related weakening of facial muscle tone.

The main tasks of facial fitness:

  1. Getting rid of existing wrinkles and preventing their premature appearance.
  2. Getting rid of puffiness under the eyes.
  3. Increased elasticity and firmness of the zygomatic muscles.
  4. Elimination of double chin, sagging cheeks.
  5. Strengthening skin tone, improving complexion.
  6. Strengthening the neck muscles.
  7. Creating a beautiful facial contour.

The exercises are aimed at increasing the tone of the facial muscles by enriching the skin with oxygen and natural muscle function.

When performing exercises, Evgenia Baglyk recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. Gymnastics classes should be carried out regularly.
  2. For massage, use oils only with natural ingredients, without flavors or fragrances.
  3. The face and hands must be absolutely clean.
  4. Gymnastics and massage should not cause pain.
  5. To avoid exacerbation of skin diseases, before starting a fitness course, consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist is necessary.

Exercises and massage for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

  1. Warm up for the eyes. Intense blinking with maximum opening and closing of the eyes, without the participation of the eyebrows. Circular movements head several times in both directions.
  2. Gymnastics for the eyes. “Drawing” a vertical figure eight with your eyes in one direction and the other several times, the head remains motionless. Then draw the same circle with your eyes clockwise and back with maximum grip.
  3. Gymnastics for the upper part orbicularis muscle eyes. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, press the corners and close your eyes as tightly as possible and open them wide. Do this several times. The eyebrows remain motionless.
  4. Gymnastics for the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Place two fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eyes. Press the corners of your eyes and, opening your eyes as much as possible, look at the top of the room, while simultaneously pulling up the lower part of the eyelid. The lower eyelid should be pulled up and down several times, while the eyes continue to look at the top of the room.
  5. Gymnastics to enlarge your eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible (bulge), hold for 15-20 seconds and relax your eyes. Repeat several times a day. The result will become noticeable within a week.

Gymnastics to improve the shape and raise the corners of the mouth

  1. Warm up. It is necessary to spank your lips several times, pronouncing the sound “P”. Continue the exercise 7-10 times with slightly relaxed lips.
  2. Exercises to enlarge and improve the shape of lips. Place your palms on both sides of the corners of your mouth, pressing your cheeks and corners of your lips tightly. Perform the “air kiss” exercise, fixing your cheeks and corners of your lips with your palms. The lips should not be strained too much; the upper part should not form a fold.
  3. Exercise to lift the corners of the mouth. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, try to slightly raise the corners of your mouth (without smiling). Fix with your fingers the place where the corners are raised, and then lift the corners with force, providing muscular resistance to your fingers. There should be a feeling of nodules under your fingers; the center of your lips should not tense.
  4. An exercise to increase the tone of the orbicularis oris muscle and smooth out wrinkles above the lips. You need to open your mouth into an oval and fix the corners with your fingers. You need to make a movement with your lips that imitates a fish (tighten your lips and release). It is necessary to work only with the upper and lower lips, without straining the muscles of the cheeks. There should be a feeling of muscle tension above and below the lips.

Gymnastics for smoothing the contour of the face, beautiful cheekbones

  1. Exercises to improve the tone of the cheek muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into the letter “O”. Straightened index fingers must be placed in the mouth over the entire lower row of teeth. By tensing and retracting your cheeks, move your fingers to the center. Move and release several times, tensing only the muscles of the cheeks, the lips are not involved. In order to prevent nasolabial folds from appearing, it is necessary to slightly stretch the upper lip.
  2. Exercises to train the zygomatic muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into the letter “O”. Place straightened index fingers under the upper lip at an angle of 45 degrees. Use the muscles of the upper lip to press and lower your fingers. The tension in the area around the nose should be well felt. Repeat several times and relax the muscle of the upper lip through the usual inflation of air.
  3. Exercise for the zygomatic major muscles. Lower your lower jaw and extend your mouth into the letter “O”. In front of the mirror, without using your fingers, using the force of the zygomaticus major muscle, you need to pull the muscles up to the eyes and lower them. This can be done by pronouncing the short letter “O” or feigning a feeling of disgust (wrinkling your forehead and the crease between your eyes). In this exercise, the corners of the mouth are not worked.

With a serious approach and regular facial fitness exercises, a positive result will be noticeable within a week.

Face culture from Galina Dubinina

Any woman dreams of prolonging her youth as much as possible. Every woman, regardless of age, can feel the effect of facial fitness with Galina Dubinina. All it takes is a little time and patience. Facial fitness is gaining popularity as a safe and effective way maintaining youth and attractiveness. Facial gymnastics includes a set of exercises for each problem area.

As you know, the reason for facial aging lies in sagging muscle corset. With age, muscles lose tone and elasticity, causing sagging eyelids, cheeks and chin. Few ladies want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In order to look younger, they resort to a set of exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Exercises for a tight and smooth face

Facial gymnastics, performed for 10-15 minutes a day, will give a unique effect in just 2-3 weeks. You can see how the skin tightens, fine wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smoother. Regular implementation of simple procedures will be the key to a youthful face.

  1. Removing wrinkles on the forehead. Index fingers Place both hands on your eyebrows, wrapping your fingers around them and pressing them tightly. Palms are placed on the temples. Pressing your fingers tightly to your forehead, you should try to raise your eyebrows, as if in surprise. Eyebrows should be raised smoothly, without sudden movements. Do the exercise until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of your forehead. It is worth increasing the number of approaches gradually. For starters, 5 times for 8 seconds will be enough.
  2. We remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Place the middle finger of each hand at the beginning of the eyebrow. Place your index fingers a little higher. In this position, we begin to wrinkle our eyebrows. The fingers are positioned strictly one above the other. We perform the first 2 approaches slowly. And 2 more approaches - quickly.
  3. We remove the border between the cheek and the eye. You should relax your face, neck and shoulders. We blink widely and often. Next, we make an oval with our mouth, roll our eyes up and blink widely. We devote 8 seconds to this exercise, do 4 approaches.
  4. Removing the double chin. Upper part the face is relaxed. We try to reach the nose with the tip of the tongue. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can lightly press the upper lip with the tip of your tongue. We perform this exercise for 8 seconds, do 2 approaches.
  5. Getting rid of chin sagging. We prop up the jaw with our fist and try to open it. Every time we try to press our chin onto our fist. Overcome resistance for 8 seconds. Do 3 sets slowly and 3 sets quickly.
  6. We tighten the chin. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and chin. Using the middle of the tongue, press on the upper palate. If you look at yourself in the mirror during the exercise, you can see how your chin tightens. We perform 2 approaches for 4 seconds slowly and at a fast pace for the same amount.
  7. We tighten our cheeks. This exercise trains the zygomatic muscles. We smile widely, raising the corners of our lips. If folds form under the eyes, you should press your upper lip to your teeth and smile in this position of your lips, allowing the corners to rise. This exercise should be done for 8 seconds, 2 slow and fast approaches.
  8. Raise your upper lip. We smile, showing our upper teeth. Let's feel the tension in the upper part of the cheeks. After this, we stretch our mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, leaving tension. Next, we raise our cheeks and blink. Performed in 4 sets of 8 seconds.

Facebook building: beautiful eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear earlier than all others and very well reveal a woman’s age. Thanks to Galina Dubinina's exercises, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and make your eyes radiant.

We tighten the upper eyelid. You should open your eyes as wide as possible. After this, four fingers of each hand, except the thumb, should be placed on the forehead. So that the little fingers touch the eyebrows. With tension, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible and raise our eyebrows as high as possible. Next, open and close the upper eyelid. The tension remains. About 5 approaches of 4 seconds are done to fix the open and closed eyelids.

Removing bags under the eyes. We place our index fingers at the outer corner of the eye, and the middle fingers at the inner corner on the bridge of the nose. In this position, you should squint as hard as possible, raising the lower eyelid. This exercise is performed for 10 seconds, 2 approaches. Next, we leave our fingers in the same position, and our eyes look at the ceiling. Raise the lower eyelid first at a fast pace, then at a slow pace for 8 seconds. Then we do the same exercises, but with our eyes closed.

Like this simple gymnastics for the face will help you look younger and get rid of wrinkles.

It does not take much time and does not require costs. Galina Dubinina's facial fitness is the best alternative to facial plastic surgery.

Facebook building - facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio

Gymnastics for the face by Carol Maggio also refers to facebuilding (Facebuilding is a literal translation from English - face building).

The worldwide popularity of the set of exercises is explained by its high efficiency. Facebuilding is considered an excellent alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. When performing gymnastics Carol Maggio works 57 facial muscles. Thanks to the use of exercises, it became possible to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of the oval contour of the face;
  • getting rid of a double chin;
  • raising the eyelids;
  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • alignment of nasolabial folds;
  • increase in lip volume;
  • raising the corners of the mouth;
  • skin elasticity;
  • narrowing and shortening of the nose.

Before starting exercises, you need to determine for yourself problem areas and pay closer attention to their development.

The main goal of Facebook building can be called reducing the signs of aging and building beautiful contours faces.

Freshness and elasticity of the skin is possible at any age, provided that the complex is followed taking into account all the author’s recommendations. After all, for proper anti-aging care it is not enough to have only beautiful toned body. Achieving harmony in appearance is possible through a combination of correction methods for both the face and body.

Carol Maggio, a practicing cosmetologist from America, has been studying age-related changes in women's faces for many years on herself and on her clients. Avoiding anti-wrinkle injections and surgery became possible thanks to her recommendations.

Effectiveness is achieved by performing exercises for 11 minutes twice a day at least 5 times a week. To achieve a lasting effect, facial exercises must be performed for about 6-8 weeks.

To track the results, the author of the set of exercises suggests taking photographs of your face from different angles before starting training. After 10 days, you need to take the same photographs and compare the results. The cosmetologist is convinced that regular classes will definitely give visible results.

In order to quickly achieve the desired improvements, an express complex is provided for convenient execution in the car or at work.

There is also an enhanced set of 9 exercises increased complexity. To avoid unwanted results and facial deformations, it is not recommended to use it without first mastering it. entry level, as well as without watching video lessons.

Gymnastics at home

Many face-building instructors use Carol Maggio's recommendations as the basis for their training. Changing the proportions and contours of the face is possible provided regular loads on certain muscle groups.

Achievement at home visible results became possible after a cosmetologist wrote a book with a detailed description of the exercises and other recommendations. There are video lessons on the use of gymnastics. Studying materials with step by step instructions will allow you to rejuvenate and improve the condition of your facial skin without outside help.

Regular training can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the following signs of skin aging:

  • sagging chin;
  • sagging skin in the neck area;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • changing the shape of the nose;
  • wrinkled lips.

Don't underestimate the role home face building. Every well-groomed woman can create a beautiful face at home to complete her look. The author's technique provides for the work of even the smallest facial muscles, taking into account age-related changes in the skin. Gymnastics from a practicing cosmetologist will help you effectively resist aging without surgical intervention.

A beautiful appearance without wrinkles is the basis of youth and attractiveness. All girls dream of perfect skin and no imperfections on their face. But, unfortunately, personal problems, poor lifestyle and depression kill the youth of the skin.

Evgenia Baglyk’s unique technique, based on Facebook building, will help you cope with your age and take control of your muscles. This technique makes it possible to work the muscles of the face as well as the whole body, and allows you to remove facial wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin without plastic surgery and large financial expenses.

A little about Evgenia Baglyk

Her date of birth is January 15, 1988, Evgenia was born in Kyiv. Now the famous trainer is 30 years old, but her face says otherwise, because thanks to her technique the woman looks 18. The desire to prove herself and create a course for rejuvenation came back from her old job. Previously, she was a fitness trainer in one of the popular clubs in the capital. That is, Evgeniya knows everything about the functionality of muscles and their structure.

One of the clients complained that she spends her entire salary to get her face in order, but the results last for several weeks. As Zhenya admits in one of her interviews, she thought then that it would be great to work with the face as with the body, and restore the appearance with the help physical exercise. This became the impetus for the creation of face building.

Zhenya herself brilliantly walked the path to success. Parents supported their daughter in her endeavors. Mom helped Zhenya in terms of creating equipment and became one of her first clients.

At the age of 29, Evgenia created unique technique, protected by copyright, and went to international level. She graduated with honors from the Kiev National Trade and Economic Institute, then she attended rehabilitation courses and a long study of muscle anatomy.

To create your own formula for youth and beauty, Evgenia has been abroad several times, where she gained experience in terms of new technology.

Some facts about Evgenia Baglyk:

  1. She is goal-oriented and her own boss.
  2. She has a map, given by her dad, on which Zhenya marks the countries she has visited.
  3. The dream is to see the whole world.
  4. The girl’s main protector is the dog Bruno, a Russian spaniel.

Yoga for the face

Physical education for the face has been known since ancient times. Back then, women performed several basic exercises to tighten their cheeks and remove wrinkles from their foreheads. Books on techniques and recommendations were issued until the 1900s.

Then a revolution in facial fitness happened. After all, new opportunities and care products have appeared. The basic set of exercises expanded for different zones, and closer to the 1950s one could talk about a structured system of yoga for the face. It was fashionable to do plastic surgery and work out muscles. But information about the technology itself was no longer widespread.

Today, face building is a great opportunity to make yourself attractive and strengthen your muscles, tighten your skin and learn how to properly care for your body.

The principle of operation of the technique is simple: due to an increase in volume, the muscles become a kind of frame for the skin, tightening it well, removing fine wrinkles and sagging. By properly warming up the muscles, all metabolic processes in cells improve and lymph circulation increases. This, in turn, leads to general rejuvenation.

Adherents of the technique say that facial yoga also serves as an excellent protection against the appearance of new wrinkles. It's never too late to practice the technique. The main thing is to do this systematically, following the developed techniques in order to correctly influence the functioning of the facial muscles.

Advantages and effectiveness of the technique

Gymnastics allows you to maintain youthful skin by tightening muscles and fixing them at the desired level. To achieve results, you need to perform a set of exercises almost every day, but the effect will be amazing. This is a good alternative and painless replacement for plastic surgery and braces.

Correct and regular execution The exercises presented in the methodology give a positive effect:

Thanks to facial exercises, you can restore your youth and beauty, improve your appearance and reveal attractiveness and femininity. Every lady deserves this, so why deny the body?

Preparation and stages of gymnastics implementation

Evgenia Baglyk suggests performing facial gymnastics in front of a mirror. This will make it possible to monitor the correctness of movements and the effectiveness of the action. We do not feel all facial muscles equally. And standing in front of the mirror, we correct the movements and perform the exercises according to the requirements.

The author of the technique claims that implementation time plays a role important role for efficiency. The best time to train is in the morning, immediately after sleep. Then the body is in a relaxed state, and facial gymnastics will help to develop all muscles well.

The level doesn't matter physical training, that is, any girl or woman can practice using the method. Only the face will be active during the session, the rest of the body is at rest.

Although complexes for different zones can be found freely available on the Internet, Evgenia recommends starting exercises with a trainer, who will monitor the correct execution, will adjust the force of action on the skin and tell you about all the intricacies of the system. In addition, professionals select exercises based on facial features.

Regarding the execution steps, then three parts can be distinguished here:

  1. Warming up muscles through dynamic exercises.
  2. Studying the necessary zones.
  3. Repeat the complex to enhance the result.

The effect can be seen after the first month of classes, when the skin becomes tightened and small facial wrinkles and unevenness begin to smooth out. A standard Facebook building course lasts 2–3 months. Then you can take a break and study just to support and stimulate the muscles.

Contraindications for use

The author does not advise girls who have had plastic surgery or surgery to do exercises, as this can deform some muscles or cause rejection. Diseases of the facial nerve also are a contraindication to the application of the technique. People with unstable blood pressure, especially those with hypertension, should avoid face-building, as some exercises affect the blood vessels, which causes a negative reaction.

In case of acute viral diseases that bring with them an increase in temperature, there is no need to strain the facial muscles or overload them. This can cause complications and the appearance of red spots on the skin. This also includes inflammatory processes, wounds and damage.

Since some of the exercises are intended for the neck area, if you have diseases of the thyroid gland, it is better to avoid them and selectively engage in a complex that acts exclusively on the areas of the face.

Some exercises can be performed by pregnant women, but also under the supervision of a trainer.

For old injuries of the cervical vertebrae and jaw joints (dislocations and fractures), you can do exercises, but without repeating the complex, so as not to overload previously injured areas of the face.

As you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness, so an organ that does not work gradually atrophies - the body believes that if it is not in demand, then it does not represent any value. In order for our body to remain strong and strong, we train long and diligently, do massages and various physiotherapeutic procedures to maintain beauty and health.

But for some reason we constantly forget that our face also has muscles that can and should be trained. If you don’t do this, you won’t be surprised at early aging, the appearance of sagging cheeks, double chin, flabby neck, bags under the eyes and deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Of course, you can go to a good plastic surgeon, pay a lot of money for the operation, and then recover for another six months after it. However, even after the most successful operation, no one can guarantee that within a year or two the muscles will not weaken again and the same problems will reappear that they just got rid of with such difficulty.

A special system of “fitness gymnastics for the face,” called face building, will help you cope with aging. It includes many different fitness classes for different groups muscles, as well as plastic and lymphatic drainage massages.

This system does not require any special skills or use of tools, special means and equipment. An online course of exercises for different areas of the face called “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” turned out to be a particularly effective and accessible method.

Founder of the project

A talented fitness trainer with extensive experience, Evgenia Baglyk once wondered why the signs of aging of the body are successfully combated with exercises, various workouts and minimally invasive methods, but to correct facial features and cheekbones they mainly use “heavy artillery” - dangerous and not always acquitted plastic surgery.

She began to collect information on the issue that interested her, carefully study it, study in detail the structure of the bones of the facial part of the skull and the muscles attached to them, the location of the main nerve endings and lymph nodes.

As a result, Evgenia developed her own system of exercises, which represent a kind of fitness for the facial muscles, personally tested by the author. Evgeniya tested many existing techniques and selected, in her opinion, the best and most effective, modified them and added a number of movements from her own extensive practice. When she realized that her system was working, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk became available to all men and women, as the author began to lead own program on the Internet.

What problems does Facebook building solve?

Like any muscles in the body, those on our face can be successfully “pumped up” and trained, making them denser, stronger and more elastic. At the same time, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk does not mean at all that your appearance will be covered with the same bumps as on Schwarzenegger’s biceps. Firstly, they are graceful, it is physically impossible to bring them to such a state with fitness, and secondly, no one will lift weights with their faces.

But with the help of exercises you can get the following benefits:

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk is a universal course for men and women of all ages. Young people will be able to get rid of small imperfections and eliminate unnecessary body fat, correct the skin after losing weight, getting rid of sagging cheeks and changes in the oval, improve the blood supply to the skin and its nutrition, and acquire a beautiful, fresh complexion. For those who are older, face building with Evgenia Baglyk will give correction to various areas, removing sagging skin, making tissue more elastic, tightening the outline and smoothing out deep folds. Such fitness will allow you to completely eliminate that part of the wrinkles that is directly related to facial expressions and incorrect habits, for example, sleeping on an unsuitable pillow or resting your cheek with your palm.

Exercises for different facial muscle groups

When you read user reviews about face-building with Evgenia Baglyk, you understand that the effectiveness of this gymnastics largely depends on how hard a person practices fitness and how much time is willing to devote to exercises. The author of the technique herself warns on the website that to get an excellent result, you must strictly follow the trainer’s instructions, and the correction will appear no earlier than in two weeks.

In order for the result to always be the same high level, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk should become part of everyday life person. Just like we regularly visit gym and others sports activities, training your facial muscles should become a common daily practice. If you don’t devote enough time to classes or do it periodically, even excellent result achieved over a certain period will quickly fade away in the absence of constant practice.

One of the most popular complexes from Evgenia Baglyk is the following:

Read also: Getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead: effective exercises

These five exercises are the simplest and most popular of Eugenia's many classes. By visiting her website or watching numerous videos on the Internet, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself and improve your appearance with simple and effective methods. You can train on your own, carefully listening to the recommendations of the creator of the system, receive individual lessons via Skype, or personally attend Evgenia’s classes in Kyiv. Those who perfectly master the practice of face-building and feel the talent of a trainer are given the opportunity to teach other people this wonderful science - to be young and beautiful in a natural way.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. Author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

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